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/fa/ - Fashion

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13088197 No.13088197 [Reply] [Original]

Is vaping fashionable? I want to get into vaping but i don't want to be associated with douches or fedora wearers. How can you pull vaping off?

>> No.13088203
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M lady

>> No.13088210
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>> No.13088213

buy a nice looking one that isnt gaudy and then never take it out of the house

>> No.13088229

smoke instead

>> No.13088243

so many people in paris are vaping its so sad

>> No.13088250

le ebig bait :-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.13088405

get a juul/phix/sourin instead

no vapor but you get the fix

>> No.13088417


vaping looks so retarded. I associate it with someone drinking out of a baby bottle in public

>> No.13088442

b8 as fuck kys

>> No.13088452

>buy a nice looking one
Literally impossible.

>> No.13088459

Not everything has to be effay
This specifically, though: is not

>> No.13088463

Every time I see someone in public doing it they have the most obnoxious sort of attitude. Seems like some sort of new age fedora beta peacocking in action. Though I will say it smells nice and is probably a somewhat enjoyable experience. If i ever got a vape I would most certainly never do it in public.

>> No.13088480
File: 492 KB, 526x555, famous cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not so much fedoras as it is these cuck looking types who give off that "still go to high school parties vibe"

but yes, it does attract fedoras as well

>> No.13088533

Perfectly acceptable way to get off of cigarettes. The vape is a kind of hipster and fedora hybrid aesthetic but cigarettes just increasingly make you look weak and pathetic.

>> No.13088547


lol fucking soy as fuck

>> No.13088569
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I've got one of these in black and I think it looks decent and works well enough for me. The trick to vaping while not looking like a douche is to never do it in front of another person. That's it. Nobody likes people that blow huge clouds in public so just don't do it. Don't even talk about doing it.

>> No.13088586
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>> No.13088597

That's one way to look at it. Are you a nicotine addict?

>> No.13088602

Then leave, faggot.

>> No.13088618

I wonder if the tobacco industry propagates such a negative image of vapers

>> No.13088636

Nerds will be over-represented in any early adoption of tech.

There's probably a lot of really nerdy looking multi-millionaires that got in on bitcoin, for instance.

>> No.13088644
File: 148 KB, 640x1136, 58A70364-BEDC-4739-86C3-0A676A89B289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marlboro Reds>Aspire Breeze>Juul/Suorin Air>Anything else
Box mods are shit not to mention they’re a pain to carry around. Cigs will always be more fa than vapes

>> No.13088696

Nice breath you get from that
My ex used to smoke and hers was fucking disgusting

>> No.13088706

its heavy fuel man breath

>> No.13088737

I don’t smoke anymore but after a few drinks these were godlike. And camel unfiltered. Just vapes nowadays

>> No.13088869

I thought fashion was about breaking and creating new paradigms. Sadly, i see a lot of people that are only looking for social validation

>> No.13088975

trying to choose a new system instead of the juul.
I would like it to be as close to a cigarette as possible since I smoke outside, but don't want to smoke inside my apartment.

Should I get the aspire breeze over the suorin air? What are the pros and cons? How often and what do I have to replace for the breeze?

>> No.13089073
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>> No.13089244

No, it will always look gay as fuck. smoke cigs if you what to be /fa/.

only high schoolers use those.

>> No.13089363

You are the type of fag that gets into trends that others approve off. Learn to live with your self

>> No.13089377

Are you trying to will away reality, anon? You wouldn't be the first on /fa/ to try and do that.

It is in the interests of cigarette companies to keep cigarette addicts in their pocket. But that doesn't mean nerds don't vape in real life, does it?
You're going to get all sorts of people among vapists but lots of them will be nerds.
Fashion is a business. The only reason they "break and create new paradigms" is because once they sell you a bomber jacket they probably can't sell you a new bomber jacket so they make bombers uncool and some shit you don't have yet cool so you buy that when you don't need it.
Vaping probably won't be completely cool until vape companies have enough money to wage enough marketing war against cigarettes that people's desire for novelty outweighs the deep pockets of cigarette companies.

>> No.13089381

This is the only answer. They're as low profile as can be. I use a phix, haven't smoked a cig in 4 months.

>> No.13089391

>hey, /fa/, is this thing I look cool?
"Nope, sorry, it is not cool."
>omg why do you care if it is cool? i'm cool because i don't care about what is cool i just do what i want.
"That's good because what you want to do isn't cool."

>> No.13089470

You got me, I'm an edge lord.

>> No.13091073


>> No.13091126

Looks like a cock

>> No.13092236

The breeze is the better Suorin air. Air pods burn out too easy. Although I do think the air has a better throat hit, overall the breeze is a better device