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/fa/ - Fashion

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12977840 No.12977840 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious /fa/ I know many people here feel piercings of any kind on males are shit tier. Question is: are there accepted /fa/ piercings? Like standard Lobe piercing(s) for example? Gimme your thoughts

>> No.12977868

fuck no. only fa piercings by regular standards are the nose hoop (not as cool now) or the septum. The septum being the horseshoe and the bull styled one equally /fa/. Septum is the only acceptable piercing because of the hidden nature. Free bad boy points whenever you flip it down.

In terms of crazy /fa/ piercings are those longer piercings that hang off the left year and have a dagger on it or some shit. Or a cross earring like the asians wear.

>> No.12977937

Ear gauges are for degenerates piercings might as well me too

>> No.12979318

Subtle, small studs are fine, less likely to trigger people. I have stretched lobes because I genuinely love them. Whether or not people like them doesn't bother me, and I know better not to wear tunnels in certain situations (like at work).

>> No.12979342

>stretched lobes
>genuinely love them
Trying this hard to fit in

>> No.12979360

fucking juvenile

also nose rings are fucking revolting and passe
septum rings only work when ur black

>> No.12979389
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Fit in with who, exactly?

>> No.12979391

If you're hot and have a more casual style, a nose ring or lip ring can look so good.

>> No.12979405

piercings are gay and the gauges of the 2010's with some nostalgia as support

>> No.12979421
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peircings are wack but if you need some just get small ones for your ears

>> No.12980621
File: 181 KB, 780x520, 170809_MOV_GoodTime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of gettin a diamond stud earring