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/fa/ - Fashion

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13045888 No.13045888 [Reply] [Original]

okay 4chan if you're so smart to answer my question... what's the matter with people who only wear black clothes?

>> No.13045891


>> No.13045932

they have no understanding of color coordination

>> No.13045937

shit shoes, sperm on the hat

>> No.13045942

Lack of confidence

>> No.13045949

Literally nothing, unless you are chubbo then no blacko.

>> No.13046028

nothing is wrong but typically people who do that don't have enough experience/know how to make decent fits that have more then one piece of clothing that has color in it imo

>> No.13046042

Speaking personally? I'm colorblind and tired of fucking up.

>> No.13046060

It's easy and it's a traditional "alternative" look going back centuries if not millennia.

>> No.13046149

because colors are gay

>> No.13046332


>> No.13046821

I don't know how to use colors correctly.

>> No.13046830

Who's your favorite band?

>> No.13046887

Most my body is tattooed and I find that black (and white) compliments my tattoos more than colors or patterns.

>> No.13046930


Tecno interest them

>> No.13047546

they are liberal elites

>> No.13047556

I find people who wear colourful clothes that aren't designer or interesting pieces put together in an appealing way to be complete fucking plebs and have never once been wrong in this assessment.

>> No.13047565

To me projects attitude issues. No confidence, introverted, moody stick in the mid cunt with superiority issues who hates "normies". Probably thinks of self as high IQ. Want to be seen as slick and fashionable with little inspiration or effort. Milquetoast cunts.

Or not. There are many all black fags who just like it I guess.

Tech ninja Asians don't count toward my perception, only white boys.

>> No.13047578

I wear all black because I like the way I look in all black.

>> No.13047580

Boring and uncreative. Lazy, apathetic, uninspired.

>> No.13047583

They want you to focus on the silhouette and texture of the clothes and don't want to distract with color.

>> No.13047587

I feel like a ninja when I wear black. So I wear black

>> No.13047590


How did you manage to fit so much low intellect numale garbage into one paragraph?

>> No.13047595

This is the most obvious reddit crossposter Ive seen in a while

>> No.13047614

I can't into colour theory nor is my wardrobe full of enough good colourful clothing.

>> No.13047631
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>> No.13047633

i want that hat

>> No.13047636

they r significantly cooler than u r :oP

>> No.13047722

Mc Ride.

>> No.13047744

Umm maybe they want to commit suicide, check their wrists for good measure.

>> No.13047761

They don't bother you, so please don't bother them.

>> No.13047824

Joy division

>> No.13047834

no personality

>> No.13047855

to make nazifaggots afraid. only works in certain areas tho

>> No.13048033
File: 49 KB, 500x750, 5a8a39f3e8640fb7c61d6f797889df00--december--le-style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black is modest and arrogant at the same time. Black is lazy and easy - but mysterious. But above all black says this: "I don't bother you - you don't bother me."

>> No.13048117

ITT that one yohji quote and people projecting

>> No.13048196

ooooo EPIC

>> No.13048197

Wearing black is kind of like cheating because you make other guys look like soyboy faggots by comparison

>> No.13048229

what's with the shoes that /fa/ wears? I'm not a regular poster but everyone has these big stupid shoes that make you look like a 10 year old wearing the shoes of your gay father

>> No.13048255

those are called "boots"
very practical if you live any place that gets snow as leather keeps you warm, dry and is durable

>> No.13048722

ID on those boots ?

Also idk , people can just wear what they like ?

>> No.13048885

can someone give me some tips for wearing all black. what is required to pull off that look?

>> No.13048891

Like all looks

Good body and confidence

>> No.13049817

All black doesn't require anything

>> No.13049865

>le black le modest and arrogant at the same time

>> No.13050006

A-are you me?

>> No.13050235

black clothes.

>> No.13050325

usually its the other way around

majority of people dont wear all black because its ""emo"" and stands out too much

personally i wear all black because i'm model tier so it looks good no matter, and i'm lazy anyway so i couldnt give a fuck about coordinating an outfit each day

>> No.13050442
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I wear black and white, a lot. It's simply because they're easy going colors, most of the time, you can't go wrong with either of two, more so black than white but I digress.

You shouldn't come across as "emo" or "goth" while wearing all black unless you're a fucking faggot. It's just a color. Also, take this with a grain of salt but it just seems that black goes with everything. All in all; I'm a lazy cunt that doesn't have time to pick and choose what colors coordinate well and so on.

>> No.13050498

post face pic

>> No.13050524

This post is like a poor attempt at the virgin walk meme.

>> No.13050529



>> No.13052062

This is just pretentious. I wear black because I like it not because of some edgelord "don't bother me kid..." attitude.

>> No.13052180

It’s versatile and simple. And if you add an item of colour to the outfit it pops more as a statement piece.

>> No.13052289

The reason i think ppl with no confidence wear black is because they're told/ believe black looks good on everyone and they're afraid to wear colors that don't look good

>> No.13052291

I wear a lot of black for these reasons
>Looks good with my skin tone
>Can wash most laundry in one load
>Can further formalize lots of fits
>Easier to keep clean, don't have to be as cautious as wearing white

>> No.13052312
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they are virgins

>> No.13052314

It's an interesting question actually, because i find going from colours to monochrome is cyclical.

When you're a kid, you wear whatever, then when you're in highschool you realize all black looks cool. then after a while you get bored of that and start wearing more colours, and learning to coordinate. then after a while of wearing colours, you realize how powerful wearing all black is and how it literally always looks good. then again you tire of always looking the same and start branching out more etc. etc.