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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 224 KB, 750x1334, IMG_9253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13328321 No.13328321[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>70 degrees out, sunny
>gorgeous day, wearing well fitted t and shorts above the knee showcasing my 265 bench and 285 front squat
>get mires everywhere, girls smiling like crazy
>pass table of Asians and mog the fuck out of the male, girls stop talking and stare as I pass
>see some goofy ass Asian dude in black jeans, black t shirt, common projects, a fucking black parka, and an ironic bowl cut
>a fucking parka in 70 degrees April
>can't help but chuckle at this fuckin goober as I head to class

What's the point when you look like a retarded ninja to 95% of people? It's all about the face, dumb faggot, when will you understand this? FACE and HEIGHT are what make a fit "omggg xD soo 90s ironic" vs school shootercore

Just fucking end yourself if you dress for girls, fashion is a cope. Deal with it uggos. Girls literally worship me when I put on a t and sweatpants. Meanwhile you wear your leather jacket and faded jeans only to get laughed at. The truth is 99% of people outside this board cringe at your fits. When will you ugly faggots learn that it' all about FACE? Fashion is a COPE

>> No.13328332

>common projects

>> No.13328339
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>> No.13328342

how much longer are you going to post this

>> No.13329977

Imagine living soley for the validation of others

>> No.13330032

I'm a 5'6 twink and girls message me the same shit
they do it to everyone you gymcel

>> No.13330265

isntt that what fashion is fucking hell lol

>> No.13330269

hahah no they dont sorry

>> No.13330271


>> No.13330283
File: 1.62 MB, 1099x1600, ed1b77417903506bff796c5a27e45523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This again?

>> No.13330405

>>a fucking parka in 70 degrees April


>> No.13330892
File: 1.44 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_0102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you're james fukkin deen, huh OP? you read like a shit hentai with 20 10 graders in the lead roles.

Believe me son, you're vanilla as fuck and know nothing of this world you meddle in. Go study some shitty chick lit and an OBGYN textbook until you're able to get her voice hitting that high note.

You'll know when you hear it.

PS - You don't get invited to private parties, lololol

pic related

>> No.13330901

Tripfags are cancer but you're alright.

>> No.13330906

Your attitude is cancer. OP is provably cancer. I'm a clas with one dipshit who got 12 letters before each post. Each quality post that articulates the shit most fucks can't on this site because the learnd to read ab iphone 7, as opposed to like, a book.

>> No.13330915

You are certainly living up to your name.

>> No.13330920
File: 1.11 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_0461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think it's intentional, ever? Or am I just a downie now?

Who GAF, fates hates your ass anyway. I betyou feel the edges of sickness while I have a gr that I'll be in b by.I bet you got V-TOL hoverparent.

who gave your rectaln ever even got shitfaced with extended family.

>> No.13330923

>Or am I just a downie now?

>> No.13330925
File: 730 KB, 1638x2528, ElecFace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Exhaustion typos! Bout damn time.

Go learn to string and sexy so they can draw the enemies' fire away from their comtase most efficitvely.

>> No.13330927
File: 520 KB, 613x492, Screen Shot 2017-07-09 at 11.35.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a downie with money who's tall and fucks women you can't. so I'm good with this whole corky thing.

I offer the same response I gave to google earth.

>> No.13330929

Are you in California by any chance?

>> No.13330934

Good for you, glad to see that shitposting is how you cope with male pattern baldness. Keep on keeping on

>> No.13330945

Baldness is the least of my issues, you underaged sheltered pussy.

Fuck propecia, fuck you, the IRS is coming for my corporate tax records you stupid child. Also my bald ass get soooo much more puss than you its absurd.

enjoy your 9-5!

>> No.13330948

I want a goth ninja to get fucking ripped and keep the style just to see if he can show everyone it's easy to get ripped and that it doesn't matter.

Only then can there be 100% "not compensating for anything by buying expensive clothes"

>> No.13330952

>Enlarged prostrate
>Probably going to federal penitentiary
>Shitpost on 4chan
All respect, no h8 m8. I hope your next "conquest" doesn't wake up half way thru and ruin it with screaming.

>> No.13330953

What is it about internet fashion forums that draws out homeless schizophrenics such as yourself? Can you enlighten me?

>> No.13330961
File: 45 KB, 525x162, BitCoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry juniors, I will always live better and consume better and be better than you. Nothing you can say changes that. You're beta, I can tell from what triggers you.

Whatever, KEP COMING with this energy and these posts, I like it, and you're both fags who will keep on feeding me attention with your impotent rage! GO!

>> No.13330962

>be better than you
Whatever helps you cope my man.

>> No.13330966
File: 430 KB, 410x536, sup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh huh. That's it? Faggot half wit.
you lost.

>> No.13330973

>Imply any of your posts contain any semblance of actual wit
You peaked in high school didn't you? Which drug was your downfall?

>> No.13330976
File: 163 KB, 720x960, MyLifeNotYours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're getting there! Go on!
Go on, you reject! Dig deeper! You gutless pussy, go harder.

>> No.13330981

>that pic
>That file name
>Claims this >>13330927
is (you)
Are you posting from prison or a public library?

>> No.13330984

so ur basically budget johnny neptune. got it

>> No.13330989
File: 88 KB, 520x600, Blade_Runner_Polaroid_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so fucking new! I love it!

You're not worth looking lame enough to to convince. Don't care if you bereev me, you can't comprehend how far beneath me you are. You're not worth my time, ffs. get lost. Go look around in warosu.

>> No.13330997

>You're not worth looking lame
Bit late to worry about that hoss.

>> No.13331001

no its about self expression. its a hobby you do for yourself.

stop projecting faggot.

>> No.13331012
File: 797 KB, 717x532, Screen Shot 2018-03-01 at 12.11.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're falling off already. Pathetic. Energy faded. You're probably realizing what a stupid one sided game this all is.

Keep playing it, please?

>> No.13331014

>Energy faded.
I'm sorry, not everyone can do meth like you. I'll try to shitpost better, but I can't just replicate being a schizo like you.

>> No.13331024
File: 194 KB, 415x404, Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at 3.35.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mentally ill, too, eh? TRY HARDER.

Go on, loser. I'll be here.

>> No.13331025

Well in another thread you said you feed off of hate from anonymous people on the internet, but somehow aren't a shitposter. So you're either a pro shitposter or are legitimately schizo: considering you live in NY and are a drug user, I can't tell which.

>> No.13331044

You still alive mr washup punker?

>> No.13331076
File: 1.96 MB, 500x336, disk17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I like the time you waste on me. Without fail. you're always back to get that last word. I'm on some other shit but you keep dissing me, like you think it's gonna affect me or something.

I'm not the cat that you knew, as in I literally am dissociated from this shit, but I like how you aren't yet. I await your next display of rage.

you won't be able to help yourself. Watch. You'll NEEED that last word, you socially repellant dipshit. I bet you think you're the "voice of board culture" right now, yeah?



(assuming you can resist replying to this, you walking trigger.

>> No.13331080
File: 1.96 MB, 320x240, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP. Please tell us another story that never happened.

>> No.13331082

>Things that never happened, the thread

>> No.13331093


>> No.13331097

nice pasta

>> No.13332013

I bet they were smiling because they thought you were autistic so they were trying to be nice when you dead on stared at them