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/fa/ - Fashion

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13328453 No.13328453 [Reply] [Original]

How do I achieve an "urban" Black Panther fit?

>> No.13328458

You are not a ten year old cartoon character, I wish the sticky would clarify this for people

>> No.13328461

first off everything you wear must be black or purple

secondly you have to be black

thirdly you'll need vibranium claws

>> No.13328463

I thought milsurp would also count?

>> No.13328486

Sure, listen its basically black military clothing
or rather
Dress clothes with a tie and leather jacket.

Dont forget the gun and weird hat they got going. Sharp and dangerous

>> No.13328506

Should I go cheap on the leather jacket? Or is there another material that would look good?

>> No.13328601

as long as the appearance looks the same sure

noone gives a fuck if your real leather

>> No.13328607

What shirt is that?

>> No.13328620


The Black Panthers were /fa/ as fuck

>> No.13328971

As opposed to rural black panther?

>> No.13329933

i think he meant literal black panthers who live in the jungle

>> No.13330471

The word he's looking for is modern

>> No.13330537


>> No.13330648

Go be a nigger somewhere else

>> No.13330896

You need to be violent, self pitying and victim mentality. Then dress black and try to look tough guy.

>> No.13330919
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Right back at ya, buddy.

>> No.13331055


>> No.13331376


>> No.13331388
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Accessories: Newport, watermelon, fried chicken, malt liquor

>> No.13332580
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>> No.13332639

wholesome post

>> No.13333011

w2c that jacket

>> No.13333139

>Be black
>White fitted button up shirt (alternatively a black or earth toned thick turtleneck
>Black tie
>Dark trousers
>Dark boots/laoafers, aim for something slim and not too tactical.
>Old milsurp jacket/leather jacket (don't cheap out on the leather jacket, no point in a shitty cheap one)
>Natural hair
>Be black
>Beret or afro
>Carry a gun, preferably something with real heritage and obviously open carry with a nice leather holster.
>Be black.


>> No.13333160

Do I have to be black to pull this look off? What about asians or latinos?

>> No.13333183

This. >>13333160
Can it be done if I'm white?
You didn't specify on whether race was important or not?

>> No.13334048

does anyone have the black discord link?

>> No.13334180

Yea dressing in nothing but a loin cloth and a spear isnt /fa/ anymore

>> No.13334847

If you do it and you're you will look like a dumbass
Why would you dress like a black panther if you are white?

>> No.13334892

I see you quite apt at detecting sarcasm anon, no doubt because of your amazing intelligence.

>> No.13334913

If you’re not black neck yourself

>> No.13335171
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>> No.13335617
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They look pretty good.>

>> No.13335619
File: 277 KB, 875x515, c1543a_3d2f7053bf16426cb78b9696ae790500~mv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dress like a young patriot instead

>> No.13335686

As opposed to a rural black panther? Lel, what the fuck? This guy wants to dress like a black panther but he uses "urban" to describe "nigger."

You might be black OP but if you were with those black panthers you'd be watching them fuck your girl like all the white bois and kikes they had orbiting/organizing them.

>> No.13335714

Quit it with the "Urban" shit. Seriously. Just say black. Fucking hell. It's not "Urban" culture it's a product of black america.

>> No.13335735


>> No.13335907


>> No.13336036
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the goat

>> No.13336060
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>leather jacket

i mean try to wear a lot of black as well of course

>> No.13336084

I can get down everything but a proper leather jacket.

>> No.13336400

i feel like the leather jacket are a must

>> No.13336465
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>> No.13336635

Honest question, whats the difference between the two, besides the confederate flags?

>> No.13337060
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modern panther?

>> No.13337073


>> No.13337077
File: 74 KB, 845x400, STONE_Lynching_845x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consider this essential piece of neckwear

>> No.13337114

this is the gayest thing ive ever seen

>> No.13337121

silhouette is fucked

>> No.13337127

Was about to type nearly the same thing until I saw somebody already had

>> No.13337205

>military field jacket
search it.

>> No.13337405

SLP with turtlenecks (preferably black).

>> No.13337410


>> No.13337413

then don't.

>> No.13338611

pools closed

>> No.13338632
File: 328 KB, 1080x1080, bpinspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got you senpai

>> No.13338808


>> No.13339384


>> No.13339659

id on pants?