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13006785 No.13006785 [Reply] [Original]

last thread : >>12994338

ignore envious fat people edition

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something, help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies(fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.13006786

thoughts on Egg Nog?

>> No.13006799


>> No.13006924

for glorious skeletals!

>> No.13006948

binged 2 days in a row, gonna go sub 500 calories until my friend arrives in about 48 hours. at least my thigh gap is still there 5'8/125lb

>> No.13006974
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I never fail to binge when I smoke weed, even if I only have healthy food at home. Last night I went over my TDEE on sauteed vegetables (no oil), baby carrots, greek yogurt, and whole grain crackers.

>> No.13007063
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>still sick with stomach bug
>been three weeks
>weight is peeling off
>doctor isn't sure what it is
>just now finally saying I should take an antibiotic, which is hard since in another country now
Getting a bit worried. Can barely eat.

>> No.13007070

>Can barely eat.
thats the whole point brah, you gonna reach your goal so fast!

>> No.13007077
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I was just maintaining, I mean a little bonus was great but now it's getting too much. Also I'm on vacation in Italy with my dad and I just sat through a cooking class where I couldn't even taste anything.

>> No.13007085

This is why weed is bad for you and shouldnt be legalized.

>> No.13007106

How do you guys not compulsively eat things? Im mildly overweight (BMI of 26 cus im sure someone will ask) and want to lose weight, but its really easy to forget about eating light once I get hungry. What can I do to curb my appetite?

>> No.13007115
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You should go see another doctor, or go to the hospital.

>> No.13007119

To be /thinspo4lyfe/ you can't depend on drugs or any real trickery, you just have to practice eating less. Counting calories really does help, you get guilty when you go over.

Also intermittent fasting works well for a lot of people. I don't consider that trickery since I've done it for like three years now.

>> No.13007123

I don't have access to one here, since not at home. I mean I can get a hotel doctor, and might try that, but, I think I need an antibiotic. Now doctors are so gay about writing them you have to be half dead to get one since they get overprescribed and now they are overcompensating.

>> No.13007141
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Because you dont use your high right. Using weed on diet can be either extremely helpful or extremely harmful.

You need to keep busy and focused on something while high. Weed helps me workout ALOT, like I can do up to 2x more exercise. And if I stay focused on a movie im watching or music im listening to, or art im making, food doesnt cross my mind once.

If you are just sitting in your house high as fuck bored as fuck of course you are gonna enter your kitchen.

I also recommend drinking alot of water or healthy flavored drinks while high. Not only will the flavored drinks take your mind off wanting to taste flavor, but weed dehydrates the FUCK out of you. Dehydration is often mistaken for hunger.

>> No.13007146

another thing

hiking while high is good exercise and can be a magical experience with the right music

and if you dont take food with you you'll be forced to not eat

>> No.13007175
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>> No.13007197

>tfw eating sushi
Is this good or bad
I guess I ate <1000 kcal yesterday but still

>> No.13007208

i fall victim to munchies far too often, but cycling while high is fucking amazing

>> No.13007240 [DELETED] 
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i just ate two plates of pancakes

>> No.13007248
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>> No.13007300

>tfw no stimulants to suppress hunger because btc fucked the dnms

>> No.13007339
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>tfw underweight and feel fat af
>at home for the holidays and everyone telling me to eat
>period soon

I look significantly more bloated ughghghg

>> No.13007372

>tfw not a girl

>> No.13007378

im very sad. ive been eating 500-700 calories for 3 weesk and have only lost like 2 inches off my waist. do i just need to fast? is my metabolism dead? what do

>> No.13007382

im probably not being patient enough.

>> No.13007485
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I posted here a week ago about having reached my goal weight of 125 lbs after doing the 2468 diet, and wanting to go back to normal eating. Someone suggested to me to go back up to 800 calories, then do that for a week, then do 900 calories, for a week, then 1000, then so on.
I'm still losing weight, I'm 122 in the morning when I weigh myself naked and my waist is now 27" (69cm). I'm gonna be underweight soon. Would it be safe to speed things up a bit? I don't know if I want to be underweight yet. I'm worried I'll look more like a spooky skelly than a cute n skinny (no offense to any underweight people, it just might not be a good look for my body and face type)

For reference I'm 5'8" (173cm)

>> No.13007499

IF you're still losing weight then it's fine to up your calories.

>> No.13007509

Thanks, but by how much about? I've heard that just jumping back up to your TDEE can put a strain on your heart

>> No.13007516

That's a nonissue.

>> No.13007532

>180 cm
>55 kg
tfw reached my goal and can eat 1.6k cal a day :0

>> No.13007537

i envy you

>> No.13007559
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Do you want to be a girl? We need more cute thinspo dudes, don't transition please.

If you're already reached your goal weight and are okay with how you look, up your calories and maintain.

>> No.13007567

Im already transitioning sorry :(
my breasts make me look fatter since they're only developing now, slightly past 18

>> No.13007875

>tfw aware of calories
not precisely counting since i'm bad at math, but holy heck this helps me so much

>> No.13007895

hrt is good for weightloss
just keep your estrogen doses perfectly timed to control cravings better

>> No.13007898
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>Feel freezing cold, can't do anything
>Know that the only way to stop feeling freezing cold is to eat something
>If I eat something, I'll feel disgusting in my body and won't want to do anything

How do I break free from this

>> No.13007901

get hot water bottle and drink water

>> No.13007902

thank you for the tip, anon.
it is, indeed. i have lost quite some weight, though I do have some particular cravings from time to time. I really should work on spacing it regularly.

>> No.13007932

i keep an alarm to go off exactly every 12 hours, with pills already set in an AM/PM container
if you're early in transition, biotin for hair and nail growth, take a weekly supplement if you're on cypro (maybe more than weekly if you're below 750 kcal/day)
loelw estrogen causes cravings for fat and sugar, it's especially important for you to have healthy foods ready to snack on
and obviously, if on cypro, don't feel bad about eating more when your body needs it. when it feels like every muscle in your body is dying, they are. food won't ever make those muscles come back, but it will keep you from blacking out while your body is in overdrive

good luck anon we're all gonna make it

>> No.13007947

weekly B12 supplement*

>> No.13007955
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I just want to be a skeleton boy with a /fit/ boyfriend to fuck me hard.

>> No.13007963

Then you gotta go in /reverse/ cause they're all about THICC on /fit/

>> No.13008001

>ywn do molly with a shy closeted /fit/izen and convince him to stay up all night and fuck you over and over

>> No.13008008
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>> No.13008025

Any tallboy inspo?
I’m 191cm and trying to get to 64kg.

>> No.13008037

>ywn do molly with a short skelton boy and fuck him over and over
one day anon

>> No.13008226

It might be autism but I actually enjoy the fuck out of precisely, like down to the gram counting every calorie of every food I eat. Like I'll make a loaf of bread, count the calories in the flour, in the yeast, etc. and then when it's baked I'll weigh the whole thing, then use the total calories to calculate the calories in each slice I eat (by weight). It's just so satisfying to know exactly how much food energy I'm ingesting. I'm not even dieting, this is just how I like to eat food.

I do go out to eat with friends, in case you were wondering. On those days I do OMAD.

>> No.13008319
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I personally feel like I made some progress, I started drinking a lot of water and doing basic exercises in August. Lost 2-3 pant sizes

Still want to lose another 5 lbs and or maybe gain a couple of lbs of muscle not sure

>> No.13008331

Bro I hope you're having fun in Italy at least. Shame about not being able to eat. If you were already thinspo you should be worried about losing more weight.

>> No.13008336
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Should I have a bowl of chili for dinner or just have a smoke and go to bed.

>> No.13008343

The trick is eating clean, small portions, and IF. Unhealthy stuff stops tasting as good. You won't have sugar crashes that cause cravings. And your stomach shrinks from American sized to East African sized.

>> No.13008421

Smoke. Smoke two if you need to

>> No.13008440

Do yourself a favor and get rid of the stomach hair. You’ll look way skinnier.

I have chesthair though, so might not have the same effect on you, I guess.

>> No.13008442

I actually did a day after I took that photo

>> No.13008454

What's the best way to do this? I'm hairy as all fuck (mix of Mediterranean and Scandinavian ancestry, so I'm screwed, basically) and although by and large I don't mind having a lot of hair, I have SO FUCKING MUCH hair on my stomach, it's just too much. I also live in a pretty hot place so in the summer it's frankly a little uncomfortable.

Every time I decide, hey, I'll try getting rid of it, I end up with irritation and ingrown hairs, just because it's a huge area to shave.

>> No.13008679

i feel disgusting and gross ive tried so hard ot lose weight and the cravings are so intense the only thing that helps me is drugs but i feel pathetic depending on them for weight loss and my boyfriend is so much skinnier than me i feel fat as fuck.
i asked him if idlook better if i lost 10 pounds and he said yes someone please give me tips on how to restrict because i feel like i cant control myself at all

>> No.13008707

>tfw you reaffirm the fact that you are so very NOT gay after reading these gross bizarre comments from actual faggots.

>> No.13008766
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The only secret is to ignore hunger. You can chug water of caffeine if you want to cheat...

>> No.13009041

Phillips Norelco Bodygroom. Trim it as small as possible, then use the shaving side. Follow the included instructions.

>> No.13009045

let's do molly together, anon. then we can stay up all night taking turns fucking each other. :3c

>tfw getting a boner just from typing this

>> No.13009058
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>> No.13009127

>tfw not allowed to do molly for at least 2 more months
>tfw no comfy as fuck drug induced appetite suppression

>> No.13009149

Water is the secret

Whenever you eat, chug 2 bottles before you start eating and drink a bottle while you eat. Drink some after every bite

>> No.13009214
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>get high last night
>eat 4076 calories of empty carbs

I....i... think im just gonna go back to bed...

>> No.13009217

how the fuck do you even do this you clearly want to gain weight what the fuck

literally just dont

>> No.13009235

The sadness from missing out on Vergecoin helps a lot with not eating

>> No.13009298
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good morning /thinspo/

>> No.13009304

anyone else getting fewer erections when eating less?

>> No.13009312

Multivitamins with iron.

>> No.13009321
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fugg trying to eat healthy at christmas is so hard
how am I looking?

>> No.13009348

get more carbs, or you'll legitimately lose your libido

>> No.13009362

oh... ye I havent eaten bread or pasta in awhile.. thanks anon

>> No.13009374

Good evening

>> No.13009376

Im not going to.
Im still - 2570 kcals for this week.
Its more disgust im feeling than anything else. My stomach feels like a ficking beach ball right now.

>> No.13009426
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ca. 2 months progress

>> No.13009443


>> No.13009446

How do I get out of skinnyfat hell

>> No.13009454

how do those two things relate??

>> No.13009458


eliminating water weight more than anything

>> No.13009481

Not 100% sure, but I think it might be related to serotonin maybe.
There is plenty on google about it though, just search less carbs lower libido

>> No.13009491

You work out.

>> No.13009498
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didnt find much on the carb side, some people even saying their libido improved after switching to paleo. Found some correlation with nitric oxide, rich in stuff like dark chocolate, spinach and seeds, so >>13009362 fill up on those.

>> No.13009507

Well low carbs causes low testesterone. That's where I got the low libido from

>> No.13009514
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Pic related

>> No.13009524

nice desu

>> No.13009547

like what i eat in a day etc.?

>> No.13009563

Can you post that pic without the thinspo logo?
I wanna save it in folder.

>> No.13009579

How to stop binging

>Lowkey depressed for getting the shittier eating disorder

>> No.13009601

Get the food away from you
Drink as much water as you can
Cheat with caffeine

>> No.13009621

One thing that helped me was allowing myself to binge.

I just sat there and promised myself i could eat whatever i wanted. I had been restricting all week. In the end i ate about 5000 cals in one sitting. I felt gross, sick, my stomach was bulging, and i never wanted to eat another dessert as long as i lived. Importantly i didnt feel any better. It wasnt this amazing super fun experience, it was the pointless endeavor of eating a bunch of food. Being conscious of what i was doing and how not special and not naughty it was really helped me realize how empty and hollow binge eating is, and how eating that one special cookie or that one bag of chips is never as wonderful as it seems in your head.

The next day i ate normally, and did some writing and painting. Felt more rewarding and fulfilling than any shitty cake or cheeseburger.

>> No.13009622

2000 calories a day


>> No.13009628

I allow myself one cheat day a week. Eat anything I want.

>> No.13009640


>> No.13009654

Hey /thinspo/ I usually don't visit these threads but I thought someone here could maybe help me out. I am male and rather thin (6'0 125lbs) but don't have social anxiety or an eating disorder. However before I attend social events I always have trouble eating. It's especially hard to eat greasy, high calorie food, things such as salads are easier to eat. Does anyone have an idea of what could cause this? Is this the hidden work of anorexia that I'm unaware of? I usually eat normal sized meals.

>> No.13009662

Sounds like just a harmless quirk. Not even a quirk really, you're about to attend a social event where you'll likely be moving around and talking a lot, why would you want to have a big greasy burger sitting like a rock in your stomach the whole time? That's why it's common at parties to serve little snacks and hors d'ouevres as a light refreshment. Makes perfect sense. ya ain't anorexic.

>> No.13009711

Post the actual studies you dumbfuck.

>> No.13009744

you coulda just threw it all up

i dont listen to the anti-bulimia fags itt if I mess up that bad Im vomiting

>> No.13009747

Drink tea

>> No.13009748

I don't want swollen glands.

>> No.13009756

Soooooooooooooo you care about temporary swollen glands over fucking up progress that badly

>> No.13009766

Not him, but I lose all willpower when I'm high.
I could more easily eat 0 calories in a day while sober than keep my intake under 1500 on a day I get high.

>> No.13009784

Then don’t get high, or get high on better drugs.

>> No.13009790

My BMI is already 17, I'm not too worried. I think it was just stress over the holidays. If anything this will probably keep me from binging at dinner tomorrow/the day after
One lesson I've learned is don't get high and drink beer when I'm restricting that hard.

lol, same here. I have to be really careful about any drugs that aren't stimulants when I'm dieting.

I already drink full pots of it lmao but thanks, but I'll try that hot water bottle thing the other anon suggested. Anyone got a cheap one I can get on amazon or someth?

>> No.13009836
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What's the best drug for appetite suppression? Double points to one that can be easily obtained in Canada and isn't crazy expensive.

>> No.13009839


if you are sleep all the time you cant eat

>> No.13009841

Slow-release amphetamines like Vyvanse, Adderall, Focalin, etc.

>> No.13009849


>> No.13009853
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>tfw you do molly with ottermode qt
>tfw you end up cuddling in bed with him until sunrise
>tfw you can enjoy boys and drugs all you want without counting carbs

this >>13009841

>> No.13009861

Mdma or speed I guess uwu

>> No.13009863
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Can't gain weight by kissing boys, and cum is low in calories.

>> No.13009869
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>> No.13009887
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>> No.13009898

>I never fail to binge when I smoke weed,
Stop being retarded and smoke more weed faggot. If you get the munchies after smoking weed, you are doing it wrong. Just smoke more and you wont feel hungry.

>> No.13009916

This. You won't be able to eat if you're unconscious.

>> No.13009920

T. never smoked weed in his life
Way to out yourself as a pleb anon

>> No.13009929
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recovery fucking sucks

don't recomend

>> No.13009941
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I assure you I am a hip and with-it youth who partakes in smoking the devil's lettuce. It's just that I've never heard of the munchies going away by smoking more. If anything it just helps me forget that I'm so hungry but the cravings come back with a vengeance if I so much as think about food. The only thing I can do at that point is make sure the pizza I order has veggies and a thin crust.

>> No.13009952

Does anyone here NOT take multivitamins? If so, explain yourselves.

>> No.13009969


muchies are always post-high

never in my life have a craved food badly while I was high, its always on the come down

>> No.13009970

Dont forget fish, liver, and flaxseed. Multivitamins a shit when it comes to iron and omega 3s

>> No.13009979
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>If anything it just helps me forget that I'm so hungry
Right on the mark
>but the cravings come back with a vengeance if I so much as think about food.
Here's where your pleb understanding of things shines through, when you reach this point the trick is to simply keep smoking more weed. Repeat this until you fall asleep and have some breakfast in the morning so you don't starve to death.

But the real true unbiased weight losing scheme is even better, it's super simple and it'll make you skinny as fuck. Are you ready? here it is:
basically you have to smoke so much weed that you have no money left to spend on snacks and pizza n shit, that way you basically starve yourself, but you don't care cuz you're high. I've been doing this for a few years now and I'm basically a skeleton, it's great.

>> No.13009994

i drank too much water and now my stomach is gonna stretch out

i want to fucking die

>> No.13009999

quads for /thinspo/

>> No.13010006

>quads replying to itself
I think I'm having a religious experience

>> No.13010016
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Let me pray for anime legs in 2018.

>> No.13010046

Yes, please.

>> No.13010094

>tfw I kind of liked the idea of that comment and feel sort of gay.

I'm actually just horny and lonely

>> No.13010098

EC stack has been good for me.

legal, cheap, works. do it.

>> No.13010181



>> No.13010186

Thoughts on milk?

>> No.13010213

you need me to spoonfeed you brainlet? You have google too.

>> No.13010226
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>166 lbs

>> No.13010238

Diet is the only this that matters for weight loss, noob. Doesn't matter how much you exercise if you eat like shit.

>> No.13010239

Guys/girls I need to buy my bf a gift soon and im trying to get him a sweater or coat from this site, but there are so many options. PLEASE HELP....

>> No.13010241

Forced recovery and forced weight gain suck. If you recover when you're ready and don't just adopt binge eating disorder to "cure" yourself then you will be alright. Unfortunately a lot of people think if they just stuff you with food and make you gain unreasonably fast then you don't have an eating disorder anymore.

>> No.13010243

good start, but still soft. you can do it, anon! imagine how good it will feel when you are cut and have a lot more muscle and bone definition

>> No.13010244

If you're over 18, you look really hot desu

>> No.13010249

Not filling enough. I prefer homemade kefir or ryazhenka.

>> No.13010255

Switch to almond.

>> No.13010271

what does he wear usually/ what does he look like?

>> No.13010278


>> No.13010321

yo I think I want this shit


>> No.13010328

Thats it? You look like you'd weigh more with that muscle mass

Im 6'0 160 and while I have alotta muscle, My arms and chest are definitely not that big

>> No.13010374

what are you doing here igor, go away already

>> No.13010375

Been eating healthy, doing cardio and restricting since my 6 day binge a month ago.

Tomorrow is christmas and i been expecting the big fuking food a lot, but i dont want to go bersek and eat just for the sake of it and fall on the whole purge & hating my self thing.

How much calories should a i expect? going for the beer, desserts and red meat.
How much time to recover from this?

>> No.13010437

Depends on the beer, here's a great reference list for American beers
A deck of card's worth of red meat is about 180 cals, add 100 for whatever gravy is on it
desserts are more complicated but usually there's a grocery brand like Entenmenn's, Pillsbury, that you can use as a reference.

My strategy is OMAD. I allow myself to fill up my plate completely, then I can have one piece of dessert. It's impossible to go over 1000 cals if you do that.

>> No.13010446

>recently broke up with gf
>when I eat I think of her
>when I think of her I feel sick

Not sure what to feel

>> No.13010515

Thx bro! I bought some craft beer so i expect some higher calories from that, especially from the sweet one.
Are you only eating at night?
Dont know if eating breakfast will help or not. I have 450 cals from it, mostly fruit.

>> No.13010517

Fuck i forgot you said OMAD.

>> No.13010528

DO NOT ABUSE XANAX (or even take it regularly)

I've been to hell. You don't want to.

>> No.13010533

Bulimics tend to hover around the same weight. Anorexics are the ones who lose it.


>> No.13010655
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honesty feel fat

>> No.13010732

Had a good day and messed it up by eating churros. Time to purge I guess
Bro you don't necessarily have to be bulimic to purge, bulimia is a serious illness and throwing the word around just like that isn't helpful. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do

>> No.13010748


>> No.13010776

successful day one fast! 4 days to go! :)

>> No.13010801

Congrats on surviving hell day.

>> No.13010891
File: 9 KB, 200x300, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm looks ok, you look like your clenching your abs in the 2nd pic tho, you want to just have it look lean and "Washboard" without needing to clench. like literally in the shower when you wash your stomach, it should feel like a washboard, its cliche but its true. you can just feel the ripples as you rub your hand across them without flexing, good progress though
yea but you need to drink lots of water, it flushes all the toxins out. and it helps your entire system with all of its needs, water to humans is like motor oil to a car.

>> No.13011301

Adderall, vyvanse, ritalin, etc..
Amphetamines are always good/ stims in general are good desu

>> No.13011304

Only if it’s Soy.

>> No.13011329

not him, but do you know how hard washboard non flexing abs are to achieve?
it would take years

>> No.13011401
File: 252 KB, 357x479, Nervous+hissing+it+bothered+me+that+we+only+had+a_023709_6053502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the strategies for being skinny while still having an ass?
Mine appears to be uh.... disappearing...

>> No.13011441

i cant find fitting pants >:^(

>> No.13011443

It’s going to get smaller no matter what, you can’t pick and choose where you lose fat (sadly).

Just do butt exercises like squats, lunges, etc. You can’t be skinny with a huge Brazilian-tier booty without plastic surgery, but you can have a cute bubble butt.

If you have wide hips this will help too.

>> No.13011445

thanks, nice motivation
im 23

>> No.13011451

fair enough, i figured as much.
you know of a good butt routine? i'll start rn

>> No.13011468

I wish my ass would disappear :(

>> No.13011537

I wish my fat thighs would disappear and only my butt would remain.

>> No.13011540
File: 62 KB, 312x312, F970C00D-AE7B-4749-AF19-214A86C503B3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any way to get rid of the shakes from not eating? I drink plenty of water.

>> No.13011585

>Alcohol has calories
>Like, a fuckton of calories
>If I dont' drink at my family/friend Christmas Party I will most certainly be the only sober one

what do?

>> No.13011595

Sodium and potasium

>> No.13011597

A shot of 80 proof vodka is about 100 calories. Just make room for that in your meals when you know you’ll be drinking.

Shouldn’t be hard to make room for like 200-300 calories. Just avoid shit like beer or sugary cocktails.

I’m a lightweight though so that helps.

>> No.13011610

An antibiotic that could help you is Augmentin (amoxicillin+clavulanic acid) 875+125 mg, two times a day for 6 days. I think you can buy it in any Farmacia without medical prescription, but if they want it you can go to ER (pronto soccorso) or -if you don't want to go to the hospital- search for a Guardia Medica (a medician that works all days during holidays or during the night in week days 20:00-8:00). He'll probabily charge you like 15-25€ because you're not living here.
Also take probiotics halfway between the antibiotic doses.

By an Italian Medfag that works as guardia medica

>> No.13011623


>> No.13011717
File: 1.26 MB, 2307x3166, IMG_20171224_184036_923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i... Crimbo /thinspo/?

>> No.13011733

idk wut crimbo means but ur fat

>> No.13011753
File: 44 KB, 500x500, tumblr_oju6eu5J8q1w2hcxro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it makes you feel better, even when I was a landwhale I had no tits.

Do you know how pathetic it is to be a fat girl with no tits?? I'm a normal BMI now (aiming around 18, currently hovering around 21), but when I was obese it was just pathetic.

>> No.13011762

Your chichos pop out from your jeans therefore you're fat

>> No.13011765

Drink with empty stomach, get a good buzz quick.

>> No.13011912

what was your diet?? how long did it take also?

>> No.13011922
File: 92 KB, 700x900, 36c9c743da46b72f65cb3c54f8d3c579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vera Ellen 1/3

>> No.13011928
File: 72 KB, 491x750, 0e12e663a0ca9802810b082dccbb0fd3--classic-films-classic-style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vera Ellen 2/3

>> No.13011932
File: 557 KB, 952x1024, 51335213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vera Ellen 3/3

>> No.13011987

>home for christmas
>asked by family if I contracted aids
have I made it?

>> No.13012058

looks doughy need to be leaner

>> No.13012126

is drinking diet coke /thin/?

>> No.13012131


>> No.13012159
File: 284 KB, 1864x1463, some shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'4 and 145lbs.

>> No.13012171

water taste better than diet fucking coke nigga what the fuck

>> No.13012181

> watches taxi driver once

>> No.13012273

diet root beer > diet coke
helped me during my starvation diet but i don't drink it so much anymore

>> No.13012281

ok i found the culprit in my diet
fuggin chocolate country i swear

>> No.13012326

Thanks anon.

>> No.13012425

Used to be 6'3" 145lb, been stressed with uni so have used that as an excuse to give up on looking after myself and managed to gain 2 stone since September. Ashamed of myself and don't want to wait until new year to make a change. No more crisps. No more binging. Feeling bad about it the next day doesn't make it ok. Time to shed some pounds and be better.

>> No.13012518
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What can i do if im old and ugly?
I always wanted to look like some gothic bitches or kinda skater, actually anything skinny works

>> No.13012526

How old?
And ugly in what way?

>> No.13012551
File: 2.41 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20171117_075902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im 25
I dont like my face, hate my skin color and dont like my belly

>> No.13012559

Weed legalization will create so many new jobs though and is way less terrible than alcohol you dummy


>> No.13012578

Not old at all, it's still prime time
I get it, I too don't like my skin, not so much my color of skin just generally bad skin.

It's hard to be perfect. You a cute, your face isn't bad, and I'll burry my face in your belly

>> No.13012583

why are you dressing like you are still in high school? jesus

>> No.13012592

Because i never dressed like this in highschool
And because i wish i was 14

>> No.13012600

There is no hope for you

>> No.13012627

Sounds like you're having a bit of a quarter-life crisis. Eventually you'll come to terms with being an adult and realize that growing up is okay and you're still desirable

>> No.13012670
File: 59 KB, 539x810, tumblr_o4cseyju8G1txoxduo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been fucking up all day

>ate a bunch of M&M's
>no cigs so very irritable with 0 motivation to do anything
>didnt workout except for 10 mins when I woke up

Ended the day off right tho. Havent ate since 5pm and I just got in a good workout

>> No.13012678

I want to be skinny, but I also want a toned body and not be a weak little bitch and be strong as fuck as well. How do I do this?

>> No.13012687
File: 440 KB, 595x595, 2017-09-28 18_25_02-Anatoliy Tsarev (@iamtheempty) • Instagram photos and videos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its what im doing

moderate muscle low body fat

Most attractive build imo

>> No.13012695

yeah basically what I want. looks pretty kino. how do I achieve this?

>> No.13012699

There's no specific exercise, go to /fit/ sticky and workout until you're happy.

>> No.13012726

its actually really easy.

Workout alot
Dont eat alotta calories

I eat mainly just eggs and workout very frequently. Ive pretty much achieved the mode but I want more muscle, and a little less bodyfat would be alright.

>> No.13012838
File: 1.65 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half Asian qt3.14 thinspo girl I've talked too a few times. I want to ask her out but she'll prob reject me because I'm lowkey ugly :(

>> No.13012840
File: 810 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her leg

>> No.13012847

Go for it dude, don't wait too long because she'll probably be dead in a few months

>> No.13012907

The worst thing she can say is no, and things will be exactly the same for you.

The best thing she can say is yes.

Be direct, don’t be creepy, just ask her out.

>> No.13012912
File: 74 KB, 850x478, 0prBGQQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you fit into panties made for little girls
>tfw you fit into t-shirts made for 10 year old boys
>tfw you fit into blouses made for 11 year old girls

such strange feels but goddamn they feel good

>> No.13012913

I want to touch that body

>> No.13012917

It’s the holidays, always fucks progress a little. Just make up for it later.

Youll make it anon

>> No.13012938
File: 881 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I will. She initiated a few of our conversations so it's not like she can't find me that ugly? but I still feel like she's out of my league :( maybe I think too much. Also do you guys find her pretty. All my friends make fun of me since they say I like spaghetti girl since her limbs are long and thin like spaghetti

>> No.13012945

kinda looks like ayyylmao here but nice nose

>> No.13012964

I think she’s gorgeous anon, if you’re interested in her ask her. There’s no such thing as leagues.

There’s nothing bad that can happen from asking,

>> No.13012968

Got a new pair of jeans for Christmas. 26x34.
Fit like a glove. we made it senpai.

>> No.13012971
File: 874 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I might spam her pics

>> No.13012972

She has a model physique. Not conventionally hot but beautiful and totally /fa/

>> No.13012974


trim using a .5 guard once a week. dont shave it

>> No.13012985
File: 1.34 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's why I like her. She's really skinny unlike my friends who only like girls who look like fat slobs in my opinion

>> No.13012989


>> No.13012990
File: 1.52 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the girls in this thread, what's the best way to ask her out? I'm home on Christmas/winter break so should I do it by DM or wait until I'm back at school. I have no idea

>> No.13012993

>Go shopping for pants for the first time since I started dieting
>Hmm.. I was a size 8 about...
>WOAH, these are way too baggy, let's try a size down, a 7...
>Let's go a couple sizes down, a 4?
>I am a size one

It's worth it. Seriously. Don't give up. My god, it is so fucking worth it.

>> No.13012996
File: 1.49 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last pic for now I'll prob post more tomorrow

>> No.13012998

Post pics

>> No.13013002

DM her. No one cares if you ask in person anymore. Strike that iron while it's hot b
t. femanon

>> No.13013077

Exactly what >>13013002 said. Breakups over text suck, but asking someone out with a snap is basically how people just do things.

>> No.13013093

:) get better soon!

>> No.13013097

Hmm. Not that anon but I turned 26 this year and that's kind of what I go through, but also not. Sometimes I feel like I look too young which can be frustrating and I want to be seen as my actual age, but people still treat me like a kid. Other times I panic at the prospect of adult responsibilities and want to retreat into the "safety net" of looking younger.

>> No.13013110
File: 76 KB, 203x203, 1457213946085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saw ex-gf who used to be thinspo with me
>She has gotten chubby

I shouldn't feel so smug

>> No.13013116

day two fast complete... three days to go! wish me luck! :)

>> No.13013117

good luck anon!

>> No.13013130

Reporting after christmas dinner.
- around 4 glasses of beer
- red meat, chicken and sausage
- 6 small meat tacos
- some fries
- some potato pie
-some squid rings
and dessert...
one icecream
some cookies
some caramel & cream dessert

Maybe more than 5k calories?

expecting 1kg gain from this.

>> No.13013136

how can you eat so much without exploding?

>> No.13013147

All in a span of 3 hours. its like i am kinda of full but after 20 minutes i can eat a bit more and so on.
All small portions tho, but yeah, still was a lot.
Restricting for so much time and then having a window its like i am just eating for the sake. thats my problem.

>> No.13013153

Yeah, you're fucking obese

>> No.13013165


Dude, not trying to put pressure on you, but I seriously hope you are very attractive.
That girl is a 9/10 for me all things considered, and I have very high standards.
Holy shit

>> No.13013171

Another anon here, I'm on your very same boat...

>> No.13013175

Sounds delicious anon! Hope you enjoyed yourself! Just fast for two days, and no regrets!

>> No.13013209

to give some specific meal portion thinspo when dealing with holidays, we had roast beef and potatoes veggies with butter soup and pie and all this crap, I took 4 giant slabs of beef and smothered them in cranberry sauce and sauerkraut (notice, did not use gravy). ignored all potatoes and everything else then I ate about 5 forkfuls of the beef, omg it tasted so fucking good, and then I drank some wine and that was that, someone comes to take the plate away to clean up, I say "damn wish I wasn't wasting all that", (I ate maybe 10% of beef), no one says "no eat more" or anything or peer pressure) why? because I look fantastic and attractive, an people just know I am untouchable. gramma says " your eyes were way bigger than your mouth "

plate gone, then I ate half a slice of lemon pie oh fuck it was goods. perspectiv: I haven't eaten slow cooked tender roast beef on a long time like months at least, hadn't eaten a piece of pie in ages). but OMG they tasted so fcikng good.

got home finally and felt kind of hungry and mind starts to play games and say " you didn't eat enough, because you didn't eat your normal counted meal", but smart thinspo brain overrides it and says "you are more than enough and you actually ate real tasty meat, u ate enough stop stressing" then make a cup of coffee and drink it and now just have to worry bout tomorrow the next family meal with turkey

>> No.13013270


What’s the most effective method for solving skinnyfat guys? Or some tips for purging bodyfat

+1 Christmas points for any helpful discussion

>> No.13013275

rare side effect of omeprazole is loss of appetite. might try it, prilosec is cheap

>> No.13013281

eat a caloric deficit
stop eating sugars
lower your sodium
lower your saturated fat
drink water
work out

>> No.13013282
File: 86 KB, 1500x1001, abby4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. They gave me rifaximina 200mg to take 3x daily for 4 days. Also something called ondasetron for the nausea. Do you think the antibiotic will work? How many days?

>> No.13013296

update, I went for a couple more hours and the hunger didnt subside, it just kind of nagged me, this "nagging" type of hunger is the hunger I know that my body needs to eat something, protein, so I ate a bowl of 0% fat yogurt. personal fav is buying a 750 ml thing of 0% fat yogurt, vanilla or coconut, and always just having that on hand in the fridge, it's just easy to eat, you can eat just a spoonful or a bowl and it tastes good. loaded with protein if you find the good stuff.

>> No.13013327

Good luck anon! Go for it!

>> No.13013336

Did you went the hospital or guardia medica? :)
It's ok both the rifamixina for 4 days and the ondansetron. You should feel progressively better. If you can eat yogurt or take probiotics, also stay hydtratted <3
Enjoy Italy :)

>> No.13013338


>> No.13013429
File: 35 KB, 443x658, 62fa038a3a8d09c1e56fa701754f4c15--ziggy-stardust-etiquette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought I would say it but vaping is a great way to suppress hunger, nicotine to lower appetite + the e-liquid flavour to satisfy cravings for something tasty, great combo in all honesty.

>> No.13013470

opinions on orange juice?

>> No.13013485

good all around, be sure to get the freshly pressed without stuff added tho. The good stuff tends to be a bit steeper in price.

>> No.13013488

Thoughts on Honey Nut Cheerios????

>> No.13013492

Merry Christmas

dont eat too much today

>> No.13013504

>16.2 bmi
>still think I don't look skinny enough

I might have a problem desu

>> No.13013524
File: 597 KB, 595x842, 1514001011487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was 195, made it to 150 in ~2 years through lifting and heavy exercise
>back to 155
>work manual labor job and eat a lot and like shit
>want to be 125 lbs.
What should I expect? Really I just need I inspiration to eat better/less, probably.

>> No.13013539
File: 210 KB, 1280x855, abby1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hotel contacted a doctor. Someone with the "Student Medical Service" - I'm not a student but I guess that's who they contract to.

I'm on day two of the antibiotic now and no improvement. Three weeks of this I hope there isn't something dangerously wrong. Maybe when I get back to America I need to check into a hospital I donno. endoscopy or ultrasound? I've already done stool samples and blood work back home, all results were good but maybe missed something.

Thank you, Florence is very pretty. I have been walking through all the streets looking in the shop windows. It's so quiet, no cars. Beautiful.

>> No.13013553

the only inspo you can have to eat better is hating your current image

if you dont, you'll never be motivated enough to actually lose weight. You might think you are, but subconsciously you dont actually care.

>> No.13013568

You're weak if you have to rely on nicotine as appetite suppressant.

>> No.13013570

The only problem is that while that can be helpful, it can also make me self-destructive and binge eat.

>> No.13013571

Instead of eating a fuckload of food while hating yourself, do drugs instead. The pleasure of the taste of food is extremely temporary

>> No.13013574
File: 1.19 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20171225_090424945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much bf% to lose before I make it friends? Used to be a bit smaller but slowly been creeping back uo
Also a bit bloated at the moment

>> No.13013581

Weed helps me. It makes me a bit anxious so when I smoke it I immediately take a shit, as if my body is like UGGGHHHH GET IT OUT AHHHHHH and I shit, a lot, like it's getting everything out it can, and then I go into SEARCH FOR ISSUES mode kind of automatically and move my body around and maybe have internal mini panic attacks over my life and it not being the way I want it to be thanks to my own actions OH GOD OH GOD, and there's no WAY I could even THINK about eating food unless it was PERFECT AND HEALTHY because I am trying to be skinny goddamn it. And later on if I do eat, hopefully the high has sorted me out and not simply traumatized me and I've put myself on track and I only eat good and not a lot. The only problem is that in order to maintain this I need to smoke every day, and often I just can't bring myself to go through all that anxiety and possible full blown panic attack(s) so I only smoke rarely...sigh. I've gotta be just about the only person whose life would improve if she just smoked weed every day.

>> No.13013585

What drugs? Tbh I don't like a lot of drugs. I like weed, kind of; see >>13013581

>> No.13013593

You have weed-issues. With reactions to weed like that you shouldn't smoke it.

>> No.13013628
File: 36 KB, 468x317, YotsubaCrying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wake up, pissed, at 154 lbs
Wake up, pissed, at 157lbs

What the fuck, I didn't eat as much as yesterday and even went running!

>> No.13013675

Sounds like you are going to die.

>> No.13013678


>> No.13013701

I was on that and others my whole childhood. Really resentful of it and not being smart enough to just not take it.

>> No.13013702

It's kind of weird the way weight acts. You just have to be patient. If you're real good today I bet tomorrow it'll be down 2 lbs. or so. What's your height?

>> No.13013705
File: 45 KB, 720x762, 7FC72EF6-357C-48C0-9164-7A03B335E819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m getting concerned since antibiotic isn’t doing anything yet, that’s for sure.

>> No.13013706


>> No.13013719

At least you’ll be thin.

>> No.13013731
File: 173 KB, 750x1126, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28 inch waist

Does this look weird? Online says my waist should be like 32-34 inches

>> No.13013733

No. It doesn't look weird at all.

>> No.13013735

No. It doesn't look weird at all.

>> No.13013747

Ignore the other anon, you'll feel better. Antibiotic only works on bacterial infection, if your disease is viral it won't be helpful but you'll heal by yourself in a few days. Eat vegetables, drink water and eat yogurt or other things with good bacteria for your gut.
If your blood samples are good don't worry :) there's nothing wrong, you just need to rest a bit...

>> No.13013749

I’ve been sick for three weeks. Doctors keep saying a few more days but it never gets better. I think something might be really wrong since if it was viral it wouldn’t last three weeks. :/

>> No.13013760

Ignore me? Have you read what he said? He hasn’t been able to eat normal for weeks, doctors can’t figure out what it is, not even an anti biotic is working. You’ll say he is fine till he is dead.

Why don’t you fly back to the US and go to a hospital? You’re just going to prance around Italy while something eats your insides?

>> No.13013798
File: 1.54 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say I'm above average like a 6/7 out of 10. I'm not model tier but I'm lean so I have good facial structure. I've only dated one girl in my life and it was all throughout part of middle and all of high school then we broke up when we left for college so I'm autistic when it comes to other girls/relationships

>> No.13013805

you didnt send her the message yet? dont you think a bunch of other better men already sent theirs? you gotta compete with that

>> No.13013822

Seriously I'm being legit when I say 9/10.
I live in a major city, and I rarely ever see girls as pretty as her.
Do you bring other things to the table besides looks? As another anon said here, I imagine she has a lot of pursuers already

>> No.13013827
File: 364 KB, 600x600, 300706_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I save a lot of pictures of people I want to look like. Watching fitness or weight loss vlogs of youtubers keeps me motivated as well.
For me, I went from 56 kg to 50 and kpop idols just seem very relatable on that difference.
Aim for small goals by the way! Just -5 pounds or 5 cm of the circumference of your stomach or something.

>> No.13013830


>> No.13013833

Good, was worried for a second

>> No.13013835
File: 814 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol guys find her repulsive because she's so skinny. Also unrelated but I just opened all my presents and they were all clothing and none of them fit me. They're all baggy even though they're size small and medium. Kind of happy yet sad because I actually like all of them :(

>> No.13013838

Did you wish her merry Christmas?

>> No.13013842

left looks better, a bit thiccer

>> No.13013843
File: 660 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree I find her beautiful since she's so tiny and delicate

>> No.13013850

Man... Are you telling me you are a turbo Manlet?

>> No.13013851

If I was her I’d never date you just for posting my pictures on some weird website

>> No.13013860
File: 733 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No not yet but good idea
I'm 5 9 just skinny

She's 5 6 and super skinny but always wears boots and heels ect, because she's like as tall as me usually when she stands next to me in whatever height increasing shoes ect

>> No.13013869

What's her Instagram? If you don't ask her I will lmao

>> No.13013884

This desu, creepy as hell

>> No.13013898

I'm fashionable. She always sat next to me in the lecture we had together and would say hi to me smiling and stuff. I'm fucking autistic though and never shot my shot
Lmao I'm sure she doesn't mind
Wouldn't be surprised if she lurks here desu lol
You don't even know her? Why would she go out with some random stranger that DMs her on the internet

>> No.13013907
File: 1.56 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your ethnicity? Are you Asian. I'm white and grew up in a small town all white school so she's like exotic to me lmao even though she's only half Asian she still looks it due to her eye shape

>> No.13013908

I wouldn't ask her out straight away and I'm tall and handsome. I'm only joking about doing it, but seriously wtf are you waiting for. This is as good an opportunity as you can get, don't pass it up

>> No.13013915

Probably just water weight.

>> No.13013918

I'm white, and grew up in all white rich area, so maybe its the exotic thing as well

>> No.13013945

Anon she's so fucking cute i don't even know her but I'm legit in love holy shit she's like my dream thinspo gf and i normally only like white girls

>> No.13014009
File: 368 KB, 800x1146, 1513612368900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so not that great looking though. Use this for thinspo

>> No.13014015

Am interested. Care to elaborate?

>> No.13014016

i find her more beautiful than this girl desu
this blonde has ugly face if she were to close her mouth

>> No.13014043

They'll spike your insulin and make you feel less full. Not particularly high calorie, but still not the best thing to be eating.

>> No.13014049

she has an ugly face with her mouth open

and shes fat with ugly tits and ugly feet

where do some guys taste stem from jesus

>> No.13014060

I'm a male (male) and have prettier feet than this woman. Feels awkward man.

>> No.13014095

The Asian anon is obsessed with is hotter dude. That blonde is average af she's not even that thin either

>> No.13014105
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6', 139 lbs
adjusting my diet recently
h-how am I doing

>> No.13014130

Damn. I'm so confused. Someone please post inarguable perfection.

>> No.13014172


>> No.13014350

You didn't mention bowel movements, which if not consistent will make you retain weight for obvious reasons. Drink a lot of water, eat some fiber rich food.

>> No.13014362

I think the blonde is really cute. The half asian girl is also cute but she isn't really my type compared to the blonde.

>> No.13014421

I wanna drink more coffee but it stains your teeth right? Or is that a meme?

>> No.13014436

It does, use a straw if you can and go to the dentist more often/get your teeth cleaned. Say every four months rather than six.

>> No.13014645

>Started drinking black coffee when I was 14 to be edgy
>Really liked it
>6 years later teeth are stained to shit and need at least 4 cups a day

Don't fall for the coffee meme

>> No.13014655

Quit. I had a bad coffee habit, you can do it. Taper off using energy drinks (more exact with the caffeine) over a few weeks. You'll get headaches, but, overall it isn't terrible.

Then get your teeth cleaned, you can then get your teeth whitened once you quit.

>> No.13014657

Everyone thinks it's some kind of harmless happy fun time drug. It's not. It's the most addictive, deceptive and hard to quit substances on the planet. Unlike heroin, which is unpleasant AF to withdraw from, Xanax withdrawals are unpleasant as fuck and will kill you via grandmal seizures and/or heart attacks. Withdrawing lasts for months. Not two weeks, literally months.

I took it as prescribed over 4 to 5 years following 2 diagnoses of PTSD resulting from repeated head trauma, among other things. I didn't abuse it and never found it all that amusing as a drug.

It started to slow down my thought processes something major early this year, so I decided to remove it from my life entirely. I also hate being on a fucking leash all the time. I had my script stolen a few times, and as it's a controlled substance, that meant going to the ER or having seizures & risking a coronary or some shit.
Talk about being powerless...

I rushed the withdrawal taper big time because "GTFO of my body you shitty drug that doesn't work anymore and makes doing my taxes a little harder each year."
Nevertheless, I started tapering in the summer and just finished a week or so ago. My brain has yet to recover and down-regulate its GABA receptor count, but I'm off the drug itself, at least.

So for all those months? I was a fucking cripple. Insomnia like mad, unexplained bouts of fear and self-hatred raging ALL THE TIME on a scale that defies comprehension. Months and months of this shit, and I cannot convey how much it hurts to undergo this process. It's the worst thing I've ever experienced, and I've been through some trying times - no beat down, breakup, imprisonment or harm visited upon me can compare. Nothing compares.

And it never stops! No breaks! I didn't even crave the drug, oddly enough. If you'd put a loaded pistol and a bottle of xanax in front of me as I faced the worst of it, I would have taken the pistol to my head. I mean that. Just... Don't get started on it.

>> No.13014725

>tfw no access to amphetamine

>> No.13014773

Replied to you in next thread: >>13014582

>> No.13014776

Whoops I mean >>13014769