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/fa/ - Fashion

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13187349 No.13187349 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/, do you feel bad for ugly people?

>> No.13187361

No. especially when they are trannies like the pic you posted.

>> No.13187360

i am ugly people

>> No.13187366


>> No.13187368

No I hate society for allowing us to exist

>> No.13187374


>> No.13187377

i just ignore them like everybody else.

>> No.13187381

Of course, because I'm human.

>> No.13187384

i want this thing and sminem to breed

>> No.13187388

Feel bad for most /fa/ggots

>> No.13187410

I wouldn't have children if I knew they'd be ugly

>> No.13187450

I feel pretty bad for ugly friends. i think they deserve better

>> No.13187750


>> No.13187752

I feel bad knowing they want to get into a relationship and I feel bad for being kinda handsome and not wanting one.

>> No.13187758

Honestly I'm rather ugly and I still manage to get into relationships. Usually ends with us either growing to become too different or she turns out to be a lying two daced whore; Typically it's the latter.

>> No.13187760

no i only feel detestation for ugly people with high standards and lack self awarness

>> No.13187762

Good god I should spellcheck.

>> No.13187771

The scary thing is they are all two faced shores but they only show it to ugly people :'(

>> No.13187774

Well then even more reason for me to stay away from relationships

>> No.13187788

so THAT'S your excuse

>> No.13187799


>> No.13187818
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lol jk kys ugly fucks

>> No.13187850

Yep. Being born average or anything better is pure luck. Being proud of it is the equivalent of being proud of being born.

>> No.13187852
File: 17 KB, 408x612, 172168695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly people are not allowed in /fag/
Be handsome/decent or GTFO

>> No.13188071

Fighting ugliness is a war on multiple fronts
Used to be a dyel with acne, bad teeth, terrible posture, I was borderline mute
I fixed my teeth, went ottermode, worked a shit ton on my posture, minoxidiled my beard, derma rolled my scars, coached myself to speak to an audience
All within about three years, proper posture was absolutely what helped the most though. Now people look shocked when I say I don't always like how I look. Still feel ugly half the time but the world doesn't reflect that anymore

I feel bad for the genetically ugly, but I can't pity those who whine all day and do nothing to improve themselves
Accept it or fight it, don't be a victim

>> No.13188195
File: 137 KB, 500x331, 1509929087154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did all of this as well. Accutane, braces, posture, learning to speak and the whole nine yards. people are never shocked though, and im still p ugly desu.

i've shown my face to two sets of online friends, and both of there knee jerk reactions are "woah you're ugly". and then they always feel bad an apologize.
i've gotten over it now though, guess im just ugly.

>> No.13188258

of course. it's the worst disease you could possibly have.

>> No.13188361

Same as every relationship whether youre ugly or not

>> No.13188363

>posture is what helped the most though

Good to hear, im currently working on that. Problem is i have every posture problem possible.
Forward head, hunched shoulders and anterior pelvic tilt.

Gonna be a bitch to fix.

>> No.13188367


>> No.13188368

I feel bad for good people who are ugly

>> No.13188383

She's not a tranny

>> No.13188386

I need to see a picture now.

That goes for all ugly fucks in here. Post a picture so we can judge you.

>> No.13188509

nah, good looking get shat on too. its how all relationships work

>> No.13188512


>> No.13188558

Got this feeling as well. I ain't even model-tier gorgeous, but an own sense of style and strong self confidence make you outalpha others quite easily nowadays

>> No.13189019

I'm skinny fat (working on it) I've got bad skin & I look like I have Marfan's Syndrome but I still end up with more girls than most of my friends.

So yeah I feel a bit bad, but then I realise that they're insufferable faggots and the reason that they're uninteresting is their own fault.

I wanna tell them to stop mouthbreathing, to lose weight, get a hobby, and that undercuts look fucking horrible with fat cheeks, but what can you do?

>> No.13189264


>> No.13189269

I hate average people, they have the worst personalities

>> No.13189402

i'd fuck this girl desu
i wonder what kind of faces she makes during sex

>> No.13189467

I have that girl's nose
I hate my Russian blood so much

>> No.13189516

you kinda sound like my current love interest.

>> No.13189523

I feel bad for fat people only.

>> No.13189736

not this :)))

>> No.13189744

I empathize with them. But no, the only thing that makes me sad is seeing a fat person or ugly person realizing they are fat and/or ugly.

>> No.13189799

oh don't worry. they know since forever

>> No.13189853
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Ugly cunt reporting in

>> No.13189873

What isn't cool is when people who have a strong sense of self and are quite confident (which of course is helped by being handsome/attractive) belittle people who aren't so naturally fortunate, based on some idea that it's ok because they're not as pretty or good looking.

>> No.13190005

Yes, because I am them

>> No.13190038

no, they're usually dumb

>> No.13190067

lots of so called "ugly" girls are actually very pretty

>> No.13190089

ugly women yes

>> No.13190102
File: 884 KB, 1637x3054, 20180301_065030-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, my time to- well, not shine, but at least show off my distinct lack of luster

(hopefully i don't look too underaged, i turned 18 recently)

>> No.13190113
File: 213 KB, 566x524, uglyaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13190126

this guy here again, i get the feeling that if i put some effort into taming my hair, worked off the skinnyfat and stepped up my skin game a bit i wouldn't look half bad

>> No.13190150

cmon man dont beat yourself up or anything not that ugly.
yup. do it.

>> No.13190629

i kind of feel the opposite.
theyre too bland to be complimented to the point of an over the top ego, but too good looking to be bullied in to an inferiority complex.
if you are their first romance they are kind of a blank slate and allow you to nudge them into the person you want to see them become

>> No.13190638

Your hair is remarkably better than mine. Fix your
facial hair
skin (there's not much to fix)

>> No.13190656

i keep forgetting to trim my nails/shave my face, what do you recommend on the hair? i'd rather avoid the fashy high-and-tight. also, what's wrong with the eyebrows, man? i thought i won the gene lottery on those.

>> No.13190660
File: 89 KB, 438x1010, 16825740_1344689962256345_2829124606350609909_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you have it pretty good, OP. All things considered.

>> No.13191237

I wish they had an island of their own, all the ugly people in the world would fit on it and still have room to spare
some factories, water treatment facilities, farms, residential areas, all to make them busy and love there among each other without any look into the normal world so that they evolve thinking they are beautiful and the rest are ugly

>> No.13191251

Just lose some weight and work out your arms a bit to compensate for your wide torso and you'll be all set.

>> No.13191413

You're fine. Just unlucky because you have to put a little more effort that "pretty people". Get another haircut, go to the gym, and try not to dress like a dad. Add a nice fragrance, wash you skin daily and put on a cream and ur good to go really.

>> No.13191422

Your face, especially your eyes are actually quite descent.