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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 443 KB, 858x782, tech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12964414 No.12964414 [Reply] [Original]

What's up with techwear unironically le epic final boss rpg comment?

>> No.12964475

What she doesn't understand is that referring to someone else as "final rpg boss" ironically might be funny, but doing it to yourself just makes you seem like an asshole.
Seeing her circlejerk herself from a photographer to a "see all the cool tech people I know" instagram person is truly inspiring.

>> No.12964658

She's like the only person that does that.

>> No.12964666
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>> No.12964685

Because it's filled with and made by literal oldfags who grew up playing vidya and watching cyberpunk anime and now they have tech jobs with the salary to splurge on their unfulfilled chilhood dreams to be a reali life anime character even tho it's fucking larping.

>> No.12964761

The Techwear community is getting to a point where it's been around a while and it's starting to split into two camps.

1. The first camp is the obvious bullshit that you see on Reddit. Especially r/streetwear. It's full of over the top hypebeast pandering, an emphasis on aesthetic, and younger kids. Jbin is appealing to them and using their language and memes on Reddit because it's going to sell ACG jackets this season.

2. The other camp seems to be moving away from brands like ACG or acrnm that use heavy branding. These people focus on the functional aspects of an outfit, with a goal of building a wardrobe that fulfills their environmental and urban-worklife needs. The looks are usually more lowkey, less ninja, but still usually consist of dark color pallets.

I tend to find the latter more bearable and interesting. It's a more mature look in the world of male fashion. The former group more so appeals to the younger crowd because at that age people care about social validation, attention, and came from the streetwear/sneakerhead spaces that enjoy "flexing" etc.

>> No.12964773

Just curious, any examples of the latter group? Any people who pop into your head when you think of the second group?

>> No.12964779

I personally would think of xeoniq, chokeslam god and dave

>> No.12964785

>t fulfills their environmental and urban-worklife needs
that makes no sense when essentially anything fills those needs cause life in city is so fucking easy

>> No.12964788
File: 145 KB, 805x1172, IMG_6278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism detected
Op's example is the ability to be made fun of and accept it, enjoy it and poke fun at yourself

Like the people who enjoy Rick Owens who make all the /full Rick/ and ironic Rick worship jokes, it's called enjoying something, taking the banter, laughing with like minded people and not taking yourself so seriously

Like how a lot of leftists call 4chan NEETs and neck beards, so we just assimilated it and started calling ourselves things like /fa/ggots, /out/ists etc, because there's a kernel of truth to the insults which we're not embarrassed about admitting

Lurk more

>> No.12964802


Chokeslam and dave are still young and do the camp 1 stuff a lot still. They have a few good looks though.

Camp 2 is probably Xeoniq, Mayo, Snek, sometimes Bt4d, tin-robot, maybe andy.

>> No.12964813

I guess you're right. I read it more in a boasting and less in a "I'm aware this looks like a cosplay" way because of who was writing it but maybe I'm underselling Bin and Errolson here.

>> No.12964833

Just like how hypebeast kids twisted the meaning of fuccboi and took it as compliment? lmao

>> No.12964943


dave here. although im certainly moving more towards camp 2 i agree chokeslam and myself (partially because of our activity on the SW sub) will often fall more into the first group. im about to get a fair amount more arcteryx veilance which despite some questionable quality on a few items is the brand i find myself feeling the best in.

heh that post feels like it was forever ago. i was more trying to subvert the fact that we all look like video game characters but i do agree its becoming a bit of an over used joke at this point.

>> No.12965547

>techwear autists cant take a joke
techwear autists make a joke
>wow cringe

>> No.12965956

>heavy branding
>has little to no logo branding on their pieces
>option to literally remove logo tape

i mean acg i get but come on now

>> No.12965982

can you post the igs or whatver of camp 2?

>> No.12966186

Nigga literally just Google "_____" instagram you lazy poo

>> No.12966194
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good point anon

>> No.12966195
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techwear, like gothninja and other embarrassing internet wardrobe trends, serves only to appeal to estrogenized (and often autistic and/or socially inhibited) young males raised in suburban cul de sacs with predominantly sole interests in anime and video games

>> No.12966219
File: 1.36 MB, 3827x3827, m568Ktx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally this. These people are disillusioned in their idea of what looks because their views have been formed completely by video games, movies, and anime due to having no social life.
For example, this guy is almost 35 years old.

>> No.12966235

*of what looks good, forgot a crucial word there

>> No.12966236

not gonna hate on this guy because that atleast looks presentable to a wide audience in coldier months, but a lot of these techwear people dress like fucking weirdos.

>> No.12966243

I know her in person and she really does act/think in everyday life as if she is hot shit

It's funny because I wouldn't expect her behavior/ego from a girl but then again she's barely one anyways

>> No.12966354

Wtf he's early 20s dummy lol

>> No.12966439

(sort of) chokeslamgod
(sort of) 1i1i1ii1
xeoniq -- xeoniq
mayo -- mayonnaise_d
snek -- snekkles
bt4d -- bt4d
tin-robot -- tin.r0bot
andy -- illuminandy_

there you go

>> No.12966478


>> No.12966542

Most of these guys are greasy pretentious r/streetwear powerusers. I swear to god the entire techwear discord is made up of ex-neets and teenagers.

>> No.12966559

other than the first two i dont think any of the other guys even use reddit

>> No.12966585

What exactly is wrong with that fit?

>> No.12966592

not so much for being a fit problem, but his hair, hood, facemask shit, and popped collar is what makes it __i n a d y s t o p i a n f u t u r e__

>> No.12966892

You're either a troll or talking out of your ass lol

>> No.12966909

Techwear got ruined by shitty marketing

Have fun buying milspec designs thinking their "progressive"


>> No.12966913

he said nothing about logos
branding is more than just a name or logo on a piece
you can instantly tell a pair of levis jeans from the pocket stitching and riveting
you can instantly tell an acronym piece from any of the superfluous little fasteners and headphone holders and other such nonsense they put on everything

>> No.12966920

dont forget attempting to patent the most mundane bullshit possible

>> No.12966983

I really like the ACG logo on the alpine and 2-in1 because i like the aesthetic, the retro-futurism vibe i get from it is really cool.

>> No.12966989

2 literally means nothing when anything with pockets will get you by in a city. if any of these garments were actually made to be used hiking/tactical companies would jump on the cut/fabric. all these buzzwords about function is laughable when you feel obligated to bring out an umbrella in the rain.

>> No.12967034
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>> No.12967156

she's poking fun at how eccentric it is to wear techwear, do you not have any friends you bantz with anon?

>> No.12967417

When he first started gaining popularity on Reddit he said In a comment that he was in his "early 30s". He got roasted for it and deleted the comment later, but it stayed up for about a week or so. Someone probably has a screenshot of it somewhere.

>> No.12967421

lmao, this is the guy that gets constantly shit on by this board, and for good reason. His fits are terrible and he's absolutely part of the first camp.

>> No.12967547

i do get shit on a fair amount but i also get a lot of productive feedback which is why i stick around. i think at least my last 2 or 3 fits are moving me towards camp 2 because the dropcrotch, over the top, rick-tech thing just doesnt work for me personally.
not gonna act like i dont have some GARBAGE fits but ive been improving for sure :)

>> No.12967594

top kek
that nigga has no fashion sense whatsoever, everything he does is pure spray and pray approach
also he gets super defensive when criticized and cries like a small child when someone on the discord disagrees with him

>> No.12967626

Why all this fuss around nothing? Discussing about fashion and in this case styles like techwear obviously is the point of /fa/, reddit etc. but when did people start to take it personal when someone dresses like they want
if irs cosplay ot not, if its 'real trchwear' or whstever who gives a shit that there is substance to argue about?
like just let her fucking post that overused joke and have a look at the next post, its like you get affected if they ruin the reputation of 'techwear'

>> No.12967632

>dont discuss specific examples of fashion and how they affect specific trends and styles on a fashion forum
are you retarded, my man?

>> No.12967633

And i dont see someone not ackowledging your waterproofness or telling you your fit is too casual looking for techwear as something you should give a fuck about

>> No.12967637

literally said thats the point to discuss

>> No.12967749

I haven't seen any of your recent fits, but I can remember when you first got that Acronym bag and you shoehorned it into all of your fits when you didn't have the wardrobe to pull it off at all. It was like you were using it as a regular tote.

>> No.12967756

techwear to begin with has no meaning these days, it's empty umbrella term that people just lump bunch of cosplay ninja shit under because discussing thins without categorizing everything under cores and waves is hard for brainlets

>> No.12967764

they're not cringey, but that image is funny xd

>> No.12967783

hah yup that was a weird transition period. i was trying to show off the bag as much as i could but youre right i didn't have the wardrobe and 99% of the time it was just unhelpful.

>> No.12967788
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>> No.12967793

hyperbole aside its a very good point, this azn qt is just doing her thing and if you don't like it don't pay attention to it

>> No.12968022


No dummy he's in the discord and met up with people in real life. Stop trying to troll

>> No.12968610


This guy takes himself too seriously and gets uber defensive whenever he gets criticised. Your fits suck dude, it's ok.

>> No.12968676

hey! i think as ive gotten more comfortable with my own style my defensiveness has gone down quite a bit and ive been able to take myself less seriously. there were some old posts on reddit and probably even here where i got mad at people for critique and that was recognizably lame and childish. cant change the old fits but hopefully i can impress you with something in the future.

>> No.12968702
File: 95 KB, 750x498, 13392881_1709333662662029_1869458092_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woohoo i made it into group 2

>> No.12968719

streetwear cancer is what is killing techwear not real techwear enthusiasts

redpill: Errolson Hugh is a sneakerhead hypefag who had a comic book thing done for his first collection. Incredibly cringe and everything he touches is tryhard shit

>> No.12968747

the first camp is lame as fuck because if you wanna dress fly you don't wear nerdlord raincoats and facemasks

can respect #2 for actually having dedication to the ideal

>> No.12968896


>> No.12969010


>> No.12969322

You realize what website you're on right?

>> No.12969343
File: 85 KB, 850x850, Rick Chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>techwear is cosplay
>people who like techwear are weebs
>you will never use those pockets
>Rick Owens,now that's fashion

>> No.12969488

except u can wear rick everyday as long as its tasteful pieces and not a pod+clownshoe retard combo

>> No.12969537

people as furniture is my fetish!

>> No.12969621

jah eel is 22 you dumbass

>> No.12969635

no one here or on ROD buys the tasteful stuff. it is all used meme shit like pods and ramones that looks fucking GAY

>> No.12969638

yeah coz arcteryx veilance is totally unacceptable as everyday wear, why do people think that techwear consists of a group of about 15 people cosplaying on instagram

>> No.12969890

You can say the exact same thing about techwear! How fucking dumb are you?

>> No.12969906
File: 89 KB, 1080x1080, liamtriestobecool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek check this faggot on ROD

>> No.12969913

Link to discord?

>> No.12970072

and you have a problem with this why?

>> No.12970446
File: 38 KB, 870x960, 22089478_888899404602377_7644564921854508082_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12970479

b-but muh acrhive

>> No.12971295

...are you expecting kids to have the disposable income to spend on fashion? (especially stuff that isn't formal and/or work appropriate)

>> No.12971302

you can discuss it without being a living meme

>> No.12971310

real talk salami tasty as fuck nigga