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/fa/ - Fashion

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12952080 No.12952080 [Reply] [Original]

Me and my at 3.14 azn wifey are about to have a son. She said that I get to name any boys we have so that she can name any girls we have. What are some good names?
I'm thinking of naming him "dad" as a sortoff post modern meta wordplay, or naming him something Normie tier and then adding a long anecedotal footnote to his name

Any advice?
Also post baby/toddler fits for inspo

>> No.12952113


>> No.12952125


>> No.12952226


>> No.12952236

Wow I didn't know /fa/ had become a racism outpost for /pol/
Just so you know interracial babies are genetically superior and far more healthier then plain whites

>> No.12952404

Hob Dob Gum

>> No.12952408


>> No.12952415

>Just so you know interracial babies are genetically superior and far more healthier then plain whites

Just cop him that hapa fade, do whatever Elliott Rodger flexed. Just make sure he doesn't grow up yo be a school shooter like a lot of hapas do

>> No.12952419


>> No.12952428

came to post this.

>> No.12952432

Cry about it, mutt

>> No.12952445


>> No.12952450


>> No.12952452

The idea that a /fa/ user is going to be raising a kid makes me sick in the stomach and sorry for the world

>> No.12952460


>> No.12952469

Name him "Progeny of beta white guy who can't get a white women so he settles for a low tier gookgress"

>> No.12952474

why is 4chan so racist?

>> No.12952477

i was not being racist, i just think that you should name your stupid baby shitboy. i would think the same if they were all white.

>> No.12952478

Shouldn't you let his father name him?

>> No.12952484
File: 263 KB, 480x228, 1511027454148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh superior babies

>> No.12952490

These fags are mad that I got an Azn princess and they don't have any females in their life outside of their mom

>> No.12952493

/fa/ is really just a colony of /pol/ now isn't it?

>> No.12952500

>I-I-I'm so cool guys! B-B-Be jealous!

You're a literal child. 56%

>> No.12952540

say what u want, but /pol/ got bantz

>> No.12952549

>any advice?

>> No.12952588

kys race mixing faggot

>> No.12953219

No, I'm serious. Hapas are often seriously fucked up. Hapa women are usually railed endlessly by chads but men are autistic and have all kinds of fucked up illness. You can prevent this hell on your future son by being involved and frequently supporting him throughout everything.

>> No.12953384
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lmao this

white men that fuck gooks are embarrasments

burn the rice pay the price

>> No.12954427

Benjamin is a strong American name

>> No.12954452
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>> No.12954699

something powerful and masculine like Marcus or David

>> No.12955662

Wow thanks for finally posting some inspo senpai. This board is starting to get so racist I can't even

>> No.12955666

Holy shit if you take THAT as inspo your sons gonna be a halfling as well as a faggot