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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 85 KB, 1286x720, jw anderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12977338 No.12977338 [Reply] [Original]

can we talk about how some of the most interesting designers dress so plainly in their everyday lives? pic related is jw anderson. i think this is at least a little bit odd. you would think that designers who make eccentric, avant garde clothing might dress the part, but that doesn't seem to be the case. alexander wang dresses quite plainly as well. the only designer i've noticed who doesn't dress plainly is rick owens who wears his own shit. here we are spending a fuck ton of money trying to set ourselves apart by way of dress, meanwhile, the designers that many of us wear couldn't seem to care less about that

>> No.12977348

didn't mean for this to sound critical, i just thought it was interesting to note

>> No.12977526
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1511736491746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here we are spending a fuck ton of money trying to set ourselves apart by way of dress, meanwhile, the designers that many of us wear couldn't seem to care less about that
Really makes you think huh....

>> No.12977540

i've been bringing this up lately as a fashion redpill. stop fucking paying for name brands as it is getting silly. there are plain white t shirts from tom ford for $699 and then there are walmart brand garbage materiel for $5 AND THEN there are perfectly luxurious ones by calvin klein, gap, french connection, tommy hilfiger for no more than $19.

You can dress extremely stylish without paying copious amounts and you can even brand name whore if you want for cheap. No you don't have to grail a YSL jacket still for $2000 just beacuse it's a deal.

Designers, male models, all high ranking fashion icons need to be emulated. They wear constant business casual with wool trousers and long sleeve button ups and jeans and t shirts and turtle necks THATS IT. Think of something /fa/ would call plain, generic and maybe sometimes boring. That's what we have to be wearing. Stop dressing up like spacemen

>> No.12977543

and stop dressing up like japanese schoolboys with the trousers cuffed to the fucking knee

>> No.12977560

>can we talk about how some of the most interesting designers dress so plainly in their everyday lives?
Because you don't have time to put up effay outfit eachday considering how busy your job is (which it is when you have to attend to runways twice a fucking year). You just wear something that's comfortable for you. It's not like you have to prove to be effay to anyone as a designer.
I'm ready to pay for unique pieces with interesting designs and materials, it's not like you have alternative in this case. Buying basics and plain clothes for cheap is retarded, that's why I normally wear COS / Our Legacy / Acne basics (get them all for cheap and they are of a better quality and last longer) with some cool designer piece I really liked.

>> No.12977567

Designers who dress themselves in their own pieces take themselves very seriously. Designers who don't really think about what they dress in take their work seriously.

Pretty much the surest way to spot a meme designer is that they are wearing a full fit of their own stuff.

>> No.12977571

This, if you look up Raf, Dries Van Noten, Rei Kowakubo and many others just dress pretty plain and easy.
I can't even think of major designers who wear their own shit besides Yeezy, Jun Takahashi and Rick Owens.

>> No.12977580

not only is the focus of them not wearing their own stuff but them wearing almost civilian clothes.
Here's an analogy: a famous guitar player is playing on X guitar and he's singing about why Y guitar is the best guitar to play music on. A fan and admirer would listen and agree and possibly get their own Y guitar. A rational man would realize what's happening and either buy X guitar or no guitar

>> No.12977602

Pretty much, well said lad. Nice to see a pearl of wisdom on /fa/ every now and then.

>> No.12977604
File: 158 KB, 683x1024, 00290fullscreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's because they see fashion more as an art form while people here seem to mainly care about looking attractive. I am not a designer but I would prefer to see my work on attractive models rather than on my average body.

>> No.12977612
File: 26 KB, 550x550, 0Cc3vPSkX7hoRPb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can you get Our Legacy / Acne basics for cheap?

>> No.12977622

>see my work on attractive models rather than on my average body.
This. Also many designers are also too old to wear stuff their create. Raf is too old to wear angsty prints. Dries Van Noten is too old to wear bright suits with floral prints. Because their clothes do cater to younger demographics (20s to 30s). Now Yohji and Heidi can wear their own designs because their own clothes are pretty "timeless".

>> No.12977633

My boyfriend get 30% discount on their stuff, though I normally only wear sweats and shirts from OL and jeans from Acne. I also normally purchase stuff on sale.

>> No.12977662


This, but I would take it a step further and say that their own self-consciousness and feelings of inferiority (looks/body wise) probably also play a role in this when you spend so much time around extraordinary looking people. Maybe part of them just gives up since they would be some of the most conceptually fit/body conscious people around (out of necessity).

>> No.12977728
File: 167 KB, 634x1633, article-2576982-1C286FDC00000578-962_634x1633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking mark zuckerberg. i know he's not a designer but he's a millionaire and he dresses like shit. meanwhile i can barely afford to eat because i actually buy nice clothes and dress well

>> No.12977782

If you are super rich you have nothing to prove anymore so you can afford to not care about your appearance.

>> No.12977821

He's not a millionaire - he's a multi-billionaire.
He's got "fuck you" money. He can dress however he wants; he doesn't have to impress anyone.

>> No.12977825

so disgusting. mark is so fucking laughable. at least dress fucking presentable is that even too much to ask? at least dress COMFORTABLE? like.. theres something seriously wrong with this fucking argonian

>> No.12977842

I'm a graphic designer, I put a ton of effort into branding other companies, but my own brand is the most plain and boring shit imaginable.

>> No.12977972

I watched that video.

It was crazy how everyone in JW Anderson's atelier was also dressed in black, and most of the tools they used were also black, grey, or white.

>> No.12977987

>literally the worst analogy ever

>> No.12977998

suck my metaphorical dck

>> No.12978010

Tom Ford, Thom Browne, and Ale Michele wear their own shit.

>> No.12978014

He looks like a retarded inbred autist.

>> No.12978039

Isn't he trying to run for president?

>> No.12978068

>COS / Our Legacy / Acne basics
all trash

doesn't matter how cheap they are, you're still overpaying

>> No.12978073

It's a combination of decision fatigue and being insanely busy. Getting dressed if you are someone who cares and is really into fashion takes a surprising amount of time and effort. If you're a designer and your day is about to be filled with a million different clothing related decisions you don't want to wake up and begin draining your mental reserves with outfit decisions. You also probably don't even have time to think about such things even if you wanted to, you need to be out the door in 10 minutes.

The answer to this is a simple uniform that works in all settings. It's like a chef who cooks himself something quick and simple when he is at home. It's not that he can't make an insane meal it's that he's been doing that all day and he just wants to take a break.

Even the designers who wear their own gear have a sort of uniform. Rick for example is always in the same 5-6 pieces.

>> No.12978081

just dawned on me that rick is unironically always in full rick

>> No.12978084

I earn enough to be able to pay 100€ for pair of quality jeans with good fit and staying black color. If you are a student and have to hunger in order to get you some SLP instead of saving up for nicer things or investing in your own education then something is really wrong with you.

>> No.12978091
File: 92 KB, 1000x803, raf-simons-gq-style-0816-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is wanting to fuck Raf considered gay?

Also on topic, Marting Margiela didn't even bother to show himself.

>> No.12978121

after a couple quick looks at google images, michele seems to be the only fitting example. both browne and ford both avoid wearing anything particularly eccentric, even if they are wearing their own shit. what's even more interesting is that browne even has some more eccentric pieces that he chooses not to wear himself

i think you've misunderstood my point. it's not that we (those of /fa/ who seek to dress in an eccentric manner) necessarily spend too much on eccentric clothing and should dress in a more frugal and modest manner, but that those who are famed for conceiving of the very clothes we, the consumers, intend to wear, are either not willing to or not interested in wearing them. my point here is to highlight the disparity between the intentions of us, the consumers, and them, the designers, as they relate to the function of daily clothing

these are some pretty good hypotheses
though that designers are possibly too busy to put together interesting daily outfits seems a bit weak as i don't think it's all that difficult to put together an interesting outfit in a short amount of time. but i guess it might be the case that many designers are such perfectionists when it comes to clothing that they'd prefer to wear a shit outfit than a half baked one
that many designers may have a bit of an inferiority complex seems very plausible. though my money is still on the idea that we and the designers have very different ideas about the function of clothing. not quite sure what exactly that disparity is though

>> No.12978138

Browne is quite a jew.
>put eccentric and avantgarde af runways for artsy creme-de-la-creme
>sell well-fitted suits with a bit of edge to rich Chinese and accounters
>dress plain yourself and be gay

>> No.12978155

Perhaps they see fashion more as art than as clothing. Its something they get satisfaction from creatin, rather than wearing. Whilst I have an interest in fashion I make no effort to actually dress in a way I think is good. Its more of an aesthetic game than anything.

>> No.12978156

finally a good answer
no actually that's the worst analogy ever

>> No.12978164

I think you also have to look at it as a cultural thing. Look at Japanese designers for the most part, almost all of them (aside from maybe Kawakubo? Though there aren't many photos of her) wear what they make. I think they see their brands more as another factor in their lifestyle than just clothes. The only people I think who do this in the west are Rick and Damir.

But then again, there's actually those who have a following in workwear, techwear, streetwear, and artisinal as well in the west, and they fit in with the lifestyle idea as well. So maybe it's just a luxury fashion thing?

>> No.12978539

Its cause they are selling you a product and the retarded bunch of consumers go out and buy trash to create an identity, designers dot give a fuck as long as people consume their art.

>> No.12978577
File: 313 KB, 766x989, 29498B54-9FB6-48CE-B462-E8E11623B9F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy something unique from Acne instead of paying 100€ for fucking jeans, it is ridiculous.

>> No.12978578

I think you can differentiate between people who design clothes they want to wear and then actually wear them versus people who wear their own shit to stroke their own ego. Takahiro Miyashita and Rick are prime examples of the former. They design and dress form themselves as well as for others.

Also I'd assume that people who design clothing all day probably get tired of all the little details and whimsy and whatever that they put into their work. Same is true with chefs. They may cook fancy food for a living but most cook comparatively simple meals at home.

>> No.12978590

*design and dress for themselves

>> No.12978597

I think you're onto something with the point about Japanese designers and I suspect that's a cultural difference, investing in a craft so completely and taking pleasure in the fruits of your labor every day versus the Western mentality of striving for objects outside of your monetary means.

>> No.12978635

I cuff up to mid-thigh. Anything below the knee is pleb tier.

>> No.12978656

Don't listen to the "to rich to dress well" meme. How he dresses has nothing to do with his wealth. He wouldn't know how to dress with or without money. Sometimes there is grace in not participating. When my black friends invite me to play basketball I say, "Thanks, but no thanks.", because I know better. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Zucc is a successful hyper-autist, not a fashionista.

As far as designers, some dress really well, but you usually only see them post show when they're in intense work-mode. But designers aren't paid to look good. Their skill is making other people look better, and sometimes creating amazing art.

>> No.12978660

Yohji for sure thinks of himself as a craftsman rather than a 'designer'. I think other japanese designers have had the same sentiment, namely issey

>> No.12978676

I dress in full Rick because I'm a 3rd grade teacher. Those kids fucking respect me when I walk int wearing my Ramones and drop crotch pants.

Those faggots wear blue jeans and pastel shirts. Christ, it's fucking embarassing.

>> No.12978714

Plenty of rich people dress well, you just gotta recognize that ninety nine percent of them rely on an expensive stylist.

>> No.12978732
File: 539 KB, 1900x1396, IMG_1492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man John G. Featured himself in his own shows. I think this photo is an end show appearance

>> No.12978762
File: 418 KB, 1261x1900, hedi-slimane_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedi Slimane wears his own clothing constantly desu senpai

>> No.12978784


>> No.12978793


>100 euros for jeans is expensive

what the fug

>> No.12979236

Well yes I'd say wanting to fuck Raf Simons is pretty gay considering he is openly gay

>> No.12979343
File: 111 KB, 625x773, 1512974299647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since when is having the ability to dress urself properly about impressing others

personally if i ever woke up and stare that ugly kike face looking back at me in the mirror, regardless of a 11 figure bank account i would fedex a helium tank to my house asap

>> No.12979352

They just doesnt worth it since you could easily thrift a pair fot 10$. It is like paying 500$ for brand new iphone 4s in 2017 for regular use not for collection. It was a great phone, but you could find it for 100$ or buy the newest generation.

>> No.12979368

I wear mine for two years. Never had to redye them because due to polyester it holds color well. 120/24 equals 5€/month for quality good looking jeans.

>> No.12979376

>100 euros for made in Moldova spandex jeggings is a good deal


>> No.12979404

taking yourself seriously enough to wear eccentric designer shit is vain and unattractive.
very few people can actually pull it off, the rest just show themselves to be tryhards.
fundamentally its just decorating yourself. his fit in this pic is respectable.

>> No.12979406

how is this disgusting? I bet you spend like 30 mins contemplating your fit everytime you step aside. fucking pathetic autist, get a grip. you actually sound neurotic.

>> No.12979409

Yohji wears his own stuff.

>> No.12979415

They are made in Italy since two seasons already. Quality did get better (owned both old Ace and recent North models).

>> No.12979596

toys for the goys

>> No.12979613

Miyashita is a good example, he came to my mind too

>> No.12979616
File: 146 KB, 519x294, sapolsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at least dress fucking presentable is that even too much to ask?
it is because i'm the fucking zuck you cuck i don't care i'm so important i can disrespect you with my student slob core and you still have to take my meetings and kiss my ass while you're at it, seems to be the logic, it's a display of power and status. if your work speaks for itself you can afford to look like a bum

>> No.12979620

americans presidents deliberately dress like mouth breeding retards, their culture requires it to appeal to corn farmers and the like.

>> No.12979621

>i think this is at least a little bit odd
when you design clothing for living you are constantly surrounded by clothing and things that go in to making them physically and mentally
you get kinda tired of it all in a way and probably opt for comfort, not to mention lot of designers have almost unifrom type thing going on where they dress in the same clothing at all times, and if anything that's the fashion end game, knowing yourself and what you want so well you need only couple of outfits
>here we are spending a fuck ton of money trying to set ourselves apart by way of dress, meanwhile, the designers that many of us wear couldn't seem to care less about that
I don't really get the connection here
Should you stop listening to some musician if he says in interview he doesn't really listen to his own music but other artists?

>> No.12979656

wow just wow , so many ill informed and ignorant posts.

>> No.12979862

and to add to that, it's creative outlet to designers, I just don't get the expectation that they dress in some wacky shit
or why consider them as the be all end all stylistic end game, not that there is anything wrong with that but they are known for creating clothing, not wearing them

>> No.12979996

Fashion is an art form. Creating any art form well takes a lot of work. Chances are they're sick of fashion by the time it comes to dressing themselves. We the consumers don't get to create art like this on a daily basis and so aren't bored /sick of it when creating something for ourselves.

>> No.12980076

Yohji's clothes are also pretty "ageless" and extremely easy to wear and mix (if we are talking about full Yohji). Also comfy af.
I have different question. Why are most of Western designers gay? I don't know a single Japanese gay designer, but in Western world they seem to be a majority. Is it connected to culture (Japanese grow up in aesthetic and view fashion as craftmanship while Westernes percieve fashion as sth only women enjoy and as an art-form at most)?

>> No.12980199

Perhaps they wish to be noted for their contributions, rather than their appearance.

>> No.12980203

>mouth breeding
lol i think i saw that in a hentai once

>> No.12980248

>work speaks for itself
one of the worst things about capitalism is this right place right time lottery bullshit being mistaken for actual work.

look at everything he's done since being in the spotlight. utterly inept. look at facebook in general now. it's a wasteland driven by traffic from conservative grandmas.

his appearance is actually a better representation of him as a person than his net worth, but you're unfortunately right that it's the net worth that does the talking.

>> No.12980251

also i have not seen the social network and if you have you do not need to respond to this thank you

>> No.12980275

Because effortlessness is always the most important thing about fashion.

That's why most streetwear types look pretty embarrassing because they are trying so damn hard.

>> No.12980285

>jw anderson
Literally a shit tier designer.
Nothing interesting about the crap he "designs".

>> No.12980292

>the only designer i've noticed who doesn't dress plainly is rick
Than you don't know many designers.

>> No.12980298

Yohji you fucking retarded plebs.

Literally no argument you have. Just because you know like 3 designers doesn't mean anything.

>> No.12980431

>fucking argonian


>> No.12980443

well, you could replace work with success if you like. but the point is the same, it's the 'let me show you how little i can afford to care' approach