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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 197 KB, 1200x675, cq5dam.web.1200.675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13100131 No.13100131 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw youngest detective in my city

doesnt hurt that the comissioner is my uncle

what are some /fa/ jobs?

>> No.13101486


>> No.13101552

What's being a detective actually like?

>> No.13101572

Not yours, bitch.

All cops are bastards, fuck em all

>> No.13101590

I'm guessing you're unemployed?

>> No.13101602

Cops are class traitors.

>> No.13101611

Guess again, pig. My job doesn't come with the prerequisite to be a cunt, though.

>> No.13101612 [DELETED] 

I'd be a cop so I could beat people like with impunity

>> No.13101618

I'd be a cop just so I could beat people like you with impunity

>> No.13101621

Thats the only reason anybody becomes a cop

>> No.13101627

well at least it means people are still able to fulfill their dreams.

>> No.13101630

Kill all of police mans

>> No.13101698

being a narc aint effay

>> No.13101744
File: 229 KB, 1200x675, 4913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you dress Loki-core

>> No.13101843

looks like swedish-cuck core lmao

>> No.13101932

I am a tutor I get to dress pretty effay, sweaters, nice pants and button ups all the time. Comfortable shoes are hard to find though. I am thinking new balance 990s as they look nice and I think they would fit my teacher look

>> No.13102011

Found the nigger!

>> No.13102382
File: 187 KB, 581x914, 3FD1A5B8-A2B7-4905-B6D9-3A1760F6AEB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im in the south so i usually wear cowbow pieces like bolo ties and boots

Pic related

>> No.13102384

Shut up nigger

>> No.13102394

this t b h

>> No.13102396

is this you? is this supposed to be funny or do you think this is effay in any way you amerilard subhuman

>> No.13102402
File: 75 KB, 1280x1024, lee-cooper-holster-pocket-cargo-trousers-w1280h1024q90i6246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work for the post service, stocking packages :-)
standing there, managing each individual piece of e-commerse, you really feel less like buying clothes.

>> No.13102405

No its from true detective you dumbass

>> No.13102411

mark my word, you fucking scum. one day, you're going to wake up, and everything will be gone. everything you love, everyone you love - gone. just like that. and you'll wander around your house, now empty, trying to go about your morning routine despite all of your possessions being nothing but ash, and you'll wonder why. why did this happen? what happened to me? and then you will remember this moment, and you will know that this, this post on a kenyan carpenter forum, was the beginning of the end.

>> No.13102414
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>> No.13102416
File: 57 KB, 728x728, 0BC5ADD8-1CD4-498A-85FD-DCFDDE823966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this from True Detective?

>> No.13102791

Give it back Jamal

>> No.13103991

FBI is pretty neat too.

>> No.13104359
File: 147 KB, 1080x430, 1515708615016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly the tears from people like you are the best thing about being in LE

>> No.13104370

This but unironically

>> No.13104372
File: 267 KB, 1000x1000, its a lifestyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13104373


The absolute state of this board

>> No.13104672

5150 me mother fucker.

Not all laws are moral, cops uphold them regardless. All Cops Are Bastards

>> No.13104675

You get to figure out which black guy killed the other black guy

>> No.13104694

>wake up 4 am from a fevered dream about a case left unsolved years ago
>knock back a whiskey and chainsmoke all the way to the office
>comissioner barges in saying ‘you’re a loose cannon Dillane. Youre a disgrace to the PD’
>say ‘and all you want is to sit on your ass til you collect pension. Right chief?’
>turn in gun and badge
>’You OTHER badge’
>become a private investigator
>hot busty woman walks into your office
>’Of all the offices in the world. She walks into mine’
>she wants you to investigate the murder of her husband
>turns out to be tied to the murder left unsolved years ago
>chainsmoke and knock back a whiskey
>while drunk bust into Chinatown and shoot some weird looking chinese people
>somehow they turned out to be the murderers youve been looking for
>mayor commends you for solving the case
>back at the office chainsmoking and knocking back a whiskey
>phone rings. Its the comissioner
>’Dillane. We need you out of retirement.’
>’The Who - Wont get fooled again’ plays as credits roll

>> No.13104698


>> No.13104703

>>’You OTHER badge’

>> No.13104720

world needs bad men
we keep the other bad men from the door

>> No.13104763

Dressed in a $600,000 rubbersuit resembling a bat and a 3 million dollar fully customized armored car

Thats a gr8 /fa/ job

>> No.13104770

>9th sequel
>’You ever do this kind of thing before?’
>’I guess you could say that’
>*winks at the camera*

>> No.13104775
File: 53 KB, 400x400, D46FD9AF-3919-4601-8878-DE80A3EFE909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13104801

Thisd make a gr8 move im screening for l8r use, can i use this story?

>> No.13105028


>> No.13105051

im a software engineer which is as un/fa/ as you can get but i have a lot of money to buy clothes with so it's ok

>> No.13105261

Fuck the police, OP.

That includes you.

>> No.13105279
File: 51 KB, 425x625, typical law enforcement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cops are fucking swine. And consider this: the number of laws in this world ALWAYS increase in number, and NEVER decrease in number. It's the nature of piggies and their masters. And of course many of these ever more numerous "crimes" aren't crimes at all. It's the nature of the beast, in a nutshell.

>> No.13105282

But the needs its monopoly on violence, dontchaknow? How else will we close the dispensaries and make sure that enough oxycontin gets to market? How will club dicked mutants with no redeeming qualities ever find employment?

>> No.13105756
File: 89 KB, 657x684, A49DC81B-3AD7-43D9-B673-122AEF6FEBB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>partner dies
>he was two days away from retirement

>> No.13105875

itt black lives matter

>> No.13106213

good effortpost

>> No.13106467

Fuck off degenerate bottom feeding scum

>> No.13106847
File: 580 KB, 540x650, f3f7aa4bc1015646736596d3ab777efe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me that Loki look

>> No.13107053

Bottom feeders >>>>>>>> bootlickers

>> No.13107283
File: 84 KB, 900x1200, 93F75257-53C7-4DD4-B3AD-F61E857D79F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are detectives so cool?

>> No.13107288

Only white people say ACAB

>> No.13107295

This desu
Fuck cops, dumbass pieces of shit don't deserve to be employed

>> No.13107302

Kek'd hard:) My friend, you sound like a 10\10 troubled teen w/ an attitude problem - I would most assuredly smoke a joint w/ you

>> No.13107316

>you sound like a 10\10 troubled teen w/ an attitude problem
>Hot, young, with a brooding personality
thanks man u too

>> No.13107362

what do you tutor and do you wear ties

>> No.13108593

Shut up nigger

>> No.13109688

Man this board really is full of teenagers

>> No.13109699

Anyone who doesn't like law enforcement is fucking gayer than gay and deserves no liberties at all.

Fuck off nigdick

>> No.13109706
File: 45 KB, 640x360, b00g2283-640-360-jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is being a writer /fa/?

>> No.13109768
File: 158 KB, 499x413, 5100072221_bootlicking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Howdy fellas! What are the most /fa/ boots you've licked this week? What grade leather do your local piggies wear? They must be delicious!

Pic related is me.

We love our cops! Our law enforcement!

>> No.13109814

i'm an english teacher in Vietnam. I usually wear chinos or black jeans and an untucked button up with dress shoes. i'm currently wearing a thermal shirt and sweatpants while withdrawing from heroin. i lead a quiet life punctuated by debauchery

am i fa

>> No.13109841

Only if you're
>a middle-aged Bukowski-esque drunken failure who's already missed his shot
And either way you sure as hell better be writing for the written page. Screenwriting is not /fa/.

>> No.13109846

That sounds incredibly /fa/.

>> No.13109852

I've always wanted to be an english teacher in vietnam. how did you do it?

>> No.13109957

I don't even need to point out how wrong this statement is. Laws are repealed all the time.

>> No.13110750

im a centrist cause i hate cops and niggers

>> No.13110776


What's this from?

>> No.13110889

Can't tell if srs

>> No.13111469
File: 93 KB, 1440x1080, adwad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice anon I'm jealous. I'm studying for a criminal investigations degree in NYC but it'll be years before I make it to detective.

>> No.13111490


Sending this to my mate in the MET right now, guaranteed tears.

>> No.13111506


>> No.13111525

Scientist. I usually wear a suit to work. Hang the jacket in my locker and then wear the lab coat over my shirt and tie.

I voted for Donald Trump though so I wouldn't call myself /fa/ now that I have discovered how politically charged this board is T_T

>> No.13111535

Soooo bounty hunter????

>> No.13111549
File: 1.10 MB, 900x1200, 8EA29D38-7BFD-48C1-951E-E97C588F5699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The faggots who call white working class "rednecks", "racist white trash" etc and supported pro Iraq and Afghanistan war mongers like Hillary are class traitors for the (((globalist))) elite, hence why they're backed by every corporation and politician

>> No.13111561
File: 45 KB, 709x661, IMG_20171001_111509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got communist and liberal mixed up.

>> No.13111922
File: 58 KB, 700x678, C310E70E-5E26-465B-8227-58378539E280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not investigating a string of cult related murders in Louisiana

>> No.13113351
File: 173 KB, 778x600, slide3_moseley_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a chemist
>feels good man

>> No.13113392
File: 1.81 MB, 2500x1669, the-leftovers-justin-theroux-carrie-coon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im in the south so i usually wear cowbow pieces like bolo ties and boots

Kevin Garvey in The Leftovers work?
Or do detectives wear whatever they want?

>> No.13113393
File: 103 KB, 601x400, 20151113_serial_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13113395

I think you've been watching a little too much TV anon

>> No.13113418

Detectives are plainclothes so they can wear whatever they want. Ofcourse dressing up like a cowboy in new york will have people make fun of you. OP is probably from texas, cali, arkansas, arizona etc where cowboys are associated with law enforcement

>> No.13114262

Give it back Tyrone

>> No.13114281
File: 286 KB, 479x472, fa .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no words needed

>> No.13114553
File: 30 KB, 533x709, DF430C80-9159-48AB-B8A1-05F19800CC4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13115212

realest post itt

>> No.13115795

More like reddit ;^)

>> No.13116073
File: 85 KB, 1024x576, 1168320150629155816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see you stealing Colin Farrel's pics you son of a bitch.

>> No.13116084

where in vietnam? was there recently and Hanoi was sick. Heroin doesn't seem cool though, so I can't tell if you were joking.

>> No.13116092

Cops are great what are you fags talking about? Anyone that can drive down nigger populations is a god damn hero.

>> No.13116868

This board is full of teenagers lol

>> No.13117970

If you like cops and you're not an edgelord teen you must be a sad adult

>> No.13117971

i work in digital marketing, i work from home and do nothing all day and act like i did work.

>> No.13117979


>> No.13117993

>liking cops is now edgy
Lmao shut up nigger

You can cry all day about wahh wahh muh human rights meanwhile me and my pals down at the PD are eating donuts and smoking weed we take from teens. All at taxpayers (you and your parents expense)

Think we give a fuck that you hate us? No kiddo. Cause we dont give a fuck when a nigger stabs you either. Lol

>> No.13118116
File: 1.09 MB, 500x259, tumblr_ohmpdyQ3Wy1tvav1do1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13118119

how the FUCK is this shitty thread not dead

>> No.13118126

Do social and cultural research studies. Probably most effay job you can do with math.

>> No.13118140

how many gangster cock did you suck to day?

>> No.13118167

>liking cops is now edgy
>posts longwinded tryhard and supremely edgy reply

>> No.13118370


Oh look another brainlet child with no future. Cant wait to use my state given power to steal your weed in the streets lol

>> No.13118598

>he thinks cops are cool
>can't wait to become a cop
you're like a 4 year old in one of those big Tonka cop cars with the bike pedals.

>> No.13118997

Im already a cop you moron lol jesus dumbass yeezy wearing soyboy cant read lmao brainlet retard

>> No.13119016

Patrolmen deserve death and majority of people dont care when nigger BLM snipes them down
Detectives are cool though, pretty /fa/ job and they actually help people

>> No.13119572


Dumbass kids in this board doesnt know who brings in paedophiles and solve murder cases.

Lmao fuck the thousands of families each year who finds the rapist of their daughter. Just cause a bunch of soyboys got their feelings hurt.