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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 64 KB, 720x808, DQnZGXzWAAIpaAg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13017604 No.13017604 [Reply] [Original]

How do I look as effortlessly cool as teenage star and fashion icon Finn Wolfhard?

>> No.13017627
File: 668 KB, 1080x1080, 25024471_941770672640510_7043463851081203712_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finn is very /fa/ and very cute

>> No.13017631

hire a personal stylist

try trunk club or a similar company. easy to find one if you're in a big city. you need to be a richfag though

>> No.13017637

why is Gucci such a meme now?
before it was just niggs wearing belts

>> No.13017638
File: 112 KB, 750x706, finn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have to ask "how do I look effortlessly cool"

you will never be effortlessly cool

by trying to be cool you are literally putting forth effort

Be yourself

>> No.13017651
File: 55 KB, 650x700, Finn Wolfhard-z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

purchase several button down shirts

>> No.13017656
File: 136 KB, 1152x768, FxHRg8xixc0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear hoods. But you probably don't have the lips or cheekbones to pull off Finncore

>> No.13017662

Or curly black hair. Or lightly freckled skin as fair as the fallen snow.

>> No.13017663

Are you living under a rock for the last 2-3 years?
Since Alessandro Michele took over, it's the meme.

>> No.13017692
File: 2.46 MB, 1078x1600, 1c750616c5a2b299-ScreenShot2017-10-31at12251PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably my favourite finn fit, so effortless and elegant

>> No.13017811
File: 980 KB, 1552x2024, 5195D5EC-F9EE-4549-9B36-50FAFE8FCB93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to cop pants?

>> No.13017825

Allsaints, travis trousers

>> No.13017914
File: 182 KB, 800x1067, gucci-striped-wool-intarsia-sweater-with-appliques_12517715_11840926_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's asking why tho. Why did gaudy nigger brand become the most popular luxury brand?

>> No.13017942

High cheekbones.

Failing that, extreme body fat loss and some man-makeup.

>> No.13017973
File: 84 KB, 736x1101, ca6403c759052892fdc0996309fbdf5f--james-franco-hot-harry-osborn-james-franco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High cheekbones.
they are just big, not high. These are high

>> No.13017974


>> No.13018041

This is a 18yo minimum website. Why the fuck you post infantile garbage

>> No.13018054

Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I'm not the one who wants to look like a ten year old.

>> No.13018067

What I found funny was the "man-" part

>> No.13018106

I think they are popular for a lot of reasons:
-Easily recognizable(the gg logo/bootleg logos that they use/green and red combo is already associated with gucci)
-The clothes themselfes with the embroidery and the sneakers(easy to pull off and recognizable)
-All the rapers making songs about gucci, they're thrash but if you go on youtube those songs get houndreds of millions of views(gucci gang, I just fucked your bitch in some gucci flip flops)
And promotion, if you go to their insta you can see that they pay every celebrity to wear gucci, that works.

>> No.13018179

Is this kid proof that women are secretly all lesbians? He just looks like a 7/10 girl desu.

>> No.13018190

have you tried being attractive?

>> No.13018194

These kids are going to Amanda Bynes so hard lmao. They're already narcissists at 12 years old.

>> No.13018228

Why are older women so obsessed with Finn? Is it because he looks like a really attractive lesbian?

>> No.13018248

is he jewish? maybe they want to groom a money tree

>> No.13018321

They can have slight pedo tendencies too

>> No.13018323

this is all so cringe, everything about it... 100% cringe

>> No.13018334

He’s a really good actor and is in the most popular tv show and most popular movie this year at the same time

>> No.13018339

Finn is a nice kid in person, Millie is definitely going to be fucked up, she’s already got a very bitchy personality

>> No.13018341

He dresses better than 90% of /fa/
Maybe you’re just used to seeing the fuccibois here

>> No.13018346

he dresses like a fuccboi lmao, looks like the bryan singer's tuesday nights

>> No.13018349

t. Fucciboi dipped in extra soy sauce

>> No.13018361


Lmao, finn looks like a girl basically. and that is attractive to lesbians.

theres a girl in my university who looks exactly like a more prettier feminine version of finn

shes a 6 foot lesbian

>> No.13018424
File: 199 KB, 1080x1308, 2C657D8C-5B47-4683-8FE4-762D05926DC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finnspiration thread?

>> No.13018467

he doesn't look more like a girl than the other 14 year old boys

>> No.13018522

that leather jacket looks so tacky

>> No.13018608

Gucci is rabid dogshite topped with vomit spunk sprinkles

>> No.13018626

How do i get my hair to look like this?

>> No.13018702
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 1513525758844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13018707

dude is fucking revolting, if it's not a tranny

>> No.13018916


>> No.13018920

>effortlessly cool
>bunch of stylists showering him with top of the line products

well considering he did none of this himself i guess it was effortless

>> No.13018950

This, I like some of the fits, but those are clearly made by a stylist.

>> No.13018955

That playboy model girl just wanted to get in there and make his first sexual experience hetero' before tv executive faggots molested him and made him gay.

Too late.

>> No.13019023

Just like most of the photos posted in this board then
It doesn’t matter who dressed him, if the results are good then it’s worth looking at

>> No.13019048

Be a cute 14 year old who stars in the most popular movie and tv franchies

>> No.13019068

tl;dr decent logo with great marketing in the hip hop scene

>> No.13019100

>wearing an ill-fitted jacket.

>> No.13019106

Jesus what the fuck is wrong with you people, he’s just a fucking kid give him a break

>> No.13019123

But if it is made by a stylist, is not a "effortless" style.

>> No.13019129

I know but no one gives a Fuck what’s behind the scene, the result came out to look like he’s effortless, it was probably their intention

>> No.13019255

Eat glazed donuts as your main meal

>> No.13019583
File: 39 KB, 524x720, old man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. ali michael

>> No.13019821

He's beautiful...
post more

>> No.13019833

Buy expensive clothes

Be attractive

>> No.13019851

Well that explains why I find him revolting to be honest, don't even know the queerbait.

>> No.13019880

He looks like a young Sigourney Weaver.

>> No.13019930

I get that stylists put this together, so I might be in the wrong, but I don't like that shirt in that fit. Feel like a loose button-down short-sleeve would fit the look more easily.
Then again it might be just next level fashion that seems weird to me.


>> No.13020372
File: 787 KB, 1080x1346, 5EE276CD-209F-4AF9-9D78-CFE83D96EFDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13020374
File: 123 KB, 1080x1340, EE40610E-287B-45ED-8B75-D7B105320EA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13020378
File: 1.32 MB, 1080x1346, 0321E1F1-7195-44EC-B616-7ED244B72D50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13020403

nigga looks like brandon stark

aka wait 3 more years and he'll be ugly as piss

>> No.13020479

What do you mean give him a break? I'd have liked to give him a childhood free of being molested, just saying it did not happen.

>> No.13020497

ya'll need to stop talking about this toddler desu

>> No.13020498

brandon stark never was this popular

>> No.13020508

grow your hair out

be pale

get good posture

there ya go

>> No.13020528

keked hard

>> No.13020562

they don't market towards hip hop culture at all what are you talking about, their ad campaigns have been overwhelmingly european(a dance party in a florentine mansion, wild nights in rome, the wir kinden vom bahnhof zoo inspired campaign video, the video shot in japan with almost all white models etc) with the exception of the northern soul campaign which draws from an overwhelmingly white subculture gucci uses almost no black models and makes 0 references to hip hop culture european or american this is unlike american contemporary brands and designers like hba or yeezy or virgil abloh/off white
even one of guccis biggest fans in hiphop is a brand ambassador for dior not gucci, i'm not saying gucci isn't immensely popular in hiphop circles but thats incidental, the brand isn't marketing towards hiphop

its similar to stone island enjoying huge popularity in the casual scene but stone island at least under osti and his successor moreno ferrari did not specifcally market towards football casuals and even now the link is tennuous at best

>> No.13021579

He’s so dreamy :3

>> No.13021596

I have similar-ish hair, although dark brown not black.

Have it all cut to the same length and let it grow out.
Stop using shampoo and other products, just run your hands through it in the shower and let it clump and curl together as it dries.

>> No.13021622

He’s already way older than him when he first turned ugly

>> No.13021695

>they don't market towards hip hop culture
I didn't said that, I said that all the meme rappers are making songs about gucci(at least made them sell a shit ton of gucci slides) and gucci is paying celebrities to wear gucci.I didn't said that those celebrities are rappers, I was talking about the ones that you see on their insta, basically a ton of actors and musicians.

>> No.13021789

>wearing gucci and a leather jacket
>fashion icon

>> No.13021823

lmao the state of mongrel Americucks and their standard

>> No.13021826

he’s gay, right?

>> No.13021850
File: 416 KB, 670x605, yee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he’s gay, right?


>> No.13021926

>rejected an ugly woman as old as his mom
You wot? He could bang literally any girl from age 12 to 20

>> No.13021929

why would he need roasties, if he can have the purest form of love?

>> No.13021931
File: 502 KB, 600x600, 1503859008958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13021990

>fucking eachother in their shitters in the eyes of God

Yeah okay pal

>> No.13022000

Elliot Rodger part 2?

>> No.13022010

it'd be true if he was like one of the lonely virgins here, but he's clearly way above her league and she's just one of her creepy followers

>> No.13022014

dude's deformed looking with garbage genetics

>> No.13022039

He has god tier cheekbones and jaw

>> No.13022064

his face is shaped like the moon, how are those good cheekbones... unless you're into cushings syndrome

>> No.13022076

t. weak chin flat cheeks soyboi

>> No.13022082

I'm >>13022027

my chin is strong and my cheekbones are higher than a stoner

I do cook with soy sauce, yes. you got me

>> No.13022087

lol it's just a joke sweetie, calm down your soyrage

>> No.13022090

it's my low-functioning autism speaking

>> No.13022120
File: 58 KB, 540x490, 1512781518490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking women in their blood, fungus and chad's cum discharging meat wound in the eyes of God
Yeah okay pal

>> No.13022132

Just look at Danny Avidan who looks basically the same and stop sexualizing 10 year olds

>> No.13022178

He actually hooked up with Danny Avidan from the game grumps videos and helped him got a record deal for his band

>> No.13022187
File: 36 KB, 400x283, 858763EA-4590-4777-B38E-565A90A9C6FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it’s funnier the fact that someone on an anime board thinks he looks better than a famous model/ actor

>> No.13022227

why? because you're ugly yourself? most famous people are just rich kids who get famous for their family name. next you're going to tell me Matt Damon doesn't look like he wasn't punched in the face

>> No.13022276

No need to add more salt to your soy, it’s not good for your health lol

>> No.13022301
File: 246 KB, 800x1099, An_International_Marriage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's from a famous acting family, and his other lines seem to be famous names as well. so I'm right, just another rich jewish kid.

>> No.13022310

None of his family is famous and he’s from a catholic family from fucking Vancouver lol

>> No.13022339

are you retarded? I looked it up, his g-grandfather was PRESIDENT of Mexican Petroleum Solid Fuel Company. His great grandmother was a survivor of the Lusitania. He's fucking loaded, that's why he's famous. I'll keep digging because you're a stupid faggot.

>> No.13022348
File: 59 KB, 439x604, Rita-jolivet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not famous
>is a Jolivet

do you know how to research, brainlet?

fucking identical moon face

>> No.13022367

literally french nobility and the only reason he's alive is because his family was crypto-jewish and Napoleon spared them at the guillotine

gee, a hollywood actor is european jewish royalty, what else is new

>> No.13022375

he also descends from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Allan_(ship_owner)

who owned the world's largest privately owned shipping empire in the 19th century

gee wow Finn Wolfhard sure isn't famous for being a rich jewish kid, no... it's all just luck he found his way into his roles

you peons know nothing about how the world really works.

>> No.13022398

Lol what the fuck, you looked up in the wrong person fucking retard
That guy in OP is the actor in Stranger Things called Finn Wolfhard

>> No.13022404

err, I went through his genealogy m80, this isn't exactly esoteric information, need me to spell out how I find these links? one secundo

>> No.13022418
File: 277 KB, 394x549, movingpicturewor24newy_0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


His g-g-grandmother is Pauline Helene Vaillant Jolivet who gave birth to Rita Jolivet. His g-g-grandfather was an international merchant who owned property in France and England and lived in America. This is how they could afford to be on the Lusitania, duh. The Captain Allan find is deeper in his genealogy, but it's there. Hello?

dude comes from superelite jewish lineage. Like I said, his family avoided the guillotine during the French revolution. This is a juicy find.

>> No.13022420

>Finn Wolfhard sure isn't famous for being a rich jewish kid, no... it's all just luck he found his way into his roles

>got into acting from fucking Craigslist
>only thing he’s been in are 2 dirt budget show and movie which got huge from words of mouth
How does it feel being this jealous over a 14 year old kid?

>> No.13022421

though reading all this about acting families and the Lusitania only points out to me that the Lusitania was a big fucking false flag with crisis actors and all the trimmings. yawn, what else is new?

>> No.13022426
File: 97 KB, 473x800, joanarc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to be so stupid that you think that's not a phony story? "word of mouth"? Talk about being a mental midget, why would I be jealous of some kid who has to rely on his family for success? That's not exactly admirable.

you reek of dunning kruger, know your place.

>> No.13022431

Dan's band was already pretty famous and gets record deals on its own. Most recently their newest cover album (under the covers 2) The Grumps/Finn episodes were a lot of fun though for sure

>> No.13022432

Finn is catholic, my friend went to a church with him

>> No.13022438

>great great great great grandfather
lol okay who gives a fuck
One of your ancestors was probably a KANG too if you look it up

>> No.13022442
File: 72 KB, 640x455, 958eb035dbc2f5e25c65f0a12063760a--scottish-castles-castle-scotland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is a crypto-jew

no shit most of them converted, that's been going on for 1000 years. Doesn't change his genealogy which I just uncovered for you plebs. He's superelite, and always was. This is the case with every last hollywood famous "celebrity"

pic related is the castle his family (Rita) lived in. yeah sure, he just got famous off craigslist. Morons.

>> No.13022444

>Finn is likely descended from John Wolfgang Wolfhard,
woah that's some reliable source you got there

>> No.13022449
File: 9 KB, 200x275, 200px-Rita-jolivet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, great, great, granfather. I've met my great-grandparents... one more generation removed ain't that far off. Where'd the money go? Into thin air? I just proved he's from a famous acting family, hello, look at this face. That's probably not even his g-great aunt and is actually his g-grandmother, but scrubbed.

>> No.13022452

Are you a moron, buddy? I'm not looking at that line. Why are you so adamant to prove me wrong? This isn't exactly finding out he's the son of Hitler. What did you expect?

>> No.13022453
File: 487 KB, 608x653, 1514486150271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this trash? This is fucking /fa/ who gives a fuck about this shit, get out of here

>> No.13022458

He's literally the most famous person in his family, his brother is a literally who anime voice actor and his dad is a failed script writer and lawyer, how did he rely on his family exactly?

>> No.13022465

>don't expose rich jewish phonies
never post varg with that attitude again

his great grandfather was president of Mexican Petroleum Solid Fuel Company and a wealthy oil baron. His g-great aunt was a famous silent film star with a wikipedia page. Many of his other relatives were wealthy international land owners. Sorry, someone told me I was wrong for saying he's only famous for being a rich kid, so I proved that anon wrong. Crime of the century!

>> No.13022491
File: 168 KB, 672x1008, 6C98483D-99F3-4AB0-9178-49762E2FF0C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone is jealous of Finn’s kino cheekbones

>> No.13022500

when did low cheekbones become good genetics?

>> No.13022517

where to cop jacket?

>> No.13022524

Yeah, they do look good, don't they.

>> No.13022533

he's a fucking child, that's disgusting

>> No.13022552

to have good cheekbones?

>> No.13022556
File: 106 KB, 750x1124, C0mi8ax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are good cheekbones. Learn about modeling aesthetics, this little rich jewish boy looks like he has cushings syndrome

>> No.13022557

I meant the cheekbones

>> No.13022558

>degrading your penis by letting it touch an inferior woman

only the greeks and the gays ever got it right. if you interact with women, you dont get into heaven.

>> No.13022561

That's just normal cheekbones with low body fat, there's nothing special about his face, the kid posted in OP has a more typical model face than him

>> No.13022570

O'Pry isn't a kike

>> No.13022571
File: 71 KB, 736x1006, cd11574a64434af9d5b5832d9e0d6855--francisco-lachowski-fashion-male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now I know you're trolling. what country do you live in where those cheekbones are normal?

>> No.13022572

>lurked lookism once
>thinks he knows anything about aesthetics
fuck off kid, that boy has incredible harmony

>> No.13022577

I'm talking about Finn, the rich jewish kid. Obviously O'pry is stunningly handsome

>> No.13022578

he's handsome, but there's nothing special about his cheeks, his face is as flat as any other guys

>> No.13022579

the incel forum? why in god's name would I go there LOL

he's a child, I don't even have an opinion other than that he's a phony superelite

>> No.13022582

Finn isn't a kike

>> No.13022588
File: 808 KB, 1280x720, 6246262364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13022589

what cheekbones? Finn has great cheekbones, that guy doesn't have any

>> No.13022594

Yeah he is? Look at his genealogy, I went through it above.


>> No.13022663
File: 11 KB, 225x225, The+monopoly+one+made+me+kek+hard+_aa4186e4d7cda087c38c34a83aaee93a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grown man got so insecure about a literal child that he had to loko up his entire genealogy to justify his own failure compare to him

this has to be the most hilarious I've seen all day, on a fashion image board no less

>> No.13022690
File: 141 KB, 450x600, 34674017_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually interested in Hollywood genealogies, most of them are fascinatingly complex and tie into major events, just like I have shown with this kid.

As for my being a failure, I'm not trying to be an actor or something gay and retarded, so nice redirection. I'm really proud of myself and what I have to show, I just also think rich jewish kids are propped up across the spectrum, and it never hurts to expose them. Man, if I was a failure, I think you'd see me going on a completely different tangent than a coherent analysis of his background which apparently, has never been done.

Why are you so concerned about this anyway?

>> No.13022707


>> No.13022711
File: 1.38 MB, 2500x1875, Bryan-Singer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

become a pedophile, clearly.

normal people don't find 14 year old boys cute LOL

>> No.13022718

I think the question is why would you come to "/fa/ - Fashion" and start going on about the ancestors of a person and keep repeating he's rich and jewish when he's neither of that?
It's pretty obvious you're finding excuses for your own short coming when compared to him

>> No.13022720

I proved he is, the fact that you don't accept my proof just is a reflection on your pigeon brain. I can use this board however I please. Seeing as I hit a sour note, I'll compound this info into a copypasta to post everytime I see his face. If I didn't already trigger you, that sure will.

but yeah sure I'm a failure basement video game player, whatevs

>> No.13022723
File: 200 KB, 1258x638, 23434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13022727


nigga I'm fucking >>13022082 and kaworuposter. I think you've got things backwards, but thanks for the giggle.

>> No.13022744

how is this faggot not with some high end super model?

>> No.13022763
File: 33 KB, 219x235, 1514480939179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I proved he is,
That's where you were wrong, your entire rant was only based on a line from a random website who wasn't even sure on it's own word.
But that doesn't matter, what i found hilarious is that you got so worked up on a literal child's ancestors when it's completely off topic and irrelevant with what's being discussed in this thread and on this board.

>> No.13022778
File: 214 KB, 600x600, 1383637967011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh? You're not exactly talking about something you have any knowledge of if you think the information wasn't corroborated elsewhere. If you're that face-blind autistic to not see the resemblance >>13022449 then I'm at a loss. You reek of damage control, what is this, the FIDF?

I proved he is from a very wealthy family. You keep denying this for some reason. It smells awful!

>> No.13022796
File: 69 KB, 731x706, 5345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek'd, saved for future use

>> No.13022807

>posts r9k frog
>thinks his idea of what is and isn't funny isn't asinine


>> No.13022858

holy shit, legit can't stop laughing
thank you anon
also saved

>> No.13022889
File: 29 KB, 500x587, 3P2tRcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13022986 [DELETED] 

Do /gfd/ girls like skinny, smooth boys with almost feminine proportions?

>> No.13023002
File: 311 KB, 1024x793, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lol

>> No.13023006
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 1514080509870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet your the virgin poster

>> No.13023056
File: 418 KB, 1239x1460, 3424636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that's what you want to call the final boss of /fa/

my virginity is somewhere in heaven with tupac and biggie, though. maybe you can get it back for me, that'd be novel

beware rich boys, for I will expose your family if you get on my wrong side

>> No.13023066

also patagonia to trigger the trendies

>> No.13023094

>this is what the average /fa/ posters look like

>> No.13023103


>> No.13023127
File: 24 KB, 350x526, 81a9ed3f9c8397e25ce2321eb174cce5--the-kooks-male-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's like a better looking version of luke pritchard from the kooks

love the hair.

>> No.13023171
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 4373D146-21DB-48AF-ADD5-5FC35A25FE87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13023186
File: 19 KB, 260x259, 6645236_f260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what country do you folks live in where Chad wants to fuck a 14 year old boy? Israel? Pakistan?

>> No.13023188
File: 130 KB, 634x815, 593F53FD-82E9-4F56-92CC-5BE6313FB35E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13023200

if you're just samefagging, that's pretty special-education tier

>> No.13023203

and with filenames like those, it seems kinda obvious

>> No.13023271

Nah, I posted the laughing moustache guy and the other anon posted the laughing Mel pic

>> No.13023301

nice screenshot proving you're not lying

seems like a weird file naming type if you ask me.

>> No.13023309

He was great in the IT movie as Richie Tozier

>> No.13023330

He was talking about the laughing pics not the finn pics moron
The finn pics obviously were posted by the same person

>> No.13023931

Cara Delevingne is a famous model/actor and she would look bang-average on a college campus if you took away her makeup. You do realise the vast majority of very attractive people aren't famous models/actors, right?

>> No.13023941

Something as subjective as facial aesthetics will never be boiled down to an exact science. How different facial features compliment each other is far more important than any individual feature.

>> No.13023944

Is your bf% like <5%? Because you've got that sunken eye look that people with anorexia get

>> No.13024040

Easy, buy a Gucci t-shirt.

>> No.13024103

Cara Delevingne comes from a superelite family just like Wolfhard. She was in the Conde Nast from birth.

>> No.13024106

yep. working on it .__.

thanks for answering my qualms, if that's what everyone mocks me for then I really need to start eating peanut butter by the handfull lol

>> No.13024209


>> No.13024571
File: 878 KB, 1080x1348, FCB7EB0B-C3B4-4290-9EA8-7375212BA59B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell happened in this thread?
Came back and it’s filled with soyposting and autistic race baits
Here’s a kino finn to put it back on track

>> No.13024577

I don't know why people cream themselves over Chico so much. He looks so fucking garden variety.

>But then again I'm from Brazil, maybe his face is just common here

>> No.13024735

wtf I love Brazil now

In my country he's considered one of the most handsome men alive.

>> No.13024832

>normal people don't find 14 year old boys cute
yes they do? lol

>> No.13024866
File: 582 KB, 1280x720, St_Vincent_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13024867

The dude was talking about dating a cute 14 year old boy. That's what he was referring to as being sick, clearly.

>> No.13024880

Most people who post in /fa/ are underage anyway

>> No.13024996
File: 3.09 MB, 1242x2208, EF5A6F5D-55AD-49D0-835E-A7F791B58169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to cop sweater?

>> No.13025042

can't you see the tags next to the shirt,sweater and trousers?

>> No.13025054

it's not sick

>> No.13025065
File: 64 KB, 640x714, 1381109089181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the kid called out people for being sick enough to say shit like that

>> No.13025511


>> No.13025587

And I tought that only Tumblr girls get wet to underage boys.

>> No.13025651

/tv/ seems to really likes Finn

>> No.13026326

W2C this sweater

>> No.13026341

>Thread turns into pedophilia
Who would have thought /fa/ was more degenerated than /b/

>> No.13026379

>Who would have thought /fa/ was more degenerated than /b/
everyone who has saved more than one picture of that 14 yo jew is degenerated

>> No.13026450

>thread started with Finn Wolfhard
>thread is still about Finn Wolfhard
You wot?

>> No.13026461

This thread is kino, keep it going

>> No.13026468

I’ll degenerate your mom

>> No.13026486

Are you into 40 yo women?

>> No.13026497

comme des garcons

>> No.13026566

Sure, not preferable to fucking younger girls tho

>> No.13027089

He's gonna be a very handsome man when he's done with puberty and finds himself a chin

>> No.13027509

Well do what you want, I don't really care as much

>> No.13028423
File: 743 KB, 1080x1352, AB9594BB-DC9C-4AEE-A569-5EBC3B14C557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]