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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.10 MB, 1000x750, faith-goldy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12982618 No.12982618[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you call this style?

>> No.12982621

>tfw no fish face gf

>> No.12982623

op is a faggot -core

>> No.12982627


>> No.12982633

Nu wave tradcore

>> No.12982638

le 56% core

>> No.12982650

Paid-off eastern european Insta-""""model""" core.

>> No.12982657

Wants male attention by controversy-core

>> No.12982685

>Faith Julia Goldy (born 1989)

what the FUCK

>> No.12982689

What in the god damn

>> No.12982694

It's a fucking lie. She edits that shit.

>> No.12982726

Birth year? Because she looks at least 10 years older

>> No.12982727

why does she look like eddie redmayne

>> No.12982774
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, faith_goldy_thumbnail_april_23_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if she looks old for her age, she looks like a milf
i'm gonna cum

>> No.12982829

white women honestly age like milk

friendly reminder to wear sunscreen daily and to never tan intentionally

>> No.12982834

i'm not trying to be mean here but this whole situation looks like a frosty snowman situation where the magical MAGA hat fell on a blow up doll

>> No.12982839

>those plastic lips
Americans are disgusting

>> No.12982853

She's Canadian

>> No.12982854

Burgerbitch core.

>> No.12982873

Same thing. Who even cares about Canadians, am i right?

>> No.12982901

canada is part of america

>> No.12982910

I just tried covering up her offending facial features to see if she looked hot without her mouth, without her mouth and nose, without her mouth, nose and ears but she doesn't

she looks like shes hot just with a fucked up mouth but shes just uggooo

>> No.12982921

>56% style

>> No.12982954


>> No.12982960

and you wonder why Canada is a plague on this site only rivaled by Australia

>> No.12983145

Stop jerking off to the US already

>> No.12983339


>> No.12983636

>white women honestly age like milk

Part of it is living in a way that stresses your body shrinks your telomeres prematurely.

Staying up all night drinking and having strange men fuck you might be fun but it is a stressor.

>> No.12983891

Mang, dats one bad facelift. Gonna need repeat revision surgeries to maintain dat shit.

>> No.12983976

If I don't drink and stay a virgin, will I still look young by the time I'm her age?

>> No.12984006
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, alex zverev post match.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pandering slag propagandist who works for a comically jewish man named ezra to subvert an otherwise good movement-core.

>> No.12984565

her neck is already folding over.

>> No.12984584

I dated a Korean girl who is the same age as this woman, she still looks 22, Goldy looks 53.

>> No.12984590

Except she doesn't, she was fired, and has been kicked out of the milquetoast Skeptic and Civic Nationalist circles for engaging with ethnonationalists

Shoo shoo leftypol

>> No.12984596

i thought it was a photoshop before i clicked, fuck thats a bad head

>> No.12984612

>he doesn't use image hover

lmaoing @ ur life

>> No.12984651
File: 705 KB, 599x598, 1489184678171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pol says this is her pre surgery. She looks older than she is because those dumb fake lips are associated with middle aged trophy wives.

>> No.12984664

Imagine if that was your face.

>> No.12984822

>those breasts
ok lol

>> No.12984830

>If I don't drink and stay a virgin, will I still look young by the time I'm her age?

Gotta get enough sleep and take care of your skin but if you are a woman you shouldn't stay a virgin, get married and have kids.
See having the kids has some impact, like your tits won't be the same after breast-feeding, but the joy of having a family keeps you young vs the increasing neuroses, depression etc. of being a cat lady.

>> No.12985016

Not even close lmao. I wouldn't take any information from /pol/ seriously

>> No.12985074

But I'm incapable of having kids because of health complications. I'll take the rest of the advice though.

>> No.12985169

why do racist hoes thinks they're wholesome? i guess racist dudes don't listen to dre

>> No.12985180

She's not racists though

>> No.12985183

You are tho

>> No.12985195

28 going on 58 core

>> No.12985196

I call it "not fashion related"

>> No.12985202

trad thot

>> No.12985205


>> No.12985354

Yeah I should have said pre lip injections.