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/fa/ - Fashion

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13146461 No.13146461 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 0 matches on tinder
>tfw 22 year old kissless virgin

do i give up or is there hope ?

how do i get /fa/

>> No.13146465

Why do you even ask if you're fat? It's not like you tried your best and are at wit's end. Lose weight THEN make this post

>> No.13146473

i did lose 50 pounds before making the post

>> No.13146474

Some people such as myself and presumably the OP cannot lose weight due to the sheer amount of work needed for our metabolism and muscle stores. Plus my condition is genetic so I would appreciate you not being a fucking wanker yeah?

>> No.13146478

is that person trans?

>> No.13146480

Oh so you hate trans people

>> No.13146482

22 year old straight man

>> No.13146483

no i was just wondering because of how feminine that person looks

>> No.13146486

i can't help changing how i look, can't grow a beard and don't want to pump in testosterone

>> No.13146487

Spoiler: you're still fat, lose more weight. Congrats tho.

If that's your affliction then fuck off, get a job, and wagecel until you get enough money to either take care of that or be a sugar daddy.

>> No.13146489

start by not wearing /v/ necks

>> No.13146491

Read up on inceldom and the black pill.
Fact of the matter is that unless you are a solid 8/10 no femoid will ever find you the least bit attractive. Best case scenario you get rich then when you're both 30 and it's past their prime they'll resentfully marry you for your money. While it still fucks the occasional Chad behind your back.

>> No.13146492

Nice one man how long did it take and do you lift?

>> No.13146493


Salty ham planet detected.

Just jog more and eat less you manbaby.

>> No.13146497

I am still working on it, it takes months, i'm 6"1 btw


Can you please suggest me a range of clothes so i can change ?

>> No.13146501

it took around 8 months i did cardio and lifting for a little over 3 months then i couldn't handle the routine anymore, i'm aware i'm a nerd, i take engineering, i don't think i'll ever be able to become a lean and muscular dude

>> No.13146517


>> No.13146520

I do compsci and while I'm very far from Schwarzenegger I managed to get decently toned you just have to keep with it. I believe in you

>> No.13146523

Literally just eat less for a few months and you'll see abs. Jesus Christ, for a "nerd" you sure seem retarded.

>> No.13146527


so a nice body will mask my ugly face and change the dating game ?

>> No.13146529

your face is covered in lard. how do you know if you're ugly or not? lose the lard, then judge.

>> No.13146531

Your face will be fine after you get rid of the fat covering it. Also, seeing your body change will definitely boost that confidence you lack.

>> No.13146539

fix your eyebrows

>> No.13146548

The only ugly thing about people is their attitude

>> No.13146549

what's wrong with them ?

>> No.13146553

Girls reject me before i even introduce myself, so i think it's being ugly and fat/feminine like the guys ITT have pointed out

>> No.13146558

You posted a picture of yourself on 4chan you are going to get roasted regardless of what you look like

>> No.13146570

I would try shorter hair and metal rimmed glass (not black). your current combo accentuates your lesbian look, esp when you wear v necks and leather. try to develop a less stereotypically queer fashion sense in general.

besides that, like others have said, lose weight. you could also try minoxidil to grow a beard. for the love of god, don't apply the minox to your hair line though.

>> No.13146573

don't get me wrong, my feelings aren't hurt, that was an objective statement

Thank you for the advice!

>> No.13146609

please reconsider trt, srs

>> No.13146620

I am skinny but my face is chubby.
what 2 do?

>> No.13146626

beard is DHT conversion more than testosterone levels. People like you are why Test abusers end up with bitch tits.

>> No.13146632

its all about maxilla

>> No.13146639

You should cater your tinder profile to a specific type of girl instead of just all girls. And stop swiping right on everyone because that lowers the chance that your profile will show up on their tinder. Most important rule: don't just write "hi".

>> No.13146646

i'll do that but i didn't get matched with anyone so far :/

>> No.13146649

Your body isn't even the problem

My ugly as fuck friend who's an art student gets hella pussy famlam.
go /thinspo/

>> No.13146671

You probably should go to /fit/ first.
Just looksmax

>> No.13146684

>being this hurt over a question

>> No.13146703

You sort of look like Bruno Mars or Mark Cuban

Try emulating those guys.

>> No.13146709
File: 52 KB, 720x540, C4uSI_bUoAEGA4k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do exactly as this anon says
no v necks
thinner glasses
fix your eyebrows
Just keep losing weight

but the most important thing nobody will tell you is:
-Stay away from 4chan

This is a cesspool of tryhard autistic fucks who pull eachother down to feel better about themselves.
Just look at this thread, your post was looking for legit advice and the only thing they are doing is attacking you.

Take what you can from this website, stickys, and inspo threads mostly and then leave, because this website will have an awful toll on your image and self steem.

That is the first and most important part in your quest to become a better and improved man.

With that being said, you do have plenty of hope.
I was just like you, 6'4'' 265lbs mexican cringey fuck with no facial hair and absolutely no sense of fashion. Lost 65 lbs, got /fit/ but most importantly i developed a self steem which helped TONS with women

Also, you look mexican, are you? so i can pitch some brands to you.

And dont take tinder so seriously, a lot of the people in there have heavy issues (and thats why they [and we] are in the app), create a funny bio and dont start your convos with "hello" cus that is creepy af

>> No.13146722

Yeah, at this point is just ignore such remarks and just focus on the point desu

No i'm an Arab from north Africa

Something like this ?

>> No.13146772

You look very feminine

>> No.13146795

This is what the incels whining on here look like? You fags arent even ugly youre average, its your self defeatist attitude causing you to be a virgin.

>> No.13146843

That still doesn't clarify whether you're trans or not

>> No.13146894

good point

>> No.13146900

You look fine. If you are so desperate to find someone, make profiles on other dating sites. Trust me, you'll get matches.

>> No.13146943
File: 614 KB, 596x599, Screen Shot 2016-12-27 at 20.32.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh genetics

You are fat because you take in more than you burn

>> No.13146947
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Tumblr manlet detected

>> No.13146958

your hair, glasses, style, and demeanor all make me think you're a butch lesbo

>> No.13147217

All of this OP. Good advice.

>> No.13147261


Honestly, you don't look too bad. Just lose some weight and maybe reconsider your leather-jacket/v-neck aesthetic.

>> No.13147273

>muh genetics
This will help your "genetics" fat ass.


>> No.13147279

You look 16, also lose some weight. No need to get fit or starve just so people cant notice your fat neck.

>> No.13147301

You should ditch the glasses and wear contacts or stay with glasses and get a thinner frame
Lose more weight
Go skelly mode my dude, try to skip dinner
Reduce portions ditch the sweets
get new clothes
I recommend browsing a bit on here and pick out what you like

>> No.13147329

>Arab from north Africa
Aren't Arabs from Arabia though

>> No.13147340

Honestly, swap your glasses for some wire rim round shit. Somewhere around 44-46 mm.
Also, give that v-neck to goodwill and get yourself a nice dark grey turtleneck, preferably some cashmere silk blend.
Good Luck!

>> No.13147385

you need to start hitting the gym m8 no offense but I thought you were a dyke when I opened this thread

>> No.13147643

You're not ugly but you should definitely hit the gym and try to not look so feminine

>> No.13148583

And the swedish are from syria, whats your point?

>> No.13148652

I would pound your ass so hard.
t. faggot

>> No.13148673

I mean if you keep complaining something might change right?

>> No.13148773

There's nothing wrong with v-necks my guy. This guy is just unattractive.

>> No.13149006

Like almost everyone said here. Dude, you look like a butch lesbian. Fix that

>> No.13149264
File: 98 KB, 816x816, bigboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you don't need a beard trust me. Don't wanna be rude or like everyone else, but your best bet would to become /fit/. I know it's a very strenuous road and very easy to give up even if you feel you have the drive to do it - but it's the best thing you can do.

>> No.13149288

You clearly have potential, just have to get skinnier

>> No.13149289

you're a fat fuck, but aside from losing weight you tub of lesbo-lard.
>short, back and sides haircut / buzzcut
>get a pair of glasses that suit your face (round face + glasses + google search)
>get rid of the fucking leather jacket, you do not look good in it
>get rid of the fucking v-neck, you do not look good in it.
>buy some PLAIN shirts that suit your complexion.
>buy PLAIN dress pants.
>get some fucking smart shoes that match a belt you own, or will soon.

There, you look almost good.

>> No.13149311

>Lesbian haircut
>SJW glasses
>V-neck striped sweater... thing
>Ugliest possible leather jacket
Shave head lose weight dress plain smash 5/10's kill self

>> No.13149336
File: 108 KB, 800x587, s2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like a girl.. Go to a nu-male clinic or something..

>> No.13149357

Eat less you fat sack of shit.

>> No.13149576

Buzzwole is such a Chad

>> No.13149595


lol nice excuses. There's no genetic condition that makes or keeps you fat.

>> No.13149601

>she starts sending me audios and shit
>talk with girl about meeting the weekend
>"sure anon that would be awesome!"
>last conversation where she doesn't reply anymore
>deletes me from tinder/deleted her account or whatever
>delete her number and move on because fuck that
>taking a nap
>wake up with one of her texts saying "hiii"
What the fuck should I do here?
I have no clue what to do.

>> No.13149608
File: 210 KB, 2048x1152, la-et-entertainment-news-updates-july-turns-out-larry-david-and-bernie-1501176723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently ive been trying to gain weight for muscle growth, it takes up so much fucking time i dont understand how fat people exist - to get like 2500 calories a day you need to spend like 3-4 hours of your wake just fucking preparing and eating food. Its such a fucking hassle and its so boring how can you even be fat it makes no sense logistically

>> No.13149612

>nothing wrong with v-necks
lmao. post fit

>> No.13149614

don't respond, find another date, the world is not in short supply of available women.

>> No.13149617

My plan was to not reply at all but I was weak.
Specially since I was getting shitty luck with tinder.

>> No.13149627

Just forget about her, she's clearly only interested in attention. She just likes being on her phone. Don't fall for any sob stories either.

>> No.13149633

>girl always starts the convo
do they seriously expect you to carry their boring ass personalities?

>> No.13149648

Or just meetup and fuck her
Like really who knows something could have came up or she could have forgotten
Your a man don't get assblasted over some little shit like a girl you hardly know blowing you off once
Girls play hard to get like that it's because they want a man who will be dominant. If anything spank the shit out of her for ignoring you and then don't call her after

>> No.13149650

Fuck, I got out of a relationship of 15 months, so I'm still in "training wheels" when it comes to getting a laid but thanks for waking me up anon.
I'll probably call her out on her bs and fuck off.

>> No.13149659

They probably drink a lot of sodas and other calorie dense junk which is easier than eating clean to 2500 cals

>> No.13149680 [DELETED] 

They eat fast food, prepackaged food and junk food, a lot of it is high in sugar or carbs. And they don't do shit besides go to work/school and stay at home and eat more food. If you're trying to eat clean it's going to be harder for you, that's why some people spend their weekend doing meal prep.

>> No.13149691

They eat fast food, prepackaged food and junk food, a lot of it is high in sugar or carbs. And they don't do shit besides go to work/school and stay at home and eat more food. If you're trying to eat clean and workout it's going to be harder for you, that's why some people spend their weekend doing meal prep.

>> No.13149706

how do I stop dating vapid girls /fa/?

>> No.13150148

u look like a fat lesbian, so work on that ig

>> No.13151148

Date one of your female friends

>> No.13151179

Well, here's how you do it
- don't listen to /fa/ for fashion advices, you'll end up looking like an emo with cancer
- keep losing weight, congrats tho
- try using your personnality because you're obviously not gonna get laid with your physical atributes (don't be cringy with grils)
- lower your standard, you're a 5.5/10 so don't try 8/10 chicks
- if you can get your body mass index on the "normal" category, i'm pretty sure you could get up to 7/10, so try that