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File: 329 KB, 624x413, 2018-01-03 21_32_49-Microsoft PowerPoint - [Presentation1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13041841 No.13041841 [Reply] [Original]

LT: >>13034149

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

>> No.13041850
File: 47 KB, 450x675, ysl11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /slp/ here

>> No.13041859
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Over here!

>> No.13041860
File: 1.49 MB, 640x1136, thinspo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to the anon who was trying to get in a relationship with this girl?
I'm curious

>> No.13041876
File: 293 KB, 272x273, 1491616998540a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this a Skinny guy thread

>> No.13041880
File: 29 KB, 640x480, sad-pepe-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im more than slp skinny but im a sand nigger :&

skin bleach pls

>> No.13041882

someone said they dm'd her this thread so he probably killed himself

>> No.13041883

fuck slp then if you are that skinny go model

>> No.13041885
File: 1.12 MB, 2220x2682, 1515017947936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all dem feel-good chemicals rushing to your brain to cope with puking out your stomach. unf

>> No.13041887
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>> No.13041892
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>> No.13041899
File: 124 KB, 1500x1060, CHASING-DREAMS-by-Danny-Lim-for-CHASSEUR-MAGAZINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13041901
File: 35 KB, 540x529, edba54bb66a31301afd9d8a926d755c3--sexual-aesthetic-gay-girls-aesthetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13041902

working on it. I just need to slightly buff up my chest.

last year i sent my photos to TIAD which specializes in ugly and skinny boys and got called for a casting but my mom wouldn't let me go. she told me that it'd drive my ED further and I needed one parent to go with me since I was only 17 at the time.

>> No.13041903

uwu anon you were right
once you hold out on the pains, it does feel good

>> No.13041904

Being thin no longer makes me happy, it's just something I have to maintain to not be depressed about gaining weight.

>> No.13041908
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>> No.13041909


>> No.13041919
File: 18 KB, 500x334, tumblr_ov26vu2oBI1wyjjh2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who thinks achieving the image they want will bring happiness to an unfulfilled life is mistaken

>> No.13041933
File: 112 KB, 742x720, 14593268130070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13041962

holy shit how 2 look like this

>> No.13041983
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>> No.13041994
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>> No.13042041

He asked her out on a date and she yes, then kept bragging about how she was technically his girlfriend now

>> No.13042047

he posted a shit outfit in WAYWT thread once

>> No.13042049

Tbh you just gonna be a female with 19 BMI or less

It's nowhere near anorexia, anon


>> No.13042119

I can't even do that

I just tried sucking my stomach in. And it stayed flat

>> No.13042120

good that stalker faggot deserved it

>> No.13042122

Then why are you advocating anorexia if anorexia is the exact opposite of what you want to achieve?

True, anorexia will still exist without the internet just as it has existed throughout the centuries, but removing these threads and the people that propagate this material may convince someone to turn away from this sickness.

Very good.
>Like are you in denial about being in the brink of relapse or something?
What makes you think and say that?

>> No.13042125 [DELETED] 

Then why are you advocating anorexia if anorexia is the exact opposite of what you want to achieve?

True, anorexia will still exist without the internet just as it has existed throughout the centuries, but removing these threads and the people that propagate this material may convince someone to turn away from this sickness.

Very good.
>Like are you in denial about being in the brink of relapse or something?
What makes you think and say that?
>As someone who almost died from anorexia seeing this thread here is completely disgusting.
>If you are thinking of or do take advice from these threads then you are walking a dark path. Spare yourself a painful death and walk away.
>I've posted this before and will continue to post it until the mods ban these threads and all of the people propagating the normalization of anorexia, a mental disorder.

>> No.13042132

As someone who almost died from anorexia seeing this thread here is completely disgusting.

If you are thinking of or do take advice from these threads then you are walking a dark path. Spare yourself a painful death and walk away.

I've posted this before and will continue to post it until the mods ban these threads and all of the people propagating the normalization of anorexia, a mental disorder.

>> No.13042136

yeah I remember that was the end of the last episode, but haven't seen him since

>> No.13042137

that shit had me giggling like a little girl, nice autistic way to end out 2017

>> No.13042146

stop with the dramatics man
there isn't a single person in here with anorexia, go to my pro ana

>> No.13042148

How much did you weight back in the day?
And your height?

>> No.13042182

You must be partly blind then. I know you cannot see as I do, but there is no way that you can view these threads and ignore such a large portion of content that is completely contrary to what you just said.

I will not discuss numbers with you as that will accomplish nothing.

>> No.13042189

I'm just asking dude
I'm a skinny guy myself.
I have been going to the gym for 2 months and improving also gained 3kg I think. Maybe the weights are just lying to me

>> No.13042210

You're not gaining as much weight as you should be in that time frame. I suggest you read the sticky on /fit/, it is pretty decent.

>> No.13042224

show me some pics of the anorexic anons who have posted here
>inb4 uh some anon posted a picture of girl who is possibly anorexic as inspiration so its the same thing basically

>> No.13042234

oldfag here. We've had some actual anorexic regulars over the years, hannah and bonganon come to mind, a few others I remember that had feeding tubes. We have a lot of disordered eating here, some very bad bingers (the frogposter who used to post about his binges was really bad), bulimia...

That said I think probably 75%+ are just dieting and don't want to deal with /fit/ which is so uncomfy. It's also hard to be women on /fit/ because your gender is relevant but they sperg more than here (okay here you get the occasional roastie-shitposter but it's way better)

>> No.13042264
File: 53 KB, 449x800, 26551172_1407834992693698_1097230917_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally got my pants

>> No.13042271

I have the short leg syndrome too. Try holding the camera lower the wide angle makes it worse, and make sure you wear them a bit higher.

>> No.13042280

nah it's just the angle

>> No.13042282

Yeah that's what I said too. ;_;

>> No.13042325

You are a cutie. Would totally consider dating you if I knew you irl

>> No.13042369

friendly reminder this used to be the official /thinspo/ tumblr:

>> No.13042398

oops sorry
I'll check that out

>> No.13042401

I'm not sure whether this is the right place to ask but how do you lose muscle? I spent years lifting and getting swole but now that I'm here I realized this isn't the aesthetic I'm aiming for. I would rather be slim and be able to fit into skinny jeans rather than squatting 300 lbs with massive thighs.

>> No.13042407

Once you turn skinny
The whole world will look at you as a weak person.

>> No.13042411

dude in that pic desperately needs a shower

>> No.13042417

Not what I'm asking.

>> No.13042419
File: 224 KB, 1045x1471, IMG_1462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get less skinny and more masculine?

>> No.13042533

daily reminder that buying jeans for men is only acceptable if you're above 6" otherwise you're fat thank you have a nice day everyone don't forget the water

>> No.13042539
File: 525 KB, 1106x1012, 1449105755605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so constipated, I just pooped but it was little little pebble poops and then when the big one came along it was so hard it got stuck half way. I thought I was going to have to pull it out. I started to move around and it broke it off but I think half of it got sucked by into my anus.

I've been fasting for five days so that's surely the problem but I wonder if I'm going to get an impacted poop or something I can't pass.

Should I get some stool softener or something at the drug store? Or will this just pass as I start eating again? I'm going to reintroduce food tonight.

>> No.13042549

stop eating soy

>> No.13042578

just eat some prunes or something bro, you'll be okay

>> No.13042622

I've never been constipated before, this is awful. The one that rolled back in there I hope it doesn't harden more and become impossible to pass. Then what? The ER?! Have to explain to some doctor I have a poop stuck in my ass?

>> No.13042627

>Doc im constipated
Wow that was tuff

>> No.13042629

Do you drink water? Get caffine?

>> No.13042646

That's a long way from "doc I have a hardened shit stuck in my asshole that you're going to need to remove/break up with some kind of tool"

Just been drinking water and some electrolyte/salt tablets.

I'm re-starting eating tonight with some chicken broth and a tiny bit of the solid stuff (chicken noodle soup).

>> No.13042647

Stool softeners, prunes, fibers are key.
Iktf. I get constipated naturally easily and especially when I do stimulants

>> No.13042655

I had the same fear when I fasted that long. I was fine. It'll probably just come out in pieces over the course of a few days.

>> No.13042674
File: 31 KB, 540x510, nervs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never taken a stool softener before. I'm going to try it. That just a tablet?

Thanks. I'm going to make sure I eat lots of fiber these next few days that's for sure. I can still feel my anus from this ordeal earlier today. No blood or anything though, thank god. You had the stuck poop and everything? I mean this thing was NOT coming out.

>> No.13042693

for me thr softener comes as a bag of disgusting powder
but it werks

good luck

>> No.13042695

Oh yeah, I had the stuck poop too. My paranoia was such that I stuck my finger up my asshole and started digging around a few times. You should probably be worried if you eat for a few days and there's no sign of anything coming out, but your constipation sounds normal; it's not a medical emergency, yet.

>> No.13042702
File: 280 KB, 646x595, 1493061705885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons. Will report back with how it goes. Stay hidhrated.

>> No.13042730

>Eating 800 calories a day last week
>3 separate binges
>didnt purge or anything
>go from 121 to 122 lbs

Is this possible? Were the diet gods smiling upon me? Or do i need a new fucking scale?

>> No.13042735

Praying for your bowels, man

>> No.13042751

>jealous lazy fat american

>> No.13042787

I bingle eat all the time and for 4 years I got up 2-3 kg from it which I lose all the time and get up all the time again, it seems to be normal

>> No.13042795
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>> No.13042836
File: 26 KB, 265x279, lkjm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so none yall are actually anorexic? but you post thinspo?

>> No.13042852

Some are, majority aren't. Yeah lots of people are inspired by seeing other thin people. I'm a guy and like the female thinspo not to jack off too but it motivates me to maybe one day have a thinspo gf.

>> No.13042865

My BMI is over 15 so I'm not technically anorexic, but being skinny is absolutely essential to me. If my BMI went over 19 I'd probably start having suicidal thoughts

>> No.13042873

I don't think anorexic is really defined by a specific bmi value. That's just one of the things that leads to a diagnosis.

>> No.13042878

"Anorexia nervosa, often referred to simply as anorexia,[11] is an eating disorder characterized by low weight, fear of gaining weight, and a strong desire to be thin, resulting in food restriction."

"The diagnosis requires a significantly low weight.[3] The severity of disease is based on body mass index (BMI) in adults with mild disease having a BMI of greater than 17, moderate a BMI of 16 to 17, severe a BMI of 15 to 16, and extreme a BMI less than 15.[3] In children a BMI for age percentile of less than the 5th percentile is often used.[3]"


Sounds like you might need help, mi amigo.

>> No.13042879

Then you probably are anorexic.

>> No.13042881

From what i remember, BMI under 15 is necessary. Otherwise you are classified as OSFED.

>> No.13042885

The Wikipedia article(>>13042878) has the DSM as reference, desu.

>> No.13042905

originally my goal was mid to upper 90s.
right now I am 104 at 5'6 and I don't look thin at all, just completely average.
does a 5'6 woman need to be in the mid 80's to low 90's to look thin?
I am a bit scared of going below 90

>> No.13042912

Just don't go under 19.

>> No.13042921

Not her but why 19?

>> No.13042929

Healthy BMI is between 19 and 25.

>> No.13042934

I'm at 17 right now though, and I'm not thin at all

>> No.13042939

no way.
18 is still healthy.
17 is underweight
16 is the danger zone
talk to someone.

>> No.13042940

I suggest you don't lose more weight then. Care to post a picture?

>> No.13042944

I had quite a heavy lunch including both cheese and sausage. So that's a bit shit, but I didn't have dinner and managed to stay off all the leftover candy from christmas and new years.

I still have a looong way to go, but I'm slowly getting there.

>> No.13042950
File: 196 KB, 680x680, 1502029068331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mild disease having a BMI of greater than 17, moderate a BMI of 16 to 17, severe a BMI of 15 to 16


>> No.13042951

According to Wikipedia the cutoff is 18.5. But it does say that there is debate on the topic. I guess we could say 18 is healthy depending on the person.

I maintain my position that the 17 girl should not lose more weight.


>> No.13042959


>> No.13042960

19 is quite chubby while over 23 it's straight up fat

>> No.13042985

Please don't lose more. At some point you hav eto realise that health is more important than the perfect looks. I am sure that you look great already though!

>> No.13042986

"o achieve optimum health, the median body mass index for an adult population should be in the range of 21 to 23 kg/m2, while the goal for individuals should be to maintain body mass index in the range 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2."


The World Health Organization seems do disagree with you.
Of course it may also be the case that the definitions of "chubby" and "fat" that you are using are not the common ones.

>> No.13043039
File: 70 KB, 333x500, 1262226929_f66861c959_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either you guys are overreacting or my scale is incorrect, because 104 at 5'6 for me doesn't look at all close to underweight. Also everyone is unhealthy in some way. I don't smoke,drink alcohol or caffeine, and i eat healthy foods so being slightly underweight in my youth isn't that bad
not me of course, but I would say I look about the same as pic related, but my tummy isn't quite as flat though. my arms legs and chest area are similar.

>> No.13043070

i have this muesli of barely 150 kcal per 45g
is it a trap or is it actually decent

>> No.13043073

I would say she is skinny. Do you practice exercises? You can lose more fat and stay at a good BMI if you pack some muscles. (Yes, you will look skinnier with more muscles.)

>> No.13043101

>6ft, 147lbs, male, 24
>lol get depressed idk
>Taxi Driver meets Noir

Right now I dress like some urban city kid and I really wanna get my fashion up.

>> No.13043120
File: 135 KB, 639x1136, IMG_5782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

???? Y'all just jealous af

Okay so our date on New Years never happened because there was a snow storm and the roads were terrible so we never met up. Also most places closed down and I'm not driving 2 hrs with a high chance of crashing my car. Also not having her put herself at risk. So we're planning on going to the movies tomorrow or Saturday :) Also what should we see. I already saw Star Wars. In the meantime here's a cute photo of her for all of you jealous haters

>> No.13043131
File: 85 KB, 804x802, 1430968810316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have to wear woman's jeans
>tfw too embarrassed to go in and buy them and have to get female friends to buy them

I really need to get a gf

>> No.13043134


very pretty

>> No.13043220

it's 17.5 i think for anorexia proper. when they first diagnosed me, I was only at 16 bmi but I still got the AN.

Side note, it's super weird how people "want" the diagnosis. ana-chans IRL are cringy sometimes about it. i'm competitive but not in that way.

now i'm at 14.6 and i don't like : <

>> No.13043224

It's mostly LARPing fatties.
They think anorexia will make them thin.
That's silly. When you're anorexic, you're NEVER thin ;)

>> No.13043248
File: 51 KB, 657x527, SVTrCMv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinspo sure is alive these days!
In honor of our fallen comrade frof,

helo fwamile daly remindar to stey hidhratted luv u soooo muhch tanks bye

>> No.13043249

what to eat for brekkies?:
- oatmeal
- one lil pot of yoghurt
- nothing
- egg

>> No.13043250

I tried some women’s jeans on but they don’t leave enough room for my benis. :/

>> No.13043255

<3 I will never forget froggo. Luv u!

>> No.13043257

eat a bigger breakfast and skip lunch

>> No.13043258
File: 607 KB, 1853x924, 3b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you second from the right

>> No.13043264

sorry for being a dummy about this, but what would you consider a "bigger breakfast"? i don't wanna go overboard

>> No.13043268


>> No.13043272

Don’t listen to that shit advice. Skip breakfast, eat a late late lunch, and then dinner pretty early.

>> No.13043275

How to get slender legs like slp model?

>> No.13043278

boy or girl

>> No.13043290

eat less

>> No.13043305

ow, too real.

>> No.13043334

never understood people who go to the movies in the early days of dating but good luck senpai
are you as hott as her?

>> No.13043381

It's easy and predictable. You get to know each other on the drive over, then the movie gives you time to think about how you feel

>> No.13043421

damn good luck anon I doubted you in the beginning

>maybe 2018 will be the year I get my own thinspo gf :(

>> No.13043426

really depends on your goal desu
I'd go with oatmeal, or egg(s) if you want to feel full, yogurt if you need more protein and nothing if you have god tier self control and want to lose weight very fast at the expense of everyday function and health.
I usually do yogurt or nothing depending on what my goal is on that given week.

>> No.13043433

big breakfast can help with weight loss if you have poor self control, since it prevents you from snacking. I would recommend
40 g (1/2) cup rolled oats
1 cup water or milk or some mix of the two
16 g (1 tbsp) any nutbutter
about 300 kcal and extremely filling + loaded with nutrients
used to eat this before I dropped my caloric intake from 1200 to <800 and didn't have room in my schedule for it anymore

>> No.13043467

boy kek

>> No.13043487

anyone else look fat as fuck in mirrors, but in photos always look super thin in?
If I could just see that in mirrors that would be nice

>> No.13043634

Anyone who has a problem restricting over 800 calories must be choosing terrible foods

>> No.13043636

other way around for me and most people id assume

>> No.13043882

what are good ones?

>> No.13043955

literal brainlets

>> No.13043975

I'm restricting at 600 and I choose ultra high protein foods and plenty of caffeine. I get hungry, but nothing too bad, compared to when I restricted at 800 on chips and shit
It's surprising how little food you need to feel satiated if you eat the right stuff

>> No.13043979

I think the issue is that even though my body is quite narrow, my apartment is quite small so I stand pretty close to the mirror, and fill the frame entirely and look more massive

>> No.13044033

my huge penis doesn't fit in women's jeans
the "ultimate slim" from the mens department of Old Navy seems to work ok, if a little bit loose

>> No.13044043

Any foods with a low amount of calories per amount

For example, eating eggs for breakfast instead of oatmeal or bacon. Choosing fish or turkey for meat instead of beef or chicken. Cutting out really pointless carbs by not eating putting food between bread to make a sandwich for no reason

>> No.13044072

What does it say? I'm colorblind.

>> No.13044216

go whole food plant based
(mostly vegan but not for ethics, and more healthy)


>> No.13044257

I think it's supposed to be the happy Jewish merchant

>> No.13044329
File: 287 KB, 1227x1225, E5487AEB-6D2F-4567-85A3-5190312E1ABF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow sand nigger here wow one of my kind in a thinspo thread :,)

>> No.13044338

I'm female so I'm not exactly jealous of her position. I'd be terrified to date someone like you.

>> No.13044355

>What makes you think and say that?
Because you're spending your time stalking a pro ana general instead of doing literally anything else.

If you actually did have anorexia and weren't just making it up, then you're like an alcoholic walking into a bar and telling people to stop drinking.

Not sure who you think you're fooling.

>> No.13044388

I was wondering too lol
was not expecting her stomach area to look like that. looks fucking amazing. pls post more pics like this when you get them because she's hot af. I'm literally jealous af right now. like i want to dump my current girl and go find a skinny chick like this

Also piece of advice to you anon. Take her out to eat first, then the movies.

>> No.13044421

I really don't know where you're coming from.

You don't think that ex alcoholics and the like don't try to help current alcoholics? You think that behavior is wrong?

>> No.13044528

Where I'm coming from is that I can tell when someone is actually trying to help and when they're just blowing hot air out of their ass.

That anon is so far from being sincerely concerned, and it pisses me off that they pretend to be. Just like an alcoholic who walks into a bar surrounding themselves with alcohol to preach about the evils of drinking is just as annoying. Like either admit you want a fucking drink, or leave the bar and go somewhere where people actually are looking for help.

>> No.13044532

>like i want to dump my current girl and go find a skinny chick like this
Please dump her anyway. She deserves better than you.

>> No.13044555

And, by the way, I'm not even calling anon stupid or a bad person but I don't buy their "concerned" act. I think they feel guilty about anorexic urges that might be resurfacing or something, and they're taking it out on us instead of dealing with their own inner demons.

I'm not even anti recovery. I am anti guilt tripping people who aren't at a point where they want to recover, and telling people they shouldn't be able to talk to other like-minded people instead of suffering alone. There's no reason why people with eating disorders should be completely isolated from one another instead of being able to talk to one another online and feel related to and understood, in a world where there is pretty much no other way to achieve that.

These online communities (be it this dumb thread, certain forums, or whatever) don't cause eating disorders to happen. People with eating disorders are simply drawn to them.

>> No.13044567

>Then why are you advocating anorexia if anorexia is the exact opposite of what you want to achieve?
What? I want to be fashionably thin, not literal ghoul. Have you ever seen actual anorexic people?

>> No.13044573

Stop exercising and eating.

>> No.13044577

Wow. Very perceptive of you. You are correct.

>> No.13044609

BMI of 17 -_-
trying to gain weight not loose it
how the fuck do you fatties even do it??
my fucking joints are beginning to constantly hurt, im allways fucking cold and i have like 0 energy
yeah fuck thinspo

>> No.13044622

Just fucking .. I don't know .. eat food?

>> No.13044625

i eat 4 meals a day minimum more than most people actually
problem is that i have a fucked stomach disease so no sugars/caffeine/alcohol
basically have to avoid everything that would make you fat easily

i seriously have to go to the doctor though, im like a walking skeleton

>> No.13044633

Then don't ask how do fatties do it. They do it by eating lots of sugar and fat. If you can't eat sugar, eat foods rich in fat. Go to McDonalds every day.

>> No.13044642

Honestly 17 is alright I guess. I'm a guy and at 17.8 I still got some to lose.

>> No.13044647

>no sugar
theres more sugar in their buns than in most pastery
but yeah i guess thats what fatties do, i just cant imagine actually eating shitt like that and drikning 1L of soda everyday

theres just so much good food out there why choose nasty shitt like Mcdonalds??

>> No.13044654

Back in the day I couldn't imagine actually NOT eating shit like that and drink 1L of soda every day. As it is with everything, It's just a matter of getting used to it.

>> No.13044658

Nuts and grains, ya dingus.

>> No.13044661

lmao are you the same girl that told me to dump my last GF because I wanted a new girl? I swear I had this same argument with a girl in this thread before when I was dating my last GF. If so, I just wanted to let you know just because you said that, I'm going to cheat on her with her best friend. I honestly don't even like her best friend because she's kind of a fatty for my standards, but I'm sure she's still good in bed, and i know I could easily convince her since she's desperate af and will take any thing thrown her way, especially me. I think that will be a good way to dump her. Not sure how I'll get my current GF to find out though. I want it to be dramatic though. And yes I know I'm an asshole. You don't have to tell me

>> No.13044683

grains? so pasta, rice etc?
thats basically all i eat allready
true, its just funny to see people complain about their weight then poor down soda and booze

>> No.13044712

autism leaking

>> No.13044733

yummy oatmeal in my tummy

>> No.13044762

>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
5'7", 105.6lbs, 19
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
Binge eating and purging
>aesthetic you're going for

>> No.13044798

I would be careful with purging due to bulimia

>> No.13044817
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>> No.13044850

I exclusively binge and purge. Im basically full blown bulimc

>> No.13044916

Go to psychiatrist. Do you get your periods?

>> No.13045096

lose weight

>> No.13045201 [DELETED] 


>> No.13045212

ilu frof
;_; <3

>> No.13045492
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Posted a while ago, but I'm back. I've actually been trying to gain weight, but have been unsuccessful so far.
I feel like I just look worse now, and have basically gained no weight in the 4 weeks I have been trying.

>> No.13045499
File: 1.41 MB, 1032x1410, thinfu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will positively contribute to the thread as well

>> No.13045567
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I found out how to completely ignore munchies while high, now it is easier to restrict when I smoke.

>> No.13045587

what's the sekret??? dish it pls

>> No.13045589

Someone recommend a cheap digital scale to weigh myself with

>> No.13045609

Its 20x easier to convince yourself to do things while you are high. If you tell yourself it is okay to eat, you will. And once you eat a little bit of something high, you cant stop.

I just constantly tell myself that I don't need to eat and it will ruin my progress when im high. And I drink a fuckload of coffee so my body craves that more than food

>> No.13045620

So your secret way of not eating while high is basicly controlling yourself? This doesnt seem like such a big breaktrough to me but im glad you discovered it

>> No.13045643

the ones at the supermarket for 25 cents

>> No.13045649

I got mine from CVS for 11 bucks, house brand. It's been accurate so far... I hope..

>> No.13045674

why the painted nails, are you a faggot?

>> No.13045713

still too small. 6 lbs isn't much. lift hard, eat tons of protein and try to get to 170 lbs in the next 2 months. no sooner or you'll get fat.

>> No.13045735

I'm a man

>> No.13045751

how to get back to /thinspo/?
i don't want to go back to anorexic state but for some reason i just don't have the willpower for it anymore.

bf keeps telling me i look great and that i should eat more (even though I am eating a lot compared to what I'm used to).

post more thinspo

>> No.13045786
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perfect balance

>> No.13045822

Nice tits.

>> No.13045826
File: 283 KB, 547x650, huehueh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deeply sorry for posting this but yeh
i know im not thinspo, bmi 17.7, but am i somewhat thin? /appealing in any way? i hate my hips and thighs sooo much but would like some other opinions bcz not like anybody is seeing muh bod irl :-)

>> No.13045835

Current: 184cm, 80kg, 27, male
HW: 128kg
GW: 68kg (20 bmi)
Method of losing weight: diet & running

>> No.13045839

if you had abs and less puffy nips this would be ok i guess

>> No.13045841

you got a cute booty. would date

>> No.13045901

you have a rly nice body. adding a little muscle would make it perfect desu

>> No.13045952

Then do you get boners?

>> No.13045981

lol nigga I'm 5'8 125lbs and skinny as fuck + I still work out , what the FUCK do you look like

>> No.13046107

Almost never actually I have no sex drive

>> No.13046110
File: 26 KB, 640x360, oadfadkymvtkangctfswikpg7l5y6jcs_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 separate binges last week
>weigh myself at the end of the week
>121 lbs
>This week
>6300 cals on monday
>800 cals every other day including today
>weigh myself today
>121 lbs

How the fuck did I not even gain 1 pound? Not even an ounce. In fact I think I went DOWN a few decimal points JFC, ordinarily this would be a good thing I guess but by my (lack of) knowledge of nutrition and dietetics I'm between two possibilities

1. I am underweight and restricting way too hard
2. All the weight from the binges is gonna pile on out of nowhere and I'll be a whale next week

Both are equally terrifying. Can someone please help?

>> No.13046115
File: 187 KB, 1836x3264, hVr2uix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat af

>> No.13046154

It's extremely dangerous. But of course you know that, anon. And I understand that you choose this. But please stay safe enough to not die

Is that really you...?

>> No.13046173

Yep it really is me. Ik I'm huge for my size

>> No.13046190

anon you are going to die watch out. not even aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.13046202

Your lungs appear huge due to extremely thin body. You are in no way fat, it's just your mind tricking you. I will tell you something, I'm 5'7" 115lbs girl and I am far from fat, actually I'm thin, and underweight. You are severely underweight and you need hospitalisation. Of course you won't want to gain weight, as you are anorexic, and I am in no way blaming you for that. But please don't try to make yourself even worse looking. Because your stomach is so thin and your spine sticks out so much, it's grotesque, which makes you feel fat

>> No.13046220

Then how come I have so much adipose. Its fucking gross and disgusting. I need to lose at least 10lbs ASAP. I dont think I look skinny yet. And I dont deserve to be a healthy weight cuz then ill just look at and pudgy. The only thing that makes me happy is binging and losing weight

>> No.13046233

You have a BMI of 16.6
That is objectively dangerous from medical science standards.
Literally everyone in this thread, including me ( who is not the anon you're replying to btw) thinks you look skinny as fuck. Seriously. You're bony as shit.

>> No.13046235

I see almost zero adipose tissue in that image

>> No.13046247

Anon, you don't look anyhow fat. You look so skinny it's scary. I know I won't change your mind, but please, at least consider our opinions, because we don't want to hurt you. I myself used to have this mindset, I wanted to be 45kg so much, even though it would be unhealthy for me, but then I tried to be real, and the "glasses" that I put on myself, that made me feel like I'm fat, disappeared. And then I realized how skinny I am.

>> No.13046249

reaching 17 scared me enough that I wrote my will
16.6 is objectively too thin. At the very least, you should cease to lose weight.
I find that lifting weights (and eating enough) can help fill the same role that starving yourself plays, in giving you a feeling of control and progress

>> No.13046253

to be thin is to be gay

>> No.13046315

I feel bad for that guy but could someone help me? I'm really fuckin stressed

>> No.13046349

800 calories is around half of what the WHO defines as starving.
That is why you did not lose weight- you simply didn't consume enough calories.
Also, consuming huge amounts of calories in one day, when you aren't used to eating very much can cause your body to not process it as efficiently.

>> No.13046357

But I binged so much...
I'm being paranoid I suppose but what I'm really asking is, if I weigh 121 lbs as of today, is it safe to assume that those binges from last week won't affect me anymore?

>> No.13046360


dont tell me you brainlets fell for the /prune/ meme

>> No.13046387

yes. You might even be a little bit lighter, once you lose any water weight from the binges
If you are bingeing thats a sign you need to increase your caloric intake to a level you can sustain more effectively, so you don't become bulimic.

>> No.13046435

hey fatties, how does it feel that you have to starve yourselves to have a minuscule amount of confidence in your appearance but all i eat is junk food and my weight just went into 2 digits today lol

>> No.13046440

post body probs looks just as bad/unattractive

>> No.13046468

what can i do to stop this fucking gum problem
i chew SO MUCH GUM now and i don't know why, it was never like this before

it's making me bloated, pic related i only ever look like this in the morning bc

>> No.13046474
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sorry, dropped rest

because i get bloated from swallowing air

>> No.13046492

switch the gum out for toothpicks, or diet soda, or cigarettes if you don't mind the death

>> No.13046496

Also, despite you being overwhelmingly skinny, I can see what you mean by bloating. But its REALLY not that bad and you still look gorgeous! I'm kind of jealous of your figure desu, hourglass for days

>> No.13046501

stats ?

>> No.13046507

I put my trust in you anon. Thanks a lot for the answer

>> No.13046512

I'll try, but it seems very difficult to put on the weight.
I've been eating 3000 calories per day and haven't gained any weight for 3-4 weeks.

>> No.13046529
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>extreme calorie restriction
>feel productive and motivated, but feel like fainting after even trying to work
>eat my TDEE
>feel full of the energy to do it, but so disgusted with myself and my body that all my motivation and productivity is sapped by self-loathing

>> No.13046565

haha, the soda and cigarettes are things for me. but the soda does it too. that photo the bloat isn't even bad. i get actual starvation stomach but normally i wait it out or take stimulants. i don't have my college plugs atm.

nobody on this goddamn board has ever told me i have an hourglass but thanks :'3
i don't have an exact weight rn with bloating and food weight and a shitty old scale, but i've been maintaining at 5'5" ~88lbs. not looking to go lower, trying to gain a bit so my crush won't think i'm too skelly

>> No.13046601

Is there some way to make a low calorie iced coffe that actually tastes good?

>> No.13046622

Use condensed milk instead of sugar and milk/whatever you normally use.
1 tsp per 80z coffee
22 calories per tsp

>> No.13046626

*1tsp per 8oz coffee lmfao

>> No.13046629

(high quality) cold brew with no milk or sugar

>> No.13046888


>> No.13046928

perfect balance of what? ur fat

>> No.13046974

maybe you lost muscle and gain fat, but know you weight the same.

>> No.13046986

sauce,also i want a body like her i wanna know heir weight and tall

>> No.13046991

u look good af

>> No.13047010

anon do exersice, eat,and look for help

>> No.13047021

try a moderate restriction instead with intermittent fasting. Do 18:6 is a personal favorite, really tight 6 hour eating window gives you that fasting buzz in the morning, and then some nice grouped meals in the afternoon. Finish off with a high fat, low carb dinner. Eat a reasonable amount of calories, none of that 800cal day shit.

>> No.13047034

there was no sauce, the guy said he knows her in real life.
from memory he said she was pretty short though, like 5'6 or something

>> No.13047039

oh shit thanks id like to have an stomach like hers

>> No.13047077
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I just read on this Anorexia forum about these people who stayed thin off only eating Candy

>> No.13047096
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no i think is less than 19 i have a 19 bmi and my stomach looks like this

>> No.13047100
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>> No.13047108

>19 is quite chubby
>Is BMI 19
Tbh I needed this motivation ;-;
T-thanks anon

>> No.13047118

Sad :(

>> No.13047122

how do you anons avoid late night snacking?
i can be fine eating barely anything during the day but at night i just have no control ;-;

>> No.13047125

go to sleep

>> No.13047127

Yeah this, I just pop a sleeping pill if it gets too bad.

>> No.13047131

get a huge mason jar, a bag of unground coffee beans, and a coffee grinder. grind some coffee beans for like 5-6 seconds (until it has the consistency of breadcrumbs) then put the grounds into your mason jar, fill it with water and put it in the fridge overnight. in the morning, strain it into a different container and there you have it, delicious cold brew that tastes great even without cream or sugar

>> No.13047134

I drink so much caffeine during the day at around 10pm I just crash hard as fuck and fall directly to sleep

>> No.13047166

I love coffee and tea, but every since I cut out coffee and lowered my cups of tea per day my skin has been much more hydrated and less dark circles under my eyes. Makes me so sad though, coffee is my bae and I miss it. Kills hunger like no other.

>> No.13047179

I wish I could just snap my fingers and no longer be addicted to cigs and caffeine. Its not worth the effort to keep away from them in my life currently

>> No.13047193
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>> No.13047321

I like the dark circles it means I'm making progress

>> No.13047420

I like the aesthetic of dark circles

>> No.13047525

ahHUhgh thanku both a lot! also agreed, i had more muscle in fall (cross country season) but im a bit too lazy to keep it up ha
will try and get it back tho, ty for ur thoughts

>> No.13047612

Do you want a medal?

>> No.13047617

I have 17-18 (switching a lot) and I look like that. Also your stomach is super cute

>> No.13047621

Shhhh, just bee yourself. A little chubby stomach is cute

>> No.13047702

I'm lonely, thinspo. I'm truly lonely now.
They always disappear or I forget.

>> No.13047803
File: 132 KB, 806x1024, E016E6D7-F78E-4253-BEB8-AFDFD220F32B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking told myself i wouldnt pig out and i did i ate a whole medium sized kit kat blizzard and im feeling uneasy and bloated please punish me

>> No.13047831
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Just woke up because I can't sleep. 12 hrs until I have to pick her up. Still not sure what movie to see. Kind of nervous. She said we can go to some vegan restaurant near her place since we're both vegan. Pretty excited about that since I've never actually been to a full out vegan restaurant. Also not sure what to wear since it's been cold af and snowy. Like should I wear snow boots or no? I don't want to be eating dinner and have my feet be soaked cause the snow but at the same time my boots are huge Nd clunky and kind of unfashionable. Thanks in advance. Need go back to sleep now. Will read responses when I wake up

>> No.13047871

I swear I follow this girl on Instagram bc she has the exact same body and posture but now I’m not sure since it’s getting posted here

>> No.13047879

stop using thinspo as your personal blog
no one cares

>> No.13047890

I'm 5'3 and I was down to 108 pounds a moment ago but then pms hit me and for some reason this time around I ate like a pig, I'm too scared to check my weight now. I'm glad the holiday season is finally finshed though, the meals that my family cooks can be sort of overwhelming. I got a yoga mat for Christmas and I'm excited to work on some toning exercises.

>> No.13047923

not the guy you're replying to, but I feel like it's the same feeling and motivation you have when restricting normally but you just need an almost constant reminder. I usually have a bracelet that I wear that I only really make myself think about when I'm restricting so that's what I think about when I look at it. It usually ends up with me seeing the bracelet when I'm grabbing for ice cream or some shit and I'm reminded of the long term goal.

>> No.13047925
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It's pretty hard to gain weight from a single binge, especially if you're already dieting. Still, a brisk hike and a couple squats today might be a good idea. Food becomes either energy or matter. If you use it, it becomes energy. If you don't, it becomes matter. In this sense, it is nothing to fear.

I hope you feel like shit, I hope your stomach aches and you're overwhelmed with shame and disgust. I hope this not because I want you to suffer, but because I want you, in the end, to succeed. Now you know that the small pleasure is never worth the pain that comes after. Learn your lesson, dust yourself off and try tomorrow. Only thing to do now is move forward.
Never give up, grasshopper.

>> No.13047969

is there anything legal and/or easily acquirable that takes away your hunger the same way amphetamine does?

>> No.13047978

Pu-er tea I've found is the most appetite surpressing of all caffeinated drinks. A pot a day and I'm barely thinking about food come the afternoon.

>> No.13048173

>160 tall
why even bother

>> No.13048556

i have an instagram?

>> No.13048643

I missed this comment before... Why would you be terrified to date "someone like me"? Honestly curious

>> No.13048674

Not that anon, I just think you are a troll, but I'd never date someone who was posting me on the Internet - especially not 4chan. That and your comments are creepy.

I normally think it is cute when anons are excited to take a girl out but you've crossed way into creepy. But, again, I think you're just long-game trolling.

>> No.13048676

whats your insta?

>> No.13048685

What have I said thats creepy? Srsly? Also the internet is the internet. Doesnt matter if its 4chan or instagram or some group chat. All the same thing. The reason I started talking and showing pics in here is because she's thinspo. Also she's my first thinspo gf. Also >>13041860
asked whatever happened to me and my girl. So now I'm just updating you all.

>> No.13048771

Fuckin cravings man
>Okay, back to TDEE, let's have a nice healthy three meals a day
>>Nah eat that whole bag of flamin hot cheetos over there
>Body we just woke up it's 6:00 am
>>Do it
>You're gonna feel like total shi-

And so I ate it. Currently 1 in the afternoon and I still feel like shit. Hope you enjoyed that slightly boring story., Good luck everyone!

>> No.13048830

Is there anything really wrong with salt itself in reasonable moderation? I mean I know it makes you hold water but that is temporary. Salt itself doesn't have calories right?

>> No.13048832

No calories in salt. Also it's an essential nutrient and scientists now thing we're getting too LITTLE as a result of the low-sodium craze.
Most of the problems we thought were caused by too much sodium are actually caused by too high cholesterol and too little exercise

>> No.13048834

Interesting, thanks. Wonder how much we should be getting.

>> No.13048852

The same recommended daily intake it's always been.
The problem was some well-intentioned health conscious people started taking the salt out of everything they ate, getting very little sodium, and then wondering why they felt so lightheaded and had no energy. The recommended daily intake is the bare minimum for the amount of sodium you should be getting. Nutritionists are saying it's even fine to go 500-1000mg OVER that, believe it or not.

I mean just look at asian cuisine. Salt and sodium for days, and we all know how healthy asians are.

Generally if you're eating within you're TDEE it's safe to assume you're getting enough sodium and also not by any means eating too much.

>> No.13048875

Cigs are so bad for skin tho desu
I still drink tea for some caffiene, but it's mostly green tea which is much better for you than coffee... but I still fucking miss coffee. Ugh.

>> No.13048876

How i can get visible abs and lean body without hitting the gym? I've been doing yoga and some bodyweight exercise but can't stick to the routine. Do you think that would be enough? ps. I have social anxiety so i prefer to stay in home.

>> No.13048883


>> No.13048886

They look like shit on me, i'm pale and they stand out much more.

>> No.13048896

If your anxiety ever gets better, which I hope it does, bouldering is great for abs and overall lean-ness

>> No.13048902

What's the most you anons have lost in a month? I'm only eating about a 700cal breakfast each day which puts me at down 25 pounds by mid next month, but I want faster loss for obvs reasons

>> No.13048915

And what would be some good cheap meals w/ ~1500 kcal per day? i've been eating like eggs every morning, noodles and tuna/chicken salad and greek yogurth. Do you think those are good for fat loss?

>> No.13048927

Don't lose more than 25lbs a month, you'll get loose skin

>> No.13049009

i agree with this

>> No.13049201

Greek yogurt is fucking terrible. Calorie dense and doesn't sustain you

>> No.13049308
File: 34 KB, 500x281, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm light on my feet
I fit in a size 1 (and every size above)
I feel fresh, and spunky and sexy all the time!

Just a reminder to those still working on their goal - it's worth it!
All those hunger pangs, the irritability, resisting temptations, exercising your butt off, it's all so worth it - take it from me

I wish you the best of luck, never give up! Ganbatte, ganbatte!

>> No.13049311

post pic fatass

>> No.13049322

ohshit am i posting during the dude hours again lol

>> No.13049331
File: 84 KB, 604x604, tumblr_orc95kqUsP1vv1nu9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>size 1
you're either a coping fatass or above 5'10 in height

>> No.13049384

i'm 5'8....

>> No.13049390

you should strive to fit into 00 or children sizes then lol

>> No.13049414

I'm 5'7" and 52kg. I am skinny.

>> No.13049430
File: 79 KB, 483x750, 1508183726282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just fucking around because you can't say if someone is skinny or not by just mentioning their clothing size. It depends alot on bfp and general proportions and not arbitary numbers. People carry their weight differently so the only honest type of measuring is a body picture in good lightning.

>> No.13049506
File: 202 KB, 655x524, IMG_8051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone use laxatives? I try not to use them because i know how bad they are for you. For some reason I can never get myself to purge by throwing up no matter how much I wiggle my finger so that's why I use laxatives.

Got high last night. Ate a bunch of sour gummies and gummy bears then some animal crackers from a 4 lbs. container I got from secret santa at work. Thanfully the only times I binge are when I'm high and I don't smoke weed often.

>> No.13049542

172 lbs 6'1

12 lbs to go.
feeling very very hungry right now despite taking an EC. found out my fwb is pregnant with my child today. hooray. it's fine cuz i'm feeling thin.

>> No.13049561
File: 131 KB, 1080x1080, 1511037650488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well tell us all about her, anon

>> No.13049747

Ive started my diet on new years. Its a whole plant diet with intermittent fasting. So far I've lost thirteen pounds and I feel pretty great.

>> No.13049909
File: 97 KB, 1024x904, pepe-ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the end game with laxatives? The food still goes through your system, right?

>> No.13049916

If you can't yack up your binge, they at least flush it out of your system faster. They're more therapeutic than anything in that sense.

>> No.13049923

Jumanji 2 is a fun movie

>> No.13049934

Okay so just the feeling of getting it out, the weight gain it doesn't help at all right?

>> No.13049944

nah, even worse you keep all the calories but lose a ton of water and most of the nutrients. I mean if your binges are anything like mine they're not very nutritious lol, but still sucks.

>> No.13049959

>they've never even been on a date but she's already sent him pics in her underwear

the state of roasties in 2018

>> No.13049977
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>> No.13049997

189cm, 67kg, male, 19.
highest weight probably 73
goal, im pretty fine with what my weight is.
aesthetic that im going for: I badly want to lose face fat, im very thin all over my body except my face. Want help!

>> No.13050047

Facial exercises work. People will tell you that you cant spot reduce face fat but I dont believe them. Ive been doing facial exercises for 2 years the progress is obvious.

>> No.13050058

i'm 6'3" 200lbs. no muscle. you're basically my goal body, maybe 10 more pounds. how much do you eat and exercise?

>> No.13050062

if I have a pretty big frame (size L-XL tops and 34 in waist) I should'nt even consider thinspo, right?

>> No.13050066

Chew gum. Lost a lot of weight last year and best thing for face fat was definitely chewing gum constantly. Jaw isn't perfect but it looks pretty okay considering how chubby my head was in the past.

>> No.13050070

i'm sorry but bloating? you guys are fucking insane. girl has a great body but needs to put on like 10lbs to be about right.

>> No.13050071

it's determined by age and facial bone structure. you're fucked unless you want to get ill from being too thin.

>> No.13050074

ignore the skelly worshippers, you look good bro. hit shoulders and traps a bit more.

>> No.13050092


>> No.13050317

go barefoot

>> No.13050372
File: 87 KB, 640x480, WIN_20171009_16_40_42_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this in both threads bc idk which is the most active but i have an almost underweight bmi, i tried asking /hit/ but nothing useful came from that and someone suggested i post here about this so uhh any tips on fixing my baby face? im a female and 18 ok thx

>> No.13050387

I eat 3000 calories per day atm, because I'm trying to put on some weight.
But to get to the picture on the left I was eating 1500 calories for about 4 weeks. I started at 75kg, and got to the picture on the left in that 4weeks.

I've done exercise my whole life, as I've been training for basketball since I was 8, and am now 20. But thats it, so just do cardio and you'll be fine

>> No.13050515

less sodium, eat more vegetables, drink water, lower body fat percentage

>> No.13050889

I agree anon!! Congrats on your success! I love you <3

>> No.13050977

190 cm
86 kg -> 75.5 kg

>> No.13051031


>> No.13051240

what are your measurements anon

>> No.13051329

so the update is on tuesday?

>> No.13052323

hi anon, i was in the same situation when i was your age-- underweight bmi but still had chubby cheeks. i'm 20 now and my face is noticeably thinner even though i'm basically the same weight. i attribute that to doing cardio regularly as well as just a symptom of getting older and losing baby fat

>> No.13052421
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I've purged for the third time today.
I can feel my pulse in my toes