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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 147 KB, 576x1024, IMG_9050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13301206 No.13301206 [Reply] [Original]

>70 degrees out, sunny
>gorgeous day, wearing well fitted t and shorts above the knee showcasing my 265 bench and 285 fronts squat
>get mires everywhere, girls smiling like crazy
>pass table of Asians and mog the fuck out of the male, girls stop talking and stare as I pass
>see some goofy ass Asian dude in black jeans, black t shirt, common projects, a fucking black parka, and an ironic buzzcut
>a fucking parka in 70 degrees April
>can't help but chuckle at this fuckin goober as I head to class

What's the point when you look like a retarded ninja to 95% of people? It's all about the face, dumb faggot, when will you understand this? FACE and HEIGHT are what make a fit "omggg xD soo 90s ironic" vs school shootercore

Just fucking end yourself if you dress for girls, fashion is a cope. Deal with it uggos.

>> No.13301270
File: 17 KB, 542x540, 1497732737736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are fucking pathetic my dude

>> No.13301289


You are fucking ugly my dude

>> No.13301298
File: 3.72 MB, 466x259, 1522880862571.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the most /fa/ /sniff/?

>> No.13301302

did you get mogged by some chink manlet and wait all day to get home so you could post this? lol post a pic of yourself bro

>> No.13301343

holei fuq i thought she was naked for the longest,
"mom has been making fun of me saying I look naed on these leggings" I was like wtf where are the leggings

>> No.13301344
File: 50 KB, 528x938, IMG_9080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go

>> No.13301356

thats obv not op. that pic is in the male long hair thread. that one is probably a repost too

>> No.13301367

Not a word, at least not with whatever definition you're thinking of

>> No.13301381

>only squats 20 more than his bench

you can't be serious

>> No.13301392

He wouldn't repost such an ugly autist if he was only trying to inflate hs ego, this probably is op.

>when the brain is so necrotic you really think your 6 months into chemo looking ass is /fa/

>> No.13301397

Why do people on 4chan pretend to be good looking? I've seen your pictures, you're all ugly fucks.

>> No.13301404

He's larping.

>> No.13301408

imagine trying this hard to be straight.

>> No.13301431
File: 23 KB, 281x227, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP is a Manlet gymcel
>as he walks through public, gives everybody autistic stares
>feeling threatened they politely smile back
>a common courtesy of most normal people, not typically indicative of any further attraction
>Alone, he walks past a table of friends talking in a normal conversation
>The conversation has a lull, as does every conversation and there is a short moment of silence
>OP stares at the members of this table, making sure to memorise all parts of the outfits worn by those sitting down and talking.
>the girls begin to stare at the stranger as he starts to chuckle to himself, seemingly for no reason
>OP continues the solo walk to class and posts his perspective of the story on a forum for social outcasts

>> No.13301435

i'm not gonna read your post but fuck i used to love spy kids when i was young

>> No.13301439
File: 334 KB, 1440x1718, Screenshot_20180412-183624_Chrome~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw so masculine you make everything look good

Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.13301660

does she have prosthetic ankles?

>> No.13301673


>> No.13301710

dude, op, is that you in the picture? 'cos i personally feel that you're maybe exaggerating a little bit about benching 265. but your ass is fantastically muscular! what kind of butt workout do have man? serious, 'cos you got that shit nailed

>> No.13302156
File: 393 KB, 750x786, image-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are all the obvious LARP posts coming from? Is this an /r9k/ raid?

>> No.13302167

post legs

>> No.13302329

He said front squat faggot

>> No.13302361


>front squats = back squats

holy shit fucking DYEL faggots. My front squat translate to roughly a 335 back squat, hell i'd argue I could do even more for a 1rm. Anyway, Im not a powerlifting fat faggot so I don't care about numbers. i lift to look good and fucking LMAO if you think im going to achieve a 315 front squat for reps without competing in any sport. Fucking faggot I bet you couldnt front squat 95 lb. Suck my dick

>> No.13302413

Looks like a beta lanklet to me

>> No.13302521

>wearing well fitted t and shorts above the knee
>showcasing my 265 bench and 285 fronts squat
>"its all about the face guys!"
>not even saying anything about his face
OP just showed his priorities. He forgot to mention the face because its not some attribute worth of mentioning, aka he's ugly. His lifting is just compensation.

I wonder what OPs intention was to post this. "trolling"? Fishing for compliments like "your so cool, real alpha, such a chad.". Just like the girl in OPs pic. "hey look everyone, i look like naked, hey, hey, look at me, i'm hot, am i....pls?"

>> No.13302995

>285 fronts squat
>bragging about anything
fucking faggot twiglegs i'm surprised you managed to walk to school without snapping your stilts