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File: 121 KB, 640x960, catfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12958408 No.12958408 [Reply] [Original]

a lot of them are like 20 - 30 years old. They are 5 8 plus in height but their faces look juvenille

>> No.12958411

because they've been using retinoids and sunscreen since they were 12 so there skin is still youthful

also general facial proportions

>> No.12958417
File: 60 KB, 432x650, chadhill11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you explain the facial proportions part?

pic is taylor hill but her face looks really young (not counting the glowing skin).

is it cuz they have really short midfaces, round eyes and small defined jaws?

>> No.12958423

there are a million things that go into making a face look young (your pic is more late teens-early twenties than 'young' imo) but they tend to base around having the face farther down, shorter mid-section of the face, small area between lips and chin, small chin width, large/round eyes (the eye bulge counts like in op pic, non-hallowed cheeks

>> No.12958436


dang thanks for your explanation/theory.

know any model chicks irl?

>> No.12958441
File: 722 KB, 1080x1071, 1493378605623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not models but a lot of the girls in my social group are the artsy young-looking girls like the op pic or someone like Anzu. As you might be able to guess every single one of them has been obsessed with dermatology since early teens and the results are pretty incredible

>> No.12958451


dang how can I approach these artsy white girls????

i like the smiths, dress in flannels and blue jeans and got a hitler youth hair

>> No.12958461
File: 242 KB, 542x437, RPV4ne2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally I make custom bags/belts locally as a hobby so I just ended up running into these girls. I also dress french new-wave-esque which is basically cat nip for these types

if you want success with these kinds of girls romantically 90% of it is being relaxed(since they pretty much all have anxiety issues), having either an artsy career (musicians, etc...) or a well paying one (they basically interpret this as you being able to support their fashion interests), and being able to talk about pretentious subjects at any moment

>> No.12958464


ah ok. well im in college, so idk about having an artsy career or well paying one. i guess im pretty relaxed and im a computer engineering major, but im taking an art history class elective next semester

>> No.12958478
File: 77 KB, 616x640, 4g9VAFVl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i was in engineering school i just joined a photography and a classic movie club, pretentious places but they had exactly the sort of girls you are looking for. I also did a remote-internship while doing school so I had a constant income

>> No.12958487

>thinly veiled art hoe thread
Not fooling anyone.
Stay far away from these girls, or enjoy your mental deterioration

>> No.12958488


What is with film clubs and artsy girls lmao.

>> No.12958492
File: 37 KB, 780x439, breakfast-at-tiffanys-audrey-hepburn-holly-golightly-kiss-rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they worship actors like audrey hepburn

i agree, but if you are stable/independent it really isn't a problem

>> No.12958495

>french new-wave
post examples

>> No.12958497

watch any godard film or just check this out:


>> No.12958498


prolly would get assfucked by leonardo dicaprio if given the chance

>> No.12958504
File: 202 KB, 443x294, Screenshot 2017-12-02 at 1.30.22 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be chad, uniroincally

you can be le epic mac demarco all you want, but in the end, strive to be chad, fuck that gay shit.

>> No.12958508

To elaborate, be an alt-chad I guess, be tall, ripped, handsome, etc but wear black or something and thats more than enough to be best of both worlds

>> No.12958510

fucking gmos bro

>> No.12958512
File: 60 KB, 750x564, l1485592446403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly this, strive for the alain delon balance of fashion and masculinity

>> No.12958528

Good advice, don't be some skinny fat mac demarco ugly ironic faggot, be handsome, "toned", and ideally, tall, while also not going full bro-core, and you're good with pretty much any girl, including talentless art hoes. Don't exclude yourself to just one subculture, that's beta mentality.

>> No.12958691

cause young looking models are all the rage in the fashion world at the moment
cdg literally had 14 year olds for models for homme plus season ago

>> No.12958784

the jewish pedos are making pedophilia cool again

>> No.12958841

>Don't exclude yourself to just one subculture, that's beta mentality.
Right. Being a social chameleon just to get girl is so alpha.

>> No.12958881
File: 430 KB, 1280x1788, tumblr_osbfidT3PA1ucsp2eo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taylor Hill doesn't have a small jaw by any stretch. Her jaw is way above average like most models.

>> No.12958889

Small nose, big mouth and big eyes :relative to the head.
Also, smink

Also: they are the top 10thousend real models om de world, of the 10million wannabes, carefully selected by the industry.

>> No.12958902
File: 186 KB, 1280x1739, toni-garrn-at-elton-john-aids-foundation-s-academy-awards-2017-viewing-party-in-west-hollywood-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think they do tho. Most of them look older than they are due to their robust facial structures and thinness.

Pic related is 25, but she looks about early 40s. She doesn't look much younger than Goop.

>> No.12958904
File: 533 KB, 2000x2000, gwyneth-paltrow1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's 45.

>> No.12958921

>she looks about early 40s

you are insane buddy

>> No.12959531

>She looks early 40s

>> No.12959998

because they are paid to look young, so they do

>> No.12960004

she doesnt look close to 40

>> No.12960073

not him but this girl looks anywhere between 28-45 unironically

like some hollywood milf hitting on middle age but has had tons of expensive treatments

>> No.12960087

>because they've been using retinoids and sunscreen since they were 12 so there skin is still youthful
If my gf is in her late teens can she still look good if I make her start using those right now or is it too late? I don't want to post her picture for privacy reasons but she looks about a year or two younger than she is.

>> No.12960109

this, 16 year old girls are what society wants them to look like, that's the selection pressure

>> No.12960120

Tbh I would have guessed early 30s, partly because of the hairstyle.

>> No.12960571

yes, the earlier the better but as long as you start before mid-20s you are probably good (unless you grew up somewhere really sunny and gots loads of sunburns/tans growing up, then the sun damage might be to heavy for you to truly maintain a youthful look)

be warned retinoids normally cause initial breakouts and take a few months to noticeably change the gene-expression of your skin

>> No.12962112


>> No.12962946
File: 68 KB, 500x500, chadman111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AKA be a HM model. Like pic related

Athletic, good looking, good haircut that accentuates jawline, tanned,and wears basic ass h&m clothes


It is small jaw, but just well developed. her head is extremely small lmao.

>> No.12963023


>he's so insecure about his identity he has to belong to a pre-made "culture" full of people with similar interests, hobbies and appearances or he feels like a fraud.

Just lmao

>> No.12963161
File: 98 KB, 1080x1070, 18445041_430639520634648_3775569191428423680_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukin luv this gril...

>> No.12964678
File: 308 KB, 410x612, gettyimages-140632902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her mother is a white Christian, so she's not a kike.

>> No.12964679

because old looking hoes are not attractive it's that simple

>> No.12964680

She's a pedophile.

>> No.12965027

I mean she's 21 dude. still pretty young