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File: 717 KB, 974x656, JUSTin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13335339 No.13335339 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 26 and a Norwood 1.5 right now. You can't tell I'm balding unless I look at the ground near a light source. If it stays at it's current rate, it won't be severe enough to shave until 30+. I first noticed my hairline getting fucky at 17 and it hasn't much at all and thinning up top just started this year.
>muh fin
No. I know not everyone gets sides, but an old classmate of mine got permanent ED from fin. I'm not risking it, plus it only works for a little while. I'd rather just accept my fate like my father did.

Should I bite the bullet and start shaving now to embrace my baldboy future or enjoy my hair for the remaining time?

>> No.13335367

enjoy. when you get to norwood 3 or 30 shave then

>> No.13335474
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Some guys can look good with longer hair up to NW 4 or 5, but you have to have just the right pattern for it (minimal crown loss, strictly frontal/temporal loss). You also need to keep full density for that to look good.

>> No.13335577

>Norwood 1.5

Fuck, i had to google that shit.

I can't believe you people have a fucking chart about your decrepitude! You insecure bald fags are pathetic, go KYS!!!

>> No.13335579

At first i thought it was a cadet corp or some shit

>> No.13336050

Get cancer

>> No.13336063

fin is worth it desu

>> No.13336091

what about a hair transplant?

>> No.13336124

You need to take fin for those to look good. Otherwise you'll get stuck with this weird line of hair on your chromedome and look like a monk.

>> No.13336133

Hey OP I'm at the same point as you only 32. My forehead is starting to look kinda big. I thought about trying some of the meds that are out there but seems risky. I guess we just shave or trim tight soon?

>> No.13336170

so take fin with it?

>> No.13336175

Yeah. Most transplant surgeons (at least reputable ones) want you to take it for a year before doing the procedure to make sure you're a good enough responder to stop the hair loss.

>> No.13336479

problem ain't when your hairline is going back, problem is when your hair is thinning out

>> No.13336486

I mostly agree, but a full hairline still frames the face better than a receded one.

Sometimes an NW2 can add to a guy's looks (especially if he's very well groomed and already has status and is over 30), but NW3s pretty much always look bad.

>> No.13336513

Just take finasteride.

>> No.13336560

>muh sides
Literally only niggers that are so worried about sides are the only ones getting them bc they placebo the shit out of themselves and end up getting nogged
>only works for a little while
wanna know how I know you're retarded, OP?

>> No.13336760

it fucks up your dick

are you people really this retarded?

>> No.13336789

>Sometimes an NW2 can add to a guy's looks (especially if he's very well groomed and already has status and is over 30),
Reporting in. How should I dress at this stage of my life? I've made a good sum of money, I try not to be a d-bag about it, but I'm in this weird stage where I'm looking older (I'm 32) and not sure how young or old to dress. I mean I'm getting too old for thin cut jeans right? (even though I'm thin)

>> No.13336842

not him but I'm at the same stage of life and similar situation. I've been lurking the prep thread

it doesn't "fit" my personality based on stereotypes and I don't like the stereotypes but the look is kind of timeless

I'm grappling on the issue though, because douchebags keep coming into the thread and accusing even the less dressy/more casual versions of the preppy look of being pretentious old money dickheads

I think, if you make an effort to not look like an obese illegal immigrant illiterate high school dropout, everyone that is an obese hispanic dropout is going to think you're pretentious douchebag simply because you're not a slob. this is the impression I get

I'm just tired of having the same pieces (jeans, shoes, etc) as literal homeless people,obese people, and criminals

currently I'm on the edge of going prep or maybe full on rich douchebag because people re going to treat me like it by simply not being a slob dressing like a homeless, teenager, or rock music groupie

just food for thought

>> No.13336850

I've been wearing nice t-shirts on the weekends with fitted jeans and a nice watch. At work I wear a button down or polo with fitted jeans. I guess this is basically fine. At dinners sometimes I try to throw a sport coat over my button down but I'm always unsure of how to accomplish that. I live in a warm climate so basically don't require a jacket but sometimes restaurants are cold or it is just nice to dress better.

Getting old sucks.

>> No.13336854

Oh and about what people think, yeah it's tough. I mean I'm pretty pleasant to people and I think that helps, but I'm sure a lot of people just hate me for driving a Range Rover or whatever. I try to be a good person and that's all I can do. I worked hard and had a bit of luck, if people feel that makes me an oppressor I can't control that.

>> No.13336867
File: 41 KB, 590x350, Prince-William-906537[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was so good looking

>> No.13336871
File: 44 KB, 799x580, Prince-William-eyes-hair-color[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13336882

yeah I'm more or less in the same place but leaning a bit more on the "still dressing like an adolescent" side because of my social circle

I think suits are a joke, the slave tattoo of the modern man. and you see all the nigger rich people cop suits and go to trashy clubs and spend their entire paycheck

if not at the job, I avoid that if at all possible. idiots cop suits more than professionals in my area

but if I go casual I'm sick of looking like an uneducated slob that puts on nikes past 22 like alpham or some ameribear caricature

the poor idiots dress up in cheap suits (I never put on a suit) but they'll accuse ME of being rich if I just put on chinos and nice shoes

I hate that our country has deteriorated into an idiocracy

>> No.13336895

I guess I don't really run into the same crowds as you. Nobody really wears suits around me except for bankers, and when I have to go in a very professional setting I'll put on a sport coat but rarely a suit. At clubs here (Miami) no one wears a suit so that's a non issue for me. I don't really club anymore anyways, I'm tired by the time the weekend rolls around.

>> No.13336927

I don't club either, but people in suits are going to the club 90% of the time here. its obvious because of their demographic

everything remotely classy here gets subsumed into the criminal underclass. the only thing seemingly spared has been preppy/frat boy look

>> No.13337355

Where do you live?

>> No.13337552


yeah his proportions are off without the hair. pinhead and a big jaw. I honestly don't understand why he never did anything about it. All that money, all those connections, WHY?

>> No.13337599


dress like /r/malefashionadvice, throw in more interesting things where you are comfortable with them.

Skinny jeans are still good. If they look strange on you I am guessing you don't live in a city.

>> No.13337608

I cant believe you fuckers are balding so bad
my dad is like 60 and he is barely at norwood 2 vertex.
just how bad are you guys genetics

>> No.13337662


>> No.13337739
File: 46 KB, 590x493, baldles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The norwood cemetery waits for for no man

>> No.13338271

> I honestly don't understand why he never did anything about it
He´s the future King of England - what makes you believe that such a figure would be willing to risk the side-effects of propecia? Keep in mind that hair is only useful for poor normies desperate to acquire a wife; for men in positions of power, it has zero weight on attraction.

>> No.13338303

Take it and if it fucks up your dick stop taking it, simple.

>> No.13338316

I do live in a city. Thanks.

Not that anon, but, does your dick fix itself if you stop taking it? Sometimes drugs do permanent damage.

>> No.13338323

>believing this

>> No.13338326

My brother asked sever doctors about that and they all said if you have any problem with that it will stop when you stop taking it.

>> No.13338359


>> No.13338455
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Well if a doctor says so it must be true!

>> No.13339151

because he doesn't give a flying fuck and tha'ts fine, jesus christ this fucking board

>> No.13339493


>> No.13339510

most people are ok, a few aren't

>> No.13340411

Justin Bieber's hairline has definitely receded, since a few years ago, but I don't think it's bad. The wind may have been making his hair look funny, but it's probably better laying more flat against the sides.

>> No.13340436

Where are you from?

>> No.13340438

under nw2 its not even considered balding you dumb shit. its called mature hairline

>> No.13340471

That feel when i always had shitty hairline but i've only noticed it after i've started wearing short hair.
Always had long hair since i was 14 until 23-24

>> No.13340628

You wish, lol

But you have better chances of getting it with your 'hair loss' products and pills, so joke on you lol

>> No.13340644
File: 78 KB, 770x800, 82a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on fin and mine is getting worse the same way as Bieber's, fin doesn't help

>> No.13340650

Never, skulletts are based.

If you are too low T to wear one it was over before it started so it doesn't matter what you do.

>> No.13341930


>> No.13341936

>fucking florida dipshit tries to act superior to anyone else

>> No.13341942
File: 22 KB, 399x400, 1521242719397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mom's genetics basically give everyone a norwood 2 hairline from birth
>worried I won't catch the signs if my temples start actually receding at some point since they've always been pulled back
>mom's two brothers both have full heads of hair in their 50s but her dad was a complete chrome dome by 18
>dad's started to recede in his early 40s
I've got no fuckin' clue what to expect, it's terrifying

>> No.13341958
File: 95 KB, 724x720, 1448550542578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice argument

>> No.13341961

Sorry, what was your argument again?

>> No.13342003

That medical doctors are not always to be trusted unconditionally and that anon should do some research on his own to determine safety. Doctors are exposed to a lot of advertising and influence from drug companies, and tend to downplay side effects - generally not even maliciously, I'm not implying that, but they've had one too many cute blondes take them to lunch telling them about the latest drug. Basically, beware of jewish tricks. Listen to your doctor, but also do your homework.