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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 23 KB, 332x400, rickowens-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13010434 No.13010434 [Reply] [Original]

You have 10 seconds to tell me why you don't lift

>> No.13010438
File: 23 KB, 268x308, 1513747233985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I do, anon!

I can't speak for the soyboys on this board though.

>> No.13010443

why are both of those men so astoundingly ugly?

really makes you realize the /fit/ meme of lookism is based in real world facts

>> No.13010447
File: 19 KB, 640x431, sslogo-2-640x431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I don't need testosterone and muscles to be a man and push around women or contribute to toxic gender roles

>> No.13010451

>dick ovens
Does not compute

>> No.13010454

im a lazy boi

>> No.13010463
File: 125 KB, 600x600, IMG_9578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow there, cool it with the antisemitic jpegs

>> No.13010474

why is his chest so long it looks real weird

>> No.13010480

I vastly prefer the effects and the practice of cardio. Personal choices, I guess - but it's my body and I want it to reflect my aesthetic predilections. IDGAF if thot du jour is a bit more excited than usual when I take my shirt off... and besides, I exercise for myself.

>> No.13010483

>thot du jour

Poet, for someone who claims to get laid a lot, you sure do have a habit of making sure everyone knows you get laid a lot, which throws some suspicions on the whole claim

>> No.13010498

lifting is so ambiguous . you can lift 1 lb 100 times or
10 lbs 10 times

lifting is very broad but I do believe lifting is important for a man anyway, a normal man should lift some regularly, if u don't work your muscles out they will atrophy, why I say lifting 1 lb 100 times is better than nothing

>> No.13010500


>> No.13010516

It's idiomatic, son. I'm no Don Juan - hell, I find sex (even good sex) to be... kind of meh. Really. What I'm really getting at is how I don't see the point of lifting when its primary dividends (for me) would involve impressing others or making up for the absence of personality, skillsets or the other shite that I've got going for me.

Don't get me wrong, I did it for a a solid year, supplements trainer et al, and I looked and felt good.

I also hated every moment of it and found myself wishing I was out dancing or doing 20 miles on my bike instead.

>> No.13010718

I'm a waif grill not an amazon

>> No.13010837

cringe. you look like an aids zombie u old faggot
can u even get a proper hard on?

>> No.13010842

Ask your bitch, little man

>> No.13010870

You are so delusional it's unreal

>> No.13010879


How so? I prefer cardio, I like being thin and I like the way it looks. The only reason for me to lift would be to impress girls. Which is something I don't care about.

Where does delusion come in? Tell me more.

>> No.13010884

I do lift. I like being /thin/ with good muscle definition.

>> No.13010889

If you can't see why that post is top tier cringe you're beyond help

I don't expect self awareness from a woman beater anyway

>> No.13010907

Oh, it's you! Still following me around, huh?

No, I don't see how it's top tier cringe. I could see how you following me around on 4chan is pretty cringe, but I'm being honest up there. I'm just not motivated by sex all that much, simple. I really gave lifting an good shot for some time, it wasn't for me.

>> No.13010913

I'm not who you think I am but ok

>> No.13010924

I'm naturally slim and I think I'm pretty acceptable as long as I'm not fat

>> No.13010942

she said no. said ur limp dick and ur not into chicks anyway
FAG haha

>> No.13010952
File: 1.78 MB, 1090x2845, poetlunaraids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder this is what this fag looked like years ago
imagine what how bald and wrinkled he is now in 2017

>> No.13010953
File: 222 KB, 362x572, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck soyboys where my, /whey/boys at

>> No.13010954
File: 94 KB, 720x664, 17190524_1354508564607818_4935242004998316224_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<slits wrists in shame and defeat>

>> No.13010957


>> No.13010961

wow sure looks like he lifted

>> No.13011018
File: 297 KB, 1000x1000, getaloadofthisguycambrett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to somebody who cheated by using steroids

>> No.13011021

he's old

>> No.13011027

Low sex drive could mean you have low test. But who cares if you dont lift seriously. If you like the way you look and feel why change as long as youre healthy. I work out because I love the short test and confidence boost I get from it + I kind of hate the way my body looks right now. So working out makes a lot of sense for me. I dont do it to impress others but to feel better about myself.

>> No.13011061

i got some 20lb dumbbells in my house that i bicep curl and do squats with.
My left elbow is injured and my fucing doc just told me lol rest it. but its been fucked for 6 months.
so right now my right arm is bigger than my left.

>> No.13011101

lmao shut up fuckhead

>> No.13011149

hi poet
we are dudes, not chicks. and u look like u weigh 110 pounds thanks your drug abuse so u wont be able to beat us up
u ugly gay cunt

>> No.13011155
File: 2.03 MB, 1636x2362, 1510486773856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"An athletic man, or whatever you want to call him, will only look good in a very classic suit, a pair of classic jeans, athletic clothes or simply naked. Forget fashion. This is not going to happen, unless you want to look like a Chippendales dancer in designer clothes." - Hedi Slimane

>> No.13011157

>wasting money on useless shit

>> No.13011159

I just don't like the whole "buff, ripped, shredded, swole" aesthetic
I wear mostly oversized tees and they don't look very good on a big body
also thin arms look really good imo

>> No.13011197

spoken like a true soyboy

also stop trying to throw random French words into your sentences, it looks autistic and cringeworthy as fuck

>> No.13011202

but full sergio tachinni is all i want
fug le high fashion

>> No.13011216

a Sergio Tachinni or a Fila tracksuit would look best on a slim guy

>> No.13011219

>implying im mr olympia

>> No.13011233
File: 255 KB, 1000x1920, goalbody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is kinda my goal body, ill wear loose lemaire kinda trousers and vintage tracksuits.
any ideas when im there

>> No.13011265

>not playing a sport
>not having the confidence of knowing you can do something functional with your body
I lifted back in high school and I was a big stiff idiot, sports make you fucking Chad, lifting makes you a narcissistic weirdo

>> No.13011266


>> No.13011317

I do lift OP. /fit/ is far more important than /fa/

Lookism has always been facts senpai. Most people are just coping

>> No.13011328
File: 117 KB, 680x788, &gt;tfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work out at the library

>> No.13011331
File: 1.56 MB, 1230x850, Current Body 20171220 - FaceCrop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fit/ is far more important than /fa/
This. Although I do care about /fa/ to a notable degree.
I've had fellow law schools compliment me both on my style and on my fitness.

This idea that fitness and fashion are incompatible is an unhealthy opinion. But then this is a board where anorexia nervosa and bulimia are regarded as conditions to be sought after.

>> No.13011348

why not both?

>> No.13011359
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, CE922BB5-1E0F-4859-940D-123C6E60BC80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a post
>5’5 skinny negro replies to me

>> No.13011364

Deal with it, racist.

Be glad I acknowledged you. While I'm at it, I wrote schools and meant students*

>> No.13011392

I’m also black. You need to eat nigga

>> No.13011415

That makes it even worse, because of your being uneducated. I have women compliment my style and fitness. Do you?

Let's see your body. Otherwise stay irrelevant and just stop posting.

>> No.13011432

I’m more swole than you m8. Just saying you need to eat

>> No.13011556

>calls u negro
>"you're uneducated"
Come on, educate us as to why we can't use jolly colloquialisms on an anonymous 4chan board

>> No.13012080

Yeah hold up lemme cancel my gym membership and sign up for the local high school football team

>> No.13012096 [DELETED] 


>> No.13012115

Where is there french? I gotta hear this. What word?

>> No.13012144

Hello Family
im going for ottermode Im afraid of developinbg unwanted bulkiness
Do I train neck?
and should I add shrugsto my routine?

>> No.13012156

Just do bodyweight exercise

>> No.13012178

>uppity house negro
look brah white ppl dont like u

>> No.13012184

this. lul at this negro trying to level himself up with that law school shit. still nigga


>> No.13012194

jesus you write insufferably

>> No.13012205

>What do you say to people who say that you are too obsessed with a certain skinny ideal of youth?
>Hedi Slimanre: There is always a part of what you do that refers to your childhood, or youth. I was precisely just like any of these guys I photograph, or that walk my shows. Jackets were always a little too big for me. Many in high school, or in my family, were attempting to make me feel I was half a man because I was lean, and not an athletic build. They were bullying me for some time, so that I might feel uncomfortable with myself, insinuating skinny was “queer.” There was certainly something homophobic and derogative about those remarks. I was eating quite much, doing a lot of sport, but when I was 15, 16, or 17, that was simply the way I was built.

Imagine what coping mechanisms a person like that would have to come up with.

Anyway, if you want to look "interesting" in the sense of being weird, being skinny works and might even make you attractive to a certain amount of people.

Anyone who's even a bit well adjusted will see that your attempts at fashion are a coping mechanism, like a fat girl going for oh-so-quirky outfits. You will be considered less of a man, thus less of a person, thus less attractive to the eyes of most people.

>> No.13012206

>look at me, i end my sentences with nigga and negro. so cool and hip xDDD
>what you're pursuing a law degree, ain't nobody got time for that "law schools shit"
Stay jelly, stay trash. Like I said, post body pics or stay irrelevant.

>> No.13012212
File: 125 KB, 563x833, 2017-12-24-17-52-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get /fit/
>buy a couple packs of tight stretchy black t-shirts
>learn how to cut your own hair and give yourself a fade
>300% of the sex appeal of /fa/ soyboys at 20% of the cost

>> No.13012232

pic not related I assume?

>> No.13012295

jesus fucking christ your hair is fucked

>> No.13012322

>fatboy with tits and a nigger haircut

come on son

>> No.13012332


>> No.13012342 [DELETED] 

I actually enjoy weight lifting but I remember that the hardest part by far for me was the diet. Having to force myself to eat big amounts of nutritious, low fat, bland food.

Is it possible to gain muscle without having to eat much?

>> No.13012351 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 940x600, man-eating-chicken-940x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually enjoy weight lifting but I remember that the hardest part by far for me was the diet. Having to force myself to eat big amounts of nutritious, low fat, bland food.

Is it possible to gain muscle without having to eat much?

>> No.13012364


Of course it is. You shouldn't have to eat much more than your normal intake to repair and grow your muscles, a little extra protein sure, the more important thing is eating a balanced diet so you're not to thin or too big. It's primate stuff.

>> No.13012391

ironic that the cut on rick's jackets are made only to fit literal bean poles

nigga nobody likes a juicer just do pushups everyday and go for a run lmao

>> No.13012508

Genetics my man, i dont need to.

>> No.13012738

God damn you got triggered. I just wanted you to eat bro, coming from a former skeleton lol

>> No.13012976


>> No.13012980


>> No.13012995
File: 53 KB, 480x480, how.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a pussy ass house nigger

>> No.13013025
File: 69 KB, 680x453, 2DDA7098-965B-4271-880F-DBAF23904791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ go back to /pol/. Antisemitism has no place in this board racist bigot.

>> No.13013034

He doesn’t look back you guys are just assholes

>> No.13013035

Keep bulking then cut hard, you will look good

>> No.13013041

haha who the fuck do you think you are? you must be retarded.

>> No.13013108

That's not me you're responding to, and the reality of the matter is being in shape don't necessarily mean you're swole. Espesh if you're tall, thin and come from decent stock.
You live in NYC? Maybe we can discuss matters in person? We might very well come to an understanding.

Is that supposed to hurt my feelings or something?

>> No.13013128

hope you are armed, aids faggot

>> No.13013138

So that's a yes? When and where? I bet we'll be great friends. How does january sound?

>> No.13013295

>du jour

>> No.13013300

So are you saying you can be a toxic masculine douchebag woman beater without looking the part? That's fucking devilish.

>> No.13013301

It's actually not, really.

>> No.13013304

>would involve impressing others or making up for the absence of personality, skillsets or the other shite that I've got going for me.

So just like fashion

>> No.13013309

>le modern culture
>none of his model are bulked up

>> No.13013366

honestly this is a pretty easy physique to style. no skinny jeans and you're good

>> No.13013391

>gym body
>not having body from working hard labor or fuck it, from being in military

>> No.13013397
File: 44 KB, 468x484, fidel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lazy

>> No.13013399

Wasn't it the jews that created communism tho?

>> No.13014585
File: 114 KB, 1024x576, pussy nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13014596

Not necessarily. I dress and follow fashion out of a genuine interest. It fascinates me in and of itself. Lord knows I don't dress for other people - FFS look at lunarcore. I've done my homework on fabrics, stitching, thread tension and historical influences - because learning about that stuff didn't feel like work.

It has an intrinsic value, for me.