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13112816 No.13112816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I obtain the Alt-Right look?

>> No.13112819

Be a faggot and spend a lot of time on reddit

>> No.13112831

Spend a lot of time on krautchan

>> No.13112852
File: 100 KB, 1080x737, IMG_20180121_132243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop shaving, showering
eat a lot of food in your basement
whine about how women don't love you because of feminism (pic rel.)
blame the jews
only go on your own echo chamber websites, insist that it's the leftists who are insular
that should cover the basics, but my book can show you the rest for only $39.99

>> No.13112857

(Shave your head + terror wave - face mask)^autism

>> No.13112882

Be a loser/societal reject. The depression that follows will cause you to stop bathing/grooming yourself, and you'll start blaming minorities for all of your shortcomings as well.

Then just dress like a fucking retard. Here's the really important part though. Make sure you call everyone who isn't alt-right a soyboy to mask your huge amount of inadequacy.

>> No.13112930

I know a girl who dated Styx, she says his car was full of empty red bull cans

>> No.13112949

Dress well. Have values. Crush ass. Gas Jews.

>> No.13112952
File: 344 KB, 1000x1292, WEAK FEAR STRONG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blame the jews


>> No.13112957
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you buy the clothes the alt-right people wear, then you wear them.

>> No.13112973

can you relax

>> No.13112976

that's odd because about half the alt-righters i've encountered hate the jews anyways. i guess that's where the alt-right is like, say, BLM? loosely organized and thus devoid of core principles aside from those put forth by closeted hyper-tryhards like richard "punching bag" spencer, that is

>> No.13112980
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>> No.13112989

isn't the main ideal of the right wing conformity? also, i really dig your style even if i don't agree with you on everything, it's interesting and unique

>> No.13113000

>interesting and unique
I... I guess.

>> No.13113007

>>13113000 (czeched)
yeah, it's better than the namefags on like /an/ for example, /fa/ has this guy, the chick with the wacky edc, and lunarchan! all /an/ has is bugguy, and he's the boring kind of autistic

>> No.13113042
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bro my post had nothing to do with what you just typed. OP wants to look how an alt-right person looks. To achieve this you wear what they wear, simple as that. If he was concerned with looking original, then he wouldn't be making this thread.

its a bait post anyway. save the autism for another time.

>> No.13113048
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>> No.13113051

what in the fuck is going on

>> No.13113071

The 20-something loser demographic is attracted to the alt-right because it revolves around humiliation. The alt-right projects sexual humiliation (cuck), emasculation, (soyboy), and weaponized disgust. That's what their worldview is centered around, and it's what many of these young men have been marinating in for their entire adolescence. They feel sexually humiliated, they feel insufficiently masculine, and it's the only way they know how to relate to society in general. These guys haven't done anything to take advantage of their privilege, let alone defend it. They understand humiliation, and the entire world is a middle school locker room to them. They feel humiliated, so they try to humiliate others.

There are other flags and causes, of course.

1) Confirmation bias and the availability heuristic. Racist and other objectionable material is more likely to be featured here things that are not racist or otherwise objectionable. The presence of this obviously detectable racism causes some folks to vastly overestimate the the overlap between racists, alt-right, RedPill/MGTOW and incel communities. That isn't to say that there isn't some overlap, but one must be careful not to draw too many conclusions from the biased sample of things you see around here.

2) The enemy of my enemy is my friend. While the connection between these groups tends to be overstated here, they do share a common enemy: the dreaded SJW. Political tribalism might cause some folks to reach out to any ally they can find when attacked, ignoring the downsides of the racist ideology that they emit.

3) "Tyrone" makes a good scapegoat. Of course, some of these folks start to buy into the racist ideologies and blame folks of the come other race for taking all of the white women, leaving none for themselves. This is also the usual objection to interracial relationships.

>> No.13113076


>> No.13113081


Most incels that I have seen have developed some level of authoritarian personality need.

This likely stems from their perceived notion that they are victims, martyrs, or are the group of people deserving of the most pity.

That psychological dynamic, I would wager, is born from an incel's perceived lack of control; of their facial features which they may dislike due to low self-esteem (or more seriously, body dysmorphia), or of their life trajectory going nowhere due to high levels of depression or anxiety. Incels with smaller inferiority complexes are most likely going to be less prone to racism and bigotry.

To make up for those feelings, you can develop an authoritarian personality, which makes it okay to victimize others through total (and unreasonable) control as a means to better your situation and relieve your anxieties. It is, essentially, a coping mechanism.

The 'others' in this scenario are people from groups outside similarity to the average incel. Similarity can be more of a feeling than an objective measure of like or dislike kind. You'll notice incels using the 'No True Scotsman' fallacy a lot, showing open hostility to any self-proclaimed incel that does not give off the right 'feeling' of an incel- someone slightly taller, someone slightly richer, someone with a slightly fuller hairline, etc.

So, it's no wonder they treat other ethnicities poorly if members of their own group are too 'other' for them to feel comfortable participating with.

Incels want to feel in control. Because they can't control the economy, or socialization, or the government, they talk about dominating and controlling groups that, historically, people like them have been able to control: Women, children, and non-white ethniticities.

Dominating those groups makes up for a lack of domination or success in other fields- romance, school, home life, work, career, League of Legends/Overwatch rank, etc.

>> No.13113089

Keep in mind that while true domination is not possible for them to achieve, incels often employ cognitive dissonance so as to help worm their way into actually believing that more successful people than them are 'inferior' because of traits the incels do not possess, like female gender or black skin.

These are beta males to an exponential degree. The soyest of boys has nothing on them, for they have internalized and become consumed by their own volition. Not only are they natural born subordinates, they crave it, on a deep seated level that controls their lives and their approach to social situations.

Don't be angry at them.

Pity them. There is no lower excuse for a man.

>> No.13113100

While a lot of incels are privileged, that privilege only goes so far. A white male with mental illness (depression, body dysphoria) might be better off than a non-white male with mental illness, but would still be worse off than a healthy white man (and maybe worse off than a healthy, socially-connected non-white). It's not so much that incels are defending privilege so much as they are resentful of not having the privilege they think they deserve.

Racism also provides a convenient excuse. White incels blame Jews on account of their broken perception and desire to attribute their own failures to some monolithic entity, leaving them devoid of responsibility..
Or perhaps they blame black men for taking white women. Asian incels do the same for white men. The common unifier is that it's always someone else's fault (which is the essence of racism).

>> No.13113112
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>Heh, what you mean is actually the opposite of what you said. I can tell because I took the words you said and changed them around. Checkmate altright.

>> No.13113114

the alt right supports pedophile homosexual jew milo yanniapolous

>> No.13113117
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>> No.13113123
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>> No.13113125

I mean, this stuff is all obvious to any functioning adult. You worded it equal parts elegant and hilarious though.

>soyest of boys
i lost my shit

>> No.13113128

virgins roleplaying

>> No.13113156

Good, I'm going to copypasta this stuff and bunch more into every thread poisoned by these closeted betas.

Everyone else should too. Mock the living shit out of these evolutionary dead ends. Fuck it, hold on feeling any pity for them until you personally feel such an emotion is warranted.

Pathetic, these children. I know that most can see right through them to that ugly lkernel of hardwired self loathing, past the clouds of inward shame masquerading as imagined superiority, and just kick them in the balls.

Every time.

Every fucking time.

Let it become an effay tradition. I know i will celebrate until their sour milk stench is clear from the board.

>> No.13113181

That seriously needs to happen. I come here, as I have for 4 or 5 years now, for fashion inspiration. Racism and rampant inadequacy is nothing new to the boards here and it doesn't offend me, but these motherfuckers shit up EVERY SINGLE THREAD, soyboy this, niggers that. Everything is about race or who is above or below who on their imaginary scale of inherent value.

I wonder if they even know how infuriatingly pathetic they come off to people who actually have interests beyond political contrarianism and bigotry.

>> No.13113186

I'm doing it right now.

Every thread I can find. These chumps are as bad at constructing argumentation as they are at socializing. They're gonna be easy as all hell to humiliate over and over and over again.

Until they get the message.

>> No.13113806
File: 1.58 MB, 320x240, 0568C352-2DF1-480B-8479-CBA3FAB67AF0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U mad?

>> No.13113823
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>> No.13113833

my sides fucking hell how will they ever recover

>> No.13113956
File: 23 KB, 424x417, 1517319897162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*skimreads authoritarian personality and thinks he's smart for poorly regurgitating decades old critique of basic healthy gentile culture*
WoW, tHiS gUy iS woKe!

>> No.13113990
File: 299 KB, 498x498, gloriousaryanmasterrace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The notion of a "healthy" culture is central to the shifting of responsibility and general disconnection that the alt incel employs to cope with a reality in which they are forever the victims of social corruption and that old friend, "impurity".
My favorite example of the 'purity' paradigm taken to its inevitable endgame involves a European royal family by the name of "Habsburg". Any number of printed works concerning European history will tell the story of the Habsburgs.
They were an Austrian royal family that made its way into Spain during the Renaissance. After their arrival, the Spanish Habsburgs were so bent on keeping their bloodline "pure" that they ended up inbreeding themselves to death.
Spain's last Habsburg monarch, Charles II "the Bewitched," had a laundry list of physical and mental disabilities that rendered him unable to talk until he was four or walk until he was eight.
One particularly well-suited deformity was Charles' oversized "Habsburg jaw", which nearly rendered the poor man unable to chew his own food. He was also infertile, which led to the War of Spanish Succession after he died.
His autopsy apparently found that his body “did not contain a single drop of blood; his heart was the size of a peppercorn; his lungs corroded; his intestines rotten and gangrenous; he had a single testicle, black as coal, and his head was full of water.”
Similar fates have befallen the so-called "pure bloods" in other societies, as well. It is usually the byproduct of xenophobia and shrinking genetic variety. The most notable example of gradually self-inflicted mental retardation and physical deformity is probably the stunningly inbred Afrikaners in pic related.
Genes aren't like wine in the sense that you can age and remix a small number of batches to consistently produce an excellent and refined product. They mutate, they decay. They produce broken creatures with a desperate need to make human connections and an eternal, self-invoked inability to do so.

>> No.13114011

>racist people inbreed because they are racist meanies XDDDDDDD
>please breed with foreigners

>> No.13114013

>kick them in the balls
this projection, someone kicked you in the balls in highschool didnt they?

>> No.13114053

It honestly disappoints me, these infinitely repeated examples of just how stunningly bad incels are at merely insulting people and shit-talking.
Social functions have always been beyond boys like these, but if you were to live the way they do, would you be any better? you should have some ability to quip, jab and barb, but boys life these two always come up short.

Spending all your time on the internet with steam or pornhub is not a recipe for a silver tongue, but in years, I've yet to see any of them come up with a good burn - they always start at playground insults ("Chad must have kicked you in the balls in HS") and from there, it's a short jump straight into misogyny, racism and rape threats. Alt incel boilerplate, if you wish. It's always the same progression. words, patterns, cadence and frustration.
I am left to assume that it's a complete lack of wit and imagination, which in many ways a root cause of their larger problems and in other ways a byproduct of them.

>> No.13114111

jesus christ
poltards are getting BTFO like I never seen
this is hilarious, I almost feel bad for em

>> No.13114115

bullet in your head

>> No.13114119

give it time. you'll be the racist uncle someday, OP

>> No.13114123

тyпa пaжилoй мoдник

>> No.13114173

Дpyгoй cepдитый мaльчик пoтepян и бoитcя cвoeй cкpытoй гoмoceкcyaльнoй cтopoны.

>> No.13114176


I am sort of a Chad IRL, dating has always been quite natural for me, and I tend towards authoritarianism. Only to the extent that it stablizes and makes my life easier though.

I don't believe that a need for control and order is unique to incels. it is more universal and natural than we are told. But I definitely agree that is is amplified to a more toxic level with them, and is more common among them.

I dont think its wrong to want hierarchy and order but there is a rightful disgusted reaction against those opinions when the holder of such opinions is a neckbeard who couldnt even rule over his own habits and fears.

>> No.13114182


>> No.13114196
File: 46 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ти шo cкaзaл пpo бopoвa мaлaлeткa

>> No.13114240

looks like a big slop of shit

>> No.13114489

What’s your address? I’ll send you a keyboard where the caps lock button isn’t broken.

>> No.13116025


Kill yourself

>> No.13116045
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>> No.13116062
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Be a autistic idiot who hate jews, but don't recognize they own jew leader in they party.

>> No.13116069

Have zero hobbies/interests/aspirations and then go on /pol/ once.

Honestly, anyone that's that much into politics is p.cringe.

Whether they have fluorescent hair and argue about pronouns, or 10 kekistani patches on their mil surp bag.

>> No.13116130

Please stop parroting adorno's bat shit theories. The man is a hack.

>> No.13116136

But that’s nothing immoral nor unhealthy, because humans are fundamentally ethnocentric.

>> No.13116143

Still better looking

>> No.13116148

This one looks like they’re always outside or looking clean and showered. And better faces and mature expressions.

>> No.13116215

No, fundamentally it's independence and autonomy. The left teach social conformity.

Both sides have 'uniforms' since they are, after all, social groups.

>> No.13116243

gain weight/ muscle
dad cap/combed hair
non-skinny jeans
black boots
reddish face
slight anger brow
no soy
a lot of vitamins and too much omega 3s and abacus

>> No.13116249

desu styx looks a lot more like antifa than he does alt right

>> No.13116322

someone's taking the dark knight approach to ridding the board of /pol/scum, i love it
i'm not seeing it
>roman flag
>neckbeard hair
>toothbrush 'stache
>leather jacket
seems pretty starterpack-tier to me

>> No.13116368
File: 49 KB, 564x846, KTZ Spring 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add some KTZ

>> No.13116423

Hello /pol/

>> No.13116463
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Reminder Coco chanel was a nazi sympathizer

Fashion is a response

Much like the alt-right

>> No.13116477

A Noose around your neck is a great accessories for the authentic alt-right look!

>> No.13117311

Good grief you're as bad at this as ever

As opposed to what?

I would like you to give me an example of survival, beyond a Mowgli scenario, with no attachment to forms.

Sure, like the tradition of using the language you inheret, wearing clothes, using a spoon, etc.

All civilized existence entails perpetuation of forms in one way or another, not all perpetuation of forms entails civilized, or gentile for that matter, existence.

Literally not the 19th century anymore.

>> No.13117325

lmao does OiOi still post here

he was entertaining in WAYWT

>> No.13117714

Ok, but what if I have a bias against blacks for outlandish crime and perpetual victimhood?

What if I want Europe to be for the Europeans, and want ethno-nationalism for every country?

What if I desire the United States, or any country for that matter, to be able to dictate its own culture and policies, to restrict immigration or otherwise turn people away because appeals to morality are for the simple minded and naive? Not just for immigration but for other complex issues as well.

What if I think most women today are being stunted and molded into poor wives and mothers by embracing victimhood, relying on vast swaths of external, detached validation, and being subjected into socially gained personalty disorders?

What if I champion the ideas of self-determination and the struggle for control in truly transformative and constructive ways rather than rely on others or on entitlement for things to happen? What if I think equity is an idiotic policy that hurts more than it helps?

What if I believe in all this and am firmly not an incel in any regard?

>> No.13117722

While I dislike incels, you are referring to the absolute dregs of society, the infants that would be cast off cliffs and left in rivers. They are the genetic splurge that survive, enabled by this society. You and I both understand the overlaps of people in these groups. To have genuine sympathy for a man who never lost his way because his was never existed in this world and the reluctant indulgence of woes from an overgrown child who can change his life, but is simply too weak to advance beyond his predicament, and resulting in swift contempt for this weakness and pathetic failings.

I have sympathy for those are truly damned, forced into a hellish life only to die in a puddle of sorry, utterly alone. A life without merit, for the world or for the man.

To further lump all alt-righters and incels as mutually exclusive, that all alt-righters are incels or vice-versa is absurd. Even the diasphora of alt-right itself lends to a diverse range of definitions, none of which tether the meaning to incel. You can admonish all you wish on incels and their political beliefs, but it's disingenuous and simply wrong to attach a permanent association of these political beliefs or leanings as the result of being a simple failure of a man.

I see weak groups and people equally supportive of egalitarianism, of communism and other equality, platitude spewing nonsense. A very significant contingent of communists are transgender or otherwise mentally ill individuals, at least as socially malformed as the incels to whom you attach right leaning sympathies to.

I could just as easily all leftist and other communistic beliefs as the coping mechanism of weak people, unable to function without the state guiding them or them otherwise depending on external sources for survival.

>> No.13117745

>What if I have a bias against blacks for outlandish crimes and perpetual victimhood?
Understand that what you have bias against are criminals in general. Blacks happen to make up a good amount of those criminals, but this does not by default mean a black man is a criminal. The issue with racism is not that the statistics are wrong. The issue is it's fucking despicable to blame someone for something they didn't do because someone who looks like them once did it.
>What if I want europe to be for europeans, and want ethno-nationalism for every country
Will never happen again. Know what the result of that existing in the past was? Constant wars and genocide due to how different everyone was. It'd make the world a shittier place.
>What if I desire the US to be able to dictate it's own culture and policies
It does. The U.S is a culture that came from tons of different minority cultures mixing with white culture. It works, it just takes time. Remove racial bias and cultures will borrow the good while leaving the bad from each other until a universal culture is formed. It's already starting to happen in a lot of open-minded places, but it will not be instant.
>What if i think most women are being molded into poor wives
Don't marry them? Why do you care what others do so much. Women are collectively the most successful they've ever been entirely due to more liberal world views. What you view as good for them is not what they view as good for them. I may think heterosexuality is the best thing, but it may drive a gay kid to suicide for repressing what comes naturally to him. Same shit.
>What if I champion the ideas of self determination and the struggle for control in truly transformative and constructive ways
It's a pretend struggle for control used to cope with issues of inadequacy in your own life. If you were truly happy with yourself you wouldn't feel the need to imagine up an enemy where there is none. Most people of every race just want to exist. 1/2

>> No.13117753

Most people of every race just want to exist without bad shit happening. Extremists on the other hand are entirely worthy of being fought against. If you fight for justice but lump in innocents because they look similar to the bad guy, you're the bad guy. You know how in North Korea they kill/enslave entire families because one person in said family did something very frowned upon? Nationalism in the ways of the alt-right and neo nazis is the same thing on a much more grand scale. Condemn the bad, weed out the good. If you condemn the good with the bad you create more extremists and criminals.
>What If I believe this and am firmly not an incel

Believe what you want mate, at the end of the day that's your choice. If you achieve your goals one day you may have a view that doesn't align with the world you've created.

And you wont be allowed to think anything otherwise, self imprisoned by nationalism, condemned by the group if you speak out. The minorities are gone but nationalism needs an enemy to exist and provide validation.

And so the criteria for enemy expands to include you.

>> No.13117768

>Understand that what you have bias against are criminals in general. Blacks happen to make up a good amount of those criminals, but this does not by default mean a black man is a criminal. The issue with racism is not that the statistics are wrong. The issue is it's fucking despicable to blame someone for something they didn't do because someone who looks like them once did it.

I don't blame every black man for the generalized crime, I am more weary and less sympathetic to their struggles, especially in the context of police or systemic brutality because of their incredibly disproportionate crime.

>Will never happen again. Know what the result of that existing in the past was? Constant wars and genocide due to how different everyone was. It'd make the world a shittier place.

The result was societies that had to be strong to survive. The result was the modern world as we know it which is undeniably built on a European foundation. I don't discount the Arab worlds or other empires, but the step from pre-renaissance to now is due entirely from European conflicts and struggle forcing betterment for the sake of survival.

The point is a conservation of culture, to which seems incredibly important when it comes to modern day non-white countries, but a mere pittance and acceptable loss for progress in white countries, for which appeals to morality and notions of ethnic diversity being an ultimate good with no unwanted effects rule.

You seem to conflate the restarting of a European ethnic identity with the bearings of a power struggle a hundred years dead. Europe is past it's prime in global power, doesn't mean that I want it to slough off its unique and important culture by putting the identity and needs of impoverished third worlds above its cultural preservation.


>> No.13117783

>societies that had to be strong to survive
The result was hardship that led to innovation out of necessity. This is not to be strived for. Innocents dying for the sake of 'being strong' and having your country massacred due to some misguided masculine ideal is something that smart minds do not want to experience again. The time you live in is not a bad time. In all likelyhood, living in the times you're referring to would probably have resulted in your untimely and painful demise, and if not you at the very least a loved one.
>Conservation of culture which seems important to non-white modern day countries
Culture doesn't cease to have existed because it changes. That only happens if history is destroyed, which i can guarantee you would happen if nationalist groups came to power again, as it's happened every time in their past. You can celebrate past culture and embrace new culture at the same time, the two aren't mutually exclusive. Things ARE going to change no matter what you do, it's a pointless and misguided battle. And understand that it's a battle that takes that exact thing away from others by happening. Non-white nations are less accepting of foreigners because they're behind ours. it's as simple as that. If those places get on par, you'll see just as many migrating to them. Foreigners coming here is not to spite us because we're white. It's because they recognize that their own countries are more fucked than ours. There's no inherent issue to this. The issue lies with them getting here but not wanting to alter their own culture. I agree there, that shouldn't be allowed. The good part about this though, is that despite maybe the 1st generation of foreigners in a western country being closed off, you can guarantee their kids wont be.

This is a problem that can be solved by exactly what you oppose because of the problem. You don't like how they don't integrate? Making them feel unwelcome certainly wont help them integrate.

>> No.13117788

What will help them integrate is inviting them to take part in your culture. Keep in mind, we've been entirely closed off to foreign cultures, completely unaccepting until maybe the past 40 years or so. 40 Years is not a long time in the grand scheme of things, and it's ALREADY getting immensely better.

>> No.13117793

>It does. The U.S is a culture that came from tons of different minority cultures mixing with white culture. It works, it just takes time. Remove racial bias and cultures will borrow the good while leaving the bad from each other until a universal culture is formed. It's already starting to happen in a lot of open-minded places, but it will not be instant.

I see this as happening within "white cultures," cultures of Europe descended Americans intermeshing into an eventual white identity. My theory is that a similar background within cultural and religious features allowed this happen, this melting pot. Do not misunderstand me, the melting pot did wonders for American culture. The modern day equivalent is the salad bowl because non-euro cultures are significantly different than the homogenized white culture of America. The shedding of hispanic or eastern asian or african culture faces a high cultural cost to merge into vaguely monolithic culture. To do so will be the loss of both cultures values, not necessarily for better or worse. A loss of identity is hurtful because the human mind is built to work on identity, to which it's strongest as an identity in contrast to another. Furthermore, the culture of America will diverge from what I value, which is found in the liberty-stricken, and meritocracy wringing european derived mishmash of white america.

>Don't marry them? Why do you care what others do so much. Women are collectively the most successful they've ever been entirely due to more liberal world views. What you view as good for them is not what they view as good for them......

I won't, I found trad-con women who I will. I care because many are unhappy, and a society of women lacking matriarchal wants or needs will either wither or die. Just because women are successful in traditionally masculine terms of commerce and jobs does not mean they succeed as women. A loss of gender roles may seem freeing, but its leading to unpleasant things.


>> No.13117794

national socialism is the answer NOT nationalism or facism

>> No.13117807

>the culture of America will diverge from what I value.

It will certainly diverge from what you value if you give more open minded citizens of this country a reason to spite you. It'll diverge from what you value no matter what happens. Society evolves. What you're telling me you want is for that to cease to happen, and there's no scenario in which that happens.

The options are an evolving culture that is inclusive of everyone and leads to less extremism, violence, crime, etc. Or an evolving culture that includes the 'in-group' which, if you don't evolve in the exact same way as, you become the enemy. Your concern is a legitimate one but the option you suggest to deal with it historically results in the worst time for everyone.

>I care because many are unhappy
As is the state of humanity. It's not your responsibility, job, or even within your ability to tell people what they need to do/act like to fix that. Understand that you may truly feel that way, but it's your opinion, and it's baseless in regard to everyone who isn't you. I could tell you what you really want is a ham sandwich right now, that's why you're sad. That's why you're worried about the state of the world.

I could tell you that, but it doesn't change the fact that you're the only person who can decide if yourself is hungry or not. I mean no offense when i say this, but that kind of thinking is absolutely worthless.

>> No.13117828

Also, just to address what I mean by societal evolution happening in nationalistic countries, i'll give an example.

Say your agenda, whatever it may be, rises up via nationalism, gains support, achieves victory. Say your countries leader agrees with your goals and authoritarianistically enforces them. This is fine for you. Say that culture gets to a point where it becomes societal norm for men to violently rape their own daughters.

(This is extreme but it's just to illustrate my issue with nationalistic tendencies).

Now, in a more liberal society, something like this happens and you may have a group for it, and a group condemning it. They call each other names but eventually a decision is reached on the subject. In a nationalistic society, if the leaders are in agreement with the immoral act in question, and you try to protest or denounce it, the results are as follows.

>He's not a real (group, race, whatever)
>He's a traitor to the cause
>He must be an invalid
>He's a plague on the in-group
>We should do something about him

At which point you either blindly accept what you know to be wrong for self preservation, or you're thrown in a camp, maybe killed in the streets.

look at ISIS
look at North Korea
look at Nazi Germany
look at Soviet Russia
look at China

Thinking what you'd do, and correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm going to guess you think communism has inherent evils that despite not being part of the theory, always happen as a result of the theory being enacted.

Let me propose the idea to you that nationalism, authoritarianism and fascism have the same results.

>> No.13117835

>It's a pretend struggle for control used to cope with issues of inadequacy in your own life. If you were truly happy with yourself you wouldn't feel the need to imagine up an enemy where there is none. Most people of every race just want to exist.

These are not enemies that are poofed into air, they are legitimate critiques and views formed by my life's experience, not some coping mechanism because I am scared from lack of control. I don't have hate in my heart for people from some abstract or baseless group derision. I judge people individually, but I can't help to see problems on a generalized scale.

I refuse to not struggle, to be "happy with enough" or to be complacent in such because it is a weak posture. To simply cease struggling or attempting to improve your circumstances because you deem it enough will put you under the treading of those who relish conflict, competition and ambition because these are the very things that allowed any greatness to be derived from our otherwise fulfilled civilizations.

I am not alt-right, but I hold heavy scorn to communists because of the naivety of their beliefs.

I am not an extremist, but rather someone who wants what you describe as condemning the bad and sparing the good. I fail to see achieving that with the most accepted forms of any real political parties, or even most fringe. It is impossible, bias, corruption or misguidance will ooze it into a malformed atrocity, one that is remembered for its heartlessness or too much of. I don't know the proper solution, beyond luck giving a paragon of society that will administrate peace, but even then, conflict is an inevitable facet of human nature.

As for the rest of your points, nationalism for the sake of identity is crucial to maintain a country, especially the US. Without it, there'd be balkanization and a collapse of what was once the New Rome. Without modern uniting identities, tribalism will overcome as the scale of interactions pitches down.

>> No.13117859

Well, I don't think I'm going to get you to agree with me after making the points I've made, and I'm not going to agree with you.

But this is was nice, wasn't it? Comparing ideas, etc. I'm going to go, but in a last ditch attempt to maybe change your view, I'll leave with this statement.

We compared our ideas in a legitimate way, while staying civil. I don't wish harm upon you and I think it's safe to assume the same for you in regard to me. Understand that this is only possible due to modern liberalism, and if we attempted this even just 150 years ago and in person, we'd be risking life and limb.

One of us may have been killed in the streets for voicing our opinion. This modern freedom we're enjoying of voicing concerns and world views without fear of violence is only due to liberalism and open mindedness.

The societal traits you value directly oppose the ability to do this.

Have a good one dude, it was a nice talk.

>> No.13117866

>It will certainly diverge from what you value if you give more open minded citizens of this country a reason to spite you. It'll diverge from what you value no matter what happens. Society evolves. What you're telling me you want is for that to cease to happen, and there's no scenario in which that happens.

Thus, the entire purpose of traditionalism, to attempt to cease the sway of society, of entire cultures forged and fought for to untested and many times, foreign points. A exercise in vain, perhaps, but then why struggle at all to create and change society if it will simply be re varnished without a trace of your toil and sacrifice? Because it's human nature to compete and fight, for without this drive or reaction, humans would've never survived.

Historically, the "in-group" leads to conflict, which leads to sorrow, suffering, but also greatness and progress. I have little interest in a world where culture and differences are meaningless in order to foster a world unity, which to me is unflinchingly impossible in the first place, because a loss of identity leads to a loss of self.

as to >As is the state of humanity. ...

Your opinion is just as subjective as mine. Your opinions matter to you, and mine to me. In regards to women, I see a pattern and while I don't see a solution that isn't culturally or socially based, my perception of the problem still exists. Beyond the unhappiness that leads to instability in society, the loss of meaning to motherhood and femininity as virtue further hurt the reproductive and general health of a society. While we may be so emboldened to empower women and let people live their lives as per our partially libertarian principles, those who could eventually overtake us or our culture may not foster the same level of freedoms. Thus is the very reason for their triumph over our abstract society.

>> No.13117889

was there a civil discussion? on 4chan?

>> No.13117916

Thank you for indulging me.

If I had to summarize the culmination of my ideology, it was simply that I found a lot more fulfillment and satisfaction from trying to render control unto my life than simply giving it away freely.

A further tenet I suppose is selfishness, that of being generous and open may help someone in need, but eventually, those who were more ruthless or more willing to conquer will not reciprocate, despite kindness given. It is certainly a selfish outlook, that others will compete just as hard, and by turning the other cheek, it lends itself as weakness rather than strength. It's not about control, inasmuch as minimizing vulnerability to those less caring and less gregarious, who may not think twice of letting others suffer if they attain theirs. And thus it does lead to "a whole world blind" as the adage goes, but again, I'm never been much for the morality of it.

I think social liberty is good, to a point. People really don't know what really is good or bad for them in some aspects, but even for the wonderful things it has given us, I think it has it's limits before it indulges the twisted or degenerative. Obviously, people have vastly different ideas of such, and I won't bother sticking my thoughts towards it because it is simply so superfluous to the real vein of discussion.

Regardless, I thank you for the dialogue, even if we have considerable differences in our perspectives.

>> No.13118480


>this is your brain on university

Awesome armchair psychology but my latte isn't going to pour itself. Awesome to see you regurgitate from your gay little textbook in lieu of an argument.

>implying my racist ass hasn't opened 118 vagenes during my time on this planet
>implying I wasn't the locker room bully

>> No.13118524

Pretty sure he used to be one. This whole thing is just a fashion trend. Styx (and us) just want to be the first in everything and always see popularity as embarassing. We all used to be the loudest in feminism and LGBT acceptance, and now we’re the loudest in being capitalistic and “rational” and trump supporting. Just because it feels nicer to be part of the alternative culture, and anything will always seem repulsive to us if it becomes popular.

>> No.13118528

No. Everything will always comes down to “fucking nigger subhuman”.

>> No.13118714

euro-right: terrorwave
ameri-right: cargo shorts, skate shoes, graphic tea, neckbeard

>> No.13120529
File: 249 KB, 800x728, 2AC03492-CFAE-46B3-9689-959A931CEA84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nonsensical normative claims and little to no actual descriptive claims
>ad hominems
You’ve eloquently said absolutely nothing and I’m loving it. Please continue to post your big brain nigga non sense. Your the kind of person who thinks they are the master of the universe because they have read psycho analytic theory.

I want to rape my own daughter? According to only you. You can make as many claims about what we ought to think about nationalism but you never actually describe the moral and metaphysical justifications for it and instead focus on demonizing it because of something you have projected onto it.

Stay mad “dark knight”, I’d like to see you say anything in public but you don’t have the courage so instead you sit behind your key board like the pathetic moron you are repeating adorno to a tee

>> No.13120533

why do you fags have to give names and get all psychological about this shit?

cant i just dislike blacks and jews without having to be part of some "group"

>> No.13120538

These threads aren't even alt-right. Alt-right people don't re-post dumb shit like this, they know there isn't an "alt-right look."
So this guy is either a kekistani retard or he is some leftist trying to make you upset at the alt-right.
These threads should be reported.

>> No.13120539

All these cringe montage pictures really show is people who self identify with their politics are crippled loser-type individuals

someone sticky this you know it's true

>> No.13120546

I think how it works is the "chad level" ideologue doesn't most dumb selfies because he's out enjoying life and being social. Also he is a great career he won't endanger.
The "mid level" ideologue knows he is only normal looking, someone is going to make fun of him for having jug ears or some shit. And he is afraid of getting fired if his picture is seen by a co-worker who gets upset.
The "omega level" ideologue is ugly and also dumb so they have no self awareness and they've got nothing on their plate so they aren't worried about losing a job.

It isn't a thing that is confined to left or right, both sides have a lot of ugly weirdos.

>> No.13120572
File: 13 KB, 290x174, nazi skinhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinheads were infinitely more /fa/ than the alt right.

>> No.13120587

No, it shows that someone that is a opposed to an ideology found a bunch of pictures of it's adherents that are pathetic freaks. You can do this with any ideology.

>> No.13120589

They didn't really work to be /fa/ they were just a product of their times.
For instance the ma-1 is heavily associated with skinheads, right?
Ma-1s were just popular then because they had recently become popular in the civilian market. They were just new and trendy, not something they had weighed against other jackets and decided
>this is what we will wear
Similarly, type 3 Levis jackets are a new jacket in the 1960s.

Physically the pics suggest they were thin and in good shape. This wasn't because they all actively abstained from crap food that we regularly eat today: it was just the culture they were born into.

>> No.13120802
File: 132 KB, 667x1000, Pitti uomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alt-Right look
Doesn't exist. Just dress respectably you fucking sperg. Don't you fucking sink this by being an autist. Rember: optics.

>> No.13120807
File: 100 KB, 497x750, winter street style casual mens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for subtle military inspo if you can. Dress as nicely as you can, if you're a real fashionista type faggot dress with a subtle amount of edge. The alt-right should look respectable first and foremost, and should preferably be identifiable by how classy they dress, as much as that might be a faux pas term.

>> No.13120813

is this jacket available anywhere if so anybody got a link?

>> No.13120822
File: 144 KB, 883x883, Cs_fzG0X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek that guy's a fucking retarded cuck who really needs to get with the program in [current year]

Pic related, notice the silk scarf. The alt-right should stick to ties, silk scarves, ascots and cravats and these should help to identify whose /ourguy/ vs. (((degenerate)))

>> No.13120824
File: 209 KB, 1240x826, men's fashion week 2016 street style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if you need glasses-- either contacts or round lenses. All the fucking soyboiis seem to have square lenses.

Pic related: subtle military inspo, also dark navy. Hats and gloves are a bonus, just try not to look like this mutt.

>> No.13120826
File: 71 KB, 720x1280, cotton linen blend suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13120832
File: 107 KB, 450x750, Stockholm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah-- sharp was the word I was thinking of, not classy. Class is cringe. Sharp is edge.

>> No.13120849
File: 85 KB, 540x540, in london.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit what a load of projection. Can we meme this? Is this the newest freshest pasta?

>> No.13120861
File: 1012 KB, 800x918, Crimean War-era general officer’s frock coat and sash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, also:
1. avoid soy and tap water
2. exercise
3. hitler youth/mens cut
4. no fast food/junk food
that's about all.

>> No.13120885

damn where did u get this me bro

anyways just wear stone island

>> No.13120905

well im right wing and rave to mdma fuelled techno sets every weekend and wear full carol christian poell maybe try that instead of shitposting in /pol/ slide threads

>> No.13120940

Wear a tin foil hat too and watch for the chemlines

>> No.13121981

It's also happening in North Korea right now, not because of "muh master race" but simply because their population is so contained that there is essentially zero gene flow. Apparently something like half of their military aged males lack the mental capacity for military service because of the inbreeding going on.

>> No.13123106

This thread lmao. Alt cucks btfo

>> No.13123162
File: 107 KB, 221x285, o i am implicit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all the projection in this thread

>> No.13123550
File: 73 KB, 901x749, DF3V8F5V0AAgntw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget this

>> No.13123729
File: 297 KB, 1280x720, rs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be yourself

>> No.13123749

This is the dumbest fucking thing I've read in weeks. N. Korea's population is 20 million and they do in fact still have an incest taboo. Island villages with populations of just a few thousand people are large enough that inbreeding is not a serious concern, to say nothing of a country of tens of millions.

There may be some inbreeding going on in some of North Korea's more isolated villages, who knows, but that's true of isolated villages everywhere. Anybody who told you that it's a serious problem for the whole country because of how isolated it is does not even have a humanity major-tier understanding of genetics (because a glance at a history or anthropology book will show you plenty of examples of smaller and more isolated populations than North Korea's that were absolutely fine).

>> No.13123904

/pol/ ruins everything. I hope DA JOOS kidnap every lady /pol/smoker and keep them chained in basements, just so their fantasies become reality.

>> No.13123905

Cool ill fitting vest. Jeez