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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 516 KB, 1920x1088, IMAG3041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13007377 No.13007377[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, I'm a tranny and I would like to have a more feminin hairstyle instead of this raw style I have.

I was thinking of doing bangs, but I'm too scared to fuck this up, so I need to be sure of what would really look better on me.

Any advice ?

>> No.13007383

>caring about your physical appearance
>after transition
should've let your dreams stay 2d

>> No.13007388

I never understood why if you feel like you are male or female but are not why you have the need to transition to become them. You are just going to become more then likely an uglier fake version of that sex. And everyone wishes they could be certain things, taller, better hair, nicer face, but we deal with the hand we are given. Why can't you faggots just deal with the sex your given and you know what oh well sorry about the sex you feel like your not

>> No.13007389

Too late now

>> No.13007394

Get a nose job, right now you look like rick Owens but without the droopy eyes

>> No.13007396

It's almost as if they're mentally ill and have body dysmorphia

>> No.13007397

Different glasses, first of all.

Your hair looks fine but those glasses are uggo. I can't tell if you have acne or if its just the picture, but maybe some retinoids would work. If you straighten your hair, maybe stop, but it looks good as it is.

That's great, you're cisgendered. I've never understood the need to change genders either, if I woke up born female, I'd probably be cool with it and go have sex with dudes, but for some people it's a real biological impulse to change their sex.

>> No.13007408

What the fuck is cisgender you fucking freak just invented a term for normal people to be the freak just for yourselves to be the normal ones?

>> No.13007409

Yeah, I was planning on changing my glasses too. Btw, do you have any advice on some glasses type ?
No I don't have acne, my phone doesn't take the best pictures.
I don't straighten my hair, but I blowdry them.

>> No.13007413

I know there's a huge chance you're just a troll, but I'm not here to spread truth about transexuals.
I don't care about your opinion, I just came here for advice regarding my hair.
You don't understand trannies ? fine, I'm ok with that, I'm not trying to change your opinion, if you don't like that I exist, well just avoid me, problem solved.

>> No.13007420

>I'm a tranny

Kill yourself.

>> No.13007422

get more face-rounding glasses
until (if) you get FFS you need them to round out your face from your jaw
your hair as is in pic fits face well but consider wavier (not curly), you need volume badly, blowdry and maybe use some product
if your neck looks fine (not too accentuated/manly) i'd consider growing your hair out a bit more on the left side and throwing the hair from the right around, it would fit your face well

pic is what I mean minus the bangs, split naturally like yours is in pic

highly recommend you go try on literally every pair in a frames shop
look for these or similar

>> No.13007427
File: 120 KB, 500x751, hair behind head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.13007437

Yeah, I should go for more rectangular long glasses then.
I try to get volume while blowdrying. When you say products, you mean something like foam ?
So you think bangs would look good with this style ?

>> No.13007442

i don't even know why i said bangs, i was meaning don't split hair down the middle like >>13007427
you could try a root lift spray and teasing it a bit while you blowdry, there's grit product to rough up your hair better than teasing can do as well

>> No.13007443

Is it just me, or is this a balanced equation?

2017 = {trans} / (wealth * power * abuse) - {constitution}

>> No.13007445

funny how every board here quickly turn into pol

>> No.13007447

I'm pretty left leaning, all things considered. Pointing out a trend != hate, and I'm more interested in the cultural implications of this progression.

I have no stake in it one way or another, and I'm far more worried about the {constitution}

>> No.13007448

You'll never be a woman. Good job contributing to gender roles and appearances. Go see a shrink or accept that your just a fag.

>> No.13007450
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>> No.13007452

>go see shrink
>reaffirms that i have a medically backed mental disorder and structural abnormalities in my brain
>continue taking pills
fuck i was almost there!!

>> No.13007454

I'm sorry I pointed your comment, I was just talking about the general trolling mess in this post happening.
The funny thing is that I also agree that it's a trend (while being left-centrist), but I never came here to spawn pol memes.

>> No.13007472

I've wondered a lot how feminists feel about the surge in trans women. I always thought they'd be a bit more incensed by the notion that

tits + dress + makeup = woman

Or that all of this, well, confusion as to what's what according to whose labels (and other semantics) could be leading us all to further solidification of the gender stereotypes that first and second wave feminists (and even suffragettes) fought so hard to redefine and free themselves from.

And I don't think that Trans people are a problem! If I had to lay things anywhere I'd lay it on the same issue that plagued the election: The inability of a 'two party system' to adequately represent nebulously defined demographics. Maybe the brave will begin to carve out a 'new gender' - for lack of a better term - that has the potential to better address gender dysphoria by avoiding the superficialities we often look to when taking stock of Male and Female.

Isn't a woman more than a dress and a chest? Does the current male/female paradigm offer real hope for identity and refuge for the unique shade of gray that the Trans community is relegated to in this ancient dichotomy?

Seriously asking.

>> No.13007473

I’m not even from /pol/, trannies are just gross unless they’re hot. You’re ugly as fuck.

>> No.13007478

ok, this post is now a mess, enjoy your pol trolling folks

>> No.13007492

No offense taken, thank you for the response.

Honestly, I'm really curious about this. There's a sea change underway, and I wonder a lot about it causes, its effects and what the "subtext" of all of this is.

Not just trans folks - It's the rash of predators and accusations, too. I feel like a lot of gender and sexuality issues are popping off, and I was only really educated on the female side of it all in college - There was women's studies (took those for a bit), and there were queer studies (wasn't interested, tbqh). Now, colleges only offer "Gender Studies".

... And it seems sometimes like I'm being told that one can just crowd gender and sexuality under the roof of one course descriptor/field of study and call it a day - even though an earnest exploration of each is a degree in its own right.

>> No.13007519

Well, I don't have any "gender studies" where I live, so I lack about that.

But I do think that the fact it's been running wildly recently just make people scared and run for their conservatism.

I'm not saying they are foolish, but I do think it's one of the reason why there is so much agressivity on both sides.

In the end, everyone feel like they have the right answer, when actually, nobody is 100% right.

>> No.13007521

Nice hairline, fag.

>> No.13007554

you're ugly LMAO

>> No.13007584

Do you think ppl like Harvey Weinstein are all of a sudden facing justice en-masse as a result of a
newfound social conscious having "awoken" in the contemporary socio-cultural climate? Would Trunks still be facing censure (even the unspoken kind) we we in a country like the Netherlands, Denmark or Thailand?

Do you think there's a larger set of connections at play here, anon? I don't mean conspiracies, I mean causality.

PS - Fuck Alex Jones. That nutjob gets me boxed in with the deep gov crowd just for asking questions.

>> No.13007592

You have a mental disease and you need to seek help/medication. I’m srs.

>> No.13007913

Advice: join the 43%, Op, you won't regret it

>> No.13007940

your name makes sense

>> No.13007950

You got an answer, or you got no degree and a shift in produce coming up? Oh, yeah -


>> No.13007984

a fair amount of feminists are upset about this: "trans-exculsionary radical feminists", or "terfs" for short. many other disapprove in the general sense but don't consider the idiosyncrasies of a minuscule amount of the population a battle more of a pressing issue than, say, ensuring access to birth control for poor women. even if a feminist disagrees with a trans woman labeling herself a woman on account of a preference for dresses over suits, it's hard to object to things like "forcing a trans women to use the men's bathroom will likely lead to her being beaten or raped, while she has minimal chance of causing harm in the women's bathroom." unless said feminist really has a hard-on for ideals like "safe spaces for women" that trump the material circumstances of irl people.

some people have proposed gender abolitionism as a solution to the whole "only people with certain genitals are allowed to have these personality traits and interests" thing. while this seems like a cool idea to me, i'm not sure how to convince everyone to use gender neutral pronouns for everyone else and stop getting mad about guys in dresses.

>> No.13008007

I think it’s hysterical how people think 100k years of human biology and rational thinking should be rewired in order to make a very small minority of mentally diseased people feel comfortable regardless of the fact that their suicide rates are the highest of any population to ever exist before AND after the surgery they believe they are entitled to. There’s a reason Johns Hopkins condemns the surgery, because it’s fucking pandering and outright cruel. And worst of all, doesn’t even work. yep they still fucking kill themselves ignoring their own mental disease (which btw are always accompanied by a plethora of other mental diseases), and blaming society for their miserable lives. And yet this depressed and delusional fraction of a fraction of a percent believes they are in some kind of noble position to tailor our society and language to fit their batshit crazy mental state. Just replace these sick people with the those who believe they were born as “shoes” and deserve government paid surgeries to become shoes and want to create politically correct shoe pronouns and you’ll begin to understand how silly this all is. These people need fucking help. You, OP, need help.

>> No.13008032

Dude, do you know what website you're on? You're a mentally ill freak who cut off his dick. You should be in a mental ward, you disgusting sack of shit.

>> No.13008033

The hair looks good actually, just needs volume and a fresh trim on the ends.
The problem (with like 90% of MtF's I see) is that you need to pluck your damn eyebrows and stop dressing like you're on your way to an AFI concert.

>> No.13008034
File: 35 KB, 500x500, sidebangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean, if you had your family and friends abandon you, few chances at employment or housing and all sorts of expensive medical treatments to pay for, you'd be pretty suicidal too. not saying that being trans isn't inherently suffering, because freaking out whenever someone calls you -sir- is kind of nuts. but indulging in these people's desire to change gender seems to be the most effective way of treating them (more effective than therapy alone, even!).

you just look like a weird autistic girl in this photo, good job. what you've got going on rn is fine but a side part and sideswept bangs would soften masculine features that you're probably insecure about.

>> No.13008041


>> No.13008044

>don’t understand trannies
you don’t understand yourself. there is a 43% chance you will attempt to kill yourself at least once. instead of nurturing a disease that literally makes you kill yourself, go seek professional help and join the rest of normally functioning society. Or don’t, either way you stubborn cunts need to go away and stay away. Whether through medication or a noose. Your choice

>> No.13008072

Suicide rates don’t change before and after surgery/indulgence and at least 20% admit to regret the surgery. You’re delusional. Fact is, we would be able to pursue a potential treatment for your suicidal tendencies caused by sick delusions if you didn’t cry that we were being intolerant for attempting to cure something that apparently, according to the sick people, isn’t a disease. Do you know how to tell truly crazy people? They don’t know they’re fucking crazy.

>> No.13008129

> but indulging in these people's desire to change gender seems to be the most effective way of treating them

I'll keep this in mind the next time I encounter a schizophrenic.

Oh, it's only specifically this one mental-illness where it's OK to imbibe the delusion. That's quite odd.

>> No.13008152


>> No.13008159
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>> No.13008171
File: 47 KB, 632x326, IMG_6536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's "the male with worse skin than girls, different midface structure, wider palettes, hair that will thin and recede in 10-15 years, different eyebrows and eyelashes, obvious male necks and clavicles, haggard male eyes, larger male noses and jaws etc" option? These are hairstyles for the female of our species, not broken men

>> No.13008174

why do you seek to control others? it's not your fight dude. chill out.

the difference is that someone who is suffering from schizophrenia is a potential danger to others, imo. you sound really filled with hatred anon, hope you're doing ok.

>> No.13008181


damn op it's rough in here. good luck to you.

language changes over time, you sound like an old man yelling at his laptop because the word "download" isn't simplified to "get."

in case you actually care about learning something instead of being, in my opinion, blindingly hateful: cisgendered is a simple term. it means you are okay with the sex that others perceive you as.

>> No.13008186

"Languages change over time" like, zomg, I kno, why can't these cishet drumpfkins get with the >current year, that would be amazeballs *invents 79 more genders, then takes you to court for calling you "sir"*

>> No.13008195

have a nice holiday season anon.

>> No.13008199

>why do you seek to control others? it's not your fight dude. chill out.
I seek to get people suffering from a legitimate disease the help they need, not “indulge” their delusions which is shown to have absolutely zero benefit. crazy fucks

>> No.13008202

Guess what? Save those with extra chromosomes, you are either XX or XY, female and male respectively. Hacking off your dick doesn’t change the fact that every cell in your body (except sex cells) has a Y chromosome making you a fucking male. Seek help, you’re ill. Meds or a bullet to the dome.

>> No.13008207

trannies are a danger to themselves. you’re a fucking idiot

>> No.13008224

op now you know for future reference that while 4chan LOVES 2d dicks, and the occasional 3d cock (since half of 4chan populous is actually gay or bi), they literally will do whatever it takes to shit on trannies

don't do this again for your sake mate

>> No.13008231


>> No.13008237

Because it’s clearly a mental disease and we aren’t here to make people feel better. If you want support, AKA lies and denial, go to tumblr or reddit.

>> No.13008239

op didnt come here for either of the things you're implying they want. they actually asked for simple styling advice, which is what /fa/ can be sort of decent for, instead they got /pol/ bullshit.
end of the day you can all obviously do whatever but i just think it's funny that a site full of actual gay people and neet's who contribute nothing love to shit on another demographic of people for 0 rhyme or reason

op would be better off going to reddit or tumblr for better advice, sure i'll agree with you partly there. 4chan is just too far gone

>> No.13008242

I don't want to turn this into a /pol/ thread, but while I'm not a huge trans activist, I am going to point out a few things, because people just blatantly getting shit wrong does bother me.

1. There is no data suggesting that sex reassignment makes being trans "worse" or that the suicide rate for post-ops is higher than those who do not seek see reassignment. If you have read otherwise, you have been misinformed. The general medical consensus is that it *probably* improves the suicide rate, although again there is a lack of data.

2. Gender dysphoria is already listed in the DSM, so saying "trannies are mentally ill" is neither shocking nor novel. Just rude.

3. For cases of legitimate gender dysphoria, the condition has proved (with half a century of evidence behind this) to be completely immune to attempts to correct it through either therapy or drugs. THAT IS WHY THE SURGERY EXISTS. So saying "seek help" is utterly useless advice - and if OP is already trans, they have certainly already had their fair share of experience with psychiatric professionals, I can promise you that.
3a. Super fun bonus point: if you link the fucking pimozide paper to counter what I said about drugs all you're showing is that you haven't read it.

Now maybe you can get back to talking about fashion and stop bringing out the same 3 tired ... oh who the fuck am I kidding, that's not going to happen.

>> No.13008248

>4chan has gone too far
>meanie comment vs injection of chemical into body
fuck you and fuck your america culture for getting my cousin into transition

>> No.13008252

>everything I don’t agree with is /pol/
I never implied they wanted any of those things. They NEED professional help. I’m not going to let a thread like this just go by without posting this shit because being trans and accepting trannies shouldn’t be fucking normalized. You’re just as fucking delusional as those who are suffering from this shit if you believe this shit should be nurtured. Fuck you for being such an irrational faggot. I’ll take every fucking opportunity I can to drill home that it’s a mental disease because it’s whats right.

>> No.13008257

No one said they kill themselves more after the surgery. They kill themselves the same amount. It doesn’t work. Instead of continuing to provide a body mutilating service that provides no benefit, continue research on shit to actually help them. And yes they are mentally ill. But They don’t think they are. So I’ll continue being rude until they get it

>> No.13008258

i said 4chan is too far gone, i can infer you aren't american but going "too far" isnt the same as being "too far gone"

>i never implied they wanted any of those things
> If you want support, AKA lies and denial, go to tumblr or reddit.

why even say that then. ok

> Fuck you for being such an irrational faggot

re-read that sentence and think about the shit you say for once

it's a godsend that 4chan exists anyway, because this is one of the only places left where you can say all this freely without getting shit over it. instead you have the hivemind agreeing with you, being actually irrational because "hurr i don't like trannies XD"

you'll be ok

>> No.13008262


>> No.13008264
File: 115 KB, 919x688, my dick is diamonds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make yourself look like exactly like this.

>> No.13008265

I literally never said I hate trannies. And nothing I said is irrational. Everything I’m saying is fact and you just don’t like hearing it so you try to boil it down to it being a result of a personal bias you perceive I have. But really you just hate FACTS. You are mad at facts. Get over it faggot

>> No.13008269

>the hivemind
Bro you need to get off the Internet for a while.

>> No.13008277

delusion is strong

you'll be okay

>> No.13008280


>> No.13008284

If you're posting on 4chan, you probably already have pretty thick skin but yeah don't bother sparing energy on them.

As a female, I think you're passing pretty well. Try styling your hair to have more volume since it's hanging pretty flat right now. I have naturally thick hair so I'm not sure how to help you there but I'm sure you can find something with a quick google search. For the length, I wouldn't recommend going any longer than it is now. You have a pretty long face, so long hair will just drag it down. For your fringe, I'd suggest getting thin bangs or maybe a side part. Your forehead is a little long so it'll help it balance better, and it'll also stop your hair from looking like a flat sheet draped on your head.

I'd also suggest doing a much thinner line for eyeliner on the center of your eyes since it looks strange with your double eyelids. Try experimenting with different shapes like a detached triangle or a wing that connects smoothly to the eye. Look around and do some research, watch some youtube beauty videos or something I guess. Also try using some mascara if you don't already.

Glasses need a change as well. Try something with thin metal frames or larger lenses since your current ones are too visually intrusive.

Nose job if you want, but I've seen other women with noses more prominent than yours. You just need to find a way to make it work.

>> No.13008285

>No one said they kill themselves more after the surgery.
It's a common myth, anyway, whether or not anyone has said it in this thread - I'm not reading the entire fucking discussion, I've read plenty like it and they're all the same.

>They kill themselves the same amount. It doesn’t work.
You have absolutely no data showing this. I know you don't, because that data doesn't exist; we have no data on what the suicide rate is for trans people who do not seek treatment, although it is very high. I believe that YOU believe what you're saying, but it's wrong.

>Instead of continuing to provide a body mutilating service that provides no benefit, continue research on shit to actually help them.
Are you under the impression that we aren't still doing this? It's not taboo in the mental health field or anything. The reason nothing else exists is because this is a condition that is very resistant to treatment and to which there may in fact be no neat solution, not because omg political correctness is stymying research.

In the here and now, sex reassignment is the ONLY THING WE HAVE, imperfect though it may be.

>> No.13008290

Work on the face first dude, holy shit that shnoz

>> No.13008299

>funny how every board here quickly turn into pol

Because that is the natural state of 4chan, this was the site where you go to be edgy and say nigger a lot.
Do you know why /pol/ exists? Back in the day 4chan had a news board called /news/. (I'm not oldfag enough to remember /n/ as news, I'm not sure on the history of that becoming transport.)
/news/ was every bit as edgy as /pol/, maybe more so because there were less redditors around and anon wasn't as cucked by certain memes back then.
Moot wanted to get investors or get someone to buy 4chan from him. He couldn't expect Jews or liberals to do either if he hosted this massively racist board, so he deleted /news/.
What then happened was those discussions spread across the boards, which was a disaster for his plan. He then created /pol/ to contain the racism, the difference between /news/ and /pol/ is a news board is harder to paint as ironic joke racism. Calling it news has this sort of earnestness to it.
By the way this points out a certain misunderstanding /pol/ is not a "politics" board it is a "politically incorrect" board. The whole purpose of it is a place for edgy racism, not political discussion. It's just the two often overlap.
The cuck meme I meant earlier was the "get back to /pol/" meme. Before that it was entirely acceptable to call someone a nigger on any board of 4chan and people would not get upset about it.
A similar meme is the "not your personal army" meme. 4chan used to be all about raids like the famous habbo hotel raids. Moot was afraid of legal consequences for him, though, so they memed that raids were juvenile and lame. (which they might be, but that would be a reason 4chan should be for them, right?)

So anyway the TL;DR is that you're riding Moot's dick when Moot isn't around. You don't need to adhere to stuff created just for his protection and profit.

>> No.13008309


Faggot. Don’t ever respond to me again

>> No.13008314

>don’t bother sparing energy on them! You’re beautiful the way you are! YASSSS
Fuck off. I’ll burn you at the stake with him, sympathizing cunt

>> No.13008318

adding more

I'm assuming this is very light makeup, but you should try and experiment a little with highlighting and contouring. Doesn't have to be the glittery shit. Just some concealer a little lighter than your skintone and a little contour on the sides and bottom of your nose. Plenty of tutorials on this stuff on youtube. Beauty youtubers are cancer but a lot of them have helpful tips so don't write them off completely. Some general tips from me: make sure your contour colour isn't too warm-toned. It should be a cooler brown to actually look like shadows. Get a beauty blender sponge or something similar, they soak up product but are genuinely amazing for beginners. Try new things every time you put on makeup, since you'll never know what really works for your face/eye shape until you try it. Don't buy makeup online while you're still new to it, since you should get used to judging textures and tones in person first before knowing what you're getting online. Don't be afraid to buy products nobody is talking about. Just because it isn't widely known doesn't mean it's not a quality product.

Drugstore recommendations: maybelline age rewind concealer, maybelline superstay full coverage foundation, maybelline fit me foundation in either dewy or matte finish, rimmel stay matte pressed finishing powder, nyx contour singles (the palette will be useless to non-professionals)(their blush in taupe is my favourite contour), nyx liquid lip creams,nyx suede creme lipsticks, elf mineral primer, maybelline eye studio gel liner, loreal lash paradise mascara, ardell demi wispies false lashes, real techniques brushes, nyx brow powder kit.
The makeupaddiction subreddit has a list of the best drugstore makeup products, but those are my personal favourites just from going through my makeup drawer.

>> No.13008325

What the fuck kind of ball did I start rolling?

Why can't there just be a nice enlightened dialectic in this nation?

I'm sorry OP, this was never what I intended. I'm at least grateful to have gleaned a new and positive angle on certain things. Please don't be mean to each other, guise.

Whether or not we're crazy, we're still stuck on this rock together, and it really doesn't matter in the end. We're all here together NOW. And then, one day, we' all leave this place - Alone.

I'm logging off for the night. This thread - or rather the nature of the dialogs within it - make me sad. I gotta think about all this stuff. Fortunately, I have my trusty DSM IV (and V, altho that one sucks), and I have some things to look up and cross reference in print and online. Maybe I can detach and look at it all with clinical eye...

Love each other. We don't have much time here, and what we do have is far too little to waste on hating or labeling.

>> No.13008329

>post-ops don't kill themselves more

They should. The only selling point of the tranny is they have a cock to play with.
Neovaginas are disgusting horrors. If you are post-op what can you give a man that a ciswoman can't do better?
I would never, ever stick my dick in a neovagina.
I will, however, larp about fucking pre-ops online. I've never met one irl so I don't know what would happen if a cute one started grinding on my dick.

>> No.13008332

not sure if troll anymore
have a nice night though, if you're serious. Love you man

>> No.13008335

If a tranny becomes post-op they are saying they care more about this step of "becoming a woman" than they do actually having men willing to be with them.
I would argue that part of being a woman is that men actually want to be with you and give you special privileges, though.
Women are not disgusting and frightening to men, men do not isolate themselves from women.

So, in fact, being pre-op is closer to being ciswoman than a post-op.

>> No.13008341

And folks, this is the problem with frantically googling for sources instead of arguing from general familiarity with the subject matter. Do you want me to list the problems with this study ... or would you just like to read about them yourself in the Methods and Limitations section?

That's not to fault the study or its authors at all; there's really no way around the limitations that they're working with. The problem is you, trying to make it into something that it's not.

>> No.13008344

>you’re trying to make it into something it’s not
Kind of like the entire transsexual population.

>> No.13008345

is op still even in the thread?

>> No.13008348

>b-but that study proves me wrong! the problem is it’s a bad study! surveying people is hard!!!!

>> No.13008350
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>> No.13008351

I’d say there’s a 45% chance he killed himself

>> No.13008355

LMAO it’s sad af but god damn the reality is so obvious but people are in such denial

>> No.13008366
File: 42 KB, 500x749, 9b53e87afd8d4416c8caefe28eb42291--blonde-lob-blonde-waves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dye your hair blonde and cut it shorter like this

>> No.13008374

do this one
your hair right now is shit, first and foremost you should think about a look that gives it more volume

>> No.13008402

Thank you, you too man :)

>> No.13008420
File: 203 KB, 1024x745, IMG_6561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a tranny
Puked and closed thread
Just lift weights, sort out your hormone levels, travel and experience different ways of life before you commit to the flavour of the year way to "fix" your depression and self confidence issues (pro tip, going trans makes it worse and you also permanently ruin your body and reputation)

>> No.13008443

anyone else here not give a fuck who goes and fucks their own life up but think its crazy how this tran thing became so big in the last few years? what happened?

>> No.13008446

cuz the the west is growing weak?

>> No.13008448

i fucked up for a few years and am back in school studying liberal arts (english) and the amount of trannies are incredible

>> No.13008449

understanding the truth that you're mentally ill and are in denial about it?

>> No.13008456
File: 88 KB, 143x757, 53047FE2-E5A0-4B86-A0BE-96E60154EDE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((What happened)))
It's called Progress goy...
is your son playing with barbies? If you don't put him on HRT and chop off his dick you'll lose custody over him (this is what happens in Canada, not a joke)

>> No.13008467

dude if shes happy being a girl just let her be and mind ur business anons. it doesnt affect you in any way so who gives a shit.

>> No.13008476

>have features that make you look like a literal troll under a bridge
>try to pass yourself as female
There's got to be something wrong with your head

>> No.13008477

Fuck off op

>> No.13008515

Bruce Jenner and the media

>> No.13008522

I'll be sure to bring that up when OP eventually kills themselves because they realize no amount of surgery can change their chromosomes.

>> No.13008552

Good troll

>> No.13008556

Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.

>> No.13008571

Brb saving OPs pic so I can shitpost as a tranny gamer on /v/, thanks OP

>> No.13008579

Juden nose. But decent looking

>> No.13008586

Jesus christ she just asked for hair advice.

>> No.13008617


>> No.13008618
File: 428 KB, 660x868, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to look good

>> No.13008652

The CHAD pro simian

>> No.13008658


I'd recommend curling your hair, or trying out different styles before cutting it. What kind of femme are you going for? Find actresses with that style, and see what you think.

Personally I think the cut itself is cute, and a little more curl to it would give that extra feminine touch.

>> No.13008674

Scrawny girl.

>> No.13008723

Focus on adding volume to the top with some dry shampoo or smth

>> No.13008806

you should get surgery to lower your hairline and a nose job. also consider taking a collagen peptide. it will make your skin appear more glowy and feminine when coupled with hrt.

>> No.13008808

No, it's not a "natural impulse" to cut off your dick. It's called being fucked in the head

>> No.13008850

not even op, why the fuck should anyone care if she kills herself. its not your body why do you guys care so much, im genuinely curious. she seems happy and she's cute enough for a trans person.

>> No.13008887
File: 63 KB, 480x415, a742bd83f60d7a53ecff1d53aa826daf2634b3a3b9943e5a027b692ffb0592c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she she she

>> No.13008944

You're so cute anon

>> No.13009001

no he isn't

>> No.13009157

le 45%

>> No.13009172


>> No.13009192

>to change their sex
You do realize a surgery doesn't rewrite your genes? Just because you change the appearance of you hair, face, genitals, etc. it doesn't change the underlying fact that you are what you are born as.

>> No.13009202

Well it's a natural impulse because they're fucked in the head.

>> No.13009206

Pretty good chance they're going to do it regardless of your opinions on the matter.

>> No.13009210

>you fucking freak just invented a term for normal people to be the freak just for yourselves to be the normal ones?

that sums it up perfectly, yes

>> No.13009232

Fucking kill yourself.


>> No.13009243

Some are actually really ill (chromosomes). They begin with transition quite early on and are diagnosed by psychiatrists.
Others with to transition to improve their life (at least what they think, remember all those weird betas in your school who now try to be "girls").

>> No.13009254

How doctransgender people age? I mean they age as a biological men, which means balding etc. etc.

>> No.13009371

>how do transgender people age?
like milk

>> No.13009389

estrogen = age as women
= no balding

>> No.13009429

Maybe, but Dihydrotestosterone is what causes balding so that = age as man = balding. It would need to be blocked. But this is natural guys don’t worry, just remember we are helping people by cutting off their genitals and pumping them full of hormones in order to satisfy their delusions. It’s natural guys. It’s natural.

I would seriously prefer cloning over this shit

>> No.13009468
File: 792 KB, 1199x1754, bl052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew a guy who really had serious gender dysmorphia. He also started to show it at a very very young age (around 5). Was at various psychiatrists etc. He finished his transition and she never mentions she is transsexual or anything - a woman. I'm okay with that, I respect that and she does her best to be viewed and act as one. I understand she isn't real woman, but she does her best and I can accept it.
Now political trannies are another different story. I'm bisexual myself, but I just can't get along with political LGBT-community because they are as insufferable as people they hate and blame for everything. There's more to being woman than just dye your hair pink, get soy overdose and don't even go to psychiatrist. Those can fuck themselves and they are just delusional males trying to get some attention and affection after they are past 20 and realized how much of a failure as a man they are. Actually, I would say those really need psychiatrist help because this is straight shizophrenia.