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/fa/ - Fashion

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12960605 No.12960605 [Reply] [Original]

How can your /fa/ggots even compete with this? Literally 10 years old casually wearing $4k-5 outfits.


>> No.12960612

my watch is worth more than every single one of these outfits put together and i have 4 watches

>> No.12960623


Your second-hand Seiko watches from the thrift store ain't worth shit kiddo. S

Stop LARPing and accept the fact that these kids in the video have a better fashion sense than you will ever have.

>> No.12960632
File: 11 KB, 200x211, kesk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet they all look like shit

>> No.12960643

Not even bitter grapes, these kids look like shit

Poor Swedish fisher village urchins from the 1920s look more /fa/ than these tryhard creatures

This is surreal

Only good guy was that random korean with nameless korean office clothes and fucking rick owens mastodons

>> No.12960649

>fashion sense = money spent

>> No.12960671

With the exception of my watch my outfit is probably actually a net loss because of the cost required to clean the resellable parts and dispose of the briefs and sandals

Including my SNK809 that brings the overall outfit value up to maybe ten bucks

I have a fungal foot issue so the sandals are bound to me

I looks good tho

>> No.12960674

You'll never be happy if your aspirational figures in life are rich children.
Model yourself after self-made richfags and then maybe your kids can have this.

>> No.12960687

>Model yourself after self-made richfags and then maybe your kids can have this.

What if I do not want my kids to look like shit

>> No.12960691

Then raise them properly.

>> No.12960773

1. I'm not ugly
2. I'm not a manlet

I already am more effay by default than these fellows

>> No.12960896

Sadly interacting with people or going outside isn't your default

>> No.12961632

Fuck this is pure cringe. I’m officially triggered. Imagine what they’ll be like when they hit puberty. Some of them will probably start making horrible music or become one of those ultra-cringey reviewers on jewtube, just because „they can“. Then they’ll have difficulties integrating into real life and end up working in daddies company in some pseudo-position because they fuck everything up.
They all look like like shit, wear and combine designers they can’t even pronounce like hypebeast high street brands. Not a single good fit in there, just „look at how much it’s worth“ garbage-tier autism.
I’d never buy my kid stuff like this, not even if I had billions. Maybe a few pieces if he/she grows older and gets -honestly- interested in fashion.
And what’s with the exaggerations?
>90 bucks for shitty checkered Vans
Where the fuck does he shop?

>> No.12961639

rob them

>> No.12961645

>start making horrible music
I'm sure atleast half of these jokers are on soundcloud

>> No.12961795
File: 23 KB, 400x322, 1511376870657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad

>> No.12961798

>unironically defend consumerist

>> No.12962042

my motorcycle is worth more and actually makes me look cool.
Flashy clothes just make you look like a fag

>> No.12962909

These are the people who yell "daddy's money" in prep threads

>> No.12962945

this is denmark we literally get paid to go to school. this is not impressive

>> No.12963031

its funny cuz everyone on the video have expensive shit but still loking like totally a virgin faggot without fashion sense

>> No.12963035

>4-5k to just look like a Slav
Expensive clothes doesn't mean they'll actually look good.

>> No.12963044

Expensive doesn't mean good.

>> No.12963335

Why would a parent, rich or not, allow their child to look and act like this? The UK princes are rich and fucking royalty and they were upstanding polite kids. Is this their rich parents fault? Do they just give them a credit card and let YouTube and 4chan for the rest?

Sure I'm envious because I wish I had thousand to drop on clothes I like, but nothing about these kids and their outfits is enviable.

>> No.12963360

Kek that pic

>> No.12963366

I don't like the way most of it looks so idk.

>> No.12963447


>> No.12963473
File: 1.15 MB, 1392x779, Screen Shot 2017-12-04 at 9.19.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kid is by far the best

>> No.12964076

cool i spend like $20 a fit sometimes less and look way better than these pimple poppers

>> No.12965377
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