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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 892 KB, 1765x2648, U4NsCeU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13040955 No.13040955 [Reply] [Original]

This was MFA's best fit of 2017.

desu i expected worse.

>> No.13040976

Objectivity a good albeit boring fit.

>> No.13040977

Retarded, can’t even see the fit of the fit

>> No.13040989

This would be a good formal outfit if it were not for that fucking shirt

Why the fuck did he pick that shirt

>> No.13040994

If he was white, you wouldn’t say that.

>> No.13041021



>> No.13041036

It is literally the worst thing he could have picked for that part of the fit

I cant fathom his thought process

>> No.13041038

>Polo with blazer
>Not a contrasting color

y tho?

>> No.13041049

the polo is a #menswear thing

in all honesty, despite the knee-jerk reaction to polos and suits, it's pre good.

>> No.13041063

this is seriously just a two piece suit that doesn't even fit him well through the arms. is MFA really that easy to please?

>> No.13041081

>polo collar outside of jacket collar

>> No.13041431

compared to the waywt threads on here i'd say no one's in the position to judge

>> No.13041434

His socks are disgusting

>> No.13041448
File: 38 KB, 232x197, 1508114387384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like a quintessential reddit poster

>> No.13041569

I mean this isn't terrible, but is this really considered fit of the year?

>> No.13041574

As opposed to? The fact you don't understand WHY this is the fit of the year is sad. Reddit is a popularity contest, the thing that appeals to the largest amount of people is upvoted the most. You wouldn't get some goofninja winning outfit of the year from some frat guy. But a suit is almost universally acknowledged as "good looking". As the concept is almost universal, it would be a good assumption to assume it appeals to the most amount of people. Reddit isn't some sociological mystery put forth by the internet. How was this not immediately understood?

>> No.13041598

The fit is average at best, the only sad thing is that Reddit universally agreed that it was deserving of "fit of the year".

>Ill fitting
>Polo shirt
>Meme loafers
>Looks like an unflattering silhouette

I'm just confused that nobody could spit out a better fit than this

>> No.13041616

Why didn't you? This is a serious question. You surely have a well fitting suit, you surely have non meme loafers, you surely have a flattering silhouette. You're celery so confounded this was outfit of the year, you could have done better than this scrub shit, right?

>> No.13041631

The polo is ok, it could be done better but ok.
The collar over lapels and black loafers are unforgivable.

>> No.13041632

Are you implying that he should read and post on reddit? Seriously?

>> No.13041634

Since when does mfa do SUITS?
It's full of people that would like to wear a suit but can't because of social conditioning, but nobody actually puts one on!

>> No.13041638

The fit is good you don't know jack shit with your "memes".

>> No.13041639

No, post the pic here. If you're that insecure about a website. I'll post a revision thread asking for a new vote count. If he is that spectacular in all things fashion he will get more votes. I'm simply asking him to back it up, if he's going to talk shit. Stop being a little bitch and enabling him simply because of some ass blasted, echo chamber fear you have of reddit.

>> No.13041640

It's disgust, not fear.
Disgust... and curiosity.

>> No.13041645

Great, substitute every word in my post with 'disgust' and my point still stands. You however, haven't posted anything of relevance as of yet. So either post a fit in lieu of homeboy or take his cock out of your mouth so he can post one.

>> No.13041667

>Why didn't you?

Because i'm not trying to upvotes on fucking MFA. Just because i'm not a chef doesn't mean I don't know when food tastes like shit.

Why are you getting so booty-blasted? Are you the dude in the picture

>> No.13041672

No, It's simply entertaining to watch idiots claim something and then stumble through excuses as to why couldn't. Keep it up. I'm obviously not a psychic, but I'd be willing to wager this type of excuse making falls into quite a few facets of your life.

>> No.13041843

Holy shit, this is where my retarded roommate got his clothing idea for this year.

>> No.13041844

no it isnt okay you tasteless faggot

>> No.13041862

>Hurrr I hate Reddit but I pathologically go on it all the time anyway and think about it all the time.

4chan is fucking pathetic.

Serious question because I don't go on Reddit, does Reddit obsess about 4chan as much as 4chan does about it? Like are people on Reddit saying "back to 4chan fag" and shit?

>> No.13042000

are you that faggot from reddit here to defend yourself? why you care so much jesus fuck

>> No.13042009
File: 366 KB, 1370x2055, IhzJyHV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least its not this guy

>> No.13042023

fit doesn't matter when you inherently look dirty and unclean. his face does not work

>> No.13043285
File: 971 KB, 889x1333, dxPVWzs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check yourself, fag

fashion ICON coming through

>> No.13043299

Yeah, it's hard to tell due to posture, but all the parts are fine, if boring.

>why the fuck did he pick that shirt
Because he wasn't aiming for a formal outfit. Not that a lounge suit is terribly formal, but /fa/ doesn't know much about suiting, so whatever.

Long-sleeved polos are something of a meme in the suit wearing, internet watching community. Just look to Simon Crompton's blog.

Low contrast fits are a meme no matter what clothing you're wearing.

And I'm not saying meme to disparage any of this. I'm just pointing out that his choices are popular ones.

>> No.13043307

You should look at what /fa/ likes for your answer to that.

>> No.13043312

What would be /fa/'s best outfit? Oh wait, i don't want to know

>> No.13043316

>Ill fitting
This might be valid, but we can't even tell from the photo. At best we might criticize that fact, but we can't yet criticize the fit.

>Polo shirt
This is a valid choice with plenty of historical precedent. It's a fucking meme anymore, but if memes were disallowed in menswear (no hashtag), /fa/ would cease to exist. I do think the meme is a mark against it, ultimately.

>Meme loafers
No one wears black penny loafers.

>Looks like an unflattering silhouette
We can't tell because we can't assess the fit very well. It's possible, at least.

Over all, this is a boring, if competent enough fit. I don't see why it got fit of the year, but /fa/'s frothing has more to do with the board's general ignorance of the broader fashion world (or fashion in general) than anything having to do with the fit itself.

>> No.13043319

It's a boring fit with nothing different about it. Only thing that stands out is the polo and that honestly just looks terrible.
It's a true reddit tier outfit.

>> No.13043320
File: 149 KB, 683x1024, 1qnjP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goth ninja is back in a big way

>> No.13043331

Are we being raided by reddit? Lots of angry replies, defending this shitty outfit.

>> No.13043332

The white pants are a questionable choice, the slippers are a meme, and the lack of socks just about ruins the fit, but if we isolate the top block, the fit is about as competent a black tie ensemble as you're likely to find.

>> No.13043357

Realistically r/mfa is better than this board.

>> No.13043361

Tuxedo is evening wear.

>> No.13043366

I disagree. If you had said r/malefashion it would have been correct.

>> No.13043394

Sure, but maybe it was nearing evening when the photo was taken. That's plausible at least. It's also plausible that he was at a semi-formal wedding. Sure, the wedding planners would have fucked up to do a semi-formal wedding during the day, but I've been to a few (and honestly, you go by what the invitation says even if it's wrong because it's not your fucking wedding).

Brass tacks, I don't know that I care so much about the time of day here. It's a valid criticism, but it falls to the wayside when I consider the fit in isolation (since it already has issues).

>> No.13043414

Correct day wear black tie is the stroller suit.

>> No.13043474

Lot's of people here don't realize that the guy wears lots of actual vintage menswear from the 1930/20's. It's not really meant to fit or look like a suit today would. I think it's an interesting concept that works well with him because he's fully committed to it. The outfit is way better than anything I've seen posted in any WAYWT threads here in ages anyway.

>> No.13043477

I don't even know what you're getting at. Yes, black tie (and white tie) is semi-formal evening wear. Yes, a stroller is formal day wear. Yes, the time of day can (and maybe should) be considered when judging a black tie ensemble. I've admitted as much.

Now, do you have any more tepid fashion facts you'd like to share?

>> No.13043503

Honestly, his suit looks fairly contemporary. The button configuration, the height of the gorge, and the semi-structured shoulder/chest don't readily point to a different period. It could be vintage, but nothing screams vintage to me.

The thing about /fa/ is that it's not knowledgeable about suiting or even interested in it, so a lot of suit-based fits are going to get shot down with little to no real criticism.

>> No.13043556

These niggas know what's up, the guy's name is Ethan Wong btw, better fits than 90% of this board

>> No.13043583

polos with suits are perfectly fine, men have always been doing it and will keep doing it

y'all are acting like autists

>> No.13043618

It's funny that a "fashion" board is more conservative than men were in the 1950s when it comes to suits.

>> No.13043647

I've seen this guys fits before I think. This is very understated for him. He usually dresses like a caricature from the 50's, yet it somehow works for him?

>> No.13043736

FFA posted theirs as well. inb4 "there's no women of size!!!" in the leddit thread

>> No.13043741

there's a subtle pattern tho!

>> No.13043747

is he wearing a hijab?

>> No.13043749
File: 158 KB, 1024x769, somebody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good fit. IMO the socks are not good enough for "fit of the year quality" that is irrelevant. This guy often has good fits, vintage stuff, modifications on suit styling, whatever. Not for me but I appreciate it.

What I think is unforgivable about this, or any of his other fits, is his body. It blows my mind that someone can be as concerned/interested in fashion as this man is and have such a soft body. Look at his face in any picture, look at his body underneath those flowy, high waisted vintage pants he likes. How can you profess to be so interested in aesthetics, style, fit, beauty, etc (as he does) and neglect the most important quality, physical beauty. Put this fit on a more athletic person and it is better, height, face, frame are out of anyone's control. But do some pullups, skip the large vanilla latte, go for a jog.

I'm not saying go super thin but if he even spent a quarter of the time and effort on his body as he spends on clothes all his fits would be so much better.

Is this a menswear thing? Is menswear the refuge for soft-palmed, doughy, limp-wristed men?

>> No.13043756
File: 364 KB, 2704x2704, gYFV6Dv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking moron, I just check, and THIS is the top post from mfa

>> No.13043758

And heres the whole top 100.


>> No.13043761

>Is it a menswear thing?
Go to /r/streetwear. It's even worse there because fat teen chinks really think "flexing" their favorite nigger hoodie and nmds makes them Calvin Klein models.

>> No.13043773

ok this one is pretty good

>> No.13043822
File: 726 KB, 3024x4032, KA4jOGF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad

>> No.13043829

dreads look way out of place compared to the formal-ish looking outfit but pretty good otherwise

>> No.13043867
File: 952 KB, 1676x2476, nMzSLrj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13043934
File: 629 KB, 1174x2608, X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13043963

Jealous of this guy's CCP collection.

>> No.13044377

how does one obtain this form

>> No.13044432


the top post on the female reddit is from a guy lmao, women btfod

>> No.13044544

i wouldnt be

in his situation it might as well be a cosplay costume

>> No.13044548

This was actually my first reaction as well, he looks so personally shabby that the elegance of the fit is destroyed.

I mean yeah, the sleeves and legs could have been better cut and that collar shit is not good, but all in all it's a solid fit and would look good in an unremarkable way, an actual everyday wear fit as opposed to the gaudy excess you see in a lot of "wearing this for the photo" fits. It's his head that fucks it up.

>> No.13044560

>It's not really meant to fit or look like a suit today would.
Then why the fuck does it have a modern cut, like those too-slim trouser legs? Look at the way the seam is rippling and puckering, that's not some Edwardian shit.

I'm all about that prewar vintage, but like the other guy said, there's nothing in this cut that suggests vintage. On the contrary everything about it looks totally contemporary, from the lapel to the almost flush turn-up.

>> No.13044738


orthodox priestninja core

>> No.13045572

Nobody is doubting that it's a "fine" thing to do, but this is a critique of what was voted the "best fit" of the entire year.

>> No.13045580

Is there a reason why you'd opt for a polo rather than an OCBD, though? Unless you lived in a very hot country I can't think of a reason

>> No.13045631


>> No.13046971

those shoes.. that pose.. wtf is up with them doing their action poses.

>> No.13046975

there should be a funniest/worst of FFA because 99.9% of the fits are disastrous.

>> No.13046993

it's a conversation you fuck

>> No.13047019

This applies to like 90% of the shit posted there tho. I mean its better than cargo shorts and autism sneakers, but that isn't setting the bar very high.

Those are some ugly fucking shoes and the polo is totally off imo.

The problem with MFA is the outfits are boring, hardly ever stray from basic hipster mall stuff, and in general just make the people look like pretentious fucks. The toxic influence has been spreading and gradually made its way and ruined /r/streetwear.

>> No.13047031

Sure but if you sift through the garbage posted in /fa/'s waywt, the good fits are still heaps better than the one in OP.

>> No.13047060

too fuckin fat

>> No.13047063

her shirt is not formal tho, i think it's supposed to be a nouveau goth sort of thing

>> No.13047069

It's really hard to say how tight his trousers are given his posture. The outseam is pulling, as you said, but it might just owe to fact his leg is crossed.

>> No.13047076

But we can say this about /fa/ too. Most of /fa/'s cherished fits (when it bothers to post anything) are also boring and fit within whatever bubble the board is operating in at the time.

>> No.13047225

Why is this thread still going? Jesus Christ!

>> No.13047241

how tf are those shoes ugly they're literally just black loafers

>> No.13047243

/fa/ is way worse than mfa and I can’t stand reddit

>> No.13047259

She belongs on /fa/. Too good 4 plebbit.

>> No.13047263

ugly guy, ugly clothing, ugly socks, ugly shoes

>> No.13047279
File: 216 KB, 200x720, ffa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a few from past WAYWTs

>> No.13047280
File: 163 KB, 617x1633, redditcamel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13047283
File: 995 KB, 1119x1069, redditcontrib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one has the "quality submitter" tag

>> No.13047285
File: 179 KB, 960x1280, topffajan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


top fit of january last year

>> No.13047292

Lets see /FA/s best fit of 2017

>> No.13047294
File: 290 KB, 1584x914, ffaocd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread was "top"
amazing how many people have OCD in a subreddit with less than a thousand active members

>> No.13047299
File: 651 KB, 593x768, weddingdress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13047302


>> No.13047346

because women are insecure creatures and they feel the need to placate other women in order to feel better about themselves, while simultaneously thinking to themselves "wow, at least i'm not her"

grrrl power!

pic related: note that on a bride that is attractive most comments are about the dress itself, rather than how the person in it looks.

>> No.13047349
File: 730 KB, 844x897, weddingdressthin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic

>> No.13047356
File: 1.54 MB, 966x774, ffaedgybutgrownup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17 updoots for this

>> No.13047363
File: 1.06 MB, 776x791, ffawaytt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13047374
File: 1.66 MB, 2448x3264, Jc5vfMb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le asian software engineer in SF that spends all his money to look like a Japanese farmer

>> No.13047396

these are making me want to vomit without any exaggeration

>> No.13047411

Holy shit, Cargo shorts? That shirt? That hat?

Im about to fucking puke.

>> No.13047433

Matching the wedge of material between her toes and the one between her cunt lips is really innovative.

>> No.13047438

the influence here actually looks like F&LILV, it's quite well done actually

>> No.13047439

im assuming youre not joking cuz i dont want to look into it but thats nuts...fucking reddit cunts lapping each other up yugh

>> No.13047448

how many takes do you think it took for him to get that shot?

>> No.13047452

probably enough for him to be late for a date with his filipino boyfriend

>> No.13047465
File: 606 KB, 586x784, ffawayst18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"top of all time" of the fashion, makeup, and wedding subreddits are majority trannies, fags, blacks, or fat people. it's incredibly predictable that if anyone other than their demographics posts they'll get a couple hundred sympathy votes.

it's gotten to the point that there is a circlejerk subreddit of a couple hundred females that will readily post "i'm black give me upvotes" or "i'm a boy...btw did i tell you i'm a boy" making fun of the fashion/makeup subs on plebbit

pic: an eighteen year old, 20 votes on WAYWT

>> No.13047474

jesus wept...

>> No.13047480

Has /fa/ posted any OC in the last five years? I just see the same shit over and over.

>> No.13047512
File: 313 KB, 1597x1114, bethechange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13048352

loafers in general are ugly, you gotta be skinny to wear them (the dude in question is too fat for them) and black is the worst colour for what is supposed to be a casual shoe. He's wearing them with socks and his look cheap.

>> No.13048642

/r/malefashion sucks bc criticism is always downvoted unless it's a streetwear fit

>> No.13048699
File: 1.77 MB, 2899x4349, VrU6GxQ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drumpf and 4chan btfo YET again

>> No.13048831

>Cargo shorts
They're not typical cargo shorts.
>That shirt
What about it?
>That hat
Eh it fits the relaxed look he's going for. I'd say the sidezip boots are the least appropriate piece in this fit.

>> No.13049947


>> No.13049996

so 'fashion' is actually judging someones body and face rather than what they are wearing. got it.

>> No.13050150

Was literally about to post this pic, except use it as an example of the Reddit circlejerk about how Trump is bad and if you express this, you get ez upboats

The fit literally has nothing to do with fashion, and if it said 'Fuck Bernie Sanders', it'd make top 100 worst fits of 2017

>> No.13050217

A black dress shirt would be better, but more typical

>> No.13050255


theres actually some good shit in there. some fits are fucking awful but the asian guy who got first place had some dope fits.

>> No.13050316
File: 8 KB, 238x232, 1509836832787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohh shes cute af tho

caramel hunnies are life

>> No.13050369

Your body type and silhouette can influence how good a fit is, what's your point?

>> No.13051905
