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File: 585 KB, 602x602, main-qimg-77b66d09870394a160ba01fa10d0b1ff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12989558 No.12989558 [Reply] [Original]

Lose fat

>> No.12989559
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>> No.12989564
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>> No.12989568
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>> No.12989571
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>> No.12989581


>> No.12989583

Eat less
Eat healthy
Do cardio

>> No.12989584

Post face workout regime
>do they even exist

>> No.12989587

>Eat less
but it hurts my tummy and makes my brain not work
>Eat healthy
but it tastes bad
>Do cardio
but it hurts my limbs

>> No.12989590

Already at sub 10% body fat

>> No.12989596

>tfw round cheeks at 6'0"/122 lbs

Every minute is agony

>> No.12989597

Then continue to suffer you fat piece of shit.

>> No.12989610

Only one of those guys posted is maybe under 10% body fat.
This is also bait

>> No.12989615
File: 53 KB, 640x388, 2011-cut-face-before-after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12989636

Doen't change much


>> No.12989638

Isn't it bad for your health to maintain fat under 10% for a long time?

>> No.12989649

I'm a lanklet athlete so I don't have much of a choice

>> No.12989659

no, i like my fat and my fat loves me.

>> No.12989676

why does this guy look like the banana meme

>> No.12989725
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1478090647969s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.12989732

went from radio dj to school principal

>> No.12989733

that fuckin philtrum

also this is only good if you already have a good skull structure

>> No.12989739

>eat less
start slow, try and focus on eating just 3 meals a day. make small adjustments in your routine, and make one if you dont have one. throw out all unhealthy food.
>eat healthy
eating healthy doesnt taste bad, look up recipes. eat some yogurt or something dude idk
>do cardio
cardio sucks starting off but youll never regret it,
dont be a bitch boy abt it

>> No.12989745

How to achive body on the left

>> No.12989748

>with fat you look like pop-punk band member
>without it you look like serial killer


>> No.12990102

this is good in general
if you have bad bone structure you shouldn't lead a healthy life?

>> No.12990191

Really the hardest thing to do is to set up your own meals, and that's especially the case whenever you live in a home where someone else likes to do the cooking.

Start doing intermittent fasting. Some people say it's a meme, but it works and it is a recommendation for some people who are obese to lose weight and keep blood sugar spikes down. Just understand that you will need to provide the same amount of calories to your body in a shorter time-frame than usual, but eating enough clean calories in something like an eight-hour time frame is highly doable. Fasting works because it's more of a psychological trainer than anything else. The goal is simple, don't eat or drink shit any time outside of 12pm-8pm. Get the calories you need inside of that time frame.

I don't even count my calories anymore. I just see how much weight I am losing, how quickly I am losing it, and then I either buy more or fewer groceries from the perimeter of the grocery store to eat during the timeframe. I use the Harvard healthy eating plate as a guideline on what foods to eat. If you don't know how to cook, then learn. Cooking healthy, simple meals is not hard to do at all.

As for exercise, just go outside and walk for thirty minutes every day. It doesn't matter if you are breaking much of a sweat or if it constitutes as cardio or not. The reason why so many people don't stick with jogging, running, or any other workout, is because they don't ease their body into it. Just get out there man. It really got me going, and now I can say I am at the weight where I can jog a good bit without my legs and feet killing me.

>> No.12990780

Some people are just lazy anon, don't waste your time on them if they're not prepared to put some effort in for results.

>> No.12990900
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>> No.12990982

>115 pounds
>no jaw, weak chin

how do i end it quick?

>> No.12991008

i got a good OC of a transformation. what happened to me was i was aided by demonic forces beacuse i sold my soul for beauty. i'll show before and after if this comment gets 4 you's 2 likes and one share

>> No.12991182
File: 1.10 MB, 819x686, 1479846331609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being fat

>> No.12991263


>> No.12991354

8-10% is prime aesthetics/health. 7% and under is bodybuilder territory so yeah probably

>> No.12992231

plastic surgery, it's what i did. I believe mine costed about 4k but was I'd say was 100% worth it.

>> No.12992252

I'm between 13-14 percent...trying to get down to 12 but it's hard

>> No.12992457


>> No.12992469

Post face

>> No.12992503


>> No.12992810
File: 283 KB, 1125x1500, Heyguys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked yesterday, I'm 7.5% body fat.

127 lbs.

>> No.12993111

you're underweight af eat a fucking sandwich before you die

>> No.12993130
File: 136 KB, 960x960, mommy gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me 10lbs ago. Protein Shakes, Weight gainers, fruits and eggs are all I'm eating nowadays. The trick to low BF is to not eat Dairy (I'm lactose intolerant) and only eat fruits, vegetables and non-refined protein/fats (eggs/steak/almonds are perfect for this).

>> No.12993187

I eat organic yogurt everyday. and I have cream in my coffee.. I also put feta cheese on my salad..
I disagree with not eating dairy for certain people

I'm pure northern European so I have no problem processing dairy and not getting fat from eating it

>> No.12993193


>> No.12993225

That's pretty minimal dairy. I love cheese, but it's a rare treat. Feta is really low in lactose, so it's not really comparable to other cheeses. It has lots of fat and salt though, so if you aren't active or you retain water, it could affect your size.

>> No.12993226

Cuz the point of the thread was weight loss improving facial aesthetics 1000%.

>> No.12993345

shut up fag

>> No.12993352

he would probably prove it wrong and so would I

I've always been underweight and still have a chubby, round face (which is not good as a guy)

Like there's probably more pudge in my cheeks than there is on the entire rest of my body. You can see my ribs and bones everywhere.

Life is suffering with this body type. Trying to get fit so I at least have a good body and bad face instead of bad body and bad face

>> No.12993737

It improved my face slightly, but I have never been high bodyfat so I don't have anything to compare it too.
It made my cheekbones more prominent

>> No.12995206

you look good senpai

>> No.12995211

bad skin tho

>> No.12995304

How to get these race change gains?

>> No.12995716

where can i get steroids?? can i order them from darkweb? dont have any friends who got them

>> No.12995727

>doesn't know how to 3D print steroids

>> No.12995732


>> No.12995865

>doesn't know how to mix water, sugar and toothpaste together to create home made steroid compound

>> No.12995896

google purple panda

>> No.12996355

Go to your local gym and ask discreetly
Like how you would ask for weed at the skatepark when you were 14
t. gym bro

>> No.12996370

>Not knowing the secret phrase that gets you into the "Roid Room" at every GNC
Feel sad for you anon.

>> No.12996402

Wtc dnp?

>> No.12996459

what did you do? post before and after pics im interested in going under surgery

>> No.12996633

You're nowhere close 7.5% body fat

>> No.12996645

google eroids

>> No.12996651

>7.5% bf

lmao you delusional fuck

>> No.12996657

Well to power

>> No.12996764

>mommy gf

Anyways what weight gainers are you eating? A lot are filled with filler garbage. Just because you don't gain external fat doesn't mean you aren't fucking your shit up internally.

>> No.12996768

Because if you have bad skull structure you might as well die of a heart attack right

>> No.12997001

It’s fannypack friday guy

>> No.12997873

This is solid advice man, thanks, will start trying out the fasting thing with more exercise

>> No.12998776

He looks like your typical autistic faggot incel after taking the "redpill" and trying to be an "alpha" with that autistic stare thinking he's hot shit lmao

>> No.12998781 [DELETED] 

Indian jew faggot

>> No.12998826
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>> No.12999365


>> No.12999398

I think I know you

>> No.12999413

That haircut lol

>> No.12999465
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>> No.12999710
File: 1.04 MB, 3438x3438, IMG_9441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me in April on the left 240 lbs
Me on the right 194 I'm still losing but it's definitely an improvement

>> No.13000154


That picture is called mommy gf because that is my stepmom and she is the only woman to ever truly love me.

>> No.13000160
File: 133 KB, 460x345, Life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the doctor was wrong.

>your brain on /pol/


>> No.13000176

nice job dude

>> No.13000205


>> No.13000232

congrats man, looking better already

>> No.13000348
File: 20 KB, 214x236, IMG_7257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mommy gf.jpeg

>> No.13000440
File: 462 KB, 724x856, IMG_E2349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep going anon

>> No.13001488
File: 328 KB, 1618x917, DSCF0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left was my absolute worst state 3/4 years ago. Right is now.

>> No.13001494

i went from 189 lbs to 135
i still look like shit. in fact i get less girls now. since i live in the south and girls are more into the football player look.

>> No.13001507

Good job man!

>> No.13001537

Thank you!

>> No.13001560
File: 45 KB, 499x499, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done my man.

>> No.13001570

from literal 4chan neckbeard to presentable guy

Well done lad

>> No.13003048

Very few people actually know of this transformation, I really appreciate the compliments.

>> No.13003132

>7.5% bodyfat
Fucking delusion: The Post

>> No.13003179

Really want to post my progress but I need to have a shave/haircut before I can. Hope this threads up on saturday or a new one is.

>> No.13003182

Sure, why not?

Talking a lot, chewing gum, chewing a dog toy, screaming, singing, jaw extensions, cheek lifts, cheek shaking, eyebrow raises, neck rotations.

Pretty strange area to specifically target though, face weight falls off naturally when the body loses weight.

>> No.13003290
File: 56 KB, 414x588, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been getting lighter since I started eating less carbs and more fruits/vegetables.
I lost 2 kg already, but I'm not sure that's all from fat, since I've been feeling tired and weak, I even look frail.
Guess it's my fault for not doing sports as well.

>> No.13003454

>less carbs
>more fruits and vegetables
Anon you are retarded

>> No.13003831


fruits and vegetables are full of carbs.

Do you mean you reduced breads/pasta? i.e. refined carbs?

Either way, you're not very bright.

>> No.13003982

truly a 3 to an 8

>> No.13003985

wow now that is a nice picture! Mind if I save it?

>> No.13004013

dietary fiber in fruits and veggies tho
but i feel u senpai
replacing carbs with sugary fruits and veggies isn't a valid replacement

>> No.13004173

Idk, I am a simple man
I just started eating less rice and bread, less candy and sugary drinks... and filled the plate with salad so I don't starve.
All I know is that it's working, so...

>> No.13004562

have him redo his hair. his forehead is blocked by that gay hairdo, making his face appear shorter and wider.