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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 275 KB, 784x489, billy-starnger-things-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12980613 No.12980613 [Reply] [Original]

This is what the average male's body is supposed to look like. Unless you are a marathon runner there's no reason to be a skinnyfat or skeleton bug creature.

>> No.12980623
File: 67 KB, 720x393, 1512328204721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not at least ottermode, I'm afraid you can't qualify as a male of your species. Unless you have a debilitating disease, a man is required to have mastery over his body, have strengthened ligaments tendons and muscle fibre, correct posture, a healthy cardiovascular system and testosterone levels higher than the Buzzfeed Try Guys. If you can't carry a child, lift up your girlfriend, climb over a wall, push a broken down car, run a 7 minute mile, you're not a man. There's no excuse.

>> No.12980640

but you won't look good in clothes so...

>> No.12980672

You realise most models work out, and have at least developed calves, rear delts, triceps, abs and necks?

>> No.12980678

this guy is not attractive

>> No.12980698

>insecurities: the thread

>> No.12981159

>you don't like something so you must be insecure
Apply your own logic to something you dislike. Don't like Neo Nazis? You must be insecure.

>> No.12981221

how can you compare a hate group to a body type, you're fucking stupid

>> No.12981242
File: 121 KB, 800x533, al-ghul-ras-arrow-climb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda like the wide midsection look. I don't know if I'd go for it myself but it looks strong.

>> No.12981246

>coping this hard
OP has no self control or discipline to look good. Literally never going to make it

>> No.12981274
File: 64 KB, 1280x721, tomghardybronson-xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started my dirty bulk the other day for this meme

Put thinspo on ignore.

>> No.12981277
File: 152 KB, 634x1074, brucelee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>maximum potential

>> No.12981305

his body was about agility and control though, many bodybuilders suck at pull ups, push ups, despite strength but Lee did mad calisthenics and moved so fuckin fast

>> No.12981316

Literally takes under 30 minutes a day to look like this. No excuse. Don't take it out on thinspo, they are mentally ill.

>> No.12981318
File: 25 KB, 428x391, trollface nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes under 30 minutes a day to look like this

>> No.12981392

>STR builds

lmaoing @ your life

>> No.12981459 [DELETED] 
File: 946 KB, 2560x1440, 20171211_224331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My typical everyday supper. Healthy, inexpensive and nutritious.

Chicken breast ~$2
Uncle nigger rice (or buckwheat)
Beans (lentils not too often)
Sauce (vindaloo here)

I'm shit at photography but trust me, it's really good.

>> No.12981469


lmao that guys body is pathetic. he just doesnt eat like a fatass and does pushups every now and then.

>> No.12981472

>This is what the average male's body is supposed to look like

so go ahead and be average.

>> No.12981474

>many bodybuilders suck at pull ups, push ups

ask me how I know you're dyel

>> No.12981478
File: 138 KB, 1777x886, MV5BOThiYTk1OGEtMjVmNS00M2M0LWI2MGMtODEyYzdlZWUwZTRkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUxMjc1OTM@._V1_SX1777_CR0,0,1777,886_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is what the average male's body is supposed to look like.

Nod really. They stress the fact that he is a fitness meathead. Normally they don't accentuate people lifting.

>> No.12981791
File: 686 KB, 400x300, xyKyyah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nod really
that was the EIGHTIES dont you GET IT? everybody was fitter and cooler in the EIGHTIES!!

>> No.12981799

And ronds were practically legal and super popular

>> No.12981834
File: 46 KB, 420x558, Mishimaoiled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lack of sudoku madman in this thread

>> No.12981835

this is idealbmi tho, thincunts and bloatsharts are same coin

>> No.12981842

I'm 117 lbs and can literally do all those things.

>> No.12981949

I have no idea if this is a /fit/ related question or /fa/ related question, anyways;
I wanna get fit, just ottermode though, I've been thinking calisthenics.
The problem is I can't work out with my hair. It's pretty long and incredibly sensitive to sweat, so when I work out I literally have to wash it that day or I look like a hobo the other day. Does anyone here have some tips how to help my hair from getting fucked from working out? (inb4 tie it in a bun you idiot)
Also does anyone have a good routine for achieving ottermode?
Thanks in advance anons

>> No.12981950

you could've done better by not starting the thread with a shitty white womanboy

>> No.12981951


>> No.12981956
File: 609 KB, 1008x1395, ottermodeworkout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come to the thinspo thread if you want to be ottermode

>> No.12981961
File: 177 KB, 1858x931, ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this supposed to look good? He looks like Alex Jone's after picture for Super Male Vitality.

>> No.12981962


>every day
don't get lifting advice on /fa/

>> No.12982010


I like checking and posting in /thinspo/ for all the qt thin girls. I think if you want to do an fashionable fitness thread you need a better name than "Anti Thinspo Thread". Call it /fitspo/ or some shit until there's a better name.

>> No.12982013

>completely missing the argument and making one up on the spot

Love retarded posters like you

>> No.12982081
File: 40 KB, 450x349, brad-pitt-in-fight-club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ottermode best one

>> No.12982112

you only do one colour each day anon

>> No.12982121
File: 9 KB, 645x773, 1510608204335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>800 deficit
>building muscle

>> No.12982145

so a vital superior male?

>> No.12982148

possible if you are hitting protein and a complete noob to lifting

>> No.12982171

Boys should be fit and girls should be thin or at max a normal weight cardio bunny. No discussion needed.

>> No.12982219

neck day is the best day at the gym

>> No.12982231

This is pretty on point, although I would question the tip on the calorie deficit.

>> No.12982277

Like get the physique of a 600lb strongman?
Get the cock out of your brain and actually think for a second before posting

>> No.12982473

>If you can't carry a child, lift up your girlfriend, climb over a wall, push a broken down car, run a 7 minute mile, you're not a man.
Lifting "tfw no gf" doesn't count lil guy

>> No.12982892

nigga thats like 70 pounds, you can achieve that in 2 months at most.

>> No.12982911
File: 50 KB, 620x413, zac-efron-baywatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is an insult to post Zac as twink boy instead of his peak performance.

>> No.12982916

>le epic art of manliness bullshit

>> No.12982927
File: 476 KB, 374x482, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if this would considered builtfat but this would be my goal physique!

>> No.12983247

>If you can't carry a child, lift up your girlfriend, climb over a wall, push a broken down car, run a 7 minute mile, you're not a man.

That can literally be done by anyone over 110 lbs


6:45 in the video Naoya Inoue is 115 lbs. Pushes a minivan with two grown men in it further than you could push your busted up civic.

>> No.12983681

I think his strength comes from great biomechanics as opposed to muscle. His body is really efficient

>> No.12983701
File: 24 KB, 679x379, bad-posture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is whose advice you're taking in thinspo threads. Models don't just starve themselves they have to have good posture too.
That means having some muscles strong and some muscles stretched and loose.
A balance of musculature that even most normies and curlbros don't do right.

>> No.12983709

Who's the guy in the pic?

>> No.12983890
File: 2.50 MB, 640x800, based justin hittin those squats.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12983952
File: 711 KB, 2186x2894, p22-mansfield-mishima-a-20141228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mishima was /fa/ as fuck

>> No.12984031

Find me one thinspo person that could squat their bodyweight and I'll concede that thinspo encourages you to train your muscles, nervous system and tendons

Until then it's a cult of self destruction and a surefire path to infertility

>> No.12984039

What BMI is thinspo to you?

Squatting 1x bodyweight is weakling tier. Any AIDS tier fag can do it within a couple months of relaxed squatting.

>> No.12984049
File: 64 KB, 949x905, Screenshot-2017-12-12 Squat Standards for Men and Women (lb) - Strength Level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean squatting your body weight x10 reps.

You should be able to do at least 1.5 your weight x10 even in thinspo mode

>> No.12984061
File: 499 KB, 600x551, IMG_4214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smoking, lying in bed and eating an egg a day = discipline and self control
Thinspo is a mental disease, you're literally aiming for skeleton status, at least anorexics are aware that they're destroying their body and have moments where they desperately want to stop.

REMINDER: If you are a woman, you can become infertile from skeletonmode and you will never have a child. If you are a man, you can permanently damage your hormone profile, bones, ligaments, mental growth etc, and good luck finding a woman to impregnate with your 100dnl testosterone

>> No.12984067

thanks for answering for me lol

>> No.12984138

yeah don't do an 800 calorie deficit just eat lean protein with some fat (no sugar) and do at max 500 or you won't gain any muscle
source: am ottermode

>> No.12984170


>skeleton bug creature


>> No.12984173

>no sugar
not even fruit?

>> No.12984183


All sugar has the same effect on your body no matter the source. That said, with absolutely no sugar you'd die.

>> No.12984187

narrow shoulders like a lady

>> No.12984190

>rear delts

that Mickey mouse muscle doesn't do shit for your frame
you mean the lateral head/middle delt.

>> No.12984236

I thought certain types of sugar are worse for you
Like high fructose

>> No.12984256

Fuck off, you LARP fag

>> No.12984267

Fructose is processed differently but there isn't enough evidence to say whether it's better or worse whatever that even means. Anyone saying that all sugar is the same or that fructose is definitely worse is full of shit.

>> No.12984272

Well how much sugar should one be consuming then?
Is there actually any benefits to keeping it low, or is it more just a 'don't over consume' sort of thing.
What in saying is, is there a benefit to having low sugar versus average intake

>> No.12984274

I'm torn because I find muscularity and fatness to be sexy, but extremely unfashionable and not "me" so to speak
So I feel like my options are follow the "bee yourself" meme and pursue my aesthetic fantasies until I die from anorexia or bulk up and become a filthy slam piece whore until I die from AIDS.

>> No.12984414

Not really, fructose has a different transporter in the gut compared to glucose and digested slightly differently (i think it takes longer to clear out or something, cant remember).

Main reason people freak out about it is because its in a lot of processed foods and people eat too much of those anyway, so suddenly its the “bad guy”. In Australia we don’t have much of any fructose in our food products but have similar obesity rates with the US. In Mexico they predominantly use cane sugar but their NCDs are rising like crazy. Its not the type of sugar, its the shit diet

>> No.12984421 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 650x465, 102265846-Ripe-Bananas-Photo-by-Meredith-650x465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bananas are good for you. I eat 3-4 every single day. Within calories in/out ofc

>> No.12984424 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 750x422, static1.squarespace.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo anyways, I was watching teh Deuce with that hipster douche franco and noticed his forearms... Is this genetics? because his body is otherwise normal, his biceps are nothing to write home about, but goddamn those forearms are popping.

>> No.12984430 [DELETED] 

I am well aware of the crossed arms trick, but they are constantly accentuating those forearms of his in relaxed position. They are sinewy and kinda oversized.

>> No.12984441
File: 1.10 MB, 2560x1440, 20171213_013858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bananas are good for you. I eat 3-4 every single day. Tbh mor elike 5-6. One with each shake; 3 shakes a day with oats and isolate. Plus another one or two bananas as a snack. All within calories in/out ofc.

>> No.12984469

big benefits to keeping it low
sugar is associated with insulin spikes and inflammation. recent studies have shown that sugar is worse for your cardiovascular health than fats.

the big problem with sugar is that its absorbed so damn fast, molecularly its the end product of all carbs but the problem without fiber to slow digestion its rough on the body. thats why fruit and oats are okay even though they have lots of sugar or carbs. my biochem professor in med school used to joke about eating snickers bars and metamucil to be perfectly healthy.

>> No.12984471

So if you're going to eat sugar it should be from fruits/oats?
Any idea on how many grams of sugar you should have

>> No.12984473

naw bro dont eat any sugar if you can avoid it, but fruits are okay. just use common sense. last I heard the recommendations are to keep ADDED sugar below 20g per day.

>> No.12984490
File: 463 KB, 1475x2448, IMG_0893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the average male's body is supposed to look like. Unless you are a marathon runner there's no reason to be a skinnyfat or skeleton bug creature.

>> No.12984491
File: 39 KB, 340x497, 1295931282464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show pucci

>> No.12984498
File: 12 KB, 319x254, 1499022744406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mirin that hourglass figure

>> No.12984511

>having kids
Are you ok?

>> No.12984524

Why don't you want a little /fa/ you running around and caring for you as you get older

>> No.12984544


Will you still be /fa/ stewing in your own shit and piss all day while your nurses play cell phone games?

>> No.12984547

hahaha, die lonely and unfulfilled, you really smashed the system, prevented climate change, had extra money for shoes, fed the africans, stopped overpopulation or whatever else you'll say to yourself on your deathbed as >>12984544 these people watch your tattooed, empty soul say its final words.

>> No.12984570

Literally just use the abduction machine.

>> No.12984643

t.cat lady

>> No.12984686

athletic, built, and bodybuilder all have used steroids so this isn't a good reference for /fa/

>> No.12984710

t. guy with invisible rear delts

>> No.12984771

This square body look unironically disgusting

Literally from best to worse

Skin || thin > everything else

>tits the same as mine

>> No.12984793

based thinspo poster

>> No.12985263

Imagine how disappointed your ancestors would be, to have carried your bloodline this far only for you to throw it in the trash.

>> No.12985424

he's not wrong, a lot of the guys I know begin to struggle to do 5 pull ups during a bulk

>> No.12985432
File: 52 KB, 322x600, david-full-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12985434

t. never gonna make it

>> No.12985435

is his routine online anywhere?

>> No.12985453

his ass is better than my ex's...
ex gf

>> No.12985456

mate you're more likely to get radioisotopic poisoning than unaccounted weight gain

>> No.12985461


>> No.12985471

He was a /fa/g

>> No.12985658
File: 162 KB, 728x1024, 09f6964ea5155d2e07011d134dcfa689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true. so...?

>> No.12985950
File: 12 KB, 183x275, IMG_1829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lean bulk is true goat

>> No.12985959

How to achieve this aesthetic? I have his exact build, just less defined

>> No.12986292

i am a super ectomorph, incredibly skinny, low bone mass, the lot. I try and try but I just can't seem to put on weight, I can't put on muscle because my bones are so thin, I try to increase bone density but just don't know how. how the fuck do i gain weight i have been 6'5 skeletor all my life and want to have normal bone density

help plz

>> No.12986307

This is basically just a dirty bulk with big traps

>> No.12986311

Work out, but don't bulk

Are you under the age of 25? A lot of dudes grow out of their skinniness.
Alternatively, workout with the intention of bulking.

>> No.12986318

i'm 22. my dad said he was as skinny as me until about 25.

interestingly, i have an obese brother, (6'1) a muscley tank brother (6'3) and i'm the super skinny one at 6'5. is there anything i can do for bone density? my bones seriously look like they'll snap at any minute, but i'm actually quite strong, i'd be happy with being skinny if i had normal sized bones.

>> No.12986338

Just aim for a realistic ottermode body
Find easy supplements to gain weight like an added protein shake AFTER a meal instead of in place of the meal and you'll eventually crave more calories.

>> No.12986341
File: 10 KB, 225x225, eat this every day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't gain weight

it's bait

>> No.12986344

I'm sort of a mixture of built fat and bear mode.. gotta put down the burgers. So I'm guessing this chart is supposed to tell you what archetype you could be if you lifted and ran all of the time? It's really just about what you eat, and what sort of muscle fiber genes you have. For someone who is skinny, the 7 minute mile thing is a meme. It would only require you to up the nutritional intake that you'll need in order to put on muscle mass, and many people can run/jog/walk a mile much slower while maintaining the same cardio benefits. Seven-minute miles would only be needed for... I don't know.. Navy SEALs and athletes?

This is my opinion, but I believe the best American male body type falls in between a mixture of ottermode and athletic. The reason why I prefer this look over the others is that adding a bit of muscle mass over a low body fat percentage frame, by the use of calisthenics and a slightly higher protein intake, is more beneficial for one's health than just cardio or going thinspo alone. Not only that, but you'd still be able to fit in your skinny clothing the same way you do now with almost the exact same look. You would just have more muscle definition & strength.

Eat right, drink water, go get your heart rate in the target zone for cardio for at least thirty minutes per day, and then finish the cardio routine off with three sets each of sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups, and squats. Doing this, and being consistent with it, would yield the healthiest body, and there's nothing more /fa/ than being healthy.

>> No.12986349

i dont want diabetes, i eat enough shit as it is.. i totally get i dont have the discipline, because one of my brothers is very disciplined, but he's also very naturally athletic and always has been, whereas i'm the complete opposite. i just grew up with the idea of a fat bro, athlete bro and myself being the skinny bro, but always been self conscious of my tiny bones, and now i'm 22 i wanna change that because i'm in a full time job and have a routine so im thinking the discipline will come with the routine

good idea. any rec on what protein shake / brand or type? i literally know nothing about exercise or weights or anything, i dont even know food categories, im so ignorant

>> No.12986353

Just find one that isn't low in calories and then research the name online to see if it's decent.

You could even use those Biggest Loser/slimfast meal replacements, really. Just treat them like an added milkshake.

>> No.12986358
File: 126 KB, 1200x1200, 888537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decent ice cream is too expensive desu

>> No.12986376

Why the fuck would anyone ever eat ice cream to get big? Quick carbs are the number one trash food of all time.

Eat some slow carbs (brown rice, potatoes, beets, whole grain stuff etc). Carbs are the main weight regulators. Mix them with a lot of saturated fat which should be about 1/3rd of total fat consumption. You gaining too much weight? Cut down carbs. Gaining too little? Increase. But NEVER EAT QUICK CARBS. Your body can not handle that shit because you process it way faster than it can be used efficiently, so it's just stored as fat.

>> No.12986393

cause roid zac is not achievable without the roids

>> No.12986397

This routine is fucking retarded

>> No.12986409

a lot of bodybuilders now just think mostly in terms of calories in, macros are less relevant especially when you fully hormonized to the maximus like a real man gh15 approved

>> No.12986415 [DELETED] 

Start learning how to cook shit like whole chickens and other chicken dishes. Protein shakes will help you for sure, but people don't make the gains they want to because they can't cook. Trying to make gains by using shit that's high in fat, carbs, sugars, etc just because it is high calorie is not good over the long-term and it leads to bad habits & fat gain.

If you've been skinny over the course of your life, then you should know that the diet you are on right now is good in keeping the fat off of your body. All you need is a protein boost from lean, non-prepackaged proteins. Think paleo diet.

>> No.12986420

do you get those vascular arms from high repping push ups?

>> No.12986441

That's a bunch of baloney friendo

>> No.12986474

Great genes, eating a shit load of real food, and body weight exercises are the only things some people need. Case in point should be Herschel Walker.. The guy didn't touch a weight room until he got to Georgia, and he was already weighing 215Ibs at 6'1".


>> No.12986506


tell me thats a girl please

>> No.12986511

It's the average male body

>> No.12986519

I know

>> No.12986522

> Anon says men should care for their bodies and be in good shape for a plethora of reasons

>> No.12986754

Not on /fit/

>> No.12986781

>dirty bulk
you got memed

>> No.12986952

>dirty bulk
you mean getting fat?

>> No.12986992

No actor is getting ripped on body weight shit, they don't have time.

>> No.12987020

how do i go from auschwitz mode into builtfat? gomad y/n

>> No.12987377

Yes, but also trying to keep some muscle on me

>> No.12987384
File: 235 KB, 1600x1202, 1487364054003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anti-thinspo inspo

>> No.12987434

Being in shape is great, it's more the tone and style of rhetoric that is silly. That whole 'manosphere' shit is more embarrassing than actual soy boys.

>> No.12987438

>dirty bulk
enjoying never shifting that fat

>> No.12987447

His body is simply perfect. Slim but muscular, thin but not frail. Balanced, harmonious...

His face is not on the same level though, especially in the pic on the right :(

>> No.12987449
File: 8 KB, 220x220, jaws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12987455
File: 115 KB, 534x800, 1504687762248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another example

>> No.12987458

fuck off you male patriarchal right wingers trying to shame those of us too intelligent to waste hours a day in the gym and use dangerous drugs for growing useless muscles. nobody likes this chad shit anymore in 2017

>> No.12987465

based american anon

>> No.12987486

these threads should be banned from fashion forums.

>> No.12987488


>> No.12987532

KYS if this is not a joke. You know what? KYS even if it is.

>> No.12987550

You don't need all those faggot-ass reasons

Mastery over the body is enough in and of itself. Everything else is faggy >le be a man dogshit

>> No.12987584

Bananas,milk and honey,tuna,50 cent snacks with high sugar and fats,steak and eat like a fat fuck

>> No.12987606

yes youre supposed to wash your hair after physical activity you fucking moron

>> No.12987671
File: 46 KB, 640x618, 1F3B3B78-6AE4-4176-8490-4FA67B49DE98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't understand how /fa/gs can dismiss shaping their body as a man. it's you best accesoire. if you are ottermode or generally low-body fat and built you'll good in no matter what. also you face and cheeks will look much better.

fuckgin faggots thinking that buying some balcienaga can erase that disgusting skinnyfat blob you call a core and your mantits.

>> No.12987872

have a bit more respect for yourself. you can start by hitting the gym.

>> No.12988062
File: 357 KB, 730x1316, 1510250377806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being ascended ottermode

top keque

>> No.12988895

get a hold of this poster

>> No.12989551

more like this no homo.

>> No.12989912
File: 87 KB, 944x629, yukio-mishima-with-books-and-sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol /fa/ and /fit/ the man but in coolest way possible
*teleports behind you*

>> No.12990275


>> No.12990310

eat like horse and healthy, it will be expensive af tho

>> No.12990454
File: 329 KB, 1920x1200, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get these huge arms?

>> No.12990462
File: 426 KB, 1920x1200, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does he look so slim yet has so much muscle on his arms and legs?

>> No.12990486

legit dad arms, a lot of grabbing and carying heavy things will get you there

>> No.12990494

>all of the physiques above ottermode are roided as fuck
yeah I'm fine here thanks

>> No.12990548


>> No.12990567

if you are a healthy male, adding a scoop of full fat ice cream will not destroy your health or gains.

if you really have a hard time gaining weight/eating why would you tell skeles to eat a shitload of high satiety carbs?
of course eat your veggies, get your fiber, do a little cardio. but if eating is a chore then you absolutely should use help from "bad" foods that are high fat/high carb

>> No.12990605

Steroid bulk You mean?

>> No.12990669
File: 82 KB, 863x1300, weak fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad arms

fuck off troll

>> No.12990676

I want that douche James Franco to be next to be accused of rape.

>> No.12990792

Franco is cool man

>> No.12990814


>> No.12991033
File: 209 KB, 331x343, 1457610355492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this right here

>> No.12991175
File: 899 KB, 500x340, e4a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very sexy tiddays

>> No.12991968

Hes not wrong tho

>> No.12992189

you forgot /lit

>> No.12992433
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 6ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12992437

Girl here.
Anything else is disgusting.

>> No.12992704

Femanon here as well
Couldn't agree more.
Although for me it goes like skinny > ottermode > skinnyfat >athletic

>> No.12992714

just kill yourself when this starts happening
its not that hard

>> No.12992716
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1507290026602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of knew getting big was a meme from the beginning, but it still hurts to know all my effort was for nothing.

>> No.12992721 [DELETED] 

How do I get skinny?

>> No.12992722
File: 156 KB, 1000x750, thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get skinny?

>> No.12992731
File: 6 KB, 500x476, 1511219485986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking skinnyfat over built fat

>> No.12992740

Your effort is for you, anon. You should feel good in your body and should be happy with the way you are. Exercise for yourself, not for girls!

I don't force you to date skinnyfat men, so I don't know what your problem is

>> No.12992741

smoke crack

>> No.12992746

Eat only until you don't feel hungry
Stop using car/buses unless it's really far away

>> No.12992794
File: 355 KB, 787x653, allsmiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw skinnyfat

If most girls think like this then there's still hope for me.

Thx Femanons.

>> No.12992800

mfw he was actually one who left humanity behind, not rich piano

>> No.12992812
File: 25 KB, 720x720, LiftersHateHim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(I'm builtfat)

>> No.12992990
File: 13 KB, 236x246, 1512963901913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRL femanon here
Skinnyfat is disgusting lazy boy and I would not be seen dating, skeleton would probably act like a pussy and people would laugh at him behind his back. I think muscles show everyone you're a healthy man and I like to be seen with a good looking, strong guy who can take me places and won't take shit from others, also probably popular.

>> No.12992992

the eternal roastie

>> No.12992997
File: 91 KB, 736x785, Excuses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waah waah anything past skinnyfat is Roids and impossible

I present to you Victorian and Edwardian bodybuilders, who had looney tunes tier gear, pants on head retarded routines, shit diets and had never heard of a testosterone

>> No.12993006
File: 42 KB, 631x632, 1507511817722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, it's hard to call them bodybuilders since they used almost none of the techniques of modern bodybuilders, and a lot of "strong men" like the ones in the pic actually never lifted weights, in their diaries and medical records it is recorded that they got big by performing in circus acts, doing things like caber toss and shotput, boxing etc

Having a body like a statue paired with aesthetic intelligence, a sharp mind and good charisma is the most /fa/ thing possible, even tricky rick agrees.

"Lifting is modern couture" - Rick Owens

>> No.12993008
File: 41 KB, 632x485, 1505066644193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"gender roles aren't progressing!"
Aka, oy vey, why aren't you all weak consumerist soyim yet?

>> No.12993109




>> No.12993138

That isn't true. Most of them did follow a training regime with weightlifting and other exercises http://physicalculturist.ca/oldtime-strongman-training-methods/

>> No.12993144
File: 5 KB, 392x398, ffog-TJlBR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it makes absolutely no difference if i'm thinspo or fit because i'm rich

when will they learn

>> No.12993148

1 (one) anonymous "femanon" on an imageboard says they like skinny guys and you doubt your entire life?

you were never gonna make it to begin with. lol

>> No.12993152
File: 374 KB, 939x1600, strongman1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*some of them followed routines

Some yoked guy, I can't remember who but there were several threads about him on /fit/, described never having touched proper weights and only getting big from fighting and being a fisherman. It is also established that a lot of athletes and strongmen never used bodybuilding techniques, your Art of Manliness tier article doesn't mention this

>> No.12993153
File: 1.18 MB, 1386x616, 1503935312969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for nothing
Lifting won't fix an ugly face, but it sends a 6.5/10 face to 8/10

>> No.12993217

>Tfw 5'9 and sub 110 pounds
How do I into a reasonable human weight

>> No.12993405
File: 51 KB, 400x400, 1512233686317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A high protein, high fat (animal and plant fat =/= converted to human fat) diet with lots of vitamins in the form of cruciferous veggies and water.

Stay away from any sugar, even fruits like apples. Never eat raisins (like eating a handful of fructose sugar) Berries have low sugar and high vitamins.

Just eat a fuck tonne, bro. Try to bump your calories to 2500-3000 a day, make sure you're getting a high serving of protein for energy and the amino acids, make sure you're getting lots of sleep and keeping your body moving, quit the sedentary lifestyle or intersperse it with stretches and HIIT.

Avoid long distance running, if you like going a long way look into running Fartlek style. Hit the gym regularly, try to autistically push your numbers higher and higher with a dedicated routine, make sure you go ritually for at least 2 1/2 weeks every single day of your schedule (whether you feel ill, or tired, or sad, or busy, fuck all that, it takes 2 long and brutal weeks to make a habit and neural pathway and then you'll be addicted to exercising and its dopamine and it's easymode to continue).

When you start, fuck the gay bodybuilding accessories. Just focus on the 5-7 big compound lifts (big lifts that use multiple muscles, for example deadlifts and overhead presses), and later throw on some accessories to catch up lagging muscles (for instance, some stretches to fix bad posture which will make you taller, rear delt exercises, tricep work to look joocy, calf raises etc).

Number one thing is bumping up your calories and making sure that the weight you gain is in lean muscle, with a small amount of fat gain (called bulking, but not the "dirty bulk" some meatheads talk about, which will trash your insulin levels and form new fat cells that never fully go away).

Remember those 2 1/2 weeks of brutal self discipline and motivation, write it down on the wall and Pavlovian reward yourself with some gym gear once you've completed them, learn to enjoy struggle.

>> No.12993424

This dude just has a poor natural physic. Probably from being a manlet. Too wide and short.

>> No.12993450

>lifting won't fix an ugly face
>but let me contradict myself real quick
you must be the most retarded person on this board

>> No.12993481


What if you're a half-marathoner?

>> No.12993485


Gettin' kinda gay in here.

>> No.12993490


Tom Hardy?

>> No.12993614

>6.5 = ugly
Reading comprehension must not be your strong suit

>> No.12993740
File: 128 KB, 600x828, 1468004954283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda homo but definitely something to aspire to

>> No.12994041

snadow was greek god tier
also kekd to guy with mask

>> No.12994050

>tfw no bearmode bf in a suit

>> No.12994064

go on /fit/ and read the sticky but many fitizens are aspies of a different nature with body issues so I wouldn't make a place there or anything.

>> No.12994167

tfw made this faggy infographic when I was a fag

>> No.12994237

its actually decent all around

>> No.12994435

chad sudoku x f

>> No.12994737
File: 116 KB, 640x640, 22344503_187018045176578_8356222718227513344_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a mixture of having low enough body fat, amount of time you've spent developing your arms, and genetics.

>> No.12994847

>IRL femamon
Yeah, like every other. Congratulations on having different taste. You are very unique

>> No.12994855

This. She sounds like your usual Instagram whore who suck you off on the first date

>> No.12994894

>that efortless terrorwave on top left

>> No.12994908
File: 21 KB, 610x458, nexus-6-batty-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uulltimaate human foorm

>> No.12994914

newsflash: stanky pussy women who shitpost all day are not 'most women'

>> No.12994915

Can i be roman aesthetic form being only 175cm

>> No.12994921

skinnyfat soyboys who got bullied by chads in school. sorry guys but being athletic is just more attractive, hate to break it to ya

>> No.12994925

Golden gaytime toffee!?!??!!?

>> No.12995103

I am a girl. And I prefer skinnyfat soyboys over athletes.
Also, it's so visible you are larping you should just give up or get better at it. No self respecting girl that has healthy human interactions sees guys as chads or virgins

>> No.12995114

sour grapes, my ugly friend :)

>> No.12995146

yea real men xDDDDDD kill em manly alpha male cool MAN, you sure know the art of manliness fellow MAN.

>> No.12995154

there's a lot of soy in this thread

>> No.12995156

did you even read his comment retard

>> No.12995263

I'm pretty, but nice try, James. Oh sorry, I mean, Jessica, because you are a real life real girl with real vagina and totally not a fat basement dwelling meet who jerks off to thought of being alpha

>> No.12995320

I am a girl. And I prefer maluable leftist cuckolds with no self discipline, confidence or value to other women, soyboys who will put up with my terrible hygeine and rotten personality and will probably keep giving me money if I sleep with someone while they're away

>> No.12995333
File: 107 KB, 640x640, 1513451963228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embarassing strawman. Enjoy your 14 year old useless body, your ruined hormone profile and your health problems down the road. Continue to fail to understand why other men look down on you and don't want to be anything like you.

>> No.12995430


Continue being a jealous over muscled Steve telling yourself all of that because you can't accept that a person can like a thin boy with a little stomach chub more than you

>being this insecure

>> No.12995454

it's a well established fact that women are more attracted to athletic men. not only is it aesthetically attractive, it shows discipline and exudes confidence. you sound like an ugly roastie who couldn't cope with being with someone more attractive and of higher social status than yourself.

>> No.12995458

lmao. the so called "alpha males" are always the most thin skinned assholes imaginable. i wonder why is that...

>> No.12995474

No, it's not well established. Women are mostly attracted the most to ottermode. Go cry on /fit/ instead. Also I'm rated 8/10 by most men (lowest rating I got was 7/10 and highest 10/10) and I had sex only one time in life with my boyfriend who is not skinnyfat nor a soyboy. Also I don't mind people being lower or higher or the same status with me, I'm barely higher middle-class after all.

You sound like one of this bald ugly men who have nothing else to give that muscles because their life focuses on sweating in gym. No mentally healthy girl would find this attractive.

Also, you just proved >>12995458 post

>> No.12995492
File: 639 KB, 640x960, IMG_0955 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be an overmuscled steve

the virgin frail soyboy vs The Chad Overmuscled Steve

>> No.12995498
File: 89 KB, 630x810, C7SsXKqU0AA8pLR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12995504
File: 1.07 MB, 1041x841, 3mWTjGI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"I'll suck a dick if I want to"
"I'll be a skinny bugman if I want to"

That's YOU, dummy!

>> No.12995507
File: 73 KB, 926x678, DFw-59CVYAASarM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is you

>> No.12995519

If that's how you justify your own shortcomings, you have my permission to go ahead and imagine me as that creature. Faggot.

>> No.12995536

Kek, this post just proved it

>> No.12995545

you are a dumb dumb

>> No.12995720
File: 373 KB, 479x640, 36A28D0C-1DF3-4584-BAB3-8963FD211AE9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nod an argumend :DD

Anon posts self improvement images, effete bugmen angry at their life choices, many such cases!

>> No.12995764
File: 501 KB, 1296x2304, IMG_76543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice bod lad

>> No.12995767

> Live longer, look better, be stronger
> Faggot ass reasons
Okay anon

>> No.12995769


>> No.12995774

not something you can really go for. it's all about the hips and genetics for the most part

>> No.12995777

Nah senpai.

>> No.12995783

None of that is in that faggot's post

> If you can't carry a child, lift up your girlfriend, climb over a wall, push a broken down car, run a 7 minute mile, you're not a man

pure fag bullshit

>> No.12995808
File: 66 KB, 512x314, 38e09637_99b7_4698_a7a7_74eb6ac11d3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread sucks, exercise if you want to improve your body. if you're fine with your body, exercise anyways to stay healthy. don't eat like shit, don't drink or smoke a lot. why does everyone on /fa/ have to be a condescending shithead?

>> No.12995816

We got a big brain over here

If you're this upset by an atmosphere of shaming lazy skinnyfats and encouraging effort, discipline and hard work towards improving and maintaining your body, you're just as soft as the soyboy losers we're mocking

>> No.12995890

jesus fucking christ

>> No.12996082

this is basically my body desu lad

>> No.12996125
File: 44 KB, 582x570, pinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>came to /fa/ from /fit/ for the first time in months
>lurking for clothing inspo
>see this fucking thread




>> No.12996151

Cringe is real with this one

>> No.12996152

You made it

>> No.12996158

i have no gf though

>> No.12996159

That's what you become when you have too much muscles and top little brain

Congratulations anon, you look just a little different from me and I'm a girl

>> No.12996162
File: 187 KB, 727x582, 1506356698912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still Nod An Argumend :DDD

>> No.12996210

You must be gay and in denial brah

He's very attractive no homo.

>> No.12996212
File: 617 KB, 811x933, 113254.1440315914[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't ever go full golem mode brah

>> No.12996232
File: 28 KB, 404x600, 9pXLy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smaller people naturally have a higher strength to weight ratio.

I actually like being bigger because I can get a better workout with just my body weight.


Dude, I workout 1-3 times per day and therefor end up showering 2-3 times a day. I'm not sure why you wouldn't shower. It takes like 5 minutes.

Young Alex Jones mode is pretty good. Had some schizophrenic hippy come into my gym and ramble at my boss about how he was really Bill Hicks.

Why would I want to run a 7 minute mile? Fuck running, that shit is boring.


>> No.12996251

Lee also lifted weights a lot too
Make some more excuses dyel fag

>> No.12996298



>> No.12996330
File: 414 KB, 588x734, IMG_4204 (1) copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neither do any of us, anon


>> No.12996493

Nor your post is one. Oh the sweet irony

>> No.12996496

>subjective opinion
Choose one

>> No.12996541

Its not the same look at that dude's stomach something is prob growing inside of there

>> No.12996565

*Teleports behind u*
Oh the sweet irony
*unsheats katama*

>> No.12996574

*telepathically senses u*
*clenches power glove*
what ur seeing now is my normal state..d-don't make me unleash my true power..

>> No.12996643

Strong, thick core is the manliest look you can have. Fuck V-taper for aesthetics, if you ask me.

>> No.12996647

>not a single barbell compound movement
>not even fucking pull ups
Utter trash.

This will not make you strong or aesthetic, especially at such a huge caloric deficit.

>> No.12996654

He has no back though. Shit looks unbalanced

>> No.12996656

That's just athletic with a clean diet but no calorie counting.

>> No.12996658

>all these jordan flips posting

>> No.12996661

It's obviously too elongated, shoulders are too narrow, midsection too long compared to pectoral size. Shit proportions, really.

>> No.12996692

no point in arguing with /fit/. They put their into life, personality and self worth into lifting.

>> No.12996804

>Sandow and Hackenschmidt
>not lifting


>> No.12996836
File: 59 KB, 1080x1080, 20987027_110543216307376_8977729293689815040_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is every girl in this thread thinspo mode or just lazy girls who don't want someone with more drive than them

>> No.12996931

Every girl that is not thinspo mode is less attractive
Remaining thin is not lazy
Thin guy will be more powerful than muscled girl most of the time, unless she is a one big muscle but you can't call that a girl

>> No.12997628

g o o d t h r e a d

>> No.12998323

Idk I think you guys gotta chill.

Some guys just wanna be thin and that doesn't mean you have to be so why are you so mad at thin guys?

>> No.12998886
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1513202999959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


larping this hard

>> No.12998906

Art of Manliness has literally nothing to do with the redpillers. It's basically the opposite of "manosphere" shit. Which is to say, some of the worst advice I've ever seen.

>> No.12998909

Holy shit, imagine being this delusional.

>> No.12998933

you seen the average natty lifter?

>> No.12998988
File: 563 KB, 1024x576, geralt_s_body___witcher_3_by_plank_69-d9e62wi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ultimate

>> No.12998993

Art of Manliness is fucking hilarious.

>> No.12999005

>ywn have geralt's specular highlights

>> No.12999019
File: 77 KB, 736x736, 530b701a4172247762a60cefa3c277ff--gaining-muscle-fitness-transformation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i disagree
there are lazy soft skinny girls (think the thin kind who seem to be able to eat anything and stay thin, who have thin long arms and kind of fatty breasts and no ass). hobbies include cosplay, knitting and indie music they read about on pitchfork. these are usually the hottest girls you can get in a small town because they are interesting and pretty and the girls with toned bodies in your town are like ditzy cheerleaders or something. they will get fat once they're married

and there are girls who are active and have balanced hobbies, like a sport they grew up with, or something "adult" like yoga or soulcycle. in cities, girls like these are everywhere. being active helps with stressful jobs and helps them to take care of themselves alongside things like manicures, waxing, skincare and nice hair.

>> No.12999036


>> No.12999054

This is bullshit only complete shut-in's would believe

One of my childhood friends and I have similar personalities when treating with women.

We both are considered good looking, face wise.

Girls in highschool, when we where both skinny, were the ones who approached us.

Then he hit the gym. He's built-fat.
He was fucking a literal model this year as his side bitch, a couple girls from his gym, and his girlfriend who is a skinny, blonde, Barbie-looking rich girl.

I'm a skinny-fat loser that fucked a couple fat drunk girls a few times.

>> No.12999072

This thread is really bad, wow.

>> No.12999087


>> No.12999088
File: 134 KB, 800x1018, 1512012791694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goal bod for summer

>> No.12999096
File: 291 KB, 1280x960, baywatch-cast-main-run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His physique is very achievable without roids. Zac looks huge, but only because he is a manlet.

>> No.12999117
File: 685 KB, 1082x624, 1513677175088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what girls want

>> No.12999122

Otter mode is better than built fat you brainlet.

>> No.12999182

>many bodybuilders suck at pull ups

no they do not

>> No.12999244


>> No.12999252

Pic related left looks better

>> No.12999265
File: 47 KB, 546x366, B u e n o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, what the fuck, where can I get this?

>> No.12999275

literally any woolworths or coles

>> No.12999286
File: 250 KB, 560x350, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post.
For the longest time I wanted to be super skinny, but Jesus, I'm so weak. You also have to be very very careful with what you eat, and feel guilty about it sometimes.
I guess I'll start swimming again.

>> No.12999288

Plus I never achieved my goal.
Currently 1,7m and 58kg, still skinnyfat

>> No.12999303

How the fuck you never achieved that? I'm 1.7 and 51 and I literally never had any kind of diet or any kind of exercising routine. I eat as many stuff as I want to and the only thing holding me down is feeling sick from overeating

>> No.12999305

>Implying every organism and every lifestyle is the same

>> No.12999308

Oh sorry, you have "big bones" and "slow metabolism" :)

>> No.12999316

Why are you trying to shame me for not achieving that "goal"?
From what you wrote, you have literally no reason to treat your physique as some kind of achievement.
Unless you are lying on the internet again, of course.

>> No.12999321

I'm telling you that that "goal" was requiring literally 0 effort to achieve

And I don't

Speak for yourself

>> No.12999326

can i be ottermode if all i eat is top ramen

>> No.12999332

It appears I've been making an effort to MANTAIN my weight, then. How could I be so stupid? I mean, since metabolism and lifestyle are all excuses...
Thank you for the thoughtful response, anon

>> No.12999339

Maintaining weight is effort, are you retarded?

>> No.12999344

Daily reminder that if you're under 21 you're not a man, no matter how you look like
Daily reminder that if you're not bearmode by 30, you're simply not a man

>> No.12999347

Daily reminder that the person who wrote it is a faggot

>> No.12999351

says the little ottermode bitch who can't even deadlift his ladylike bodyweight

>> No.12999354

I am a female :) you are just a brainlet chimp who thinks that he is anyhow better because can lift 10kg more

>> No.12999357

Also, from every muscular bodies, ottermode is objectively the best and majority of girls will tell you that

>> No.12999359

trannies are not female.

>> No.12999362

I'm glad you are aware of yourself but no need to tell me that, I won't be your mummy either way

>> No.12999363
File: 80 KB, 353x500, 1200px-Katakombenheiliger_pankratius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never exercise and eat what I want, man. Not only that, I literally eat untill I can't stuff any more food in my stomach, and I'm still skinny.
"That's pretty cool, anon, you must have a fast metabolism or something"
>Fast metabolism? Stop making excuses hurrrrr
"But it's not an excuse, anon, if everybody was like this, people would have to work hard to get fat, not the other way around"
>What do you mean putting weight is not hard work?? Are you stupid??

I will stop replying because I'm afraid stupidity might be contagious, you dumbfuck

>> No.12999434

Yes, romans weren't lanklets you brainlet.

>> No.12999445

Firstly, fast metabolism is a literal excuse, it doesn't matter nearly at all.

Secondly both losing weight and gaining weight is more effort than having the same weight.

Yeah, you should stop replying, I don't want to catch it from you, fucking sperg

>> No.13000055

mental disorder