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/fa/ - Fashion

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13111512 No.13111512 [Reply] [Original]

thread theme:

get skinny or die trying

>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

previous thread

>> No.13111519
File: 52 KB, 600x800, creepychankp9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's your all time /thinspo/ idol?
for me it's creepy chan

>> No.13111522

you either have that thyroid overfunction

or will always stay skinnyfat

>its either alpha genetics
>or beta results

>> No.13111524

N.B. coffee > food

>> No.13111532
File: 32 KB, 433x448, harrygoldfarb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Height: 170cm, 5'7
>Current weight: 57kg, 125lbs

Getting very close to my goal weight thanks to EC stacking. I feel good but I can already feel the impending doom once I stop cycling

Also, I really hate my height so much. Can any other manlets here relate?

>> No.13111616

Do you know a reputable/safe website to purchase Ephedrine?

>> No.13111642

>tfw fat
>tfw anemic anyway
you can never win, can you?

>> No.13111651

Take Sodium, Potassium, Iron and B12. You will feel better.

>> No.13111716
File: 75 KB, 1080x1080, 21910626_496284830728695_5166219992022122496_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i hate myself and i want to die edition

Being alive does suck. I'm not having kids because of this.
Depression = healthy eating, going to the gym, dressing well then waking up and planning how I'm going to kill myself soon. At least I'll leave a beautiful and healthy corpse behind to harvest organs from.

>> No.13111720

Where do you live ? I heard you can buy some on ebay usually shipping from Canada since it isn't "illegal" or as controlled there.

>> No.13111730

5' 9" 128lbs here
I hate my height, i don't know true manlet feels as my proportions are decent. I'm afraid there's not much you can do

>> No.13111750
File: 107 KB, 536x800, lzQvqeS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really see the point in trying to have a life if you're not thin.
Every compliment, word of encouragement, emotional support you get, it's all fake. It's all just shit they say because they feel guilty.
I don't believe my "friends" when they say they love me and care about me. I've been lied to too many times, I've had too many fake friends.

I've concluded the only way for me to have genuine friendships is to hypnotize people with my beauty, to the point where they're subconsciously manipulated into respecting me and caring about me and my feelings.

>> No.13111769

>tfw my birthing hips resurged
Anything that helps against them?

>> No.13111779


>> No.13111782


>> No.13111796

What do you mean by "resurged"? Your actual hip size can't shrink unless you're talking about the layer of fat & muscle that coats them.

>> No.13111798

i fucking love mdma and its hunger suppression

>> No.13111874

186cm, 6'1
55kg 121lbs
What's next ? I feel like I have no goal

>> No.13111876
File: 84 KB, 310x180, bronkaid-product2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh perfect. I get my ephedrine in the form of Bronkaid which they sell at most pharmacies in U.S.

I just go to walgreens in the back and ask for Bronkaid, they ask for my ID, make me sign something and then I buy it for ~$15

>> No.13111904
File: 101 KB, 540x405, 1480898720285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw thicc ass calves, most people would consider my genetics really good but shit I just wanna be a skeleton!!

>> No.13111909

>I don't really see the point in trying to have a life if you're not thin.
I can't brig myself to treat my body like crap no matter how suicidal I'am. I don't drink or smoke or do any drugs. The depression would be worse if I had those type of vices to battle. Being attractive is keeping me afloat. I don't even really care about completing any of my life goals, it all feels useless.

>> No.13111990
File: 3.44 MB, 2985x3749, d19a807728361891a77bae75896effe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please get the fuck over yourself, having friends isnt about having a fan base that showers you with praise and admiration, theyre your peers, people to do cool shit with.

being pretty and thin is nice and can be evocative of what the person's values are, but are you so shallow, it's one of the million things you can focus on. Let people live their fucking lives and if you feel like you should be at the center of what they care about reconsider your life choices.

>> No.13111998 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 657x527, SVTrCMv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In honor of frof,
helo fwamile daly remindar to stey hidhratted luv u soooo muhch tanks bye

B nice!!!

>> No.13112003

>tfw 6'2 / 124 lbs

>tfw didnt get to walk ann d this season cause 'too skinny'

>> No.13112015

Thank you very much

>> No.13112027

can someone explain to me why purging is bad again

>> No.13112035

1. ineffective
2. addictive
3. can fucking kill you
4. see #3

>> No.13112036
File: 139 KB, 758x1197, Egon_Schiele_-_Stehende_Frau_in_Rot_-_1913.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nice some to see some Schiele in here. Art thinspo is the best.

>> No.13112037

fucks your teeth, fucks your gum, fucks your stomach, fucks your throat and fucks your mental health

>> No.13112046

actual 'diet' supplement that works? speed / amphetamine.

I'm not even trying to lose weight but dropped from 130-124 pounds in a couple weeks just from clubbing / taking speed / mdma...

i'm also naturally skinny and eat healthy but still

>> No.13112052

speed is a fucking beast
i loose 6 pounds on everage on a 3 day binge
too bad that i need to drive my car atm so i can´t do that for quick weightloss

>> No.13112064

ineffective? because calories are absorbed even if purging is right after, right?
i need to stop purging but i really can't stop binging. i think ill throw away all my food..

>> No.13112132


>> No.13112142
File: 1.11 MB, 614x1144, Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 4.45.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting from my f inspo folder

>> No.13112144
File: 520 KB, 354x1086, Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 4.44.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also please post more inspo pics

>> No.13112149
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>> No.13112155
File: 802 KB, 624x1072, Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 4.43.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13112157

Did you photoshop that camel toe in lol

>> No.13112161
File: 1.10 MB, 870x1170, Screen Shot 2017-12-30 at 2.44.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13112167
File: 498 KB, 320x1158, Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 4.43.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get all of my pictures from random instagram pages, i didn't even notice that haha

>> No.13112175
File: 24 KB, 500x375, sss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go anon.

>> No.13112176
File: 681 KB, 306x1146, Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 4.41.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13112179

Awesome legs. I hope mine will be like that.

>> No.13112182
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>> No.13112187
File: 1.06 MB, 504x1144, Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 4.53.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys want more just let me know, i feel bad spamming the thread but it's dead anyway.

>> No.13112194
File: 201 KB, 960x1236, 6117f56592aa78027dbf602bc8c3f32b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100%, that guy knew whats good

>> No.13112204

spam away

>> No.13112213
File: 127 KB, 857x1181, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13112227

I know the feel anon.

What's the point, life is shit. Don't think I'm gonna last much longer, nor do I want to.

>> No.13112231

truly based thinking, male or female doesn't matter this is truly based psychopathic behavior keep it up king/queen it's you vs you vs the world dont let the world win

>> No.13112308
File: 36 KB, 540x505, tumblr_ojdfcsLWLH1vewqdho1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't bad in terms of working for weight loss, but it REALLY fucking sucks. I dont reccomend anyone even try it once. I was basically addicted to it for a few months. Fasting is harder but soooooo much more worthwhile.

Im pretty sure I would feel better doing Meth regularly than how I felt doing b/p regularly.

Im not gonna sit here and list the downsides

Just dont do it

>> No.13112367

How the fuck do you lose weight with b/p??

>> No.13112403

>i hate myself and i want to die
itt: teenagers

>> No.13112447

Ironic high school emoshit is /fa/ and always has been

>> No.13112466

It doesn't. It just messes you up in truly horrific ways.

>> No.13112474

I already b/ped tn pls just satisfy my curiosity.

>> No.13112478

Go here:

>> No.13112482


ive replaced rice and pasta etc with loads of vegetables, but i started one week ago and its fine. should i implement fasting as well? i want it to be sustainable

>> No.13112486

Be careful w that.
Obviously its less calories but considering vegetables a "free" food can slow your progress to fuck. I learned that lesson myself.

>> No.13112502



>> No.13112520

Yeah, i would fill up on vegetable soups and stir fries and wonder why i wasnt losing. One day i actually started doing the math and it turns out i was eating an extra 300 cals in vegetables a day.

>> No.13112542


broccoli is dirt cheap in calories though

>> No.13112573

>walk ann d
what did they mean by this?

>> No.13112588

ann the mule master, obviously

>> No.13112596
File: 48 KB, 500x723, 5199802b9bdefbd0bd66b6a03a406f00--cassie-skins-hannah-murray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she reminds me of cassie from skins

>> No.13112603
File: 22 KB, 429x403, 1513645394909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon that makes perfect sense /s

>> No.13112606
File: 25 KB, 400x428, 74bf946a74168b5164fb87455ee9b903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just discovered a 0cal flavoured water supplemented with b12 and I'm so fucking happy??

>> No.13112612

I got Mio Energy with caffeine and B vitamins. It's
black cheery flavored, my faveorite.

>> No.13112796


Ann Demeulemeester

Fashion industry has been trying to steer away from the too thin look because of the occasional backlash. At 6'2" 124 pound they're close to or at skelly and the designers didn't want to deal with the criticism.

>> No.13112881

not knowing ann d......

how new are you anon? you're on a fucking fashion board

>> No.13112915

been here for years desu; not everybody cares about runway fashion
you're acting like those autists who sperg out when you don't know their favorite drag queen

>> No.13112959

how to stop binging?? :(

>> No.13112998
File: 170 KB, 733x1855, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually weighed myself today (been a couple years).
>127.3 pounds
>184 cm
I actually thought I was like 140 this whole time or maybe slightly under. I'm not sure how I actually feel knowing the actual number now, it was on empty stomach though and dehydrated.

>> No.13113036

Do u feel too skinny ? I have to say at 6'00 127 I feel way skinnier now that I weighted myself. I feel kind of weak now psychologically. This is why I never weigh myself because it fucks up my entire emotions and psyche. Last time I weighed was like 2 years ago and I was 141.

>> No.13113184

wait but srsly how tf does b/p make you lose weight
i was planning on just running until my heart gives out tmrw.

>> No.13113465

>that good feel when extreme stress is making me nauseous without even eating and is keeping me from overeating like i usually do

>> No.13113487

Can you get disabilitybux for anorexia?
Asking for a friend

>> No.13113500

I didn't until i weighed myself for the first time in a long time. I've never tried to lose weight/get skinny, always been always will be I guess.

In high school i even tried to gain a bunch but nah, not possible.

I don't feel 'weaker' or something like that cause i've always been like this

>> No.13113503

You probably have to be in an outpatient program and if your doctor sees that youre not trying to get better you can lose your benefits

>> No.13113504

meant to quote>>13113036

>> No.13113534

I'm 137 lb as of this morning. So I've officially lost 30 lb. I am not skinny yet (I'm 5'2) but I'm just chubby now instead of fat. I feel happy.

>> No.13113550

quick question

are you guys retarded?

>> No.13113558
File: 92 KB, 505x929, 7ABF2CB4-FA75-4C13-9893-5F1945E4F6C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are a man kill yourself a man should look like pic related.

>> No.13113559
File: 229 KB, 1188x1410, 62349F65-A854-4823-86BF-E31144979A9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this mostly woman on here? Or am I supposed to believe men actually want to look skelly rather than /fit/

>> No.13113583

Very few men can pull off the skelly look. These guys are literally starving themselves to look like soyboys.

>> No.13113589

Keep it up!

>> No.13113598

pics? I'm the same height and have the same goal but only reached 57 kg a short while

>> No.13113600

i can post pics later if you want
i'm 6'2 124lbs

>> No.13113602


>> No.13113639
File: 481 KB, 500x221, creepychan6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13113678

torso - amazing
legs - fucking disgusting

>> No.13113679
File: 944 KB, 500x320, tumblr_nmwwiePxkA1tv3dejo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's 2cute

>> No.13113690

My goal bodies
How much do you guys think they weigh/how tall?

>> No.13113694

>healthy girl is interested in me
Packing it up lads, I've been bulking.

>> No.13113709

idfk help

>> No.13113717

There is medication to help with it.

>> No.13113730

what drugs help with weight loss?

i dont exactly have money for a cocaine habit yet
i smoke weed almost everyday *cringe*
also i like opiates and benzos

>> No.13113741

Drug of choice.

>> No.13113754

i hate being a skinny fat ectomorph

too tall to wear a lot of designer brands
trash metabolism, put weight on super easy
skinny arms and legs, lanky
100% of body fat is stored in torso or face
workouts are gruelling with little or no results
(i blame shitty neanderthal genes, no wonder they went extinct)

>> No.13113758

>whiny excuses

drink water
don't eat food

>> No.13113761

interesting, kinda seems like you would be feeling super shitty and depressed all the time, idk if i could handle that, i want the easy option, like something addictive that could replace food and i'd be feeling awesome and high all the time, without craving food or carbs or whatever

>> No.13113784

ziprasidone (Gedon) kills appetite, but you need psych eval.

>> No.13113794

can anyone give me a quick rundown on what happens when you tell a therapist that you have bulimia

>> No.13113846

they will probably ask you why you b/p to see if you're lying. then maybe if you don't try to get better in a few months they'll send you to a ward.

>> No.13113850

There is medication now for bulimia

>> No.13113903
File: 2.60 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180130_170306~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

121 lbs guy here. Looks gross to me

>> No.13113927

thanks, i've been scared to do it
i always go for therapy before medication but thanks for the info

>> No.13113949

Best of luck to you.

>> No.13114304
File: 37 KB, 853x480, e8zmtbowhpkl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a while since I dropped by. Saw this and thought about you.
Stay hydrated!

>> No.13114319

it's hard to diet when you feel like total shit :(
anyone have any nice comfy animes, or cartoons or vidya that they like to watch to cheer them up?

>> No.13114339


>> No.13114341

word, where might i stream it?

>> No.13114355

i found this site that hosts even the episodes after 52

>> No.13114360

thanks love u

>> No.13114375
File: 59 KB, 1127x686, 1475452964956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no problem friend

>> No.13114383

sick ty!

>> No.13114386

do you know anything for us eufags?

>> No.13114392

Im 210lb and 184cm

A lot of it is in my thighs and ass though, bodies are so weird like how variable weight will look on a person

>> No.13114394


I wanna know this as well. Pretty sure there's not tho as I've looked everywhere ;<

>> No.13114414
File: 142 KB, 800x1085, 1512312633483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw jap version is barely subbed
Snufkins voice is so beautiful ;_;

>> No.13114430

faggot detected

>> No.13114457
File: 530 KB, 1080x768, 1440969057663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dubs okay except for godawful opening music. The original one is comfy af


I always thought snufkin was pretty /fa/ too. I also don't understand why people find the Groke so scary, she's just lonely.

>> No.13114470
File: 69 KB, 300x291, PSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are anorexic or bulimic, please see a doctor. Make sure you get the right nutrients your body needs in order to stay healthy. Cutting back calories and doing cardio is fine, but unhealthy dieting will make you look gross and possibly dead.

Good luck slimming down, and stay healthy!

[spoiler]I've been away from my computer, sorry.[/spoilersdon'tworkon/fa/]

>> No.13114478

male, 6'2, 147 lb (187cm, 66.5kg)
5 more kilos to go :-(

>> No.13114534

What are the factors that go into determining body fat percentage?

My coworker has a slightly higher BMI than I do and looks more muscular than me and has far less bodyfat. What weirds me out though, is that while I work out 3X a week at least (yes... this isn't a lot, I'm working on increasing the number) she doesn't work out at all. Plus, I've dragged her to a workout class a couple of times and she is in significantly worse shape than I am and is weaker than I am.

Why does she look so much slimmer then? :(

>> No.13114571

Genetics, yo. Body composition is determined primarily by diet and activity level but genetics do play a significant part.

I'm built like I hit the gym every day and have never worked out. I attribute it to being half nig.

>> No.13114591

5'5, Was 125lbs three weeks ago, now 119lbs. Goal weight is 110lbs.

>TFW I'll put it all back on once I'm home

>> No.13114603

Fucking sucks. I look so awful :(

We're both slavic too.

>> No.13114612

>having friends

People fucking hate you even if you are the most beautiful kind person in the universe, don't give any effort into being liked,its not worth it.

>> No.13114628

It's important to find long-lasting methods of maintaining weight. Total life style changes, etc.

My roommate lost a shit ton of weight with keto and in his words 'starving himself' but put half of it back on as soon as he stopped because he started eating like he used to again, maybe even worse.

Meanwhile intermittent fasting and eating two meals a day is just how my life is scheduled now. My weight just stays where I wanted it and now I have to deal with the body fat percentage.

When people try to push more food onto you tell them no and when they escalate you only escalate as much for them to stop until they get the message. People don't want others in better shape than them. If they're not total dicks they'll get the idea eventually.

>> No.13114658

/r9k/ detected. Have you ever thought that the reason people don't like you is that you're a hateful person?

>> No.13114663

Doesn't mean you should give up. Strive towards your goals. Count calories, exercise, be who you want to be.

>> No.13114669

Obviously, I'm trying to focus on fitness level and performance more so than on appearance so I don't get discouraged.

>> No.13114671

I was just about to say it feels really fucking /r9k/ in this thread, more than usual.

But don't bother trying to get through to people who think the reason they have no friends is because everyone else is awful, with no self reflection whatsoever. They may get fed up with being victims of their own bullshit someday and decide to become a better person, but no amount of advice is going to fix it for them if they aren't willing to make the choice for themselves.

>> No.13114708
File: 177 KB, 620x957, 502AF685-1BFF-475C-B055-4815685E2E5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would be the perfect thigh circumference and weigh for a 5’7” male?

>> No.13114739

'Perfect body' is super subjective.
Depends on what you're going for.
How muscular is perfect? What bodyfat is perfect?
Do you think your pic is ideal?
Based on the thickness of his thighs I would say he's on the leaner side. For 5'7" I'd say move towards 120lb and stop when you're mostly satisfied.

>> No.13114831
File: 56 KB, 800x800, ito-en-golden-oolong-tea-unsweetened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally cannot believe this shit is unsweetend. So fucking good.

>> No.13114839

1 week on my diet achieved! got a good feeling about this one brothers. went from 136lbs to 132lbs, 5'10. wish me luck! :^)

>> No.13114860

when the hell did this become an anime?
I remember these being in finnish-swedish when I was a kid

>> No.13114874

The 90s one was made in Japan then translated and exported all over.

>> No.13114921

looks like tumors desu

>> No.13115002

>Been doing really well with my weight loss
>Didn't eat anything at all yesterday
>Haven't eaten anything yet today(7PM where I'm at)
>high af and really really want to eat the left overs of dominos pizza my family had the other night

Help me /thinspo/, I don't know what to do!

>> No.13115006

I would take caution with not eating anything at all because that might fuck with your metabolism

>> No.13115031

I heard that was memes and not something one actually needs to worry about. And I didn't intentionally not eat yesterday, it just sorta happened. Now I almost want to have a little something for the sake of my metabolism, but I'm not sure if it's true. Who knows I might just stay in my room hiding away from the kitchen while thinking about the boyfriend I don't have yet as a means to inspire myself to go even longer without food.

>> No.13115033

Dont do it. Make me proud.

>> No.13115035
File: 328 KB, 850x567, 1506976848830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>189 cm/74.41 inches
>67 kg/147.71 lbs
Still I'm feeling fat and disgusting. How much must I lose to get rid of this feeling?

>> No.13115043

I'm skinny as fuck and cant put on fat however these thinspo threads have kind of given me a more positive attitude surrounding my skinniness and reminded me I should work for a better body but I shouldnt feel bad about being skinny or whatever

thanks /fa/

>> No.13115058

What sort/kind of weight loss can I expect on a EC stack? Anyone have exp. with it?

>> No.13115060

What sort/kind of weight loss can I expect on a EC stack? Anyone have exp. with it?

>> No.13115070

Its dead at work, absolutely nothing to do and all i want to do is eat.
You guys know any good android games?

>> No.13115083

How can I avoid muscle loss while cutting calories? Should I increase strength-based workouts?

>> No.13115100

From my understanding, your muscles use protein to grow and rebuild so switching to strength-based workouts won't do much for you if you're not getting enough protons

To reiterate: eat a lot of protein while cutting

>> No.13115107

Kingdom Harts Union X. You can win without paying. Fun game.

>> No.13115110

Wordup, ty
Also does a -good- thinspo discord exist?

>> No.13115113

I figured that much lol
Fit recommends 1.5 grams per pound body weight (~180 for me) but Canada's food guide recommends 44g. I also don't eat a lot of meat and 1kg of lentils is already 1150 calories but only 90 grams of protein.

>> No.13115138

None. You're already quite thin for your weight, I suggest you focus on other reasons that make you feel this way instead of weight. You'll set a goal, achieve it, and still feel gross, it literally never ends.

>> No.13115146

I want to be thinnr before I kill end my life in the upcoming month, so I need some tips on how can I control my eating habits and stop stress eating, not fat but I have no motivation to do calisthenics and I just eat shit.

Any advice you guys have on eating eating, not sure if going veggie would make anything better.

Also how to eat slower I at to fast.

>> No.13115160

sibutramine did good for me (its in that meizitang stuff on CL) my doc put me on the fodmap diet though and in addition to only ingesting small amounts of chicken in quinoa, smoking cigs and living off of coffee, ive dropped like 4 pant sizes

>> No.13115167

I have been on it for 4 weeks, nearing the end of my cycle. I've lost about 5lbs (130 to ~125) on it so far

>> No.13115180

For how long at a time do you do it for?
Did you do something along with it, CiCo, very low cal, keto?

>> No.13115188
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>pic related

And pretty much just CiCo. The appetite suppression is so incredibly effective. It makes you forget to eat sometimes (I am half joking) making it really easy to eat at a massive deficit

The energy from ephedrine is a huge bonus too especially if you plan to work out. Though it only lasts for the first week and a half or so :(

>> No.13115232

Thank you for the pic. Inadvertently I skipped the loading phase.Oops. Got bit shaky from caffeine but no other side-effects.

>> No.13115239

>also how to eat slower I at to fast
Chew every bite until its literal mush. Also set a calorie limit on your meals.

>> No.13115287

holy moly, I'm 6'3 160lbs and thought I was doing alright. post pics

>> No.13115297

Protein shakes.

>> No.13115308 [DELETED] 

>5'0, 83 lbs, female, 17
>highest 85
>goal 80

i guess im doing ok but still trying to lose a bit of chub on my belly.

>> No.13115396

Do you know of any non-whey ones? Vega is 160cal/30g per scoop.

>> No.13115443
File: 538 KB, 2048x1916, 0E0DACD4-1148-4F6D-80D1-1D32CEA2F00F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt mean to make it look so homoerotic but i’m already in best and just quickly checked fa before sleeping

>> No.13115446

>in best
in bed**

>> No.13115475

you just told me a non-whey one.

>> No.13115477


>> No.13115486
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>> No.13115492

This. Also eat with chopsticks. Thatll slow you way down.
Sociologists have actually argued that this is one of the reasons Asian people are so skinny.

>> No.13115552

16 pounds

>> No.13115555

Your hips look wider than chest somehow

>> No.13115564
File: 300 KB, 677x604, IMG_0555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i thin enough

>> No.13115595

please help me here thin people. I want to get skinny legs to pull off the SLP look but I have massive legs and thighs from playing hockey my entire life. It's the one thing I am most insecure about and wish to change but nothing really seems to work because a lot of it is muscle in the quads even though there is some fat. I'm 5 ft 11, 167 lbs, not thin but not skinnyfat, I used to lift pretty frequently but not really any more. I have these stupid 23 inch thighs. What exercise would you recommend to lose thigh muscle? I'm thinking about running 3-4 miles every other day while eating at a caloric deficit. Any tips?

>> No.13115664

im scared about extra skin.. :(

>> No.13115667


Could be worse. Could be me,
>6 ft even

And its all in my gut... Everything else looks great, except my fucking stomach.

>> No.13115753

I'll try this, ty. Need to control myself.

Good thing I have a pair of chopsticks I bought a while back

>> No.13115800

Don't be. No one will notice or care even of they do.

>> No.13115819


>> No.13115849

I wish I could think about things other than weight loss. It takes so long to get to an acceptable size and I'm so sick of waiting.

Asian people don't eat that much. Their food is really low calorie, white people just seem to see rice and sushi and assume that's everything they eat. I can eat 3 meals a day and still be under 500 cals just eating asian food like oden, natto, (real) ramen, soups, stir fries, etc. I can't do that with western food.

>> No.13115865

Vivance. It's ADHD meds, and I lost like 30 pounds when I went on is as a kid. About to get on it again, am fat again. ADHD is super over diagnosed and easy to get meds for, so you should be good.

>> No.13115878

Plus not having much dairy and smaller meat to vegetable ratio (aside from fish).
I always lose weight when I travel in Asia, the climate in summer and the food makes me shed weight so fast and I'm pretty thin as it is.

>> No.13115882

Thin girls in boots are my weakness

>> No.13115892

should have expected to see you in thinspo judging from your waywt pics

>> No.13115895

If you live in a west or north european country with massive gibs. Otherwise no

>> No.13115899
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im afraid im a bit too otter for thinspo atm. ;-;

>> No.13116221

I meant some that will actually give me enough protein without going over my daily calories and still get enough carbs (fruits, veggies) to function.

>> No.13116229

I consider otter to be thinspo. It's where I'm at right now and it's the most attractive state of the male body imo. Not many guys look good super thin but everyone looks good with a swimmer's body.

>> No.13116276
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I don't know why, but I just feel like that. Every time I see my reflection I see myself as a blob of fat. If I mention it to anyone, they assume I'm joking.

>> No.13116345

I'm just about the same BMI as you and I feel the same way.
I feel grossly overweight even though I was feeling skinny about 2 months ago at a 19.5 BMI.
A part of me is worried that I'm slipping into that whole ana thing where you always see yourself as fat and you're never satisfied, but another part of me just feels like my standards for myself have gotten higher and that's not a bad thing.
I don't think I'll be satisfied until I am certifiably underweight, and even then I'd still like to have a BMI of 18.0 or less.
But maybe once I reach that I still won't be satisfied lol.

>> No.13116361

my BMI is 16.3
do i have anorexia? I hope not

>> No.13116644

somebody call me a fat fuck and tell me not to eat right now

>> No.13116650
File: 26 KB, 480x537, 25442775_1734171343271619_2487386715972477446_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire month all i've been doing is smoking and getting the munchies and ive been so bloated and i still work out but i cant tell if ive actually gain any weight. Do you guys have any tips for avoiding the munchies/making food weight go away quicker? inb4 bulimia and laxatives, we already there

>> No.13116780

Fat fuck don't eat

>> No.13116789
File: 1.45 MB, 1024x655, endoftheworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is James from End of the F***ing World /thinspo/?

>> No.13116850

Don't deprive your body of nutrients. Eat something every day.
Looks pretty skinnyfat to me.

>> No.13116885

I'd be his soyboi desu

>> No.13116900
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Why do people even eat regular noodles when these exist?

>> No.13116909

Can someone explain to me what a calorie deficit is like l I'm 5 yrs old pls
I've read a few articles but I still can't get it through my head

>> No.13116922

>tfw eat second slice of pizza for lunch impulsively

why is it so easy?

>> No.13116923

>avoiding the munchies
lots of tea, coffee, and gum work for me. also rinsing with mouthwash right after i eat.
currently i am experimenting with setting a 300 calorie limit for my meals, i've been binging and purging a lot so i am currently incapable of feeling full, hopefully doing that will shrink up my stomach. i'll let you know how it works, or you could join me and we could find out together like scieeeeenntiisisstz

>making food weight go away quicker
tea, specifically green tea and pu-erh tea really speed up digestion. aerobic exercise as well.

>> No.13116924


eating less than your TDEE

Google TDEE and you can find loads of calculators. Put in your detail and see what number it gives you. Eat under that number of calories per day (ideally 500+ less)

>> No.13116925

You ingest fewer calories than you burn.


>> No.13116928

because the first slice hadn't even reached your stomach yet. next time give it just 10-15 minutes, you'll notice how full that one slice really makes you.

>> No.13116929

Stop purging and drink more water.

>> No.13116931

yes sensei
hydration has been one of my weaker areas since i get cold so easily. i want so bad for it to be spring, I can drink 2L of water easily as long as it doesnt leave me frozen.

>> No.13116934

Drink warm water then. Tea/coffee is good. But having a stomach full of water will make you feel less hungry and doesn't mess up your calorie intake.

>> No.13116963
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So I hear this is the place for thinsposts.

>> No.13117012

Bulk a bit and grow your leg muscles, guy

>> No.13117064
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Is it even worth it? We know we are doing something stupid here, but still we go on. I want to be skinny, I don't want to be fat, but I don't want to become slenderman just because I'm fucked up in the head.

>> No.13117097

U have tic think if it in cycles, it's never constant, just stay in the moment and stop worrying about permanent things, you can't be both skinny and fat at once . U can't be both full and hungry at once. Stay in the moment, enjoy your life, stay thin , ur don't . U only control so much

>> No.13117123

Lies. I have the smallest bit of extra skin and my bf pulled on my nipples and told me my boobs were floppy. They don't even sag...

>> No.13117129

tea and coffee are diuretic IIRC, better to drink herb teas like chammomile for hydration.

>> No.13117171
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How to stop overeating and stress/sadness eating?

It's killing me, all i wanna be is a handsome good skinned model tier bro and I keep fucking myself up and this depression isn't helping my thinspo goals.

Pls help me anons.

>> No.13117201
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>> No.13117211

anorexia is a mindset, not a body
my bmi is 16 and im naturally thin (i also dont eat like shit because i enjoy being thin) but i dont obsess over my weight, calories, etc. i eat dessert, snacks, whatever

if you find yourself being extremely restrained past the point of normal dieting, warped body image, etc you might be anorexic

>> No.13117332

What’s the diet?

>> No.13117341

not sure. but i'm unsure of a lot of things in my life right now.

>> No.13117365
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I had some sugar on Monday after several weeks without and I'm still struggling with not wanting more and I haven't had anymore since then. Fucking sugar my dudes, it's the devil.

>> No.13117402

nah man im exactly like you. Its just lately i weighed myself and realized ive dropped 3kg since last time

>> No.13117420

Therapy and anti-depressants.

>> No.13117421

your poor self control is the devil not sugar, sugar is great i have it all the time

>> No.13117443
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Same to be honest. I hope you get your questions answered.

>> No.13117479

how do i control myself w sugar? i want to learn.
if i eat one cookie i want like 33 more, it's my only vice.

>> No.13117486

So wait is there a (good) thinspo discord or groupchat?
I want some thinspo frennzzz

Also does anyone want to send me meanspo, I'm 18.9 BMI I need to slim down

>> No.13117489

Not really, the one that was posted is dead inside.

>> No.13117496

ah, shame.
well if anyone wants to exchange kik or discord, email whatev i'm down, i could use a buddy

>> No.13117522

I finally built courage to seek therapy after many years, they said i needed to wait 3 months so this month I will get therapy.

I'm quite scared/anxious but i hope it can help me with my dieting and eating habits as well as other shit.

apolgoies for blog

>> No.13117524
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society will tell you that being underweight automatically means anorexia, which is bullshit and doesn't even make sense. i also think it's interesting how anorexia is the default ED chosen.
people can be naturally underweight, underweight because of medicine/illness, have an ed, etc. as long as you have a positive body perception and aren't obsessive with your weight you're fine.

>> No.13117529

kek i actually whitened my teeth and it made them more sensitive to sugar, now i just eat less of it because it hurts
used to eat those huge halloween bags of candy in one hour, now i have one or two chocolates a day if that

>> No.13117536

The best of luck to you.

>> No.13117588
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Can anyone attest how effective smoking cigarettes is in terms of appetite suppression ?

>> No.13117596

they cost too much

>> No.13117604

Take caffeine tablets 200mg, they work better and won't mess up your teeth

>> No.13117612
File: 405 KB, 800x1132, __original_drawn_by_nilitsu__5fda9e40d12069125806b08e793dbdcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They definitely work, but ecigs are more efficient.
>Get more nicotine in your system in less time
>no smell so you can do it pretty much anywhere
>kills you much slower

Also this

>> No.13117619

i get that exact 14oz bag for like 3 bucks at my asian grocery.

>> No.13117694

good luck, homeslice

>> No.13117737
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Eh, I'm more into being healthy and I turn it down more often then not, I just don't like the cravings I have for it. But enjoy the empty calories I guess!

>> No.13117850

I am currently looking into bulimia therapy.
How do I approach it, if I don't want to give up dieting and being thin and just want to stop b/ping?

>> No.13117927

Wish I could help you, good luck anon. Let us know how it goes? This is one of the reasons why I don't seek treat for anorexia - I'm scared they'll bloat me up.

>> No.13117936

i want to say i can just apply the coping mechanisms they teach me while still riding the diet train.
if they weigh me during the evaluation it should be no problem, thanks water weight! ;DDD

>> No.13117952

i just drank a glass of prune juice and ate 8 prunes now im shitting a storm

>> No.13117955

gonna try this tomorrow myself, got nothing to lose i spose

>> No.13117957

i've been having constipation since quitting smoking and it worked but my stomach is still gurgling
it's much better than the otc laxatives tho

>> No.13118053

Hey man I'm down to be thinspo buddies !

>> No.13118064

/fit/ here were can I go to find a thin GF?

>> No.13118132

u have very nice fingers anon

>> No.13118307

the downside is that you look like a massive faggot smoking an e cig so i would recommend only doing it at home

>> No.13118354

Th...Thanks anon. But people often look these with a sort of fear, making me quite insecure. Especially when I'm typing or playing piano.

>> No.13118364

Talk therapy with a psychologist and medication. You literally just say that you have bulimia and looking for help treating it.

>> No.13118365


>> No.13118471

toad #8118 on discord hmu

>> No.13118527


Would you like another excuse served with that excuse sir?

Someone being this retarded

>> No.13118635

Sent !

>> No.13118891
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1516058170600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you heard wrong

>> No.13118918

i need to stop eating
lol ive lost so much weight and now i still want to lose but theres food everywhere because i live with my fatty roommate.

>> No.13118946

i've had my taste of food again. i think i'm done. I'm gonna start starving or at least eating as light as possibly tomorrow.
it's overrated. i like drinking tea and designing clothes much better

>> No.13118958

23 F 18.9 BMI here
What is the lowest amount of calories I can eat where my skin is still healthy and my hair still grows as normal?
Assuming that I eat 50g of protein, a multivitamin, Biotin supplement, and a full serving of Omega 3s, how low can I go?

>> No.13118969

Depends how tall you are.

>> No.13118976

why's that? curious

>> No.13118983
File: 59 KB, 464x600, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many calories are you eating a day?

>> No.13118999

Do you want to lose weight or maintain it?
[height is needed for calculations]

>> No.13119003

lose. hence "lowest amount of calories"

>> No.13119007

the past week I've been eating at my TDEE (1623) and I want to start dieting again.

>> No.13119021
File: 197 KB, 275x183, Bobby.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


keking at you while weighing 90kg as someone who is 183cm tall

(198lbs 6"0)

i am a fat fuck who used to be depressed but now happier due exercising and therapy also loads of money, jesus, can really see how pathetic this board is and especially /thinspo/

>> No.13119023

same.. we can do it anon!!

>> No.13119026

800 cals. not recommended to go lower then that.

>> No.13119052

alright, sounds good, thanks.

>> No.13119071

never tried that one, slightly unrelated but i'm sure i drink like 8 cups of green tea /day, on average. sometimes more.

>> No.13119127
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i'm sorry, what was that autistic spiel about?

>> No.13119134

Its my go to for when the school cafeteria is tempting me.
Corn silk tea and barley tea are also good if you want non-caffeinated

>> No.13119151

I just brew entire casseroles of pure green tea (jasmine or sencha, usually) and leave it on my stove on low heat and nip warm tea all damn day. not so much into storebought ice tea / tea.

>> No.13119165
File: 20 KB, 480x360, Unstable edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you're super skinny and pretty, people are going to be repulsed by the stench of that shitty attitude.

>> No.13119180
File: 14 KB, 295x171, you retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously doenst let them know idiot

>> No.13119270

Hi, /r9k/. People will like you if you don't have a shitty attitude and become friends with genuine people. Try going to church sometime.

>> No.13119380
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I'd like a good answer to this as well, I have a similar problem. Long distance running should definitely help though, if the legs of marathoners are anything to go by.

>> No.13119402

You should keep playing sports and own your physique. And head on over to /fit/.

>> No.13119507

shes not exclusively runway designer

>> No.13119510
File: 24 KB, 160x215, IMG_8586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to be skinny and be cute
>also want to lift weights and build muscle
>building muscle requires eating a lot of calories and gaining weight due to muscle mass
>barely manage to eat 1,000 calories and the thought of gaining weight is fucking terrifying

i want to die

>> No.13119521

im planning to fast for 7 days.
i've used to do 2-3 days fasts and i did pretty good.
but here is a question.
how should i drop my fast? what should i eat after 7 days of drinking water?

>> No.13119532

light soup

>> No.13119542

Head on over to /fit/ and read the sticky if you want some help.

>> No.13119563

You look fucking gross eat some food bitch.

>> No.13119594

Talk to a psychologist about it. They aren't going to strap you down and force feed you, but they will help you.

>> No.13119703

Nice and cozy

>> No.13119718

I'm really hating myself, which normally helps me to not eat but there is already food in my stomach, which normally makes me want to binge...

help me guys call me a fat ugly tranny who shouldn't eat

>> No.13119725

You are a LEMON

>> No.13119731

that made me laugh you fool i need hatred

>> No.13119736

not him but thx, i always wondered what you should be eating first after a fast.

>> No.13119741

You've already got your hideous caveman face and your awkward body proportions, do you really need to be fat on top of it? How the fuck are you ever going to get a boyfriend? There, hope I helped.

t. Fellow tranny

>> No.13119746
File: 1.50 MB, 498x278, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more more i love it
tell me how all women secretly hate me

>> No.13119755

Tell me I'm a fucking monster
tell me I frighten children
tell me i'm a disgusting caricature of a woman

>> No.13119760

Glad you enjoyed it ^_^

>> No.13119763

Oh anon, if I told you that it'd just be a lie, a silly unhealthy lie. The truth is all women don't hate you for being, everyone hates you because you're fucking disgusting and painful to look at. Do you ever think about that? Society accepts trans people who look normal, who look attractive. You on the other hand look like an ape of a man who lost his damn mind and started wearing dresses. Despite all this though, there are some kind people out there, people who don't care about appearances, and would love you for who you are. Only as a friend though, because no amount of sympathy or desperation in the world could convince anyone of sound mind to fuck your gross flabby cellulite ridden man-ass.
give me a sec bb I'm not sober it takes me a bit to come up with new creative insults.

>> No.13119773
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 20604478_1522341054453252_6839524050650951302_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current state

>> No.13119781

stop. right now before you kill yourself.

This isn't thinspo, this is called illness. Coming from a guy with a BMI or 16, I'm all about being skinny but please, this is too much.

>> No.13119784

trust me i have a lot of people saying this to me, but without the bullshit excuses i feel fine

>> No.13119814

ahhhh delicious except
>Despite all this though, there are some kind people out there, people who don't care about appearances, and would love you for who you are.
nah nah cmon, i need to know that my friends secretly hate me too.

>> No.13119838


Shut up.

>> No.13119842

You're delusional

I hope you'll feel happy in your body soon.

>> No.13119849


>> No.13119890
File: 3.25 MB, 1430x2000, __ryuujou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_makabe_gorou__ae6e67f809b11510e3debbc893b8c4ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like less of a fag when you're smoking a literal fag?

Don't smoke, it's not worth it. You won't care about how cool you looked now 15 years down the road when you can hardly breathe and your voice is a cracked, guttural parody of human speech after just barely surviving the throat cancer.

Be back in a sec, gonna light up a Nat Sherman

>> No.13120201

did creepy chan ever actually post here? best cycle of ANTM too

>> No.13120207

just get it at the grocery store lol

>> No.13120221

They only taste good in Asian applications, absolute shit with marinara.

>> No.13120228
File: 892 KB, 669x923, 17.2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13120231

stop sucking it in fagget.

>> No.13120238

nice. qt girl
i don't think /fa/ was even a board when she was posting on 4chan

>> No.13120241

ah true. i almost exclusively eat asian noodles so they were just a perfect substitute for me.
i wonder if they'd be good in a white sauce, or with just crushed tomatoes... this is my inner /ck/ coming out

>> No.13120283

I use shirataki noodles with alfredo sauce, which is surprisingly low cal for what it is. It's not bad.

>> No.13120285

I meant 4chan in general

>> No.13120353

Hi thinspo; I was a fat kid since like 9, very fat, not a planet but pretty fat. Last summer I managed to drop below an overweight BMI for the first time in my life; it was almost unbelievable; a healthy below overweight BMI, it's almost impossible to imagine that is possible if you've been over weight since 9.

For the last three months I was eating a lot for fun and gained back some but I'm still healthy; now I'm back to lost some very slowly and I'll probably keep doing it this way because truth be told losing it rapidly was kinda boring and unfun.

>> No.13120552

thats enough, please. your body looks amazing. stay alive

>> No.13120559

You don't get giddy when you wake up in the morning and weigh noticeably less than the morning before? It's the best feeling.

>> No.13120632

clearly transexual

>> No.13120707

surprisingly is actually a girl

>> No.13120937

>tfw have big ribcage
>look like shit even now that I've lost weight
kill me

>> No.13121029

But you still look better than when you were fat

>> No.13121295

>Having a prominent bone structure is bad
Bones are good, you idiot. They define you.

>> No.13121304

Stop right there please. Don't focus so much on weight, muscle is also important even though it weights.

>> No.13121305


our adventure continues here