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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 86 KB, 1024x831, 1511765554596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13038048 No.13038048 [Reply] [Original]

How do I need to dress to get a gf like this?

>> No.13038052

by having a big dick, some face tats and some cool kicks

>> No.13038060

be black

>> No.13038068


Have a luxurious lifestyle.

>> No.13038069

Every girl dresses like that if you're not living in some bumfuck country

>> No.13038074

messy hair
reg dick size
dress baggy but comfy

>> No.13038095

Be asian and be handsome by asian standars

>> No.13038122

who dat?

>> No.13038168
File: 154 KB, 1080x1080, 1512168637593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, what do i need to dress in to get a girl like THIS

>> No.13038176

This, couples like that are everywhere

>> No.13038180

Just look like a yuppie and spend money on her.

>> No.13038206

is she asian or white?

>> No.13038223


>> No.13038245

How do I get a gf?

>> No.13038258

I can tell she's had a double eyelid surgery and a nose job, maybe a few other things.
If I fucked this girl, my kids would come out looking like ugly gooks because of her, no doubt.
I'd still fuck her though, regardless. This bitch looks like she could use a big dickin. She's probably into dudes who beat the shit out her and disrespect women and she wouldn't like a nice guy like me though. Maybe I should try being more violent against women I'm interested in. I wonder what kind of sandwiches gook bitches make.
Don't trust a gook woman's looks.

>> No.13038260
File: 56 KB, 436x425, 1502971486703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13038264

wew lad

>> No.13038270

She is Asian, all you need to do is to be rich and she will be your slut

>> No.13038274

>implying anyone but niggers wants to date niggers

>> No.13038291

This! God I fucking hate whores. Why can't a beautiful asian woman like the one in OP's picture and >>13038168 be interested in me? I swear all these fucking whores want are big nigger cocks and/or a rich cuckold! I'm a nice enough guy and a solid 8.5/10, so why am I not capable of getting an asian QT P2T 3.14? All these stupid fucking gook women are after is money. Just like prostitutes. In fact, all women are fucking prostitutes. God I fucking hate women so much and I hate that I've been rejected by so many beautiful white women. Asian women are pure and beautiful, unlike stupid fucking western sluts who only care about Justin Bieber and People magazine. White women don't listen to real music like Queen. The next time I see a "gook" cutie, I'm gonna tell her that if she doesn't open her ugly cunt, that I'm going to steal my mom's Porsche SUV and drive through a crowd of people just like that guy in Charleston and that blood will be on HER hands! She will instantly be wet and I will know that the Just Be Violent theory works!

>> No.13038304

Too on the nose. 3/10

>> No.13038468


>> No.13038482

Are you really this in denial?

>> No.13038494
File: 18 KB, 495x391, dating_race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are YOU really this in denial?

>> No.13038504

Don't dress for women

>> No.13038507
File: 18 KB, 499x499, 1509221396577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dressing for chinks

why lol

>> No.13038512

>implying anyone but niggers wants to date niggers

Is that why countries like Brazil have a large black mixed population as well as south africa? Whenever there is a decent amount population of blacks there will always be a mixed population to go with that. women will always desire black men

>> No.13038528
File: 242 KB, 642x2676, 1475097269528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure sure, Jamal. God, I love coping niggers

>> No.13038544

>Minorities now officially a majority in Brazil
>e white population dropped below 50% of the total for the first time, to about 48%
>In the most recent census, 7.5% of Brazilians identified themselves as black, and 43% pardo.

daily reminder while youre shitposting on the internet, jamal is mating with a white girl

>> No.13038546

Brazil is a shithole full of drugs and killing each other, perfectly what niggers love. Also white people are smart enough to leave Brazil as it's shit and niggers go there because they are just as shitty.

Yeah, Jamal used money he gets from government as he doesn't work to buy the cheapest, ugly white whore :) that's the best you can get

>> No.13038573
File: 1.39 MB, 1820x1520, Fashion_week_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO. what do i need to dress in to get a girl like T H I S

>> No.13038575

She is ASIAN, all you need to do is rich and white

>> No.13038580

>moving the goalpost

just as expected

>> No.13038584

Don't get too excited, Jamal.

>> No.13038598
File: 311 KB, 1000x699, 1485991055717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck YOU, you fags better tell me the exact fit that I need for these two girls like THESE

>> No.13038664



>> No.13038667

Somebody post the makeapp version

>> No.13038669

t. complete and utter fuccboi

>> No.13038688
File: 36 KB, 590x443, 13-22-07-1359769912165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably something like that

>> No.13038693

They would only look like ugly gooks if you are a gook already.

>> No.13038714
File: 138 KB, 403x461, 1388008000868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never fuck a big titty asian that has shapely boobs
>you won't even get to fuck one of those kind of shapeless, slightly chubby jap porno women whose big titties don't suit them

>> No.13038726

>what should I wear if I want a gf who wears grey turtlenecks?
Dunno. Grey turtleneck core maybe?

>> No.13038732

>tfw superior gentleman

>> No.13038737

first of all a time machine. that pic is at least 5 years old.

>> No.13038769

As a brazilian, what is the 4chan racists' endgame? Really, the future of a globalized society is the mixing of cultures and races, you don't have to be a plotting jew to make it happen.
Even if there was such a thing as a "pure blood" community nowdays, how do you expect to prevent interacial/internacional relationships from happening? How do you expect to "stanch" the results of the mixing we've been experiencing for centuries?
Get real

>> No.13038772

Nah, hopefully people get reasonable and stop mixing, because they end up with stupid and ugly children

>> No.13038789

>Talking about your subjective opinions as if they were facts
Inb4 ancient charts of IQ average

>> No.13038802

Didn't know 10 years is so ancient :)

Also it's objective, the same as why Pitbull won't have pups with chihuahua

>> No.13038808
File: 881 KB, 614x768, 1503888263502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.13038809

>with that body


>> No.13038811

Hey. I understand your belief that all women are sluts since they are only looking for a big cock and a big pocket BUT isn't that implying that looking for a specific, "outside" characteristic in a person makes you a whore? You said you only want an "asian qt". Doesn't that make you a man-whore or whatever? Just sayin'. Also, should I hate all men because you are looking for a cute fuck or because you believe all I (as a woman) want is a dick and money? I don't know, I'll consider it.

>> No.13038812

Asian girls are literal whores, you only need money

>> No.13038838

there's a reason why "thicc" is a western thing

>> No.13038843

Does a beaner like me have a chance at getting a qt3.14 Asian gf?

>> No.13038854

zero chance

>> No.13038967

Why would brazil ever be a good country to generalise the whole world with? Are you really this dumb?

>> No.13038980

the retard was obviously brazilian, what do you expect from his third world gutter brain?

>> No.13039042

You dumb nuggets need to step up your attraction game. I got a Asian wife, it was easy. She's loyal, sweet, awesome sandwiches, and fucks good. Clothes: anything that gets her to say "you are so....insert positive comment here." She is yours, CLOSE!

>> No.13039083
File: 126 KB, 640x360, a5c5a5d732bd0182b749552ccebbb571-640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dress like these gentle men

>> No.13039086

either a white guy who settles for less or a bowl cut

>> No.13039096

w2c glasses

>> No.13039175

By being white, tall, fit and rich af.

>> No.13039249

this is a new pasta, correct? gg

>> No.13039313

However you want, because changing how you dress to attract women is gay.

>> No.13039593

>Unironically nice guying

This isn't healthy

>> No.13039709

Go to /fit/ for 3 years then wear a T Shirt. As long as you look coherent and your clothes physically fit well girls really do not give a fuck how you dress.

>> No.13039882

aye this some robot over 9000 shit X-DDD

>> No.13040504
File: 204 KB, 1024x768, F3C9CB7D-6023-4270-BBD1-44B693DA3071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on board until like the 4/5th sentence

>> No.13040512

>women will always desire black men
>jamal is mating with a white girl
Literally the opposite of how it works though. Too bad for your fetish but the mixes are mostly the product of white men fucking darkies or halfbreeds.

>> No.13040513

probably just do the opposite of what brazil did. ie dont fill your country with immigrants. i mean its not like your country is a glimmering example of humanity. there really isnt much you have to do to be a better country than brazil

>> No.13040524

I can't imagine the amount of delusion that went into making this picture, its extremely obvious all the blacked posting is made by whites trying to trigger other whites

>> No.13040527

If you are a lighter skinned latino maybe

>> No.13040528

Gooks have a sandwich culture by way of French occupation.


I live near a gook area and there's like a dozen stores selling this.

>> No.13040638

Blacked posting makes me so uncomfortable that I wish it was this simple but as a black man myself I can't understand it.

>> No.13040661


lmao, girls can easily pick up on subconscious misogyny. Get that shit out of your brain and start viewing women as equals. Once you have a healthy appreciation for women, I promise they will start paying you more attention.

It's all about confidence. If you're confident enough you can have any woman you want.

>> No.13040866

>Gook culture
>Posts Viet food


>> No.13040871

Be Latino.

>> No.13040894

>he's this retarded
i know gook refers to koreans (perhaps more commonly on the internet), but from my experience gook is way more frequently used to refer to the vietnamese. esp considering that the vietnam war is more recent and far more famous than the korean war.

i mean, really though. i've known that since i was a child

>> No.13040896
File: 135 KB, 1080x1080, 2017-12-27 12.01.13 1678698470692578424_1902453826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the source on that image? Google gives some scary stuff.

>> No.13040901
File: 179 KB, 1060x1060, SHOOTER-art_2_530x@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you Sam?

>> No.13040912

If you pulled a million dollar ticket on the genetic lottery, then maybe
If you're just sort of average then you actually have no real chance

>> No.13040931
File: 37 KB, 796x604, pasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's original.

>> No.13041189
File: 1.50 MB, 952x1198, 1507488000356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm black and I've only ever been with asian girls. One of them international.

But then again I go to a prestigious university so I'm an outlier. I have nothing else to add to this discussion just wanted to stroke off a little bit.

kek take care faggots.

>> No.13041198

Mixed people almost always look attractive. Especially white women asian men

>> No.13041210

>It's all about confidence. If you're confident enough you can have any woman you want.
do you honestly think this is true? any guy can have any woman he wants? as long as he's confident? or are you talking out of your ass?

>> No.13041216

stop anon, it hurts

>> No.13041239

Agreed. The last sentence should be removed for greater authenticity and furthermore the tempo really reminds me of jezebels.

>> No.13041241

You would be surprised.

>> No.13041251
File: 35 KB, 480x600, 07-13-39-2828ef1f33a885af2943a24fb3b31102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't. You think that they do because you notice only pretty ones. White Asian are the best mixes due to both races being most attractive but still they are worse than children of one race.

>> No.13041257

Smart people can only be attracted to equally smart ones

Only if both people are ugly.

>> No.13041260


>> No.13041272

Impossible probably a trap

>> No.13041314

even better then...

>> No.13041320

be white

>> No.13041423

And smart people know not to race mix.

No, it's unusual for mixes children to look good. Also people who end up race mixing are usually ugly as they can't find a mate in their own race

>> No.13041439

be baltic and have brown hair but preferably blue eyes, especially lithuanian!

>> No.13041444

Asians don't like blacks.

>> No.13041451

Where do you live? Most u.s whites are ugly Anglos with weak jawlines and shitty skin.

>> No.13041485

Why don't you post this screenshot to reddit faggit?

>> No.13041515

I am European

>> No.13041627

Lithuania? Isn't that a province in Russia?

>> No.13041637

Hahaha funny

>> No.13041644
File: 218 KB, 354x398, negan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13041722

>be white

>> No.13041727

be rich

these kind of asian girls are already rich. you aren't going to date them seriously if you aren't rich yourself.
hook up/fwb might be different though.

>> No.13041745

dress like her yourself, she'll take it as a compliment

>> No.13041803

ill never understand why nerds online think asian girls are any different. they're just like any other race: some will stick to their own race, some will do only for dating and not hookups, some don't care, some are sluts, some like to part, some like to study and are shy, etc.

really, the only 'difference' from say, white girls is that in the US you have asian americans and international asians, and approaches to them might be different but the advise is as general and useless as usual: be attractive and/or charming.

the only consistent thing is that chubby asian girls are easy because they are extremely insecure (they get insulted all their lives about it)

>> No.13041805

dont be asian

>> No.13042021

The funny thing is I genuinely did this and found a girl who dressed in a sophisticated way, like me. Turtlenecks, ralph laruen ect, relationship didn't last long though, but it was good. And no, she wasn't Asian, that's not my thing.

>> No.13042029

Doctor Scrubs

>> No.13042037

from experience, this works really well on (international) asian girls. not that they are gold diggers outright but damn they love well dressed men who spend money on them. asian americans are a bit more normal though since they aren't rolling in new money.

>> No.13042315
File: 60 KB, 764x512, crying helper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be white, don't be asian, don't be a fat fuck
jk idk if anyone knows please tell me, anon need chinese milky :(

>> No.13042514

>Why can't a beautiful asian woman like the one in OP's picture and >>13038168 be interested in me?

Could be the immense amount of misogyny and racism.
Nobody wants to be around another that treats them as less than human.
You don't get laid because you aren't attractive. Work on yourself instead of blaming others.

>> No.13042608

Go back to tumblr

>> No.13042639


>> No.13042651

most women can barely carry a conversation if it doesnt revolve around their self-centered basicness and the show friends

>> No.13042729


>> No.13042793

Remain angry in your parent's basement

>> No.13042796

uuuuu nice comeback gurrll, you totally showed this misogynistic pig!!!!

>> No.13042853

Nice meme

>> No.13042871

Attractive people get laid.
You can choose to think everyone else is wrong and sit at home, raging behind your keyboard or slowly work on your social skills, appearance, and lifestyle.

Your choice

>> No.13042875

Bruh why is her choker upside down

>> No.13042880

She looks and dresses a lot like my wife.

So to answer your question, just be White, dress clean but avoid getting too avant garde with your fits. Remember that fits which look boring to you are more than enough for normies to think you're fashionable. Be in good shape: not too thin/no musculature, and definitely not fat. Being able to speak their language well also helps a lot.

>> No.13042888

in the mirror it probably looked right side up while she was putting it on

>> No.13042891

You know you're right so go out there and achieve your dreams already, buddy.

>> No.13042897

You mad dumb senpai

>> No.13042914

(Not that anon) I agree with your sentiment but what you've written is an overly tidy and idealistic shutdown attempt. I've known several people considered attractive and that sleep with others regularly. They still exhibit self-servient, callous and slovenly behaviour when the camera's off, so to speak. It's smart actors making good social moves and accruing experience that get laid, but that in itself isn't a reason to think someone is superior to you morally. Also not sure why you chose to reply to obvious bait pasta in the first place unless we've acciedntally entered Projection Avenue.

>> No.13042916

I admire your creative writing skills.
holy shit

>> No.13042922

Trips speak truth

>> No.13042927

I am attractive and get tons of guys lmao, funny how you assumed differently

>> No.13042930

Post fit

>> No.13042931

this is uniclo (however you spell it) on Powell street in SF its a pretty big one. I know a couple of people who worked there when it first opened

>> No.13042982

I didn't say that morally superior people are more likely to have sex. I said that attractive people have sex.

I've met a lot of socially awkward, unkempt dudes who are violently frustrated towards women. If they spent the time that they were previously using to fume to workout, groom, and go outside they would have a lot more success.

Women want the same thing that you do. The most attractive and interesting partner they can find.

>> No.13042983

My style is shit lmao, also cba changing into clothes on 11pm while I'm already in bed. You can not believe me, this thread will be archived when I wake up either way. Goodnight

>> No.13042987

Writing bullshit on the internet is a lot easier than providing proof of your claims

>> No.13043000

I'm was referring to your initial linking of woman hating and racism with attractiveness concerning treatment of others as humans.

>> No.13043023

Would you be attracted to someone who thinks of you as less than human? Some people might be into that, I guess.

>> No.13043064

I'd need some kind of evidence that they actually thought I wasn't human as opposed to just hating me since it's pretty semantic but that wasn't really my point.
Essentially Im confused by what tone youve been going for; it's making me think of someone whose been in a state similar to the one he's attacking, so that advice comes from a need to put a stop to the unwanted past memory disturbance rather than genuine desire to cause for improvement.
Either way I don't think we're going to shake hands by the end of this sodo you mind if we call it after your next reply or whatever

>> No.13043153

Would you be attracted to someone who hated you then?

Could it not be that you are projecting your views? You are just as susceptible to the same unconscious reasoning as anyone else.

The point I am making is that it's very easy to paint a particular group of people as all being wrong, or thinking the same thing. Its harder to view yourself as imperfect and in need of improvement.

Complaining on the internet won't get you a cute asian gf. Self improvement will.

>> No.13043175

I'll be honest mate I'm losing my grip on what you're trying to say now. In any case a person's views would only effect me if I was part of the hated group, which isn't going to be everyone. My opinion that I'm trying to get across is that if you value people trying to better themselves I don't agree with the way you've tried to do it in this thread i.e. couching it in derision and backhand blows rather than sincerity.

>> No.13043195

Well, the only point you have tried to make is that you don't understand what I'm saying.

You can think of everyone else on 4chan as being wrong, or take the time and work on your reading comprehension.

lol. I'm done with this board. Reading the disgusting, "Women don't fuck me so I hate them" threads is not entertaining

>> No.13043203

I'm sorry if I annoyed you mate, nighty night

>> No.13043575

the hottest girl i know is white and asian mix

>> No.13043657

literally me but i never leave my house

>> No.13043744

I was so hopeful when I started puberty that I'd fall in love and have some great romance, and I do think I fell in love, but I was still alone and am still alone. Everything that really kept me going as an early pubescent (the novelty of altering my mental state with drugs, the thought that I could have some amazing relationship) is gone. When I think about my future I'm not excited. I don't think will get better. I think I am ready to die.
I don't know if there are spoilers on /fa/, but I just wanted to say that I am sorry because I always blogpost when I'm drunk.

>> No.13043812
File: 342 KB, 900x1338, XqE5SJT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


unironically this

Azn bitches crave white dick (and their money) just like supposedly white girls crave black dick. Or so /pol/ says.

>> No.13043836

this sounds like an excerpt from htbtusg

>> No.13043842

sua yoo, a real fucking qt if I ever saw one

>> No.13044050
File: 822 KB, 1520x2688, 1480793525834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my gf, ama

>> No.13044057

id on slippers pls

>> No.13044062
File: 145 KB, 609x730, 1506191089495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like she gets around bruh

>> No.13044078
File: 150 KB, 717x960, 1370354862636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry bruv, i meant to post this picture

>> No.13044087
File: 12 KB, 380x281, 1506138104487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13044096

"nice guy"
refers to the girl as a gook bitch

>> No.13044342
File: 37 KB, 500x671, bf403914bc40dfb7432bf87dbc02e0c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think whatever you want, I have no interest in impressing 4chinners

>> No.13044346

I hope so

>> No.13044347

She is one of few lucky ones then

>> No.13044373
File: 68 KB, 699x485, 1513671850209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I'm laughing so fucking hard right now i can't stop

anon, i don't know if you're whats wrong with this world, or if you're what's right, but just keep on living man..

>> No.13044380

yeah already fucked a vietnamese girl & a taiwanese girl you can do it just dress like a hypebeast

>> No.13044391
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 1492147119203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*flashes black card*
*fucks ur waifu*
pssh nuttin personal

>> No.13044466


This is Newbury street in Boston.

>> No.13044563

Be Asian or white. Don't forget you also need to be rich.

>> No.13044675

who dis she cute as fuck

>> No.13045145

not true.

source: live in japan. asians love black men

>> No.13045204

I need a name

>> No.13045208


>> No.13045239
File: 10 KB, 429x410, 21628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13045291

This could totally be the store in San Francisco

>> No.13045581
File: 14 KB, 364x322, 1489293180334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, it's true. Come more, Jamal.

>> No.13045606
File: 81 KB, 640x360, zcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13045622

Looks like a girl from a doujinshi I once read.

>> No.13045811

1v1 me IRL.

I'm 8' 450lbs with a black belt in taijutsu
You'll never get passed my mangekyou sharingan

>> No.13045827

giv me some stories on the bbc ANNIHILATING some nip puss

>> No.13045830


>> No.13045846

You fuckin with me

>> No.13045851

Lirraliemie but im fat

>> No.13045857

Lmao this is way to true
Its kinda sad for black woman tho.. noone really wants them

>> No.13045959
File: 33 KB, 720x851, FB_IMG_1493739832372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow congratulations at beating up the 5'7" 115lbs girl!!!!! I do know martial arts but it doesn't really matter that much in the situation.

>> No.13046002

it's not cherries, it's the silhouette of palmtrees in front of sunset

>> No.13046021
File: 1.99 MB, 277x342, bye.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sandwiches meme

>> No.13046033
File: 973 KB, 250x380, okpal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving a shit about brazil

>> No.13046038

that's a good Kate cosplay

>> No.13046255

not even rich lol

>> No.13046590
File: 178 KB, 288x415, 640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a second I sincerely thought this was one of those uncanny valley humanoid robots. Still not 100% sure it's not

>> No.13046976

>Get that shit out of your brain and start viewing women as equals.

You sound like a simpering beta who might be able to a charm a woman just up until she realizes that you are a weakling. You are't scoring any points with any girls by slathering on feminism, it's just embarrassing

>> No.13048382

fuuck wish I had a girl who liked friends

>> No.13048392

Shit had me messed up, good observation

>> No.13048479

useless white belt pleb

>> No.13048626

they literally all do you fucking retard women arre a meme

>> No.13048659

Shut the fuck up and make me a sandwich, faggot.

>> No.13048687
File: 342 KB, 393x700, Risa Yoshiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be white
>above average face
>at least average height
>not homeless-tier hair
>business casual
>have enough money to splash cash around like everyday is her birthday

don't be surprised when she drops you for the next guy who looks like that but is slightly richer or more well connected

>> No.13048806

>don't be surprised when she drops you for the next guy who looks like that but is slightly richer or more well connected
it's possible this has something to do with you seeking to find companionship based on superficial racial traits.

>> No.13048822

While I agree that''s a bad approach to take to relationships, amd personally I don't do that myself, I just have known enough people on both sides of that equation where white guys who are into hot Asian girls meets "pretty, sexy, young, well-dressed Asian girl who is into white guys / speaks good English"

Those girls know damn well how desirable they are to a subset of white guys they know enough of those guys tick the right boxes plus have money for them to have their pick, and they are used to being treated like princesses. of course there are (rare) exceptions and if you're talking about taking the time to learn Japanese or Korean or whatever, then you aren't going to be dealing with quite the same level of "princess"

>> No.13048847

shidddd they like my black cock tho *shrugging emoji*
been living in osaka for about 8 months and so far i have stretched 5 jap vaginas and boy let me tell you i dont plan on holding back ya villll me

>> No.13048864

r u fr? i was afraid of going to japan cause of xenophobia. but if they really like black guys...

>> No.13048865

>white belt
Nah, a lot higher

>> No.13048869

Lmao they don't, that guy is just larping. I'm surprised you didn't notice that yet. Japs literally cover their noses near blacks because they smell

also >>13048847
Stop larping. It's obvious, kek.

>> No.13048879

japs love black culture, no?

>> No.13048882

the young dont give a shit what color you are
just dont be an asshole
ignore this white loser >>13048869

>> No.13048893
File: 440 KB, 1440x1417, 1498133035404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life

Never make a pretty woman your wife

>> No.13048895

japan is about as xenophobic as europe, which is to say, quite a bit, but they won't admit it

>> No.13048901

>get married

start making sense anon

>> No.13048905


most korean bitches get so much surgery, they end up looking like "ayyy lmao" prostitutes

>> No.13048908

good im going to make a nice blasian baby

>> No.13048912

>love black culture
You mean bootleg clothes that are popular all around the world? Because shootings are not popular enough

Yeah sure, last time I was in Tokyo 10 Japanese girls sucked my dick as I was walking down the street. Pic related >>13038528 but change white to Asian.


Europe is REALLY xenophobic, it's full of fascism/Nazism but most countries here banned these ideologies due to past so it isn't as "loudly" spoken about

>> No.13048917

Kek good luck at making literally the ugliest race mix that exist, together with whiteblack and hispanicblack

>> No.13048919

Yeah, it's like she's trying to look vaguely French? I don't get it

>> No.13048923

Don't forget that Koreans love white people, of course they won't admit it but all the surgeries and all the fashion choices they take from Europe

>> No.13048929
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exhibit 1

>> No.13048931

They want to look like white people, more like. Unfortunately they don't usually go for white men lol

>> No.13048932

Wait, are you trying to say that she doesn't look ugly as hell?

>> No.13048936

I guess that it's not bad due to their declining population (did I word it right?)

>> No.13048940
File: 66 KB, 640x640, 43a698b6bec4d0bb0171c22bcf9277bd--red-tattoos-creative-tattoos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exhibit 2

i think most here would not pull out

>> No.13048946

It seems that all ethnicities will be pretty much defunct in 100 years. Everyone will be a universal world baby

>> No.13048948

tryin bit too hard there fellas

>> No.13048951

i would pull out of jhene aiko

she has been used out since she was 16 brah

>> No.13048954

She is average. Only makeup, filter and dumb expression show how she struggles to look "cute"

>> No.13048956
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exhibit 3/3

its ok to disagree. blasian almost never goes wrong though. black makes every race look better

>> No.13048961

It's really fucking sad to be honest.

Kek, it almost never goes right. Black makes every race ugly and less intelligent. It also increases the amount of crime in every country, which is visible in America in statistics

>> No.13048966

its only nature brah. black is most dominant race and eventually everyone will be black.

whether thats positive or negative, its still a fact

>> No.13048967
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soon SK will have to make genetic engineering their babies not just legal but mandatory, because their natural births will cause the plastic mothers to murder their infants and themselves out of sheer horror

>> No.13048973

Yeah, I just hope cultures don't continue to die out like they're doing now. As far as genetics go, I think people will probably continue to breed with individuals of their same level of attractiveness.
"It doesn't look like an alien from the ninth circle of hell? Fuck shoulda flushed it"

>> No.13048975

Nah, it's not dominant. When you have dirt and snow, after you mix them, they will make a brownish thing. Snow was polluted and dirt was made less dirty, the same mixing works. The same way person is more of a nigger, nigger is more of a person after mix.

>> No.13048979

I am living in 99,8% my ethnicity and 99,9% white country and in order with countries like that as well, so I really appreciate our culture and how all the people are of different eye colours and hair, I would be disappointed if it would change to all brown people with black eyes and hair

>> No.13048984

True, actually. It's going to be interesting when our grandchildren will see us with blue eyes or red hair and see the same in old movies and wonder why none of them have that

>> No.13048985

but snow melts, so only the dirt would be left after a while. are you agreeing with me or...

>> No.13049001

It will be so sad to tell them that they don't get to live in the countries full of culture and diversity in looks

Then I can use a fucking sugar, as if it did matter that much. Actually sugar suits more, because is sweet and loved, and nobody likes when some dirt gets into it

>> No.13049004

youd have to have autism to get dirt in your sugar anon lmao.

im speaking literally too smart ass

>> No.13049014

Yeah, that's why only retards get dirt in their sugar

>> No.13049042

/int/ reports in. I agree. You are a gentleman and a scholar. fuck whores

>> No.13049051
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>> No.13049381


>t.John Smith dating a Jap who looks like a 1940s Tojo caricature

>> No.13049410

I don't think anon is talking about the clothes

>> No.13050072

He's asking how to get a girlfriend.

>> No.13050551

Best mixed race babies are typically:

- Black and Asian
- White and Asian (this can go terribly wrong if shit-tier white genes travels to Asia because he cannot have sex with a girl in the Western world). Typically Asian male, white female tend to have higher quality offspring due to the fact that an AM with a WF is most likely already pretty alpha.

>> No.13050553


I believe that we will most likely all end up looking like tanned Brazilians.

>> No.13050726

>black and asian
Had a good ol' chuckle, thanks anon

>> No.13050942

nigger you dont know a representative sample is, lmao sad...

>> No.13050948

Why in the fuck you think Brazil is a good example of anything? /fa/ is full of libshits dumbfucks

>> No.13050954

>trying to start anotger argument regarding amww vs wmaw

>> No.13050958

Ask me why i know you dont get pussy

>> No.13050966

Those asian women are truly asian or the shit asian-american version?

>> No.13051059

>bait this large

>> No.13051083

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.13051104

You know what simile is? It's a figure of speech that compares two things. You can also call it a metaphor if that's easier for you.

>> No.13051864


Schizophrenia most likely

>> No.13051867

Deny it all you want, but it's definitely true.

>> No.13051871

Most people on /fa/ will never end up getting the girl in the photo because shit genes and autism. More so, the ones who actually do end up getting the girl in the photo will get her because they are good at hiding the fact that they view asian girls, not as humans, but as sexual objects of desire.

Some of you guys are truly pathetic. Work on yourself, be a decent human being, and then maybe you may get a girl that you like.; granted you are at least a 6.5/10

>> No.13051907
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That cope, kek

>> No.13052029

hey is that nnang kang nang or whatever her name is on IG. She's mad thicc but looks weird

>> No.13052048

Dress simple, conservatively. Sweatshirts every day.

Sauce: Hooked up with plenty of people who dress like her and are in her social class (Upper by the looks of it)

>> No.13052049
File: 702 KB, 600x599, chrome_2017-11-12_14-24-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


K-Thicc is best thicc

>> No.13052066

Thick Koreans look always so damn fake and fat. It's actually grotesque

>> No.13052069

if u think the way u dress will get u a gf.. oh boy oh boy

>> No.13052078
File: 355 KB, 787x653, allsmiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread.

>> No.13052086

>but most countries here banned these ideologies
No, most countries in europe has full stop freedom of speech, germany isn't all of europe

>> No.13052095

Germany and as far as I am concerned all Slavic countries, which make majority for Europe. Wasnt it banned in Italy as well?

>> No.13052539

Fuck whores if your life depends on it

>> No.13052861

is this a pasta or some gay shit like that? you can't be that robotic right

>> No.13053193
File: 124 KB, 1080x1080, 2017-02-26 17.14.58 1458524562836557094_1902453826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a fook Im asking about OP's picture!

Think it is the San Fran Uniqlo
IG: tiifym

>> No.13053230

Don't post her she's too beautiful :'(

>> No.13053247


>> No.13053262

I'm Asian and I've only ever fucked white girls. Also go to a prestigious college, coincidentally enough. If you're at a top school, you should realize that our anecdotal evidence doesn't mean shit cause we're both actually outliers lol.

>> No.13053456
File: 94 KB, 520x559, A5FC98CC-56C6-430C-BE74-078B799E3E7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do I need to do to get a girl that looks like this other than build a time machine

>> No.13053461

Projecting roastie. Microchimerism got you down?

>> No.13053466

Literally every arthoe is an Audrey Hepburn wannabe, so just walk into an art class.

>> No.13053467

every art hoe is basically a clairo wannabe im pretty sure you’ve never talked to an art hoe unless it’s commenting on their curiouscat anonymous page faggot

>> No.13053478
File: 1.71 MB, 480x272, 1477845560160.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fantasy there, Tenda.

Spreading r/hapas propaganda online won't change reality.

>> No.13053480
File: 147 KB, 1080x1920, 1508283595609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian women belong to white and black men.

>> No.13053491

As a a poster of proud asian heritage, may I kindly ask you to remove this post?
Thank you and much regards

>> No.13053511

they are shit in bed, zero effort.
getting laid in japan was a waste of time i hardly even fuckin nut

>> No.13053514

Prada core
Hugo Boss core
Armani core
Dolce and Gabanna core
LV core
Burberry core

Anything from very recognizable luxury fashion that fits you well. Not like Dick Owens, Balenciaga, APC, Margiela or Acne Studios

>> No.13053516

she will pay the toll

>> No.13053533

Black men also belong to white men.

>> No.13053549

>I wonder what kind of sandwiches gook bitches make.
I had a few. They make fried egg sandwiches with strawberry jam. It is fucking disgusting. the first time it happened I threw it in the gook's face and she fucking cried lol.

>> No.13053594
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kek'd and checked

>> No.13053739
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>> No.13053746
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>> No.13053747

>things that only happened in your sexually frustrated fantasies

>> No.13053749

Meanwhile white bitches that get nose jobs always saw off their high bridge white nose and get a smaller nose like Asians.

Grass is always greener m8, you got to get off your own nuts.

>> No.13053761

"elliot rodger here"

>> No.13053938

>Implying that plastic surgeries are anyhow popular enough to compare to Asian ones, especially in Korea

>> No.13053984

Do Asians with natural big tits even exist? The only ones I know off usually are half or 3/4 Dutch and of Indonesian descent. I never met an actual east-Asian with a nice rack.

>> No.13054003

Of course. More than you'd think.

>> No.13054007

Not the guy you're responding to but Korea is really the only Asian country that is super into plastic surgery desu.

>> No.13054028

This is objectively wrong. South Korea is the only Asian country even on the top ten list.


>> No.13054060


>> No.13054096

asians are overrated as fuck

i'll take a black or latin girl over them any day

>> No.13054114

>black girl
Chou must hate Asians with every inch of your existence to take a monkey over them

>> No.13054120

>only 3 white countries (US doesn't count as white)
Yeah, it actually supports my point in whites not doing that much of cosmetic surgeries, especially that when they do it's usually tits and lips, not noses

>> No.13054123

>dressing for women
>wanting a chink gf

the state of current effay is pathetic

>> No.13054173
File: 328 KB, 1125x1380, A6A1AC14-991A-46C1-904B-A1D47738D175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw when the guy who’s dating her dresses like shit

French/Asian is the best mix desu

>> No.13054182

Chad looks better in sweatpants and a t-shirt than you in your "sick" fits.

>> No.13054208

step 1: be a japanese salary man who doesn't have time to fuck his wife.
step 2: ???
step 3: profit!

now if you want to be the one who fucks these unloyal hoes, just be a sleazy good for nothing asshole and just hit on them, the bored ones will entertain the idea of cheating on their husband with a person that is nothing like their husband. just dress somewhat suave but don't overdue it, just shop at h&m in the discount section. or if it's art hoes you want go to the thrift or goodwill and get weird shit with no logos

>> No.13054210

loool in what universe?

>> No.13054249

>8 months
>only fucked 5 girls
>doesn't plan on holding back

Good laugh, virgin

>> No.13054442

>tfw chad
>get matched with thicc ultra thots with 9999 instagram followers on tinder
>super like artsy girls only to be ignored

How the fuck do I get a shy, alternative gf to play games and watch movies with? Should I just stop dressing like a normie? I can't bother buying clothes and only wear what I get at christmas.

>> No.13054448
File: 8 KB, 184x273, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how genetics works. There are things called continues traits like height, color, and hair texture. As a biologist, I laugh at your high school level Mendellian genetics.
See pic related
I bet you think the fact that central Asians(yes even the ones with epicanthal folds)and some Persians have green eyes because they are actually "white".
No, they are just mixed with hundreds of years worth of admixtures of people migrating through different evironments.
I mean, you do know there is nothing special is about any color right? It's just an adaption to an environmental pressure(little sun light verses none). It's one of the many genes still within the human gene pool for that reason.

>> No.13054471


>> No.13054514

are arthoe good or bad they make my d hard af

>> No.13054519


>> No.13054554

just steal mac demarco look and smoke cigs and grow ur hair out a lil.

>> No.13054658

While I do think cigs are effay as fuck and definitely look great on some people, I'm not big on fucking up my lungs and constantly smelling like cancer.

What should I use as tinder bio? I described all my alternative/artsy hobbies and passions but it just seems kinda cringy and pretentious. I'll probably just write one line with some sadboy shit or obscure reference.

>> No.13054661
File: 45 KB, 500x375, moseby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13054738

Number 1 is stop posting on a shitty cantonese origami imagry forum and actually go outside sometimes.
2. Get more friends, develop a better personality, and become a less shitty human.

>> No.13054757

I'm sorry but where do you think we are?You think these guys actually go outside? Of for a course they don't know this.

>> No.13054781


>> No.13054783
File: 30 KB, 480x477, 1511174965710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you really imply that she is anyhow more than just pretty?

>> No.13054785

>falling for retarded baits that hard

>> No.13055005

It's not always bait...there are /pol/tards who genuinely think varied eye color in Europeans must mean they are special.

Also too many people get caught up in the idea of dominant/recessive traits(high school biology)being the end all in deciding phenotype without a more nuanced understanding of different types of expression patterns in particular genes. There are mixed blacks who can inherit light eyes from their European parents.

>> No.13055099


Ask her "Why the rong face"

>> No.13055180

Is this a copypasta

>> No.13055196

>at least average height.
hmmmm sorry bro, not the case.
They expect white guys to be 6ft+ and blonde and will be disappointed if you don't live up to their expectations

>> No.13055213

How To Be The Ultimate Supreme Gentleman?

>> No.13055273

This is why you don't get ass, anon. Drop your approach, expect nothing and be yourself unabashedly.

>> No.13055369
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>> No.13055867

Brazilian men like black women, or, as we call, mulatas. Because of the ass, I think.

As a brazilian, shut up. Why're you mad?

>> No.13056146


>> No.13056173
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