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File: 79 KB, 640x932, 1504741018620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13010593 No.13010593 [Reply] [Original]

Residual genetics is left over from a woman's sexual partners. If you wife a thot your children will carry another man's DNA.

>> No.13010596
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>> No.13010598
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>> No.13010601
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>> No.13010602
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>> No.13010605

What are good materials to make dresses?

>> No.13010606
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>> No.13010610
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That's a very broad question, depends on the warmth and style

>> No.13010614
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>> No.13010616

>button that lo

dont think so bud

>> No.13010617
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>> No.13010619

Something that would be good for shirtwaist or A-line dresses, for the spring and summer.

>> No.13010621

It's for breastfeeding your Chad heirs

>> No.13010622

Good luck knowing whether a girl is a Thot or not.
Pro tip: they lie, especially if they know it's a big deal to you

>> No.13010636
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thots.... BEGONE!

>> No.13010638
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We can only hope their fathers were wise, or to warn them, and failing that, be the chad that molds them into a good woman

>> No.13010639
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>> No.13010643
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>> No.13010644
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>> No.13010649

they might all dress modestly but they'd still suck a bbc if they had the opportunity

>> No.13010656


>> No.13010659

>sleeveless, above the knee

>> No.13010661

what am i obsessed by? all the "modest" white girls love it when i talk to them and complain about how effeminate white boys are.

>> No.13010665

Bad fit, she just looks homeless.

>> No.13010668

is she wearing makeup? i think she might be

>> No.13010726

I want her. w2c

>> No.13010749
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>what am i obsessed by? all the "modest" white girls love it when i talk to them and complain about how effeminate white boys are

>> No.13010758

Still, that would be replacing her genes in the equation. You're still getting your 50% in either way.

>> No.13010804

r/ing modest hairstyles (for my little sister)

>> No.13010825

If she breathe she a thot

>> No.13010835

all women are queens, anon

>> No.13010854
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>> No.13011151


>> No.13011162

>posts man

>> No.13011354

How can you tell?

>> No.13011375
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Good thread, but :


destroyed it... those numales again.

>> No.13011380
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90% in this threads are still thots, shitty taste from soyboys.

>> No.13011560

My boy

>> No.13011562
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Insult m'waifu, will you?
*unsheats katama*

>> No.13011577

Seems like that would be a very good way to keep the gene pool diverse.

>> No.13011601
File: 52 KB, 960x720, 1511871205059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just cut out the middle man and adopt some single mother coalburner's mongrel kid? That would keep the gene pool pretty "diverse"

>> No.13011621

>Glasses with eyeliner that thick
Sends conflicting messages.
Looks a bit young but nice style.
>That fucking retarded haircut.
Nice, the coat wouldn’t suit anyone besides people like her.
Nice but button feels a bit too low.
Good until you look at those fucking shoes.
Looks like a shitty tumblr girl’s winter wallpaper.
Nice casual.
Boring but fine I guess.
It’d be nice if she stood up straight and we could actually see this properly.

>> No.13011624

What's wrong with the shoes?

>> No.13011627

Thot clubbing shoes.

>> No.13011648
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I refuse the thot/modest dichotomy.

modestshits are just pretentious weirdos trying to cater to the low standards of undersexed alt-males by selling them on a weak idea of purity and femininity that's just as unattractive and superficial as a thot's Kardashian makeup.

>> No.13011703

>low standards
Tradcon standards for women are some of the highest possible. Of course, a low effort roastie like you shouldn't even try to meet them, because you're obviously going to fail.

>> No.13011823


>> No.13011859

where the modest melanin enriched sisters at?

>> No.13011931

Churches, and trust me, it's not worth it unless you believe in that stuff.

>> No.13011960

You just know these girls take constipated little rabbit poops

>> No.13011969

Oh my God this board is the best.

>> No.13012139

Knock it off, only men aged 14-18 browse this board

>> No.13012334

That article doesn't have anything to do with the conclusion you made up.

>> No.13013154

For cold months, I like cotton twill and wool blends. Regular cotton is nice because it can be worn year round, depending on how you layer it. For summer I like thinner cottons and linen. Cotton lawn is also very nice for hot weather, but it can be quite sheer. If you are making dresses, especially unlined ones, I would recommend buying a good slip and petticoat. Especially when you first start out, or you're using inexpensive fabric, it can be hard to replicate the thickness or volume of commercial dresses.

>> No.13013192

i've pumped my thot full of enough cum it should have balanced out the trash niggas residue before me tho

>> No.13013196

hello step dad

>> No.13013622

Thank you.

>> No.13013677

why are you only posting white women? Had enough of being brainwashed into thinking white people are fucking perfect.

>> No.13013693
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I think it's actually the opposite.

Western media imperialism has lead people to believe white people are beautiful, but simultaneously we can't escape it. It's what sells, even PoC are more likely to reply to a white person on OkCupid.

Studios don't want to invest in more diverse casting because it's a risk to films, which are a commercial product. This perpetuates the cycle, but it's unfair to hate white people for this. America used to be a predominantly white country -- attitudes are shifting, it's important not to be /pol/ or neoliberal and just to realize things take time because money is involved. ~

>> No.13013696

It's the opposite because due to this effect, there is a LOT of backlash against whites.

Which leads to backlash against PoC, which continues cycles. We need to get together and be united and realize people are all beautiful, but it takes time for culture to change.


>> No.13013742
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>western media is responsible for everyone preferring beautiful blonde hair, blue eyes and robust neanderthalic and elfen features on tall, slender frames
Yeah, cause without the media a Japanese person would want to be shorter, have a wide negro nose, or greasy Jew hair, or Australian Aboriginal features, or a pulled back skeletal Semitic smile, or a double lidded Asian monkey flat face, or a squat 5'2" pigmie body.

You sure do think minorities are stupid if you think it's just brainwashing that made them decide that blue eyes and fair hair on tall, slender people is desirable (pro tip, it's been exotic and desirable across the world for thousands of years, pre Islamic art and Egyptian art idealises people with white skin and blue eyes, some Japanese gods and heroes are 6'5" with pale skin and fair hair, the Yazhedis were considered incredibly beautiful across the Middle East).

Do you think other cultures are just retarded brainwashed victims of >muh western corporations, or do you think they have free will and aesthetic tastes of their own that just so happened to embrace similar models and advertising to Europeans? There's a reason white action heroes do the best in box offices all round the world

>> No.13013745

*single lidded

>> No.13013753

Don't use "white" when you mean "Aryan". Irish are white, Mediterraneans are white, Slavs are white - but they are not Aryan and on average do not possess attractive features.

>> No.13013762

I like a lot of anglo women, which are a mixture of celts and nordics, and most celtics descended from Germania anyway so produce very pretty people, even if a lot of the most high agency, higher IQ and more beautiful people left for America

Slavs can be exceedingly beautiful, they just sometimes have the potato nose and dead eyes and the slav autism

>> No.13013765

Indians are Aryans. Therefore, we are the master race.

>> No.13013767
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>white social norms being shoved down everyone's throats

you just refuted yourself dumbass

>> No.13013771
File: 831 KB, 3600x2400, le_altright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. look like pic related but get treated with privilege because of white bullshit

>> No.13013778

>using the top 1% of the 1% in looks for everyone else
>using a bottom 5% for white
Nope, no ((bias)) at all.

>> No.13013782

You're like a manlet trying to convince himself that his height doesn't work against him. There are good looking manlets just as there a good looking blacks/asians. It just isn't commonly desirable trait. Life isn't fair but mental gymnastics wont make it any better, anon.

>> No.13013795

Slavs are potato retards 95% of the time and all the women are thots. I know about 20 Slavic girls and every single one of them is a skank, and 18 of them are potatoes. The other two are are a girl who would look decent (6/10) if she stopped doing drugs, and a girl who is cute but the most hypocritical self-righteous bitch I have ever met.
Indians are not Aryans. That is propaganda. Aryans are Germanics and Nords with mostly blonde hair and blue eyes.

>> No.13013858

That sperm shit is not true
You don't really believe this alt mra pol shit right?

>> No.13013923

>trying to disprove something that is conceptually proven
That page just says that the cited research paper doesn't specifically mention sexual intercourse.

>> No.13013928
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>Tradcon standards for women are some of the highest possible
wrong, since "being attractive and elegant" isn't among them.
>Of course, a low effort roastie like you shouldn't even try to meet them, because you're obviously going to fail.
grow the fuck up, I'm a guy just like you, idiot, the fake-ass shapeless nerdos who dress in frumpy clothes to get the attention of alt-cucks are no better than thots.
They just appeal to you because your reptilian brain goes "well at least nobody is gonna steal a girl THAT unsexy and unfashionable from me." which is pathetic, you thirsty fuccbaby.

Like do you seriously think there's any effort involved in being a modest conslut who doesn't go to the gym and hides her frail-ass shapeless body under ten layers of grey and brown hand-me-downs from her grandma? At best it's an excuse to not have to put on as much makeup as other chicks, but even then, most consluts also put on a ton of makeup, which alt-cucks like yourself fail to notice because you're too hypnotized by the ugly christmas sweater they try to pass off as folkloric traditional outfits from the mountains of Tyrol.

>> No.13013937

>since "being attractive and elegant" isn't among them.
But it is. Don't try to argue if you can't even do basic research.

>> No.13013971

>they just appeal to you because your reptilian brain goes "well at least nobody is gonna steal a girl THAT unsexy and unfashionable from me
An absurdist interpretation of something that's rather obvious. Yes, tradcon women visually appear less likely to cheat than a club thot.

How does this lower the standard? Have you ever been on a night out? It takes zero effort to pull some bint caked in makeup, they're there to get fucked you mongolian.

>> No.13013987

what lowers the standard is this
>doesn't go to the gym and hides her frail-ass shapeless body under ten layers of grey and brown hand-me-downs from her grandma? At best it's an excuse to not have to put on as much makeup as other chicks, but even then, most consluts also put on a ton of makeup, which alt-cucks like yourself fail to notice because you're too hypnotized by the ugly christmas sweater they try to pass off as folkloric traditional outfits from the mountains of Tyrol.

and also, generally trying to appeal to alt-cucks. I hate hip-hop-listening female wiggers as much as the next guy but this shit is just as ridiculous.

It's like the "quirky gamer gurl" trend of the late 2000s and you're falling for it

>> No.13013989
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>> No.13013993
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>> No.13013996
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>> No.13014053

Extremely plain but it works.

>> No.13014067

is that thing a cardigan?

>> No.13014117

>wearing pants
Those are not modest.

>> No.13014160

>women NEED to go to the gym to look good
Yeah, you don't actually believe that, do you? Maybe you like muscled women, or roided up female body builders, but I don't. Diet and genetics are a lot more important to the average perception of a good looking female figure than going to the gym you pleb.

You're conflating people who like modestly dressed women, to what you perceive to be the "alt-right"; you also don't seem to know what that actually means, it's ALT right for a reason, stop using it to describe people who are traditionally conservative you massive retard. What the fuck do modestly dressed women have to do with ethno-nationalism?

>"quirky gamer gurl" trend of the late 2000s and you're falling for it
I like the look. You don't. That's how opinions work, it's a shame that you're too stupid to understand that. My condolences.

>> No.13014171

What's the most effay female BMI? I say 17.5.

>> No.13014212
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Let me participate...

>> No.13014216
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>> No.13014223
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>> No.13014228
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And I'll stop because the rest are too young for your taste.

>> No.13014234

>the rest are too young for your taste.
I can assure you, they are not.

>> No.13014242
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remind me of

>> No.13014250
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Are you sure of your words?

>> No.13014272
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nearly fell in love when reality hit hard...

>> No.13015140

You people ough to be able to tell me - are hip dips a fat girl meme?

>> No.13015179

>make-up caked instagram ho famous for le beautiful mixed race kids

>> No.13015273

Well? Anyone?

>> No.13015388

Maybe we should ask /fit/?

>> No.13015557

How do I nudge my sister towards dressing modestly? She's 14 and starting to take a slight interest in fashion.

>> No.13015575

I have never, ever, heard or even thought about this and I can guarantee that the overwhelmingly vast majority of men have not noticed anything relating to this. This seems to me to be one of those weird things women come up due to a complete misunderstanding of how men think.

When I look at a woman's hips, legs, and ass the "hip dip" is not and has never been part of the equation and I'm actually pissed that you've introduced me to this.

>> No.13015600

It's not my fault man, this chick I know was bitching about it. She's not super fat but definitely getting there (probably around 5'5" and 115lbs) so I thought it might be weird whale shit.

>> No.13015604

You have very low self esteem don't you?
AND yes, I know you're white and meming

>> No.13015633
File: 102 KB, 580x778, abcd54092b87dee6516967181b8796d8--japanese-culture-japanese-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, yes, their curved eyes were seen as beautiful by them. There is examples of this in Japan with Heian period writings/art and I believe in Korean.
So fuck off. Before the dominance of whites in the media industry(mostly through White Americans with the Hollywood cash cow and their obsession with blonds/ like Marilyn Monroe and specifically Nordic European features), no one gave a shit about European facial features. So sorry to break your white supremacist fantasies but that's the reality of things. Beauty is mostly perception and memes.
This is already changing with more diversitt and should Hollywood be out competed by say China, expect this to change more drastically.

>> No.13015655

luckily yor taste doesn't define most men's or most women would be severely underweight (<18.5) and have infertility issues. Fuck you bone chasers. plus a healthy bmi for woman is also depending on genetics due to variance in their fat distribution. ei. a chick with a BMI of 23 could look very skinky if most of the fat does not go to her arms and abdomen/thorax.
For most girls, BMI of 19-22 is superior.

>> No.13015664

if she's really 115Ib at 5'5 .she is not fat at all, you just like sticks.
Why are men so bad at sizing up womem? cup size included.

>> No.13015714

>All dressing like white europeans with white european hair cuts.


>> No.13015718

Nonsense. China wants European fashion, Japan pretty much is better at European fashion than Europe now. Indian caste systems predate Western influence and put the lighter coloured higher up.

>> No.13015730

Guys just don't understand how weight works.

For example there are some pretty lean male models out there who are only 160lbs, and guys think they are 200+ just because their body fat is low and their muscle separation is visible.

They're even worse when it comes to estimating female weight.. Many guys think girls who are 140+ (fat) are "120".

>> No.13015736

>Slavs are potato retards 95% of the time and all the women are thots.

This applies to every single ethnicity and skin color on the planet.

Japanese women might be an exception, since their society is so fucked up they don't sleep around or marry anymore. They spend their entire life with a cat and a computer.

>> No.13016090

I am afraid that you don't get the real meaning of that pic.

>> No.13016543

>This applies to every single ethnicity and skin color on the planet other than Aryans
Aryans also have ugly retards, but we have only about 10% of our population fall into that classification, while other races range from 90% to 100% ugly retards. Are you mad because you're a subhuman?

>> No.13016626

LMAO if you think Aryans are considered more attractive by women than Anglo saxons.

>> No.13016729

> Aryans

It's the name of some people who invaded India about 2500 BCE, or by wild extension (19th century "science"), a language group.

Language is a cultural trait. Learned behavior. Nothing genetic about it, stupid faggot.

>> No.13016738
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>> No.13016753

Literally anything that is 100% natural/non-synthetic. A lot of what >>13013154 said

Wool for warmth and outerwear, it stays warm even when completely wet and certain kinds repel water.

Silk is sturdy and lightweight and comes in a million different textures and types and is getting cheaper and cheaper these days, especially if you avoid the bridal kinds.

Linen is underrated and the best for staying cool and airy, but has to be starched and pressed cause it wrinkles like a bitch and should be hung to dry. It wicks away and evaporates moisture off your body and keeps you clean.

Cotton is an all-rounder that doesn't excel at anything other than being cheap and overused. Its good in blends with other fibers or for when the material doesn't matter.

>> No.13016766

Did the JW Anderson collab at Uniqlo just not do that well? The ribbon turtlenecks are 75% off so I bought two of them.

>> No.13016856

>being bald with a beard is only for white europeans

>> No.13016862

It's not African. Plus he's wearing English traditional garb.