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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 340 KB, 1600x1200, 6901701-cara-delevingne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12981943 No.12981943[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the adult version of this board? How do you escape kids on the internet?

>> No.12981981

The Fedora Lounge

>> No.12981983


>> No.12982023


There are a few fashion forums online but it's hard to enjoy them because they aren't image boards. 4chan makes it so much easier and faster to consume fashion based information and images, which is why I keep coming here even though the culture and user base sucks.

Also I hate to break it to you, the more 'adult' audiences board and forums aren't much more mature than what you get here. They won't call you a nigger and ruin threads with cuck, soyboy, and brap comments but they're emotional gossipy and content with authority.

>> No.12982026

>they aren't image boards
I've never seen a fashion forum that isn't mostly images.

>> No.12982033

it's called real life and believing in your own taste instead of scouring the internet for lookbooks for you to rip off

>> No.12982035


Yes in a traditional forum, everything is threaded and categorized with no images or information showing until you click the post. There's no catalog you can scroll through while clicking on all of the threads that look interesting on your way to the bottom, ignoring all of the other junk.

4chan is great at setting the tone and showing what type of content will be in a thread or post.

Every thing loads fast an quick because there are no videos or emotes, the images are thumbnailed and placed on one side, and you can't post more than one image at a time (which is a good and bad thing) .

all of this makes browsing faster and more enjoyable.

>> No.12982039

>dude I love 4chan
>doesn't even bother to lurk to learn how to post correctly
nice redd.itt formatting, cunt boy

>> No.12982041

just open up a fashion board on ctipplechan, i was disappointed when i saw there wasn't one

>> No.12982042


I don't love 4chan. I only come here for /fa/.

>> No.12982045

double chan has a /fa/ but it's shit
>I only come here for /fa/
if you weren't such a newfag cunt you'd know it's absolutely shit now

You missed the golden age of 2012 - early 2014

Now leave

>> No.12982048


I'm not even a new fag. I've been coming here for years. I just don't care about the rest of the site outside of a cursory glance here or there. I did spend a bit of time posting in /int/ but that got boring once /pol/ started leaking.

>> No.12982049

>double chan has a /fa/ but it's shit
huh, i guess i'll try to post there some time

>> No.12982051

ur pretty sad lol

>> No.12982053

so why don't you know how to post correctly?
stupid faggot
it's dead, they have about 2 new posts a day
go away ten year old

>> No.12982054

6/10 bait

>> No.12982058



>> No.12982085
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>this is the guy you show your outfits off to in WAYWT's

>this is the guy that makes you feel insecure about your opinions


>> No.12982123

Unironically this

mfa has grown to become objectively much better than /fa/, and the average population there is more mature as well

>> No.12982133

i'm not that guy because this is the first time i've posted here since 2015, when I realised this board was truly dead

>> No.12982172
File: 161 KB, 870x1110, image1xxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss ASOS Cara

>> No.12982176

mfa lacks women and women's fashion. Yes I know it says so right in the name.

>> No.12982208

women can't organize, only act as parasites towards men, even on inane shit like /fa/

>> No.12982288


Lol dad

>> No.12982300

Women get a containment thread or two on here, and /CGL/, which is the shittiest board, to the surprise of no one.

>> No.12982308

i bet ur mad organized and have lots to contribute

>> No.12982332

/fa/ about 5 years ago used to be a fully normal board, never great but the level of discourse was definitely higher. /fa/’s problem is that in addition to being polluted by the red pill at this point, really carries a with it the full traditional 4chan ethos ("smart" but socially inept white boys. The pathological Reddit bashing included.)

It's filled with 16-20 year top shelf neckbeards who criticize every brand and fit possible while wearing Vans and Uniqlo U.

I can't even figure /fa/’s zeitgeist at this point. What does it even like? It seems like everything is just shitty or a meme except for Japanese fast fashion and lunarcore. Fucking puke.

Reddit fashion boards are actually unironically better than this dumpster fire.

>> No.12982335


>why don’t you know how to post correctly
>t. 12 year old whos been here for a year

Then what is the correct way to post because I’ve been on 4chan since 2012 and I never knew that you had to post a certain way

>> No.12982345

>since 2012
>doesn't know how to post correctly despite every other post following a certain unofficial format
you're new
fuck off
i've been here since 08

>> No.12982348


>> No.12982373

Its becuase the word fashion went out of fashion years before david bowie died.

It got married to design.
Now all the adults interested in fashion either follow design blogs to get inspiration and/or they watch all those fashion shows,designer battles etc... like makeup wars. Skin wars. Cake wars. Junyard wars. Storage wars.

>> No.12982382

>I’ve been on 4chan since 2012 and I never knew that you had to post a certain way

It's a shitty meme. "reddit spacing" is just double spacing your sentences or paragraphs and using proper punctuation, which is not the "4chan way". There's not a correct way to post on this site, that anon just wants attention.

>> No.12982401

Fashion is for children

>> No.12982407
File: 54 KB, 698x355, Evil-Dead-Evil-Basement-chick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im guilty of reddit spaceing.

Its similar to high school newspaper writing. Where each paragraph is about two sentences on one idea which is usually only a "just the facts".

But this is the internet so each paragraph is really about "just the feels".

Unless its a dichotomy between shitposting/trolling and reddit posting. Which do seem to follow different guidelines to discourse.

>Mfw MLA and APA are replaced by reddit and 4chan format.

>> No.12982420

well it's kinda annoying to read cause you have to shift focus again and again just cause you felt like pressing enter

a bunch

of times

>> No.12982436


The funny thing is that anyone shouting about reddit spacing is most likely a newfag themselves because people have been double spacing on this site forever and I've only started seeing complaints about double spacing earlier this year.

>> No.12982437

Its a fine line between reddit spacing and a tl;dr post.

>> No.12982577

Spotted the soygoy nog.

>> No.12982598
File: 323 KB, 300x228, 1500506193003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this. Double spacing has been around since m00t created this shithole of a website. Only rebbit faggots complain about it.

>> No.12983055

Lel this

>> No.12983214

4chan is mismanaged and left wing as fuck these days sold it to some Jap

And he runs the site like buzzfeed

>> No.12983221

This I've been double spacing since college, the reddit kids that came over once the site was "unblacklisted" from Hilary Clinton types they came over. Nowadays the funny shit is on .onion sites

>> No.12983262


>> No.12983325

This. Being female I still visit r/mfa because it's leagues better than r/femalefashionadvice, the fits are better (from an objective standpoint) and there's a lot less drama. There's more pictures as well because it's a bigger sub, and the threads are more interesting.

>> No.12983493

>left wing as fuck
Nice. I haven't noticed tho. It's just some liberals and posts about jews, niggers, gooks and soyboys ad infinitum.

>> No.12983546

says the le 56% faise mongrel

>> No.12983554

styleforum (streetwear section)

>> No.12984761
File: 245 KB, 610x778, cara2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think better rules could enhance the quality? I feel just trying to make the board less disorganised with stricter rules for what and where to post would help. for example there's usually a bunch of loose threads that no doubt belong in one of the generals, but this isn't really dealt with. and we obviously get a bunch of "is x effay" threads that should just be deleted cause they're lazy and pointless and not really fashion. There should probably also be a filter that replaces "effay" with "baloney" or "cabbage".

>> No.12984778

w/ man, there have been so many meta threads with many suggestions.
Use feedback page or >>>/qa/1690512
Don't expect too much from them. They only delete threads or move them. The last real interaction was in 2014:
Last public ban was is 2016:

>> No.12984787

Yes, last time I've checked /ffa it was even worse than /streetwear

The issue of /fa/ is not the lack of rules but the lack of quality contributors

>> No.12984789
File: 994 KB, 1912x1003, dior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is SZ so slow? Fashion is a huge industry. Do all the fashion people hate the internet or something?

>> No.12984850

>but the lack of quality contributors
+ the people who support quality contributors

>> No.12984874


Patrician taste. Please accept several (((up))) arrows from my collection

>> No.12984883

Wear a fitting button up, slacks and shoes. The grown up version is simple, and you shouldn't be trying to be trendy or excentric if that's what you're looking for.

>> No.12984886

>asking for more mature discussion
>posts hideous jewish trollop

Nice meme faggot

>> No.12984892
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>> No.12984950
File: 72 KB, 625x626, 1506894600092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there have been so many meta threads with many suggestions
and no consensus on anything that anyone can remember? I don't really know how to find these threads

>The last real interaction was in 2014
I don't really comprehend how the system works, some boards have a bunch of rules and mods and this place is a wasteland. But if I were to go on /qa/ or feedback myself I feel I'd have to know a lot more (see above)

>The issue of /fa/ is not the lack of rules but the lack of quality contributors
for all we know certain rules being enforced in certain ways could attract quality contributors and/or get annoying kids to go away. What else would you do? Spread leaflets in fashionable places?

I'd think making a board more serious would attract more serious people, I don't know what else to do

you mean mods or what?

>> No.12985035

You can recognize those meta threads when the OP reminisces about how good /fa/ was, when OP asks what happened to /fa/ or when OP asks how to make /fa/ great again/how to save /fa/. Hopefully that provides you with enough keywords. I'm willing to search with you for some of those threads. Luck also helps.
I haven't seen any consensus, nor a whole lot of proposals for realistic solutions. That fact that meta threads are now directed to a shitposting board doesn't help either. /qa/ is useless. You're best try the IRC.
I mean posters. When someone makes a thread that is 'good' (whatever that means), it needs people who are interested and who are willing to discuss the topic with one another. At the moment there's a thread with a creative director from H&M. Interesting stuff, but no discussion. That's the least thing you, as one man, could do, support the threads you think are good and report the threads you think break the rule. They do get deleted sometimes.


>> No.12985092

how does reddit even work? that UI is hideous

>> No.12985215

>le golden age meme

Fuck right off with that shit m8

>> No.12985275

>/fa/ introduces u shit ton of labels and sheit
>cant develop own style

>> No.12985724
File: 290 KB, 250x156, 1 (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, this is interesting

>it's true. now /fa/ is sort of desperately looking for figureheads and idols and shit

>i wish so many peeps didn't carry egos into here
>would be 10x better if they didn't

>I think we really need mods though.
>think about it.
>all small questions/fuccboi MUST go in the small questions thread. Imagine how much cleaner the board would be. more space for several designer.
>one dedicated feels thread to keep that shit from vomiting all over other threads and the catalog
>all this means more space for dedicated threads on designers other than rick and raf.
>actual discussions would be promoted and meme shit kept to a minimum

>We really do need mods up in this place. Instabans handed out for shit /fa/ lifestyle, food, cars, dentists threads

>fucking this
>you do not know how many threads i hide every time i come here
>sometimes hide up to 100+

>we don't even need mods
>just 1 competent janitor

>I'd say about 10% of the current userbase of /fa/ is actually interested in fashion and of those 10% only about 2% will actually channel their autism into the medium of art that is fashion whereas the other 90% are just here to ask if they look dumb in their new t-shirt and fake yeezys that they bought to impress their PEERS who know fuck all.
>We need to bring back elitism to /fa/, stop the spoonfeeding and basically just eradicate the newfags by cyberbullying them until their autism kicks in and they either become one of us or leave to pastures less green but with softer fences

>all threads in the line of "is ___ effay?" or "what is the most /fa/ ______?" should result in a ban

>I think that what has happened on /fa/ is that it has become devoid of people willing to stick their heads up, be a character, post some fits and risk being shit on.

>things like the facial aesthetics generals are a new low

>That shit should be purged from the board, it's fucking /soc/ cancer.

>> No.12985771
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>kys, cuck, numale, faggot, and nigger should all result in a ban as well. mostly because i'd like to see more creativity in all fields, including teen linguistics

>>make a 'lifestyle general' where people can post shit about cigarettes, /fa/ hobbies, etc..
>This cancer is never going to stop being posted but it at least can be segregated to a single thread.
>>Make sure basic questions are only posted in the fuccboi general and w2c goes in w2c general
>It should be a bannable offense for shitting up the board with threads that fit into either of these categories
>>threads strictly about homescreens or wallpapers or phones deleted instantly
>these have nothing to do with clothing or even the /fa/ lifestyle.

>Agreed with this, also tumblr threads, face rate threads, and "is (completely off topic shit) effay??" threads should be a ban too.
>This board is somewhat slow so a lack of moderating is expected but i feel like there is barely any moderation at all. Either hiro doesnt give a shit or hes just too dumb to manage his mods and fix this place. Even though moots a faggot i miss him, /fa/ was somewhat better when he was still around.

>I reported about 5 threads that have nothing to do with clothes (like the is pepsi effay thread) hours ago and they're still up. It's like the mods truly don't give a shit about this place

>There are no mods
>I've reported more than 10 cases of people straight up saying they are underage on /fa/ which is ban in under 10 minutes in any other board and none of these people got banned

>this is the only real answer. we need some mods and janis. didn't 4chan have some sort of applications a while back. what happened with that?

>They recruit most years, so keep an eye out in the future when applications open

>we should also do something about "is ____ effay" threads cause some of them are maximum autististic

>this. "is sonic the hedgehog effay??"

>> No.12985789

learn what greentext is used for then fuck off back to reddddit

>> No.12985803

I must admit, the same complaints return.

>> No.12985811
File: 33 KB, 1876x723, 1471875813493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scientists designed it for this exact purpose, what's your reddit account

>Is there even a mod for this board? It's so slow I feel like shitposts stay for forever

>we need to take down all the shitposting like "is my dog fa ?" or "is yeezy fa ?" or worst all the kids worshipping fear of god fag shit

>The best way to improve board quality is simple: stop replying to trolls. It's that easy

>ban all teenagers
>ban all hypebeasts
>ban facerate/facial aesthetic threads
>ban all other /soc/ tier garbage
>ban all /fit/ shitposters
>ban all /pol/ and /tumblr/ faggots

>people just need to stop to lie themselves about everything, would solve all the shit

>more inspo threads
>more tumbler threads

>Yeah the inspo threads were always handy, would rather them instead of "is this shirt a meme"

>we need a new sticky and a dedicated moderator or janitor at the least. someone pester gook moot for it.
>pic related is my mock-up design for it and a short guide i've written for the new possible wiki: http://pastebin.com/PNfhXvzx

>We need to update the sticky. Then we send anyone that doesn't know shit to the sticky. We make a /lifestyle/ general thread, send any and all lifestyle aside from maybe interior threads there. Make inspo/Discussion threads.

>Send anyone asking questions to the appropriate generals. We need to get these generals off the ground

>>be mean
>That's all it takes folks!
>Guy has shitty fit? Roast onem
>Dumbass makes dumb thread? Let him know how dumb he is.
>Guy defending Reddit? Laugh at him
>Fuccboi nigger? Call him nigger.
>This method will deter any cancer and make sure they will never come back to this board again. ;)

>Yeah this.
>I remember about six years back where people would get offended and leave until there was a few golden months of a bunch of thick skinned people talking fits and giving each other shit.
>God I miss that.

>> No.12985823
File: 120 KB, 613x852, 1506756488573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ban /pol/-bait, and ignore it until it is able to be banned (since moderation here is slow as fuck).
>It never has to do with fashion, and when it does, it's almost entirely anti-fashion (e.g. "those glasses are nu-male"); these political nonsense posters seem to have a lot of (sometimes contradictory ideas) of what not to wear, but never suggest what is acceptable.

>update the sticky
>post relavant content
>don't feed the trolls
>try to use other sources such as magazines and other better websites to bring new content in
>harsh but constructive criticism in WAYWT threads based on not just personal opinion, but well researched trends / designs

>We need to direct every poster to our rules and etiquette. If you see a lone hair thread, redirect it to a general and sage it, it only costs you 15 seconds, but it will pay off for you big time.
>It doesn't matter how many new posters come from reddit every day, as long as they are contained in the threads of their interest/competence.
>We don't need tripsfags, they will always be cancerous. We need a strong community of relevant posters - each to his own area of expertise.
>I did the same thing a year ago on /sci/ - not quite but it worked. Every day I spent around 10-15 minutes just saging and reporting threads from highschoolers, and encouraging people to do the same. Now /sci/ is full of STEM students and PhDs. Sounds silly, I know, but people can collectively clean a board up if you make them aware.

>> No.12985853

I remember two attempts at renewing the sticky. One is the picture you just posted, and that information isn't available anymore. The other one was :


>> No.12985879

This is just ranting. You are delusional if you think any of these suggestions will be implemented. Imageboards just don't work in the social media age.

>> No.12985901

The unfortunate reality is that early /fa/ actually had some people who had very good fits, and a community that prided itself of being helpful and working on developing a personal sense of style. However, the problem is more widespread than 4chan culture pervading /fa/ and shitting up the board. Instead fashion came to prominence for men during the past seven odd years and that has lead to an influx of people who view fashion as a means to something, rather than as a hobby or set of lifestyle choices. The arrival of people looking for information on staying 'on trend' lead to all of the old school DIY fashion people, and runway discussion threads, leaving the board to go God knows where. Ever since that point, the board has been infested with people asking about whether these Ultraboosts are 'effay' or deriding someone who is willing to experiment with their silhouettes and try something new and unique. In the olden days someone would have offered advice and direction, rather than calling them a faggot and then trying to argue that some anime t shirt is worth the expense.

/fa/ certainly has a shitposting problem, but much of the issue is pervasive in fashion as an industry and a contemporary culture, and that is sadly something we can't fix with a couple of rule changes or a new website. Sometimes I still wonder where the OG posters went to, and if they found some website that fulfilled everything they wanted to discuss.

>> No.12985906

uhm no sweetie 4chan posts are meant to be short and green text is for
> lists
> short stories
> implying
> quoting
not copy and pasting walls of text
now get out

>> No.12985940

>this guy posts and the thread dies

He's right, you know.

>> No.12986036

old fag here
most of us either got deeper into fashion which lead to being on the internet less or realised we have our own style and understood fashion enough to be able to study it on our own which and left all the online fashion communities

you reach a point when you just do not want to talk about fashion with anyone in an open forum because most of the time people don't know a fucking thing, so you either make irl fashion friends by attending shows or working in retail or you wear what you want and read books at home, or a mixture of both

>> No.12987222

>> quoting
>not copy and pasting walls of text
so they are meant to have contradictive purpose? got it

>> No.12987230

>been here since 2016
>tfw you will never experience the golden years of /fa/

the only reason I'm here is because I havent found any other fashion board that isn't reddit-tier or hype-beast.

>> No.12987344

you might genuinely be retarded

>> No.12987347

Copy-pasting this from STHLM

4chan /fa/
care-tags (ct)
KanyeToThe (KTT)
DressedWell (DW)
Thefashionspot (tfs)

StyleZeitgeist (SZ)
fuk (fuk.co.uk)
StyleForum (sf)

superfuture (sufu)
5thD (5th-dimension)
8ch /fa/
nwvn.net (unwoven)


/fa/-based chat groups:
onanigang (skype) (r i p)
#effay IRC (Rizon)

"Rick Owens"

>> No.12987348

difference is we know that you are genuinely retarded, there's no question about it

>> No.12987349

settle down, kids

>> No.12987354

t. guy who can't separate a short quote from copy and pasting a wall of text

>> No.12987358

"quote" doesn't mean "short quote" you spastic

>> No.12987360

kek if you really can't see the whole point of a greentext is to keep things short then you're an utter retard

it doesn't mean short quote but the implication is that it's to be used for either multiple short quotes or one 'big' one lest the post turn into a redd.ddit esque monstrosity like the couple you posted

just go back to redd..itt if you want your big paragraphs little guy

>> No.12987361

settle down, kids

>> No.12987364

i'm not a kid I have pubes and a medium-small sized willy

>> No.12987397

>the implication is that it's to be used for either multiple short quotes or one 'big' one and if you do both it becomes reddit
this seems convoluted and made up on the spot

>> No.12987410

it would seem convoluted if it was your first day here and you never bothered to lurk, correct

>> No.12987517

trust a reactionary, it's hell for rightwingers too. i think everybody who visits 4chan must be some kind of miserable masochist