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/fa/ - Fashion

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13095088 No.13095088 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13095094

Lmao thats retarded

>> No.13095096

What the fuck. This is beyond ridiculous. Not even niggers deserve this.

>> No.13095097

Finally those assholes do what they're supposed to!!

>> No.13095155

Damn, you better start carrying your receipts with you now

>> No.13095161

It's fucking beautiful. Every brown person under 40 with a car worth more than 1 minimum wage is getting pulled over every 30 seconds or something.

>> No.13095165

>Dutch police buttmad their fits are shit, “if I can’t afford trickyrickys, no one will wear him,” remarked Chief of Police Johannes Van Houten

>> No.13095233

That wouldnt help.
You better start carrying a photocopy of your paycheck.
Crypto traders BTFO!

>> No.13095234

What is wrong with the Scandis?


>> No.13095236

There is literally nothing wrong with treating hypebeasts like this.

>> No.13095335


>> No.13095342

la ciudad de las abominaciones...

>> No.13095367


>> No.13095398
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>> No.13095405


>all that money
>still look like shit

>> No.13095438

Reminder that this is a cover up for racial profiling because of political correct media/governments. No one gives a shit if Jaan walks around wearing Ralph Lauren, but Muhammed has a Gucci belt? It's either fake or he got it from dealing drugs. Lmao at you retards thinking normal people will be affected by this, only shitskins will ever need to 'undress'.

>> No.13095450

>only shitskins will ever need to 'undress'.
the number of affected in that description grows by the day in europe tho

>> No.13095462

Oh look a 56% mutt talking shit about countries with <20% immigrants (including whites) total

>> No.13095469

the only way this is a good decision is if they take away designer clothes from rich college students/asian people who somehow spend 2000 dollars on saint laurent and still look like a fucking 12 year old

>> No.13095474
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Our police actually got new uniform not too long ago. Their new colorway is something like very dark navy blue - neon green. I must say I like it.

r8 it

>> No.13095496

and a 1.2 replication rate
mexicans are bad but at least they don't have a sharia equivalent
>tfw live in rich city in rich state
>tfw I'd never see minorities even if I tried
stay mad yurop

>> No.13095499
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>> No.13095500

lol the only ones who can talk shit about this are aussies but sadly their internet connection are too slow

>> No.13095503

I had to live in london last year for work. back in the US now and I gotta say it's nice to be in a developed country again
what's up with the showers over there?
why is the water pressure so bad?
why is everything so small and gay?

>> No.13095654

On behalf of London I sincerely apologize that we were unable to provide meals large enough for a gentleman of size such as yourself.

In future please let your servers know that you are an American and they will have no problem providing you with the sort of unsavory detritus to which you are accustomed.

Good day, faggot.

>> No.13095673

If only Brits applies themselves to dentistry and individual freedoms the way they do with banter the place might not resemble the third world so much.
At least with all that cctv you have ample footage of all those beautiful smiles and lush pasty skin

>> No.13095687

>hahaha u have bad teef
Americans truly can not banter

>> No.13095700

>spending all that money and it's not on a suit
fucking children

>> No.13095703

He exclaimed; spewing Poptart crumbs and Mt Dew from his acne covered face.

>> No.13095734

It's only funny until it happens to you. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess none of you could afford anything designer without saving up or using Grailed. Imagine legit paying for something and then just having it stripped away simply because of looking like you can't afford it. That would be complete bullshit.

>> No.13095746

How to defeat the entire London police force....Glock 19 with a half loaded magazine.

There are like 30 "firearms officers" in London and takes them several minutes to grab their g36 out of their locked vessels.

At this very second shit posting on 4chan I am armed more heavily than the UK police force because I have a monster energy drink can sitting on top of a Magpul pmag

>> No.13095753

he mumbled through rotting molars

>> No.13095757

wow dude ur badass haha xD

>> No.13095758

all my shit is yohji and visvim
I doubt some bobby from holland would even recognize it

>> No.13095762

>needing a gun
you can wipe them out with a sharpened pen-knife and some unpleasantly worded tweets

>> No.13095767

a wounded nigel lashes out!

>> No.13095769

Nope I'm just a fucking moron. As a moron I have more resources at my disposal than the United kingdom.

That's what you get for implementing Sharia law zones and accepting immigrants who now run your country

I can legally critisize Islam, those fucking sand niggers.

You....will get arrested for "hate speech"

Your nation has gone to shit.

>> No.13095776

from the country that drafted the magna carta and they can't even send you a mean response unless they're on a proxy lest they risk the wrath of london's finest

>> No.13095798

you truly are... the john wick

>> No.13095801

>accepting immigrants who now run your country
Have you started learning Spanish yet?

>> No.13095809

Yeah, they probably think you are poor actually. I love yohji :-)

>> No.13095853
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You know the average American has more guns than John wick? He only had a Glock an AR and a Mossberg.

Mossberg 500 or Maverick 88 is cheaper than an Xbox one at Walmart.

Ar-15 you can get a m&p15 from the same Walmart for the price of an Xbox one x

This is all possible because America isn't a shit hole country.

My girlfriend texted me this asking if she should buy some. Since it was on sale...

>> No.13095874

Once again Arabs are a blight on the world, sand niggers that Don't even deserve a burial. Kill them all and burn their shitty mosques down. Yes hate yes speech yes hate speech.

My church attending girlfriend has more hands on firearms training than a UK cop

>> No.13095892

It’s europe anyway. Americans be like “le based hwhuaite cops!” But they’re lucky that this will not happen in america.

>> No.13095901

go on then M8, av a go then

>> No.13095936

Can the /Pol/tards go back to their containment board so we don't have to put up with this mall-ninja autism?

>> No.13095939

Americans are insane.

>> No.13095957

Just hide the threads. Discussing anything with /pol/fags will just give them the opportunity to share their retarded perspectives.

>> No.13095986
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Guns aren't scary. See it's just a spring and a hammer.

I built this in a garage by myself
The sad thing is that you once had a great country

Now you have no rights.you gave it all away for what?

>> No.13095992

I'm so glad i'm not American

>> No.13096004

Yeah, i've shot guns too. I've also shot bazookas. American gun culture is a death cult.

>> No.13096024

far right is on some syphon filter shit. i dig it

>> No.13096031

Most /fa/ police ever especially the AT teams.

>> No.13096033
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fucking kek I hope this means we're gonna start seeing some confiscated Acronym shells that these swagfags bought for the hype get auctioned off. How do I cut an under the table deal with the Rotterdam police to get some grails?

>> No.13096053

Is this the birth of fa johnnyneptune?

>> No.13096273

when will techwear evolve into this?

>> No.13096279

u literally a joke on the same level
dude just dont

>> No.13096289

wait wtf, when was this pic taken?
PLEASE dont let techwear become turbo normie

>> No.13096334

Shit like this is the reason I laugh at white Europeans who say their nations are over racism lmao

>> No.13096344

so how are they gonna do this shit
will it be official police duty to watch and learn from runaways now?

>> No.13096373

i thought that kind of weird police overreach was america's specialty

>> No.13096390

>racial profiling
about time. don't you agree, mr levi?

>> No.13096404

i just bought a bolt-action rifle that shoots 762x54r for $250 a week ago. each round is about 60 cents or .50 Euro. Firearms is a major part of american life

>> No.13096413

How are they going to know if a piece is a zara knock off or a givenchey jacket

>> No.13096424

Mosins aren't very good guns

>> No.13096467

yes, but fun to shoot in the backyard

>> No.13096468

>Guns aren't scary.
No I agree, having shot a few (including some big 12.7x99 ones) It's quite fun. Especially if you have a talent for it.

They get scary when you have one pointed at you, and the less people walking around with guns they can point at me, the better.
>inb4 "If everyone had guns"

Lets take a look at a place where everyone and their mom has a gun.
"The city saw a surge in gun violence in 2016: 762 murders, 3,550 shooting incidents, and 4,331 shooting victims, according to a statement released by the department on Sunday. "

>Now you have no rights.you gave it all away for what?
The goverment dont even need to show up at your house. They can level your house from 20 000 feet with a drone if they decide to go all tyrannical.
Your "Defence against tyrannical goverment" argument is a ridiculous one.

If you like guns, fine. Go to the range, shoot a few, be my guest. But please dont belittle the rest of the world when your inner cities have higher death tolls amonst civilans due to violence than most conflict zones.

>> No.13096754

its called a shank you gay cunt

>> No.13096777

it's so quaint over there
cigarettes are "fags"
apartments are "flats"
elevators are "lifts"
candy is "sweets"
and mean tweets are "shanks"

>> No.13096780

They don't target randos. They will check up on former or suspected criminals and confiscate their goods in exchange for fines due or paying tickets. It's basically profiling but it's not against just any brownies or muzzies. Only ones with a record or who are gang members but otherwise haven't been arrested, yet.

I don't disagree but don't burn the mosques without cooking some bacon and smoking some sausage in them first.

>> No.13096871

im an australian you gay cunt

>> No.13096909
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Pic is old, man. While the more authentic and/or experimental techwear is unlikely to be adopted by normies, the style definitely is. Look at streetwear and mall-tier designers and you'll see that the 'technical', 'performance' tag is getting added to a lot of designs. There's a lot of driving factors for adoption and it's only a matter of time. But honestly, if you want to live out the gritty cyberpunk world that techwear is so associated with you have to want it to catch on, so it can become more commonplace, and evolve. More enthusiasts can mean more advancement.

>> No.13096916

>sumptuary laws coming back

Fucking based, we need this shit in Britain and America, undress all the nigs and shitskins

>> No.13096917

>More enthusiasts
Also I would say it would be nice if this caused a price drop in ACR or something but that'll never fucking happen lol. At least maybe I'll get less questions like "are you wearing parachute pants?" when I'm in my noisy Veilance.

>> No.13096926

see and people think europe is some haven of freedom lol

>> No.13096929

>A Dutch officer was quoted as saying, 'If your skin is brown, we'll strip you down' and, 'With nappy hair, you'll go bare'

>> No.13096930

Nobody thinks that

>> No.13096942

I dunno I just watched a PBS documentary called "Exodus" where people from Guinea were crossing into Spain by the thousands cuz their own country was such a shithole

>> No.13096953

>people think europe is some haven of freedom
No, American liberals think Europe is a haven of anti-gun laws where everyone gets socialized healthcare and Afghanis/Tunisians/Ethiopians/not Syrians treat it like a dump and expect welfare.

>> No.13096958

Saw that too.
>that speech the guy gave in the woods before they all rolled out
>Guinean Théoden

>> No.13096974

yeah that was fucked up, you can't be like "I wanna better myself" and then just go full stupid african stereotype on the only channel that will give them a fair voice
I grew up by the us/mexico border, and Mexicans didn't do any brujeria shit before jumping the fence, they just hauled ass and listened to their guides

>> No.13096981

that's kind of my point
they think it's great until they realize that it's a huge police state

>> No.13096987

Exactly. And now look at London, or Munich. Orwell wrote about what would happen, not what could happen.

>> No.13096999

British people only have themselves to blame
If something equivalent to the troubles or the widespread outbreak of football hooliganism were issues in America I hope there would be cctv and all the other surveillance too
Keep in mind: most businesses in America that have certain kinds of liquor or food licenses are required to have cameras, and cops get access to pretty much whatever footage they want. So it's happening here too, to an extent

>> No.13097001
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came here to post this. We fuedalist soon.

>> No.13097051


>> No.13097054
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Literally every city in the US is absolutely non-White, maybe you such a mutt you don't even realise YOU are the minority

>> No.13097168

Who do these kunts think they are, the fashion police?

>> No.13097260
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also vietnam and afghanistan

>Lets take a look at a place where everyone and their mom has a gun.
okay nice bait, you got me

>> No.13097447

>muh asymetrical warfare

>> No.13097477

Actual Colgatian here.
This isn't so much being the style police, but this is mainly going after dealers and other undesirables who spend inordinate amounts of illegally earned wealth on gaudy, flashy fashion. This mainly targets brown people.

>> No.13097485

police officers gotta take classes on flashy fashion though, in order to spot the gaudy gucci and the likes.
Kinda funny

>> No.13097846

it'll only happen to minorities, whats the problem?

>> No.13097870

>Firearms is a major part of american life
in your shithole flyover states sure, you have nothing else to do.
>Americans are insane.
we're not all as retarded as Sieg. the northeast of the states is nice. guarantee all these pol spergs live in shithole flyover states. I've spent time in the northeast (mostly NYC area and Massachusetts) and some west coast (california & washington) and there isn't this ridiculous gun culture. most young educated americans are equally baffled by this obsession w guns.

>> No.13097874

underrated comment

>> No.13097876

>picking Houston and Philly but not including Boston, Seattle, or Portland
shit graphic. also there's absolutely no way London is that white. spent a solid amount of time there and I'd say it felt very comparable to NYC

>> No.13097953

Feels good to live in the whitest city in the US

>> No.13097984

lool this reminds me of when a friend of mine found a way to get into a huge wine cellar (I live in tuscany) where all the old chianti wines were stored. We started taking 2-3 bottles at night for about a month until they fixed the window. We made so much money selling them via ebay, but as I recall I spent all my money in sneakers, weed and at the clubs getting tables and shit. If I were more senseful I'd have buyed some musical equipment

>> No.13097989

*tips fedora*
too true m'sir

>> No.13098003

Or some English lessons too wouldn’t have hurt

>> No.13098007
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pointing out other people's mistakes is extremely low energy, especially when a mono-lingual mutt

>> No.13098044
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>implying the average Joe even recognizes luxury fashion

I know people want to brag with their expensive and exclusive shit, but from my experience no one actually sees it unless you're spending time in fancy areas where the upper classes frequents.

>go to big city's main shopping street - nobody cares, barely even looks
>go to town with one of my country's most historic opera buildings - get mires and envious stares by people of all ages

>> No.13098056



>> No.13098069
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>> No.13098072

Gun culture is really big in new england, so you should talk to more people. Also, I suggest decreasing your soy intake.

>> No.13098084

Maine here. We all own guns. Everyone you know owns guns. They just don't talk to you about them because you're a repulsive and irritating person.

>> No.13098131

t. flyover states

>> No.13098157
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anon, I

>> No.13098163

Why did this thread get replies when everyone knows this is just an excuse to ask groids/muslims in gucci tracksuits where they got their money from?

Oh wait, everyone here is either 16 or shitposting. Continue.

>> No.13098169

Jokes on you, I’m a certified medical Spanish interpreter.

>> No.13098180

Holy shit, that looks like some cyberpunk shit, and I love it.

>> No.13098185

have you ever been to london? you see pigs with guns all the time

>> No.13098190
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>it's yet another yurop vs 'merica thread

Brings me back to good old /b/ in the early days.

>> No.13098208

40% percent of France's newborn are of sub-saharan origin

>> No.13098239

EU can suck a big dick
Bullshit statistic

>> No.13098248

These threads annoy me because Americans seem to think European countries are states and not actual countries with their own genetics, culture, traditions, history etc

But whatever

>> No.13098313

this isnt true, only to stupid people. talk to any american from a decent upbringing / state who has a uni degree and I guarantee they're not this stupid. but there are equally stupid people everywhere, this is coming from someone who has lived in both the states and europe. mostly comes down to wealth, and of course race is tied into that.

>> No.13098340

>more than 2,700 Metropolitan Police officers are authorised to use guns." [1]
And that is from 2010, i'm sure it has gone up.
[1] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10260298

>> No.13099284

>[Fedora Tipping Intensifies]

>> No.13100473

Basically a bad excuse to get away with with racist profiling, especially considering this will mostly take place in Rotterdam and Amsterdam where there is a great amount of sandnigger youth.
The Dutch police will even get trained into recognizing expensive brands, so that concludes that this is just a waste of The dutch people's taxes and will not lead to anything other than maybe find a small drugdealer here or there.

>> No.13100479 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13100497


>> No.13100510

story pls

>> No.13100516

lmao yurpooristan is 1984 tier

Kyselves euros USA USA USA

>> No.13100522

based post working the yurocuck marks into a shoot

>> No.13100524

It's the fashion police in Russia.

The guy closer to the camera died, look at how his head hits the ground.

>> No.13100530

Rotterdam seems like the right place for it. Didn't see 1 white person when I went there. Even the mayor is a shitskin

>> No.13100589

eu has been retarded for years no surprise there

>> No.13100599

>Tomislav Boduljak
Slav gets arrested for his physique when visiting Denmark.
Really makes me think.

>> No.13100719

Stolen valor according to some anon on /gif/ last time I saw this. Dudes were wearing navy stripes and demanding respect when flip flops saw them, and forced them to change before clocking them. Not sure if that's true or if it's just hooligans being hooligans.

>> No.13101472

T a c t i c o o l

inb4 killed by Muhammed with a bullet worth 50 cents.

>> No.13101758

t. obese neckbeard that looks like an illegal immigrant.

>> No.13102683

the vetements hoodie with dkny jeans and slp boots lmfao what a horrid look

>> No.13102725

buttblasted akhmed spotted

>> No.13103234

>nj is part of Texas and not ny
Lol the people from my town would love this

>> No.13103756

Ok y'all now that it's clear that /pol/ is more of a festering breeding ground harolded by the very autistic and destructively delusional than any sort of containment board can we nuke it?