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File: 136 KB, 1368x1026, jude-law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13294434 No.13294434 [Reply] [Original]

Post your hair if it's balding, receding and/or thinning.

Ask for advice like if you should just take the shavepill.

Also, post mature hairline inspo.

>> No.13294449
File: 11 KB, 185x193, Zinedine_Zidane_2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is different. I took the shavepill and I've had nothing but positive comments. People who didn't know me before I shaved have said that they can't imagine me with hair. Guys have said it pisses them off that I can pull it off, because they're worried about balding, and think they'll look like shit. I think I'm just lucky with my skull/jaw shape, but then again, I've seen guys without strong features who still look good bald. One girl put it to me this way: she said the ultimate test of how good looking a guy is is what he looks like with a shaved head.

I think one thing that's universally true about shaving though is that you should think about body composition. Baldness changes your image, and pretty much precludes you from the twink approach to fashion. Bulk up and get a neck because a bald head can look emaciating.

>> No.13294452
File: 365 KB, 1441x1500, Zidane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about the thumbnail

>> No.13294455
File: 26 KB, 450x300, 656-01768030em-man-with-shaved-head-hand-on-chin-profile-stock-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared of shaving my head as an Asian because I'll either look like an el goblino or Buddhist monk, but at least a monk could still be respectable.

>> No.13294457

I have a receding hairline so I went a hitler youth with side part. The recession is obvious, but people seem to like it.

>> No.13294458
File: 1.22 MB, 3831x2554, DSC01665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2 late bruta. I'm not going back

>> No.13294461
File: 263 KB, 304x422, Bald Asian man haircut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would pic related look decent if she shaved his head a little shorter and lost like 60lbs?

>> No.13294463


>> No.13294465


Lads what the fuck do you do when you're balding at the crown?

>> No.13294466
File: 97 KB, 700x1056, 1511053077722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew a short (like 5'3-5'4) Chinese kid in high school who I'd say was popular, but not a ladykiller, just a guy with a good sense of humor and a lot of friends. So I'm not claiming he was a nerd or anything, but he did have below average looks.

Anyway, after he went to college, apparently he just up and decided he was going to be a Chad (or is it a 'Chang'?). He got super jacks, shaved his head, and started being a beach-going, neon-wearing party boy. Thing is, he's genuinely funny--he could probably do stand-up comedy if he wanted to. But he's NOT more than a 6/10 face. The guys does fine, and has a good time.

Now, I actually care about fashion and take it seriously, but I've never known anyone who successfully changed their image with fashion alone if they didn't already have a decent one. I HAVE seem fitness make a huge difference for guys, and change their mentality for the better. I recommend doing both.

>> No.13294472

Prime candidate for a short buzz rather than shaving. Take advantage of still having a hairline in front.

>> No.13294476
File: 1.70 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20180406_211115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I shave or continue rocking what i have?

>> No.13294484

Get a new jacket (it has that disgusting garbage bag-texture to it) and shave the beard.

>> No.13294485

in that light it already seems so sparse that the thumbnail looks that youre bald. you got a good face mate shave it

>> No.13294488
File: 51 KB, 475x332, david-carridine-kungfu78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll probably think I'm crazy to say so, and most people are too afraid to try it, but you could probably pull of the balding long hair look depending on your style. You could probably pull off a sophisticated sleezecore look with some casual suits and long hair. I'm just guessing, but it looks like you have good, straight hair despite the thinning. The downside of that kind of hair is it shows thinning really easily, but it can also be worn long even when thinning, whereas guys with thinning curly or bushy hair look like clowns with anything other than a close buzz.

Whatever you do, don't do it or not do it out of fear.

>> No.13294495
File: 313 KB, 1000x1500, Sting-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13294515

I've been a Norwood 1.5/2 since I was 18 all the males in the family have receeded corners but never go bald.

Decided to shave my hair off just to see what it looked like and it actually looked quite good. Obviously it was a shock to everyone at work as they all know me as a guy with a thick head of hair but once it grew back to a number 1/2 they all complimented me and said it suited me.

Take the plunge my dudes.

>> No.13294524
File: 1.71 MB, 1491x2000, prince-william-24[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get yourself a bike op, you will look badass

>> No.13294528
File: 58 KB, 434x772, yannis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you mean this

>> No.13294700

el abominacion

>> No.13294721
File: 1.51 MB, 2576x1932, 20180409_220253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of hair loss pattern is this?

>> No.13294828

just shave your head

>> No.13294861
File: 705 KB, 1294x1100, 20180408_105052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The bald spot can still be hidden for now.
I dont have the headshape for a buzz.

Hair transplant seems the only option...Anyone done it here?

>> No.13294888
File: 103 KB, 377x470, 20180410_101840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do anons

>> No.13294907
File: 44 KB, 800x451, Hunter-S-Thompson-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grow out, there's still decent coverage. you need to hide the odd shape of your skull

>> No.13294912
File: 72 KB, 490x702, hunter-s-thompson-on-phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acceptable way to hide baldness

>> No.13294916
File: 73 KB, 500x337, brando_cavett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13294990

This is pretty bizarre and probably not related to a receding hairline, be aware of what you've been consistently putting in your hair over the past year and make some changes to the products you use, also anti fungal

>> No.13295019

Are hair transplants reliable?

>> No.13295058

post pic

>> No.13295064

When is it too late to go on fin?

>> No.13295071
File: 24 KB, 480x480, 1522043758839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with my skull shape

>> No.13295108

it's beatiful in its rotundness

>> No.13295227
File: 1.34 MB, 2094x1447, 20180410_213210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Norwood 3.5 with thinning hair, but my hair's thin in general
>>20 Years old
>>Since I'm 15
>>6ft4 and 145lbs with pale skin
>>Skeltal and shitty headshape
>>Considered "cute" when that crap isn't shown off
>>Use milox serum by now.
>>Will get a dermaroller, vitamins and Priorin and ket shampoo
>>Refuse to take fin.
>>milox has shown 1st results in facial area
>>Want to get a 1.2k graft transplant since according to my mom the mpb stabilized for all my male family members at that age
>>Also wan't to get a razorbl8 to cut my wrists since my nigga Brotzu doesn't pull up.
>>Think about getting Thyocin

>> No.13295295

Messy crew cut has been working for me since i started being noticeably bald at 22-23. Just as long as a strong wind doesnt blow

>> No.13295330

It's thinning noticeably on top, but I'm 36 and always kept my hair short so it doesn't look like I'm trying to hide it like some dudes who wear caps or rock man buns.

>> No.13295360

marlon brando could smear rat feces on his face and still look better than 99% of the population

>> No.13295383

What would happen if his meme jogging sneakers became untied and caught in the bike chain? Genuine and serious question, because I've only ever owned bmx and mountain bikes.

>> No.13295406

I have huge receding in front so I usually sport a hybrid between sting style >>13294495 and 90s Kevin Spacey comb over because of my huge ass head.

Looks geeky but at least also clean because of shorter "high and tight" type of combo.

It's either that or very short trim which make me look like a potato instead of a scientist type of dude.

Considering where I work it's perfectly fine since I'm an engineer and I look like one of those 60's nasa scientists.

I have to admit that wind however ruins everything which is a daily struggle.

>> No.13295409

>Refuse to take fin.

>> No.13295434
File: 325 KB, 1600x1600, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here a pic for reference.

I let it grow a bit longer now which makes the wind battle even worse but once combed right it looks clean and even.

I also apply minox twice a day which helps a little but at some point I'm just going to stop giving a shit completely.

>> No.13295438

Good goy, destroy your dick

>> No.13295455

Is there any way at all to restore your hairline even a little bit? My hair is fine but my hairline could be a bit better. Just wondering.

>> No.13295480

Top of my head is thick, doesn't seem to be going anywhere. My main concern is my facial hair, mustache in particular. Doesn't connect in the middle, some parts are darker, more dense than others. I've been trimming it down to stubble the past few weeks, and I've noticed that there's small, light hairs that don't grow as long or fast as the darker mature ones.

Will dyeing the area make it look more even/full? Or will I just look like a clown?

>> No.13295633


>> No.13295637

brotzu fucking when

>> No.13295688

yet to see concrete proof of this

>> No.13295927


The only way for balding+shaved to work well is either really thin or /fit/, imo

>> No.13295983
File: 2.33 MB, 4753x2161, fin_3_months.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does my regrowth look so far?

The first pic is mid/late January and the second is from mid/late March. I've been on fin since 21 December.

I think I started balding around my 20th birthday, in late 2014, but I didn't really realize it until this past summer. It became really obvious after a haircut in November, and I finally said fuck it and got on fin.

Before you make fun of how I dress, I wasn't even trying to be effay in either photo.

>> No.13295986
File: 1.79 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20180410_200719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is it as of right now. I see a lot of new hairs as far as 1 cm below the hairline popping up, but I doubt I'm getting any better than NW2 or MAYBE NW1.5 without a transplant.

>> No.13295988

Does anyone here have experience with PRP injections? I'd like to know how effective they are.

>> No.13295997
File: 90 KB, 790x395, moby_trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+1 to this, having no hair with a twink body just makes you look sickly

>> No.13295998

That's more than an NW2.5 than 3.5.

>> No.13296016

Seconded on this. I'm curious to try them, but at the same time I think it's a huge ripoff since all they do is take a bit of blood and put it in a centrifuge, which could theoretically be a DIY job if you invest in a 50 bucks centrifuge and a few syringes.

>> No.13296257

Everything I've read says it's snake oil

>> No.13296270



>> No.13296299

this is pretty accurate. shaved my head last year at 20, actually seems to have improved my look and confidence overall. the mental aspect of not having to worry about bald spots or receding really does help a lot. i thought it'd be a miss from the girls too, but a little charisma goes a long way. i guess i'm lucky that i have the face/head shape/personality that can pull it off.

but anon is right, it really does make your body & skin stand out more. had to throw out all of my pink/loose fitting shirts because they made me look like a creep now. worth it by a longshot overall though

>> No.13296416

anyone else on the Brotzu hype train.
I don't want to get my hopes up for it to end up being snake oil but if they really found a replacement for fin then it will be huge for the hair loss world

6 months of fin made my dick not work so thats not an option for me again

>> No.13296420

supposedly we will get more official info on it on the 15th

>> No.13296582

hair transplant but you need a skilled surgeon and that may be prohibitively expensive for you

>> No.13296726


14th. Which is 4 more days.

>> No.13297320
File: 37 KB, 450x398, ljungberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pretty much. I would say that if you are bald, you pretty much have to be ripped like Jason Statham. Nothing crazy that requires steroids but you can't be skinny, skinnyfat or fat.

I was saved by the following things:

- I have thick eyebrows
- I can grow a thick full beard
- I have a "masculine face" (whatever that means)
- I have beautiful eyes
- I'm tallish (185cm/6'1)
- the shape of my skull is decent for a bald head
- I have broad shoulders
- I lift
- I've been told that I have a resting bitch face so my current "hair"style is probably a good fit

I can still fuck teenage girls even though I have a no guard buzz cut and I'm in my late 20's. My results with women improved after I buzzed my hair and I love the convenience. And the ultimate C O P E opinion of mine: this is my favorite hairstyle. None of the previous ones suited me so I kept changing all the time but buzz cut instantly felt mine.

BUT I also recognize that not all men are as lucky as me. For many men the difference between having hair and not having hair is a matter of life and death when it comes to sexual/romantic opportunities. I'll post a few examples as replies to this post.

>> No.13297324
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>> No.13297328
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>> No.13297331
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>> No.13297336
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>> No.13297338
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>> No.13297342
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>> No.13297346
File: 167 KB, 1141x700, bedtime-with-babish-andrew-rea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't need any of that shit, just go full bald so your real hairline is indistinguishable and lose the fuking fat. Look at this photo or Patrick Steward.

All the morons you posted are fat and still have lots of hair, which created sharp contrast with their bald spot

>> No.13297356
File: 22 KB, 600x469, 66d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just shave it off you vain faggot, wigs and plugs look bad and defeat the purpose especially if people see you or know you're balding beforehand.
more than half of all men go bald at one point, suck it up and deal with it, the reek of insecurity is worse than a shiny head.

>> No.13297367

I swear these threads caused me to go bald

>> No.13297369

>just shave it off
this absolutely does not suit most people
>you vain faggot
we are on a fashion board so complaining about vanity is a bit silly
>wigs and plugs look bad and defeat the purpose especially if people see you or know you're balding beforehand.
OP post does not say anything about wigs or plugs. He in fact requests mature hairline inspo, so clearly want to see hairstyles that can work with visibly receded hairlines
>more than half of all men go bald at one point
yes and this board skews quite young which means this thread is likely populated with people going bald in their teens and twenties, a very different and much more stressful prospect to going bald in middle age
>suck it up and deal with it
this is very unhelpful
>the reek of insecurity is worse than a shiny head.
someone who shaves their head at the first signs of thinning a the temples (what you recommend) is a huge overreaction and ultimately a bigger sign of insecurity than working with a visibly mature hairline, which more often than not will look much better than a shaved head

>> No.13297373

and every single one of them is fat fuck

>> No.13297389

it doesn't matter, nobody cares; that's what I'm saying

>> No.13297394

That's not what you said at all

>> No.13297424


I'm>>13297346. I slowly went bald in my early 20s until last year when I was 15 and had basically the same hair as Jude law. And I tried styling it as much as I can. And it looked good, just as jude law looks good. Problem is that I looked like a good looking 35 year old instead of a good looking 25 year old. Why? because most men around me(my competition for female attention) have a full head of hair.

Then I just went full bald, and honestly feel way more confident among people who have full heads of hair.

>> No.13297431

ruining your face with that beard...

>> No.13297439

Stop using shampoo, or whatever you are using in your hair.

>> No.13297443

lmaao just shave m8

>> No.13297462
File: 150 KB, 512x650, stathambody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shit I don't need?

>> No.13297481
File: 101 KB, 447x256, wattodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dry hair
Greasy temples
Some kind of Sebum blocking my hair roots (look at pic related)
Receding hairline

Tried fucking everything, nizoral to coconut oil. Anyone had this shit? What do I do?


>> No.13297488


you don't need to be a roided animal, just fit

>> No.13297507
File: 82 KB, 620x471, jason3__square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally said

>you pretty much have to be ripped like Jason Statham. Nothing crazy that requires steroids but you can't be skinny, skinnyfat or fat

If you think pic related is a roided animal, you need to lay off the soy.

>> No.13297643
File: 1.49 MB, 2448x3264, 20180405_170155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently took the shavepill and I'm cool with that
having a masculine face helps

>> No.13297655

looks good, you can pull it off definitely

>> No.13297673
File: 365 KB, 1280x789, maxpayne3_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly tip: buzz your hair all over with no guard. Looks way cleaner while not being fully shaven. Just my personal opinion because I can't go even two days without buzzing my hair down because I hate seeing that thin, fuzzy, balding hair at the top.

>> No.13297682

thank you m8
yeah that's actually what I do, in the pic hair was (relatively) long, I shave weekly, thanks however

>> No.13297694
File: 101 KB, 900x1200, ljungberg hair wax promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13297712
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>> No.13297714


>> No.13297716
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>> No.13297722
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>> No.13297726
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>> No.13297755
File: 119 KB, 489x918, EDFE2D8E-1E68-4B2D-A19B-CA004DA1F397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m losing my hair naturally but I also have ocd, so pull at my hair a fuckton. It’s undoubtedly sped the process but this is about 2 1/2 years of hair loss.

Do you guys think shaving my head would be an improvement? I’ll admit, I’m a little self conscious about my weird facial feature placement, so I wanted to get some outside opinions before I risk shaving my head and looking like an orc.


>> No.13297759
File: 147 KB, 640x1136, B7E0B61A-ACA7-4EA9-BFCB-53EC3F1DDD3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This how I’ve been wearing it lately. Yes, I know my hair looks like trash in general. I usually wear beanies

>> No.13297765
File: 23 KB, 600x400, photos-matt-damon-sur-tournage-elysium-L-7A5dbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you guys think shaving my head would be an improvement?

You are a ginger so... Yes, it fucking would. Buzz your hair off and tell everyone you're Matt Damon's cousin. Also, start lifting weights ASAP

>> No.13297774

ginger hair is the most aesthetic dipshit.
you're tripping dude, I have a weaker hairline than you and I'm not even balding. You have a solid 5 years left if you're thinning.

>> No.13297787

Give finasteride a shot. The risk for permanent side effects is extremely low. I wish I started it when I had as much as you.

>> No.13297870

I would try minox/nizoral combo before the fin route. He's not even that far gone yet. Also go hard on the healthy food, biotin etc...

>> No.13297964

Fin is lower maintenance than minox though. Plus fin is good for maintaining while minox just "outruns" the hair loss.

Healthy food and biotin might make hair look better but it doesn't do shit for baldness.

>> No.13298429

I actually really like my hair color. The whole “nobody finds gingers attractive” thing is bs, man. You’d be surprised by how many girls are into ginger guys.

But yeah, I personally think I look more like Meth Damon from Breaking Bad than the more chadly Matt Damon. But hey, I’m flattered.
It’s pretty bad, man. The pic I used was a poor representation of the full extent of the damage. I have areas where my hair is thinner due to me pulling it out. I’ll take some better pics when I get off work.
Wait, I was under the impression that when you start losing your hair that you’re pretty much fucked unless you have a lot of money to shell out towards transplants or some shit. Are all of these preventative hair loss products or do any of them actually help with regrowing lost hair?

I’m honestly pretty ignorant when it comes to all of this.

>> No.13298995

Youll make it. You are a good looking guy with style. Either way you will do ok. Just remember when you do finally shave. There is no going back bro...

>> No.13298998

>Wait, I was under the impression that when you start losing your hair that you’re pretty much fucked unless you have a lot of money to shell out towards transplants or some shit. Are all of these preventative hair loss products or do any of them actually help with regrowing lost hair?
Finasteride and minox can both regrow hair, but fin especially is more known for maintaining. I'm >>13295983 and just on fin.

Keep in mind, fin blocks a sex hormone called DHT, but for most users it doesn't have side effects.

Fin is dirt cheap, too, $4/month from costco.

Start reading the stickies and sidebar on r/tressless, there's a lot of good info.

>> No.13299007
File: 58 KB, 720x1280, CARECA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hurt /fa/

>> No.13299026

honestly fuck all that shit with potential shitty side effects. you still have most of your hair and a good hairline. just try an take the best care of your hair that you can, IE dont shampoo/wash it too much, natural oils are good for your hair, massage scalp daily with a little (very small or you will look greasy af) amount of natural oils like coconut/ castor/ almond. excersise and good diet.
if i was you i would rock the hair, you got many years left before it becomes noticeably balding, just take good care of it and the rest of your body

>> No.13299119

youre a 2 or 2.5

>> No.13299123

no signs of balding. you would have to bald extremely fast to lose your hair in 1-3 years.

my guess is you have your hair for at minimum 5-10 more years, but mental illness for life

>> No.13299225

i have this too, i think it's mostly stress/psychological/general inflammation/unhealthiness, not MPB

>> No.13299590
File: 40 KB, 1600x1196, battle_of_the_somme_in_pictures_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had psoriasis on my scalp and had to cut my beatiful curls. Now iam looking like iam balding like crazy but i have to bite the apple and run with it till my skin recovers. Feels kinda bad because i never wore a buzzcut in my life but i can go with it, iam not that hidious. How do you guys cope with (temporary) hairloss? Any "natural" ways to increase hair growth without buying testosterone subsidies from Alex online store? My hair/ scalp will recover, but it will be around 3-4 months till my hair has grown back to wear a "full buzzcut" if you get me.

>> No.13299643
File: 2.45 MB, 2176x3158, 20180406_014414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think? Should I go the shave/buzzcut route?

>> No.13299648

not yet

>> No.13299722

you look hot

>> No.13299733

Looks quite punky and it suits you, but a buzz would also fit you. Don't go below 0,3mm m8

>> No.13299757

these you can tell immediately that they're wearing fake hair

>> No.13299859

just buzz retard

>> No.13299949

>he thinks statham is natty
brainlet /fit/fag detected

>> No.13300041

I didn't say he is natty, I said that a physique like that can be attained natty. As I said, lay off the soy.

>> No.13300308

>I didn't say he is natty, I said that a physique like that can be attained natty.
Both are false statements.

>> No.13300451

t. DYEL soyboy

>> No.13300457

>aborto no terço final da gestação

>> No.13301022
File: 3.13 MB, 4032x3024, 20180207_212506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of maybe getting the top part trimmed a bit? I miss when it would kinda stick up on it's own. Ignore the moustache

>> No.13301126
File: 153 KB, 500x630, finna delete dis website within tha weeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignore the moustache

>> No.13301256

I'm getting bald and my hair is straight/thin as Asian

Someone else in this spot? I do not know what to do

>> No.13301382
File: 89 KB, 465x619, 4876696414_d3f62d18be_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is incredible.

>first pic
oh man, poor dude, that looks awful, he def needs to just shave it
>second pic
well shit, that is the most perfect cover up I've ever seen. It looks great, even outside the context of a discussion of balding. You look good my dude.

>> No.13301743
File: 70 KB, 781x957, Jeremy_Meeks_Mug_Shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only +35 y/o women want bald guys, bro
>Don't look straight into the camera in photos, it makes you unattractive, bro
>You need to have a good, stable job if you want to find a girlfriend or have kids, bro

>> No.13301804
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>> No.13302282
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>> No.13302377

yo just because you don't have a nice widow's peak or the hairline of a 10 yr old doesn't mean your balding. seriously your hairline is fine. just keep your OCD and stress levels in check and live your life

>> No.13302717
File: 276 KB, 1242x2208, DA2010E2-7E15-4DC1-8C8D-C72292B5287E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early sign of balding or am I just being paranoid?

>> No.13302756

lose weight and balding wouldnt look bad

>> No.13302782
File: 275 KB, 1242x2208, F8A9285F-16CA-49D2-BAAE-D6C7305D195C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I’m permanently balding then? I want to try fin but the side effects scare me.

>> No.13302861

Agrofag here, we were learning about cattle diseases.

>> No.13302880

>always had kinda fucked up hairline even in high school
>becomes obvious im gunna be bald eventually in college as hair begins to seriously thin
>buzz head on two occasions in college to come to terms with my eventuality (not full shave, however)
>two weekends; two girls say the exact same phrase to me while drunk: "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL HAIR?"

Apparently I look like an intimidating mexican gangbanger. Could be better, could be worse.

I did learn from those experiences, however. People don't really care all that much, the anxiety really is mostly your own problem. After a few days, its normalized for most people. You're always the person who notices/cares the most.

Also: it's an interesting challenge, it forces you to think more about how you interact with others. If you are moderately good looking (I've been told I'm fairly attractive, with hair, at least) it cannot be a crutch - you will be forced to develop a personality or improve what you've got. You'll also learn who really gives a fuck about you and who doesn't.

Ultimately it is what you make of it. I think it's - yes, a bit unforunate - but also a great opportunity to grow, anons. Somthing something cliche - I know, I know, but its true. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not fucking Tony Robbins.

I'm losing my shit at a fairly young age, but even then I can see the bright side: it helps you develop yourself (and maybe your aesthetic/fashion, even, indirectly) through struggle; it helps you filter out shallow people who can't see pass it (saves you grief and time); and really, no one gives a fuck about you anyways.

Hope someone might find this useful.

>> No.13302988

brotzu save me

>> No.13302992
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>> No.13303013
File: 312 KB, 876x1506, 6AC9A1AB-9B85-4E8B-84C2-4423ED62F633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s receeding and every time I wash it or comb it lots of hairs come out.
Should I just shave it? I’m worried I’ll look like shit with a shaved head cause of my big Jew nose

>> No.13303014

This guy would look better if he properly shaved his head completely bald

>> No.13303017

Shave that shit and try to get fit. Holding onto that just makes you look old, sorry anon

>> No.13303055
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>> No.13303108
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>> No.13303128
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 1522130313372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold, there are baldfags who think they can ACTUALLY be /fa/?
Are you trying to top kek me?

>> No.13303157
File: 198 KB, 816x1222, rosie-huntington-whiteley-jason-statham-rug-shopping-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hairlets can't be /f-

>> No.13303162

might be alopecia/auto-immune problem

>> No.13303170

i hate trolls like you. there are people here legitimately balding fuck off

>> No.13303189

He isn't fa though. He's just handsome

>> No.13303232

My hairline is similar and I also feel like I've been shedding alot of hair the past 2 years. Is it normal to run your hands through you hair and get a hair or 2 every single time you do it? I lose like 15-30 in a shower everyday. Also I went to my dermatologist a month ago and he said he didn't see any signs of mpb and thinks the shedding comes from my seborheic dermitis when it gets worse and getting it under control should cause less hair shedding. I can't help but still think I'm balding I hate seeing shit fall out of my hair in the shower and Everytime I touch it

>> No.13303894
File: 3.31 MB, 380x260, 3304262511.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /brotzu/ here

>> No.13303959

he looks like a cancer patient

>> No.13303962

post more balding long hair inspo, I think it's a cool look if done well

>> No.13303974

The key point here is that being bald, like anything else, will look good if you are high test. So, start lifting, and trim that body fat percentage down. It really is a distinctly masculine look, so you need to embrace that and develop a more masculine appearance and demeanor around it. You won't look pretty, but you might just look like a man who means business.

>> No.13303984

I like it as is, but you could also try slicking back the top for a more mature, professional look

>> No.13303997
File: 134 KB, 800x1200, Shin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, Tommy looks good as fuck

why is Jason Statham the "pinnacle" of bald guys when he's ugly as fuck? not even because he's bald, but because his grill is putrid. he's a complete facelet.

>> No.13304072
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>> No.13304094
File: 28 KB, 600x491, 1455245586270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw brotzu

never trust italian "scientists"

>> No.13304232
File: 81 KB, 680x834, bcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Statham has a masculine face. Of course, this is /fa/, so you are probably some skelly soyboy and a closet homosexual.

>> No.13304293

look good

>> No.13304321
File: 44 KB, 405x504, jude law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep your hair at that length
>grow a stubble
>start lifting
>thank God every morning for your head shape, thick eyebrows and nice eyes

>> No.13304338

Thank you so much.

>> No.13304370

You know what? Buddhist monks shave their hair because a lot of ego is attached to it. Just let it go, baldfags.

>> No.13304508
File: 130 KB, 437x700, 101cd163-bada-475f-8901-7961b78c7627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brotzu had his presentation today.
It's over its fucking over were not going to make it

>> No.13304557
File: 54 KB, 583x608, large_680c3ae16af045987a10983ebc60a645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if you were using it

>> No.13304621

Holy fuck, we look incredibly similar. With my baldness I tried to embrace the creepy sickly look. It seems you have too.

>> No.13304630

2020 can't come fast enough

>> No.13304639

DHT is not a sex hormone.
It is a metabolite of testosterone.
Low doses of fin block only DHT; high - actual testosterone (hence the limpdick tranny meme).

>> No.13305223


>> No.13305248

What is a generally accepted age to actually start receding a la Jason Statham etc anyway? Mid 30s?

>> No.13305253

I'd say you aren't really pulling off what you have now. Maybe it's the lighting, or the downward angle, but the style seems ot completely draw attention straight to the balding tuft you've got left up front.

I think your head shape would look fine shaved to like, a 0.5. But if the back is thick you can experiment with comb backs and grow it out a little I suppose.

>> No.13305374

Why do you care about what's generally accepted? You are on 4chan. Do you think that's generally accepted?

>> No.13305406
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>> No.13305408
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>> No.13305409
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>> No.13305413

/fa/ blown the fuck out

>> No.13305420
File: 685 KB, 667x1000, Hair-Style-A-Balding-Man-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw shaving

>> No.13305550

The goat

>> No.13305554

Just curious pal, it's not a sekrit club

>> No.13305605

When should one expect a stop to hair loss when he is to hop on finasteride? 30 days, then it reverses?

>> No.13305615

> Fin is dirt cheap, too, $4/month from costco.
Wait... WHAT?!?!
I'm from Holland and I just started my first month on fin. This shit is costing me 70$ A MONTH!!!!
Am I being memed by my hospital? Where do I get this stuff cheap?

>> No.13305617

>changes eyecolor
>adds stubble
>adjusts basically everything to get his skewed point across
>still fails

>> No.13305760

You're being memed
Finasteride is out of patent in Europe since 2013. Plenty of generic options are available now.

>> No.13305791
File: 57 KB, 467x522, F109D6F6-B1B8-46ED-AB82-D01D79451922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi I need help, my hairline keeps receding over the years , I’m 25 and it has come to this. Need tips on how do i stop it from receding any further. :(

>> No.13305811
File: 161 KB, 625x766, jeremymeeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shave it, bro

>> No.13305815

Yeah but my hairline would still be way up there. Not like this CK convict model..

>> No.13305818
File: 244 KB, 1320x742, Jeremy-Meeks-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you to shave it

>> No.13305819

Probably pull on his leg causing him to lose control of the bike, maybe come clean off his shoe, all motorcycle style shoes,even the casual one's have either laceups up zippers velcro etc

>> No.13305821

*clean off his foot,sory

He has the, I'm trying so hard to look tough look to bim, which means he got bufu in prison. For any real dude he projects a lot of insecurity,esp the fake squint the sucked in cheeks(as if he needs any more definition)

he peaked at his mugshot,you couldn't see his disgusting nose and unsettling features like how wide his face gets around the eyes. Also he is a pozcuck he is only confident getting shot from the front

>> No.13305844

>Look at this photo or Patrick Steward.
I'm seeing a guy who, despite being normal weight,all swaggered up in a tux(which makes anyone who is not fat look good) all casual and glowy ; well he still looks like a disgusting baby rapist soyboy. so what's your point? Do you actually think anyone wants to look like that?

>> No.13305847

that's a dad bod after a cut

>> No.13305852

you are mentally ill and I hate your double dubs. Your shaggy hair covers up those crazy eyes,esp the lazy one

>> No.13305857

buy proscar and cut a pill in 5 pieces.
It's the same product made by the same company that makes the hair loss drug(they discovered it by accident when they were testing proscar on men with prostate problems)

>> No.13305908

Buy a generic alternative. Cutting small pills in five pieces is a pain in the ass (pun intended).

>> No.13306025
File: 1.63 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i fucked?

>> No.13306030

Sides receed a little bit but you have good thickness. Take rogaine and you'll be fine

>> No.13306106
File: 2.04 MB, 237x304, 1511392124450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13306190
File: 75 KB, 885x885, 25039090_280962412427446_7283012005588369408_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are wigs /fa/?

>> No.13306219


I'm not sure if you've used minoxidil before but, just like finasteride, it will make you shed all those hair that were going to fall out eventually. If you want to be balder, this is an effective route.

Fin + Minox or a hair transplant are the only options now, and both involve the person coming close to being bald for a couple of months. Don't prescribe things without using them you dolt.

>> No.13306268

This is what I'm worried about

I'm 22 and it seems like my hair is getting thin at the top but my hairline also hasn't receded at all (or at least it doesn't seem like it has), the sides are fine, my temples are flush with the rest of my hairline, and I don't have any thinning at the crown from what I can tell

However I'm still paranoid because I kind of want to get on top of it before I get to be 25 or something and my hairline has receded a bunch, but if fin+minox are going to make me shed hair and look worse and possibly cause me to lose hair I wouldn't have lost otherwise I'm not sure it's worth it

>> No.13306276

I've decided to get a hair transplant sometime this year. I'm using Fin+Minoxidil, but I'll also get a HT (FUE) to restore areas that I've lost and also lower the hairline a tad because I've always had a bit of a high hairline.

>> No.13306500

No, they are embarrassing.

>> No.13306513

Damn, that one took 30 years off his age

>> No.13306526
File: 61 KB, 462x600, 1317.cover.lo_noUPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody has posted this top tier guy right here

>> No.13306779

If you're balding just end it

>> No.13306810

The hair?

>> No.13306828

How? If the beard doesn't come down off the face, all of your lines are still there.

This is why I never come to this board, I feel like /fa/ is one of the most out of touch with reality boards there is.

>> No.13307049


The whole point is that it will come back given that the shed is due to the follicles still being able to grow hair. Regardless, it's a risky move, at the very least a shitty one, but short of a hair transplant (or baldness) there isn't a better choice.

>> No.13307156

brotzu is coming oct 2018....but who knows if it actually does anything because the images were shit

>> No.13307160

>oct 2018


>> No.13307204


top comment
>Hello we received the info directly from Fidia the release date will be October 2018

>> No.13307206

just in italy?

i wonder how expensive it will be

>> No.13307210

True, although to be fair they did say it would work better on younger people and the images they used were of what looked like a 50-60 year old man

Honestly I'm just wanting it to be good so I don't have to go the fin/min route and have to take shitloads of stuff along with risking side effects just to keep my hair

>> No.13307272
File: 510 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20180415_194257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the diagnosis? Been considering shaving for a while but concerned about looking like the star child with aids.

>> No.13307281

Would need to see your profile before I could judge
You seem to have decent jaw at least
imo that kind of hair looks alright at your level of hairloss

>> No.13307315

dr fox is an online pharmacy that sells a six months supply for £75
Not sure what the situation is for orders from outside the uk but it's worth checking out
And yes don't get it from the hospital they will overcharge

>> No.13307330

interested in what your profile is too

we have really similar front views except your chin is way better than mine

>> No.13307379

yeah good idea let's just walk around and look like shit like this instead; that way we wont even have to worry about the possibility of getting laid

>> No.13307425

To be honest I'm not sure whether I'm balding or because I have a fivehead so I don't notice much of a difference. Tried shaving but I look as I went through that minimalist bullshit phase but have grow out my hair again to Caesar cut. Should I reduce the volume of the sides? Don't want the faggy fade though.

>> No.13307457
File: 465 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20180415_213415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also tall, so not many people other than me see the unflattering trapezoid landscape of my forehead.

>> No.13308241
File: 41 KB, 640x441, 1482126731062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to thread expecting feels I can relate to
>everyone that's scared of balding is five times better off than me

>> No.13308474

