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/fa/ - Fashion

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12951115 No.12951115 [Reply] [Original]

fruits and vegetables edition

Previous thread: >>12943861

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something, help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies(fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.12951120
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>> No.12951122
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>> No.12951123
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>> No.12951129
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>> No.12951138
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>> No.12951141
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>> No.12951144
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>> No.12951147
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>> No.12951152
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>> No.12951154
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>> No.12951205

Mentally ill thread?

>> No.12951212
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tfw no thinspo bf

>> No.12951231
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tfw no thinspo goth gf

>> No.12951241
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it looked like she was wearing leather black white pants but i see its black jeans

p.s. 4-500 cals x 3 meals a day. itll work

>> No.12951244
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>naturally skinny
>except in face

tfw chubby cheeks/baby fat

should i start running, bros

>> No.12951294
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Mentally ill thread.

>> No.12951295

How to acquire this mode

>> No.12951303
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it could be water retention or something. or if you have bulimia. otherwise you have a high body fat percentage.

>> No.12951306
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>> No.12951308
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>> No.12951310
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>> No.12951314
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>> No.12951320
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>> No.12951322
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>> No.12951324
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>> No.12951325
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>> No.12951386


>> No.12951417

tfw no bf at all

>> No.12951429
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Ayy that's me, thank you based poster for making my day/week/month

>> No.12951442
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>> No.12951463

>genetically hairy
>dry, curly hair
>whenever I shave my torso I get covered in razor bumps
>will never have this smooth, blemish free stomach and chest

>> No.12951478
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>> No.12951481

body hair and masculinity is fashionable
speaking of, this thread needs more men.
I'm 6'1 trying to go from 188 to 160 lbs, i'm down to 182 in 6 days and doing an ec stack (which really is helping so far)

>> No.12951484

nice body fampai

>> No.12951485

it's sad because you're so close to being so great, you need just a bit more muscle and fat, especially on the arms

>> No.12951489

i disagree, i don't know if he could possibly look any better.

>> No.12951501
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Is there anyway to shrink pants effectively or should I just give up? I am not trying to shrink my entire collection because that would take forever but I have been trying to shrink some of my pants and jeans since none of them fit me anymore. I've only really succeeded with two pairs, while the other ones just seems to refuse to shrink. I just wash them in hot water and dry them longer than usual. Should I just give up and buy new pants?

>> No.12951526

if you have already tried a bunch of times, they are not going to shrink any more. at that point you are just weakening the fabric.

>> No.12951536

I don't know, I've always though body hair on thinspo skeleboys looks gross. Maybe If I stop shaving I can convince myself that it's actually a positive.

>> No.12951560

If there's like an inch at most at the waist take a tailor can alter them

>> No.12951594

underage ass

>> No.12951598

Where did the girl that drank redbull and fruit go?

>> No.12951601

the only place you can go after drinking redbull and fruit

>> No.12951610

be 6'0 and handsome, take steroids and don't work out and don't eat anything.

>> No.12951611

Weight watchers?

>> No.12951615

straight to hell

>> No.12951617

rip fruit girl

>> No.12951636

OK I've got like 3 of those down. Don't want steroids so now just gotta not eat

>> No.12951695

3rd day on trying to get thinner. Really in for some food and I am even looking at low cal snacks. Any tips?

>> No.12951707
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>> No.12951712

coffi, babi

>> No.12951715

Don't like coffee, sorry ;_;
Anything else? I am drinking a lot of water but it doesn't always help

>> No.12951729

raw potatoes, wheat bran

>> No.12951732

who is he???

>> No.12951782

Raw potatoes are toxic

>> No.12951791

Are you eating foods that are filling but low in calories? I've found that prepackaged low calorie snacks do nothing for me. But it might different for you.

>> No.12951815
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Are you fasting or what? What was your diet like before?

You should really just eat something small, don't starve too much. I managed to get to sub 100 lbs and maintain and I eat still. Have some oatmeal or a banana or something. Coffee with almond milk.

>> No.12951831
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how do I start to like black coffee?

this shit straight up tastes like i put a couple cigarettes and hot water in a mixer
i know "acquired taste" and all that but how much of this garbage to i have to drink until i have tricked myself into enjoying it

>> No.12951836

How are you making it, what brand are you using, etc.?

>> No.12951847
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i got one of these
my coffee powder is from some chain that sells ground coffee powder that's big enough so it won't fall through the net of my machine

are you saying i should just buy more expensive shit?
im not sure how long i am supposed to let it sit around and become coffee

>> No.12951854

>coffee powder
Maybe just stick to juice from a sippy cup.

>> No.12951864

it's beans in the store but they got a robot there where you fill them in and grind them into powder

im not going to spend my mornings grinding beans like a peasant

>> No.12951869

This method is fine. Your thing is called a French Press, and the coffee powder is called coffee grounds.

Make sure you're steeping your coffee in the water long enough before pressing it so it's not watery. I usually do three minutes, sometimes longer. It might do you well to try a different brand if what you're using doesn't taste good.

>> No.12951878

thanks for filling me in on the lingo

should i stir it with a spoon? so far i have just put in the grounds, poured hot water over it and let it whirl around for a while
i've been leaving it quite a bit longer than 3 minutes, maybe that was a mistake too

>> No.12951904

>smoke weed
>stomach grumbles feel like tickles
is this right

>> No.12951928

Don't smoke weed you degenerate

>> No.12951932

>I act like a hardman on the internet because i have no friends but at least /pol/ tells me I'm white!

>> No.12951936

dude blaze up lmao!!

>> No.12951941

What? No, fuck /pol/, I'm not even white lol. I guess using the term degenerate was a bit harsh.
You shouldn't smoke weed because it's bad for you, regardless of what the "dude weed lmao" crowd will tell you. I used to smoke weed in high school and stopped when I saw what it was doing to my friends who had been smoking for far longer than me.

>> No.12951966

How do you guys stop yourselves from eating when you get hungry? I've been trying to lose weight but after a day or so of not eating much I just get super hungry and end up binge eating. Is it just a matter of self control that I don't have or is there more to it?

>> No.12951974

are you drinking enough water and eating your vitamins and whatnot?

i think chewing gum helps
coffee too

maybe you should also just make sure you are eating enough generally, if you are straight up not eating anything for two days then you will end up binging to not die

>> No.12951981

Sure it has its adverse health effects, but I'm sure as hell not going to take some prescription to help me sleep. A couple of hits before bed always ensures that I can fall asleep quickly and have no dreams. Which means that I won't have the almost daily nightmares where someone slowly pulls every tooth in my skull out with their bare hands before leaving me with a centipede to crawl down my throat.

>> No.12951987
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wake me up insiiiiiide

>> No.12951990

I can't understand how people don't like black coffee. The only time I didn't like it was when I was a little kid with a bad sweet tooth.

>> No.12951991

not the guy, but common seriously if you let weed control your life your pretty fucking weak, even like Xanny's can be pretty casual if you can handle

>> No.12952015

He looks perfect stfu

>> No.12952016


hhahhaah anon how fucking stupid are you ?

>> No.12952019

>tastes like i put a couple cigarettes and hot water in a mixer
how is that bad tho

>> No.12952026
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w2c thinspo gf?

>> No.12952045
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>tfw hip bones become super distinct overnight

>> No.12952063

Chugging a liter of water and chewing on gum, also staying busy makes it easier since you won't have time to eat.

>> No.12952064
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>and have no dreams
people want this?

>> No.12952141
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can anyone tell me about that fat belly symptom that starving people apparently get?
like i have heard tale about how if you don't eat anything you can get get a belly that looks fat

do i have to be worried?
or is this something unicef made up so people still donate money after seeing footage of all the fat little africans?

>> No.12952164

I’m 6’2”, 158 lbs, straight, trying to get down to 150 or 145. But I have extremely manly face, so I feel like I might be making a mistake. About to buy my first pair of SLP jeans tho, so that’s neat.

>> No.12952213
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You mean this? You shouldn't be worried unless you're suffering from malnutrition and a small list of gastrointestinal diseases, and at that point you should probably check yourself into a hospital and stop worrying about being thin. Take your vitamins and you'll be fine.

>> No.12952306

It doesn't affect grown-ups, but you should definitely be worried if you have malnutrition of any sort, you because of it with a bloated belly or not.
>or is this something unicef made up so people still donate money after seeing footage of all the fat little africans?
Are you seriously this stupid?

>> No.12952312


>> No.12952319

this anon is right, addiction is not effay

>> No.12952353

do thin girls like thin guys? asking for a friend h-haha

>> No.12952391
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>> No.12952447


>> No.12952466

similar stats to my goal, post body?

>> No.12952498

google kwashiorkor

>> No.12952501
File: 103 KB, 700x700, cindy-crawford-kids-Kaia-presley-gerber-anorexic-scary-skinny-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think thinspo girls look really bad in short jean shorts? And I'm not the guy to judge female fashion deeply.

There are alot of females ITT, do yall think this looks good? And this is just 1 example I can pull up 1000s.

>> No.12952565

thank you anons, very kind

how much more fat are you talking?

>> No.12952582

not much, mostly muscle. but increasing your bodyfat by 2% would look good. basically lift for 4 months and eat a slight surplus of calories.
despite what others tell you, you'd look better in most clothes too.

athletic is god tier

>> No.12952586

can't you just fuck off back to /fit/

if you want to chug milk all day fine, but don't fucking come here then

>> No.12952587


chubby cheeks checking in. low bf% everywhere else naturally, just have the undying baby fat pouches in face. it's a real thing and it plagues me every day.

>> No.12952598

male model core> emaciation core

>> No.12952606

thinspo is male model core more than anything else

at least Fashionable male model core, not hurr durr le abercomby le menswear core

>> No.12952610
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Fasted for two whole days guys I did it!

Can't wait to eat tomorrow to be honest

>> No.12952614

I think it looks good

That>>>> Fat thighs filling them up

>> No.12952624

facial exercises my guy

they worked for me. Takes a few months to notice a difference tho, and I did them ALOT

>> No.12952626

you strong warrior I wish I was you

>> No.12952628

wew lad

>> No.12952635

they look kind of big on her. maybe if they were more tailored to her legs they would look better.

>> No.12952645


>> No.12952656

lose any weight?

>> No.12952684
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>Mother just walked in on me getting changed
>Yells at me and says I need to put on weight and that I look like a fucking jew

>> No.12952688

How do I stop drinking beer? I am an alcohol and it makes it hard to get rid of the body fat around the midsection.

>> No.12952690

nah, if they were tailored it would more show her lack of ass

With shorts like that they flare out a bit to hide it a bit. Also it makes them look skinnier than they already are since they don't fit

>> No.12952692

Gonna keep eating healthier and see my progress after 15 days because if I weigh myself for two days in a row I get anxious as fuck about my progress.

>> No.12952698
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tfw down 140 pounds and look okay in clothes but can't stand how my abomination of a stomach looks like in a mirror in the morning


>> No.12952699


>> No.12952707

Honestly, I've thought about putting a little bit of weight on, but I hate putting on the body fat because I prefer my face to be slim with hollow cheeks. To gain even a few kgs without putting on body fat is a long process.

Also for what it's worth I actually am an athlete with that body, albeit one who gets outmuscled often

>> No.12952725

So easy to starve myself
So hard to not drink

>> No.12952749

does your face get puffy?

asking for a friend

>> No.12952753

is your friend johnny table?

>> No.12952764

please answer my question

>> No.12952783

>>tfw 16/8 post 9pm
hungry but it feels good

>> No.12952798
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if you take this you literally can't eat too much fat or else you start oozing liquid out your ass. great motivation

>> No.12952803

what exactly are you asking

>> No.12952808

if your face gets puffy from drinking all the time

>> No.12952809

i'm not who you quoted, and i don't drink all the time

>> No.12952815

now answer my question

>> No.12952836

inquiring about the potential dangers of alcoholism, that's all
i came here to recieve answers, not give them

>> No.12952861

Couldn't you just use Google?

>> No.12953132

what the this looks shopped?
looks good
hmm yea this borderline for me, looks to soyboyish
ehhhh no

>> No.12953136

Looks good if the girl wearing it does, the one in your pic looks a bit deformed to me... Also too large shorts

>> No.12953158
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>> No.12953159
File: 1.54 MB, 3088x2320, 676A8414-84E2-4626-8C1E-C853F174CBF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is without any weight loss

>> No.12953171

You can drink every day for years and it will just age you faster. My face hasn't gotten puffy and I drink every night for 10 years. Main issues are long term liver, pancreas, stomach issues. High risk of almost every type of cancer. Eventually you can get what's called wet brain where basically you just become retarded

If you combine this with the effects of being a thinspo retard then you really get into fucked territory

Any winehouae is a great example of anorexic alchoholism

>> No.12953176

All this being said a lot of people (me ever of my family included) drink moderately to severely every day of their lives and it doesn't start to kill them until up in their 70s. Just like people smoke 2 packs a day for life and are fine meanwhile little joey in middle school gets lung cancer

>> No.12953210

who cares, if she's wearing a long shirt no one can see her ass anyway

>> No.12953231

>8th grade
>swimming pool party thing for graduation
>Jesus Christ, anon, did you just get out of auschwitz

>> No.12953247

she has ostrich legs, really deformed lower body, too long, and those shorts are not helping. those boots look extra retarded also and way too bulky.

>> No.12953254

6' 115lbs
Im really tempted to gain some weight as i think it might be a reason to why iam constantly tired
what do you think?

>> No.12953335

>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
174cm (5'8"), 62kg (136lbs), male, 22
>highest weight
probably 80kg, but when I started caring and losing weight several months ago I was 76kg
>goal weight
don't know, when I look good, probably 50kg
>preferred method of losing weight
caloric restriction, IF, used to jog but it's too cold now
>aesthetic you're going for
skinny goth kinda guy I guess

I'm trying to get back on track for last few weeks.I lost 10kg in the first two months, but now I'm stagnating, I keep eating too much shit.

>> No.12953340

its not good to be skinny. I'm skinny and i hate it. i have the body of a 12 year old boy

>> No.12953352

Few questions to he asked here:
1. How old are you?
2. What is your goal (of course give current stats)
3. Why are you trying to get thin and how are you doing this?

Try to explain to your mother if she's willing enough to listen and talk with you about it on a decent level. Make a compromise if necessary. It's your life, but you really don't want to worry your loved ones and it's best to get them on your side.

>> No.12953355

fuck off

>> No.12953360

Its great having the body of 12 tho

>> No.12953370
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>come to a thread where people are convinced about their aesthetic preference
>try to tell them that they shouldn't go for it because your own aesthetic preference is different
Oh boy oh boy

>> No.12953375
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Why is it called thinspo? Shouldn't it be thinspi? I know that doesn't sound as nice but it still confuses me

>> No.12953377

Inspo comes from INSPiratiOnal I think.

>> No.12953390

who are you trying to spy on?

>> No.12953401

Skinny but thicc? How?

>> No.12953412

Gotta work out dude.

>> No.12953428

How do you guys stop eating at the end of the day? I used to do really good but now I can easily get through the day with low calorie but after dinner I get crazy cravings and end up binging.

>> No.12953435
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>> No.12953439

Chew gum. Have celery or other low cal snaks to eat like cherry tomatoes etc if you feel like biting into something.

Recently rediscovered light tuna it's only 100 calories a can. I love it. High in protein too.

>> No.12953440

looks good to me

>> No.12953471

>Chew gum
>trick your stomach into producing more acid

don't do this anon

>> No.12953487

Eat your dinner slowly: Chewing your food better helps digestion and actually makes you put on less weight despite eating the same amount. You don't have to do the chew 30times thing just don't inhale the food.
Drink water in-between your bites it will feel stupid at first but it really helps

>> No.12953518
File: 42 KB, 540x540, tumblr_opl297sWXm1t130zao1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been maintaining low body fat with muscle build by eating very little calories monday-thursday, "bulking" Friday and Saturday (like 1000 calories, lotta protein) and fasting on Sunday,

This works for me because my fat ass always ends up eating on weekends anyway

>> No.12953521

and when I bulk I do heavy lifting workouts

other days are mostly cardio oriented

>> No.12953525

Thanks guys. These last few months have been hell but I'm gonna kill the weight again.

>> No.12953539

Who is it ?

>> No.12953564
File: 9 KB, 194x259, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heart choker

>> No.12953567

Where do I get a choker like this but with regular ring instead of a heart for my gf?

>> No.12953571

Improve your spoilers you turd.

Check any chain fashion store imo. I always see them around in there at the accessories where I'm from. Talking about stored like H&M or any (small) accessory store.

>> No.12953574 [DELETED] 

Thanks anon, will check.

>> No.12953576

it's kinda hot desu

>> No.12953577

Thanks anon, will check H&M I live near to.

>> No.12953578

Not if you're straight male.

>> No.12953604

Why would a straight male be on a fashion board.

>> No.12953629

I'd chek out Kaiserengel, they got some variations without being a fetish store.

>> No.12953647

Friendly reminder ( U W U ) that coffee, calcium and certain vegs inhibit iron absorption! Also, vegetarian iron sources aren't used by the body nearly as easily as animal sources are. If you're a vegetarian AND eating very little, make sure you're getting proper iron somehow.

I became anemic - even though I was religiously taking multivitamins - by being a vegfag and always accompanying the vitamins with a breakfast that included coffee and a lot of dairy. As if that isn't bad enough, the multivitamin had both calcium and iron in the same tablet - so it probably didn't even work from the start.

Losing your hair, bruising all over and being tired all the time really sucks, and isn't necessarily due to being thin.

>> No.12953688

This is a good thing to know, thanks anon.

>> No.12953720

I want to get rid of this. Too bad I'm not persistent enough to keep a dream journal

>> No.12953860

Well, I guess I'm gay huh?

>> No.12954043
File: 27 KB, 640x640, 17160393_333419977054125_1412632222_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 6' 0 and 118 lbs

>> No.12954044

yes yes this will do. I have a solid muscle mass right now

you aren't particularly lean and still have amazing veins too. mine are "meh"

>> No.12954049

youre really only 118? at 6'0 I'd guess you look 135 at least

>> No.12954061

well I'm size zero and it works for me fine, still alive and satisfied. You can eat 1 or 2 raw potatoes without any side effects. If I remember correctly, you'd need to eat up to 4kg of raw potatoes to really cause harm or green ones.
Also it has tons of potassium, keeps you full, blood sugar low and your toilets don't smell at all anymore

>> No.12954071

Watching a fat person get the munchies is both traumatic and sad.

>> No.12954079
File: 100 KB, 1080x947, Snapchat-2032667344~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give skinny gf to be protective of please

>> No.12954112

she isnt thicc?

>> No.12954117

>be protective over your skinny gf that you only outweigh by 20lbs
>get knocked out by a guy who's bear mode

>> No.12954139

I outweighed my last gf by 60 pounds

>> No.12954163

that's just called "not very skinny" retard

>> No.12954211


>> No.12954215

> Be me
> Boi, 6.2", 20
> 210lbs in 2015
> 125lbs in 2017
> Been wanting to put some lean muscle on (Get to 150lbs or so) to reduce lankiness

What are some lean foods that work well for building muscle while maintaining a low body fat %?

>> No.12954222


6'2" **

>> No.12954232

this is the cutest thing ever

>> No.12954252
File: 655 KB, 1252x1252, 1499042990741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not going to spend my mornings grinding beans like a peasant
Not having a feudal serfdom to grow the coffee beans and grind them for you, what are you some kind of commoner?

>> No.12954291

Hot, no homo

>> No.12954345

lean meat and dairy for days.

>> No.12954346

The only thing that fits my waist anymore are my adidas track pants and 4 pairs of boxers. And I have to use the 2nd to last notch on my watch now. Feels good man.

>> No.12954375

False. Depending how fat you are you can water fast for days. Look up Snake Juice it’s legit

>> No.12954426

I fell for the vegan meme not that long ago and recently got all my blood work and I seem to be doing fine. Just eat your damn veggies and try to eat a whole food diet and cut the processed crap out of your diet.

>> No.12954445


>> No.12954472

So you're a retard? Were you a vegetarian that doesn't like vegetables? Because it's pretty hard to become anemic unless you eat like shit.

>> No.12954483

where i live that's what they call a pudding vegetarian

>> No.12954495

I just found out that im (18M) 87.7KG
im just

>> No.12954504

how tall are you?

>> No.12954505

i should be 60kg

>> No.12954516


>> No.12954559

why are all goth girls overweight it's a phenomenon

>> No.12954605

it's so sad.
All the gay girls are overweight too... ;_;

>> No.12954610


>> No.12954616

Depression weigh gain.

>> No.12954620

What are your thoughts on beef jerky as meal replacement and so on? I have bodyfat that I aim to lose but I still want to gain or at least keep my current muscle mass.

>> No.12954628

trying to go from 182 to 160

how long should this take roughly do you guess?

>> No.12954635

meal replacement? idk but it's expensive af

>> No.12954645


>> No.12954648

Keep up the good work lads. You can do it.

>> No.12954650

Can be good, but watch the sugar. A lot of them have a ton of sugar.

>> No.12954805

It might seem like she cares for your well being and only wants the best for you, but you have to always remember that in truth she is just jealous

>> No.12954809
File: 1.63 MB, 2268x4032, IMG-20171201-WA0048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Ive done it

>> No.12954833

stats, looks good

>> No.12954838

very nice anon, also interested in stats

>> No.12954905

I eat plenty of chicken & turkey but i donèt consume dairy anymore, too much fat

>> No.12954923

That goes without saying, why would a (((straight male))) be attracted to a guy?

>> No.12954941

goat body desu
too bad you have two terrible tribals

>> No.12955014

>70 days
challenge accepted.

Eh, really though, we'll be fine it seems .

>> No.12955099

using muscle tissue is not really the answer
if u want to starve, eat 400-600cal a day, mostly carbs and protein. its easily done and you wont feel really weak

>> No.12955350
File: 1.13 MB, 3010x1412, 3month.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried, devoted hour+ to it every single day and this was the best I could achieve doing so. Lifting isn't going to red of this shit, kill me now.
I'm 6'0 and about 135.

>> No.12955353

Looks allot better dude just gotta get rid of that loose skin.

>> No.12955359

I've accepted that my body will always be an abomination, but am at least saving up for the surgery. Being so scared of food all the time is really mentally exhausting.

>> No.12955366

Hope it all goes well mate, you have made great progress though

>> No.12955370

Thanks, it means a lot to me. You guys are a whole lot nicer than they are over on /fit.

Not that I don't deserve all the hate I get for becoming such a fat piece of shit in the first place, let's be honest.

>> No.12955463

not me Its just a similar body to mine

>> No.12955580
File: 97 KB, 839x870, DQAyt8gUMAAFkGw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from /jp/ and I want to share this with you all. Goodbye.

>> No.12955592

Edgy mall store (Spencer's gifts, wherever they sell weed shirts)

>> No.12955596

hello, thank you, that is a wonderful picture. Goodbye.

>> No.12955732

>1.71m,143 lb, F, 23
>trying to get down to 125
>preferably exercise and diet, already eat 1200cal or less daily
>slim thicc

>> No.12955771

you can probably get it for cheaper in a foreign country like thailand!!!

>> No.12955832

>got fat

>> No.12955943

he's not 6'0.

>> No.12955947

if u were 118 at 6'0 u would literally look skeleton and not in a good way. stop creating this falsehood and measure your height properly

>> No.12956072

wow you've gotten so far. your skin also doesn't look that bad. I've heard water fasting helps catabolize some excess skin protein but you'd need to keep weight lifting during that time. Also re surgery, save up enough money so you can get the best doctor, don't go cheap it's your body it deserves only the best

>> No.12956114

You look good but please shave your nipples

>> No.12956157
File: 45 KB, 474x476, 1508756990958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work out last night
>It was pretty bad, wasn't feeling it so I decided to just do it on a slow pace
>drink lots of water though
>end up feeling very full and a bit sick on the way home
>once I am home I feel a bit too unwell and tired
>too tired to stand in kitchen so decide to order domino's
>feel bad about it, but ok
>wake up next morning
>oh boy here we go
>stand at scale
>didn't gain weight
>for that matter, lost 100g/0.22lbs

I am quite confused by this. Anyone who is able to explain this? Maybe I should go to /fit/ for this, but I find that place scary ;_;

>> No.12956161
File: 53 KB, 863x925, 1508610753441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"fat" piece of shit here. Don't be a little bitch and say that you deserve it because you don't. Being fat and working out isn't something that should be applauded big time nor hated for no good reason. Just do what you have to do to improve your body.
There's really no reason to take it personal either. A lot of /fit/fags are just dudes who were in the same position and got the same treatment, the cycle goes on ya know?
Anyhow, good job on losing all that weight.

>> No.12956188

:^( I was pretty obsessed with vegetables actually, I love most greens. But getting enough iron in a purely vegan/vegetarian diet requires a larger intake than most of y'all are probably eating

I just cucked myself by not getting enough iron (while eating far less than I was estimating because I hated myself) and preventing my body from absorbing it by revving up the caffeine and eating a LOT of greek yoghurt

my BMI was low as well though, approaching 16s

>> No.12956198
File: 189 KB, 144x96, cLcB3ti.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat some shit
you look already disgusting

>> No.12956228

sorry that was mean,
i hope you will feel the best you can my dude

>> No.12956229

Shave those tassels

>> No.12956239
File: 1.44 MB, 3144x3676, DSC_1390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cat wanted to be in my thinspo body check

how you guys doing, thinspofam? hope you're all being kind to and looking after yourselves. :^)

>> No.12956283

When you were walking home a stranger in a dominos delivery uniform gave you an unknown pill. I may or may not be that stranger. The stranger followed you home, but the effects of the pill gave you crushing paranoia. The two of you fought for over 30 minutes, but what seemed like days. Finally, you passed out. The stranger searched your wallet for clues as to where you live and sneaked you back into your house through a slightly opened window.

you never ordered pizza

>> No.12956357

I'm thinking of going vegan/vegetarian because it would cut out a lot of calories. Anyone here done it?

>> No.12956394

>Nice cat
>Nice legs
So envious of you anon

>> No.12956406

Trap? London?

>> No.12956407

If you aren't a trap you have cute legs, anon

>> No.12956414

i don't understand why is this happening

>> No.12956433

this is why I love thinspo

>> No.12956475

These past couple of days have been very shitty. I always lose my appetite when I'm stressed. Looking at the pics made me realize I fantasize about me being them and end up in self-loathing. I just want someone to talk to and someone who wants to talk to me. I hope this time it works out. Couldn't manage to take a decent pic. Sorry for the blogpost.
I hope everyone in here is doing ok, keeping hydrated and happy.

>> No.12956478

>I always lose my appetite when I'm stressed
I feel the opposite, my appetite grows when I'm stressed. Eat a bit more, anon. My key features that everyone notices when I'm not eating enough is feeling anxious, manic, depressed, low energy, etc. You can keep the kcals low, but it will definitely affect your mood if you're cutting too low, please trust me on this.

>> No.12956482

you can talk to me if you need to on ig

>> No.12956489
File: 29 KB, 640x640, k2svn725nlbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you lovely anons <3

not a trap, just got the body of one :^/ northern britbong too sorree

>> No.12956491

Yes, but the self hatred keeps us going. Most of these pics are only fantasy and vthe people in them probably don't have great lives. Not that it matters, we only wish to have that glimpse of a feeling in real life once in our pathetic lives. It's worse when you've experienced it and have fallen back down the rabbit hole, especially around winter time where depression easily sets in.

Keeping going though someone else here knows that feel. We'll be beautifully thin soon enough, and maybe we can feel a glimmer of that vanity people outwardly look down on but secretly aspire to be admired by others soon enough.

>> No.12956493

Have you got an insta? I would follow

>> No.12956502

Oh no, i wasn't calling you a trap. It's just hard to tell on 4chan. You have envious gf material legs that you see in those cute tumblr pics.

The london thing was just a meme(possibly outdated one)

>> No.12956512
File: 45 KB, 480x480, 14727427_1688345568149793_7755923836574367744_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

x.graceellen i dont post a lot of selfies tho

ah fair sorry i've just been posting here and the waywt threads a lot and i always get called a trap. i know the london meme just wasnt sure as you typed without the spaces ;^) all good tho fampai ty 4 ur compliments

>> No.12956519

Thats because you are a trap. I don't mind though.

>> No.12956530

I'll try, but my stomach shrank too much. I can't eat a full plate of anything.

I don't use social media. I should at least make an IG though.

It's summer in here. The heat makes me feel dizzy, I hate it.
I'll keep going, but I fear I won't get anywhere. It's this lack of confidence, this feeling of wanting to run far away as possible as fast as possible and never returning, except that I have no legs to run with.

>> No.12956557
File: 24 KB, 400x266, tumblr_ozqpd8jPE51wbekv1o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever helps you wet dream at night anon

>> No.12956563


Keep going anon, remember it is foolish to compare yourself to others.
You can make it

>> No.12956616
File: 324 KB, 800x1000, 1511703221466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a family dinner tomorrow. I really wanna go, enjoy some food and be with the senpai, but
I don't want to show my body as it is right now to my family and more importantly: I don't want to gain more weight.
The fuck do I do? Should I just go? Or will I call sick as I planned?

>> No.12956624

just go and eat lightly

>> No.12956644

Losing weight didn't make me feel better.

>> No.12956646

whats your
r o u t i n e

>> No.12956649

It wasn't like I was planning on not eating lightly, I am just afraid that eating lightly will still be too much

>> No.12956661

Go and enjoy yourself. Just don't eat so much that you will gain weight. Maybe you could eat lightly throughout the day and save yourself some calories so you won't feel guilty. Even if you gain a little bit, you can do some damage control the next day.

>> No.12956667

>lose 15 kgs
>Now my entire wardrobe is too baggy
What do you do with your old clothes?
Just donate them to charity?
They're in decent condition, but mostly cheap stuff so reselling probably wouldn't be worth it

>> No.12956673

Good job on the weight loss! Donate them to charity, give them to a friend, but just don't get rid of them all. You'll need them in case weight might come back a bit.
Selling is also a good idea.

>> No.12956676
File: 62 KB, 600x1007, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually think diet is the most important thing, more so than routine.
Having said that, my routine is pretty basic. Every night, I'll do core exercises.
>5 mins of planking (1 min side plank, 1 min side plank, 2 min normal plank, 1 min normal plank)
>3 x 25 pushups w. proper technique
>3 x 15 "double" crunches
>3 x 15 reverse crunches

Also, I alternate every 3 days, between some shoulder, chest and arm exercises. Just using two 8kg dumbbells.
>shoulder press
>bicep curl
>hammer curl
>dumbbell press

Also, play basketball alot. I've been playing since I was 8, so 12 years of basketball is a good way to stay in cardio shape, and being really tall makes it easier to be a skelly lmao

>> No.12956680

hot desu

>> No.12956706
File: 23 KB, 500x600, c3fe0bfd09d59738c4aebe20178e997b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon

>> No.12956708

I can barely do ten pushups, how do you do 3 sets of 25.

>> No.12956713

Different thin as shit Anon here, I’m growing a (currently cringy curly) beard rn and my arms are thin enough to slip through most grates and possibly let me pass as a chick if it wasn’t for my face and beard (and dick)

What do you recommend so I can not look like a wimp? (I’m supposed to be a steelworker)

>> No.12956715

Forgot to mention, 20 yo, 5’7” 140Ibs

>> No.12956720

buzz your hair and get a tattoo

>> No.12956723

I wouldn’t do it, you need a healthy balanced diet, includes meat, you could alternatively cut out fast food, eat more salads, cook at home more if possible, Ect.

>> No.12956726

It's probably just because I've been doing push-ups for years, being an athlete when you are younger forces you to.
Just do as many as you can with good technique, and try to slowly increase everytime, even if it's only by 1 push-up at a time. It will get easier pretty quickly for you

>> No.12956792

I read you can get everything in meat from plants except b12. Is that true? I've cut out fast food unless I can fit it into my daily calories. Been eating more veggies. Switched to plant milk from dairy since it's fewer calories.

>> No.12956873

what is a good/ the best multivitamin to take to stop my hair from falling out

>> No.12956885

iron from animals i think

>> No.12956891
File: 252 KB, 1280x960, IMG_0056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel when pectus excavatum making my chest look completely gimped

I'll have it looked at by a surgeon and I hope they'll do the procedure. But it might not be bad enough to warrant it. Fuck me.

Has anyone here done it? I heard it's extremely painful.

>> No.12956896
File: 91 KB, 480x640, IMG_0057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flipped iphone picture epic
should've known better

>> No.12956899

for you

>> No.12956977
File: 39 KB, 300x400, 4183175508_65393063b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think it looks too bad tbqh anon. is pectus really as common as it is on this board tho?

>> No.12957026

How do you still have sausage fingers?

>> No.12957089

i got the opposite of this, pectus carinatum. shit's fucked

>> No.12957108

>implying you can fool anyone with those gigantic feet

>> No.12957117
File: 31 KB, 402x480, med_gallery_195039_27250_770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're uk 5s but aight, see >>12956557

>> No.12957144

I have that but it's different I got injured in a pile on playing football and I felt my sternum pop, it isn't really that bad it's like two hard bumps right in the centre, that's how it healed and I was like 14 so I was still growing. after I started working out though later on my muscle just covers it and u can't even see it.

>> No.12957149

Do women actually like skinny guys or do they prefer muscular ones?

>> No.12957193

Women are not a hivemind, anon.

>> No.12957209

Stats pls

>> No.12957213

I've gained like 20 pounds in the last couple of months due to some personal and motivational issues. Is it ok to use a laxative to get rid of some of the shit in my gut? Most of the weight seems to have to gone to my stomach so I'm wondering if i can just purge that shit out

>> No.12957223


Most don't like super muscular men or /thinspo/. In general they seem to prefer men with 'natural' muscle tone, think Brad Pitt in Fight Club. Obviously all women aren't the same, some are chubby chasers, other like very slender men, some want a big muscly lumber jack man or anything in between.

>> No.12957274

keep it up boss

>> No.12957409

I followed you, I'm eroge. I post here sometimes and am another girl into j-fash.

>> No.12957417

In between is best.

>> No.12957424

>Putting an account on private so people like me can't perv

>> No.12957429

followed u, i'm GhettoWarlord. Into 94-97 jungle and pre-2013 Julius

>> No.12957455
File: 39 KB, 400x533, tumblr_p0b0ed8Aox1wt68gdo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

requested to follow back! hope thats okay. you seem cool :^)

>> No.12957462

Don't do it! It won't purge FAT.

>> No.12957474

I've had to completely redo my closet like 4 times since I started losing weight. All the more incentive to stay in the same weight range now that I'm at my goal weight.

>> No.12957516

Nice photoshop lmao.

>> No.12957518

shit works. realising you've wasted a ton of money and won't be able to get dressed if you binge/overeat is a big motivator. Just kinda sucks when you overestimate how big you'll be when you're happy with yourself and end up shrinking out of those clothes too.

>> No.12957605

holy shit dude nice

>> No.12957632
File: 626 KB, 1024x1024, hTBkbbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys not go crazy from not eating all this delicious food?
It is surprisingly hard on me. I thought I could cut down but the moment I eat something I just want more or it reminds me of tasty food is.

>> No.12957647

the more drugs you do the more you realize eating food is not all that amazing

>> No.12957648

maybe u should stop eating for pleasure, ur just addicted to eating , just like being addicted to cigarettes. start eating more low carb foids

>> No.12957666

Gross skinnyfat here.
Is there any quick/efficiant way of getting rid of a double chin?
Chewing gum seemed to do something as after 2 weeks I got comments about how I looked like I'd lost weight but I stopped and I feel like I look gross again.
Also any good ways to cut sugar out? I think that's my current biggest issue.

>> No.12957671

Realising that if you eat more you'll just feel guilty and in 2 months you won't remember that donut but you'll remember how much weight you could have lost.

>> No.12957690

hard to control what parts of your body gets thinner first. as for cutting sugar, the gum is a good start.
i say this all the time, but getting comfortable drinking black coffee will be good for your appetite and also change your palette.

>> No.12957704


>> No.12957707

Would flavoured water work as a general drink substitute? I mean its supposed to be low in sugar and the flavour part makes it more appealing than plain water.

>> No.12957709

develop the instinct to react against food
personally, I think food is gross. It doesn't stop me from eating, but it stops me from eating too much
just picture an obese person eating with his or her hands and you won't want to eat more

>> No.12957713

new thread when

>> No.12957768

1,80m 69,5 kg
its one tribal on the shoulder and a swallow on the chest. not big fan of the tribal but its a family thing so i carry it proudly
damn, didnt notice how bad that looks, thanks for pointing it out.
i dunno :c

>> No.12957789

Same story here anon. It will just accelerate the normal shit cycle for exactly one cycle. Laxatives won't help too much with that besides making you dehydrated, plus you could get addicted to them

>> No.12957820
File: 304 KB, 640x457, saint-laurent-paris-ss13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get my skin to be less pale? I look sick from not eating.

>129 lbs
>highest:140 lbs
>goal: 121 lbs
>preferred method: 700 cal a day boiz
>aesthetic: skinny/twink

>> No.12957854

What do you think this guy eats?

>> No.12957928

Is tea a good alternate to coffee? I enjoy coffee but the variety of tea does a lot more for me.

>Drink water in-between your bites
This helps
I went from feeling like I couldn't get through a meal unless I had an enormous salad/vegetable tray on the side to being able to eat like a normal human bean by just making sure I was drinking water inbetween bites.

>> No.12958095

I looked at your insta and you did not seem that thin at all.

>> No.12958096

New thread my loves.

>> No.12958097

Hey guys. When i go to sleep while restricting and the last thing i ate is long after sleeping time i feel so weak, like low pulse. This kinda affects my sleep. Sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night so fuking week.
Someone deal with similar problems?

>> No.12958098

When i wrote after i mean before lol

>> No.12958591

thats not me kek

>> No.12958682

Protip: When photoshopping, make sure to get proportions right