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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 33 KB, 640x521, pep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13290804 No.13290804 [Reply] [Original]

how are you guys so skinny? Do you just not eat or do you actually strive for it by drinking coffee smoking ciggz and going out for jogs?

>> No.13290813

lucky metabolism and not completely terrible eating habits. sorry

>> No.13290821

yeah just lucky metabolism. on the flip side i suck shit at gaining muscle so thats never happening

>> No.13290830
File: 98 KB, 640x959, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


count calories, eat better and eat less

lift weights or walk

>> No.13290841

a lot of people on /fa/ are underage and kids have a high metabolism. another big portion who are thin have obsessions with their body and either diet harshly or work out not to gain muscle and be healthy but be thin.being thin isnt a bad thing but most people dont do it in a healthy manner. if you want to lose weight and aintain a thin frame, be sure to do it slowly and in a way so you dont harm your body. learn to love yourself through the process of losing weight or youll never be happy with yourself op. good luck

>> No.13290845

yeah i agree. most on fa are skinny high schoolers trying to look “good” without actually putting any effort in.

>> No.13290850

dang you guys are sweet. Thanks for the replies. I think I'm just gonna start doing cardio and light chest/ab exercises. My diets already pretty good.

>> No.13290854

thats a big part of /fa/s problem. 99% of posters, underage or not, are just concerned about looking good to others rather than being interested in fashion itself. thats fine, but because they are the majority voice on a fashion board, we tend to have really low quality content for the most part. not saying im any better, just an observation
keep it up man. also dont be afraid to lift more, itll help you burn more fat. good luck bro hope you can reach your goal look someday soon but remember to love yourself as you work hard to lose the weight

>> No.13290868

I think my only problem like most is getting motivated. fuck it though I'm just gonna do it, thank again mate

>> No.13290869

how much do you weigh now?

>> No.13290876

All those things

Jog occasionally

>> No.13290896

I'm 5'9 and I weight 180. so not too bad but still yikes. I'm skinnyfat

>> No.13290944
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my mom died of cancer and i lost 50 pounds from depression, and i cant gain it back, best unplanned diet ever.

>> No.13291013

genetics, diet and exercise.

wear clothes that fit your body type not everybody can --or should-- be model-thin. don't be one of those sorry souls who push a boulder uphill to achieve amorphous ideas of perfect body/weight. your body is a machine, feed it.

>> No.13291023
File: 63 KB, 900x900, 1522597578678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


although i could probably eat more calories

i'm 6'2'' 150lb skellymode
and probably only eat around 2000 calories a day

not on purpose but thats how much my body naturally craves

>> No.13291066


It's called a caloric deficit my dude.

/fit/ bro here.

>> No.13291074

unironically adderall
i take it for my adhd, of course ;-)

>> No.13291080

I used to be skinny until takis. Stay away from takis.

>> No.13291087
File: 49 KB, 676x394, 9D815D6C-56DE-4E56-AF40-A10617A26DD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6’2 and I weigh 180 pounds. What am I doing wrong /fa/ how do I reach the optimal male body weight of 130 pounds?

>> No.13291091

>whats the point in being skinny if i'm a 5'5" male

>> No.13291093

limit carbs
drink lots of water, black coffee with no sugar, and tea exclusively
take adderall
eat more fruits/vegetables and fulfilling food in general
remove all junk food from ur life. don't even buy it, don't even keep it in your pantry or fridge. i know u lack self control, so dont keep it in the house
light exercise
fasting or 16/8

>> No.13291096 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 803x1043, Screenshot-2018-4-9 Cronometer Track nutrition count calories.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minimum exercise, caloric deficit, no junk or processed shit
wtf is so hard to understand

>> No.13291101
File: 102 KB, 771x1051, Screenshot-2018-4-9 Cronometer Track nutrition count calories.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some minimum exercise, caloric deficit, no junk or processed shit

wtf is so hard to understand

>> No.13291106


The product of my upbringing.

No cake, no pie, no ice cream, no soda in my house growing up. Dessert was fruit for my entire life (god I love fruit). Dinner was always some sort of protein, rice, and vegetables in proportion of 1/3, 1/3, and 1/3.

And I was active. Biking, tennis, skateboarding, rollerblading, basketball, etc.

>> No.13291116

I gained a lot of weight from depression, I went from 180 to 250.. my max bench has increased to like 200+ and so has my max deadlift.. but I want to get down to 180 again, any suggestion? I'm currently intermittent fasting 3 days a week. With uni it's kinda difficult to get time to workout, but I do walk everywhere

>> No.13291118

ummm no. someone has a warped self image.

>> No.13291126

Not the guy you replied to, but isn't that skelly mode? Or Auschwitz tier?

>> No.13291127



most of this board are skinnyfats who don't eat a lot

>> No.13291140

>light chest/ab exercises

Working your abs won't really reduce the amount of belly fat you carry.

I'll give you a homework task for the week. Don't eat anything differently or do any more exercise than you already do.
What you're going to do is every time you eat or drink something you write down how many Calories it contains and what it's protein, fat and carbohydrate content is.
Go out and buy some kitchen scales tomorrow if you do not have them.

If you don't have nutrition info you can google it or estimate. eg. If you google "white rice" some nutrition info comes up and from there you can work out the caloric content.
Develop a mental catalogue of nutrition info and eating right becomes a lot easier.

Do you know about TDEE and BMR? You can easily calculate a rough idea of how many Calories your body uses in a day, while at rest. Look up "Basal Metabolic Rate calculator."

If you eat a less than your BMR today you will have lost weight. If you go over it you will have gained weight.

>> No.13291142

38'' chest
28'' waist
154lb, lean

I feel very happy with my body

>> No.13291167

>175 cm and 80 kg
>not too bad
well maybe for a mutt

>> No.13291178
File: 507 KB, 744x833, 1523073415342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6’2 and I weigh 180 pounds. What am I doing wrong /fa/

180 is what you should be at 6'2''

but if you really want to 130 then do what i did and go vegan

i went from 160 --> 140 without even noticing/trying while eating the same amount and being as full

>> No.13291208

I always thought I just had a great metabolism, but the more I pay attention to other people's eating habits, the more I realize I eat a lot less and do a lot more than them.

>> No.13291230

Genetics and being tight on money
I'm 197cm, 70kg

>> No.13291231

6'2 150 is not skelly mode. it's more like 130.

>> No.13291233

There was actually a study of "naturally thin" and "naturally fat" people that found they all over or underestimated their intake.

>> No.13291245

>tfw realize grown women dont like skinny guys, all I get looks from is teenage girls

fuck being naturally skinny it's a curse at 23

>> No.13291255

Dude there's this guy in my uni whose legs are like twigs... I could literally snap them with my bare hands. Idk how y'all thing that's fashionable, going fucking Somali/starving Africancore

>> No.13291258

I looked it up. It's pretty fucking skinny. It's not malnourished but it's skinny, bottom bitch tier 5sure.

>> No.13291262

I'm 6'0 and about 155 which seems like about the right weight. I don't really do anything healthy other than walk maybe 5-6km a day and I smoke so that keeps the appetite down I guess.

>> No.13291285

Lift, bulk, and grow big strong legs first. Squat 3 plate. Then do a serious diet and cut down to skinny mode. This is the way to avoiding chicken leg pathetic male status.

>> No.13291319

>3 plate
wait really

>> No.13291324

I just eat really clean but don't count calories. It's easy mode.

>> No.13291405

Keto yo

>> No.13291414

My brother has the height and weight as you and everyone around him acknowledges that he's overweight and not skinnyfat. Do you exercises and stray away from overeating and fastfood.

>> No.13291417

coffee increases insulin production which increases fat storage

>> No.13291434

Sorry anon but that's fat

>> No.13291444

I don't care anymore. I've given up on losing weight. Got diagnosed with gynaecomastia, (by a doctor, not the internet) and being poor can't afford surgery, so I figure why bother losing weight and excercising when I'll still look like a freak anyway? At least if I'm fat people will just think it's man boobs. 5"11 and 200 btw.

>> No.13291463

My man, although I'm just skinnyfat.

>> No.13291478
File: 416 KB, 2768x2928, 639B276F-E960-4684-A7D6-96B83BF2E5D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can say to you is don’t fucking drink alcohol except during social occasions. I started drinking alone and got into binge drinking because of severe BDD and depression, went from 135 lbs to 190 in under a year. I’m back down to 170 by fasting/exercising but it’s taking forever to stay on track since putting down the booze is so difficult.

As for eating, take note of what your thin friends eat vs. your overweight friends and follow suit. If you wanna be skinny then you have to eat like a skinny person.

>> No.13291536

6'2" 180lbs fat as fuck life is so unfair

>> No.13291547

I dont lose weight unless im sub1000 calories a day

>> No.13291551

\jesus just how small are you?

>> No.13291707

>lucky metabolism

no such thing

>> No.13291722

what do you mean? if you take issue with 'lucky' obviously i just mean it's higher than average

>> No.13291741

People forget how many calories are in beer and alcohol in general. I know people who think they have this magnanimous self control for not drinking soda yet they drink beer all the time

>> No.13291746

>fast metabolism

pretty much it.

>> No.13291753

why can’t effay always be this kind ?

>> No.13291758
File: 58 KB, 640x640, x8P4vQB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tell myself i abstain from soda to counterbalance all the alcohol

>> No.13291763

Metabolism accounts for a tiny percentage of daily energy expenditure, even the difference between the highest and lowest metabolisms is small. You spend a lot more maintaining body temperature and walking around than you do from metabolism.

Sure, maybe you are blessed by God and have 10x the metablism of a normie, which is very lucky, but it's barely going to make a difference. It's a minor factor.

>> No.13291774

>no fast food
>no alcohol
>no soda
>cook my own food
I'm poor so it helps

>> No.13291779

>you spend more maintaining body temperature .. than you do from metabolism
buddy what do you think metabolism is. i think you're confused, BMR forms the majority of the body's energy expenditure lol

>> No.13291797
File: 90 KB, 714x714, 1522342083769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of coffee do you guys know of a brand that actually tastes good black? My Dad buys bags of Peet's dark roast at Harris Teeter and it tastes like poop.

>inb4 Starbucks

>> No.13291811

i always try to post this in thinspo threads or to people who struggle with weight in any thread or board because i know the pain of feeling unhappy with yourself and how it can affect your self esteem. loving yourself is very effay, even if self loathing might seem like it :)

>> No.13291813

I can barely put on fat even if i want to. I also find it hard to put on muscle.

Its good that I'm not fat but I'm too skinny.
My shoulders look pretty big so it makes my arms look smaller, you can also see my ribs.
I also go on /thispo/ threads to accept my body type because I really hate it honestly

>> No.13291815

watching what I eat, but I also exercise a lot
I run about 50-60 km a week and ride my bike to and from uni

>> No.13291818

how are you (/ your dad) brewing it?

>> No.13291827
File: 283 KB, 585x752, coffee maker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has this as well as a bean grinder.

>> No.13291840

I only gained weight when i was vegan, it definitely is no guarantee

>> No.13291855

i don't know what that is but i'll assume it's some form of espresso machine

if you have the money for it, buy a freshly roasted bag of beans from a local cafe or roastery, probably doesn't matter too much which. if it _still_ tastes that bad there's probably something wrong with your machine or your method somehow

>> No.13291856

Pretty much this. The people who say "I lost so much weight going vegan!!!" are typically the ones whose omnivorous diet was absolute crap to begin with and then they made healthier choices after going vegan which is why they lost weight. But there are plenty of obese vegans. Veganism =/= healthy unless you make the right choices.

>> No.13291865

It's a regular drip coffee maker lol, but instead of a pot the coffee fills up in a tank inside the machine and you push the handle to poor it into your mug.

>> No.13291869

i'm sure there are many obese vegans but as a general trend, vegans are probably more considerate about their food and what goes into it than the average non-vegan, obviously for vegan reasons but i imagine that makes them more discerning (better) eaters i imagine. i'm vegetarian and looking at ingredient lists all the time for the purposes of avoiding meat / gelatin / rennet coincided with opting for healthier options in general.

>> No.13291892

Idk I just never liked high calorie foods or sweets so I never eat them

>> No.13291904

>tfw eat whatever I want
>train 5 times a week

Stop being retarded. Train hard and you can get that big fat burger in your mouth instead of some weak ass soy boy salad.

>> No.13291991

this post lol

>> No.13291999

Very good metabolism (That will eventually shit out) and lifting three days a week.

>> No.13292031

I believe it. My whole life I've had people call me lucky for being thin, but I think I'm just more conscious of portion size and meal frequency. I prep most of my meals too, so I know exactly what I'm eating.

>> No.13292047

>6'2" 150 skellymode
>tfw 6'0" and 120
Should i off myself?

>> No.13292049

Don't give up anon, get a binder, it'll get you pretty flat if your chest isn't too big

>> No.13292057
File: 106 KB, 601x601, 1463431049005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to slim down from being skinnyfat and this persistent lower belly fat is killing me

Just go the fuck away

>> No.13292071

I have an eating disorder, GERD and severe anxiety. 6'1 150 so not really thin but not a whale either

>> No.13292074

i'm skinny and can't gain weight. my roommate and i basically have the same lifestyle, we occasionally go to the gym and play basketball but maybe once or twice a week and we both eat like absolute shit. he's complaining about weight gain and i'm complaining about weight loss.

i always had a fast metabolism but now i'm starting to think i have a tapeworm or something.

>> No.13292075

tfw around 180cm, 66kg but still kinda skinnyfat

>> No.13292078

My cousin is 5’11” and 110 and looks okay. You could be worse.

>> No.13292082

I have fats processing problems, all I can gain is muscles, I wish I can have a least 8-9% of body fat.

>> No.13292087
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>> No.13292090
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>> No.13292094
File: 125 KB, 3000x2000, Ultimate-Chocolate-Chip-Cookie-Dough-ice-Cream-Celebrating-Sweets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13292107
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>> No.13292113

I went from 135-120 in 1 month by eliminating all fluids except water, no pork, no dairy, no junk food/ snacks. I still eat my normal meals without counting the calories

>> No.13292115

is this supposed to look appetizing

>> No.13292119

I know they’re sunflower seeds but they look like bugs on my tiny phone screen.

>> No.13292140

i love eating sunflower seeds out of old chinamans hands

>> No.13292163

God will do it for you soon enough

>> No.13292168
File: 9 KB, 240x240, 7634256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no appetite because of a disease and I'm already skinny as fuck

>> No.13292181

wanna be my gf

>> No.13292198
File: 60 KB, 486x588, 1521915652318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight up this

I don't smoke or take drugs, and drink occasionally (i.e a couple times a month)
No coffee, just tea
That and a very inactive lifestyle lmao, leaves the body desiring less food
That's the secret to being skelly and pale

Yep, doing some calisthenics can help if you want to look toned.

can confirm

>> No.13292215

But why? If it's to make myself more attractive then it defeats the purpose by looking at best silly, at worst dishonest when I take my top off. If it's for self confidence then I dunno about you but I'd be pretty self conscious walking around with that on all day.

So yeah like I said, I've given up. I had pizza and cake yesterday, was a good day.

>> No.13292227

Go to /lgbt/ and ask the ftm trannies about binders, they’re pretty convincing underneath clothes.

>> No.13292230

Don't know. I've always been like this without actually trying

>> No.13292240
File: 135 KB, 436x425, mfw no frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Be working out for years and eating a shit ton of food
>Can't gain a single fucking pound
It is litteral hell, la

>> No.13292241

>perfect weight and bone structure to become trap
>too tall to trap @ 6’1”

it’s an abstract kinda feel

>> No.13292247

I used to think I was eating enough, then I counted calories when I started working out and realized I was getting around 1000 a day, sometimes less.

I eat 3000 now

>> No.13292249

I’m 6’0” recovering fatass. Was 175 pounds and muscular (not quite six pack abs but reasonably lean) in high school as a football player, but ballooned up to 230 and 30% bodyfat in college after quitting sports and discovering beer. Down to 198 now, and just over 20% body fat. It’s a process but you can make it if I can make it. That said, pay attention to bodyfat % more than weight as people have different frames. I have a fairly large/wide bone structure so 140 would be dangerously low for me, but most people my height could go that low without problems. Aim for 8-12% bodyfat if you’re a guy. Don’t know about women other than theirs should be higher.

>> No.13292258

i actually strive to gain weight, how do you fatties even do it?!
also sage

>> No.13292267


I am so happy to be who i am.

>> No.13292273

>i actually strive to gain weight

enjoy some dessert? snack on some cheesy puffs?

>> No.13292280

Go buy some at your local roastery

>> No.13292283
File: 47 KB, 444x326, nick walmart sea salt caramel truffle ice cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go to Walmart or any supermarket and buy inexpensive big format ice cream container. Eat the whole thing over the course of the day. Next day buy a new container of ice cream. Repeat every day. Enjoy your gains.

>> No.13292296

Squats and oats

>> No.13292332
File: 23 KB, 434x438, 1520122986102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw skelly and look 15 regardless of what weight I am at

>> No.13292426

I'm 6'5" and 130lbs.
pretty sure skelly mode is when you're on the "severely underweight" side of BMI

>> No.13292454

I mean, you can't see it under your clothes and even if anyone did it just looks like an undershirt. Can't speak as to taking it off since I'd never choose to be naked in front of someone, but I doubt they'd care that much, it's on the same level as a girl wearing a push up bra or w/e, you wouldn't kick her out of bed for having smaller titties than advertised, would you?

It's your life though, enjoy that cake and pizza and future poor health, I guess.

>> No.13292459

worst poster ever

>> No.13292460

yah bastardized person lmao

>> No.13292522

Fuck off, Igor. Weren't you just saying a few weeks ago that you choose food based entirely on fat/protein/macro goals?

>> No.13292536
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the goal is to bulk up without the acne

>> No.13292551

Meh, I have no desire to be healthy anymore. I was fighting a losing battle against a body that hates me, so why not give up on the battle and win the war with beer and red meat I say.

>> No.13292572

Yeah depression is the best diet

>> No.13292634 [DELETED] 
File: 419 KB, 1696x1440, 20180409_160049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a core?

>> No.13292635

I was always skelly and depression made me fat
ok now tho

>> No.13292638


>> No.13292656

I've got an intestinal issue where it has trouble extracting nutrients

>> No.13292741

I have a good metabolism and I go boxing two to three times a week + skateboarding when it's nice weather. Lucky for me that I don't really like sweet stuff besides soda, so I almost never eat cake, haribo or stuff like that.

>> No.13292772

Jesus Christ don't recommend adderall when you know half this sub is underaged. Literal amphetamines kinda have more side effects than decreased appetite.

>> No.13292781

i have GERD so cant eat sweets (which yeah is probubly why im not a fatty) shitt is nasty anyway when your not used to it. but yeah ive started eating lots of oats doe

>> No.13292852

I went from being 124 at 5'2 or so for years to 109 in a very short amount of time. Possibly due to extreme stress. I like my body more now but my face looks too thin and somewhat gaunt now which sucks. My dark circles are more prominent. Wish I could just increase facial fat while keeping my body lean. inb4 thinner face is better, I'm female and I think girls look better with a bit more of a soft round face.

>> No.13292861

I haven't eaten a proper breakfast in almost a year now. Other than that, like other anons said, good metabolism, quality food and a decent amount of exercise.

>> No.13292865

are you a gorilla?

>> No.13292870

this is the autistic shit you have to do with shitty metabolism

>> No.13292878

You are completely clueless, aren't you.
Do you think normies out there who are fit are fit because of their genetics and pushups? The answer is no. They are fit because they count calories religiously.

>> No.13292880

Shitty metabolism is the result of shitty eating habits. If you exercise and avoid processed shit, you will shit like clockwork.

>> No.13293047

dark circles on a chick are hot in my opinion, it tells me that the chick in question actually has energy to devote to something, the types who do can usually handle shit without being a mess I have to cater for anyway.

>> No.13293051

I don't consume sugar, 2 meals a day, drink a lot of water and have good genetics.

>> No.13293052


>> No.13293054

the only "good genetics" is being born healthy and white

>> No.13293056
File: 4 KB, 299x276, 1248546877237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to see what you look like right now.

>> No.13293110

It only looks good on certain kinds of people and mine aren't only the shadows, they're the hollow tear trough kinds from lack of orbital support. So no, they don't look good.

>> No.13293113

Vegan diet and laziness, I can't be bothered to eat enough calories

>> No.13293273
File: 89 KB, 600x970, damn-daniel-secret-behind-his-white-shoes-ftr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are we skinny? bro how are you fat

It logistically makes no sense how can you be fat you have to constantly be preparing, buying, cooking meals its so tiresome.

Im trying to gain weight and its so time consuming you have to be eating basically every 1 / 2 hours of the day

>> No.13293290

Nuts are great for gaining weight.

>> No.13293292

deez nuts

>> No.13293293

have the self control to not stuff yourself you fat shit its litterally that simple

>> No.13293295

same im trying to gain weight aswell but i cant fathom how people manage to eat so much without feeling sick constantly

>> No.13293312

Which is better for losing weight vegan, or keto.

>> No.13293316

Fat fuck here, I eat after I get sick, it's an addiction.

>> No.13293410

tfw can't tell whether skinny or skinnyfat

>> No.13293414
File: 42 KB, 434x640, orson-welles1-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be able to eat like shit AND be skinny at the same time

fuck this gay earth, man. I'm gonna go full Orson Welles at like 40 or something, fuck it

>> No.13293420
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 1522239547197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


W-we're all gonna make it, right lads? Seriously though, my stomach looks like a fucking balloon has gone off inside. Even if I lost a lot fat there it just sorts of stick out. Is this a medical issue? I'm not really fat anywhere else except my thighs and ass

>> No.13293465

>not feeling the desire to exercise
>considering going on a week long fast to put a quick end to my skinnyfatness

bad idea or nah?

>> No.13293477

try omad and maybe do a salt water flush

>> No.13293483
File: 393 KB, 1142x985, alduschained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just walk around a lot, smoke, and have not enough money to eat a lot.

Just got a gym membership tho, because exercise feels nice.

>> No.13294006
File: 44 KB, 540x540, 1504424586663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why fat people are so fucking disgusting sometimes

you have to constantly shove food in your fat fucking face every half hour because you have zero self-restraint or ability to starve off immediate pleasure for future rewards

btw im 6'2'' 130lbs and even when i TRY to eat as much as possible i don't gain any weight
makes me sick trying to eat so much god damn food no idea how you fatties do it

>i eat 3 800 calorie meals a day
>which are huge fucking meals btw
>still don't gain weight cause i need 3000 calories+ to start gaining

>> No.13294363

the struggle is real. seriously i spend half the fucking day cooking and eating.
im ironically skinny because im to lazy to make food all the time and taste standards require i make something delicious which takes time

>> No.13294389

That’s fat as fuck, I’m 5”10 and 125lbs and that’s not even my lowest

>> No.13294403

Genetics. I’ve always been skinny af (never skinnyfat), though I must say I eat a lot less than the average person and I used to walk very long distances on the daily for most of my lfe until recently when I got a car

>> No.13294413

>im skinny because im to lazy to make food all the time

Same, this is how I keep this bod OP

>> No.13294422

I haven’t really eaten breakfast in the last 3 years : /

>> No.13294433

no one's naturally thin or fat. there's something called the laws of thermodynamics. normal, healthy people can't stuff food in their face and have it just disappear into nothing

>> No.13294454

Genetics, light food, walking, sometimes exercise.

>> No.13294456

For you, OP.

>1. Cut down your meals a third or so, it will become your new baseline within days and you won't feel hungry. This is provided you have meals that are putting you around an average weight range.

>2. Walk to destinations whenever possible, I do an hour or more a day. Exercise, lifting weights at home is the easiest choice. Not hard to start.

>3. If you must deal with extra unnecessary hunger, just drink lots of water, fills a hole just the same.

>4. Drink 3+ coffees a day. I've gotten looks for that remark, and though your body will baseline the energy and it won't make a difference, it will still artificially increase your metabolism. I wouldn't recommend though, more than 5 fucks my head, and until a few weeks ago I drank 8 or equivalent in caffeine per day. Withdrawals kept me bed-bound for a day.

Within the months thin life will start to be on the horizon, and this method is easy to keep when you start. It wasn't even intentional for me, it's my normal, but my BMI is 17 right now, for males. Buy some clothes to compliment it, and enjoy.

>> No.13294562

Barely eat anything
Black coffee, cigarettes
Do drugs, especially stims (basically cheat codes for losing weight)
Walk everywhere bc live in a city
Dance at parties on weekend
This has worked for me and I’ve been very thin and pretty for the past 4 years. Also genetics like fast metabolism help

>> No.13294816

I used to be 260 lbs, now im 160. Just count your calories and STOP DRINKING SUGARY SODA

>> No.13295378

What kind of stuff do you eat? Like what do you avoid?
I'd like to do something similar since I know I'm overweight since I eat like shit, but at the same time I'm not autistic enough to count calories

>> No.13295391

I've embraced my bags desu
That and being pale as fuck.

>> No.13295832

Hory shet I found my body double (sort of, I'm 6'1")

>> No.13295834
File: 443 KB, 846x900, 934bc72e-d464-4678-80dd-e5db7e7c759b..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga literally doesn't exercise and wonders why he's fat

>> No.13295835

>exercise is the main way to lose weight

>> No.13295846


If you want the ottermode physique you need to exercise otherwise you'll just look skinnyfat.

>> No.13295852

if you're unwilling to even jog you'll be skinnyfat. marginally better than being normal fat.

>> No.13295855
File: 363 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180404-011450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't do jack shit all day, but I've had a fast metabolism for the past 21 years. I'll probably get a beer gut like my dad once I hit 40, he never worked out/never knew about "calories in, calories out" so I've got a chance unless cancer takes me earlier

>> No.13295856

Kilos or lbs? because if that's lbs im sorry anon but a max deadlift of 200 is pretty damn weak, and if you're talking kilos then you're morbidly obese my man
As for losing weight, diet is infinitely more effective than exercise, but a healthy combination of both is ideal. I'd recommend counting calories/macros and continuing the weightlifting. Also your uni guaranteed has a gym so it's actually one of the easiest times in your life to find time to lift unless you work full time as well or something

>> No.13295861

High metabolism. It’s genetic. Don’t worry about being a little larger, buddy, (boy/girl) you’re fine the way you are. Don’t diet to lose weight. Just do core strengthening except sides and you’ll lose some. But DO NOT ABSATIN FROM EATING. It’s bad. Everyone has different body shapes. There’s a difference between obesity acceptance (bad) and being healthy and a little larger but not obese. There’s an area between dying of heart disease and underweight

>> No.13296793

I'm poor as fucking shit

>> No.13296897

i'm too lazy to make anything to eat

>> No.13296943

no excuses, in 5'7" and 99lbs

>> No.13296949

I just stopped with the sugary snacks and soda.

The metabolism thing is bullshit. Not counting extremes, it varies very little between people.

>> No.13297019

You fattys not willing to change your lifestyle can go fuck off to mfa where they'll accept your sad, pudgy bodies

>> No.13297090
File: 217 KB, 748x1068, 1512946157776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of losing weight is diet - there's a lot of misinformation out there so be careful and stay informed of your diet choices/ caloric intake. also if you're a pretty sedentary person make sure u eat less calories than you are now.

>> No.13297132


that's not even funny

I'm 192 cm and my weight never was below 74 kg.

I can't even begin to imagine how much of a skeleton you are.

>> No.13297197

lol, I just gained a good amount of weight, but while losing weight that was pretty much the life -- without the cigs tho.
Honestly, just skip breakfast and do coffee. Make lunch p small and have a decently sized dinner. You should still jog tho.

>> No.13297222
File: 144 KB, 945x565, tumblr_owyf49Bm3N1rd4l1io1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good metabolism, coffee, no eating

>> No.13297603

I just ate a protein bar even though I was full. 200 extra calories for no fucking reason. Why do I keep sabotaging myself?