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File: 275 KB, 3592x1260, FinCompress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13075052 No.13075052 [Reply] [Original]

Fin users, when did you start seeing improvements?

I've been on it for about 3 weeks and I think I'm already seeing some new tiny thin hairs popping up along the hairline (pic related). Not much of a cosmetic improvement but probably a good omen, I guess, if this isn't just me.

>> No.13075065

Don't fall into the trap of seeing regrowth when there is none.
"Tiny thin hairs popping up" are not regrowth, they're old ones miniaturizing.
I know they look like new hairs growing, but they're not. I fell for the same trap.

3 weeks is much, much (MUCH) too early for fin to start working, yet alone to see regrowth (if, and that's a big IF) there's going to be one.

>> No.13075100
File: 2.39 MB, 1864x968, CrownCompress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would my crown look different if my hairline were improving too? Pic related is my crown and I don't really think it's changed much other than that the hair is longer which hides dome of the mid-scalp thinning.

https://www.reddit.com/user/finasteride4months I know it's anecdotal evidence from leddit, but this guy seemed to have some obvious cosmetic improvement 7 months in.

Another thing I've been wondering about is if shedding means anything. Before getting on it I was shedding a lot, and they were all mostly mature dark hairs. For the first week or two on fin I seemed to stop shedding at all but since then I've been shedding a lot of lighter, miniaturized hairs. I've been told that means in coming months they might start being replaced by mature ones but that sounds kinda brosciencey.

>> No.13075156

the best improvement i had on Fin was when i shaved my head desu

>> No.13075162

mate your hairline was not that bad, how fucking insecure can you be?

if you let /fa/ banter get to you then you need to leave this place

>> No.13075200
File: 1.92 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20171222_204854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In terms of recession it's just an NW2, but it's been diffuse thinning above the temples and on the crown.

Pic related is from right around when I got on fin. I knew it was gonna get worse. So far I've had no sides.

>> No.13076627

buzz it and focus on other things

>> No.13076663

This is salvageable, don't buzz, If you like the way you look with hair better. Stick to fin, if no side effects arise.

>> No.13076692

It's hardly a thought for me since starting fin. I just thought I'd check on it a few weeks in. Even if I get bad sides and have to quit because I'd have an easier time going bald with grace knowing I put up a fight.

Think I might want minox? Nobody can really see that I'm balding when I just have my hair like normal, so I think I can be patient and wait a year to see if there's any regrowth and THEN decide on minox.

>> No.13076695

Legit nothing here even looks like balding lmao you're risking permanent impotency, unfixable limp dick, and heart problems for nothing

>> No.13076706
File: 2.50 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20171211_232036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dermatologist said it looked like I was diffuse thinning on top. Pic related is from mid-December, pre fin. When I compare both my temples and crown to photos from 1-3 years ago, there's a noticeable difference. Not only that, I can see it thinning to the horseshoe pattern when wet.

My uncles on my mom's side were all bald by 30, I just turned 23 so it was something I was already on the lookout for.

Also permanent sides from fin are incredibly rare, and the heart problems are from minoxidil.

>> No.13076735

>since then I've been shedding a lot of lighter, miniaturized hairs. I've been told that means in coming months they might start being replaced by mature ones
that's what i've read. i've also read results usually take 3-6 months to start showing. been doing my research as i am contemplating hopping on fin or maybe nutrafol myself

>> No.13076739

OP here. From what I've read the "post finasteride syndrome" thing is incredibly rare. I haven't gotten any sides, and I've been getting it from costco for like $4/month (in the 1 mg dose, my doc refused to give 5 mg). I'd strongly recommend it. People make it sound like some extreme scary drug that's designed to wipe out your sex functioning, but it's nothing compared to, say, bica, spiro, cypro, etc.

>> No.13076918
File: 290 KB, 1600x900, WP_20180116_10_30_52_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just checked up on myself
>see this
Twenty-fucking-two, what the fuck man
I wasn't even given a chance imho

>> No.13077001

I've been on finn for about 6-7 months now? Also on minox once a day. My hair never stopped shedding, still shedd a lot in the shower or when I scratch my head. Mostly dark full grown hair. I think my temples also got a lot worse. What the fuck. Isn't it having any effect on me? Can it be due to generic finn - Cipla? The Propecia one is fucking expensive.

>> No.13077096

People with your pattern are often good responders to fin and minox.

>> No.13077099

I receive my Fin this week. Using unbranded, cost about $65 for 6 months supply. Pretty cheap. There is no way I will ever buzz, I go from an 8/10 to a 3.10 if I am bald. I will get a hair piece if it comes to it.

>> No.13077101
File: 132 KB, 1456x1456, fin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck me, that's incredible!

>> No.13077111

Just shave it guy's... Please stop wasting your hard earned money on wishes. I'm in the same boat. You can still look good without hair.

>> No.13077122

Keep in mind, his hairline didn't exactly move forward, the angle is a little different, but his thin spots completely filled in.

It's $4/month. I've spent much more than that on haircuts, shampoo, etc. Plus I have no side effects.

>> No.13077130

His temples that have completed filled in though, looks more impressive than a hair transplant.

>> No.13077132

There was another user on there who went from an NW3 to an NW1.5, though he had thin hairs left in his temples. I think if it's an area that's thinned out but not completely bald it will regrow more often than not, but regrowing totally bald spots is incredibly rare.

>> No.13077137

Most of the hair loss products don't work so great on the temples, this is why it looks so good. His original hairline looks like mine, in the bald temple area I have a lot of small fuzz hairs growing. I was going to transplant root but I heard most require you to try fin first so I am starting this week. Anything is better than nothing imo.

>> No.13077139
File: 1.12 MB, 886x642, scalpfull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked am I guys? I'm only 18. This is about 2 weeks after a #7 buzz cut (7/8th of an inch). So probably around 1 and 1/8 of an inch.

>> No.13077140

How old are you? I'm OP and 23. I'm considering a transplant as well but that's not until the future when I have the money for it, and I'm only going to consider it after a couple years of fin.

It might seem kinda silly to fix since even if I didn't have hair loss, I'd probably still have a higher mature hairline since my dad kept an NW2 from his 20s onward but started diffuse thinning in his 40s. He's 63 now and isn't fully bald. I think I inherited his balding pattern, just got it at a much younger age thanks to my mom's side.

>> No.13077141

Tbh i'm worried about getting a job, drivers licence etc. I shaved my hair a year ago, and looked like a criminal. Young+bald=delinquent

>> No.13077143

Looks like you're balding. Just don't panic, and hop on fin. Take it for a year, if you don't see enough regrowth stay on it but add Minoxidil 5%.

>> No.13077149

I'm 30, temple recession started at about age 20 but very slowly. Even now the temple bald area is 80% small hairs. The temple recessional halted a few years ago and there is no family history of anyone being more than that. I'm a perfect transplant candidate. High hairlines are fine it's just temple loss that makes it look bad.

>> No.13077152 [DELETED] 

If it stays in its current state until I'm 25 I'm ok with that.

>> No.13077156

This area is pretty hard to judge from. I have zero crown balding and when I get a hair cut it looks fine but, in that area my hair can stick up so I have trimmed it myself before and due to the way the hairs fall and grow it can look misleading like it's balding. Just like your pic.

>> No.13077165

ITT: genetically challenged folk
Losing your hair is so not /fa/

>> No.13077175

which is why we kill off our most potent male sex hormone to keep it.

Hell, if fin didn't work I'd take cypro and estradiol and just become a chick to keep it.

>> No.13077183

Dress well and you shouldn't have a problem. None of that hoodie bullshit.

>> No.13077185
File: 602 KB, 1003x420, just shave it brah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just shave it

Usually said by some kid with a full hairline.

This is me on the left. With full hair I look like on the right. People have no idea how much hair changes you. You only need to look at bald women to see that and how much a girl with nice hair enhances her looks massively.

>> No.13077187

>screenshot of a random paused moment from a movie vs a fucking photo shoot

>> No.13077205

So they are both Jared Leto. He looks good regardless apart from with a balding head.

>> No.13077238

He was never balding. You must be retarded if you think this isn't cosmetics

>> No.13077247

No, you must be retarded with your poor reading comprehension. Of course I know his balding head is fake from a movie but that's how he would possibly look if he were bald and it makes him look radically different in a bad way than his real full head of hair.

Same with plenty of famous guys, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp etc, if they were all balding they would lose most of their interest from women. If you also don't think they are all transplant, hair piece or fin users then that's retarded.

>> No.13077257

t. brainlet

>> No.13077296
File: 25 KB, 500x500, ru-solution1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am using RU, got sides on Fin.

>> No.13077303

Quick rundown?

Isn't this some experimental China solution?

>> No.13077321
File: 38 KB, 400x233, topical-finasteride-update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quick rundown?
>Isn't this some experimental China solution?

Heh, well there have been studies that show that it's effects on hair are comparable to Fin. It essentially binds to the hair follicles, competing with DHT nudging it away.

I will tell you lads something else that is interesting that I am looking in getting into. Topical Fin. It is currently being prescribed from Canada and Italy, though there are ways to get it elsewhere https://hassonandwong.com/topical-finasteride-solution-prescription/
Only a small amount of the Fin goes systematic.

So for the time being I am on RU looking to acquire topical fin.

It has no FDA approval and you have to buy it as a research chemical not intended for use on the scalp..... ;).


>> No.13077347

Have you had any success though??

>> No.13077386

my family is extremely flat chested, so I'm just doing spiro+estradiol. hair's looking pretty good now

>> No.13077394

Wut, are you trans or a cis girl who has shitty hormone levels and needs to do HRT to grow breasts and the hair is a nice extra perk?

>> No.13077396

I'm a cis guy actually. I'm just doing it for my hair

>> No.13077401

Are a femboy or something? That's the most I've heard of cis guys doing HRT. What dose are you taking? I'm guessing much less than a trans woman. Have you feminized in other ways?

>> No.13077417

I doing 200mg spiro daily and 5mg intramuscular estradiol weekly. I'm not a femboy or anything, I just like having nice hair and skin. my hips have gotten a bit wider and I look somewhat more androgynous now. like I said, my family is super flat chested, so breast growth is minimal.

>> No.13077423


Please take this newspeak ideology to social justice/feminist reddit pls. Not fa. BE GONE!

>> No.13077429

*normal guy


>> No.13077432

Be realistic. Even if it isn't some trickery with the hair being combed outward in the second pic, as opposed to inward, plus the very different angle, it's impossible to regrow the hair in 4 months to such a significant extent. He'd have to practically been growing new hairs on day one.

You have to be on fin for a year just to know if it's working, with every reputable hair transplant surgeon expecting you to be on it for at least two, just to know if you're responding to it at all.
Don't take people serious who claim to have regrown all their hair within 6 months. Be realistic, or else it'll just bring you down when your results differ.

>> No.13077441

>Most of the hair loss products don't work so great on the temples
Source for this? People say this over and over again, but never back it up.
If you're referring to mixodil supposedly not working on the front and the guideline on the box saying not to apply it there, that's because it was never tested there and approved for use. The mechanism is the same wherever you apply it. If you want to strengthen your beard you can do that as well.

>> No.13077445
File: 403 KB, 659x433, Screen Shot 2017-09-07 at 11.15.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on finasteride for over 2 years and it's the best choice I've made. Haven't lost any ground since starting.

>> No.13077452

How bad was it when you started? You look like a solid NW1.

>> No.13077466
File: 90 KB, 640x739, FullSizeRender copy 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from around the time I started. Sure I didn't have major recession but I was starting to loss a shit load of hair daily, I was probably starting to diffuse.

>> No.13077470

Yeah the pic angle is different the thread title is misleading though. The thread if I recall is about a guy who has been using it for 4 months and that hair pic is a poster in the thread who has been using fin for 2 years.

> with every reputable hair transplant surgeon expecting you to be on it for at least two

Before they will do a hair transplant?

Did it start like that? Just looks like a normal peaked hairline.

>> No.13077474

Hmm yes, I guess there is improvement.

>> No.13077483

Nah this was where I started

My one temple thickened up a little bit. I caught my hair loss super early so I had solid results.

>> No.13077487


Well I have only been on it a bit over a month lol.

>> No.13077515


Any sides? prostate? willy? emotions/mental state? weight gain? bewbs?

>> No.13077519

No sides at all. I busted a nice thick load over a girl’s chest about a month ago.

>> No.13077527


Good job lad. What dose are you taking?

>> No.13077532

1.25 mg daily.

>> No.13077614


Wow, I get sides at like 0.3 every other day lol.

>> No.13077626


>> No.13077637

Better get some retinoids too for that forehead wrinkle.

Also use sunscreen.
: P

>> No.13077695
File: 1.03 MB, 2812x1348, baldcel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey it's anon from tfwnogf

Judging from the pics you posted I'm not seeing any difference desu. As others have said, that tiny hair could be miniaturezed hair that is falling off. It's really hard to say and that's why it's important to take pics like that often. Also, I expected you to be like NW3-4 but your hair looks better than mine.

I started norwooding 1,5 years ago and it has gotten to the point where I can't even style my hair like I used to be able to because most of my hair has to cover my temples. Looks like shit desu and I feel like minoxidil isn't doing much either (been on it for 3,5 months). Also the skin on my face is getting ravaged but I'm too afraid to quit minoxidil because of horrible stories I've read (people losing 2 norwoods in a month after quiting min). Anyway, RU should arrive this week and if that doesn't at least improve or at least stop my hairloss in 6 months I'll hop on fin because keeping my hair is more imporant to me than fapping.

People on hairlosstalk believe the Brotzu potion will be released in march so until then let's pray to our only Lord and saviour Brotzu

>> No.13077699


>> No.13078168

Your hairline actually looks slightly better in the January 2018 one compared to a year ago.

Can't write a long response now since I'm on my phone but are you the same Anon who told his mom minox was steroids?

>> No.13078518
File: 87 KB, 229x195, subhuman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pictures reveals my subhumanity little better. If you compare this pic to the middle one in my first post you will realize why I'm so concerned about balding. Lost a full norwood in a year and it's only getting worse.

Yes I'm that same Anon who told his mom minox was steroids. It's only you and me who post about hairloss on that site I think.

White powder in the freezer will be harder to explain but I got a plan. This week I'll put xyltihol (sugar used for cleaning sinuses) in the freezer and explain I do it because it will stay fresh for longer time. Parents will think I'm wierd but they will be fine with it because I'll put it in a small box which doesn't take too much space. Then when my RU arrives I'll just replace the xylithol with RU and they shouldn't suspect a thing.

Holy shit I'm probably most intelligent person in this thread.

>> No.13078558
File: 1.00 MB, 2458x3000, 1515796666972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kek lad I am so like you. I have been attractive also and have started norwooding. Man, now I understand attractive privelege. Being attractive is brilliant. Now it looks like I am losing that.

Also, I am at my parents too and am using RU lmao. I put the premade solution bottles in a cooler box in my room. I too am hiding it from my parents lol.

I would say one thing, if you put it in the fridge and say it is something else they might think 'oh I can use that I have sinus issues' for example and could cause problems.

I am interested in what this 'Brotzu potion' is. Another thing I am interested in aquiring is topical Fin, not much of it goes systematic. I got sides on regular fin.

>> No.13078566

I can't shave it off due to my political wievpoints and my fashion style. I'd look like a complete neonazi.

>> No.13078583

your crown is literally fucking fine relax

>> No.13078588

you're probably fine or your hairline is maturing. keep an eye on it, but many men experience light crown thinning as they age and most dont even notice it.

>> No.13078634

It wasn't always that way. It was gonna get worse if I didn't get on fin.

Interesting plan. I considered RU but I'm sticking to proven things, I decided fin was worth the risk. I might try Brotzu when it comes out. Dunno if it will be available in the states right after it comes out.

>> No.13078641

this honestly looks fine desu senpai and I don't see any acceleration from last year to this year.

>> No.13078666
File: 77 KB, 640x633, 1435200734799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.13079562

>Before they will do a hair transplant?
Yes. Unless you're fin and it's working for you, the most reputable European doctors won't work with you.

>> No.13080300

Def stick to fin if you don't get sides. It's much more convenient to take a pill than it is to buy, store and mix RU. Also, RU is a fucking research chemical without much data behind it. I didn't want to use fin because I already have many side effects that people get on fin so it sounded risky to take it but if it works for you that's great.

Good tip. Will def not put mixed RU in the fridge for those reasons and also not to poison any food that might be in the fridge. Do you buy the premade solution or do you mix it yourself? How low is the temperature in the cooler box and how often do you need to change the cooling thingy to keep it cold? Brotzu lotion (potion, elixir, brotion...) is a treatment that should be even more effective than fin+minoxidil but without any side effects. We can expect Brotzu lotion to be released on the market in 2018 or 2019 but some people speculate it might be as early as march this year. Brotzu's son said on hairlosstalk forums that stabity testings for the lotion is in the final stages which could mean we might get the lotion soon. Hope that will happen because I'd rather be dead than bald.

>> No.13080302

Also, how have your results on RU been so far?

>> No.13080335
File: 276 KB, 1066x600, D965CF9E-3FDD-4E9D-B535-554F02B76955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13080487

I took it for 3 years. My hairs got thicker and stronger, even now that I ended that treatment 1 year ago.

>> No.13080601


I buy the premade KB solution. Am not sure about the temperature, at the moment I just put some ice packs in the box, I have to change them every couple of days unfortunately. I am sure that there are better cooling options out there and will look for something better.

Will definitely keep an eye on Brotzu. I know that feel man, in a couple of decades they will have a cure without sides, am jelly of the guys that get to use them.


Have only been using it for a month and a half so haven't really experienced anything yet or kept track. I would expect to see results after 4-6 months but we shall see.

>> No.13080611
File: 174 KB, 2818x370, Screen Shot 2018-01-09 at 5.30.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting pic related because its relevant

>> No.13080630

embrace it >:)

>> No.13080802

I'm still glad I'm treating it.

I could let it go bald and wish I did something, or I could put up a fight and have an easier time accepting it knowing I tried.

I'm not getting any sides so I'm gonna keep it up and compare photos every few months. Ever since I started finasteride, I've had so much more peace of mind over the whole thing.

>> No.13081291

your the guy thats also on minox correct?

>> No.13081409

Jesus christ this is a normal fucking hailine. I swear this board causes balding by making so many of you guys needlessly paranoid about your hair. Stop wasting your money.

>> No.13081465

No minoxidil

>> No.13081742

The thinning above the hairline isn't normal.

>> No.13081778

This thread is a fucking joke. That is a 100% normal hairline and crown.

This is one of the stronger heads of hair I've seen, that's called a whorl and literally guy has a visible one. You guys are straight retarded. You woldn't get laid even if you had a lion's mane on your dome because you're dipshits.

>> No.13081792
File: 79 KB, 254x163, Late2014hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>13076706 Is absolutely not normal, that's thinning dude. And my hairline, while not receding much (if at all), has gotten noticeably weaker since 2014 or so.

Pic related is from late 2014.

>> No.13081800 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20180117_22_29_43_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is one I just snapped right now. Definitely thinning to what would be past a mature hairline.

>> No.13081823

>We can expect Brotzu lotion to be released on the market in 2018 or 2019

I want to believe

>> No.13081829
File: 30 KB, 288x306, WIN_20180117_22_46_03_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair tonight. Noticeable difference.