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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 403 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_4823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13006776 No.13006776 [Reply] [Original]

>Be one of the wealthiest Americans
>Can afford toilets made of solid gold
>Tapes his tie every day instead of wearing a clip

Why? For what purpose?

>> No.13006780
File: 34 KB, 744x515, 40aafda1c8b6b39e39f6dec2516aa746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the clip would interrupt his long ties, which he wears because some psychologist told him it'd help him exert a sense of power/authority on a subconscious level

>> No.13007275

He thinks long ties means big penis and big coats mean to look taller. He’s constantly lying about both.

>> No.13007279

i'm so glad i'm not a dumb fat american governed by this clown

>> No.13007384

The wealthiest men are the most frugal.

>> No.13007407

It's a tie bar.

>> No.13007434
File: 24 KB, 100x200, 1491681469124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead you're a filthy eurotrash soyboy governed by EUSSR

>> No.13007451

except he buys a fucking solid gold toilet

>> No.13007586

Wouldn't be surprised if this is true.

He has his own clothing brand. It's shit, but better than tape. No excuse except he's a weirdo.

>> No.13008061

Because he's new money outer borough trash.

>> No.13009136


>> No.13009276

Even Trump's goofs he wears as a symbol of bold brashness. He doesn't give a fugg, and revels in the rage of his enemies who has less money than him. Who have less popularity and power than him. If he wanted to destroy the planet tomorrow he can, which is why he pushes an ominous red button next to the nuclear codes for Diet coke.

Donald Trump is president Chad incarnate.

>> No.13009452

But he is tall though

>> No.13009475

>Be one of the wealthiest Americans
>Be the most powerful single person on the planet
>Ever give one single fuck what some Jew media fashion machine tells the sheep they should look like.

Trump sets his own fashion.

>> No.13009511

i don't think he gives a shit about fashion. he buys all his suits off the rack and wears pretty much the same outfit everyday

but trump is old money

>> No.13009516

The huge tie makes his small hands and small head look even goofier. His body is huge, but his appendages dont match.

>> No.13009517


It makes me laugh when these numale soy faggots and feminazis blog about his fashion when they're sucking dick for gas money and he's the single most powerful man on the planet.

>> No.13009527

Nice Hoppe-posting

>> No.13009555

>trumpanzees retroactively trying to justify every shitty and autistic thing their tv daddy does

lmao cringe

>> No.13009565
File: 236 KB, 620x412, 1479444687399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he has 'fuck you, I do what I want' money.

>> No.13009571
File: 88 KB, 464x649, 1513912330049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only reason he's a billionaire is because he doesn't waste money on trivial unnecessities like tie clips. They expensive yo.

>> No.13009709

>Eu and ussr are allies
Nice geopolitic analysis you ignorant faggot burger

>> No.13009732

because burgers

>> No.13009780

>being so retarded you don't understand what he's saying

The absolute state of the European continent

>> No.13009788

>European continent

You mean Western Arabia?

>> No.13009797

this is literally donald trump we're talking, the gaudiest, tackiest billionaire of all time.

>> No.13009859
File: 160 KB, 750x490, r.mahaux-trump-family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps it is because he is white trash elevated to a position of extraordinary power and extravagance. The power suit/tie >>13006780, the interchangeable model wives
and the general ostentation of his lifestyle (check dat imitation Louis XIV decor inside Trump's late 20th century Tower) and persona are all reflective of a grandiose narcissistic individual stuck in a greedy 80s capitalist, new money mindset.

There's the common assessment that Trump is "a poor man's idea of a rich man" and I feel that holds true. Trump's image is crafted around what is considered by mass culture to be obvious signifiers of extreme wealth, producing a gross caricature of "old" royal/noble money and power. Cunt lets his sons traverse Africa shooting endangered elephants like the gentry of old, lives in a gilded palace like Louis himself and then drinks fucking diet coke and eats big macs. White trash.

>> No.13009873


You're a dunce. He wears his tie long because it flattens his gut.

>> No.13009880 [DELETED] 

Quit pretending to be John Memiver, nigger. Trump's kids paid money to hunt those elephants. That money is quite literally why there still are elephants.

>> No.13009896

You guys do realize you're on a fashion board right? Trump has a line of suits and lifestyle products, so you can't say 'to powerful to fashion'. Politics and status aside, his fashion sense is trash.

>> No.13009899

Ignore my larger point ... check
Tow the party line ... check

If they're such conservationists, why don't Trump's dropkick sons just donate the money?

>> No.13009928

>white trash

?? But he was always rich?

>> No.13009933

damn i guess if it's "the party line" it MUST be wrong

>> No.13009950

>white trash
if he's white trash and has accomplished more than you or anyone related to you will in the next 500 years, or 500 years in the past, then what does that make you

>> No.13010008

I guess it does need some elaboration. Donald Trump was born into the recently accumulated privilege and wealth of his father Fred and really came into his own during the excesses of 1980s corporate America. Donald grew up in a 'new money' family and matured in an environment that encouraged conspicuous, tasteless display of wealth - so while he isn't a self-made man himself, he still exhibits a trashy new money (for lack of a better term) mentality. As an Australian I've always though of the slang 'white trash' as denoting an (Anglo) individual who is uncultured, ignorant and insensitive (and yet often has some degree of recently aquired wealth) - that's why I used it to describe Trump (I'm white myself, I didn't intend a racial attack).

Not always.

Makes me someone who feels good because I never want to be like him, because I strongly disagree with his (and your) meter of success. Really got me there

>> No.13010025

"Not always." I mean to say this to >>13009933

>> No.13010056

>fuk drumpf!
kys irl faggot

>> No.13010575

Next to an athlete that is 6’2” and constantly gets physicals he is always shorter. Frimph is 5’11-6’0 at best.

>> No.13010604

You are just as poor as all of us, and getting poorer. The schadenfreude of the rightwing is fucking astounding.

>> No.13010951
File: 53 KB, 571x618, e43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he isn't a self-made man himself
He made more money than his father lent him and even when he inherited his wealth when he died.

>all those -
>all those ()
>(I'm white myself, I didn't intend a racial attack).

I can smell the Reddit off of you, you're not even trying to hide it.

>> No.13011713

>Trump has a line of suits and lifestyle products, so you can't say 'to powerful to fashion'.
Uh, yes you can? He has a fashion line *to sell to other people* so that he can make even more money, that has literally nothing to do with what he himself wears. Especially since he quite obviously has nothing to do with the design end, though even guys like Yohji who are high-end pro designers don't wear their own shit.

>> No.13011727

>accomplished more than you or anyone related to you will in the next 500 years
Oh no, he has a lot of money and ran a reality tv show, what a great amazing dude, such great amazing achievements he has made like: making some money and uhhhh.... making more money. truly a bastion of human accomplishment. He pushes humanity forward like no man on this board ever could.

Neck yourself my dude

>> No.13011731

I'm not a ZOG trump kekistani but dude isn't white trash, he's jewish and a freemason. Look at his apartment... those pillars, that gold... dude's masonic af

>> No.13011744
File: 379 KB, 1267x598, uuuuuuuuuuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he also lives on the 66th floor of a 58 story building because he removed floors. that's a big masonic number (33 x 2)

>> No.13011750 [DELETED] 

>gets ready for wage slave job

You make it sound so easy, why don't you have as much money as him? I don't know what you are trying to prove by denying the fact that amassing a ton of wealth isn't a sign of life success.

>> No.13011785

>gets ready for wage slave job

You make it sound so easy, why haven't you done it yet?
I don't know what you are trying to prove by denying the fact that owning many businesses and amassing a large sum of wealth is a sign of life success.

He's also POTUS if you didn't know, and if that isn't an achievement then you are just retarded.
Does everyone have to be elon musk to gain approval in your eyes?
Christ, this board is being plagued by more and more redditfags every day.

>> No.13012052

>You make it sound so easy, why haven't you done it yet?
Well first of all because unfortunately my dad isn't a billionaire, so I haven't really had the same opportunities that mr Trump has had.

More importantly however something being difficult does not make it worthwhile, why the fuck would I ever spend all that effort and energy to become a millionaire when that is a completely meaningless pursuit? What does that do? You can be rich and famous and still fucking kill yourself, because of how miserable you are, it doesn't mean anything and it certainly doesn't help anybody.

>Does everyone have to be elon musk to gain approval in your eyes?
Striving to be like Elon is certainly a more worthwhile way to spend your time than striving to be fucking Donald Trump, are you fucking kidding me? I don't think Elon has accomplished a lot because he's a rich cunt, he's accomplished a lot because he's fucking pushing humans to the next frontier. What the fuck has Trump ever done besides build some fucking condos with his daddy's money?

Becoming president has been basically his greatest achievement and he's fucking that up too and it hasn't even been a year.

>muh reddit
Christ, what happened to this site? We used to fucking hate Fox news and everything those conservative capitalismos stood for and now here we are kissing the ground this fucking representation of rich old cunts who don't give a single shit about anyone but themselves walks on. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.13012060


>> No.13012091

Trump started with a million dollars. Elon musk is a con man who is riding off of high hopes and big talk. No one here likes fox news, we hate out of touch reality idiots who have no ability to undertake critical thinking. Donald Trump isn't perfect and I think his style is gaudy, but to deny that he is smart and wealthy. There really is no noble pursuit in life. This while human rights escapade that young liberals want to undertake is moronic and strips nations of their wealth by giving too much away to poor dumb people. Lastly, this huge social just/human rights campaign you engage in is just a way to virtue signal and feel as though you are part of a larger movement around the world without actually doing anything.

>> No.13012106

He lives in the White House you fukn knob

>> No.13012135

>Trump started with a million dollars
I didn't, unfortunately.
> Elon musk is a con man who is riding off of high hopes and big talk
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah man, he's conning us into making self driving cars, reusable rockets and fucking paypal, what a fucking scam dude.
>No one here likes fox news
Donald Trump does and people here like DT, therefor by proxy they like Fox News.
>but to deny that he is smart and wealthy.
I'm not denying that, I think Donald Trump is pretty smart, you'd have to be if you wanted to do all the shit that he did, that doesn't mean he isn't an asshole or that he might not be suffering from dementia.
>there really is no noble pursuit in life
How about, just off the top of my head here: helping others, advancing the technological progress of humanity, helping in relief efforts around the world, educating the uneducated, curing diseases, reducing poverty, cheering sad people up by creating entertainment or building infrastructure in impoverished countries?
>This whole human rights escapade
Yeah man, fuck human rights am I right? Who the fuck needs rights anyway? Why should we care about the suffering of others? lmao you fucking retard.

>Lastly, this huge social just/human rights campaign you engage in is just a way to virtue signal
Lol did I ever say I engage in any campaigns wtf? I don't give a fuck about any of that.

But jesus christ, virtue signaling bullshit is such a retarded concept it's fucking crazy. Has it ever occurred to you that people might engage in these social causes because they genuinely believe in the things they stand for and/or are legitimately trying to help others? Just because you are a narcissistic husk of a human being, who would never do anything that isn't for his own benefit doesn't mean that literally everybody else is also like that and if their actions or words contradict that image it means they're faking it, it just means you're a bitter asshole.

>> No.13012282


Classiq why don't poor dumb people just borrow some more money from they dad duh, why don't those dummies just get their dad to cosign their $70 million dollar construction loan so they can get on their feet?

You're out of touch. You call Elon Musk a con man for utilising speculation and market investment to realise a fairly upstanding cause and yet you ignore Trump's conduct in Atlantic City, his multiple bankruptcies, his loans, his screwing over of workers and shameless exploitation of legal loopholes, because hey, personal enrichment at the detriment of others truly the most respectable pursuit in life. Your critical thinking is questionable. Much of Trump's popular traction came from the poor dumb people you decry, promising bullshit like a return to coal, jobs from exploration of previously protected areas, a rejection of climate science etc - moves which truly will strip your country of its wealth. It is wrong to say that all Trump voters are poor, dumb or racist, but those of lower socioeconomic backgrounds are doing themselves no favours. Trump has gotten them to vote against their own economic best interests, he truly is a swindler and a con man.

As I said earlier, he is a trash individual whose identity rides on disgusting shows of wealth and power, no wonder he is tasteless in his fashion. How anyone can idolise him is beyond me

>> No.13012563 [DELETED] 

How much of your money have you donated to charities that deal in helping the poor and disenfranchised in foreign countries?

>> No.13012571

>that cope

>> No.13012577

>a rejection of climate science etc - moves which truly will strip your country of its wealth.

oy vey, I bet you actually got tricked into believing that the paris agreement was good for the world or the US.

>> No.13012668

well nah actually, the Paris Agreement is problematic and obviously marred by compromise. The Drumpfffff campaign saw it as some sinister global wealth redistribution plot but I wouldn't go that far - it is fair that the US should shoulder a lot of the burden as it is one of the biggest polluters and should offset developing countries. It is good to have most countries on the same page but a lot more needs to be done

Trump doesn't give a fuck about the future of the planet
>he appointed a climate skeptic to the head of the EPA
>reassigned the climate scientist/director of the Office of Policy Analysis to the Office of Natural Resources Revenue, a department that collects royalty checks from fossil fuel companies. Next level cynicism
> support for fossil fuels as markets move towards renewables/gas

nice assumptions though

>> No.13012673

Dumb keyboard warriors on both sides.

>> No.13012676

>He made more money than his father lent him and even when he inherited his wealth when he died.
Actually, he has squandered far more of his inherited wealth than he's earned himself. If he hadn't been so wealth to begin with, he'd be in the poor house (and he is far less wealthy today than he lets on).

>> No.13012682

Which was designed by Freemasons.

>> No.13012710

fuck off

>> No.13012756

Trump is 6'2"

>> No.13012759

No u

>> No.13012776

ok sorry merry christmas

>> No.13012801
File: 765 KB, 640x360, 1513065752050.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon Musk didn't come up with Paypal, lol. He joined the company after the fact. Same is true with Tesla. He didn't start Tesla. And Space X is another big fat phony.

Talk about having a low IQ, anyone with a brain knows Musk is just an actor.

>> No.13012930

>Makes me someone who feels good because I never want to be like him, because I strongly disagree with his (and your) meter of success. Really got me there
You don't have to want to be rich, but the way you worded this is the biggest cope ever. Everyone is laughing at you.

>> No.13013187

>Elon Reeve Musk (/ˈiːlɒn ˈmʌsk/; born June 28, 1971) is a South African-born American business magnate, investor,[9][10] engineer,[11] and inventor.[16] He is the founder, CEO, and CTO of SpaceX; a co-founder,[17] Series A investor, CEO, and product architect of Tesla Inc.; co-chairman of OpenAI; and founder and CEO of Neuralink. Musk is also a co-founder and former chairman of SolarCity, co-founder of Zip2, and founder of X.com, which merged with Confinity and took the name PayPal.[22]
Kek, that took me 2 seconds to google, how does it feel to be so retarded Anon?

>> No.13013210

Buddy, you just copy and pasted a wikipedia article. Do you actually think you're not the idiot here?

Zip2, the company he invested in created online city guides, and was just a big front. Paypal formed when X.com merged with Confinity, which is the company that contained Paypal. So he didn't have anything to do with the founding of Paypal.

He was not involved with the founding of Tesla, either, and was sued by one of the founders, in fact. The Tesla Roadster was created before he even joined.

Talk about dunning-kruger, you reek of it.

SpaceX is just a way to launder money seeing as NASA now wants to contract with them, which makes no sense, seeing as NASA should be more than capable of doing what Space X "does"

>> No.13013213

I bet you also believe the facebook origin story and think Zuckerberg is a real person and not just some stupid jewish actor fronting a CIA In-Q-Tel venture. You know nothing, slave.

>> No.13013226

>became immortalized as a U.S. president
>his surname is a highly profitable brand he can license out and make money
>has about 10 billion dollars to his name, made himself from a few million
>renowned as an entrepreneur
>is essentially the Babe Ruth of real estate
>endeared himself to demographics the republican party once thought impossible

It's okay to be totally and irredeemably ass-blasted in the shadow of Donald Trump, some people just can't help themselves. You won't be alone; there's countless other worthless nobodies who also resent him for his almost unprecedented levels of success. Maybe if you buy another $400 white t-shirt shilled by some blartist rapper who also resents and wishes he was Donald Trump you can feel like a winner again.

>> No.13013230

>Much of Trump's popular traction came from the poor dumb people you decry, promising bullshit like a return to coal, jobs from exploration of previously protected areas, a rejection of climate science etc - moves which truly will strip your country of its wealth. It is wrong to say that all Trump voters are poor, dumb or racist, but those of lower socioeconomic backgrounds are doing themselves no favours. Trump has gotten them to vote against their own economic best interests, he truly is a swindler and a con man.
this reads like minimum wage hillary campaign drivel unironically

>> No.13013235

Kek you too

>> No.13013243

>Buddy, you just copy and pasted a wikipedia article
It was that easy.

>So he didn't have anything to do with the founding of Paypal.
Except when his company merged with Confinity and became PayPal, maybe he didn't come up with the idea or whatever. Doesn't really matter, he pushed it forward. Just because he wasn't the spark of inspiration for every single one of these companies, he is still highly involved in them/ invests millions and millions of his own dollars into these projects, enough to make him CEO in most cases.

>He was not involved with the founding of Tesla
He saved it from the brink of bankruptcy and made it into one of the most successful new car companies in the world. What does it matter if he didn't build the first Tesla Roadster with his own two hands?

>SpaceX is just a way to launder money
Yes of course that's why NASA wants to contract with them, because they're a money laundering scheme with nothing to offer them. Lol, dude do you even read the things you type?
> seeing as NASA should be more than capable of doing what Space X "does"
And yet, they aren't doing the things Space X DOES. How weird.

Listen, I don't think Elon is some kind of genius inventor or business man, he's just a smart investor with a vision beyond just making money, if that was his goal he would've gone the Trump route and just go into Realestate. Instead he went for electric cars, which basically no-one thought would amount to shit at the time, internet financing and fucking space exploration.
>muh conspiracy
Don't you have some infowars to watch or something?
>became immortalized as a U.S. president
Yeah and that's going great so far
>has about 10 billion dollars to his name, made himself from a few million
You're about 7 billion dollars off, but that's ok. 3 billion is still a lot I'll admit
He sure has made a lot of money, what a great guy

>> No.13013257
File: 160 KB, 1060x1558, 1402000189617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think that your rebuttal was anything other than a fat waste of time, you're delusional. Elon Musk is an actor. Zuckerberg is an actor. You're just a poorfag peon who has no clue how the world works. Please stay delusional, it's how families like mine make a fortune.

>> No.13013285

>has about 10 billion dollars to his name, made himself from a few million
Wow money calls money, who knew

>> No.13013288


>> No.13013291
File: 119 KB, 312x296, 014678943346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah I just love it when public school lower class consumers try to tell me how the world works. it's cute

>> No.13013298

He told you that Elon Musk never founded those companies and then you proceeded to copy-paste some Wikipedia text claiming he did. He then explained to you why he DIDN'T actually found those companies and you just decided to say "haha but it doesn't matter anyway because I said so". Do you not understand you are the stupid person here? the way you speak and everything you say and your insufferable "holier than thou" snarky attitude just reeks of Reddit. Please just either lurk and mature into a normal person or just fuck off back. You are probably underage or at least mentally still a child.

>> No.13013372
File: 37 KB, 231x243, 1504029983330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nuh uh
Thanks for conceding the argument my friend, I've had a blast :)
And any time you spend on 4chan is a fat waste of time you retard, why do you think I'm here if I don't want to waste my time?
>it's how families like mine make a fortune.
I can guarantee you that my family is richer than yours friend, not that that has any value other than some comfortability for my life.

It doesn't matter that he didn't found them, I never claimed that was his achievement or that that is why he is an admirable person. That is just what anon made the whole discussion about, because he has no other arguments to make. Even though it's more prudent to look at what Elon did with those companies after he acquired them.
If you want to look at monetary value as a means to determine how accomplished a person is Elon still blows Trump out of the water despite being an "actor" or a "scam artist", his net worth is 20 billion and Trumps is 3 billion. Quite the accomplished actor I would say.

>Holier than Thou
>Muh Reddit
>You big meaniehead
>Stop posting!!!
>I...I bet you're underage
Kek, you're pathetic

>> No.13013405

tfw too intelligent

>> No.13013415

why do you think I was arguing with you? I was mocking you. You were talking to another guy before me. What would it matter to me what you believe? The joke's on you, because you're just spouting mainstream propaganda like the good slave you are.

>> No.13013423


>> No.13013432
File: 45 KB, 482x326, 1514070352203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I was mocking you
Oh so you were not even contributing to the conversation? Just spouting autistic insults from the sideline without having anything to say really? Thanks for clearing that up for me anon. Don't ever reply to my posts again
>What would it matter to me what you believe?
Uhh... What? That is like the whole point of discussion, seeing what other people believe and arguing about it with them. Why are you even here?
>The joke's on you, because you're just spouting mainstream propaganda like the good slave you are.

You poor deluded fool. You think you're special because you're so "above" the mainstream, you look around thinking everybody else is sheeple, not realizing your own internal bias, by always taking the opposition's stance, like some kind of braindead reactionary, who can't think for himself. I bet it must feel very cognitively satisfying to think you know more than the sheep doesn't it? You bastion of human intellect.

>> No.13013437
File: 256 KB, 1100x768, cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you actually have autism? This is how you want to spend your time? Elon Musk is an actor. Zuckerberg is an actor. Bezos is an actor. Trump is an actor. Obama is an actor. Deal with it.

>> No.13013450
File: 876 KB, 1000x1481, consume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is how you want to spend your time?
Isn't it obvious? I also have like 10 other tabs open with threads in them.
>X is an actors
Uhm yeah? So? They're public figures, of course they have act out a certain role. Do you think you're presenting me with some new groundbreaking information? They present themselves a certain way to the public, in order to further their personal agenda. That is why it's important to look at their actions to see what those agendas are. Most of the time it's supporting some kind of corporate interest or whatever.
Unless you're talking about some kind of conspiracy thing where they're all actors for the jews, in which case you're legitimately retarded and don't bother replying further.

>Deal with it.
kek, we're all dealing with it every day anon

>> No.13013455
File: 994 KB, 800x658, 6885470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews don't run international finance
Talk about living under a rock, where do you get your information from? Discovery Kids?

>> No.13013460

whens dis movie coming out

>> No.13013466
File: 630 KB, 700x467, aaaaaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh jewish conspiracy
What the fuck did I just say you fucker? You better not reply to me again I swear to god

>> No.13013468
File: 16 KB, 600x400, 16354821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're living it.

(you) (are) (a) (moron)

>> No.13013477
File: 44 KB, 291x300, rage1-jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you reply to my post after I specifically told you not to!!!

>> No.13013478
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>> No.13013487
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>> No.13013489
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>> No.13013493
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>> No.13013963

I’m glad I’m not this retarded

>> No.13014650

no i'm pretty sure it's because of an inheritance

>> No.13014652

know how many people blow through their inheritance? I'm not a Trumpet but this is one of the less intelligence arguments you hear people (communists) whine about.

>> No.13014698

Here's another reason why Trump is a tasteless hypocrite: https://www.fastcodesign.com/90137202/hey-remember-when-trump-destroyed-precious-art-history

> Muh don't tear down our "beautiful" confederate statues, they're such a rich area of cultural heritage
> Destroys priceless art deco friezes to shave two weeks of construction time off Trump Tower

get fucked drummpfffy

>> No.13014700

pretty sure he didn't inherit 5 billion dollars

>> No.13015889

>seeing as NASA should be more than capable of doing what Space X "does"
LMAO, buddy, as a guy with family who works in that industry, you don't know jack shit. Yeah, Elon can kinda be a know it all prick, but NASA is completely condomed. With the amount of money it gets and wastes on pointless bureaucratic shit that you wouldn't even believe, it's a blessing that spacex exists and for like the first time in 50 years is actually making people excited about the future of space exploration. And no, parasite companies like Boeing do about as much work as tenured government employees.

>> No.13015891

Space X is run by the US government, you're in the industry and no one in your family figured this out? That it's a money laundering gambit? Really nigger?

>> No.13015899

ok, I didn't scroll down enough to see you're clearly baiting for (you)s with this shit. That or you're completely ignorant/insane. The space industry is a crazy place and there's some genuine corporate nastiness in it that gets kept under the carpet so reddit type people can think it's all beautiful and inspirational, but the idea of it being a big money laundering operation is like hilarious. You would know, if you were smart enough to get a job in it. That college outside the top 50 you went to won't cut it though.

>> No.13015902

Huh? Why is it outrageous to suggest the In-Q-Tel funds private venture? What year are you living in?

>> No.13015905

and to further this point, Mike Griffin, the head of NASA from 05 to 09 also worked for In-Q-Tel, and then joined Space X and went to Russia with Musk in 2002 to buy ICBMs

It's awful cute how dunning-kruger works, you, being the one thinking that you know what the fuck you're talking about because your dad works at nintendo, but clearly have no idea how the world really works. Adorable.

>> No.13015911

It absolutely does, but it's the people RUNNING the corporations who benefit from this. These companies put up the rosy image so they get public support AND THEN government funding. But that mainly applies to, like I said, companies like Boeing, which pretty much overcharge taxpayers for everything they do, which is very often nothing. So yeah, THEY are definitely complete government leeches. Spacex has actually accomplished a massive amount though. Your contrarian ass is getting pissed at the wrong government beneficiaries. The commercial space industry is nothing compared to the military industrial complex when it comes to this kind of corruption.

>> No.13015918

Just because I point out one case of obfuscation doesn't mean I'm ignorant to other scams. I'm fully aware of how fucking sick the government contracts Boeing and Lockheed and whoever get. I think it's a joke. I also think trying to go to space while strip mining and polluting our planet is a fucking joke. But autistic people think it's a sign of progress, to run while smashing what you already have.

>> No.13015996

>It makes me laugh how i am a numale soy faggot blogging about his fashion when im sucking dick for gas money to get to the next unite the right rally, and then taking the bus anyways


>> No.13016101

clips are garish tbqh