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/fa/ - Fashion

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13072442 No.13072442[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything worse than faggy filipino kids who think they can dress well?

pic related

>> No.13072451

Kek. I know the type. He seems chill tho.

>> No.13072456

did he steal your crush?

>> No.13072471

looks like a fun guy probably cooler than gay ass op

>> No.13072485

Filipinos are the most powerful race

>> No.13072491

t. Miguel Pagpag

>> No.13072493

God they are the Mexicans of the Asian world

>> No.13072500

>posting someone's christmas photo on /fa/

you probably got cucked OP. baka senpai

>> No.13072519

>get assblasted by some flip
>too beta to confront him IRL
>make a salty blog post on your favorite anime forum


>> No.13072521


The only thing worse that I can think of is worrying about how someone else dresses.

>> No.13072582

Hey dresses like a regular dude.

>> No.13072599

He's just a normal dude, I don't think he cares about fashion

>> No.13072631
File: 19 KB, 407x379, 1507937374511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow how bad did he cuck you to be this mad. he looks like a chill dude maybe thats why yo girl fuck him

>> No.13072713

W2C his hat?? Anyone got ID on it?

>> No.13072732

why do filipinos look like mexicans

>> No.13072748

Also curious, OP can you ask him where he got the hat please?

>> No.13072753

Both got enriched by the Spanish, for one.

>> No.13072770

Seems like a nice chill guy. Why is OP so bitter over this kid?

>> No.13072780


-filipino guy

>> No.13072797
File: 21 KB, 217x217, ADD008BB-5838-47FD-AEAF-0026012127B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP did he fuck your art hoe crush? Cucked

>> No.13072815

OP you’re pathetic and insecure.

>> No.13072837


Op as these people said, why are you so bitter about a normal looking dude? Did he bully you? Probably not. He seems like a nice kid. I bet he’s popular and has friends. Maybe youre just a bit jealous that he gets more attention than your ‘effay’ fits op? Whatever it may be. I hope you find peace soon. This amount of insecurity is not healthy for you.

>> No.13072871


>> No.13072877

Go fuck yourself OP you jealous faggot

>> No.13072879

That guys seems cool. Stop being such a hateful bitch, It's not his fault you're so insecure.

>> No.13072943
File: 36 KB, 500x334, filipinos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13073747

Kill yourself you fucking retard

>> No.13073753

yeah, faggy loser kids that post peoples family photos on venezuelan hotwheels collecting imageboards insulting them in an attempt to feel better abt their pathetic life

>> No.13073824
File: 68 KB, 800x450, 81D8F31B-17D6-45BA-A9A9-410424CAF862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some poltard comes in here trying to race bait
>mfw he gets called out for being a bitter insecure loser

>> No.13073827

why are white males such catty insecure dicklets

they can't help but be little bitches

>> No.13073844


>> No.13073876

this thread has revealed to me that most of /fa/ is fillipino which i find rather repulsive

>> No.13073889

Yeah OP. You got called out. Therefore we’re all filipino. Is the rate of paranoid schizophrenics higher in /pol/? I wonder.

>> No.13073890

nobody cares what you think you autistic pinkie loser bitch

>> No.13073954

Word, Filipinos are the most unoriginal fucking fags of any ethnic group on this planet, Chinese included.
Look how they parrot each other's responses like a bunch of beta niggers who never learned how to banter.

>> No.13073967

Whats more likely

>everyone on /fa/ is filipino
>no one else shares the opinions of insecure /fa/ggots

>> No.13073977

OP if you act like a nigger you get called a nigger. Stop being an insecure cuck and people will stop calling you an insecure cuck.

>> No.13073983

Put Tank in a mall

>> No.13074006

Look at all these assblasted Filipinos! >wearing Supreme, SBs, snapbacks, skateboards and pretend like they're in California no matter what part of the country they actually live in
>has a modicum of talent with a guitar and thinks he's the next AJ Rafael but can't actually sing very well
>inflated ego and annoyingly boisterous, shit personality despite being a manlet, chubby, or ugly, or all three
>tries to hit on other Asians and gets rejected because they all think Flips are nigger tier
>all their women are money grubbing hoes

>> No.13074009

Im not even filipino you paranoid schizo lol

>> No.13074050
File: 1.72 MB, 474x360, obamalaughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the funny thing is that's not even OP

I am

you guys are pathetic fucks

I made a low effort bait post, knowing that there are tons of filipino fags on here who would get offended and guess what happened?

LOL at the entire filipino manlet race

>> No.13074078

>get rekt for making a retard white boi thread
>I'm only pretending to be retarded

lmao why are white boys such insecure faggots

>> No.13074104
File: 1.23 MB, 480x270, trumplaughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never fails

btw if you ever impregnate anyone (unlikely) and end up having kids, tell them to drink more milk so that hopefully they won't be a midget like you

>> No.13074125
File: 82 KB, 418x767, maliitputi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little white boy autistically rambling nonsensically with dead stereotypes and weak trump memes

don't worry I'm sure the girl you had your eyes on is being satisfied by BIG TAGALOG DICK

>> No.13074167

>posts reeks of insecurity
>calls everyone filipino
>i was just pretending to be insecure guys i swear!

Whoa. So this is the power of pol

>> No.13074198

I've never met a flip like this and my flip relatives (mom is half white half flip) dress like skaters but they are skaters

>> No.13074546

This family dresses like the average midwest family. I don't think this kid is really trying to "dress well", looks normal.
Did he steal your grill?

>> No.13074549

somebody fucked OP's bitch

>> No.13074573

im not op and i fuckin hate pol, it's just a fact that fillipino people cant be /fa/. too short and buggy. cant be done. as such it worries me that /fa/ is so full of them. and yes i know all of u are fillipino, /fa/ doesnt rush to defend black people or asians in general like this.

>> No.13074577

The poeple in that picture just dress like white people.

>> No.13074593

Hahaaha youre deluded

>im not paranoid schizo or insecure
>but youre all filipino! Also you cant be effay!

>> No.13074598

Why do you even bother? Did a pinoy fuck your girl? Christ dude this is next level pathetic.

>> No.13074608

im not sure what your first bullet has to do with me or with the second bullet. you really arent saying much here.
why do i bother what? making 2 posts about how embarassing fillipinos are as you sperg out by the horde in this thread?

>> No.13074630
File: 151 KB, 768x960, 83E1E3EA-7BC7-4659-BBB6-7F4DB049652E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So embarrassing that they make cringy insecure posts on 4chan lol

>> No.13074637

>youre not saying much here
Neither are you. Insecure soyboy.

>> No.13074743

Dam son this is getting sad now how good did he fuck her to make you this mad