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File: 400 KB, 419x460, 946d3c5abf9242b980b26a05ba5ef9cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12983738 No.12983738 [Reply] [Original]

Should balding guys just shave it at the very first sign of recession/thinning?

>> No.12983773

Yes, just because most of them are overreacting retards and maybe they'll chill the fuck out when their hair grows back

>> No.12983793

depends on the balding, ur shit doesnt look that bad so u can get away with it for a few more years, given that pic is indeed u

t. never went bald. dont talk about shit u dont know about

>> No.12983800
File: 39 KB, 720x720, 1483393843665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw at the point where hairline is literally just a small patch of hair in the middle
I shave my head but you can still see how bad the hairline is.

>> No.12983815

>I shave my head but you can still see how bad the hairline is.
i have a bad hairline and i shave my head too, but i never shave it to the skin. i always do the lightest buzz possible and let it grow for iike a week or 2 and then buzz it again. i really like how the light widow's peak looks

>> No.12983835

get on finasteride tomorrow and stay on it. you literally wont see results for at least a year but keep it up and do not read anything online as the side effects truly are minimal.

>> No.12983853

The pic isn't even me but my crown is fairly similar, maybe a tad worse with some thinning above the hairline. I'm seeing the doctor on the 21st. Should I get on minox or wait a year or two on fin before trying anything?

Also thinking of dermarolling but I'm not sure if that requires a long term commitment like minox. I posted about this on r/tressless and didn't get an answer.

>> No.12983854

don't be the guy who wears hats 24/7
>tfw my uncle swims at the beach with a baseball cap because balding
>tfw shaving a head bald is not only /fa/ but also masculine
If i was ever forced to shave me head ie. from balding i would hope to think that i would embrace it

>> No.12983867

If fin doesn't work out for me, I think I could get used to shaving it. I might end up wearing hats more often though to avoid sunburn.

>> No.12983868
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I shave my head but I have a weird head shape and that coupled with my autistic personality makes people think I'm a creep

>> No.12983882

Thought about getting a system?

>> No.12983939

What system

>> No.12983959

A hair system. It's a toupee that looks pretty real.

>> No.12983970

fin fin fin my man everything else is second best and useless without it.

>Should I get on minox or wait

You can if you want, minox may help but most people dont stick with it cus its a pain in the ass and youve got to be on it forever. minox will thicken what you already have if you use it correctly but it wont slow the progression, ie., youll be better than you would be without it but may get worse. fin can reverse, stop, or slow balding to a crawl. just think if your hairloss can stop where it is right now, even with the thinning youve got, you'd probably be pretty happy.

like I said give it YEARS though, it takes a very long time to work and dont be surprised if you have a shed or it seems to get worse at first.

i dunno what a dermarolling is but it probably doesnt work.

>> No.12983999

https://imgur.com/a/mvfK4 This is my hair as of about two weeks ago, I've posted this here before. I don't necesarrily want a lower hairline or anything, but I do want the thin spots on my crown and temples to fill back in. The hairline itself is maybe NW2 but the thinning kinda creates the illusion of an NW3.

Yeah that's why I want to avoid minox. I've actually seen some cases of fin where people see regrowth 4 months in, but 8-12 months is what looks normal.

Dermarolling is using this prickly thing to make small wounds on your scalp that apparently increases bloodflow and hair growth. IIRC there have been studies that show it's more effective than minox but I don't have them on hand.

>> No.12984013

fin fin fin bro. all i gotta say. works great in diffuse thinners like you. also do not get your hopes up for that 4 months regrowth, you will be severely dissapointed. you should not even BEGIN to see results until 9+months, with full results not seen until 2 years or more. also keep in mind that only about a third have any regrowth at all, probably more like 10% from my experience (I'm a medical resident who's been on fin for 6 months now and am only now getting over my shed btw).

dermarolling sounds like snake oil. if you want to add something else add in nizoral but only use it once or twice a week.

>> No.12984051

This is the guy I'm referring to. His 4 month update seems a bit dubious since the lighting is way different.

I'm mildly paranoid about sides. I've read a few research papers on it and I'm not really too worried about permanent sides, but I'm just kinda worried that I'll get some sides that will force me to quit, that would be a big bummer.

>> No.12984071

don't worry about sides, they're nothing, for the minority from whom they exist they are mild, transient, and like psychological. do yourself a big favor and quit reading anything online about it.

I fretted over sides for years and held off starting it because of shit i read on the internet and oh my god how i wish i had started earlier.

>> No.12984156
File: 308 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2017-12-12-23-55-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is 20 years old (im dead serious)

just shave it off you fucking shits,nothing less aesthetic than a balding haircut

>> No.12984296

>tfw balding and manlet
if i shave i'll look like an Auschwitz jewish kid.

>> No.12984341

shave it bro i starting losing my shit at 17 and shaved it at 21, really do look so much better now. you have to be able to pull it off, sure, but a little charisma goes a long way.

>> No.12984453
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My hair was about the same when I was 20 as well.

>> No.12984484

how does one deal with such bullshit? I'm 20 and my hair is thin as shit and my baldspots are damn obvious

>> No.12984506

Use a razor too

>> No.12984580

he looks fine tho. older definitely, but still fine imo

>> No.12984675

Minoxidil really is that useless? I've been three months on it to stop thinning on my temples and front and I'm already seeing regrowth. Hair also looks overally thicker, but I still can't let the bangs grow too long cause they'll look like shit.

I thought it would be good to stay with minox for a year or so then switch to finasteride to secure what I've gained.

>> No.12984689
File: 445 KB, 1242x2208, EDEC16E6-5ACB-47F7-8112-C3FC25ACEB09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is like this what’s going on? I’m starting to freak out

>> No.12984696

Shaving completely bald with a razor always makes guys look insecure to me. Everyone knows why you do it.

Just a normal buzz like Jason Statham or something looks pragmatic, like you’ve accepted it but are not trying to hide anything.

>> No.12984859

Looks fine

>> No.12984927

? hair thins as you get older

>> No.12984941

You should grow your hair out so it won't be noticeable.

>> No.12984985

Using products to stop balding is one of the most numale things you can do

>> No.12985042
File: 25 KB, 345x431, tom hardy haircut (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This >>12984927

I remember some anon saying that thin hair doesn't necessarily mean you are balding, it's just a genetical condition like any other else. Your hair might thin in your 20's and you might stay like that for the rest of your life without it getting any worse. Check Tom Hardy.

>> No.12985046

Depends on how bad it is. If it's like in your pic, then I'd say go for Minox. If it has reached a point of no return, then shave it off and own it - not much you can do without looking desperate. If you really dislike the way you look bald, then consider a hair transplant.

I've had a „receding hairline“/somewhat bald temples since birth and bought Minoxidil 2 months ago. I like my slightly receding hairline and wish it will stay this way for another few decades. Still I decided to give Minox a try, only to see if it works on the spots where there has never been visible hair - AND I wanted to see if I can grow a beard after applying it to the face.

2 months have passed now. I've got substantial growth at the temples (not that I care, that hair is probably going to fall out once I stop using Minox anyway) BUT I went from having 5 hairs on each cheek to a full beard. Not even joking. I look fantastic and received more compliments in the past 4 weeks than I have received in the 23 years before that.

TL;DR depends on your attitude, your facial structure, your balding pattern, yaddayadda

>> No.12985052
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No. Half the time they're grossly over exaggerating. If it starts getting unsubtly visible though, either buzz, or finasteride.

>> No.12985056

that's what you get for being romanian, or bulgarian.

>> No.12985112

On a more serious note, is there any serious data on which ethnicities go bald the youngest?

I feel like a lot of slavs have pronounced receding hairlines, and arabs have aggressive diffuse thinning, while Germanic people often just have prominent mature hairlines.

FWIW, the early balding I've inherited probably comes from the Irish side of my family.

>> No.12985124

Should i go on the minox and fin Jew?

>> No.12985134
File: 542 KB, 1226x1338, Bildschirmfoto 2017-12-13 um 16.53.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12985136

No clue how Europeans can have the highest rate and not be the darkest shade on the graphic.

>> No.12985152

That text and map don't make any sense together

>> No.12985160

Yeah, I noticed, see >>12985136

What did I expect from a British website..

>> No.12985177

Yes shave it completely. Having hair looks good. Being bald looks good. Being on the boundary of the two looks like shit.

>> No.12985222

>male pattern balding is somewhat related to body hair

Kinda grateful I'm a hairless twink, I might avoid most of the harm.

>> No.12985296

Topp Munch hairgel, Tom Hardy is a chav

>> No.12985308

This desu. Unless you have insanely thick hair, it's going to look thin as fuck when it's wet or has retarded amounts of gel in it.

>> No.12985318

The guy does have thin hair, that's why he always keeps it short. I just don't understand how he's so autistic to make it stand out that much by applying a lot of gel.

>> No.12985369

Second this. After being put on Prozac for my incessant anxiety I no longer feared baldness. It it happens it happens and I will grow accustomed to the product I'm left with. Dealing with expectations and anxiety should be situated as a higher priority than combating baldness.

>> No.12985816

I'm Romanian and I don't know a single person in my family that has had proper hair loss until at least 55 and over

>> No.12985855

the person in the pic I posted is a slav

>> No.12986544

Dude you just gotta bite the bullet and shave it off unless you can afford a hair restoration procedure. I'm telling you, NO ONE can pull off a balding or thing hair style. It just never looks good. You may think you look bizarre or off when you shave your head for the first time, but you'll get used to it and prefer how you look after a couple weeks or so. Give it a shot.

>> No.12986613
File: 75 KB, 500x500, 1512901586100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you grow your hair longer, try slightly slicking it with gel or pomade (or hairspray), and comb it back from the center, angling the hair back diagonally along the sides. It will probably result in a slight middle-part appearance, but similar to pic-related. It's a good way to conceal somewhat receding temples, whereas in my experience, a side-part seems to accentuate that more visibly.

>> No.12986626

yeah man like if i eer go bald i'm not going out like a chump man i'm shaving and keeping i shaven. at least i have my beard

>> No.12986698

i have like a NW2 and i shave my head. kinda big head and forehead but its like once your hairline goes back past the bottom of your scalp to the top of your forehead then shaving isnt going to make much of a difference in how you look.
it is true that some people really do look better with hair but i am a believer that either you are attractive or you arent hair (usually) isnt going to make or break you. facial structure, bone structure, head shape, and musculature are more important imo, but maybe im just a delusional hairlet

>> No.12986734

That is absolutely fine. There's plenty of guys that look good, bald. It's admittedly a very unusual look, but then you would be able to look unusually cool/attractive. Actually embracing a bald, shaven head, compared to thinning tops, is underrated even now. Personally, I will try to stick with my hair as long as it is feasible, but I wouldn't be totally shattered at the loss of my hair, if it meant embracing another different, cool style.

>> No.12986938
File: 126 KB, 800x800, minoxidil-5-tratamiento-para-la-calvicie-6-frascos-6-meses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it actually fuck your heart up?

>> No.12987111

If it's like that, get on fin immediately before it recedes more, it'd make it like 10 times thicker as well as maybe fill in the receded sides a bit

order at inhousepharmacy if you don't want to see a doc, it won't fuck up your sex drive nearly as much as anti-depressants as well and only a very small minority gets the low libido SE

>> No.12987114

bait reply? it's very obvious and your hair will look like straw

>> No.12987117

looks like a slav desu, anglo whites have terrible hairlines

>> No.12987280
File: 442 KB, 1242x2208, 9E2C1E54-257F-42B4-9FDD-4ADDE1312509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nothing to worry about right

>> No.12987286

That's more common than you think, but if you are so concerned just visit the derm and get on minoxidil. It should work greatly on you since you are in the earliest stages.

>> No.12987296

So I am balding? I’m only 20 and didn’t have this last year. I don’t think so at least, do you think it could be cause from stress? Just got done with finals

>> No.12987302

it looks like that's just where your hair parts, nothing to worry about.

>> No.12987308

You are just losing some hair like 99% of white men do when they get older. Losing hair doesn't necessarily mean balding. And yeah stress can affect it, I had depression for two years and began to thin a lot on the front. Only three months on minox were enough to stop that.

>> No.12987328

Don't start, because once you do there's no going back.

It helps for the first few months you're on it, then say for example you have other bills and christmas shit and whatever and you forget to buy it, goodbye hair you gained, and you'll start to lose hair at a faster rate than before.

t. used it and stopped

>> No.12987651
File: 179 KB, 965x584, 1491164754676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my crown the other night. I'm barely 23. JUST.

>> No.12987654
File: 2.50 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20171211_232036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops wrong pic.

>> No.12987672

Have something you wanna tell us, anon?

>> No.12987701

it took me ten years, but this is almost where my hair is at 30. just keep it shaved real close or get a hell of a haircut that can blend it all together. feels good and i don't have to sit around in the shower shampooing my hair.

>> No.12987725

suddenly I feel that my hairline is completely fine and I shouldn't complain lol

>> No.12987726

get on fin asap

>> No.12987733

Do you think it will fix this shit? I guess it's not THAT bad if I just maintain, but I would like that to grow back in.

>> No.12987765
File: 7 KB, 206x245, 1504031297292-r9k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only 19 and already go through horrible diffuse thinning (probs as a being anorexic thanks to you thinspo faggots)
Should I get on fin that young?

>> No.12987772

Is it in the MPB horseshoe pattern? Then maybe consider fin.

If not, it's probably TE. See a doctor regardless.

>> No.12987791
File: 160 KB, 550x825, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bald + beard looks pretty fucking cool if you can pull it off

>> No.12987809
File: 588 KB, 663x975, imf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't grow a beard at all

>> No.12987816

I can grow my beard but I fucking hate it. I should get all my beard hair FUE transplanted onto my head, but my beard is a bit redder and blonder than my head hair.

>> No.12987819
File: 185 KB, 1347x1062, DSC_1191~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of my hairline
Do you think it looks like MBP?

>> No.12987825

I do see some minor thinning above the hairline that's not on the sides. Fin doesn't seem too bad at 19. How close to 20 are you?

>> No.12987843

>How close to 20 are you?
4 months
Btw, can fin or minox treat TE too? I'm planning to see a trichologist soon but I'm afraid they'll give me some meme advice like "go out and exercise"

>> No.12987941

Ive been dealing with hairloss for 3 years now and became depressed. I love my long hair but I just took a a overhead picture of my crown and almost threw up. I'm gonna go shave it. bless me /fa/ that my terrible genetics won't drive me to kill myself

>> No.12988281
File: 464 KB, 1242x2208, 9C5FC43A-A872-4DBC-B383-041DC08BA771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diffuse thinning?

>> No.12988324

fuck off Hector

>> No.12989001

I'm Irish and started receding at 18, maybe even earlier

>> No.12989178

This guy is not a slav.His features are way too dark.He looks like a south serb/bulgarian muslim / montenegrian.
I’m finnish but my brother in law is bulgarian and believe me there is no such thing as south slavs(balkans) 99% of them look like the modern turks.

>> No.12989270

so, just fin and I'll be fine?

>> No.12989402

literally this. had an episode about my slightly receding hairline, buzzed it all off, then calmed down and regrew it and now it looks great. get compliments for my hair and when i mention that it's receding people say they didn't notice

it actually hasn't continued to recede at all for about two years now and i think it's because i'm less stressed about it.

>> No.12989572

nah thats short enough for now, unless you want to shave it lowet that is

>> No.12990060


>> No.12990274


Fin gives sides. Get this instead >>12990260

>> No.12990439
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Idk, with the right face you can look good without a closely shaved head too. You somehow have to embrace the serial killer style though

>> No.12990442

desu that looks pretty normal for a man entering his mid 20s

>> No.12990445


hair thins as you get older

>> No.12990782
File: 85 KB, 1000x681, camus-1-e1494939707186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 y/o,started balding at 19,pic related is identical to my hairline

Fin doesnt seem to work on me

>> No.12990879

Fin typically doesnt grow back the hair, but stops it from getting any worse

>> No.12991071

If you have a receding hairline, best you can usually hope for is maintenance. If you are diffusing or thinning on the crown, then you can also expect regrowth.

>> No.12991318
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How do I enjoy my last week before getting on fin?

>> No.12991603 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 640x426, yuchk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw bad hairline and 5head

>> No.12991606


>> No.12992018


Have sex, because your dick may never have as much vitality again like mine.

>> No.12992079
File: 8 KB, 509x619, wojakhands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 23 and still a virgin
>tfw losing my hair before my virginity
I did kinda accidentally get an online trap gf the other day

>> No.12992228


I'm another anon but here goes, minoxidil does nothing at least in my experience. Not only that you will need to wash your hair everyday because that shit leaves your hair oily af (at the time I started using it I had long hair so that's a no go).
I've been doing fin for ~3 months now, I'm not noticing as much hair falling when I shower. That being said the top of my head still itches from time to time and I've not noticed any regrowth, at least for now.
Tbh I don't know what else you can try, I've visited a derm and he reccomended just finn.

>> No.12992484


I am in a similar boat to you but even a bit older lol. I even turned down sex when I was younger a couple of times.

Isn't it so poetic that the pill that can save your hair will sacrifice your dick. It's like a zero sum game.

>> No.12992490


Fin is solid but it messes with your dick.


Maybe look into RU >>12990260

>> No.12992510

youre not balding you retard
you just need to wash your fucking hair

>> No.12992764

I'm hoping I'll be in the majority that doesn't get major sexual sides.

I don't know if I've ever directly turned down sex. I'm not interested in casual sex in the first place, but there were definitely a few opportunities to get into relationships that I missed.

The worst was that there was this girl who was really nice, qt, emotionally well balanced, etc. and seemed pretty interested in me but I kinda pushed her away in favor of this crazy chick who was really just trying to turn me into her beta orbiter and tried to ruin my life.

What really scares me is lack of experience. I don't know what to do since most girls my age have probably a few relationships at this point and have expectations which I probably couldn't fulfill since I don't know what I'm doing.

>> No.12992837
File: 204 KB, 1280x960, E7BDF9AB-3599-4D75-993E-797B2C28BA9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I’m safe right?

>> No.12992859

for fuck's sake stop being so fucking paranoid about finasteride, take the pill, if you notice something weird down there (very unlikely) just drop it and everything will get back to normal

>> No.12992862

same guy here, forgot to mention that I've been on finasteride for a year and my dick is just the same as the day I started taking the pill, simply just fine

>> No.12992944

Is it weird that I don't exactly want to fight baldness even though I don't like losing my hair?

I know fin is safe, but part of me benefited from hair loss in being reminded that nothing is permanent and that I can't be young forever.

Part of me feels like if I don't go bald, I'll keep the illusion that I'll be in my late teens/early 20s forever.

>> No.12992950

balding is not bad my friend, balding at your early 20s is.

>> No.12992959

Yeah if you want to bring attention to it. Just get a nice haircut that hides it. Not that supercuts shit in the OP image.

>> No.12992986


Yeah I feel you bro. You are a couple of years younger than me though so it could be worse!

The lack of experience fear was a big one for me too, I would just say don't rush into it with some sketchy girl at a bar.

Now, I would just recomend secretly researching online a bit about how to do stuff and 'fake it until you make it' as it were. It is a leap but once you get the ball rolling you are set. Take the plunge, but be safe.

Now as for sides, I don't believe the stats from Merck. But if you don't get the sides you are a lucky devil as it really does stop hair loss.

>same guy here, forgot to mention that I've been on finasteride for a year and my dick is just the same as the day I started taking the pill, simply just fine

Oh rly? Is your ejaculate as copious? Does it shoot out as much or dribble more? Do you get horny as much? Do you get morning wood?

Also, there are other sides than your dick. Do you have prostate problems at all? Pain? Constant urge to pee? Do you have brain fog and other psycological sides?

I mean if you don't have the sides bravo, that is really good as it does prevent hair loss.

>balding is not bad my friend, balding at your early 20s is.


>hair loss in being reminded that nothing is permanent and that I can't be young forever.
>Part of me feels like if I don't go bald, I'll keep the illusion that I'll be in my late teens/early 20s forever.

As a 24 year old guy that has been attractive, I would prefer to remain attractive, losing hair is mortifying as you say for me. Being attractive has meant I could float through life to an extent, it's woeful losing that.

>> No.12993001

>Oh rly? Is your ejaculate as copious? Does it shoot out as much or dribble more?

Ejaculation is still the same, I didn't notice any change

>Do you get horny as much?

I masturbate like 5/6 times a week, so yeah, I still get horny

>Do you get morning wood?

Fuck yeah

>Also, there are other sides than your dick. Do you have prostate problems at all? Pain? Constant urge to pee? Do you have brain fog and other psycological sides?

Of all you have said: brain fog, but I think that's just a meme. Sometimes I need people to repeat what they say and I get lost in the course of the conversations.

>> No.12993007


Well it sounds like you are doing ok.

This being said, if it were not for hair loss the last thing I would want to take is fin. It is powerful and too crude on your hormones. Who knows what effects it has.

Also other sides such as weight gain and man boobs. You know the whole soyboy meme? That is because Soy is a mild anti-androgen, might actually help hair loss to a small extent lol. Think about Fin like ultra soy kek.

>> No.12993022

>Of all you have said: brain fog, but I think that's just a meme. Sometimes I need people to repeat what they say and I get lost in the course of the conversations.

Yeah it's hard to pin it down completely, even the drug companies don't know all the effects. As you are essentially intervening in your hormones quite directly and powerfully, from that your other hormones react too (for example, inhibiting the enzyme that converts Testosterone into DHT creats an excess of testosterone, your body will likely creat extrogen to balance this out etc)

>> No.12993032

man I don't give a shit, I'll do whatever it takes to keep my hair, I'm fucking 20 years old and I don't want it to fall out, BUT if my dick starts to get into trouble, I'll quit. I hope that won't be my case.

>> No.12993033

>I masturbate like 5/6 times a week, so yeah, I still get horny

Yeah when I was on Prop I would still jack off (often just to check my dick was not fully dead lol). What I lost when taking the Propecia was that I wouldn't have that general horniness that I had before, like the kind that makes you want to meet girls or do silly shit like watch Channel 4's show 'Naked attraction' on Pornhub for a couple of hours.

>> No.12993037


Yeah I wish you luck man. It really does work with hair. If your dick is ok you are doing pretty well. Now go forth and get some females whilst you are young.

>> No.12993411


Life is a cruel mistress :-/

>> No.12993552

>fake it until you make it
I guess that's my MO. For the past few months I've been pretty horrendously depressed, in therapy, etc., but when I'm around people who I'm not super close with I'd say I'm good at putting on a happy face. Honestly, pretending to act happy makes my mood a bit better.

I've tried tinder, OkCupid, Bumble, etc., but I found there's virtually no overlap between the girls I'd actually be into dating and the girls on those sites. I don't get many matches in the first place, either. Yet, when I walk around my campus, I see plenty of girls I'd be interested in. I definitely think dating apps attract a certain type.

With the current state of things, I almost feel like I should focus more on friends than actively look for a gf. I don't have any close friends at my college (just transfered in August), and I think without that sort of social foundation it's really easy to get taken advantage of. Plus it's probably easier to meet girls I'm interested in if I have a wider range of friends.