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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 119 KB, 500x667, 4814a2fa800967f1d56a6bde6963b112--girl-watches-girls-heels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13010012 No.13010012 [Reply] [Original]

Woman nowadays literally forget how to dress. They look all the same. This is how the "free, modern" western world supposed to be?

>> No.13010069

Those are girls.

Meet better women.

>> No.13010079

>normies dress like normies

its always been like this. guys do it too, people who dress well are an extreme minority

>> No.13010420
File: 221 KB, 720x960, British slags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are obvious British slags, they usually hang in packs in British cities at night.
If you want to avoid them just hang out somewhere else.

>> No.13010428

fourth from right...it cant be possible to walk in those thing, hayzeus

>> No.13010436

go to bed incel

>> No.13010444

that's some pretty down's syndrome level photoshop skills there

I think I could do a better job when I was 12 on windows vista with limewire photoshop

>> No.13010489

Would destroy one in middle with the white crop top desu

>> No.13010503

Anyone who says things like "nowadays" or "these days" is bound to have the dumbest opinion.

>> No.13010518

Male Fashion Advice may be full of everyday dadcore menswear dweebs, but have any of you checked out FEMALE fashion advice? Fits are worse than you see most girls wearing on the street, I couldn't make worse fits if I tried.

>> No.13010524

it looks like they are going for a "night out " or to the club. I never see girls dress like this outside that. Relax.
Regardless, notime guys are just as bad if not worse.

cue the kakis and button up shirts. Or wrose athletic wear as casual.

>> No.13010529

holy shit I should have never looked that up

>> No.13010534

Well then it's too bad you're not making your own fashion blog now isn't it? You're so much better than every single blogger out there these days so might as well am I right?

>> No.13010537


>> No.13010544
File: 746 KB, 3024x4032, RhYvrgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13010612

Those are just normie girls, go look for more alternative girls.

>> No.13010627
File: 50 KB, 655x745, 1394817637867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13010634

Turns out friend groups are likely to dress, act, etc. similar.

>> No.13010648 [DELETED] 

From left to right roll:
Roll a zero you neither
Roll dubs you get the choice
Roll trips you get them all

>> No.13010727

Women never knew how to dress in the first place. It was men that dressed them.

>> No.13010757
File: 303 KB, 1456x1949, TZ39Eedr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate that goddamn website. I might actually use it if they hosted their own images and had thumbnails. The whole blindly following links to underwhelming images is really tedious.

I gotta admit, they're at least really positive and nice to each other.

>> No.13010838
File: 86 KB, 807x960, EveryTime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is...

...I can enjoy this tier of gear on le Reddit, you say?

>> No.13010851

>might actually use it if they hosted their own images and had thumbnails. The
I think they can now because their image hosting bastard child went full retard after someone got fired. But it still sucks because the search utility is useless and soon to be owned my microsoft.

>> No.13010869

Apparently. I didn't get very far into the threads before the format of the site annoyed me. I'll be posting that gem in future cringe threads though.

>> No.13011115

Fuck you mohamed pig fucker, Christian girls can dress however they like.

>> No.13011130

>cuck detected

Please, don't skip your daily soy-routine.

>> No.13011166

>being attracted to females

>> No.13011169

More than 90% of people dress like shit, regardless of gender. Either deal with it and find better friends, or move to a more /fa/ city.

>> No.13011305

What's disturbing is that every last one of them is flat.

>> No.13011330

More like 95% of females and 70% of men.
Without the skirt fringe and meme shoes, this would be okay.

>> No.13011372

From mz experience, it is the other way around.

>> No.13011566

You sound insecure.

>> No.13011584

I think they look good, simple and u can tell their not fashionistas so who cares

>> No.13011706
File: 76 KB, 800x530, c1436f71-05ed-43e4-afa4-ee368c911005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of it has to do with treatment by other women in close circles. If you don't conform you get treated poorly, regardless of how nice you look. It's much easier to blend in than be attacked. Happens within groups of men too. Really, any group will pull this when something different comes along. They look young and like thots, take that as you will regarding the likelihood of them growing out of this group mentality

>> No.13011718

Reddit enhancement suite extension for chrome let's you click on and open thumbnails like on 4chan

>> No.13011721

i don't get how can straight men find a lady in overly tight clothes and buffoon shoes sexually attractive they look like chickens in my eyes

>> No.13011722

the effects of women being given much more push and allowed competition in life from childhood, giving them more testosterone. Of course you see the opposite effects in men, who are suppressed and shamed from the beginning

>> No.13011730

lol if i'm in a group of men and find they're pulling this 6 year old on the playground shit (and many of them do well into their 20s), i just beat the ever living fuck out of them. You have to stand for what's right, especially what you believe in, even if it leaves you alone.

>> No.13011760

that word had lost its meaning from is overuse and misuse.
Why do you feel that all girls should bend to your whims and fancies?

>> No.13011761

you sure you're not biased?
the attitude and misogyny ITT says otherwise.

>> No.13011833

The truth is that less women are fashionable than men, but even very uneffay women usually don't look as bad as very uneffay men.

>> No.13011842

>hurr I’ll beat you up! Don’t laugh at muh shoes!
You sound like a little beta faggot. Acting like standing up for yourself because a group of people picks on your clothes is righteous and noble. If you had any sense of what it means to be a man you’d know that dealing with a situation like that isn’t worth the time or energy you’re suggesting and even getting yourself into that position was probably the end result of poor decisions

>> No.13011854

>part of the breed that has somehow rationalized that not getting into conflict is what a "man" does because they're really scared of conflict and never been in a fight in their lives except maybe one time in sixth grade

>> No.13011857

most girls find good fits, even though it's just jeggings i suppose

>> No.13011887

My literal job is getting into fights. You know nothing. Somehow you’ve convinced yourself that fighting in today’s world is an efficient means of handling confrontation. So go ahead and flex your muscles, big boy, I’ll be laughing when you end up in jail over something stupid like you describe. I bet you’re one of those faggot LARPers that thinks because he’s 8% Scandinavian they have Viking blood and the world should live as they did. I guarantee I would fuck you up, the difference is I have nothing to prove, apparently you do.

>> No.13011892

>guys do it too
If anything, guys are far worse.

>> No.13011903

nice fit grandma

>> No.13011925
File: 89 KB, 1080x1080, W2cqh7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet jesus

>> No.13011953

Yeah because there is not a single legitimate criticism of todays society, right?

>> No.13011955

how about i want to teach a lesson to these fucks, not "prove" anything. Because I actually care about where the world is going and dont go through life not dealing with anything that doesn't immediately effect me

>> No.13012043

Reddit and Tumblr are on the other site m8, 4chan isn't your safe zone.

>> No.13012090

>my fists will change the world grrrr
And what lesson is that? That you have thin skin and it’s easy for anybody to set you off in a rage by poking fun at your meme shoes? Whoa, you really are someone to admire. You sound like a teenager angry at the world. Or a manlet angry at god. How about you learn to respect yourself enough to not be concerned with the actions of people beneath you. If you want to grow big and strong and be good at fighting, so be it. I can respect that. But it’s how you use it. If you know you can beat somebody, than what’s the point of beating them? You’ve already won. Raging over comments and snickers just makes everything you’ve built seem like compensation for a weak mind/spirit.

>> No.13012234

Probably 15 you nonces

>> No.13012270

This thread reeks of insecurity and incels

>> No.13012350

don't project homeboy
i'm head to toe in ccp, ann dem and fuck more than you

how to you dress is a reflection of yourself so if you look like shit, culturally polarized wearing fast fashion rags you are defaulted to shit

>> No.13012356
File: 2.53 MB, 2710x2710, 12864735327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this is so bad flyover white people are so ordinary ahahaha

>> No.13012361
File: 136 KB, 500x500, 6555259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong board.

>> No.13012367

pretty much agree and wouldn't date this type of girl
muh dick

>> No.13012376


That filthy fucking carpet

>> No.13012381

ffa is genuinely the second worst fashion board I have ever seen, right after r/streetwear.

>they're at least really positive and nice to each other.

Which is exactly why they do not progress.

Menswear is extremely easy to understand and when men are somewhat into fashion they tend to buy middle-end clothes. Female fashion is tricky because it is much wider, and when women are somewhat into fashion they tend to buy tremendous amounts of low-end shit. So I agree with him, men overall dress a bit less shitty than women. But that's not because they have better taste, it's because of simpler standards and of better quality pieces.

>> No.13012385

>Without the skirt fringe and meme shoes, this would be okay.
Kek you mean without 2/3 of the outfit ?

>good fits
Pick one, then gtfo you pleb

>> No.13012389

Sure, internet warrior. Don't forget to tip your fedora after you're done.

>> No.13012637

The same skirt sans fringe would be good, and the shoes could stay the same color, just not pointy.

>> No.13012644

“Le sisters!” In their minds, they’re all competitive as fuck. They see their ‘friendship’ as another accessories for their appearance. Also how the fuck are there no nonwhites?

>> No.13012648

Nothing matters. Not their clothes, not this shitty thread, not life

>> No.13012651

>>>13010428 >>13010489 >>13011721 >>13012644
I LOVE those heels

>> No.13012656

Man, after long and tiring days of small penis insecurity, i don’t get boners from looking at these pictures anymore.

>> No.13012798


>> No.13012863
File: 809 KB, 1991x3086, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13013016

We're stuck in a flesh prison anon

>> No.13013070
File: 1.03 MB, 1885x2513, GuoLifg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a good fit. Nice job reddit lesbian. Would mtf and waifu.

>> No.13013074
File: 33 KB, 640x853, 2UKAUk7_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But mostly found mallcore

>> No.13013075
File: 95 KB, 1221x1058, 1 - NZ6gah9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those boots

these people are degenerates

>> No.13013273

Because England is 90% white.

>> No.13013576

Mohammed is the most common name in England / the UK :DDD

>> No.13013616

well, in big cities the only white people are chavs and eastern euros.
white native bongs that live in suburbs, small towns, etc are completely separated from race reality.

>> No.13013715

Dude felony battery because someone insulted me lmao

>> No.13013728

But traditionalism is inferior to modernism

>> No.13013786

When was this pic taken? Because in my area this kind of thing went out of style in 2008.

>> No.13013916


6, 8, 1, 9, 2, 5, 3, 4, 7.

>> No.13013929


>> No.13014916

>high waist with belt when you're fucking 5'5'' or something

>> No.13014957


holy shit i went through a couple WAYWT threads and they are all terrible. maybe one or two good looks and they were on women that dress like men.
really sad, and they are all much too nice to each other. no honesty unless they are all delusional.

>> No.13014986

It looks like Ireland or Northern England. Or, even worse, Northern Ireland.

>> No.13015000
File: 331 KB, 500x373, 1514075975525.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's because dressing well is expensive as fuck and most people are poorfags

>> No.13015036

To be fair, the few women who post here also dress like shit.

>> No.13015058
File: 504 KB, 2896x2896, PY7giBK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female fashion advice
>Y chromosomes


>> No.13015063
File: 102 KB, 615x737, martin foley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High test men are far less susceptible to cultural conditioning anyway, however they will likely end up lower class by 'acting up' during overly feminine schooling, as school rewards obedience more than anything.

>> No.13015090
File: 19 KB, 500x322, 1512119608879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow gross dude spoiler tag ur gore s m h

cant wait for trump to implement mandatory gas chamber day

>> No.13015338

>implying that men don't all look the same as well because basic clothes are just like that

>> No.13015349

>calls that flat
I wonder how it feels to find only cow tits not flat

>> No.13015356

I saw this and didn't post it cuz I felt bad. Thanks for doing my dirty work.

So the fact that I was always in trouble at school means I'm high test? Dope!

But I'll be stuck in a factory job or prison? Worth it desu.

>> No.13015357
File: 124 KB, 1029x1738, received_290028841483912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jamal thinks he's got a right to criticise UK

>> No.13015362

>uk inbreeding levels are at dangerous levels

>> No.13015449

didn't say I needed one. On the contrary, I was just point out facts, one that you seem to agree with regardless. Hence, anons statement is very biased.>>13011833
Nah, the fashion industry and most of the money it makes off of fashionistas (females) would disagree with you.

>> No.13015464

>waaahhh why aren't women my virginal barefoot waifu in the kitchen

fucking hell contain your alt right autism and go back to you containment board

>> No.13015470

naw, these girls are all proabably underaged since many anons on 4chan are pedos, oh I'm sorry I mean hebaphiles. That and you basement dwelling porn addicts are probably too jaded by Dcupss on porn stars to realize that the average cup size for women is B. Oh and most women cheat with victory secret's push up bras. Notice half of them aren't wearing bras.

>> No.13015489

>the average cup size for women is B
It's D, faggot.
Going barefoot is degenerate and uncivilized.

>> No.13015495

Average cup size really depends on nationality and age, aka obesity level.

>> No.13015503

>woman nowadays
women have never known how to dress outside of the upper echelon of society, and even then there's little to no uniqueness`

>> No.13015513

lol. No, its not.
YES , it depends on race and environment>>13015495 but obesity related tits are very distinct from regular breast development on most people.
Fine it may art from A-C depending on if we're talking about Asians or not. But more towards B.

>> No.13015520

Who are you quoting?

>> No.13015527

Same with men. That or they are just plain sloppy.
Anyway, why is everyone pending that a picture of one group of friends defines all women again?throughout the entire world no less. This thread is stupid and reeks of /r9k/

>> No.13015532

This. What modern men call "thots" are just the old peasant classes of yesterday. Most women have always been regular baby-making machines with no taste, intellect or individuality.

Upper class women have been not only selected for traits like physical attractiveness and in rare cases sociability and intelligence, but have also had the time and money to invest into elegance, style and fashion.

How many style icons do you know who weren't upper class women? The number is close to zero.

>> No.13015544

Peasant women were hard working, traditional and conservative no matter how much propaganda you spout.

>> No.13015628

You wish. Millions upon millions of women during the middle ages were cast out of society for fucking out of wedlock or marriage, or cheating on their husbands.

Human nature doesn't change in a few hundred, or even a few thousand years. Women of today are no different than women in the 1500s.

And just like today, back then the only stylish women were upper class women.

>> No.13015641

That's the Pakistanis.

>> No.13015643

No it's not.

t.lived around London for eight years.
Now live in Shropshire.

>> No.13015651

Well you got me there. I was just trolling anyway.

>> No.13015683

this idoit thinks that the control of human sexuality by societies and more so women's, had anything to do with human nature.
Hahahaha! You don't even need to read feminist theory to underatand that it's not.
In a society that is patrilineal with no birth control, making sure women are celibate is the only way to ensure the children are the husband's and that women don't cheat and is very important to said people. Funny how historically it still sometimes failed. Perhaps even more than we know considering there were no DNA tests back then.
Funny enough, either of those condition currently exist.

>> No.13015685



btw, I wasn't talking about you being stupid, but the anon to whom you were replying.

>> No.13015805
File: 29 KB, 322x355, 1439075526878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, here I was thinking /fa/ was bad

>> No.13015813

>Funny how historically it still sometimes failed.

Think about it like you are hanging a piece of steak above a cage with a thousand hungry wolves in it.
They shouldn't be able to get a piece of it, but because they are so strongly driven by their biology, they will probably find a way.

Women are biologically driven to hypergamy and getting the best genes whenever possible.
Even the most religious mormon or muslim could slip when a perfect opportunity arises, and they will discard decades of religious brainwashing, fear of punishment or reprisals from relatives, simply because it feels right to them in that moment.

History is also full of men who are supposedly holy, chaste and voluntarily celibate, yet when the perfect opportunity shows itself, their basic instincts take over, they ruin their lives, their careers, their family name. It's not something you consciously control until the end of your life. 99,9999% of people, regardless of being men or women, will slip if given a perfect opportunity.

Humans are not naturally monogamous, you need extreme societal pressure and control to even attempt it. Yet you still have tens thousands of women getting stoned or lashed in radical muslim countries for adultery every year who are supposed to be loyal to their husbands.

People are the same everywhere on the planet. We are not a monogamous species at the core biologically. We are always looking for the best way to further our gene pool.

>> No.13015816

I'm not even from UK, burger. Every city in my country is 99% white. Instead to God, ameritards are the most annoying

>> No.13015832

I heard inbreeding can lead to getting overly upset at obvious shitposts. You just proved that hypothesis. Say hi to your sister aka wife aka cousin for me!

>> No.13015837

So where are you from then? I'm assuming a polish, finnish or icelandic little inbred village.

>> No.13015847

What are you basing that on? Just looking at women and guessing or something? Because if some stupidly high percentage of women are wearing the wrong bra size I doubt some guy on 4chan can give an accurate estimate.

Cup sizes only make sense with a band size because they're a measurement of the difference between full breast circumference and underbust circumference. That guy was right, D cups are more common than B in correctly fitting bras.

A lot of women wear B or A when they shouldn't though so if you're basing it on self reported stats you're using a lot of misinformation. Though if you just physically meant the most common size of bra women wear (including incorrectly fitting), then year B and C are very common, just not accurate.

>> No.13015851

>How many style icons do you know who weren't upper class women?

Please think about what you just said for a minute.
Before the 20th century when did enough women in the lower rungs of society have enough disposable income to even have a chance at becoming a style icon you'd have heard of.

And even in the ridiculous odds some did exist that are well known enough once women had a shot at things like acting - Nell Gwyn for example.

Of course there's not going to be many considering how much more effort, time and money was required to be a historical style icon and how prohibitive that was to anyone outside the upper classes from most of history.
It's a false point to make.

>> No.13015901

Most lower class women ("thots") are also uglier than higher class women.

Attractive women got snatched up into higher echelons of society quickly.

>> No.13015904

>Women nowadays
Stopped reading here. Any comment that begins with "____ nowadays" is either posted by a geriatric or a twelve year old Paul Joseph Watson fan. Believe it or not, just because you only interact with 2-3 people a week doesn't mean they represent all of society. Get out of here with that lewrongeneration bullshit

>> No.13015930

>he thinks women age mentally past their teenage years

>> No.13015937
File: 30 KB, 599x324, FB_IMG_1510051524458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, Mr. 56%

Pic related

>> No.13015940

Women do, unfortunately men don't

>> No.13015942

Keep those (You)'s coming. It only makes me stronger.

>> No.13015944

Again, meet better women.

>> No.13015946

If your idea of being a woman is wearing classier clothes you're not a woman, you're a consumer.
Get married, have babies and wear sweats. That is your calling.

>> No.13015953

There are different grades of women but that doesn't mean they matured after their teenage years. Their teenage years were just better than others.
Women only experience notable change when they have babies and when they go through menopause.
You could call that a kind of maturing but I don't think that's what we mean by maturing, right?

>> No.13015968

Here's some of my precious attention

>> No.13015972
File: 140 KB, 547x1080, IMG_20171114_162202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a woman is being soft and fierce. Being a woman is being feminine and delicate like a flower. Being a woman is talking like you sing and being modest. Being a woman is having a child. Being a woman is being a house wife for your husband, and 24/7 mum for your child(ren). Noone of these is about clothes, but they pay a certain role in feminity, especially dresses or skirts, trousers with jumpers, it's about not having the boyish look

>> No.13015994

Shut up faggot

>> No.13016008

Fucking pleb

>> No.13016010


Sorry that I like my women traditional instead of sluts that we have nowadays

>> No.13016022
File: 150 KB, 736x1266, tumblr_ooawn2LAxT1so1oyro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FACT: all women should look the same

and they should all look like Heather Locklear.

>> No.13016060
File: 201 KB, 953x512, clothes-patterns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Totally agree, desu.

>> No.13016062

I would rather die than look like that

>> No.13016065

That's very convenient, because if you don't look like that, you absolutely deserve to die.

>> No.13016070

Sorry but I would rather live and be pretty :)

>> No.13016166

But she's pretty. You're likely not.

>> No.13016200

>I like my women
I can smell the virginity from here

>> No.13016203

>she is pretty
Ah, I wish I had such a low standards so I wouldn't be so picky in finding a partner

Yeah, I'm a virgin :) I'm saving myself up for a person I will find good enough for me, because I'm not tossing it out with a random

>> No.13016205

>Implying you're good enough to pull off that look.

Only real babes can do it.

>> No.13016207

I prefer to pull off the beautiful, feminine look. Not some 80s whore one

>> No.13016212

um why are you projecting homeboy

i'm blue eyed, blonde and my cheekbones are sculptered sharp enough to cut your bitch ass face, why don't you step back before you hurt yourself lil bitch

>> No.13016216
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 1511672329801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like my women traditional

imagine being this fucking pathetic

who let r/incel and r/mgtow into this board L O L

>> No.13016223

I don't go on Reddit or any nsfw board in general. Also sorry if feminity hurts you so much that you choose to have ugly sluts of both genders walking around

>> No.13016235

ok poindexter well its getting late dont u have a virgins anonymous meeting to attend to

surely u dont want to be late homie

off u go godspeed etc

>> No.13016248

But that's the pinnacle of feminine beauty.

>> No.13016251

Nah, I don't have one :) but it's quite a surprise that you know when it is, are you not telling us about something?

Oh god, fucking kek

>> No.13016252

They do
They become more and more retarded and mentally ill as years pass

>> No.13016309

>fucking kek
thank you for clarifying that you are indeed an extremely undesirable female who deserves to be kicked in the teeth until you apologize for not having killed yourself already.

>> No.13016315

Are you that one freaky guy who keeps posting 80s shit every time there's a thread even vaguely related to women or are there more than one of you fluffy hair fetish guys?

>> No.13016318

Nah, I'm really desirable. I don't need to prove it to losers like you though. I have self worth and your words mean as much to me as killed mosquito

>> No.13016358

It's floof and yes there are many of us.

>> No.13016363

Holy fuuuuuuuug
Get this man a garbage bag, and maybe some carbon monoxide to put in it and huff

>> No.13016374

>I wonder how it feels to find only cow tits not flat
It feels great actually, unimaginable salt out of titless wonders and then when you see a good rack, HNNNNGH

>abloo bloo
Case in point. Look how pissy flatty-chan is, feeling targeted, and why? Because she knows I'm right, otherwise she wouldn't be so insecure about it. "It's normal to be flat and fake it" like that changes a damn thing, like someone would magically become busty by being average.

>> No.13016379

Whatever, I will always find pretty, feminine, perky tits better than hanging low fat sacks

>> No.13016391
File: 438 KB, 600x900, weird science kelly lebrock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should watch Weird Science if you haven't already.

>> No.13016396

>Being a woman is being soft and fierce
This needs to go away. What the fuck is it even supposed to mean? Yeah, you're like a shark or wolf or some shit, oh boy, I'm pissing myself with fear.

Most women practically go into shock from being slapped, that's not fierce. Understandable, but not fierce.

>> No.13016464

No, I'm not saying fierce in this way. I'm talking about "showing a heartfelt and powerful intensity". I mean, that woman should be intense, she should fill the room with her personality, she shouldn't just act like a shy small things, she should also show what she is worth, her personality, and not be scared of her good points

>> No.13016536

how did they get 50s dresses to stick out so much and be fluffy?

>> No.13016546
File: 512 KB, 1280x1174, 1950s-Fashions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good question, atleast woman did not looked like degenerate thots or try hard kim kardashians.

>> No.13016553

but how are they sticking out? are they wearing padding or those fluffy under-skirts girls used to wear?

>> No.13016582

jep, but on the other hand there`s less choices for men.

>> No.13016598

probably hoops of wire. they did this bevore in the 1830s but mutch more extreme. the idea was to make them look like they have a giant ass

>> No.13016771

Actually awful holy shit

>> No.13018007

they're wearing petticoats and i guess you're thinking of hoopskirts. both of them accentuate the waist, not the ass. the 1800s thing you're thinking of is a bustle. the original idea was to prevent skirts from dragging on the ground and ruining the fabric in the back

>> No.13018036

Google 'petticoat'

>> No.13018220

i see you can't handle strong empowered womyn anon