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File: 68 KB, 726x500, Bella-Hadid-Before-and-After-Nose-Job-Surgery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13367067 No.13367067 [Reply] [Original]

I am so sick and tired of being ugly. I want plastic surgery so bad, but I'm so scared of getting botched. I think Bella Hadid is the best example of PS done right. I honestly think she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I really want a nose job, but I don't know if that would even be enough to fix my busted mug. If anyone knows of the best of the best surgeons, or preferably the one who did Bella, I would really appreciate it. I just can't live like this anymore.

>> No.13367096

>The Bogpill
Wrong board
> or preferably the one who did Bella
Google it yourself cunt.

>> No.13367117

most people would look better with maxillofacial surgery

>> No.13367181

I too thought I was ugly, but it was only my mindset that was,

Post yourself I bet you tons of things you have control over without the need for surgery

>> No.13367253

I have a big head, tiny deep set hooded eyes, low brows, a big nose, a small mouth with a gummy smile, bad acne all over face and body, and a receding hair line. Nature fucked me, so I want to fix it.

>> No.13367264

Describing is not a pic. We want to look at your face, not hear what you see when you see your face.

>> No.13367267

>Big head
Meme, besides women desire it ands it masculine
>hooded eyes
>low brows
Masculine again
>small mouth
Meh surgery cant fix that
>Bad acne
It will pass and you can get treatment
shave it

do you want to look pretty like a girl or what?

>> No.13367269

>Muh masculine
Many men over 40 are masculine, but they are not attractive.

>> No.13367271

attractive to who?

Masculinity is what attracts women and has done so for all time. You want to be attractive to men.

>> No.13367281

Masculine men are not necessarily attractive, in the same way feminine women are not necessarily attractive.

>> No.13367290

if you're ugly, rhinoplasty is not going to make you beautiful. you will probably need multiple procedures performed. focus less on individual features, and focus more on your bone structure and facial convexity. a beautiful face is one which is easy for our minds to understand; beauty comes from the simplicity of a face

>> No.13367298

I am a girl ;_;

>> No.13367300

The Rock is way more masculine than Johnny Depp, yet Johnny Depp has a shit ton more female fans than him.

>> No.13367307

Both have access to more pussy than any man needs.
Steroids and a gym membership are cheaper and more reliable than cosmetic surgery.

>> No.13367314

Definitely true, but
>don't worry about having a big head and low brows, that's masculine and masculine is good!
is simply stupid.

>> No.13367319

Go get surgery bud, seems like youve already decided

>> No.13367330

I'm fine with my face, dude, I'm just saying you shouldn't lie to people like that.
Some people genuinely look better after plastic surgery, and if it's something that will boost their self-esteem I don't see why they shouldn't make use of it.

>> No.13367332

Im saying his problems dont seem significant at least from the way he described them. Im not against surgery.

>low brows
>big head
I mean come on

>> No.13367336

That might be, but features such as a big head and low brows are unattractive even if they're masculine.

>> No.13367342
File: 1.22 MB, 2576x1932, 20170609_182153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. I'll probably regret it, but I really do want the honest truth of what I should get done. Because I am serious about it.The sunlight does not give an honest depiction of my skin tho. I think I look like a man, so maybe facial feminization surgery?

>> No.13367345

We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.

You look completely normal.

>> No.13367361

I know I don't look like quasimodo, but even a few of friends have let it slip that I was ugly. So I don't think it's just in my head. But thanks anon.

>> No.13367423
File: 152 KB, 355x304, 1525904005146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its in your fucking head idiot some of us are real fucking ugly get the fuck out of here

>> No.13367440

If you saw me in person you probably wouldn't think that. I chose an old pic with makeup on and flattering light.

>> No.13367446

Honestly, is this just for attention? There are people on this board facing being a 1/2/3 out of 10 for the rest of their lives, and you think you have it bad?

>> No.13367447
File: 232 KB, 523x561, cad79fb9494180e0e06961f1f262b955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell, why do all cunts who post in the plastic surgery threads with SHOULD I DO SURGERY??? say that the pics they posted are the most flattering pics they could take?
You fucking retards, if you are asking about PLASTIC SURGERY you are supposed to take and post HONEST pics that support your claim that you are UGLY.
I'm getting seriously pissed off at all these «««ugly»»» people who post in these threads. I hope you are just baiting, because no person should be this dumb.

>> No.13367456

I’d fuck

>> No.13367458
File: 1.46 MB, 2576x1932, 20180511_190731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of 10 years of being teased, you really think it's easy to post what I honestly look like? Fine. Even tho looking at this makes me feel like shit. I really do look weird.

>> No.13367529

If you can't bring yourself to post what you honestly look like in thread where you ask strangers if you should cut your face then don't post at all.
Now we are getting somewhere. Yeah, you are sub-average on your second pic. But you don't look like a man, you look like Eggman from /r9k/ who looks like an alien.
It seems to me that your forehead is too big and your hairline is too far back, and you don't have enough chin to compensate for that (although the chin thing might be because of the angle). At the same time, your mouth and the end of your nose is too far down from your eyes, to the point where it's disproportionate.
As for what surgeries you can do, there is no way to bring your eyes closer to the rest of your face which seems to be your main problem. However, I played around with an image editor, and I suppose surgeons can pull your hairline a bit down, pull your nose tip a bit up and make your upper lip plumper. That could make your face more balanced.
After all this time staring at your picture you stopped looking too strange, to be honest. The best advice I can give is to just get over teasing remarks, look after your skin and choose a haircut that will cover your forehead. You seem to be doing alright in your first pic. The second best advice I can give is to talk to several surgeon and hear their opinion on what would be best for you.
Good luck.

>> No.13367535

I love you marry me

>> No.13367543


I wouldn't worry too much if I were you...you have nice eyes, eyebrows on point, good hair, lips. The hair is good at it's current length.

I think you will look the most feminine/attractive if you keep your body fat low. Will make your cheeks look more defined.

I reckon you must look quite attractive with makeup around the eyes and the right clothing (black, leather jacket etc..) You're not a super model but if you act confidently I don't think guys would turn you down because of your looks.

That's my objective opinion. I am a man who most people would say is good looking.

>> No.13367547

You honestly don't look bad, you have some weird facial features but in a good way. But it looks like you need to shred some fat, fasting and exercising will achieve that in 1 month or less. Don't fuck up your face with surgery. And go to a therapist, because it sounds like you need it.

>> No.13367562

girls are very self conscious.

>> No.13367606

Thanks for the advice. I think I'll save up for several consultations, see what I can do. And I don't know what to do about the fat in my cheeks. I'm only 103 lbs now but even when I was sticc my face didn't have much definition. I just store fat in all the wrong places.

>> No.13367610
File: 24 KB, 327x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low brows are attractive. Every single alpha has them. A lot of models and actors have them too.
Pic related

>> No.13367621

Looks like Erin x Kevin was real after all


>> No.13367638

>it's another unconventionally-attractive-person-cries-about-how-ugly-they-are thread
You literally look like a model. How tall are you?

>> No.13367644

I'm the >>13367529 guy, I don't think your cheeks are puffy, it's just that you don't have prominent cheekbones. I don't think that would make much of a difference but you could go for the buccal fat pad removal if you will have surgeries.

>> No.13367649

Zygoma reduction
Jaw reduction
Nose femjnization rhino (basically tilting it up and curving the bridge slightly to make it shorter)

>> No.13367688

Anything reduction is the surest way to look like a melted botched saggy weirdo after surgery

>> No.13367692

Your hair needs more volume at the top
Lots of it
Don't do that parting it all to one side thing

>> No.13367703

I usually don't, I just wanted anon to see how bad it was

>> No.13367743
File: 1.14 MB, 588x863, IMG_9090.JPG_-_Windows_Photo_Viewer_2018-05-11_00-41-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of getting plastic surgery for almost 8 years. Problem is, I can't pinpoint what I want done.

I know the nose needs reduced and my upper lip looks weird when I'm smiling.

Not sure if plastic surgery can fix negative canthal tilt either.

>> No.13367744

I think you look fucking cute. Would bf

>> No.13367762

i would say the upper lid exposure is worse than the NCT. Wouldn't really recommend surgery though

>> No.13367769

You look like a more masculine Timothy Chamalet. You look good. You need to seriously reassess your self-perception and stop internalising asperger fixations on 'canthal tilts' and shit

>> No.13367771


>> No.13367785

you don't need surgery dude

>> No.13367787

You look great nothing wrong with you

>> No.13367912

nose job

>> No.13368213

Honestly she only grew up and lost weight. The rest is make up, that nose doesn't add to much.

>> No.13368222

you're very classically handsome

>> No.13368344

seriously you look like a model, you don't need plastic surgery. maybe work out a little and dress with clothes that makes you feel good. it will make a difference

>> No.13368374

whats up with normal looking people wanting plastic surgery??? Are you guys really this narcissist

>> No.13368393
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x1836, 2017-08-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13368397
File: 23 KB, 419x357, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13368412

you look great, dont change anything thru surgery

>> No.13368564

You're literally fit as fuck, can you people just stop appropriating feelings that belong to actual unattractive people? Stick to your own feelings like fulfillment and happiness etc

>> No.13368640

Bella Hadid is only 21, that first photo is very old so chances are she has slight PS, maybe around her cheekbones but most of her facial development is just loss of face fat and growing into her own face, when that photo was taken pretty sure she was still a teenager.

>> No.13368657

You look fine

>> No.13368659

>stop appropriating feelings that belong to actual unattractive people
lmao, this

>> No.13368664

congrats, you actually look good

>> No.13368671

Realistically, you don't need PS but I would say your only masculine feature is the forehead ledge above your eyes, but don't let that bother you, you still look very feminine.

>> No.13369252

I wish I had a nose that thin, but honestly you look pretty, from all that you've described that you don't like about yourself you could just alter it with a bit of lipliner and an eyebrow pencil

>> No.13369990
File: 790 KB, 930x537, 2017-08-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13370153
File: 1.01 MB, 1000x722, mewing before after 100% legit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. your average lookism.com user
Also it looks more like you just have slightly droopy eyelids than NCT, but it's difficult to determine that from one picture.

>> No.13370482
File: 491 KB, 1321x1337, 20180321_235123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that looks better.
Never browsed lookism but I chat with someone who does.
Here's another.

>> No.13370486

you're handsome don't do anything nigger

>> No.13370525

Honestly think I hate you. AS another anon said, some of us have been born with actual shitty birth defects that contribute to ugliness whilst you look good. Fuck you.

>> No.13370579

I'm so sorry that we have to live in a world that makes people like those who posted ITT uncomfortable in their own skin.
The people surrounding you are toxic and truly ugly. I wish you could start focusing on things that really mattered instead of considering doing plastic surgery.

Your bodies and faces look good. Will you manage to be beauiful yourselves too, not just your bodies and faces?

>> No.13370882

I thought the Boston bomber was in prison?

Nah though you look fine

>> No.13370905
File: 1.03 MB, 2576x1932, 20180513_092042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think what you want. But being called ugly for so long will make one think they are ugly. So fuck you too.

>> No.13370989

from someone who has been called ugly while growing up. i believe what u might need instead of ps is therapy and trying to build an objective view of what you look like, getting plastic surgery before comfronting the issues that make u believe u are ugly might just send u in a hole of getting more and more plastic surgery or simply never being happy with your looks no matter how much u change

>> No.13370994

Bella just looks like she lost weight.

>> No.13370995

>I honestly think she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen
you're disgusting and so is she.

>> No.13371004

Why not fakeup like every other girl? You're average. The only reason you'd want surgery is because you aren't getting Chad's attention. Guarantee you have orbiters right now that think you're beautiful (but you don't find them attractive.)

>> No.13371005

Look very mildly weird but not that weird.

>> No.13371016
File: 779 KB, 582x780, 20180511_190731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13371053
File: 71 KB, 277x364, memlingportinari72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like an 15th century painting

>> No.13371054

shut up ur cute would gf and im an 7.5

>> No.13371304


nothing to see here, just another attention seeking roastie seeking superficial validation.

oh, I'm so ugly I need cosmetic surgery! Maybe after ISIS throws acid on you, harlot.

>> No.13371320


>> No.13371392

You're probably right. What I really need to do is stop comparing myself to other people. I know other people have it worse, but I've always been a perfectionist. So maybe I should just see a therapist. Don't know how I feel about paying for one tho.

>> No.13371921
File: 63 KB, 736x491, lookism ethnic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still hard to determine NCT since it looks like your chin is pointed slightly upward, which makes everyone look like they have NCT.
The only thing I can criticize is the arab eyes caused by visible upper eyelids and of course dark coloring, but other than that, you're retarded for wanting surgery, especially if you're also >6' which automatically halos anyone of decent looks.
Also if your hair is still like that, change it.

>> No.13372012
File: 82 KB, 760x988, February%202013,%20Pillow%20tweets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao in America girls are so ugly, even their models need plastic surgery


>> No.13372384

>visible upper eyelids
Aren't everyone's upper eyelids visible?

>> No.13372424

Reckon I'll go to Korea and get some major shit done to me in 2 years. Plan is to finish uni, get a nose job, pin back my ears and maybe have some jaw surgery, and then move country. Explaining to my family might be a problem though.

>> No.13372615
File: 44 KB, 180x152, Screen Shot 2018-05-13 at 11.10.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these :3 - face kind of lips genetically possible or is it all just a dermal filler to push up the ends of the mouth?

>> No.13372622
File: 121 KB, 777x1140, hooded eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aren't everyone's upper eyelids visible?
Some more than others, but the ideal for men is pretty much "hooded eyes", which usually require both a strong browridge and back set eyes as opposed to forward set "bugeyes" which is common among ethnics, especially arabs/turks. Most male models/celebrities who fit the aryan aesthetic will have completely or partially hooded eyes.
As a sidenote, hooded eyes are sometimes good on women, but are not necessary for top tier looks. They can give a mysterious vibe, as with Cara Delevingne.

>> No.13372820

that's just a weirdly long face

what surgeries make the face shorter?
I don't think they exist

>> No.13372840

I see what you're saying about the upper eyelid visibility. Thanks.

>> No.13373008

my eyes eyes are hooded and I have a very low brow, makes me look like a damn Alien or something.

>> No.13373021
File: 53 KB, 430x574, 4342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they can break all the jaw bones and remove some to make it smaller

>> No.13373066

all you need is a haircut
this seems to work

>> No.13373071
File: 26 KB, 960x534, 1a60e356d1afd88ec0f3e5f9bc2e2d01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi Sonny!

>> No.13373075

I meant the hair in THIS picture seems to work, not the other one

>> No.13373138

kek the surgery was a bike pump.

>> No.13373385

Get bangs op, they wil look good with your facial structure.

>> No.13373980

When young, sure, but you'll notice that The Rock is aging much, much better than Johnny Depp.

Masculinity always ages better than prettiness.

>> No.13374050

Why are you jumping on the surgery meme?
She looks like she lost weight or wears better makeup.

>> No.13374057

you look like the Mediterranean handsome husband of a rich cougar

>> No.13374149

they're so cute, I want to know

>> No.13374224

Alas, I am but an antisocial recluse.

>> No.13374235

maybe because depp smokes and prob does drugs while the rock has been going to the gym daily for like 40 years

>> No.13374312

lose weight, I like borderline anorexic girls

>> No.13374362

You look a little masculine but in a cool way.

>> No.13374607

I know this one girl who is absolutely obsessed the Rock. A while back she told me she wanted to lick his teeth. Weird bitch.

>> No.13374616
File: 39 KB, 400x470, 1504383607347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking roasties. Like other anon's have said, some of us deal with actual shit features. I have severe acne scarring and this bitch thinks one single pock mack is bad, cries on /fa/, and millions of faggots come to suck her toes.

Fuck you, whore, and fuck all you ass-kissing pussyboys.

>> No.13374639

Which is why being beautiful is more valuable than being muscular.

Also Depp is aging like shit because of smoking, alcoholism and drugs.
People like Keanu Reeves are aging very well.

>> No.13374642

...so what?
There are small minorities of girls obsessed with fat guys, what's the point?

>> No.13374657

alright bitch I'll say it since nobody else will, get rogaine for that shit

>> No.13375059

You have nice eyebrows
If losing weight effects your face much (it varies person to person) you might wanna try - thinner face makes less full lips look better imo
you're like a 4-6/10
surgery would make you better (like everyone)but best solution would be stop fucking caring and focus on other parts of your life :)

>> No.13375074

bart simpson lmfao

>> No.13375096

Don't start the "who has it worse" game with people. Eventually you'll lose. There are burn victims, people with no limbs, and those people who have balloon jaws. So stop YOUR crying, faggot. Go get dermabrassion or fillers to help with the acne scars.

>> No.13375170

>got called a tranny once by /fa/
is that a compliment or insult if you're gril (female)?

>> No.13375220
File: 53 KB, 700x700, rs_600x600-180514094239-600-Carla-Bruni-Bella-Hadid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so perfect? Too many people complain about her and her sister being millennial garbage but you literally cannot deny that is she is an old school classic beauty. Pic related her with Carla Bruni.

The truth is that besides the nose job she probably hasn't had any other surgical procedues. Maybe one or two minimally invasive ones. The rest is all fillers and temporary stuff. Honestly, the science of plastic surgery has come so far in the past three years, it's insane, and fillers like Juvederm are extremely affordable. The trick is finding the right doctor because it's literally a matter of artistry and the results depend on the person administering the fillers. It's also obviously temporary.

If you are a woman and you want good tips on plastic surgery or what doctors to check out, check out MTF forums, tumblr blogs, or Facebook groups. Literally the most knowledgeable group of people on earth when it comes to feminine plastic surgery besides VK girls and that's in Russian so it won't help you.

>> No.13375242

Same poster? FFS seems like a good idea. I can't find any results from a patient who's a real female.

>> No.13375280
File: 46 KB, 400x400, 1468187105708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no

>> No.13375392

But in her case they wouldn't need to make it smaller, just shorter
Or if that's not possible make it wider to balance it out but then she'd have a huge block head

>> No.13375395

Are you literally retarded?
How does losing weight completely reshape a nose?

>> No.13375437

You look like aaron taylor-johnson who plenty og people think is good looking
Cut your hair like his and get /fit/ ig you aren't already then NEVER ask about surgery again jesus christ

>> No.13375709

Why is everyone calling her cute? Stop lying. She's ok looking at best and you know it. She wants to be beautifull and she's far form that at the moment. OP just asks a pro.

>> No.13375882
