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/fa/ - Fashion

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13030593 No.13030593 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw finally maxed looks
>mfw i realize wtf is it all for
>mfw i left vidya, staying up late, junk food, soda, and basically everything bad for your skin and or body because i wanted to be pretty
>mfw barely recognize the dazzling image i see in the mirror
>mfw 110 pounds lighter, skin glistening more than it ever has, hair flowing like i was groomed by a 2 time championship pony groomsman
>mfw this is what i sought after
>mfw the things you think you want aren't always the things you need

I'm a reflection of my former self. The me as far as 10 years ago is gone. I killed him and i actively hide information about him. There are little to no pictures of me, i hardly bring up my past, and frankly i'm a completely different person. Take the old me, and invert it to get the new me. Take this new me and revert it back to the mental health of the old me and you get this new perfect looking me with terrible mental health and lack of self confidence. I can't exist the way i am now without being mirrored by my past selves so i was foolish for trying to kill them off. I will always be the funny fat fedora in the room, i will always be afraid of wearing jeans and a t shirt because of my stomach, i will always think people are looking at my acne. I've ruined myself. I am too beautiful for my own good and it wasn't supposed to be like this. I took the genetics of a asian slave mother and a Argentinean coal miner father and rolled my hand at life. Only when i started manipulating the dice with creams and hair products and ab crunches did the universe punish me.

Always play with the hands you are dealt because even when the dealer isn't watching... other players are.

>> No.13030735

shut up autistic retard what are you even fucking talking about, I bet you dress like fucking Wilguen you little virgin failed /fa/ piss boy like how do you even lack self confidence hahahahaha go have sex u fucking gayboy and then you'll realise nobody cares about you and it's time to stop acting autistic, you probably have shit proportions aswell desu

>> No.13030774

Lol that’s called growing up

>> No.13030801

LMao didnt read all that bullshit

>> No.13030875

>Gave up vidya to make your skin look better
Okay fagbag

>> No.13030900

post pics then, prettyboy

>> No.13030938

Read it anon. For your own good. Don't become like me. I'm a marble statue, a shell, a ghost, a memory. As i type this on my laptop even my fingers are beautifully hand crafted by yahweh himself. Nothing about me is hideous. I fear that one day i will wake up without my beauty and i will have nothing after that.

>> No.13030977

NIgga its no big deal, what’s so bothering about being beautiful? You just look better, use that as an advantage, take that and start fucking bitches or something, dont try to forget about your past. Seriously stop trying so hard to hide your past, healing completely will not make you forget your past but will make you capable of living with it and accept it. You take life too seriously, you take everything too seriously just stop really. If you feel empty just start meditating or become religious idk

>> No.13030994

As a scholar i don't want to go that route. I love the look people give me when i tell them i'm a virgin or that i don't smoke etc. It's my niche. I'm that beautiful boy who all the girls know they can't have but... therefore i'm almost shunned. What if i regret that i didn't "abuse" my good fortune in a way. I almost certainly won't succumb and just start partying and fucking broads. So the question of will i regret it remains lingering and remains unanswered until i grow old and lose my youth.

Is it even "abusing" my looks? Is there anything to abuse. Am i missing out on std's and tar ridden lungs. Am i missing out on girls texting me. It would be a disservice to humanity if i were to use my looks to find myself into these VAPID 2018 centered womens hearts. I will die a beautiful virgin i'm sure of that but i fear whole heartedly that i will one day regret it.

>> No.13031069

Nah you might, or you might dont. All that stuff is overrated but you must consider that if youre overthinking it that much it might mean something. Give it a try. Get a blowjob and see if you like it, then you consider to lose your virginity

>> No.13031245
File: 37 KB, 656x750, gc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?
I found /fit/, misc and sluthate as an 18 year old friendless virgin rotter now I'm a gl Chadlite and I do everything I can to pretend I've always been this way but I still feel like "the weird guy" and worry about my looks not being perfect a lot

>> No.13031260

just stop starving yourself and maintain a healthy weight and the inconfidence will melt away as if it were never there
and by stop starving yourself i mean you still have to eat healthy