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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 4 KB, 225x225, 1515880995342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13080590 No.13080590 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when people used to wear skinny jeans. Man that shit was gay.

>> No.13080600

The knuckles meme is my fav xD
Do u kno da wei XD

>> No.13080942
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>> No.13081070

i never wore them.

>> No.13081083

Other than CIA and Shrek I have no idea who any of those people are.

>> No.13081159

they still do

>> No.13081184

I think this is few years outdated, but the point is there

>> No.13081452

hey thats me!

>> No.13081562

MDE isn't on the same level as the rest of those things.

>> No.13081579

I used to wear extreme super skinny jeans, because regular skinny or super skinnys weren't tight enough

>> No.13081972

you're growing old anon. that pic is so 2015

>> No.13082010

I miss them

>> No.13082042
File: 315 KB, 320x180, grape-smash-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw you buy naked and famous jeans

>> No.13082055

It's shit that 16 year olds who still think adult swim is cool like, as if everything else there.

All it needs to be up to date is Rick & Morty

>> No.13082083

every ss/fw negro

>> No.13082120

Slim straight/fitted waist?

>> No.13082158

Still do lol

>> No.13082160

I thought Lord Jawlet Leafy got nuked

>> No.13082978

>home movies

>> No.13083321

skinny is pathetic and only fags wore it
straight cut is not even new

>> No.13083731

Dunkey and jontron are good though

>> No.13083777
File: 494 KB, 1096x1000, 50F98CC2-8C79-42D8-B592-9E707D8D235E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what’s trendy now? Regular fit pants? What do you even wear with them? No good shoes look good with 501. I still rock skinny pants. I mean, more like slim fit but i’m not slim, so it’s somehow skinny looking fit. I like the aesthetic of skinny pants and regular fit shirt. It’s the only style i can tolerate and wear. It’s the only style i can see myself wearing. It’s the only style that feels natural for me and feels like it represents my self accurately. Nothing flashy, just black slim chino, black shoes, black socks, and regular fit shirt. I don’t like hipster music in any way, i still listen to metal/grindcore.

I use Apple products though. Only because i’m not tech savvy and Apple is just comfy. What do you think of me?

>> No.13083787
File: 14 KB, 257x253, 1323043930291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you're a boring faggot who isn't willing to explore outside of the box of familiarity you've created for yourself 2bh

>> No.13083790

What the fuck are you even doing on a fashion board

>> No.13083796

keep telling yourself that

>> No.13083859

I like boring and familiarity. Honestly, i can’t stand “adventurous” people. Like those who have fake optimism about life and are too exaggerated about all things.

Idk i think i just like looking at cool outfits. And somehow being on 4chan means i know more than normies and i’m ahead of them in terms of funny memes knowledge. It’s what makes me feel as if somehow i have some aspects that normies can’t outperform. Unless of course, normies start going here, which i really fear.

I always fantasize being a designer. Having creative minds while also wearing the same fit everyday and like having consistent style because i only have one personality therefore i should only find comfort with one style.

>> No.13083896
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>I like boring and familiarity. Honestly, i can’t stand “adventurous” people. Like those who have fake optimism about life and are too exaggerated about all things.
I didn't say become a wanker, but it's good to expand your box a little man. Keep things familiar if you want but try new things where you can. also from your earlier post
>hipster music
if you're worried about being a hipster or whatever then you're on the wrong website man, this place is worse than anything hipsters were in 2012 when they existed. if the norm loves it, 4chan hates it, doesn't get any more hipster than that.
the rest of your post about how being on 4chan puts you ahead of memes or whatever makes you sound like a bit of a knob and a newfag, normies are already here anyway and have been for a while, you're proof of that.

>> No.13083901
File: 121 KB, 634x947, 3DEDEB0800000578-4280048-image-a-1_1488578404399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this whole skinny jeans suck thing part of fat anons running damage control so they can feel more confident in straight cut? Most decent fits exclusively include skinny pants, they just aren't ugly super skinny, right?

>> No.13083911

is this a copypasta?

>> No.13083914
File: 85 KB, 338x505, 306f426581fa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classy post anon

>> No.13083946

How is it good? How does it make me a better person? People “expand” because they don’t want to be left out. Well i don’t mind being left out. Being adventurous is exhausting and pointless. I tried, only to come to realization that i’m not good enough and i need to try a LOT harder and spend way more time to be as good as everyone else. It’s more comfortable to just quit the ‘race’ and not having to feel bad about ‘losing’. Also i’ve seen that some people change their personality or gestures to match the style they’re currently into, instead of the other way around. I think it’s shitty.

I’m not worried about being called hipster. I was just being ‘inb4’, just in case you were going to call me a hipster. Like no, i have the most embarassing music taste ever.

Also no, i think normies can’t absorp 4chan humour. They’re just here but they won’t be as funny and creative as us.

>> No.13083947

I too wish it wasn’t true. I wish i was better. Some people are just better, without going through self help phase. That’s not fair. Why should i go through self help phase, only to be equally good as them? I’m not going to. I’m just gonna find my place in society and make it more comfy.

>> No.13083949

I meant to reply to you>>13083911

>> No.13083951

Yeah, it's far worse

>> No.13083953

Since at least 2015 cool kids in my city don't use them anymore, it's a normie/douchebag thing.

Everyone has been experimenting new things according to his own personal aesthetic. In my case I'v been into very high rise 100% cotton peg leg jeans. It's like the nice proportions that the skinny revival introduced, but more relaxed, with better textures and without the all-tight factor.

>> No.13084082

>how does exploring new avenues and taking in new ideas make me better as a person
anon you're better than this, or maybe you're not
>People “expand” because they don’t want to be left out
people expand because they eat too much
the rest of your post is honestly just excuses for being lazy or insecure or whatever >>13083947 further proves my point you're just bitching and saying things aren't fair but if you were bothered to put in some effort you could have achieved something.
>I’m not worried about being called hipster.
>I was just being ‘inb4’, just in case you were going to call me a hipster.
>in case you were going to call me a hipster.
so you were worried about being called a hipster
>Also no, i think normies can’t absorp 4chan humour. They’re just here but they won’t be as funny and creative as us.
this is the best way to get called a fucking wanker coz quite frankly mate if you think that being here makes you better than anyone you are mistaken.

>> No.13084107

But i don’t want to achieve anything, anon. I don’t want anything.

>> No.13084125

there are a few obvious good eggs mixed in with the stinkers here

>> No.13084128

Milennials love shit that adult swim was airing at 1am in 2001. They're always talking about space ghost and zorak

>> No.13084304

>i like boring and familiarity as i feel like i look good on them and people won't judge and give me weird looks
>i can't stand "adventurous" people. blah blah judging lv.9999
>being on 4chan means i know more than normies and i liek it
as u said im taking it as inb4
>i-i d-dont want anything
what a cuck.. broaden ur view a little man.. ur missing the point of what good gentleanons here pointing out and its ur loss
being in a fashion board with that kind of attitude says a lot abt ur true self more than all those bait bs

>> No.13084344

>somehow being on 4chan means i know more than normies and i’m ahead of them in terms of funny memes knowledge

damn I felt that

>> No.13084353

What's that blank space in the bottom middle?

>> No.13084375

fat anons and /pol/. fat anons because they want to go full SLP and can't so they're on some sort of cruisade. /pol/ because they gotta constantly reassure themselves that they aren't soyboys.

>> No.13084380
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Fatties btfo lmao

>> No.13084524
File: 99 KB, 450x338, retarded bukake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13084538
File: 56 KB, 580x580, boy thin soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13084810

Ahhh, Mike and Jay don't deserve to be in this bait image.

>> No.13084861

> Unless of course, normies start going here, which i really fear.
Well you are a normie yourself

>> No.13084931
File: 45 KB, 600x578, 130221984383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people still wear skinny jeans, at least in the UK

I own like 5 pairs of the same black skinny jeans, they go with fucking everything

>> No.13084935

everybody wears them. i hate jeans tho

>> No.13084977

Honestly, it needs the Rick and Morty copypasta. It's far more widespread and obnoxious than people who feel superior about liking a cartoon, in my experience. But then again, I like the show so disregard that i suck cocks.

>> No.13084992

DOesn’t matter if i’m a soyboy, at least i look good. Do you really think people actually care about not being a soyboy? Only autists.

I wish i’m a normie. I wish life could be that smooth.

It ain’t easy but hang in there we’re gonna make it. Though i’m scared of being old, i don’t want to live knowing that i’m weaker and can’t run fast and can’t get my small dick hard anymore. I hope someone kill me before i’m 40, idk.

>> No.13085000
File: 71 KB, 520x520, I still do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13085994

This is a bit outdated seen as half of these are dead or irrelevant now

>> No.13086991

This is the gayest most teenage post I've read on /fa/ this year
Saved as pasta