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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 605 KB, 2048x1339, urban-outfitters-mike-mozart-flickr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13089684 No.13089684 [Reply] [Original]

I'll admit, I've gotten a nice shirt from Urban Outfitters before and I check in every so often for a sale. Most stuff is trash and teenage-bait, but what does /fa/ think of it?

>> No.13089697

its ok

>> No.13089727

store for crosley buying roasties

>> No.13089793

They’re fine for basic stuff every once in a while. Same as h&m.

>> No.13089815

What is a roastie? I'm out of the loop on this, but have been too lazy to ask until now.

>> No.13089819

vagina that looks like roast beef.

>> No.13089834
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1432724756686s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THAT'S what it means? Leave it to "hurr girls are all sluts and bitches" incels with rage to perceive that vaginas actually work like that.

>> No.13089836

hello roastie

>> No.13089838

>"Women who are having sex with guys who aren't me reeeeee! Fucking roasties"

>> No.13089847

The issue is deeper than you think. Browse r9k for awhile. Yea there's some shit but if you sift through it the real issues come to surface. At the very least, the sexbot issue should wake you up

>> No.13089850

It's 4chan bro.

>> No.13089862

got a pair of very nice fleece overalls from them. only thing ive brought but one of my best cops

>> No.13089869

if a single word triggers you this much you should leave this site

>> No.13089875
File: 3.19 MB, 1872x1212, Screen Shot 2018-01-21 at 3.12.32 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what I'd give for that Guess shirt.

>> No.13090024

better than h&m but worse than american apparel imo. just gotta dig a little

>> No.13090073


There's so much 'upcycled' shit in it and everything looks dirty. Used to have decent adidas stuff in, got a blue velour tracksuit top there once.

>> No.13090178

I just don't get how they convince themselves of this inane shit. Take girl 1 and girl 2.

Girl 1 is my gf. We live together and have sex about 3 times a week upper estimate. (this is true of my life).

Girl 2 is a single Stacy. Let's say Stacy gets drunk every weekend and fucks a Chad a weekend. That is actually an absurd and unrealistic proposition realistically speaking--no one is that busy and Sloot Stacies are still tempered by friends and slut shaming and stuff, but we will go with it to illustrate the point. Biggest point is that even though Stacy is a sloot, she is a single sloot, and single people don't have sex during the week for obvious reasons.

My GF gets the pussy beat by me roughly 12 times a month. Stacy gets Chad dick 4 times a month.

My GF is 3x more of a "roastie" than Stacy, according to incel logic.

>> No.13090394

fuck urban outfitters lmaooooo, just a bunch of artsy kids at my uni wear that and instantly think they are more fashionable than me, when I'm wearing more flattering n more unique shit than just their ripped jeans n cropped calvin klien shirt n oversized wind breaker n tote bag. its a lame excuse for hoes to call themselves instantly trendy n fashionable. But shittt they get good models n their store is laid out nice so that attract middle class basic women who like twin peaks n Alt J. Also anytime I come in there, the workers are either extremely pushy or don't give a shit that I even want help, they look like they all on xans n hate their life

>> No.13090399

sounds like a girl who works at urban outfitters friendzoned you

>> No.13090400

Tbh you sound like an insufferable cunt and id rather hang out with the art hoe basic bitches that trigger your autistic insecurities

>> No.13090407

They have a vintage + refurbished clothing section that I've gotten a few nice things from. My favourite wool jumper was from there and it only cost £5.

>> No.13090505

I stole a nice orange button up plaid from Urban Outfitters that was super comfy. Had it up until an ex stole it from me. That being said, I'm happy with what I had but I wouldn't pay for it.

>> No.13090508
File: 120 KB, 800x530, 66BF4DB9-7FE4-4A30-8FE1-AF7D7D1B3A61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think UO carries these?

>> No.13090512

they do? As in second hand or just "vintage"?

>> No.13090546

desu i hope ur mom still loves u n ur basic autistic tendencies

>> No.13090562

>autistic tendencies

>> No.13090566

I'm actually a v sad person n I'm very nice but i never leave my house help me i don't know english

>> No.13090575

desu i think ur the man of my dreams I live in new Zealand, please love me

>> No.13090896
File: 173 KB, 955x960, D74B8B83-D50D-466D-8E41-17780EE97D94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw i stayed in this hotel in Malta last year.
United Fucking Nations held a conference for peace and diplomacy or something
The leader of the committee sat next to me at breakfast.
He was dressed classically, banging business fit all his goons and security were super effay too.
2 girls walk over with the security guards, fucking paki goons had brought 15 year old pussy to the table for the impeccably dressed diplomat
>mfw one was wearing white “supreme” custom Yeezys and another was wearing black customs
>mfw they get to chill with this absolute effay Don all for the price of getting dicked by some paedophilic security guards

>> No.13090915

>retard doesn't know that t b h changes to desu and f a m changes to senpai

>> No.13090964

its like retarded uniqlo that has some sick stuff some times but i always feel weird when im in there cuz they pander wayy too much

>> No.13091322

no it isn't. Its derived from a roaster, someone who gets roasted.

>> No.13091716

I've been waiting for weeks for a sale on that exact Guess t-shirt I check nearly everyday.

>> No.13091737

Honestly one of the worst fast fashion stores. The fact they try to make their generic shit expensive to bait the same kids who buy supreme is gross

>> No.13091741

Never seen such an obvious newfag reddit crossposter in my entire life

>> No.13091765

good point

>> No.13091778

Bearing in mind that it's a term made by people that have no idea how vaginas work, by the way.

>> No.13091896


>> No.13091905

boy was that tough

>> No.13091918


>> No.13091932

so many male feminist pussies on this board

everyone that i know who shops at urban outfitters are failers at life.

29 year old fashion grads
no jobs

instagram made to look like their lives are really cooler than they actually are

>> No.13091945

it's not how much you're having sex - it's the number of people you're giving it up to

>> No.13092142
File: 54 KB, 222x222, 8093185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO, If you shop at UO regardless it means you're "basic" and can't thrift/dress yourself.
If you shop there you lose my respect

>> No.13092156


>> No.13092767

but girls only get beat up looking roast beef pussy bc it's getting pounded frequently

>> No.13093042

They're not even based around selling their own stuff. So how the fuck do you even know if something comes from UO or not?

>> No.13093052

No, it doesn't.

>> No.13093927

stupid fucking nigger

>> No.13094212

UO has a personal line for clothing