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/fa/ - Fashion

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12956559 No.12956559 [Reply] [Original]

Why do gay people have such good fashion sense?

>> No.12956564

because society has programmed straight men into thinking that caring about clothing is a womens thing.

>> No.12956566

Why there isn't a term called gay fashion if gays can really dress well?

>> No.12956567

they don't, people just wont to insult them, because we all know how touchy fags can get

>> No.12956582

the weird thing about him is his neck, it's too long and spindly . if u crop out everything above the shoulder the body looks ok

he has the complete worst haircut for his long neck it jus makes it look longer

>> No.12956586

gay people have awful fashion sense, they just try harder

>> No.12956596

gay men who treat fashion as a personality trait ruin it for straight men who treat fashion as a trade or skill
I want to watch the monopoly the gays have on the fashion industry burn to the ground

>> No.12957196

Bi dude here. We have less options on the dating market just due to basic math. There's wayyyyyy less gay men than there are straight men so we need to try harder to attract better men. Imagine if like 90% of women in the world were lesbian. You'd therefore have to try harder to stand out to secure a QT 3.14 gf.

>> No.12957350


>> No.12957579

they dont, gay people just dress like house wives

>> No.12957621

that neck tho

>> No.12957658
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*programmed straight men into hating themselves and feeling deep paranoia that their friends might be gay paedophiles, so they have to signal that they're not gay at all times because they've been gaslit into accepting homosexuals (=accepting paedophiles and pederasts)

>there are people on /fa/ right now who think gays are cute and adorable hip and trendy fashionistas instead of deeply broken, dangerous, antisocial people

Homosexuality, like paedophilia and bestiality, is a paraphilia. Aka a dead end, and quite literally harmful, both in the sense of the huge prevalence of GRIDS, STDs, colon cancer, getting shit impacted in your eurethra, incontinence etc, and spirituality - a huge proportion of gays have a partner count in the 1000s and openly engage in the most disgusting, depraved acts you could think of, and celebrate them too. Defining your identity by whether you get fucked in your ass, and associating the beautiful children's symbol of a rainbow with getting shit on your dick? That's a bad move and it's why they've gotta pay the proice.

I'm not saying it's 100% caused by child grooming, but I don't know a single gay guy who wasn't abused by another man as a child.



>> No.12957673

holy fuck those videos

>> No.12957676


pretentious gay people like to cover themselves with rainbows and dyed hair its a bit annoying

>> No.12957680

Holy shit you have no idea how glad I am reading that. I swear I thought /fa/ has went full gay.

>> No.12957686
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I'm friends with an ex "bi" guy (he's pretty weird) and he fucking hates the gay community and the fake propaganda pushed that gay people are just normal like you'd find on glee, he's the most homophobic, gay hating guy i've met
>That sam hyde routine

>> No.12957693


>> No.12957696

shut the fuck up, if you knew any gay people you'd know how wrong and stupid you sound right now

>> No.12957731

Sam Hyde is gay though. Post a pic of him in /tv/ and check out the dick sucking pics they post of him.

>> No.12957737

>I don't know a single gay guy who wasn't abused by another man as a child.
There's me.

>> No.12957751
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>> No.12957756

That's evidently and provably not him, post the pic so we can laugh at your delusion

>> No.12957761

How does it feel to be so wrong and full of hate? U need to get laid more *^-^*

>> No.12957771

>there's me, an anonymous stranger on the internet
Got me!

>> No.12957778


>In the portrait the majority of the men are dressed in black, some in white.

“The men in white are the surviving members of the original San Francisco Gay Men’s choir (sic). The others represent those lost to AIDS,” reads the caption.

>> No.12957783

>there are people on this board who are getting baited by this post right this very second

why is /fa/ so fucking retarded

>> No.12957798

I can guarantee with-out a doubt that all 3 of you have never had a dick inside you nor have put one in another man in your life and are straight. It's so easy to spot white-knighting faggots like you it isn't even funny. Maybe actually try being gay for any period of time and you'll see >>12957658 is so right it fucking hurts.

>> No.12957825
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>AIDs death statistics, pederasty and paedophilia prevalence amongst gays, worldwide and historically acknowledged issues and dangers of allowing sexuality and deviancy to spill into the public sector and exposing children to deviant sexuality = bait

>> No.12957839

That is a 2/10 outfit.

Faggots dress worse than women.

>> No.12957879


>> No.12957896

No i don't have the pic, I'm not saving any gay shit on my computer (Besides slp inspo). I could imagine it's just a google search away so feel free to do that.

>> No.12957945
File: 140 KB, 500x723, image_monster_zeroultra1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slp inspo
>not sip inspo

Also that sammy pic wasn't him, wrong facial structure, nose, eyebrows and glasses
Whereas there are several controversies around the girls he's fucked and his long term girlfriend, but that doesn't matter to leftypol and lit

>> No.12957962

I don't really look at it to be honest i just see it posted every time /tv/ brings up MDE or Hyde. From the thumbnail it looks like him.

Either way i don't give a shit about the guy desu, Laughed at a few of his skits but that's it.

>> No.12957981

Its weird how his body is so jacked but it has no effect on his face and neck

>> No.12958332

i think there is fags and gays, fags are to gays, as niggers are to blacks. that being said, I still think all gays and blacks are going to hell. but thats not up to me so what do I know.

>> No.12958767

>they don't

>> No.12958771

Haha fuck you!

>> No.12958778

Homosexuality can and is explained in Darwinian terms. It is too numerous within the animal kingdom for it to be some degenerate quirk of homosapians; and is the result of largely genetic/epigenetic components as well as environmental influences. Homosexuality has a clear yet nuanced social role within the tribe that has been largely lost in modern society. You are a fucking moron and should try to look far beyond your narrow minded and simplistic understanding of the world and society.

>> No.12958924

But they didn't get baited by this one.

>> No.12959106
File: 33 KB, 600x450, 1511985634046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every community is judged by their worst members.

All gamers are social retards living off of cheetos and energydrinks.

All bodybuilders are dumb meatheads.

All conservatives hates gays.

All liberals want to make gay the new norm.

etc. The cliches get boring after a while.

>> No.12959292

>projecting your fucked up homosexual view onto innocent animals

Sure smells like the fall of Rome in here

>> No.12959299

Those shoes don't match that belt.

>> No.12959311


Just a few little excerpts from some fascinating examples of not only homosexual activity but homosexual child rearing

>"An estimated one-quarter of all black swans pairings are of homosexual males. They steal nests, or form temporary threesomes with females to obtain eggs, driving away the female after she lays the eggs. More of their cygnets survive to adulthood than those of different-sex pairs, possibly due to their superior ability to defend large portions of land. The same reasoning has been applied to male flamingo pairs raising chicks"

And another

>"In Odense Zoo in Denmark, a pair of male king penguins adopted an egg that had been abandoned by a female, proceeding to incubate it and raise the chick. Zoos in Japan and Germany have also documented homosexual male penguin couples.The couples have been shown to build nests together and use a stone as a substitute for an egg. Researchers at Rikkyo University in Tokyo found 20 homosexual pairs at 16 major aquariums and zoos in Japan."

Dolphins are particularly sexually inhabited

>"The Amazon river dolphin or boto has been reported to form up in bands of 3–5 individuals engaging in sexual activity. The groups usually comprise young males and sometimes one or two females. Sex is often performed in non-reproductive ways, using snout, flippers and genital rubbing, without regard to gender. In captivity, they have been observed to sometimes perform homosexual and heterosexual penetration of the blowhole, a hole homologous with the nostril of other mammals, making this the only known example of nasal sex in the animal kingdom. The males will sometimes also perform sex with males from the tucuxi species, a type of small porpoise."

>> No.12959312


>> No.12959327

can relate hard

>> No.12959329

what images are you talking about

>> No.12959344

* uninhibited

>> No.12959353

absolute madman, keep fighting the good fight

>> No.12959379

>none of the examples include lesbians
Lesbians BTFO

>> No.12959483

gay men are real, lesbians are a purely social artefact

>> No.12959634


pretty much this, although i still wouldn't discount homosexuality as a mental illness. But, If not a mental illness at the very least a vestigial behavior trait that no longer serves a purpose in the modern world.

>> No.12959657

I'm just a dude who thinks other dudes are attractive. I'm not broken, dangerous, or antisocial. It doesn't define my identity. For centuries, gay people were oppressed, beaten, murdered, institutionalized, dehumanized for finding their own gender attractive. I find gay pride annoying, but is it really wrong for a once oppressed minority to celebrate their freedom from hundreds of years of tyranny?

>> No.12959806

They don't they typically look awful

>> No.12959825

>it doesn't define my identity
>why can't we as a minority group celebrate butt sex in public?

>> No.12959827

You’re gay man.


>> No.12959830

So I'm normal and gay men are mentally ill lmao best news today

>> No.12959832
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Reminder: this video was hosted on YouTube for months, accessible by children, because the gay lobby put pressure on google to keep it there. But make a video on the correlation between homosexuality and mental disorders like bipolar, schizophrenia, paedophilia etc (even in tolerant western countries) and you'll get your channel shut down immediately.

>> No.12959836

oh fug i remember this
truly disturbing

>> No.12959838
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>> No.12959848
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Stereotypes are rooted in reality, pattern recognition is a key feature of human survival

Especially when the media manipulators desperately try to create a positive stereotype about one group and suppress a "hateful old" stereotype about another, it says a lot that the negative stereotype is still going strong

>> No.12959864

Because men only care about appearance. Which is why gay men and straight women put so much effort into their hygiene and style. While straight men and lesbians care more about power money status over looks

>> No.12959890


wtf i hate gays now

>> No.12959916

because unlike the nerds on here they aren't afraid of colours

>> No.12959922

They don't they have horrible fashion sense. They just put in more effort.

>> No.12959989
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Well, considering 90% of women are ugly and/or trash, us straightfags know what it's like as well.

>> No.12960009

>imagine if 90% of women were lesbians
They are

>> No.12960200

Im 25, gay, /fit/ and I still have the fashion sense of a teenager

It's so hard for me to find good looking clothes and shoes and I hate shopping

>> No.12960250

Careful not to get grids

>> No.12960261

That's true though

>> No.12960338

>personality trait
it's art

>> No.12960356


>> No.12960363

Fuck off to /pol you alt right neckbeard

>> No.12962069


>> No.12962121



>> No.12962187
File: 40 KB, 728x546, dissapointment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is fucking retarded

>> No.12962429

>don't liking freaks is an alt right thing

>> No.12962435

>t. gay guy probably named Henry, or Matt or some gay shit

>> No.12962434

Look at this dude
Wait till you see the fuck-

>> No.12962437

Im not gay, but im wageslave and manlet

>> No.12962447

Ok, Henry

>> No.12962502


redundant statement

>> No.12962510

Dammit man, you're making us biscum look stupid

>> No.12962520

um sweetie you're so wrong it hurts
source: i'm friends with a queer man

>> No.12962531

... If you are bisexual, you have more options rather than less.

>> No.12962546

ya u could either go for a qt girl or a gay guy

>> No.12962563

ive seen a male dog fucking a male cat
it was traumatic

>> No.12962595

This is the correct answer.

>> No.12963134

I have a couple fashionable gay friends, in the fashion/art industries/scene, but I know a lot of gay people that dress like dweebs.

>> No.12963463
File: 36 KB, 300x240, nothingtoseehere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[at a diplomatic function inside the British consulate in Nibia]

Ace Ventura: [leaning at the bottom of the staircase] That's a lovely wrap you're wearing! Perhaps I could buy you some fluffy new slippers, made from the heads of innocent and defenseless baby seals!

The Monopoly Guy: Who is this ghastly man?

Ace: Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. And you must be the Monopoly guy! Hey...[whispering] thanks for the free parking.

Pompous woman: Another activist, McGuire.

The Monopoly Guy: Activist, yes... [snobby laugh]

Ace: [imitating him] Activist, yes, mhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm!

Pompous Woman: Mr. Ventura, there's nothing wrong with enjoying the fruits of nature. You should try it sometime.

Ace: Alrighty then!

[smacks the "Monopoly Guy" in the face which knocks him unconscious, then drapes him over his shoulders]

You know something? You're right!

[sings and dance exotically around the room, then shakes the man, making his jaw move]

Do not pass go! Do not collect 200 dollars!

[hands him back to the woman]

It's lovely, but I fancy myself an autumn.



>> No.12963477

>but I don't know a single gay guy who wasn't abused by another man as a child.
gay person here who wasn't abused and lived a perfectly normal childhood

>muh correlations

>> No.12963481

>I can't stand that these people have autonomy over their lives so I'm going to dwindle an entire sexual identity and cultural movement down to a sex act

>> No.12963489

not any of them but I'm gay and was never abused. you're really latching onto this argument but it's just observably untrue so if you want your anti-gay arguments to appear credible you might wanna try something else

>> No.12963721

>fit with no neck still looking shit
the neck theory strikes again

>> No.12963784
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>> No.12964063

OPs fit example is just fucking horrible in nearly every way

>> No.12964079
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The sad thing is that it's true

>> No.12964126


facebook - /EdvinasLee

>> No.12964157
File: 335 KB, 1080x1306, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only pants he owns! NO BULLY!

>> No.12964164

he looks like a cartoon character, and not the trendy japanese kind, he looks like a character from a budget american kids cartoon.

>> No.12964190

hes goofy af

stereotypical powerbottom lmao