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/fa/ - Fashion

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>> No.13028385

>not titled /frag/ AGAIN

holy fuck just delete and make it again

>> No.13028386
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>> No.13028392
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The title has never contained /frag/, you sperg. Check warosu.

t. usual OP for past year-plus

>> No.13028394

ok carry on then

>> No.13028404
File: 29 KB, 375x500, 375x500.5456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again - post your Scent of the Day/most recent scent and give a short review on it!

Habit Rouge Sport was my most recent experiment.

I want to like the habit rouge line so much because it seems to have a rich history and has a really nice note list. To my nose though, just smells like power and dust. Habit Rouge sport didn't really hit me like the EdP did though. Noticeably fresher with the citrus surviving the drydown. I like this because the citrus "anchors" the rest of the scent. Still not for me, but made me want to give the EdP another shot.

>> No.13028417
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Now that the dust has settled, what do you think about pic related?

>> No.13028424
File: 232 KB, 1600x1064, DSC_0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just blindbuyed midnight in paris (van cleef) and its really crap.. some are calling it an insider tip but its a powdery mess with a rubber note.. so dior hommes in cheap
i hope it becomes expensive soon, because they dont produce it any more. price already doubled on ebay

i also blindbuyed chanel platinum egoiste and got trolled by chanel.. doesnt smell like the old bottle at all (got new flacons some months ago) its old, smoky and boring now. im smelling like a 542621 year old man ;_;
i tried it FOUR times in a frag-store before and enjoyed a fresh and edgy showergel-like scent... fuck you chanel

atm im digging body kouros.. makes me horny lel
do you know any different choking benzoin frags without a oriental base?

>> No.13028439
File: 1.28 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this for Christmas. Total newcomer to cologne here so give it to me straight. Is it any good?

>> No.13028444

paul walker used that exclusively, so it's chad tier

enjoy sloots

>> No.13028452

>Is it any good?
Youre holding it right in your hand. Why dont you tell us?
Btw Creeds Green Irish Tweed is very similar. You can check that on your list.

>> No.13028456

Positive reply and trips? Thanks anon!

>> No.13028463

>your holding it in your hand. Why don't you tell us?
Anon, I'm totally clueless w/ cologne. I may like it, but that doesn't mean it's good. But I'm happy to get some outside opinions.

>> No.13028466
File: 380 KB, 1066x1063, MontalePatchoulileaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Montale Patchouli Leaves was recommended to me by somebody here when I requested affordable patchouli scents. Quality suggestion, /frag/, especially for winter.

This one is a sweet patchouli perfume, almost gourmand, basically smelling of amber, vanilla, and eponymous patchouli. Very warm and inviting, not at all dank or mildewy smelling, as some patchoulis lean.

As for potency and longevity, this is 24 hour-plus, smell you coming from down the hallway if you're not easy on the trigger stuff. I've been wearing it most evenings for the past two weeks under a oversized hooded sweatshirt, which I've accepted will never lose the scent no matter how many times I put it through the wash.

>> No.13028503

Was a meme frag 10 years ago. You could smell it everywhere. Got castrated in its last reformulation and many lost interest.
You cant go wrong with it, but its nothing special either.

>> No.13028531

Got Back to Black from me mumsie for Christmas.

Love it. It has the best honey note I’ve ever smelled, but it’s way more than that. You have this dusty, spicy tobacco note that almost smells like sawdust (in a good way), medicinal cherry, sweet raspberry, woody patchouli and sandalwood. Just beautifully complex stuff.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the only Kilian fragrance worth buying a bottle of, IMO.

>> No.13028533

Paul Walker was awful at pulling sloots. Whenever he tried, he’d crash and burn.

>> No.13028547

Dude I don't like Fast & Furious I think the movies are shit but that's not nice. :(

>> No.13028553

Too soon?

>> No.13028565

is this fake? if not im copping

>> No.13028586

Well, it’s the aftershave, not the EDT, so I don’t know why you’d bother, really. Looks legit enough, though.

>> No.13028589

oh wow i'm retarded. is sauvage good at ~$80? i have bleu de chanel before and want something similar.

>> No.13028606

Well, depends. Most people here will tell you that Sauvage is complete shit, for plebs, etc., because it’s popular and people here are fragrance hipsters. Truth is, most people do tend to like it. It’s very clean, very fresh, albeit somewhat synthetic and generic. Personally, I don’t like it because it has this odd note that smells kind of like wet cardboard to me, but I seem to be in the minority.

It is a fairly safe blind buy.

>> No.13028612

Any recs then? I don't like wet cardboard

>> No.13028623

Most people don’t seem to get the wet cardboard note. Might just be something weird it does on my skin. Aside from that, it really depends on your budget. I’d recommend Creed Millesime Imperial if you’re willing to go higher-end.

>> No.13028636
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>doesn't buy niche cologne

You have 5 seconds to explain yourself

>> No.13028642

I don't have to explain anything and neither does anybody else shitposter kun

>> No.13028647

Could the same not be said about perfume? Probably gonna cop the Diptyque Chene candle. Sounds like my style.

>> No.13028656

Piggybacking off of this does anyone have any decent candle brand recs? I concur that it is a bit of a waste to get designer candles.

>> No.13028671

Why is Sauvage not on this?

>> No.13028683

Will Sauvage turn into a Cool Water/Joop/One Million meme or is the price enough to keep the plebeians out?

>> No.13028690

It's old. Like all the /fa/ info pics. I still laugh at the one with Roshes when it gets posted.

>> No.13028704


I really enjoy the drink. How do the scents compare? Are any of them any good?

>> No.13028706

I don’t buy niche cologne. Buying is for suckers. I pirate it.

Get on my level, plebs!

>> No.13028720

Has anyone tried the MMM scents, specifically the Replica Fantasies collection? Hell, even the regular replica I'll hear opinions on. At the Barber any good?

>> No.13028735

I’m curious about At the Barber, myself. Been looking for a good barbershop scent.

>> No.13028749

if you're looking for something fresh,light blue and some of its flankers are nice, if you're willing to drop a little more coin, Creed Silver Mountain Water is one of my favorites.

>> No.13028761

If you’re going with something like SMW, I find Xerjoff Mefisto to be 100% superior and comparable in price.

>> No.13028774

How is the comparison? Most reviews just say like smw but not how is the same/different.

>> No.13028775
File: 149 KB, 1920x1080, coffee2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey is there anything that smells like coffee?

>> No.13028778

Why? Smells good, wear it.

>> No.13028788

heard that but havent had a chance to try it. most people say SMW doesnt perform well but it lasts all day on me.

>> No.13028792

Just smells more natural, lacks that annoying metallic note in SMW. Smells a bit darker and more sophisticated. Just overall better blended, higher quality.

>> No.13028795
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>> No.13028828

>2 sprays of sauvage
>wow anon you smell so nice, you know so much about aftershave teehee

>wear some autistic /fg/ fragrance
>uhhh who smells funny?

in b4 >wearing cologne for girls, that's EXACTLY why you wear cologne

tl;dr, buy sauvage

>> No.13028850

No, that’s why you were cologne if you’re so insecure that you can only measure your own self-worth by how much attention you get from women. If you’re a functional human being, you wear whatever you like and don’t give a shit.

Healthy people have hobbies, friend.

>> No.13028878

AbdesSalaam milano caffe. try a sample if you can

>> No.13028904

just bought encre noire coming from bleu. hopefully i like it.

>> No.13028976

>autistic /fg/ frag
>doesn't say which one

Confirmed for anon with 1 blind eBay purchase sauvage

>> No.13029054

I think it's alright. Creed will always get way too much hate and way too much love for anything they make. Good frag but I wouldn't pay full price for it.

>> No.13029116

How does /frag/ feel about Hugo Boss and Calvin Klein? I'm a newbie with a small budget but do get a fair amount of compliments for CK.

>> No.13029123


CK One is a solid unisex fragrance, one of the good journeyman picks.

>> No.13029126

That's what I have for the time being as I'd heard the same. I love it so far. Any other reccs for either brand I mentioned? It's also summer here so it needs to match for summer.

>> No.13029138


I like Boss Bottled too, but I know it's not universally loved so try it before you buy.

>> No.13029143

Oh absolutely. Currently I'm looking at Boss Red and also Hugo Man, are you familiar with those? Would they be good summer fits?

I did get some CK Obsessed the other day and really love that too.

>> No.13029150

Value, and refusing to reward unfriendly business models. For the retail price of 100 ml of Estée Lauder's Le Labo brand "niche" perfume I can buy 5-8 different "designer" frags on the gray market discount sites, all of which I would potentially enjoy as much as the single Le Labo.

>> No.13029152

>If you’re a functional human being, you wear whatever you like and don’t give a shit
It's not how it works in real life.

You have to conform and try to be accepted in order to make it. :-)

>> No.13029222

No, you really don’t. The most successful people in life are people who went their own way and got others to follow them.

But sure, your way is good too. The world needs both wolves and sheep.

>> No.13029444

Loosing my shit over 1 million
never wear that shit
so overused it's a synonym to a 15 year old smell

>> No.13029474

If you're looking for a great cardboard fragrance then go for Dzing! by Olivia Giacobetti at L'Artisan Parfumeur. Really excellent, if strange, fragrance that elicits a laugh out of me everytime I put my wrist to my nose.

Dry rosin, cardboard, plastics- synthetic but incredible.

>> No.13029480

If you can afford it, try Invasion Barbare.

If not, 1725 or Sartorial are good alternatives. Traditional barbershop fougeres with very good lavender in them.

>> No.13029486





>this is how a man who wears Sauvage thinks

>> No.13029491

>The most successful people in life are people who went their own way and got others to follow them.
Yeah, only if you're an exceptional individual, but I know you're not.

So shut the fuck up, you imbecilic nigger, I'm tired of replying to you.

>> No.13029577 [DELETED] 
File: 406 KB, 680x1024, Large_Ponderosa_Pine_(7166797673).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite smell in the world is Ponderosa Pine Bark. I want a perfume that smells just like it.

>> No.13029583

Thanks nonny

>> No.13029594
File: 406 KB, 680x1024, Large_Ponderosa_Pine_(7166797673).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite smell in the world is Ponderosa Pine Bark. I want a perfume that smells just like it.

Its not quite vanilla; not quite butterscotch; not quite maple; not quite pine. It is its own scent that is a harmony of all those.

Interestingly, I don't like gourmand fragrances -
but it would fall somewhere between woody and gourmand.

I wish I could contract I Hate Perfume to make it for me.

>> No.13029598

I got some Cartier samples for both men and women, are they any good? Know a girl who works at a department store.

>> No.13029618


There are men who are maried, old or just too ugly to ever care about getting attention from thots

>> No.13029630
File: 78 KB, 1224x1224, Tucson-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and sometimes all it takes is a google search...

anybody ever heard of Olympic Orchids?
This one and "woodcut" sound dank.

$3 samples with free shipping? Sold.

>> No.13029684

Well, the problem is, heavy lavender notes tend to give me a headache. I’ve tried IB, I like it, but it has too much lavender.

>> No.13029694
File: 30 KB, 600x400, cartier-envol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one that ever got my attention was the recent L'Envol. A wonderfully alluring hay and honey note that melds into the skin, cozy but not too warm. One of the best mass market releases of the recent years. Would cop

>> No.13029723

la nuit doesnt project or last that long yeah but god, does it smell incredible...

i use it when im at home lol

>> No.13029742

>I Hate Perfume
This any good? I want to try "in the Library" because I work at a library but I'm unsure of how the perfume smells.

>> No.13029754


Avoid like plague.

>> No.13029763
File: 167 KB, 771x438, 302-Group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never tried it either but in entices me. Id like to try russian caravan tea. I love black tea. It also claims to have an "old book" scent.

You should try it. YOLO

>> No.13029805

I'm getting mixed signals here.

>> No.13029809

it has a trendy ironic reddit name. what do you think?

>> No.13029835

which have you tried? tell us about them.

>> No.13029854

Lot of good his cool water cologne did him in that car fire

>> No.13029894
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>> No.13029918
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Wore one spray of pic related today. Some lady at work commented she smelled cotton candy, felt really emasculating.

>> No.13030128
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What are your worst purchases of 2017

Dylan Blue
Nauseating scent that reminds me of Individuel which also gave me a headache

Nautica Voyage
Great opening but dry down smells like vomit

>> No.13030157

what did you think it would smell like?

>> No.13030176

less sugar, more patch. the bottle I have is basically a caramelized tonka bomb and smells super edible. the one I sampled before I bought it was more resinous/dirty AH WELL

>> No.13030239

perhaps a part of me wears cologne for girls, but I dont aim for shitty whores

If I would be though, Sauvage would be a good pick

>> No.13030265
File: 186 KB, 1250x730, 58274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tested it. Orange/neroli. It was dry, fresh, bitter, cool citrus. It reminds me of expensive 'natural smelling' citrus colognes such as Czech & Speake Neroli. Not breezy like Italian colognes, but still recognizable as 'smell like expensive natural fragrances from department store'.

As expected from John Varvatos, it has 1~2h longevity. This is five hour after the spray, it's hard to smell the scent even when I put nose on my wrist(which I sprayed once).

This fragrance doesn't have long ambery drydown or something like that, just top note's citrus volume goes smaller and smaller.

I believe it can be a nice contender to niche brand citrus colognes because of its price.

>> No.13030270
File: 37 KB, 375x500, 65465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good option for summer? it's cheap, has interesting notes and good reviews

>> No.13030279

To whoever recommended I buy Amouge for Men... thank you. This is an amazing scent.

>> No.13030334

If you like it, then it's good. Stop being a blind, thoughtless little sheep waiting for someone to inject their opinion into you.

>> No.13030377

>wear all black(tshirt, jeans, boots)
>5 o'clock shadow
>big broad shoulders
What fragrance would fit me best?

>> No.13030414

Encre noir

>> No.13030452

Fumerie Turque

>> No.13030454


>> No.13030513

no one asked for your favourite drink

>> No.13030543
File: 421 KB, 1000x570, coffeefrag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would really like to pick up a warm and comfy coffee frag. However I just don't have the budget currently to pick up cafe tuberosa or Killian Intoxicated (see pic). I should mention that I'm fairly new to buying myself fragrances.

I was thinking of grabbing A*Men (cofffee) as it's reasonably cheap, would that be a mistake?

Any other decent coffee frags at around the $60 mark?

>> No.13030548

Anyone can tell me about DHI batches? I saw fragboy stewies video he said 2014 and after it turned to shit. Anyone got comments on that agree/disagree?

>> No.13030656

for me its montale intense pepper, which is good after application but after a while smells more like white pepper which in my opinion smells like ass

>> No.13030672

A Tobacco Vanille sample, it's disgusting to me

>> No.13030676

A sample of midnight in Paris

>> No.13030711


sample pack from Gallagher

I really wanted to try Amongst waves since it got so much hype. That stuf smelled like straight up mold to me and had to scrub it of

>> No.13030713

Am I the only one who doesn't care about thots?

>> No.13030718


>> No.13030721

What are you using tonight?

>> No.13030726

Sauvage or Ultra Male for tonight?

>> No.13030770
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 6dBt2Oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loosing my shit over Sauvage
never wear that shit
so overused it's a synonym to a 15 year old smell

>> No.13030787
File: 3.63 MB, 549x602, 1510945152269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samples I have laying around that might be good to go out tonight:
Pure Havane (Haven't tried this though)
Pure Malt
Tobacco Vanille

I'm leaning towards either pure malt, sauvage, or spicebomb desu, but thoughts /frag/?

>> No.13030792

>samefag still thinks he's a laugh riot

>> No.13030794

Fuck off

>> No.13030799
File: 24 KB, 375x500, 375x500.20504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masque Milano's Luci et Ombre

It's from a small complimentary sample they threw in the bag. Slight boozy white floral. Nice, but ultimately a bit boring. It is extremely long lasting though. A literal 24 hour scent.

>> No.13030806

Yo I'll back that up. My sample pack might actually be my best purchase though because I was prepared to blind buy That Guy and Bergamust before thinking better of it. Gallagher is the worst thing to be recommended in this general during 2017.

>> No.13030816

idk senpai amongst waves smells amazing to my nose and i have a bottle in the mail.

I don't think all of the fragrances are anything special (That Guy is good but i prefer PV), but far from the worst thing to be recommended when half of the thread is dedicated to shitposting about Sauvage

>> No.13030825

For the record it's fucking cold outside

>> No.13030826

Sorry Daniel, nothing personal. Just not a fan of your work.

>> No.13030850

i am very depressed and drinking excessively, i feel like i can't stop drinking and i live to drink. it seems like the end goal in everyday is just to get as drunk as possible or just drunk enough to the point where i feel like i can go on with my day. i drink when i wake up, ive gained maybe 40 pounds in the last couple months. my personality is now reflective of my alcohol habits. girl i loved left me for all the bs that came along with being intertwined with someone who is addicted to alcohol. i drink the cheapest vodka which is essentially relabeled rubbing alcohol, i get stomach cramps when i sit on the fucking toilet and bend over to use the bodna, i avoid looking in the mirror for days, the amount of interest i put into my interests and performance in school reflect how i live my life. i am in a constant state of consumption, i'm lazy as hell and don't do my work, i am going to fail a couple of classes this semester, my roommate left because he couldn't stand how much of a slob i was and still am, i feel like i use people to get fucked up. i can't maintain anything. i want to kill myself daily. i am watching myself slowly kill myself. all i want to do is drink. i don't even like pot anymore, it's just alcohol. i don't feel like myself unless i have a drink, ill be a little antsy if i don't know where my next drink is coming from, i feel like i can't leave my room unless i'm a little drunk, i got fined for an alcohol violation. i have a strong dislike of people and i notice it becoming stronger when i am sober, that's probably a result of just getting older. i don't think i'm growing anymore, i'm just getting older. my mindset is still in high school. i feel like i probably already peaked. my dad was a shitty dad. i don't know man. i really don't what the hell to do anymore

>> No.13030854

Someone bought you Jason mark for vans?

>> No.13030865

Pure malt, I prefer it over spicebomb and it’s more enjoyable with that boozy note especially when going out with friends. Sauvage just seems too cold to be used for this weather kinda makes me uncomfortable especially if waiting outside in the cold for too long and smelling it.

>> No.13030880

Jesus man, is this pasta or something lol.

If not, get yourself down to a rehab centre or at the very least an AA meeting, or whatever your equivalent is. I had a shitty dad too, doesn't mean shit. Get off the drink, make your own senpai, and focus on being everything your dad wasn't.

>> No.13030881



Lol *family

>> No.13030883
File: 91 KB, 1600x900, 1470061703360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this have anything to do with fragrance?

>> No.13030892


try By Kilian Single Malt

>> No.13030893

tomrorrow starts a new year farn

>> No.13030912

Which Amouage?

>> No.13030914

Time to quit drinking. It’s difficult but not impossible, and your life won’t end because you quit. I’ve been sober for 3 years and while I drank a lot, I preferred drugs like cocaine, painkillers, benzos, and GHB. After getting sober my life is incredible, I highly recommend it. If life wasn’t better sober, I would have gone back to drinking and doing loads of drugs years ago.

I’m pretty sure this is some strange copypasta but if it’s not hopefully this is helpful. I lurk these threads regularly and will talk to you further about kicking an addiction if you’d like.

>> No.13030916

Back to Black, though I’m not going anywhere because I’m stuck in bed with a nasty prostate infection and zonked out on antibiotics. Shit sux.

>> No.13030918

Alright, good choice. Have half of the decant left so that should be good enough. Thanks anon!

Yeah I really wanna cop this but I just don't feel like I go out enough to enjoy it, but maybe I'm too hung up on the day vs night fragrance thing.

>> No.13030928

Almost the same problem.i m going out anyway. Get well man

>> No.13030935

Thanks, bro. You too.

>> No.13030939

>nasty prostate infection
>almost the same problem
what the fuck are you guys doing to yourselves holy shit find jesus

>> No.13030945

Thoughts on perkys and xans?

I want to try those cause all my favorite rappers consume them.

>> No.13030962

isnt midnight in paris discontinued? you over payed for disappointment

>> No.13030983

they will both ruin your life. I spent several months DTing from benzo withdrawal. 0/10, probably the worst experience of my life.

Percocet is initially nbd but if you love drugs and dopamine like me then you’ll quickly move to more potent things and you’ll quickly have a big problem.

>> No.13030987

>most popular fragrance in the world right now
>probably the same person posting it hehe :^))))
Seriously, look at shit like John Lewis. Sauvage has more reviews than fucking 1 million. It has more reviews than OLD SPICE LOL you fucking retard, obviously people here will recommend it too.

>> No.13030996

>can't stop drinking
Korrigan is the booziest fragrance I've ever smelt. Might be the thing for you, but it's by Lubin and it's slightly hard to track down.

See how it goes.

>> No.13031000
File: 124 KB, 645x273, clash_of_the_titans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright settle this once and for all.

>> No.13031002

Personally, I like Profumo the most out of those three.

>> No.13031012

Infections of urinary tract are the most common after the infections of the respiratory tract. We all need Jesus

>> No.13031016

If you don't realize it's sauvage shitposting and you're being memed, have fun getting scammed, gullible tard

>> No.13031021
File: 12 KB, 300x300, cognitive_dissonance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scammed into buying the most potent panty dropper of all time

>> No.13031026
File: 10 KB, 312x161, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I rest my case. /frag/ would be great if not for some attention seeking shitposting memer who thinks he's funny.

>> No.13031030

Bleu has a LOT of character, so easily my choice. Always a delight. Never smelled the one on the right though.

>> No.13031033

the fuck Jesus Christ give it a fucking rest it's 2018 and you're still shilling that average 5/10 frag. Not even a frag snob, just smells synthetic to me


>> No.13031038

No dumbass I have plenty of other shoes. Also I bought that last year

>> No.13031166

neither was he

>> No.13031175
File: 77 KB, 1224x1224, Cafe-V-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cafe V by Olympic Orchids

Can't speak for the frag or the house but sounds nice.

>> No.13031182

i bought a 200ml bottle because of the memes and i fucking regret it, fucking disgusting frag

>> No.13031183

Sauvage smells like fucking Axe Phoenix lmao

>> No.13031263

AdG Profumo for me. I prefer the smell, as do others around me, and I get ridiculous performance even better than Sauvage.

>> No.13031282
File: 34 KB, 375x500, 375x500.14719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good alternatives to the 2012 version of pic related? it;s not available and the 2017 ver smells like shit.

I was also looking for a spring/summer crowd pleaser - specifically l'eau d'issey. Should I go for the original or are there any flankers worth considering?

>> No.13031298

Personal wears:
Bleu de Chanel - 36
Sauvage - 23
AdG Profumo - 9

That's more or less how I feel about them.

>> No.13031306 [DELETED] 

Fragrancenet still has bottles of the 2012 edition. You're welcome.

>> No.13031316

Fragrancenet still has bottles of the 2012 edition. You're welcome.

>> No.13031333

Curious - why do you rate AdG so low?

>> No.13031338

>if you like it it's good
I like graphic tees with retro gaming logos and ironic sayings. Doesn't mean I'm wearing that shit
>blind, thoughtless sheep
Anon I've never worn cologne in my life and have zero experience. I'm not a sheep because that implies I bought it. Why don't you stop being a judgemental snob?
>inject their opinion into you
I just don't want to be meme'd

>> No.13031341

I don't dislike it, but I tend to reach for the others more. Those numbers are how many full-day wears I've given each of the scents since getting bottles.

>> No.13031378



>> No.13031387

U know this sounds dumb but there is some note in Profumo that to a small persentage of people just smells like some dirty socks plus given how strong it is it's less much less safer choice than BdC and Sauvage (which I personally can;t stand on myself but understaned why it's generally loved)

>> No.13031411

now i want to know wtf it said

>> No.13031413
File: 884 KB, 255x192, 1460489843784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.13031416

John Varvatos Rider Black.

>> No.13031422

who is this? I want to punch her in the face.

>> No.13031426

Not him, but how is this scent? I was at a sephora and the clerk let me smell it since they weren't carrying it anymore. Smelled REALLY leathery but not bad. Forgot to ask for a sample.

>> No.13031427
File: 34 KB, 375x500, 375x500.39982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic because the bottle is cool

>> No.13031443

I wanted to resell it actually. But I learned the fragrance resell industry is really shit

>> No.13031453

It smells really good, it lays on leathery but slowly starts to smell like smoke and spices then it dries down and smells like leather and brown sugar to me and its perfect for an all black fit.

>> No.13031483

Out of these which should I get?

>> No.13031533

Intoxicated actually smells like turkish coffee for me, just like the reviews. So no surprise there. Though I can see people who never had turkish coffee wouldn't be able to smell the coffee notes.

I'm on the fence for Cafe Tuberose. The coffee opening is great but doesn't last long. It quickly dries down to cig+rose smell. And the cig butt smell is really there, It's not overpowering but it's there. Personally I don't really like it.

>> No.13031558

Is oud only a big thing because Middle Easterners are obsessed with class and status and exclusivity? Because it smells fucking gross.

>> No.13031734

Watch your kafir mouth, oud smells like the piss of the Prophet (pbuh) himself

>> No.13031761

Is that why the muslims in my country wears it? At least in the old muslim community.

Fuck that though. Smells disgusting.

>> No.13031808

Cool, thanks for the info. Have you had any experience with A*Men coffee?

>> No.13031811

>How long do you have to work out to become 10% more attractive?

Let's say 6 weeks as a total beginner and one year for an advanced.

>How long do you have to focus on career to become 10% more attractive?

Let's say 6 months for a beginner and 3 years for an advanced.

>How long do you have to press the sprayer of a good perfume to become 10% more attractive?

Pfffffft. Done.

>> No.13031812
File: 71 KB, 523x768, hf_c_chene_oak-tree_woody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to bring the candle thing up again because I caught the tail end of the last thread.

What are some good candle brands that are affordable? Considering fragrances, burn time, throw, etc.

What are some good candles? I really want pic related because it sounds heavenly and has good reviews, but its pretty pricey.

I want something warm, masculine, and subtle. Love woody notes. Don't so much care for spicy or gourmand scents.

Anyone try Cedar Pile, or anything by Boysmells?

>> No.13031830

No, unfortunately.

>> No.13031866

Worth a semi blind buy? I don't dress in all blacks, (at most all navy and grey) but man I loved the opening.

>> No.13032025

Thanks for the recommendation, will try and track it down to sample.

No worries, can't seem to find anyone who's tried it, I just want to know if the coffee aroma lasts

>> No.13032081

Also curious about candles.

>> No.13032141

I just ordered 3 from their site. $3 each, no tax, free shipping. Im stoked.

>> No.13032258

one million retail is close to sauvage retail so I don't think price matters

>> No.13032430


>> No.13032433

D&G the one, definitely

>> No.13032457

My favourite would be Bleu. I feel like profumo is the best though but I'm just not into it personally. One of the notes just doesn't sit right with me in the mix, maybe the musk or whatever that is? Not sure

>> No.13032466

Chanel Allure Homme Sport, the EDT or the EDP

>> No.13032476

Also interested

I just always end up getting whatever cheap vanilla soy candles are available, some decent and more interesting candles that aren't stupid pricey would be great

>> No.13032551
File: 48 KB, 400x256, TR-disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off, that shit stinks. Got it for Christmas and now i have no idea what to do with a massive 200ml bottle. Want to like it so badly but it smells so synthetic and gives me a headache

>> No.13032559

Post it on eBay for cheap and I'll buy it

>> No.13032569

I'm over in the UK and unless you are too, I don't want to ship perfume over the Atlantic. Are you a brit too?

>> No.13032672

No I'm in Aus, but if you have no other use for it just sell it anyway and buy something else

>> No.13032709
File: 216 KB, 1001x1001, comme des garcons parfums_mono1__1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do yall have any frags you never wear in public but love to wear alone?
I just used up the rest of my Hinoki sample for my own comfort and enjoyment. I could never wear it out, its too medicinal, but its so comforting, I almost want to buy a bottle just to wear at home.

>> No.13032724

Why are you afraid of wearing it out? CDG frags tend to just smell good in creative ways and remain unobstrusive. You don't need to absolutely wear some best-selling designer frag in public at all times.

>> No.13032730

idk, i feel like it could be "offensive."
I'd be lying if I said I wore fragrances purely for my own enjoyment.

>> No.13032760
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first post of 2018

>> No.13032770

I'm in the same boat with Iris Bleu Gris. It calms me but I don't know if I want to wear it to the office.

>> No.13032788

Yeah, I feel the same about Kouros. I’d be to embarrassed to wear it in public.

>> No.13032790


>> No.13032793

>I like graphic tees with retro gaming logos and ironic sayings. Doesn't mean I'm wearing that shit
If you like it, then wear it. The most beta, pathetic thing to do is change who you are because you want to fit in.
>Anon I've never worn cologne in my life and have zero experience
You have zero experience with knowing whether or not you like the smell of something? Are you mentally handicapped?
>I just don't want to be meme'd
Translation: I'm too insecure to form my own thoughts

>> No.13032873

>Fragrancenet still has bottles of the 2012 edition. You're welcome.

>> No.13032879

it's so interesting to me how some people are scent enthusiasts. it makes so much sense but i've never thought about it. foodies love taste, musicians love sound, painters/other makers of visual media love sight. what would enthusiasts of touch be into?

>> No.13032882


>> No.13032883

This gracious post is my first post of 2018. I didn't even realize I was starting the year off with doing a good deed.

>> No.13032887

what if i love all these senses? am i just a sensophile?

>> No.13032893
File: 44 KB, 500x457, ch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not exactly a food enthusiast but I like tobacco

try these

definitely a scent enthusiast, music as well, even if im not a perfumer nor a musician

>> No.13032895


>> No.13032929

The post above has nothing to do with fragrances.

(You) denied.

>> No.13033034

Just FYI a couple of notino regional sites also seem to still carry it

>> No.13033136

Bleu de Chanel = bad clubbing fragrance!

Tested it myself last night, don’t make the same mistake.

>> No.13033141
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>> No.13033146

Chanel Allure Homme Sport EDT or EDP I've found to be good for that

>> No.13033147

What does bleu stands for in frag world?

>> No.13033203

Boring and generic, safe. I'd rather someone not wear anything at all over smelling bleu.

It used to be the epitome of generic, until sauvage took that throne.

>> No.13033243

feel u bro
find something to be passionate about.

>> No.13033290

Anyone else feel that a movement needs to be made in the perfume world?


>> No.13033301

You mean like 90% of niche perfumes need to stop smelling like powder and soap? I agree

>> No.13033306

Kill yourself, now.

>> No.13033328

No you, dior shill

>> No.13033357

Who’s the Donald Trump of fragrances?

>> No.13033377

Yeah nah i have to back the other guys. Gallagher fragrances are the worst cheapest smelling frags I sampled. All of them smell like He got the cheapest candy favouring and mixed it with alcohol. Especially amongst waves I literally have candy here right now that smells like that sugary mess.

>> No.13033382
File: 1.45 MB, 1080x1606, IMG_20180101_225407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there is one. Perfumers aren't typically celebrity types.
Still... This is my own take on them:

The legendary, spoken in reverent tones perfumer
>Edmond Roudnitska
Most talked of, front of house perfumer
>Jean Claude Ellena
Gaudy, bling bling braggart celebrity
>Roja Dove
Black sheep of the fragrance world, a mysterious sage
>"Oncle" Serge Lutens
Fun, wild and reckless mad scientist
>Olivia Giacobetti
Scam artist
>Oliver Creed
Pretentious new-age scientist
>Geza Schoen
Untrained prodigy kid
>Andy Tauer
Man who sold out to the sound of money
>Francois Demarchy
(Not just because of Sauvage, think the new additions to the Prive line)
Infamous backstabber and pretender to the throne
>Thierry Wasser
Born of royalty, runs in her veins
>Patricia Nicolai

What do you guys think? Any favourite noses?

>> No.13033390

No lol. There's a more choice for consumers now than ever before and fragrances are available at all different tiers of quality. If you can't find something you like and blame the entire industry for it, you probably aren't trying hard enough and you're probably romanticizing a past you've never known.

>> No.13033391

So you’re saying Creed is Trump?

>> No.13033393
File: 85 KB, 560x373, Empire_Trump_visual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donald Trump.

>> No.13033410
File: 135 KB, 642x880, 1514681456704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-not my p-president, amiright guys?
>I totally showed the orange cheeto monster with that post!
t. pic related

>> No.13033421

Back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.13033436

I mean, regardless of how you feel about his presidency, politics, or whatever, the dude is objectively a scam artist. See: Trump university, the Trump casino debacle, etc.

>> No.13033445

Anon, it's going to be a very long seven years for you if you can't learn to let go.

>> No.13033471

t. faggot numale with no argument

>> No.13033480
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, nichis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's people out there who don't care how they smell outside their deodorant

>> No.13033505

Going to a club tonight and I only have three fragrances at my disposal.

>Bleu de Chanel
>La Nuit De'l Homme (2017)

What should I use guys?

>> No.13033506

La Nuit del homme, no question about it.

Discard the sauvage

>> No.13033520

But apparently the longevity is shit? How much should I spray?

>> No.13033534

I have no idea; I don't own it but I do remember being impressed by how plush it was. It's a great mass market fragrance loud enough for a club.

Again, I don't know what the longevity is like, but I wouldn't skimp on the number of sprays. It's a club- it's loud and noisy and crowded, so it's fine to go ahead and spray with abandon unlike in an office environment. I'd reckon 3 chest and 1-2 on each wrist.

Also, a good way to increase longevity is to moisturise the area of skin with a moisturizer before spraying. To increase both longevity and projection, 1-2 sprays in the hair.

Inb4 someone says I overdose myself in fragrance- no one's going to mind in a club, of all places.

>> No.13033538

>Discard the sauvage

Serious question: Why are you here?

>> No.13033541

Not him. I sprayed some La Nuit at an Ulta some months back and it lasted decent length, even if it's the newer formulation.

>> No.13033576

For the club, go for the chad miasma, 6+ sprays. La Nuit isn't a loud synthetic mess like Sauvage, so you don't have to be careful with overspraying. And take care not to drawn in all the pussy your smooth frag will net

>> No.13033577
File: 55 KB, 500x500, azzaro-perfume-masculino-wanted-eau-de-toilette-100ml2-600x600-500x500__64135.1496432671.500.750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, /frag/. My taste is rapidly devolving to Ulta-Sephora-Macy's tier. I've worn pic related for the past two days and I'm actually loving it even though I know it's a hot mess of a scent. The opening is like Garnier Fructis shampoo, the heart is a lightweight spicy wood, and the base is generic tonka-vetiver... but it's so fun and youthful that I don't give a fuck. Wanted does a little bit of everything, all at once, and manages to get away with it. I'm glad to have given Azzaro a chance after years of looking down my nose at the house and despite this gimmicky bottle.

>> No.13033604


No actually. You're making a great statement based on me being ambiguous about what the movement should be for. By my green text im not saying that the whole industry is awful, t'was just a meme, you utter, utter dip. One thing I would like to see is the cloak and dagger BS being ripped apart so people are educated more into what they are paying for. You can have designer and niche alike slapping shit together and spin marketing, charge a price where people think it must be good, only to be let down.

The corporate side of things is dreadful, which created the wave of niche, and now the niche houses are being bought out. So you can say that yes for the moment there is a variety of choice, but what you don't see is even niche becoming more homogenous because ingredients are getting restricted, and with singe note molecules you can only go so far before things fall flat, and accords from all types of houses become homogenous.

>Tl;dr Fuck LVMH. Apart from Thierry Wasser, he must've pulled some strings to get the newer formulations of some Guerlains closer to the originals.

Companies are getting greedy and wanting all the money, not just a lovely chunk. You can say "oh thats business", but if the whole consumer base got wise, its stupid close-minded business. You don't see it now, but it will become more difficult for perfumers. You say consumers have more choices, but as the years go on, a perfumers palette will become more and more limited.

>> No.13033613


>Romanticising a past you've never known.

Ok then, compare a vintage fragrance to its current formula. Then tell me I don't know the difference.

>> No.13033617
File: 1.84 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_4664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys this is pretty late on but happy new year!

>> No.13033626
File: 731 KB, 1080x1332, IMG_20180102_012406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drooling.

Here's my Christmas/new year's gift to myself. Not nearly as impressive, but I'll treat it just as preciously.

Ps. Did you buy yours, or was it inherited/gifted? Do you mind saying how much you copped it for, if you did buy it?

>> No.13033636

>loud synthetic mess like Sauvage
Kill yourself.

>> No.13033642
File: 241 KB, 1920x1080, meme frags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, it's always nice to see a fellow connoisseur of meme fragrances here, welcome!

>> No.13033659


Oh my god I hope you enjoy it! The civet is far more urinesweet (sounds weird but its really nice sharp and uplifting) and the floral notes are more diffusive and prominent compared to the parfum.

>> No.13033663
File: 80 KB, 635x634, 1492642983928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally i like bleu, might be a bit quiet at the club tho. Sauvage is disgusting. lndh is good from memory but i hear it's been reformulated so idk

pic unrelated; wonder if there's a frag that smells of the tropics, white florals and ylang ylang, but also cold concrete and smooth bone/stone ala bois d'encens. Just a thought

>> No.13033667


Also it looks like a 70/80s vintage box (because of the straight font) with a 60/70s bottle. So you got the real good stuff! I think theres a 90's formula one out there with a blue box and label. IIRC the EdC was briefly done in the 2000s era but discontinued, but you'd be able to tell if theres anything labelled as USA or a barcode/ER number.

>> No.13033716

Wow, you know your stuff! I'm impressed and thankful I did get one from a good era. Really excited about it, and should arrive within the next day or so. I'm glad I pulled the trigger on this.

I hope in vain I won't fall further into the vintage rabbithole.

>> No.13033744

Okay, thanks for helping me make a decision.

20 sprays of La Nuit should last me a long time tonight. I'll even spray it all over my clothes.

>> No.13033794

... Has anyone smelled this? I cant help but feel that some online reviews are politically jaded.

>> No.13033846


It goes pretty deep, if you look hard enough there are creators out there that still make fragrances that are vintage in feel (like using proper oak moss instead of vera moss, more rose absolute and jasmine rather than an extremely small amount backed by ionones and heroine (not saying either of them are bad but when you compare them they are worlds apart in depth). I'd order some ingredients myself but the MQO for some places are shocking!

>> No.13033862

It's okay to just not "get" something senpai. I'd concede that some of his frags are like that though (Carpe cafe smells like a fucking cracker barrel in the candle section, Evergreen dream was a chemical soup, and iloren is kinda "eh") but lot of people have liked what he's put out, and the quality is good for the price. Even in the stuff i hate, nothing comes off as synthetic or cheap. Still, surprises me to see so many people don't like anything he has. Amongst Waves is killer

>> No.13033869
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>apply Pure Malt at the club
>get really drunk when I come home
>wake up in the middle of the night drunk
>The lingering sweetness makes me feel even sicker

feel like this always happens when i wear those syrupy sweet frags desu. The drydown always makes me sick (or in my case, sicker) Had to shower it off. Which is a shame because it's a nice scent either way that i want to add to my collection

anybody else ktf

>> No.13033961

>>The lingering sweetness makes me feel even sicker
I feel like this after wearing Sauvage and I don't even have to be drunk!

>> No.13034056

What did you faggots wear yesterday for NYE? I wore Baccarat Rouge 540.

>> No.13034094

Use some Tom Ford fragrances if you're trying to seduce other men.

>> No.13034114

Encre Noire Extreme, helped me avoid what happened to this poor chap >>13033869

>> No.13034148

do you know any frag to compare encre noir because im thinking about getting a decant?!
how is the vetiver? i know vetiver bourbon and vetiver insolent (both by miller harris)
some say EN smells like pencils

>> No.13034164

Anyone else getting headaches from GIT? It's a bit too harsh for me.

Shame though I kinda like it.

>> No.13034195

For this autumn and winter I'm going to get a black or dark camo M65 and make it a battle jacket, with matching jeans and boots.
Would Pure Havane be a good frag for this look? Or CDG 2Man?

>> No.13034197

Sycomore is very close in terms of the vetiver smell, but way more refined than the original Encre or Sport. Extreme is a different kind of a beast and smells closer to Wonderwood to me, definitely would recommend this version if you want to get one from the line. Pencil shavings I don't get from them, they are very earthy and inky, it is possible the resinous ink smell could be mistaken for pencil shavings by some

>> No.13034228

Noob here. What's a decanter and atomizer? Looking at the Tom Ford stuff and I don't understand the pricing for some of these like a decanter.

>> No.13034293

I feel like this after smelling your stinking soyboy breath

>> No.13034306

Atomizer just means that it has a sprayer. A decanter is just a larger bottle, usually without a sprayer. Generally, you buy a decanter and pour it into an atomizer. A decant is when someone buys a large bottle and splits it into smaller bottles to sell.

>> No.13034335

Thoughts on Versace Eros? Got as a gift, wondering what it's utility should be

>> No.13034361

I like it. One of the better designer scents. Pretty versatile because it has those vanilla, tonka, and patchouli notes that make it heavy enough for winter, but also the mint and citrus that makes it fresh enough for summer. Also strong enough for clubbing if that’s your thing.

Go easy on the trigger, though, it’s pretty strong stuff.

>> No.13034365

Excellent club/night out scent, has enough complexity and sophistication to work as a daily scent if you're careful with the sprayer. Too loudto be used as a work scent though

>> No.13034379

I don't get that from GIT. I think specific notes do that to some people.

For me, it's ambroxan that does it; sauvage basically becomes a splitting headache inducer. That's why I despise it so much. Even worse, it's so popular!

>> No.13034393

Hmm, I compared GIT to other fragrances I've smelled/liked that have similar notes and the only thing that makes GIT unique is lemon verbena.

I guess that is the culprit.

>> No.13034800

Amouage homage attar

>> No.13034825
File: 54 KB, 840x373, Untitled-Stitched-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried the last of my PV samples today: Noir Intense.

I remember reading somewhere that somebody considered "noir" to be smoked pineaplpe but i never got that. Noir intense is exactly that though. I haven't tried the original PV, but its definitely the worst of the line. Beyond Noir is an excellent smoky scent, but this is just trying too hard to be "pineapple with smoke"

>> No.13035389

I fucked a little bitch and made her pussy wet thanks to Sauvage last night.

She was 18 and I'm 26.

>> No.13035437

Why set up bait like this and blow it?

>> No.13035451

Look at all the serious non shill non-shitposts


>> No.13035452

I remember Luca Turin gave 5 stars to Azzaro pour homme

You should sample it. I like Antaeus, Dior Homme Parfum, Guerlain Vetiver, Gantier Route du Vetiver and Sycomore but hated Encre Noire or Montales.

>> No.13035480

I don't know if it's just the stores in my area that did this but Profumo smells very much like the fragrances they'd douse all the clothing stores at my local mall in, and now smelling Profumo just brings back unpleasant memories of mall retailers and I can't get over it. This is to say I prefer Bleu; I've never smelled Sauvage.

>> No.13035500

Would the mall be mad if I came in with decanters and filled them with the sample bottles? Im thinkin no

>> No.13035549 [DELETED] 
File: 2.56 MB, 9307x9307, 6cb400c1c108717d15cd5c0f0a3a8edb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LAST THREAD >>13028379
BBC perfume documentary (part 1 of 3):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=annRzLYrRwM [Embed]
general info
various fragrance communities/review sites/blogs
w2c samples
on DIY fragrances

>> No.13035553

kek nice try fag

>> No.13035554


>> No.13035610

Welp, just blind ordered 5 perfumes. Couldn't go in store because I live in the middle of nowhere and there isn't a place for that. Not one that carries a lot of fragrances anyway. Couldn't order samples because I'm leaving for even deeper in the middle of nowhere soon. One of them is Spicebomb though, so I'm fairly confident about that one. They say if you like Burberry London, you'll like Spicebomb right?

>> No.13035665
File: 68 KB, 884x800, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blind ordered 5 perfumes

>> No.13035745

I need a frag that smells like grass that works in colder weather ASAP! someone help! something I can order in a sample that can get to be within a week, help I'm panicking

>> No.13035752


boddica wode?

>> No.13035766

No idea about the Burberry but spice bomb is fucking amazing

>> No.13035770

spicebomb or spicebomb extreme?

>> No.13035782

Regular Spicebomb. I ordered on Fragrancenet, they don't have Extreme.

>> No.13035798
File: 29 KB, 550x467, pp,550x550.u4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, I'm kinda new in this section. I would like to buy a good perfume for myself, but I don't know which one to buy. My housemates have CK summer and D&G intenso, I like both of them but prefer the intenso a bit more.
I know those are base tier perfumes and my tastes are not that developed at the moment.
Could you recommend me some good fragrances?

>> No.13035816

I love the smell of tomato vines. Is there anything that has that great aroma?

>> No.13035944
File: 77 KB, 777x671, dolce-gabbana-the-one-for-men-eau-de-parfum-for-men___4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else loving this? I'm looking to pick up something in the same range, any suggestions?

>> No.13035946

empire is basically just ch 212 vip men
but with more chocolate and tonka
i definitely enjoy it

>> No.13035948

Just sample a bunch of shit at your nearest department store.

>> No.13035949

post order

Sephora will give you 3 samples per visit, no questions asked. Ask the pretty worker girls to hook it up. They get paid the same either way.

>> No.13036092

is The One EDP okay to wear casually in the autumn or does the longevity and sillage still let it down?

>> No.13036116

Thots on Givenchy Gentlemen Only?

>> No.13036119
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too, my fellow Mitsoukofag.

>> No.13036130
File: 1.26 MB, 1080x1411, IMG_20180102_214144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just won this. Praying that it isn't a factice- the juice looks suspiciously clear, but praying nonetheless.

>> No.13036141

>longevity and sillage still let it down?
This improves both but i'd say it's more like what the original should have been. Great fall/winter scent.

I'm on the hunt for a great happy spring scent that's still masculine.

>> No.13036174
File: 2.01 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_2213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other anons wear a frag they hate so they appreciate their other frags more?

I used to think pic related was just boring but today it smells awful and almost sends me on a sneezing fit :^(

>> No.13036481

Any recs for a flowery unisex cologne?

Looking for the equivalent of wearing a desaturated pink sweater on a spring day

>> No.13036495


Are you a fan of aldehydes or "fizzy" effects?

>> No.13036497

L'homme, I suppose.

>> No.13036529

>L'homme, I suppose.
I haven't smelled this for a while but I think I found it a tiny bit too "woody"


>> No.13036550


Odds of this memester with the sample sizes giving me actual bib product?


>> No.13036568

I'm feeling very suicidal today, after partying and socializing a lot for two days in a row.

I feel like none of this matters and I don't care about fragrances anymore.


>> No.13036589
File: 93 KB, 1439x300, Faves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my taste.

>> No.13036590

look at OP and the chart just below it. Lurk moar.

>> No.13036598

>being this autistic

>> No.13036614


>> No.13036615
File: 628 KB, 516x402, 1472832736077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized Roja Dove Fetish smells a tiny bit like piss

>> No.13036623

what did you expect? its yellow too

>> No.13036630

Fetish is kinda gross, 2bqhf. I wanted to like it, but it smells like piss, BO, and Indian food to me.

>> No.13036644

So I wore GIT for the first time to the office today and someone commented
>why does it smells like chinese temple in here

Uhh what?

>> No.13036682
File: 283 KB, 1444x814, 1513407589305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably because youve been with retards for too long. what are you favorite frags anyway? designer shit?

scents are great. it's like music when you think youve heard everything but an hour later you find something great. it doesnt end.

>> No.13036693

just bumpin to limit desu

>> No.13036694


What is that gold bottle

>> No.13036718


>> No.13036737

>what are you favorite frags anyway? designer shit?
I stopped wasting my time on designer fragrances, but Acqua di Gio and
YSL L'Homme (not La Nuit) were my favorites.

Last year I really got into Tom Ford, best private blend is Tuscan Leather, best non-private blend is Grey Vetiver, those two are definitely my favorites.

I also like Neroli Portofino, Oud Wood and Black Orchid.

How about you?

>it's like music when you think youve heard everything but an hour later you find something great. it doesnt end.
Except it can be a pretty expensive hobby compared to music.

>> No.13036742

Why is Intoxicated by Kilian so expensive? I just want to smell like coffee. :(

>> No.13036743

how do you know this?

delete it!

>> No.13036762


>> No.13037001

Our Fluer
Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue

>> No.13037151

Because Kilian is a rich boi brand. The 50ml refill is decently priced though. €115.

>> No.13037531


i use grey vetiver by tom ford, do recc

>> No.13038302

I really like L'Envol too. I wish it had better longevity/projection though.