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12964450 No.12964450 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 5"4 turbo manlet and want to buy some boots. Can manlets wear doc's 1461? I wear size 6,5 so looking like a big footed clown won't be a problem. I also have proportionally long legs. Being associated with art hoes and twinks in my shitty highschool is also holding me back a bit. Wearing a simple button up is seen as "different" here.

I still have some time left to grow and don't want to kms before I know how tall (or short) I'll ultimately be, so pls don't be an asshole and give some advice.

>> No.12964459
File: 27 KB, 399x385, l04he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you can still grow you should spend all your time and effort trying to grow taller because that height is short even for a girl literally you can't even reach my chin level and I still feel short sometimes.

Men can grow until 21-22 and some even at 25 at most.
Try getting on human growth hormone or anything that will make you taller sleep from 9pm to 7am thats when the body releases the hgh that makes you taller stay away from drugs and dont go to the gym or train with things that involve you lifting heavy objects.

>> No.12964463

wtf you're talking total bullshit

>> No.12964477

There was a nigger on the nba who grew like 4 inches at 24 and and another nigger who grew like 1 foot at 20.

every other thing I said is also true I don't feel like explaining them

Hopefully you'll get cancer and die soon.

>> No.12964537

It's not total bullshit, but those optimising those variables are unlikely to make more than a +/- 2 inch difference from your father's height, if even that much.
Also growing into your 20s is quite rare, most people's bones have locked in place by then.

>> No.12964656

those docs will make you 5' 5" or 5' 6" legit

>> No.12964684

1461's add 4cm shortbro

>> No.12964699


>human growth hormone or anything that will make you taller
>sleep from 9pm to 7am thats when the body releases the hgh
>stay away from drugs and dont go to the gym or train with things that involve you lifting heavy objects

kek. you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.12964764

>also 5'4"
>size 10 feet
at least i can find my shoe size online

>> No.12964800
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slp aw15 boots
Just get them op.

>> No.12964816

I would be well over 6' in those

>> No.12964821

>I would be well over 6' in those
5'4'' + 3'' = 5'7''

>> No.12964871

doesn't that just happen to people who hit puberty extremely late? like if you have your first growth spurt at 14 it's impossible right?

>> No.12964877

if your plates aren't sealed hgh will literally make you taller, stronger, faster, and smarter

>> No.12964882

>like if you have your first growth spurt at 14 it's impossible right?

yes. the only option would be a leg lengthening. but thats 1. extremely painful, 2. extremely expensive and 3. its takes minimum 1 year.
just be confident and find a girl thats smaller than you. optimally asian, latin or persian

>> No.12964894

im not that guy but another 5'8 manlet, just wondering since i hit puberty at 15-16 and im 21 now

>> No.12964897

yes, but plates close after you finish your puberty. if you use hgh after that point, you will only gain side effects (thats why no doctor would prescribe this to someone who is older than 17 or 18).
and everthing else (sleep from 9pm-7am, don't go to the gym etc.) is total crap.

>> No.12964910

op said
>I still have some time left to grow
so i figured they're around 16.

>> No.12964924

ok, than he should go to the doctor and ask for an examination. there special instruments to check the plates. but honestly i never heard about guys getting hgh who are older than 12.

and btw. i know some guys who got hgh when they were younger. they are pretty big now, but they also have longer fingers, noses, ears and faces which looks a bit weird to be honest... oh, and some of them are still manlets. so it doesn't work for everyone, even if you take it soon enough

>> No.12964947

>kek. you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Explain why I'm in the wrong if you can't then shut the fuck up.

>> No.12965000


why? because there is no evidence that sleeping times or training has any negative influence on your growth.

even the effetiveness of hgh on healthy people is discussed controversial towards the indication and the right time of donation

>> No.12965013

>no evidence that sleeping times or training has any negative influence on your growth

The hypophysis releases more hgh at night that'ts why you are supposed to sleep at night if you don't sleep at night then you will end up shorter than hwat you would have been otherwise

Putting muscle into your body is what stunts your growth not lifting heavy objects. In order to grow the muscle has to be weak so the bone can get larger

>> No.12965081


you're talking absolute bullshit. theres no evidence based (meta)study that demonstrates a correlation between sleeptime, sports and growth. you don't have to sleep to release hgh and you won't release more hgh when you sleep more.

height depends on your genes most. you can also modify it by you're nutrition. not by sleeping or avoiding sports.

>> No.12965087

>Putting muscle into your body is what stunts your growth
Source ?

Also yeah you are full of shit and very not up to date with the current state of knowledge in this area

>> No.12965093

Manlet tryhards are truly disgusting.
Might as well join the circus.

>t. actual girl

>> No.12965104


No point in replying if you can't debunk any of what I said and calling it bullshit means jackshit.

Lifting isn't a sport. Sports help you release hgh and they also help you getting taller but adding a lot of muscle to your body through lifting will stunt your height.

>> No.12965133

no one has to debunk your bullshit. you pretend to know something without showing any evidence. why should someone disprove your hypothesis when you can't even confirm them? thats not how science work. so show us some credible evidence or shut the fuck up.

>> No.12965153

What I said is well known its all over the internet search it if you want

>> No.12965165

you know what evidence based means? only because some idiot reads something on the internet, it doesn't mean that its automatically right.
i searched on pubmed to check your bullshit and couldn't find anything that belays a correlation between sports/sleeping time and growth.

now show me some evidence or shut the fuck up

>> No.12965174

Time to start breaking and resetting your tiny shins OP

>> No.12965177


I never ever talked about sport I talked about lifting Your reading comprehension is that of a 5 year old.

If nothing can be prove to be wrong then there is no point in arguing

The thruth here is that op is a fucking midget and he should try literally everything to get as tall as possible because at 5'7 you are short but at 5'4 you are in hell

>> No.12965198

>If nothing can be prove to be wrong then there is no point in arguing

kek. if the bullshit you're talking about would be true, there would be an evidence. e.g. a controlled study or any other design. but there is none (check pubmed if you want to). there is no evidence, so everything you say is just an assumption. thats why you have no idea.

>The thruth here is that op is a fucking midget and he should try literally everything

thats so fucking stupid and dangerous. so you're saying that a healthy guy should take hgh which can lead to facial deformation, diabetes and heart problems?

>> No.12965211

I never said he should do hgh I said he should take whatever it takes to be taller it doesn't nessesarily have to be hgh it could be one of those things they sell that makes you taller I heard about a guy who had good result from using sytropin at age 22 he grew like 2 inches.

I'd rather be facially deformed and have the height I have right now than have op's height.

>> No.12965228
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>I never said he should do hgh I said he should take whatever it takes to be taller

thats why i'm calling you a moron. there is nothing that makes you taller except of somatotropin. and even that only under certain circumstances...

>I'd rather be facially deformed and have the height I have right now than have op's height

kek. so you'd rather look like this than being a manlet?

>> No.12965235

>kek. so you'd rather look like this than being a manlet?

yes, he doesn't even look that bad