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File: 288 KB, 1080x1080, 1494965189686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13056465 No.13056465 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit! today I went to art school, because the girl I have met on tinder asked me if I could pose for a sketch. you guys were fucking right, art school is a gold mine when it comes to well dressed qts, pretty much 70% of girls are at least 8/10

>> No.13056470

You ruined your future just to be around cute looking damaged bitches?
Good for you anon.

>> No.13056482

Not OP but i go to artschool and its full of normal people. You get chads and quirky qts. But no ones smoking crack or heroin. You’d know if you left your moms basement lol

>> No.13056522

presumably he was referring to the often overstated idea that artschool is a waste of time and money, and that one should simply pursue their artistic inclinations on their own time.

>> No.13056534

Sure I see that. But a degree in anything in my country can land you a job anywhere. Im studyimg history for example because i want to be a teacher. Some are studying architecture. Some english to be teachers aswell etc.

I feel like people in /fa/ have a warped view of what ‘art school’ is when in reality its just like any school. If you wanna see damaged people go to the computer science building of your uni. A ton of fedoras, autists and my little pony shirts.

>> No.13056535
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How can that qt be 32?

>> No.13056547

It's mostly a 'meme' amongst art school drop-outs and those who gained success without artschool (see: quentin tarintino "don't go to film school, go to films")

>If you wanna see damaged people go to the computer science building of your uni. A ton of fedoras, autists and my little pony shirts.
Maybe in times past, as the tech industry baloons comp. sci. is getting more and more normal. If you wanna see real weirdos the math building is the place to be.

>> No.13056550 [DELETED] 
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This is why I didn't go to art school. I would like to but I couldn't handle being around giganormals and having to socialize with them. Why are good looking people so attracted to art?

>> No.13056553

beauty attracts beauty

>> No.13056610

shes 24

>> No.13056617

english is full of sjw and trannies its mindboggling

>> No.13056618

Maybe computer science would meet your political requirements

>> No.13056631

Don't talk shit about math faggot. Pure science and effay af.
Wanna see lots of ugly mentally ill people? See those camps:
>anything related to media that isn't creating it

>> No.13056641
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Right, that was Jessica-Jane Clement. That's what I thought.

>> No.13056658
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Competition is much bigger. You actually need a talent to get a job and keep it. And there are less jobs than people think (only communication design grows while governments fund less and less fine artists). And they can't really do something else which leads to "I studied but have wageslave job!". It's high risk:mild reward. Also money isn't that good and with low possibilities to go up it will become a problem once you hit 30-40.
Now someone who studies basic stuff as economy, comp. sci or engineering will land a job even of he's mediocore because field grows (at least here in Germany). Low risk:high reward.

>> No.13056677

Arts doesnt mean fine artretard. An arts facility includes socilogy, history, architecture, acting, english, psychology etc

>> No.13056772

biology is like the most normie major there is what are you even talking about?

>> No.13056804

I went to one of the top art programs in the US, graduated 4 years ago (with a different major). It's really sad but even some of the best artists I went to school with are now working multiple jobs in cafes/restaurants while having 200k in debt.

A couple people were successful and got "creative jobs" at places like google, but they're really not making art anymore. Some other people went on to do a masters. No one from my year that I know of is actually a successful practicing artist (yet).
(I would consider successful = working full time as an artist, showing at some decent galleries)

It's really depressing, there were so many talented people.

lel, don't go to art school

>> No.13056810

link your work, I want to see

>> No.13056812

I no longer do art lel (I said I graduated with a different major), jumped ship before it was too late.

>> No.13056826

most woke post

>> No.13056838

film school is a bad example because it really is a sham. unless you're studying editing or effects or
cinematography or whatever

>> No.13056840

thats why i study design!
its a compromise really, you get to have a art like process and expression but it needs to be tied to some sort of function, but the lines are very bullerd and usually designers have an easier time getting jobs

>> No.13056850

(I am >>13056804) yea, design seems like a pretty comfy choice, most of the design students i knew got good jobs at good companies, although it is a compromise like you said.

oh yeah, I now remember I went to school with Yaeji lel, she was studying design I think

>> No.13056868

psycholgy is a social science and has more application than just teaching it, don't lump us in with those cunts.

>> No.13056870

>self expression
just go to accountcy school

>> No.13056872

Psychology is a bachelor of arts in many universities anon

>> No.13056880

aaaaaand if you dont land a very artsy design job you can always work on art projects next to a well paid job instead of serving people coffee. Some people actually only work 4 day weeks to do just that

>> No.13056938

>bachelor of arts
>he thinks bachelor of arts has something to do with actual arts

>> No.13056952 [DELETED] 

nope fine arts applies to design, film, architecture and a lot more

>> No.13056955

>I would consider successful = working full time as an artist
very few artists do this
maybe 1/10 of a percent
even famous artists are usually professors or have some other paying gig

unless you're super rich and famous like andy warhol or something, not everyone is so stupid to think art school = paying job. some of us go for the experience, for the studio space, for the critique and improving yourself. i'm fully aware i'm going back to my low-paying job after art school but i'll be a much better artist (and person) and nothing's going to stop me from creating

plus many jobs will look at you in better light just because you have a degree, even if it's in unrelated fields

>> No.13056962

I'm majoring in math and my classmates are all turbonormies

>> No.13056965

lol how is engineering retarded while math is not?

>> No.13056976

Art school are for "cute" but dumb girls. Also remember, that you usually pay attention only to good looking ones and we'll dressed ones. For example I everywhere see cuties that are well dressed, but I know that it's because I pay attention to that. And if it's so easy for you to find 8/10 then I have bad news for you

>> No.13056978

>implying that engineering or biology is anyhow retarded
How does it feel to be so dumb, anon? You can't try to make math look good while putting down these.

>> No.13057013

I was saying the exact opposite you retard

>> No.13057020

>ugly mentally ill people

>> No.13057022

While it is rare, i wouldn't say its .1% of artists. For instance, many artist residency programs pay a decent wage and are not impossibly selective. I know that it's not a permanent solution, but neither is working at a cafe.

But anyway, when I said "working full time as an artist", I didn't mean being posh and famous and only creating and displaying your own art. I meant working in any art related job, such as an artist's apprentice/assistant, even teaching art, basically just not working some depressing restaurant job.

On the other hand, I do have some very talented friends who went to other art schools who have been very successful as animators (e.g., storyboard artist for some popular shows) and illustrators. You can even make A LOT of money drawing anime porn on hentai lel

good 4 u for trying to improve yourself by going to art school. Yes I realize that people are not stupid enough to believe that art school = paying job, but 1. come on, you should have higher aspirations than that, 2. imo it's stupid to go to any higher education (especially if you have to pay for it) if not for your future career.

>> No.13057028

anime porn on patreon*

>> No.13057030

I’m in my first year for history actually. I only enrolled because it’s my passion but I’m not sure what real world application it has.

What jobs are people in your program trying to get into aside from becoming a teacher?

History is a really effay field of study

>> No.13057040

>tfw a korean asked me if i study math. but i am studying physics.

dont know what feel that actually is

>> No.13057065

not who you're quoting, but I know some former history majors who are working at museums (not sure their actual position)

also, maybe related, I've worked with some graduate students in library sciences specifically working in archive management. It seems like a lot of fun!

And some nontrivial amount of law students studied history for their undergrad.

>> No.13057067

Not much ill be honest. You’re looking at clerical jobs like researching or a specialized field. Which infers more researching and reading primary sources. The best part in that line of work is that you can form your own opinions that become the basis of the next generation. For me personally im too lazy for all that shit. Teaching is a good mix of everything

>> No.13057071

pure math itself is fa, it is essentially just more-credible philosophy.

Unfortunately the people who study it are completely non-fa manchildren. (same goes for physics imo)

>> No.13057072


>> No.13057074

>imo it's stupid to go to any higher education (especially if you have to pay for it) if not for your future career.
for most majors, yes, but not for fine art.
art school is literally the best way to improve as an artist, get motivation, be inspired, make friends and contacts who can get your work into galleries, and have access to supplies and a studio that you would never be able to afford on your own.

>> No.13057121


>he thinks anything outside of STEM is worth defending

wew lad

also OP who is this girl and what city is that? asking for a friend

>> No.13057146

>tfw all the chads are doung business
>meanwhile the outcasts, weirdos and losers do computer shit

>> No.13057166


>a "business" degree


this is how you identify yourself as having no intellectual capability whatsoever without coming right out and saying it

>> No.13057175


>> No.13057178

You’re literally the grown up version of the weird kid in high school that hates on normal people for not being ‘smart’

>> No.13057296


I'll give you an MBA, but if you have a business undergraduate degree, off yourself my dude.

Not even meming, at my school economics is in the Faculty of Science.

>> No.13057300

can I get an ID on the girl, OP?

>> No.13057317

Why would they dox themself on 4chan?

>> No.13057331

Ok, yeah, but, you're still on 4chan. Like, how can you have a superiority complex, realistically?

>> No.13057357

He means he just traveled to the art school to meet this girl. He didn't enroll in it.

>> No.13057377

I went to like 4 different art schools and I don't think I saw more than 5-6 good looking girls or more than 10 girls that dress nicely. You must have went to some unique art school, you are bullshitting, or you have extremely low standards

>> No.13057445

damn w2c that sweater

>> No.13057509

Fair enough then haha

>> No.13057583

>first time on fa

>> No.13057599

>But no ones smoking crack or heroin. You’d know if you left your moms basement lol
art schools have the most drug addicts. These girls do hard drugs and party on a regular basis with no regards for the future because they realize they have none. I would say 10% of the girls actually strip to put themselves through college. Art school girls are a hot mess.

>> No.13057613

That's also why (from my experience) art school girls rare date their peers (fellow art school guys). They always end up dating outside of that pool; most are interested in dating up.

>> No.13057674

U ain’t been to Richmond

>> No.13057701
File: 174 KB, 734x960, 8DB205E4-D12E-4B33-91F7-F3B83B71FD6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What country are you from? Cause let me tell you, artschool girls here think weed is a hard drug. Why? Cause only rich posh people do arts in my country. Maybe in your shitty flyover state you get the lowlives doing some shitty arts class in the local community college to keep their government handout. But dont speak for the rest of us normal functional people with aspirations and future.

>> No.13057716


This is just a retarded view by retarded people. True, not many fine art majors become artists, but a lot of artists studied fine art. Architects study architecture. Designers study design. People that think its a waste of time are just people who are so lacking in passion they know they'd fail at something remotely abstract.

>> No.13057725



>> No.13057746

This is bullshit lol. Im doing english and everyone is dating someone in the course. Sounds like you’re projecting some deep seated insecurity my man. Did an art hoe reject you for a STEM chad?

>> No.13057749

Wouldn't that be liberal arts? At least at my uni there was a separate college of fine arts and then the college of liberal arts that includes most of what you listed

>> No.13057761

It depends per institution. My uni only divvies the courses to either science or arts.

>> No.13057764

You might be right about the English department but over here in my photography/film department I don't see that happening.
I'm not currently dating anyone either and I personally wouldn't make a pass at any of the girls in my program. Not all are a hot mess but they aren't any that are particularly outstanding to me. And like I said they have mostly expressed interest in dating up and most of them are dating aerospace engineers and medical school students

>> No.13057820

what companies

>> No.13057849

All the CS people I know are fucking weird. I have two CS roommates and they're complete shut ins, despite one of them being a qt grill.

>> No.13057855

We're talking about art school here, schools like UAL in London or OCAD in Toronto, not liberal arts schools. At least that's what I've always considered arthoes as being from

I got invited by a friend from high school to a local artschool party and the girls were sort of cool but also massive poseurs. Couldn't talk about anything interesting, and while dressing different than normies in a good way, they all dressed like each other, nothing unique. Though in the city I study rather than hometown I met a cute and interesting arthoe that I've been seeing for a few months, feelsgood

>> No.13057862

I can second this. The CS students I know are some of the most unsociable people I've met. They are content to just wallow in their miserable lives and fill that void with video games, anime, idols, etc.
Its okay to enjoy those things but one must have balance in their life (like go to the gym, have good social skills, be able to dress well).

>> No.13057866

A good friend of mine goes to Parsons, spent a week in New York visiting him, lots of qts.

He’s gay so he hooked it up with a couple of his fag hags. It was a good week.

>> No.13057874

It's crazy, my other roommates have tried everything to get them to hang out so we can have a nice chill house. Nothing works, not going to a club, not getting drinks, not going out for a bite to eat, not even just chilling at home and playing board games or vidya as a group. Don't know what they do in their room with all that time.

>> No.13057907

THIS, 100% THIS. I've studied at 2 different universities and its been the same experience every time. Not even me paying for their movie tickets would motivate them to come hang out. At some point I just gave up and started looking for better people to be friends with.

>> No.13058526
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Guys, guys!
Here me up, go to the Architect Zone there's a lot of well dressed QTs from wealthy families, i know because i'm studying this shit, unlike those arts hoes these girls actually can have a future unlike that meme degree

>> No.13058533
File: 1.88 MB, 729x394, disk2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP gon fall hard and get crushed bad
then he shall be bitter old man, like meeeeeeeee

>> No.13058596

Intrigued to hear your story, tell us more.

>> No.13058600

Dont fall hard guys stay strong

>> No.13058733

>confirmed shit school
All the autist in the CS building are foreigners and draped in Givenchy, Rick, Moncler, and what not.

>> No.13058740

Just... bought into the meme since before memes existed. Artsy frail girls with black hair & bobs and low key drug problems. Since '98, FFS

And.... It just brought me compounding levels of madness. Just, crazy. Crazy girls who weren't actually creatives just kind of assuming it as an excuse for personal laziness. "I'm okay to be snorting yake/subsisting on wine/prone to 'episodes' because I'm actually a tortured artist."

There's probably a post about it on fuuka,
eff the cops.

>> No.13058742

IMO I'm actually a lot better for having undergone it. At the end of the day, I learned something about human nature. ainful or not, 'twas a lesson. And shit.

>> No.13058753

>tfw this makes me want it even more

>> No.13058841

>these arguments
/fa/ is the most underage board.

>> No.13058867


>> No.13058870

>actual experience going to art school
>underage because it doesnt fit the warped world view of some retard who never went to school


>> No.13058912
File: 460 KB, 1920x1080, lqjECxM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best artists
>a splatter of paint with twisted wires on a glass pane window
>20 page accompaniment synopsis "its chaotic but orderly" something something Judith Butler
>wuh where da jobs at

Any of you going into arts either have a rich daddy or learn a real skill in actual drawing or painting. If you're too much of an idiot for that you can at least do graphic design or photography.

>> No.13058938

>i want to be a teacher

thats not how it works

>> No.13058958

>uhhh my school is only full of chads and cuties and ur in ur basement XD

>> No.13058968

I go to a community college thing and share a building with social workers. 80% of them are thicc alternative girls with dyed hair, piercings, clothing showing all their curves. Pretty fucking good

>> No.13058972

My house is currently trying to kick an ex-CS student out who has been living here for 8 fucking years and complete his master last year. The only way you can tell he’s home is when the internet starts lagging. Hasnt done 1 thing together with any of us, is at his parents’ 3 weeks per month, but somehow he doesn’t want to leave his room while we just want an active house member

>> No.13058997

Was it in ny? I assume ny has all the art qts than any other place

>> No.13059075

Huh? Thats literally how it works

>> No.13059076

Projecting much? Just cause youre a fucking loser doesnt mean we all are.

>> No.13059079

It's only normal job you can get with art degree. And curator, but it requires also history and economics (management).

>> No.13059112
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>talking about me projecting, not knowing anything about me and then projects calling me a loser while himself he is a bigger one

>> No.13059114

Name pls

>> No.13059118

dont reply to this. i didn't saw you already gave

>> No.13059291

Right. Meanwhile im attending an art school full of normal people. While you insist theyre not normal on 4chan

>> No.13059370

>art school
>full of normal people
Yeah and I'm commenting on a site whole of normal people :)

>> No.13060185

unruin your future by learning to read

>> No.13060213

rich man marries hot wife. daughter decides to do art. shes hot from the mom and rich to do art school and since shes in art school shes obviously pretentious and gunna try to dress to impress. and its and like basic algerba

>> No.13060423

Actually, english is where undeclared majors wind up because it's the easiest.

>> No.13060438

Lol stop romanticizing art school. Where do you think normal people with clerical jobs come from?

If you do engineering or compsci however theres a real chance that youre autistic or into my little pony

>> No.13060458

>if you do studies that are for people who have half brain and just want a degree you are normal but if you do studies for intelligent people you are autistic

Keep coping, artard

>> No.13060472

I'm was a business major and now I can basically buy what I want when I want so I'm good.

>> No.13060478

>not being a weirdo chad

>> No.13060526


>> No.13060580

Went to Architecture school. Apart from the whole architects wear black meme, most people wore decent stuff.

>> No.13060722

Lol are you ok? Do normie girls get disgusted by you? Its ok. Us normies dont care enough about you to notice your insecurities:)

>> No.13061107

>(I would consider successful = working full time as an artist
Just do everyone a favor and stop calling, first yourself and then others, artists. Your fucking deserve working stupid 9-5 job if you can't take care of yourself with doing art or at least not whining about money as an """""""""""ARTIST"""""". Went to art school, left without even learning a thing about art.

>> No.13061249

You can even literally buy women to dd/lg
life is a joke

>> No.13061691

I'm a girl but nice try. Also men who are intelligent enough to do science >>> any other studies >>> gender studies and art studies

But cope harder, it's funny to see desperate people like you who were not able to get into science so now try to cope by imagining that people who build your phone are just undesirable autists

>> No.13061997

Actually i did computer science for one semester. I quit and joined english. Why? Because compsci was full of autistic man children. One guy started playing super mario 3d on his ds while we were clubbing. Im much happier in english surrounded by normal sociable people. Plus i already scored an internship after i graduate. But yeah id rather be normal than have the ‘street cred’ of my little pony audiences.

But whose really coping here?

The person insisting that people who do english MUST be damaged. Or the person leading a normal social life while dating a qt in his english course?

Really. Step back and look at yourself.

>> No.13062005

Yeah yeah, tell yourself all of that. It must be tough to be such a failure you ended up making useless degree and dating a 5/10 that you desperately try to pass as cutie to feel better about your life choices

>> No.13062053
File: 35 KB, 480x480, 12121212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this bitter over someone living a normal happy life with friends and a girlfriend
Never change /fa/

>b-b-b-but you're all damaged i swear!
>y-y-y-you're coping i swear!

>> No.13062055

she has flowers sprouting out of her ass. must be some art school thing

>> No.13062056
File: 32 KB, 680x680, 22852105_1908827079145405_1337608226835450073_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys who studies English tries to make it seem like he didn't fail at life
Have fun becoming a hated teacher

>> No.13062060

Lol. Imagine being this bitter about other people's lives. Its sad.

I feel sorry for you bro. Really I pity you. I hope you find happiness soon. Otherwise people will treat you like the bitter loser you are.

>> No.13062064

You call me a bitter loser but you are the one who is treating having a 5/10 date you as your biggest achievement. Good luck at your miserable life with ugly wife, maybe one day you will wake up and realise that you are the one who is a bitter loser

>> No.13062079

Lol. Are you ok? Where are you getting this 5/10? Are you schizo? Or just another weirdo STEM nerd lashing out at normal people? Its ok buddy.

>> No.13062083


>rejected by art hoes

>> No.13062084
File: 60 KB, 600x600, azhhafq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my freshman year I learned that lesson, to not fuck art hoes, it wasn't worth the hassle, but I still did it anyways because I'm dumb af and the sex is easy. My advice is be honest with yourself and with them so you can set up reasonable expectations, now that i think of it tho that should come with any relationship.

>> No.13062087

I'm not a lesbian, sorry

It's fine, my little guy. It's okay that you have inferiority complex, it's normal in your situation. Just take a deep breathe and close the window, these big mean intelligent people won't hurt you or your "girlfriend" anymore. No need to get so stressed. You also don't need to play doctor, you know that it's not for you :)

>> No.13062091

Lol yeah right. Imagine being a fat stem nerd pretending to be a girl on the internet.

Typical isnt it?

>> No.13062095
File: 21 KB, 217x217, 4C77DD49-B929-468F-B034-8D2770F92E69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ. How much bitter can one person be?

>> No.13062100

You must know a lot about it, not everyone is like you though

>> No.13062102

You just KNOW if comes from deep inside. That person probably got rejected by society and normal people.

Like the grown up version of the kid in highschool that no one liked

>> No.13062105

Wouldn’t know. Im just a normal guy browsing the chonz

>> No.13062109

Then it must be a fetish of yours to imagine girls as being a fat, ugly loser guys? Quite interesting.

>> No.13062139

Nah. Like me and the other anons were saying, you type like a bitter fat STEM loser. If youre not. Then all the power to you.

>> No.13062152

I'm not a loser, nor fat. I have an amazing boyfriend that is non of these as well. I plan to go on STEM, as because of people from these field we are able to live such a luxury lives. But hey, let's call all the doctors and other people who make our lives better a fat losers, while we try to put on pedestal people that end up making arts for furries, £20 for each picture

>> No.13062157

Im happy for you and your boyfriend. But I've never drawn a single furry picture in my life. Neither has anyone in my course friend group.

I have however, seen my little pony porn in a compsci student's laptop.

>> No.13062166

Well it's a problem because people who don't have anything to do in life, think that because they waste their time on computers, will study IT. I personally never saw a person like that there, so it might be a strict American thing

>> No.13062192
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his first experience awww
i know this feeling, i wish i didn't

i feel you

>> No.13063010

Same here. I've found that the modern fine arts field isn't really worth getting into nowadays, since the conceptual art meme is in full swing
But I'm trying to get into the comics/animation fields so what do I know. At least I'm going somewhere cheap