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/fa/ - Fashion

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13164525 No.13164525 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /fa/ cities in Europe? My parents offered me a trip to wherever I want in Europe for a weekend, was thinking about Paris but maybe Monaco or somewhere in Italy? What do y'all think.

>> No.13164527

Milan is good. Berlin is a meme.

>> No.13164528

>Milan is good
Very very boring city desu

>> No.13164557

What is your pref then? Milan seems fine, Italy in general looked alright

>> No.13164600
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What’s the best and most /fa/ city where a burger can get by with fluent Spanish?

Follow up, what’s the easiest to learn after Spanish? Italian or french?

>> No.13164610

>weekend trip to Europe
Unless you are European the flight is not worth it.
Anyway I would say Copenhagen is pretty /fa/. Though in reality most cities are filled with people that don't care about fashion, non-whites that rock shitty hiphop clothing and tourists.

>> No.13164618

Italian obviously, portuguese is even easier

>> No.13164621

Depends on what you want. Madrid is most /fa/ in the clothing sense. Barcelona is full of European students on exchange so you can bet your ass it will be vintage central.
My suggestion is to check out Sevilla.

>> No.13164664

Italy is great, would recommed either Turin or Milan for a weeked. Milan is more /fa/, but Turin is great too and the view from the basilica is absolutely breathtaking.

>> No.13164696

Honestly just either Paris or London, assuming you haven't been to either of them before. Although Milan might be interesting for a weekend, I was there for a whole week so maybe thats why I found it boring.

>> No.13164762

For history you can't beat Rome. Shopping, London, Paris or milan. For culture London or Berlin. For somewhere fun, Budapest

>> No.13164816

Donostia is the best city to visit in Europe to be honest.

>> No.13164962

Thank you friends. I will check these cities out. I live in a pretty large college city in burgerland and kinda want to move out.

But maybe I’ll try and visit Milan and Donostia for vacation.

>> No.13165000

Milano is a meme. All they have is the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II and since nobody else can afford the rent it's just full of expensive fashion brands you can find in any city.

>> No.13165907

since it's off season Rome could be pretty nice if you're into big cities.

>big city

>> No.13165914


>> No.13166031

t. someone who spent 5 minutes in Milan by accident

>> No.13166109

Prague is effay, Vienna isn't.
Budapest is effay. Going to Germany isn't effay.
Firenze is effay.

just my two cents because I visited these places.

>> No.13166116

if they pay for everything paris or london, if you want to get the most out of your money come to berlin

>> No.13166119

don't do that, OP.
Berlin is a shit meme indeed.

>> No.13166209

Budapest if u aren't that drunk British man who always bellow at larm

>> No.13166212

Prague and Budapest are not effay. They are interesting and nice destination regardless.

Vienna is effay. It is where the European cultural elite goes to.

>> No.13166216

Milan was just ranked as the best city priced world city compared to wages. Places like Amsterdam, London, Stockholm or NYC are far, far worse.

>> No.13166218

Remember that lots of shops in Paris are closed on Sundays. Maybe plan to see art that day and do shopping on Friday/Saturday

>> No.13166222

design week i milano is fucking insane
its an orgy of design, fashion art etc. stay clear of the main event thing and only go to the smaller exhibitions, you'll get tons of free Italian food and get to see the best designs in the world before they even drop.
> prada foundation
one of the best art galleries ive ever been to.

nope. fuck this place its waaay to cold and dead here atm, gotta wait until spring at least.

i was just recently to Budapest and i though it was pretty shitt, its been hipster gentrified and now its all deep pan pizzas and hipster cliques also >no good art galleries

> Berlin is a shit meme indeed.
> tons of tons of galleries (theres one in an old nazi bunker that also used to be a homoclub)
> great cheap food
> insane history
> best clubs in Europe
generally the city just has great vibes as long as you stay in kreuzberg and neukölln

>> No.13166223

>generally the city just has great vibes as long as you stay in kreuzberg and neukölln
If you ask any German/non-hipster Berliner they tell you to avoid those places if you don't want to get swarmed by Spanish/Israëli tourists and annoying people in general.

>> No.13166228

humm okey its been 5 years since ive been there, was there in winter too. It didnt seem that touristified back then?
> hipsters
> 2018
isnt just everyone hipsters now?

>> No.13166229

>one is in an old nazi bunker
You need to reserve like 3 months ahead of time to get tours at the Boros Sammlung in English though lol

>> No.13166231

People calling berlin shitty are the same one that got rejected at Berghain

>> No.13166236

I call Berlin shitty. I'm from the Netherlands myself and I think the general looks of a city are very important if you want to live there, and in that sense Berlin is really ugly. It's grey and run down, also one big mess.
I understand that this is the whole appeal of the city and I like being there for a short while, but I really miss the neatness of Dutch cities after a while.

In comparison I really like Oldenburg and Münster.

>> No.13166238

well that sucks, cant you just read the texts instead though? b-b-but berlin used to be so good, i miss the drug infused techno binges

>> No.13166244

You obviously don’t get it, so you must be a normie or a pleb, so what are you doing here?

>> No.13166249

Normies and plebs are the ones visiting Berlin so they can drink beer in some stupid bar with gender neutral toilets and do XTC in a dumb technoclub that was cool in the 90s.
This whole 'depressive and run down post-Industrial nightmare full of interesting stuff' fad is fucking outdated.

>> No.13166251

Nah, it's only tours of 12 people because of fire restrictions or something. Also I guess because it's a really weird labyrinthine building and a private collection, they worry people will get lost / mess with things.

I've done the tours in both English and German though and both were good (luckily the exhibit had changed in between). If anyone DOES decide to go to Berlin and has time to plan ahead, I'd recommend it.

If you're going on your high school graduation trip and you're freshly 18 you might not get into any of the good clubs, which tend to be 21+

Copenhagen has some really good restaurants and museums but it can get really expensive

>> No.13166254

I would say that Paris is /fa/ but be carefull about the district.
6-7 districts are really fa while 18-19-20 districts really aren't.
Still remember that there are many /fa/ people in Paris. But remember that they are from Paris, so they are (for the most of them) arrogants people.
If you would talk to fa people or fuccbois in the street, think that many of them are acting like this:

I said that but I really love Paris, and i wish you to go there but visit districts and ambiance with friends, and if you have friends living in Paris it's even better.

>> No.13166262
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its seriously been grey and cold like this forever
wait until spring/summer

there are still some pretty good clubs on the outskirts of berlin though? just get to know some locals

>> No.13166265

>outskirts of Berlin
Now I'm not an expert on Berlin and have been there 3 times but to my understanding it's mainly sleeper districts without much going on.
They're super cheap too so 2 out of 3 people living there are Slavic/Muslim. Not the type of people interested in experimental techno clubs.

>> No.13166314

not an expert either but roomate is born and raised Berlin kid, talked about it with him a couple of days ago and he said that there were quite a lot of clubs in the outskirts and even further out. He mentioned this old factory somewhere a 45 min from central Berlin that apparently is the shitt, open air old factory ruin in some forest sorta thing

>> No.13166317

>It is where the European cultural elite goes to.

mhmm, sure...

>Prague and Budapest are not effay.


>> No.13166325

europe is a shithole in general

>> No.13166358

If by effay you mean a city that is the most fashion-forward, then there is no discussion possible, just go to Paris. I do not know a single city having aneven arguably better lot of boutiques, local designers and fashion related exhibitions. Also since Paris is small as fuck, everything is dense and concentrated. This means that you can really get the most out of your time there, instead of wasting a third of your trip in transports like you would in London for instance.

>> No.13166422


but everything worth seeing in london is within walking distance ya poof

>> No.13166442
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>> No.13166444

Rome is full of Nigerians

>> No.13166499

It's true.
Prague and Budapest are to Vienna what Amsterdam is to Copenhagen.

>> No.13166550

Prague and Budapest are shit

stop romanticizing obscure easter europe shitholes

Bilbao is nicest city in Europe imo, followed by Copenhagen and Barcelona, neither are /fa/ per se, but they are gorgeously nice

>> No.13166612

>For culture.

Literally burgers and kebabs everywhere you go. Even in the fucking metro

>> No.13166728

Can anyone tell me if Dublin is effay?

>> No.13166770
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Madrid obviously, don't come here though. Foreighners are gentrifying the center with Airbnb and inflating the real estate market to even bigger proportions than before the crisis. At least don't come through airbnb, it's not even shared economy, it's tax avoiding apartments. Nobody actually lives there

Bilbao, Donostia and Granada are also god-tier

>> No.13166786
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My nigga. Took this pic from the top.

>> No.13166793

These are probably illegal secret raves.

>> No.13166834
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I like Dublin (but I do live here)

>> No.13167042

All this is good, good job anon.

>> No.13167045

> great cheap food
kokk, I can see you're a burger. The rest is true though.

>> No.13167233
File: 232 KB, 673x427, lyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to go to france, skip paris and go to lyon.
>culinary mecca of france
>not nearly as crowded as paris
>the quais
>no parisians
>and many more

>> No.13167368

fuck off Amerimutt

>> No.13167376


>> No.13167392

yo lad i am from belgium and school offered me to do exchange course on either Aalborg or odense,how are they compare to let's say Copenhagen? Worth it?

>> No.13167400

Italian is pretty much spanish 2.0, it sounds better and doesn't have that gay ñ stuff

>> No.13167417
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Nigeria is full of Romans

>> No.13167427

Stockholm and Copenhagen in the summer or spring. Both have tons of local labels with relatively obtainable prices.

Paris and all the southern European cities are memes. I've spent a lot of time in Paris and besides a few very high end stores there is nothing fashionable about the city itself. Paris is dirty in general, has subpar restaurants, generic bars and cafes everywhere, terrible clubs.

>> No.13167443

this.Pretty much every Germanic cities are effay

>> No.13167474

yep no.
>no where near the number of quality restaurants compared to Paris
>small city
>nothing fa, nothing interesting apart from a small part next to the hill
>filled with right wing lyonnaise

Only reason to go to Lyon is to go see the biennale, but even that is getting worse.
source: living in france for a long but not french so i can be objective.

>> No.13167484
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>has subpar restaurants
has over 70 michelin star restaurants and started the whole neobistro movement few years ago
>there is nothing fashionable about the city itself
apart from the fact that it is the home for most of the world's most important fashion houses
>terrible clubs
this is true. but everyone goes to party in warehouses and strange places outside of peripherique so who cares?

Also has the most beautiful women in the world so there's that...

...i smell jelly...

>> No.13167499

absolute facts
where are you from, out of curiosity?

>> No.13167506

>Prague is effay, Vienna isn't.
Reverse it

>> No.13167509

>Bilbao is nicest city in Europe imo
Literally only a bilbaino would say something so stupid

>> No.13167537

>has over 70 michelin star restaurants

Of course it does. Every oil sheik and Chinese banker has an apartment there. Paris is a great city to be in if you're very wealthy. But as far as a reasonably priced weekend getaway, you're better off eating anywhere else, including other cities in France.

>apart from the fact that it is the home for most of the world's most important fashion houses

Irrelevant for 99% of the city and again, reserved for ultra rich visitors from the emirates who are there to shop. Is there a lot of design going on? Yes, but it doesn't spill over into any significant part of the city.

>Also has the most beautiful women in the world so there's that...

I think this might be the first time anyone's ever said this about Paris, definitely not true.

>...i smell jelly...

Nope, girlfriend and her parents are Parisian. I'm there quite often and while it's not the worst place in the world, I would never recommend it for a trip, ever.

>> No.13167571
File: 86 KB, 960x540, Paris & Belgium (570).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent four days in France and loved it. Paris, Albert, etc. Wouldn't recommend it for only a weekend though. Four days was barely enough for myself.

Paris is fantastic though. I plan on returning after college. Just don't take shit from the Gypsies and you'll be fine.

Shitty pic from the top of the Eiffel. Loved that shit.

>> No.13167624


Please if you go to Paris and try to be /fa/ don't be a fucking tourist.
At least no Eiffel tour, and no Louvre museum. It's so crowded that if you aren't the chinese guy who takes pictures everytime you won't really appreciate.

Centre Pompidou in Beaubourg is /fa/, even if you don't have money and go to the free part of the museum (-1 level, enter and take the stairs on your left).
All the Beaubourg district is also /fa/.

>> No.13167744

/fa/ north american citites:

san francisco
maybe new york

end of list

>> No.13167952

nyc is /fa/ in a counterculture kind of way

>> No.13168152

if you come to copenhagen

leave instantly

t. copenhagen resident who thinks we're full and you should fuck off, dumb smelly tourist scum

>> No.13168171

Asheville is far from effay

>> No.13168673


>> No.13168675



>> No.13168989

Most /fa european cities (in no order)

>> No.13168995

>thinks Bilbao is a nice city but not Prague or Budapest
you're fucking retarded mate. Prague and Budapest aren't obscure eastern euro shitholes, you've clearly never been to them. they're very cosmopolitan cities, with a mix of eastern and central european feel
this. fuck all the brits on stag-dos that come piss all over the city after their beer-bikes and go to fogas and other shitty places being obnoxious as hell

>> No.13168999

>Prague and Budapest are not effay
>Vienna is effay. It is where the European cultural elite goes to.
You're embarrassingly behind the times senpai. Vienna is boring as fuck. BP and Prague have an authentic feel, and sick underground scenes. Vienna is dull and an old person tourist city

>> No.13169000

fucking moron
NYC yeah but asheville? lmao

>> No.13169116

>t. provincial pleb
Keep on dreaming, peasant

>> No.13169121

I've lived in both Paris and Lyon. The fashion scene in Lyon is not even remotely 1/10 as interesting as the one in Paris.

>> No.13169154

I can't say for the school but city wise definitely smaller, Odense and basically all of Fyn is just where you go on the way between Jylland and Sjælland. I'd lean more towards Aalborg, that area is pretty cosy.
Sorry for long post

>> No.13169158

lmao love talking to drunk Americans when I'm drunk on a bytur though. Kinda agree though

>> No.13169200

>Paris is dirty in general, has subpar restaurants, generic bars and cafes everywhere, terrible clubs
Truly spoken like a pleb. Don't blame the city for your own inability to find the places to be.

>> No.13169214

>does not know about the dozens of reasonably priced high end restaurants that are popular among Parisians
>has never stepped a foot in the marais and is clueless about the vibrant local designer scene
>has shit taste in women
>does not live in Paris and only comes there as a tourist every now and then
I forgot why your opinion is supposed to be relevant

>> No.13169277

>you're better off eating anywhere else (than Paris)

Sorry dude but I work in the restaurant business in Paris and this is definitely not true. Maybe you don't speak french? Or maybe you just don't know how and where to look?
You can find anything from 3,50€ to 350€ in this city, delicious in the both ends of the spectrum. I'd say the general menu price entre+plat / plat+dessert should not be (at least much) more than 20 € in the most interesting places at the moment. I would look away from the stars, because once a restaurant gets one, they tend to rise the prices because the tourists will arrive to eat there.

What makes Paris unique in the world are the ingredients, nowhere else in the world you can find such a variety of quality ingredients available on any given time. I guarantee anyone working in a kitchen will testify to this.

I guess parisiennes are not that horrible since you have one too...

>> No.13169394

This faggot gets it

Since I am currently in a good mood I'll share with this clueless faggot >>13167537 two interesting tables in Paris :

- Spoon (an affordable gastronomic bistro held by much renowned chef Alain Ducasse)

- The big mamma group (a whole set of Italian restaurants, each of which has its own atmosphere and speciality ; my favourite one is Pink mama near Pigalle)

You can have a truly outstanding meal at any of those restaurants for around 30€

Of course these are nothing but a drop in the pond, if you do your research properly and ask to Parisians who are not absolute plebs you will find an immense shitload of similar places

>> No.13169409

thank you :)

>> No.13169411

this is kinda the same with every city though, you need to know where the fuck youre going. It just seems like Paris is a city where, in particular, if you just explore randonly youre not likely to have much fun

>> No.13169518

you ever been to Farm in Tallinn? I was blown away, not least because it was a good 20 euro cheaper per head than the average restaurant in the city centre despite being 10x better food

>> No.13169666

Currently living in Madrid. Used to live in Granada. Both great cities, prefer Granada as a place to live but came to Madrid for reasons.

>> No.13169727

Asheville isn't a bad place, but in the end it's really just a small town that's trying to keep up. San Francisco I can't really stand, but that's because of the people. I love Montreal for the culture and environment, but the people dress like they are still stuck in the eighties. New York is wonderful as well. I'm partial to Chicago because I've lived my whole life here. Every neighborhood is different and it has great cultural attractions. Most people dress like shit, but that's true of any city.

>> No.13169738
