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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 335 KB, 1280x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13111426 No.13111426 [Reply] [Original]

Did you know that this is the same guy???
I knew that pussy nigga Picture forever, especially the Steve Jobs Photoshop of it.

>> No.13111427

Nice thread

>> No.13111428

It blew my fucking mind

>> No.13111441


>> No.13111447

am i seriously the only one that realizes its the same dude? That picture is popular as fuck


>> No.13111452

Holy fuck, how new are you?

>> No.13111453

What the fuck stop bumping your goddamn thread

>> No.13111465

We've known this

Threads were made when he first started getting popular as a musician

>> No.13111556

this is all Fourpins fault

>> No.13111605

That picture has been popular for like three years, and this dude only got popular as a rapper in the last two months or so, most people don't know that it's him in the picture you dumbass

>> No.13111663

MOST people maybe, did you forget you're on 4chan?

This is absolutely not breaking news here. It is hilarious however, i hope it spreads to the normies now that he's gaining traction with them (you)

>> No.13111784

I know that pic is years old. older than 3 years considering its pyrex era shit.

I'm saying once he became a meme rapper everyone made the connection that he was that same guy, which was months ago now, in which several threads were made, including 4chan/ fa/.
Also most normies do know if they follow anything such as hypebeast, complex, highsnobiety, worldstar, ect.

Even fucking Before They were Famous made a video on him, which means most normies knew 3 months before even you since you seem to have just found this out


>> No.13111833

call me whatever you want, but I sure as hell didn't know that nigga+pussy+69 dude turned into "a rapper"
LMAO, just saw one video on YT where he's the only white kid (with rainbow hair/grill) and he keeps sayin("rappin") nigga with a bunch of (presumed) bloodz....oh gaaawd wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf
hahahahahhah what is our fuckin world coming to? and what do you think his parents think of him?

>> No.13112501
File: 74 KB, 550x529, 1439489243274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww yes

>> No.13112511

>only got poplar in last two months
lmao'ing @ your life

>> No.13112558

theres no proof except they look similar. if someone really cared to look you could try and dig up a mugshot from his charges three years ago and see if he had tats or not

>> No.13112626

it is him

watch >>13111784
the video linked

>> No.13112699

call me steve jobs because im fuckin dead

>> No.13112714 [DELETED] 

Yeah dude has been building steam for a long time now definitely not an over night success story. Say whatever else you want about the guy but we can't call him lazy or unoriginal, he put over ten thousand hours. I remember his first videos. I wasn't crazy about it but the sonics and his rapping were unique to NY and the videos were decent quality.

>> No.13112718

Yeah dude has been building steam for a long time now definitely not an over night success story. Say whatever else you want about the guy but we can't call him lazy or unoriginal, he put in over ten thousand hours. I remember his first videos. I wasn't crazy about it but the sonics and his rapping were unique to NY and the videos were decent quality.

>> No.13112721
File: 419 KB, 1083x1078, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13112723

this is kind of sad and disturbing. and disrespectful. didn't have this reaction 4 years ago but steve is motherfokin dying here. i love my i phone. guess im growing up a lil.

>> No.13112732

You’re not growing up if you love your phone lmao

>> No.13112790
File: 479 KB, 500x500, 7Hx1A9a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T B F I still pref this one more

>> No.13112795


>> No.13113006

>definitely not an over night success story
Literally no one knows anyone of his discography before Gummo, even he acts like it doesn't exist

>> No.13113016
File: 9 KB, 341x340, FB_IMG_1508551503193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13113023

He knows and it’s hilarious

>> No.13113031
File: 38 KB, 400x399, 1508630855863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ok op. I learned something new.

>> No.13113035


>> No.13113055

We’re all dying my friend

>> No.13113060

he's gay btw, sextape is online

>> No.13113067
File: 881 KB, 612x612, 1437472379429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally no one knows anyone of his discography before Gummo, even he acts like it doesn't exist

this is him in 2015 and people where talking about him on /fa/ at that time. check the archive my guy

>> No.13113079
File: 58 KB, 645x729, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13113087

wow rare to me

>> No.13113548


You didn't know anything about him before Gummo. He's been rapping for years now, I guess if you're not a fan of underground rap ofc you'd miss him but he absolutely did not pop up with Gummo on some one hit wonder shit, he's been bubbling and building fans for years he just finally got a main stream hit.

Like >>13113067 and >>13111426
pointed out he's been popular even before he started rapping for wearing those tacky ass clothes and being ratchet online, which is the reason he's got the child sex abuse charges.

>> No.13113552

those tattoos are fucking autism tier

>> No.13113570


how tall is this bitch nigga? doesnt look more than 5'4

>> No.13113629

GoodGod (again) all I can think when I look at him is about his poor parents!!
He looks mixed here. He's not white? thank god!

>> No.13113657

He's Mexican, there are white Mexicans so it's not completely ruled out. Apparently he grew up super poor so I'm sure his parents prefer this type of success as opposed to the jobs Mexican-Americans typically hold. Everyone talks about rappers buying cars and jewelry with their money but usually the first thing they start doing is taking care of their family and trying to moving them away from their crap neighborhoods. So his mom is probably chillin' right now. Apparently dude has a daughter too.

>> No.13115015

He also touches kids

>> No.13115021

year late

>> No.13115157

Even professional makeup artists couldn't hide those acne scars

>> No.13115199
File: 484 KB, 500x733, The-Adventures-of-Fuccboi-and-Lavagirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, it's him?!

>> No.13115300

scumgang bitch I'm a big thang let ya nuts hang

>> No.13115402

Dude we've been monitoring the evolution of this meme since day one and will continue to do so. Glad you finally connected the dots. Are you new or have you just not been here for awhile?

>> No.13116659

you can't be serious

>> No.13116661

He was a kid

>> No.13116672

Go love something else

>> No.13116700

and I thought I couldn't dislike him more

>> No.13116709

how can this spic wear that around new york without getting jumped by 20 nigs?

>> No.13116833

Small. Fucking. World. Never had a thought in my mind that this dude would be famous.

>> No.13116837

>when you haven't eaten for months because you wasted all of your food money on expensive t-shirts

>> No.13116867
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 1516524238868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love my phone

>> No.13117005 [DELETED] 

You've never been to new york or any other east coast city? Most of the latino and black communities have a lot of crossover. Non black members of the community will pick up AAVE and can fluidly speak and use in group slang and other terms, they'll also adopt black styles of dress and grooming, they do all of this while still speaking Spanish and having quinceaneras and eating latin food and listening to latin music and television. There are also a lot of black people native to and from latin countries which help with the cross over.

It's not just latino people either. White people that adopt the culture and speech can "get away"with being able to use nigga in their speech. I've also seen Korean and Chinese store owners that pick up English from their customers be able to do the same. Black people aren't always on edge ready to jump anybody that uses the word. They know when someone is using it naturally and when they're forcing it out making people uncomfortable.

>> No.13117020

You've never been to new york or any other east coast city? Most of the Latino and black communities have a lot of crossover. Non black members of the community will pick up AAVE and can fluidly speak and use in group slang and other terms, they'll also adopt black styles of dress and grooming, they'll usually consume black entertainment and art as well. They do all of this while still speaking Spanish and having quinceaneras and eating Latin food and listening to their own Latin music, television, and movies. There are also a lot of black people native to and from Latin countries which help with the cross over.

It's not just Latino people either. White people that adopt the culture and speech can "get away"with being able to use nigga in their speech. I've also seen Korean and Chinese store owners that pick up English from their customers be able to do the same. Black people aren't always on edge ready to jump anybody that uses the word. They know when someone is using it naturally and when they're forcing it out making people uncomfortable. It's all about if you identify with black culture.

>> No.13117169

lmaoo fourpins was cool af

>> No.13117183

lol thanks vice news for that unnessacarily academic response to /pol/ tier shitposting

>> No.13117185

Pretty sure he's like 5'6".

>> No.13117195


You're welcome. Even if OP was trying to bait I've seen and heard this question asked enough times to know that many people are genuinely curious about the answer.

>> No.13117251

Suck his dick some more lol

>> No.13117362

not him btw

>> No.13117372

Everyone here knows, have you been here for 1 week?

>> No.13117392

it is him you dumbass

>> No.13117408

All rappers/hip hop artists are gay. For that matter any male singing into a phallus is a gay, especially these women hating rapsters. I mean Dr. Dre and Eminem were lovers before spitting together.

>> No.13117685
File: 62 KB, 421x421, 1502258112784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i love my iphone

>> No.13117893

Truth. I got peer pressured into karaoke last week and now I'm full gay and can't stop saying "I can't even".




>> No.13117934

Literally everybody here knew this already retard

>> No.13118034

Thanks bro I actually felt the intelligent response to be refreshing. Your insight is pretty cool imo.

>> No.13118845


>> No.13120697
File: 467 KB, 1200x1850, 136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute! I love Emily Jean <3

>> No.13120739


>> No.13121554

Yeah, RIP
Belongs in a chamber

>> No.13121593

Pretty smart using nigger culture to get internet fame

>> No.13121605

Fame rarely happens on accident. A lot of thought goes in behind the scenes youd never know about. I'm sure he intentionally wore such retarded meme-worthy clothing so that he could get an initial social media following then move onto rapping

>> No.13122121

everyone here except you knows so i wouldnt say that
delete your shit thread op

>> No.13122135

kinda weird when you wish someone would know what it feels like to go through something but at the same time wouldnt wish it on anyone bc you know how terrible it is

>> No.13122631
File: 198 KB, 800x1000, 1516759740059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found this out.. I haven't been to /fa/ in a while and was hoping there was someone on here talking about it.. unreal.

>> No.13123117

but he has like 3 kids

>> No.13123126

my sarcasm is just too nex lel

buut I surely wouldn't trade my iPhone for a galaxy or some other knockoff shit

>> No.13123187

>Apparently dude has a daughter too
I actually went to HS with his baby mama

>> No.13123197

>lol hes a pedo

you a new york head?

>> No.13123360


>> No.13123374


>> No.13124865
File: 21 KB, 200x283, CJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i love my i phone

>> No.13125244

He's a spic so can't be that tall.

>> No.13125848

well since hes mixed you dont have to worry about his dad being disappointed in him. since there is no dad. his poor mum

>> No.13126988

18 is not a kid.

>> No.13127022

>someone posted my four year old OC
ily, anon

>> No.13127332
File: 47 KB, 750x546, 118F36FE-6EB0-4BC4-AA29-F87AC2CEDD7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> i phone

>> No.13127337

>sad, disturbing, disrespectful

Man I don’t care about this pussy nigga 69 bitch but don’t front like some high minded individual when ur not better than the rest of the degenerate cucks here

>> No.13127438

What the fuck happened to him?

I wanted to nut on his face here. But now he's just...eww.

>> No.13127724

yea right like u were being sarcastic

fucking idiot

>> No.13127741

both six nine and j.stash get checked in harlem all the time fyi lol

literally both pussies who have been ran out of the city

>> No.13127796

He guarded by a bunch of bloods all the time, they couldn't even touch him in Minnesota like a couple of days ago and he stole like 20 racks from some club owner or some shit. He real, niggas got popped when they tried to jump on him

>> No.13128679

I didn't know

>> No.13128726


>> No.13128881


why do you type like this?

>> No.13129756

I assume his life goal is to be dead before 30

>> No.13129767 [DELETED] 

Niggers gtfo of my board

>> No.13129979

op please stop bumping your own thread

>> No.13130115


>> No.13130127


>> No.13130216

where was the picture originaly posted? I remember seeing it on hypebeast half a decade ago or somewhere

>> No.13130339
