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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 171 KB, 640x640, 13181329_129865617425827_430644472_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13076166 No.13076166 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /fa/, used to lurk and post a lot in 2013/2014, moved away from internet fashion shit and just decided to do me. I'm a model now, signed to the best agency in my country's capital. Made pretty good money from last year considering I'm a nobody, this year i will focus on it full time. Ask me stuff about photoshoots and styling and literally anything dog

>> No.13076255

prove it pls

>> No.13076260

This feel free to post some facial aesthetics

>> No.13076268
File: 157 KB, 889x800, yuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill post a timestamp if there's any interest

>> No.13076271

Slav/10 but still pretty nice. Good job. How demanding is the industry?

>> No.13076287

when i started i was working out everyone other day for an hour, cardio, bodyweight, lots of stretching. i eat like shit. i would bus from my shitty little town and do blow and drink all night while eating like 3 cheeseburgers 4 cheeseburgers a day. show up to a shoot with like 3 hours of sleep under my belt and a wicked hangover. Sleep on couches around studios until its my turn to do makeup and get fitted. Usually it's like 8-12 hour days where you're actually doing modelling and being engaged for like a quarter of that. The only thing they put pressure on me for is staying toned and vascular.

>> No.13076295


>> No.13076300

timestamp or didn't happen

>> No.13076327
File: 299 KB, 1280x960, 75442F99-B812-4E6A-825D-1D03C1773F36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last Saturday while at the function some manlet suckered me from the side because I was dancing with his girl and she was loving it. I was too high and drunk to feel it and I laughed in his face, thinking he missed. I’m gonna probably lose clients if it scars badly so fingers crossed boys... forgot to get her number in the heat of it too manlet got LAID out

>> No.13076343

You're covering up a pimple don't lie

How did you get "discovered"?

Where are you from? I think you look eastern euro

>> No.13076357

nah i don't get pimples on my face

i was walking around a mall in that city with my gf looking fly and some girl approached me, introduced me to her friend who gave me his card. Checked out his portfolio and stayed in touch over facebook. He invited me up to the city to do a test shoot. Sent those pictures to a few agencies, they all offered me contracts. did my research and picked the one that had the best international connections.

England, but don't live in England anymore. Irish genes though.

>> No.13076364

Strong brow, nice lips, great features. You won the genetics lottery. This pic is probably not your best >>13076268 tho. Can you share some others?

>> No.13076384
File: 38 KB, 290x366, 0378_001_2_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to get bullied my whole life (until i grew a spine and got a bit scrappy) about how i looked so its weird to me how things played out, but im happy. also lol desu i used to occasionally post in face rate threads and people would mostly roast me and tell me to kms

This is probably one of my favorites, the context was whack though. I get a lot of clients asking me to do androgynous stuff for print material like magazines. I don't wanna see pictures of myself in a dress when i'm 50 so i usually say no thank you... but these people were paying me $150 an hour and hit me with a comme des garcon church dress lookin thing... got the cover too...

>> No.13076389

How old are you?...Did you drop school/day job to pursue this further?

>> No.13076392

it's the big lips and the big eyes you lucky bastard. by any standard you're not conventionally attractive but there's no arguing that you're model material

>> No.13076395

Do you get some pieces thrown at you for free or no way

>> No.13076398

21 rn started almost exactly 1 year ago. I'm in a shit situation when it comes to school/work. I got a college degree in something really boring that pays well, and I currently work that job full-time. My agency is really mad at me because at the moment I am turning down most of the work they offer me, but I am saving my money so I can move up there and go full on. If the gig is over 4 hours and pays more than $175 an hour I will call in sick and fuck up my work relations at my job where i have a lot of responsibilities. I am between worlds.

>> No.13076399

So did you make a portfolio before you got your first gig?

>> No.13076404

never in lieu of payment but i made friends with a designer and she blessed me with a faux-leather jacket. I don't have enough internet clout (literally no internet clout outside of my friendgroup) to get hit with the free shit. It got stolen from a party though so RIP.

Oh also on the topic of stylists. They will frequently spend $5000 on credit at holt or saks then return it all the next day. It may be more legitimate in bigger fashion capitals but it was something that caught me off guard.

>> No.13076406

my agency was blessed, we got my beginner portfolio of free work done in 2 weekends, shot with 9 different photographers of varying abilities then got my first paid gig from my favorite local retailer about 2 months after. Between that I was getting paid like $150 a day for 10 hour days, but now i get paid $150 an hour usually, although I try and get more.

>> No.13076408

yikes...I could be wrong but maybe you should milk this modeling thing until your youth/beauty withers away...esp if you enjoy modeling? you can always go back to the regular/boring job..?
You're young, have fun and take advantage of being beautiful!!

>> No.13076412

what do you consider a good fit of yours?
do you ever post in waywt?
do you consider yourself to have good style?

>> No.13076422

male molly bair. she really changed the game for all you ayy lmaos

>> No.13076425

thats the plan, life moves fast and im gonna be some old mcauly caulkin looking ass weirdo sooner than i think. I met a lot of really cool people who also model at shoots early on and i have kept up with everyone i like. As far as success in the first year goes I fared pretty well. 2 of my friends got signed agencies in singapore and hongkong within months of starting, but those people are literally the most interesting faces i've ever seen. They made bank while over there, one of them told me she paid off her entire school debt through it, like a 3 year uni degree. One of my friends got dropped by my agency though for a reason he wasn't willing to share, then dropped off the face of the earth. It was really sad I invited him out to an AP one time right after it happened and he hadn't told anyone and all the homies from our agency were there and the dude just looked like someone ran over his dog.

>> No.13076441
File: 70 KB, 480x599, twinning with my dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never really take fit pictures but a friend sent me this from the weekend. All of these are my clothes so I guess this is my style lol. I like tracksuits, denim tuxedos, stone island woolly jumpers, dress pants with a strong pleat. indulge a bit in streetwear but not into graphics too much or logos. I also have an alternate wardrobe which consists of expensive black basic stuff.

>> No.13076448

I don't recognize you, sounds like bs

>> No.13076453

if in regards to modelling, im nobody with no internet presence, i just have good internal connections. if you mean as far as old school /fa/ i didn't post a lot and i only posted my face a handful of times. probably not real sieg anyway so whatever :(

>> No.13076455

perhaps they had drug probs
but hell yea milk that shit as much as you can. you can make great $$ meeting QT girls/boys. youd be crazy not to!

post more pics, if you dont mind

>> No.13076460

hi mr. negativity. are you jealous bc he's not fat?

>> No.13076461

Where did you post your face?

Yes real sieg. I'm bored have no friends so back on here

>> No.13076463
File: 60 KB, 600x800, yuhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill post a few quick but i gotta get sleep for my wagie gig... yo i went from /r9k/ to fucking models fellas anything is possible okay!!! I AIN'T EVEN PLAYING

>> No.13076477

I am genuinely surprised there isn't more interest in this thread. Is /fa that wack?

>> No.13076480
File: 72 KB, 608x799, yung smeagol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was -20c outside in this picture and i was outside shooting for 10 hours in spring clothes.

>> No.13076497
File: 73 KB, 526x800, RICKDRESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rick owens comme des garcons

I really love clothes too so through this job i have become very familiar and comfortable with top tier designer shit. I don't own much at all, just some prada. but i get excited when theres vivienne westwood on the rack. A lot of SLP button ups feels cheap, maybe the textiles are topnotch but they all felt so light and easily stretched/breakable.

>> No.13076498

no friends? not surprised

are you implying someone would pretend to be sieg? haha

hell yea good for you making shit happen. I am surprised there isn't more interest in this thread.

>> No.13076507

i think there not much interest because most kids on /fa/ are ugly and or short and hold that against beautful people. op you seem pretty cool and down to earth. ive actually considered modelling in the past but now im too old and i dont think id make it anyways. good luck bro

>> No.13076510

well I guess this board IS at an all time low/shit mode..

what are your fave designers you worked for?

>> No.13076511
File: 97 KB, 533x800, MUSSOLA GOMMATA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my favorite garment, rubberized muslin jacket from stone island. Has little crystals woven into the fibre that glitter in the light ontop of the 3M reflective covering. This was shot on a university campus famous for it's rich chinese flexers and them motherfuckers were craning their necks to catch a glimpse of GWEILO

I'm going to bed ask me shit, stories, anything I don't often recount what i've done in the past year cause im busy living it but this is my roots. my interest in this shit started here i wanna let you guys know how it really is. so many misconceptions about how the industry works.

Also everyone. EVERYONE. does so much coke. I've never paid for coke in my life and i've never not done it when i've come up for work.

>> No.13076530

op get yourself a 10/10 model gf/bf and save up $/make connects so your life glides from this chapter to the next.

Stay beautiful (and thin).
Thx for wasting your time on these unappreciative assholes. come back w/updates sometime.

>> No.13076537

theres this girl who is legit like a 10/10 in my book who is 6'1" like spaghetti thin firey red head who after i got sucker punched and split my chin open last weekend... well basically this chick been liking all my shit on insta prior to the function and i see her there with my chin split wide open and i duttywined with her and her friend while bleeding all over them and drinking their beers. we haven't talked since but she's still liking my shit so i am just gonna go full pursuit once i got my own crib in the city. I also am a total POS because i'm seeing someone in my hometown and we're on an emotional wave but every time i go up to work i party hard do coke and just fuck around with random art hoes at rap concerts/raves. never used a rubber in my life either and i am a regular at my local health clinic hahah

>> No.13076540

Thanks! I appreciate you, beautiful being.Get your beauty sleep.

>> No.13076552

oh god.......dude, let the hometown girl go if youre living it up

>> No.13076558

i should but goddamn she's so smart and has impeccable taste in pretty much everything as far as i've seen... only chick in this city i've seen pull off rick owens and not be FOB as fuck. lonely life... i expect to be in singapore by the end of the year so idk why i am even trying to develop connections. but i am an emotional person and soulless pump and dumps are incredible and i love that i have access to it but deep down i am a romantic softie and i don't want that part of my sex to die off... i have so much innocence when it comes to love still i've not gone through much heartbreak yet aha

>> No.13076562

are you high on coke right now?

>> No.13076568

all I am saying is don't lead her on...straight up there is nothing worse than telling her there is a future...don't fucking do it! that's how you end up on an episode of "snapped"

>> No.13076570

no but i haven't slept more than 5 hours since saturday morning and i am really stoned.

>> No.13076581

absolutely boggles my mind - there is a qt model - and he isn't bombarded w questions???
this board is fucking dead

>> No.13076595

that just means theres a power vacuum, some tasteful younger people with lots of free time should take up the opportunity to dictate great board content and culture instead of spiteful clone mentality that was really prevalent around the time i was leaving.

>> No.13076604

huh? didn't catch your drift

>> No.13076615

>i used to occasionally post in face rate threads and people would mostly roast me and tell me to kms
that's on you though everyone with half a brain realizes facerate threads are absolute fucking garbage
good on ya for being a model, hope you're happy

>> No.13076630

>I am surprised there isn't more interest in this thread.
you're such a fucking tool holy shit
you go around complaining in every other thread how people aren't contributing or why /fa/ is shit
only it all comes of as you tooting your own horn with the name and all, good thing you are so interested and so above /fa/ though, why the fuck are you even here when you seem to hold such a massive grudge and are so above this place anyway? go choke on a back of dicks you absolute fucking faggot
sorry to ruing your thread OP you seem like a cool dude

>> No.13076639

And to add to that, you aren't contributing shit either, at least the anons who are so shit according to you have to decency to not complain in every fucking post they make, that at least puts them WAY above anything you have ever done
Maybe try copping some actual knowledge about fashion if you are that invested in it instead of demanding other people to feed you things at all times.

>> No.13076640

I personally do not find your face "model" level attractive. as in Greek God beautiful, you have a peculiar face which is not masculine, it's very androgenous. you look like a mic jagger with those huge lip, but your eyes and nose are like reptilian slits. I think it's more the "look" that your eyes give out, you have a very "look at me, but don't admire me" aura. it's like youre there yet not there at all. you look like an "animal", or a creature, you don't look like a human in the classical beautiful sense. I don't mean any of this as an insult, It's just how I see it and how I agree that you do have model (modern model...in the right context) attributes.

there are easily way better looking people on the "greek god" scale, so it makes sense that people picked on you, you do look like someone who is weak and reptilian, very slithery around in the corner. like that first pic, you are literally in some sort of weird orgy pose with a black person who i dont know is male or female, and then the female on the end is vvery masculine looking.

and to the poster who said you have a strong brow? what, sorry but thats not a strong brow, it's medium, men with strong brows, have way bigger brows than that, and hence why they couldnt pull off as an androgyneous look

>> No.13076651

You're kind of cucky dude

>> No.13076655

You’re spot on the money. I live my life like an androgynous alien creature and I do it with my dick swingin. I am very lizardlike. Total skin changer. Luh u bih

>> No.13076658

this one I find you to be quite ugly looking lol. it just is what it is, that's not the model face, but if this is a selfy then that explains alot. selfys should be banned. and if you were using selfies in face reate threads here people would rate you like 6 trying to be nice

you look good here, looks fine to me
just look like a normal weird looking guy
here dont look like model at all really, just an average guy

you don't look very tall either, 5'9 tops my guess. it just shows that everyone's idea of a what a model is is sortof diluted. there are photo models, runway models, sears catalog models, quirky upscale models, i think you fit into the looks weird and therefore appealing group. objectively speaking, your face is very androgyneous-gay looking, you have no lower jaw at all and huge lips and mouth, you kind of have a black persons lips really, but your eyes are well aligned and have a good vacant stare that is your best attraibute, the eyes are just kind of neutral, and the eye color is good it looks grey or green

>> No.13076661

6’1” king of manlets thank you.

>> No.13076665

>but your eyes are well aligned and have a good vacant stare that is your best attraibute, the eyes are just kind of neutral, and the eye color is good it looks grey or green
but you also have a very reptilian eye thing lis, and you have sort of a "up to no good" demonic, "trickster" glimmer in your eyes, which I think you should use more in daily life, but be careful that you don't piss of the wrong alpha chad.

>> No.13076667



>> No.13076668

i don't believe you are 6'1, you dont look it in this pic. maybe with those large heeled boots on this pic

>> No.13076673

I got nothing to lie about there basically no 5’9 fashion models. Chalk it up to a loose fit and an unusual tall railing. Shortest guy at my agency is 5’11 1/2” and lies and says he’s 6’0 1/2”

>> No.13076677

Another friend of mine at my agency is 6’5” and lies and says he’s 6’3 1/2”, makes fittings really funny when they’re together

>> No.13076683

>I do it with my dick swingin

how big bby

>> No.13076807

Thanks for answering questions OP, great thread.
>What are some of the biggest misconceptions about the industry you were alluding to before?
>Have you ever been harassed or solicited for sex by older men in the industry?
>What's your fitness routine like nowadays? Are you shredded?

>> No.13076823

are they though? have you ever actually truly seen yourself measured? or seen someone else measured with a legit measuring device? how do they measure you and how did you measure yourself when i am sure they asked you when you submitted online application

>> No.13077375

I make archetypal alpha males confused and angry all the time because I am really confident and somewhat of a socialite. I go out a lot, I like meeting people, can talk to anyone about anything so I tend to end up befriending the people who think they won’t like me at first.

A bit above average, nothing to write home about although I’ve only ever gotten compliments on how nice it looks

I’m not that ripped at the moment, I have had terrible energy levels since working full time this september so I only workout twice a week max. I have a great metabolism (for now) so I still have low body fat although I was at my apex fitness this July.

There are a lot of gays in the industry and I have to turn down subtle advances very frequently. As far as people I work with nobody has been too pushy because I WILL dunk on their working relationship with my agency if they make me uncomfortable. Every single time I’ve been tagged in a post I get a bunch of message requests from older gay men.

>> No.13078230 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 420x294, 99d4d7f58508bf013629ae23d054e88a--natural-air-freshener-tongue-twisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry to displease you.. hope you have a better day tomorrow :)

>> No.13078270
File: 21 KB, 420x294, 99d4d7f58508bf013629ae23d054e88a--natural-air-freshener-tongue-twisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to displease you. I hope you have a better day tomorrow :)
Also, you sound like a contributor of a lot of worthy material to this board, could you show some examples please? (link me)

>> No.13078403

so you had no modelling experience until someone approached you out of the blue?
looking like a jojo character here. cool.
great thread. nice to have people actually in the industry in some way or another here.

>> No.13078410

forgot to say I asked that first question because I would be kind of interested in trying to get into modelling. I probably dont have a model face but iunno

>> No.13078466
File: 184 KB, 1242x1241, 56F44BE0-5D33-4C81-86BC-34B8E999CCAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you even recognize anyone past the Cheeto dust accumulation on your chins, you fat fuck?

>> No.13078489

none at all. I was just in the right place at the right time. Guy who scouted me made a living off of doing just that, as he makes 1 quarter of the 20% my agency profits off my work combined with the various other faces he's introduced. Good guy, never once bullshitted me about expectations. some advice if you give it a go anybody who sees real potential in you will invest in you. like if they're trying to get you to go to some 'modelling class' (really shady) and pay for it, don't! If they ever try and make you pay for the retouching/editing of the photos, get out! fuck those people. You're an asset to their profitability too, they make 20% (usually, can vary depending on the length and type of contract) of your total sum, so they need to work for you. Never let an agency give you the run around basically.

>> No.13079030
File: 492 KB, 435x327, embarassed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haaaaaaaaah !
poor thing, he will never live it down.

>> No.13079079
File: 82 KB, 556x876, 1003-jeans-i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are one lucky sonova..
I was approached all the time (age 5-19) and always assumed it was a scam, which it probably was 99% of the time.

What are some of your favorite gigs you have done?

>> No.13079104

awooga awooga HUNKA HUNKA o_o

>> No.13079208 [DELETED] 

Nah seig is just a racist, shitpile of a person. If he was just ironically an asshole, I’d be fine with him, but he spends his days trying to hurt people and talking about shit he clearly has no knowledge of. He’s probably sitting in his mom’s basement right now, reading this while shoving his fat, greasey sausage fingers between his sweaty ass cheeks to scratch at those ingrown hairs he’s got from sitting down and feel sorry for himself all day in his moldy smut dungeon. Fuck him. He’s part of the cancer that destroyed this place.

>> No.13079211
File: 287 KB, 1242x1454, 3FECB353-AC31-4693-A299-51160523A549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah seig is just a racist, shitpile of a person. If he was just ironically an asshole, I’d be fine with him, but he spends his days trying to hurt people and talking about shit he clearly has no knowledge of. He’s probably sitting in his mom’s basement right now, reading this while shoving his fat, greasey sausage fingers between his sweaty ass cheeks to scratch at those ingrown hairs he’s got from sitting down and feel sorry for himself all day in his moldy smut dungeon. Fuck him. He’s part of the cancer that destroyed this place.

>> No.13079214

seig unironically reminds me of mac from its sunny in both how he looks and how he probably craves fat cock all the time

>> No.13079249
File: 28 KB, 425x316, 4DD03144-99CB-470D-8031-043CCEF250E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tubby narcissist.

>> No.13079267
File: 141 KB, 703x1168, 3ED20DA6-CDA9-49C6-B5F6-E29D58393FCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfriends need to be told

>> No.13079318
File: 84 KB, 640x853, D885944F-85FD-43E7-8A0B-CB6E52FCAC22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite gig yet was modelling steve aokis new clothing line at private warehouse party full of the elite and bougie socialites of the city. I stole Steve aiokis chips and Gatorade from the green room and he thanked me and shook my hand for looking so cool. It was awesome they had us perched on platforms with sick lighting looking down into the crowd all night. Steve performed a set for free while I was getting paid to wear a decently cool outfit. I get recognized a lot from that job when I go out it feels SO good.

>> No.13079337

This is a really nice pic actually

>> No.13079396

>Also, you sound like a contributor of a lot of worthy material to this board, could you show some examples please?
No because I'm not an attention whoring faggot like you are, I don't need a credit for whatever I contribute, I'm anonymous cause I like it that way. But that's all probably completely alien to you, judging from your posts all you want is people sucking your dick and the air of superiority cause you like *real* fashion and constantly remind yourself that everyone else is stupid for not taking part in threads *you* like.
>I make archetypal alpha males confused and angry all the time because I am really confident and somewhat of a socialite
Judging from this thread you make whole bunch of anons angry and confused as well, the 'criticism' of how you look is laughable.

>> No.13079421

The best roasts i’ve ever gotten were you look like sid from toy story or Randall Boggs from monsters inc. SHIT CUT SO DEEP. Got alien baby a lot growing up but that one I embraced cause fuck aliens are sick and humanity is pretty shit tier imo.

But yeah wasn’t interested in a lookism thread with siegposting but goddamn like 5 years later, nothing at all has changed. Did anybody else used to think /fa/ was an early adopter forum? I was so insulated from other outlets of fashion that I thought /fa/ had the drop on styles and trends. A lot of poorly thought out criticism definitely limited the overall content of the board, but I guess also kept it insulated as well from too much external influence. A big problem also is the toxic nature associated with the site and bad press infects the public image of anyone who is associated with posting here. I can’t post a lot of great content in this thread because there may be someone who is able to compromise my very tiny and irrelevant online content. Fashion is such an identifier, totally connected to you as a person, and I have even already taken something of a risk posting some content here. For me it’s worth though I haven’t posted on this site as a whole for years. Shits changed a bit on other boards this place seems mostly untouched.

>> No.13079426

>I was so insulated from other outlets of fashion that I thought /fa/ had the drop on styles and trends
Hey at least you realize it now. Unfortunately nothing has changed on that front either, I feel like half the people browsing here fully believe that solely cause they don't have any other kinda touch to fashion than this place.
> A big problem also is the toxic nature associated with the site
At the same time it does feel refreshing that you don't get the 'nice guy' replies, criticism is handled straight, the issue is that it's just so poor most of the time.
I feel like that's the main appeal, anonymity so no circlejerking and the format encourages you to just be dead honest.

>> No.13079443

I don’t care about deadhonest from fa. I don’t come here to appreciate fashion, I
Like to fuck around and catch updates. The oldheads left are just fuckwards like seig, everyone else was born after ‘97. I haven’t taken this place seriously in a long time. It was invaluable as a 17yr old who had just realized ed hardy hoodies everyday looks bad, but I’ve grown past this. No one here wants to actually talk about fashion and the faggots that complain about that don’t seem to realize it is time to move on. /fa/ is just a bunch of shitposts and and it’s always been that way. This hadn’t occurred to me until anon here >>13079421 but I would totally take everything here seriously if I was still 17. This place is exactly the same, nothing has changed. The old fags just grew up and left. Fa never left. If you don’t like fa and it’s not meeting your needs, maybe you’re just not the fewfig u once were, don’t bitch that the board hasn’t grown up with you, just fucking leave

>> No.13079722

that is definitely a nice jacket. i don't exactly have any questions for you, but this is a cool thread

>> No.13080204
File: 38 KB, 460x598, Kate-Moss-photographed-by-Corinne-Day-in-1990-460x598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I wish I was tall, photogenic, and extraordinarily beautiful. This fit is pretty cool too, though you do have a bit of a "dear caught in headlights" look in this pic. Still look great though. Keep us updated. You're about as close to the fashion industry as this board can get.
Also, sorry in advance bc I know its rude (in some cultures) to ask - but what does an ave payday look like? You mentioned its hourly? Obviously better known models get paid more, but I'm just curious in general.

There was another model that used to post here. Does anyone remember who he was?

>> No.13080207

are you talking about the slp anon from a few years back? dont remember his name though. there was also that chick whose name i also dont remember lmao fuck me

>> No.13080222
File: 547 KB, 1000x1385, f30ae9b6989e621d3538914b729a82c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a problem with me, you should get over it. All you're doing is shitting up an ok thread with your negativity. I feel sorry for you bc clearly you are an angry miserable fuck, but trust and believe when I say: nobody cares besides you. Now I was nice enough to give you attention once, out of genuine pity, but it won't happen again.
Sorry for your shitty life.

>> No.13080224
File: 6 KB, 276x183, imagesC32B17QU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so, I can't remember his name either. I'm sure someone here does.I don't remember the female though.

>> No.13080258

how do you get your hair like that?

>> No.13080521

Kill yourself you ugly slut.

>> No.13080806 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 400x299, King Penquin-S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mail box was empt and i am sick of this empty feeling inside

>> No.13080819

>you call me out on my horseshit so you must be pathetic loser lmaoing at your life right now
just stop the fucking complaining in every post jesus christ surely even your retarded fucking brain realizes what a whiny faggot you come off as, be the fucking change you want to see so bad instead of passive aggressively hinting that everyone else is shit and expecting people to just serve you everything you want from this board on a silver platter you absolute bitch

>> No.13080859

i agree, don't even try with that samefag shit ur as bad sieg P

>> No.13081204

@smokeweedlol was another, he was a gosha boy for a while although i don't think he pursued modelling much outside of that.

Payday looks inconsistent. There are months where i have a single gig and make $600. There are some months where I make $3000. It almost always comes late, in that, I have to chase my payments down. It's an issue I've heard of too from most agencies, they aren't malicious, they're just fashion industry people and they forget to send you an invoice because someone brought a dog to the office or they had too many mai tais at lunch. I am working towards getting a stellar portfolio followed by international contractual placements so I expect to make a comfortable (still not great, I'm not super chad I'm never going to be monetarily rich from this) living for a few years. I'm going to use that time to develop my fashion line (it'll be pretty good shit, will come off really proper and designer right out of the gate instead of typical streetwear brand ass basic) and make really tight connections with people who will help realize my vision. That's something I love about this industry, I really want clothing to be my creative outlet, which requires a certain type of connection you'd have a hard time making without living that lifestyle. I know stylists, photographers, make-up artists, influencer types, people that document shit beautifully, journalists, actual designers (local ones, but professionals none the less) and a lot of really really HOT people. Being friendly and (for the most part) professional, i know people who would for sure collaborate with me to finish and display my minds-eye of how the world can dress.

>> No.13081608

on the topic of samefags.

>> No.13081617
File: 34 KB, 476x357, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any ideas on what you would like your own line to look like?

...and yea this industry is difficult. From personal experience, at least in fashion merchandising (not design), its a bit like "The Devil Wears Prada". Making friends, connections is the smartest thing you can do right now, if you hope to work on your own line one day. The model route may be more feasable to break out/through into design, just because the buddy system can help you gain attention/respect via relationships with the right people.

>> No.13081693

yeah I have a very good understanding of how it will fit and appear. It's the details like sourcing textiles, finding overseas manufacturers (preferably in places that have respectable wages/conditions) financing a bunch of R&D because i'm not gonna get anything exactly how I want it first time. Patterns aren't concrete and i've barely started any but there's a vague idea.

DESU the looks aren't going to be exactly groundbreaking but they are going to be passion projects, things I really like to wear taken to the extreme.