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File: 24 KB, 567x340, Terry-Crews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12933595 No.12933595 [Reply] [Original]

Male Pattern Baldness is caused wholly by genetics.
Nothing you did in the past or are currently doing caused this to begin occurring.
Smelling like vinegar will not make people find you attractive.
Exfoliating your scalp will not clear it up to "allow new hair to grow".
Lack of sunlight, while it can result in vitamin D deficiency if you're not getting it from another source, will not cause you to develop MPB.
It is wholly genetic.
There are two current ways of staving of MPB. One is minoxidil, which is a vasolidator which probably works by accelerating the growth of hair follicles. It has to be applied topically everyday for the rest of your life in order to work.
The second is Propecia, which is an inhibitor which blocks the conversion of testosterone into DHT (the hormone which causes hair miniaturisation). It is also important for other processes, and is known to lead to ED, and perhaps predominantly male forms of cancer.

Alternatively, you can accept a new style and get on with your life. Shave your head to the bone, it'll look better anyway. You'll also be much happier and more confident.

>> No.12933665

I ain't giving up.

>> No.12933697
File: 121 KB, 1253x704, ss+(2017-11-24+at+11.09.39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly do you plan on doing?

>> No.12933698


>> No.12933704
File: 1.07 MB, 652x866, judelaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Male Pattern Baldness is caused wholly by genetics.
ray peat says it's caused by hormones like stress, DHT and you say "androgenic" in the title - it has to do with puberty hormones (testosterone)

that said, i think masculine males (most males) can pull off balding, but 'cute boys' (bieber, the lead singer of Years and Years) less so

>(i really think pic rel looks good)
a buzzcut will make you look masculine/worse, if you're worried about balding it's because you're don't want to look masculine, long hair is youthful and feminine.

>> No.12933713

Stress doesn't cause MPB. It MIGHT cause temporary hair-loss, but not in the typical pattern of MPB.
DHT (an unbound form of testosterone) is indeed what causes androgenic alopecia. Do you know what these words mean? I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with me on.

>> No.12933714 [DELETED] 

and i just read the rest of your OP post, oops

still, distress over balding is natural but i assure you girls don't care as much as you

>> No.12933715

and i just read the rest of your OP post, oops

still, distress over balding is natural but i assure you girls don't care as much as you

>> No.12933716

I should clarify what I mean by "caused by genetics".
Hairs that are sensitive to DHT on your scalp are the ones that will go through the miniaturisation process. Whether or not your hairs will (and which hairs) is genetically determined.

>> No.12933717

I totally agree.
I made this post to try and free people of the stress of balding and get them to accept it.

>> No.12933720

Yep. Shit‘s fucked.
I’ve had long hair all my life and now I’m diffuse balding on top and around the whole crown area. I’m 23.
I’m on minox for about a month now, results so far are good. Hair is getting stronger and that little bald spot on top isn’t visible at all if my hair is cared for. I still have pretty good hair overall.
If I notice it getting worse within the next few years, I’ll hop on fin. If minox buys me time until I hit my 30s I’ll just buzz it and let it go, although I look shit with short hair.

>> No.12933730

Do you have pictures?
Most people's hair thins out at some point from their teens to 30's as a part of their maturation without actual baldness, and a lot of people who happen to see the hair parting around their crown freak out thinking they're losing all their hair, while it's not even noticeable to others.

>> No.12933812
File: 637 KB, 1817x1818, B235330E-B332-4913-801C-BC2414759621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some pics I just took but they’re shit. Can’t take good ones now.
Balding area is circled, face in direction of arrow

>> No.12933813
File: 649 KB, 2048x1652, 032EAF8A-2239-4C20-B44F-7A4ACAD24778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i part it at the crown

>> No.12933837

Do you have a history of it in your family? And at what age?
Don't think that's necessarily balding. Just think it stands out some more because of your dark hair.

>> No.12933850
File: 1000 KB, 641x852, Hf4lXIL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bald stupid face guy with hot girl

>> No.12933878

Kind of. My father always had that exact same spot, at least according to my mom. But he still had hair at about 45. Not the greatest hair, but def. not bald/horseshoe-ish. Just average recession around that age and that little bald spot around the top.
My grandpa (mother’s side) had a widows peak from his youth onwards, but it was never that bad and his crown was pretty much unaffected. He had hair up into his 60s. All my uncles on my moms side also have good hair.

>> No.12933892

>not making enough money for a transplant in later life

>> No.12933919

shes literally fucking disgusting

>> No.12933925

>fucking disgusting
The fuck you on B?
She isn’t model-tier but I think she’s pretty cute

>> No.12933963
File: 19 KB, 208x154, headback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he always had "that spot" then it's like 100% from his matured hair. Not balding.
I assure you no one notices it. You can see it well because you're self-conscious of it, you have a particular parting, taking specific pictures of it, etc.
Here's the back and top of my head from about 2013 (at a club). If I'd shown this to certain people on the internet they probably would have told me I was balding. 4 years later and my hair is the exact same.

>> No.12933976

Also my father has the same crown as me.
He's 60 now with typical receded male hair, but no immediately obvious crown thinning, despite him having a similar crown to me.
The only living older male relative on my mum's side is my uncle who has a full head of undyed black hair into his 60's, but I didn't inherit that in any form so not relevant I don't think.

>> No.12934030

Thanks dude.
I first noticed it about 3 years ago but I can’t tell if it’s really gotten worse or just matured. My hair overall has definitely thinned out a bit.
I’ve gotten mad as fuck about it lately and felt itching around that area and on my hairline, which a lot of people say is part of MPB. As soon as I stopped worrying about it so much, the itch went away though.
I went to a derm. He just looked at it for like a second and then said „yeah you had more hair there once“ and wrote me a prescription for minox. That’s all he did.
I’ll stay on the minox though, I think it’s helping me a lot in terms of getting thicker hair again.

>> No.12934133

One thing you can do is check to see if the density around your crown is similar to the rest of the top of your head (hair on the back of your head will almost certainly be thicker). Pretty easy to do if you pull hair to part at a different area. Could even ask someone else to do it for you.
If it is then like I said it's probably just typical thinning from maturation.
Your derm wasn't lying, but probably causing undue alarm. That said, I'm not a doctor/expert or anything so it's better to get a second, more thorough opinion from one of them.
Although, one thing I can say that if he looked at it for a second there's no way he could've checked for miniaturisation in that area, which is the process via which balding takes place.

Oh yeah, and that "itching" from MPB is garbage. It's the same kind of paranoid wives-tale people who try to say that baldness is caused by DHT crystals on the scalp sew. You probably felt it itching because you were thinking about it like you said.

>> No.12934148

honestly i could deal with the receding hairline but the obvious thinning that happened out of nowhere is without a doubt the worst.

>> No.12934307
File: 312 KB, 1242x2208, 84803AF5-981E-4188-860A-111FC41C5685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I balding?

>> No.12934329

If it doesn't follow the typical pattern it's not permanent balding, and it won't become worse with time.

That bald spot is probably genetic or caused by malnutrition/stress, you don't have to worry about anything anon

>> No.12934342

Thank you I was so worried about it too. I guess I have been stressed lately maybe I should sleep more.

>> No.12935327
File: 39 KB, 460x442, 1511061532083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot girl

>> No.12936200
File: 150 KB, 600x342, lebron[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely agree it's all genetics. I always look at celebrities who seemingly have the infinite resources to combat hair loss but still lose out - look at lebron and prince harry. The biggest reality check when I said fuck it was doing community service by helping the homeless - they all had fucking hair. Then I started to notice that homeless people had better hair than me around the city, which made the dropped the idea of minox/fin whatever.

but everyone here isnt balding, they just have one thin-ish spot that occurs in a lot of males where the hair parting originates

>> No.12936246
File: 151 KB, 750x750, IMG_4954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always like posting in these threads. pic related: i'm balding.

just find a hobby that doubles as exercising. rock climbing is pretty effay and a great way to meet people + build confidence.

>> No.12936470

Not everyone has a nicely shaped head like you. You're essentially giving the "just be yourself" advice meme.

>> No.12936494
File: 123 KB, 600x800, addy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do. I am everyone, as well. So check and mate.

>> No.12936736
File: 394 KB, 1080x1440, Snapchat-1069182213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comedy gold coming through
>Balding at 18

>> No.12936738
File: 2.58 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20171125_151307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12936752

>rock climbing
*tips fedora*

>> No.12936900


>> No.12936906

lmao. kys faggot

>> No.12937139

You're not balding. You have a pretty healthy looking mature hairline.

>> No.12937166


dang ol' jude man, once called the sexiest man alive, when he had a full head of hair.

>> No.12937234


isn't that just a negro version of a toupee?

doesnt look bad except for the line across is forehead is a dead gieaway

>> No.12937271

fucking ebmarrassing post

>> No.12938369
File: 11 KB, 228x221, 1508877875769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12938381

Get the fuck outta here you stupid cunt you're not balding there's 18 year olds in here who are actually balding go fuck yourself jesus

>> No.12938874
File: 265 KB, 1242x2208, B3CA2274-60CF-498F-84CB-A818AB94622A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same guy as in pic. What’s going on with my hair?

>> No.12938877
File: 98 KB, 689x482, jeremy-piven-before-after-hair-transplant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or get a transplant. The new shit is amazing. Look at Daniel Tosh or Lebron James or Jeremy Piven or any other celebrity that was balding and now has amazing hair. The new technique is pretty interesting, go google it.

>> No.12938879

that girl is literally in no way bad looking, her expression is just dumb. relax fellas, you don't have to prove yourself

>> No.12938997

How is rock climbing even remotely fedora tier?

>> No.12939002
File: 103 KB, 813x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have hair and ED than be bald with a working dick.

>> No.12939004

hair transplants suck idiot

>> No.12939015

I'm hopping on fin soon. I can't be dealing with baldness as a sissy 6'2 lanklet at 22 years old.

You can dose .25mg every other day to save on money the effectiveness of the drug is almost the same.

The side effects are overblown and placebo for the most part. If you have healthy doses of testosterone your shit should work fine.


This is a great write up for treatments.

>> No.12939019

This is /fa/. Anything remotely physical is fedora tier.

>> No.12939830
File: 400 KB, 419x460, 946d3c5abf9242b980b26a05ba5ef9cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair looks a bit like pic related along with some thinning above the temples (with an otherwise intact NW2, which I think would be my natural mature hairline without balding).

Should fin fill those areas back in? I'd be relatively happy if it stays as is but a stronger hairline and crown would be very liberating.

Most people tell me I'm not balding, but I'm 90% sure I am, I'm seeing a dermatologist in the next week or two. My plan is to hop on fin and maybe minox. I'm already using niz for dandruff.

Also, I suggest everyone here look into RCH-01. It's pretty far along in clinical trials and it's expected to come out in Japan in the next year or two. It only regrows a little bit of hair, but it's basically a one off stem cell procedure that makes existing follicles immune to DHT. You can maintain what you have for the rest of your life without fin.

My best case scenario, I guess, is getting on fin with minimal sides and regrowing my thin spots for a few years and then getting RCH-01 and then being done worrying about my hair for good.

Elon Musk is a good example, too. Still, try to get on fin if you're balding early and worried about it. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

The whole ED thing is overstated. I think it's more common to have reduced facial hair growth, which is a win-win for me. I wouldn't have to shave as much AND I get to keep my hair. I'd let my beard go bald if it saved my head hair.

>> No.12939907

Start with fin and Nizoral and give it two years until you consider min. Fin alone should fill it in nicely, but it probably won't regrow your hairline (best you can usually hope for is maintenance) although it couldn't thicken it up.

>> No.12939910


>> No.12939918
File: 309 KB, 385x640, hairx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm fine with my NW2ish hairline. It's the thinning that worries me.

Everyone on my dad's side is NW2ish as well, they've held that since their teens with some thinning on top starting in their 40s.

Pic related is me from a little over a month ago. It hasn't really gotten much thinner since then and my hairline has been that high for a few years (just turned 23).

That hairstyle is pretty shit without any balding, but you can see the thinning above the temples there. I'm hoping that gets thick again along with my mid-scalp.

>> No.12939973
File: 149 KB, 788x768, bruce-willis-respect-yourself-motown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the left looks better, Bruce Willis core.

>> No.12939982

Depending on how much is left, just buzzing it short (but not down to a zero) is a good option.

I'd say plan A is treating it (fin and niz, maybe minox), plan B is shaving it, and plan C is a system.

>> No.12940028

left looks better, honestly.

>> No.12940290

Pls respond

>> No.12940533

I don't think you're thinning at all. See a dermatologist if you're that concerned.

>> No.12941187
File: 2.16 MB, 1948x2159, 20171127_030044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw this crown at 26. Hairline is stil okay, but fucking thin/weak hair at the crown area. Tried fin for 6 months, totally repaired hair, but destroyed dick. Luckily after 4 months after quitting dick got normal, and couple months later hair as well.

>> No.12941189

You seem to have a good head shape for the shaved look. How old were you when you started balding?

>> No.12941197

Limpdick was likely placebo according to >>12939015

Although I guess it's admirable you'd rather keep your dick than hair.

>> No.12941208


>> No.12941235

>and is known to lead to ED
Despite being tested for over 3 decades they havent actually demonstrated that. A lot of that myth comes from the fact some of the early tests involved men in their mid to late 60s who suffer from it naturally.

>perhaps predominantly male forms of cancer.
Do you have a source for that?

>> No.12941287

OP here. Actually learning a lot more about finasteride right now, so forgive my misinformation.
However, my point about having to religiously take it for the rest of your life still stands.

>> No.12941307

A lot of guys just take it for several years. For example, taking it in their 20s and then saying "alright, that was a good run, but I'm 30 now and don't care about my hair anymore."

Plus there's a procedure expected to be released in the next two years in Japan (it's pretty far along in clinical trials) from Replicel which basically makes existing hair follicles immune to DHT. It's expected to cost 1k and after having it done, you're good for life.

Personally, I'm hopping on fin and then waiting until that's an option.

>> No.12941328

literally any flea market in the hipster part of a city, look for the black women with headwraps sitting at a table full of ethnic jewelry

or amazon

>> No.12941329

Is that the nigga who plays the dean in Old School?

>> No.12941332
File: 527 KB, 1084x542, nate-silver-im-pretty-worried-about-the-state-of-polling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so forgive my misinformation.
No worries
>my point about having to religiously take it for the rest of your life still stands.
That's no different than a lot of things, like vitamins, fish oil tablets and moisturiser.

Fin cops far too much fear mongering for my liking. The biggest downside which your post indirectly pointed out is that it cant regrow hair. which leads to the the final point of

>Shave your head to the bone, it'll look better anyway.
Simply not true for most guys, having hair not only generally looks better but is vastly more adaptable and /fa/ overall. Indeed were it otherwise most men with hair would shave it off and save the money.

For people like pic related, who have let it get bad then yes shaving is the best option, however for people with the first signs of MPB its nonsensical to just give up prematurely.

>> No.12941361

Yeah I started reading about that Japanese thing too.
You planning on doing anything besides fin?
Seems the other two of the "big 3" (min & keto) aren't really necessary and mainly just speed along the actions of fin.
Also what dosage are you planning on?

>first signs of MPB its nonsensical to just give up prematurely.
For sure, I mostly meant NW3/4+

>> No.12941369

>For sure, I mostly meant NW3/4+
Then we are in agreement there

>> No.12941388

Your point about vitamins is fair also.
Although one thing I wonder. There was a point at which Nate Silver definitely had more hair. I'm surprised that someone with his profile didn't get put on any sort of treatment.

>> No.12941392
File: 32 KB, 270x379, foale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You planning on doing anything besides fin?
Just keto, and I'm using it more for dandruff than anything else. Not really interested in min because it makes your scalp all greasy and itchy.

I'm planning on 1 or 1.25 mg, depending on what prescription I get.

Some more background on me, I'm like NW 1.5-2 (I'm >>12939918) with some thinning above the temples and mid crown thinning, a lot like >>12939830.

I'm hoping that fin will fill in my thin spots, though even if it doesn't I guess it's not THAT bad (I've asked my family and close friends if they think I'm balding, they all say no so it can't be that bad yet). I doubt I'll go back to an NW 1, though. I think my current level of recession (thinning aside) is my natural mature hairline since my dad and paternal uncles all have it (and didn't thin at all until their 40s).

My ideal endgame is only having to spend a few years on fin and then I get my hair saved with replicel and a transplant for any finishing touches.

It's kinda silly, but my life goal is to become an astronaut so having my cake and eating it too would be a permanent fix without any meds since they don't usually hire people who require daily maintenance meds for long duration flights. I would quit fin in a heartbeat and let my hair all fall out if that's what it took to go to space.

>> No.12941397

Finesteride doesn't grow hair back it just stops it from worsening

>> No.12941406


I've been on it for a month and a half. Sides so far include watery cum (not white at all) and reduced libido. When I say reduced libido, it's more like wanting to jerk off once a day from twice a day which I don't mind considering I was almost too horny. Any more of a reduced libido and I may consider stopping.

>> No.12941419
File: 500 KB, 2048x1682, FFdJH3Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does grow back hair that's miniaturized without having gone completely bald. Just take a look at some of the posts on r/Tressless.

Plus Silver could easily get a transplant if he wanted, I think.

>> No.12941435

>I guess it's not THAT bad
Given your hair is quite short I'd say that nobody else noticing thinning on it is probably a good indicator that your crown is well within saving. As for your temples, looks like totally bald recession, but not in an ugly way. Lots of good hairstyles you can go with especially with longer hair if you keep it there.
Personally, I think I'm around a NW1 with slightly less recession on my right temple (but obvious thinning on inspection), as well as my hairline looking kinda chewed out. I think going much further back will make fringes difficult which have been my identity for about my whole life.

Sounds like a good plan provided that replicel thing doesn't go under. Good luck with your aspirations.

Also, does anyone know as a general rule how many years of thinning fin is likely to "reverse"?

>> No.12941447
File: 2.48 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20171126_203550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>totally bald recession
It's really hard to say, there are some weak wispy hairs ahead of the hairline. I can't really tell if it's been receding slowly since it "matured" or if it's been thinning above it. And yeah, length does help. I have a Caesar-esque style right now (that last pic was after a cut several weeks ago, I haven't gotten it cut since), but the thinning on the temples makes it look kinda weird and like I've receded more than I actually have.

I have two older pics to compare that might show how things have changed for me over time.

Pic related I just took a few minutes ago.

>> No.12941451

It can "grow back" hairs that have miniaturised to the point of not being there. In that sense, it does results in some hairs being grown back. Additionally, it causes hairs to be thicker and grow longer generally.
Those things combined can make what is noticeable hairloss turn into a normal looking type. That said, Silver is beyond the help of fin alone.

>> No.12941458
File: 3.73 MB, 1317x2342, 2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halloween, 2015. I weighed quite a bit more back then. I have some pictures going back to May of that year (or even December 2014) where you can see the circled area being a bit thin.

>> No.12941469
File: 651 KB, 540x960, Hair2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

December 2014. I actually want to go back to a haircut kinda like this. My hairline was not really any lower back then, I think, but my temples weren't as thin.

I've thought for a while my current thinning above the temples could just be a natural distribution of hair density, but lately I'm feeling more and more it's male pattern baldness, especially with my mid crown thinning thrown into the mix.

I just think my case is extremely slow and non-aggressive, which is a bit odd since most guys who start around age 20 have very aggressive balding. If I followed their pattern, I should have a noticeable bald spot by now, which I definitely don't.

Does anyone know if fin works better on less aggressive cases? I'm not able to see the derm for about 3-4 weeks and I'm a little nervous I'll get some irreparable damage by then, but if the current pace continues and doesn't speed up I should be safe.

>> No.12941475
File: 1.26 MB, 2576x1932, 19BED8FA-059C-4F50-A6D3-8110B1B2DBE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my family days that they don’t even notice it but I do and at this point I don’t think it’s “just in my head”
tell me how bad is it?

>> No.12941487

Have you been monitoring it since 2014 or is it something you've only recently started paying attention to? It could be that (especially since you used to have longer hair) your hair has always been around that density as a result of maturation.
That said, there's not harm in trying out the fin to see if it makes a difference.
I've no idea about the speed, but it affects everyone differently of course. Could just be that you say most people it affects at your age happens aggressively because they're mostly the only ones that notice it/it's noticeable on, whereas others might take until 30s before thinning becomes apparent.

>> No.12941492

try taking a picture that's actually in focus and without a bright as fuck light shining on your scalp. If you found the thickest hair in the world and took a picture of parted hair in that way it'd look like that

>> No.12941504
File: 802 KB, 2048x2048, 3A05E3CD-F8CA-4F94-B8A9-58580EDDCEB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12941509

i have a question about finasteride.. Does the initial shedding happen across the whole scalp or only in the mpb areas? like would it possibly make the crown more visible for a short period?

>> No.12941511
File: 37 KB, 984x629, 23andmehair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started paying attention to it in the past year or two. I've been nervous about this since high school, and I had monitored my crown for a bit in 2013 after a bout of trichotillomania, I was paying attention to regrowth.

I started paying serious attention to it when that 2015 picture was taken. I had just gotten a new haircut and I noticed that my temples looked a bit higher than normal (partly thanks to the fact that I had a new haircut).

For the record, my dad and his brothers all have mature NW2 hairlines, they have since their teens 20s. They started thinning on top in their 40s. Hell, my grandmother has always looked NW2ish.

My mom's family on the other hand, well, her father was fine into his 40s or 50s (I have pics of him with a strong NW1 in his 30s) but all her brothers were bald by 30. On her mom's side, in turn, it was pretty bad IIRC. My one older male cousin on that side had a quite visible bald spot by 24.

23andme said I was safe, but hey, outliers exist.

When I've grown it out recently, the area above the temples still looks fairly weak. A year or so ago I was able to hide it but I think it's slowly becoming more and more noticable. It's also thinning into what looks like an NW3 pattern.

Take a pic without flash.

>> No.12941515

Need pictures of the pattern areas, temples and crown. People don't usually bald from the side or center of their head
For now it just looks like pictures of where you've parted your hair manually.

>> No.12941518

I just got off fin, and the shedding at the start is barely noticeable.

Unfortunately have stopped, as even after reducing my dose by half my dick was just dying. Be warned kids, fin can work wonders, but those wonders come at the cost of literally atrophying your prostate. After about a week off I'm starting to enjoy sex again, be careful with your dick!

>> No.12941522

Not trying to discount your experience at all, but I think we need to approach these things with a balance.

Sexual side effects DO happen, but they happen to a minority of users. I think anyone on it should be fully informed of these and keep an eye out for them BUT also avoid being a total hypochondriac

>> No.12941525

Are you the same guy as

In terms of genetics, what I usually hear is that the main gene for MPB is on your mothers side. Since the male can only pass on an X chromosome to a daughter, and that chromosome is where the gene is. That means it should skip a generation from that side and you'd expect to have the same as your grandfather. Although it seems like such a muddy field, and that your fathers side can affect it to a great extend as well.

>> No.12941526

I'm probably just biased, being in said minority. I agree, it's v unlikely to get them, but at this point I'm just gonna take the L and go bald gracefully.

>> No.12941531

Good for you man.

>> No.12941534

My initial shedding lasted maybe a week, where hair would fall out in the shower and that's it. My scalp was literally burning to the point to where it hurt up to the weeks where I decided to start taking it. I'm 4 months in and all shedding has stopped and the smaller hairs on my hairline are turning into full grown hairs. No sides either, knock on wood.
I wish I could do this, but I have no chin and a huge nose so it just wouldn't work. My Dad and all of his brothers are balding and they all keep it short and never buzz it because of how goofy they would look.

What scares me is how long I'll be taking fin. Is it for life? Do I stop at 35 or 40?

>> No.12941535

Yeah, I've read some research, there are genes from all relatives at play really. I looked at my SNPs related to androgen receptors and I have the ones which make MPB possible, but they exist in over 80% of white males. I'm not sure we really understand the genes which determine the age when it starts.

If I'm balding (which I think I am, especially with my crown), I have to admit I'm a tad embarrassed by my genes even if it's treatable.

I'm just glad we live in this day and age of medicine where genetics isn't destiny.

More power to you. Perhaps hair cloning will come around some day and you can get it all restored if you really want it.

>> No.12941539

By the way, when someone stops fin, do you effectively return to "where you left off" or is it more like all of the pent up baldness comes rushing in?

>> No.12941544
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If i was bald id kill myself

Chadhair is life.

>> No.12941548

>What scares me is how long I'll be taking fin. Is it for life? Do I stop at 35 or 40?

You might have seen this elsewhere in the thread, but replicel is hopefully coming out in 2018 or 2019. It basically makes existing hair immune to DHT. A one off, $1k procedure and you're good. To get it done before the mid 2020s, though, you might have to go to Japan to get it done.

Personally, I've always wanted to visit Japan so it's a win-win. Keeping your hair for life, and getting a nice vacation.

Another possible silver lining to those of us who are losing our hair early right now: we're likely coming up on a renaissance of hair loss treatments. Most of us probably wouldn't treat it if it started in our 30s or 40s, but if it's hitting us in our teens or 20s we're more proactive. If we find something that saves it for the rest of our lives, we'll have full heads of hair into our 40s and 50s while our friends will be balding.

>> No.12941553

Is early-onset (20s and teens) balding becoming more common? My parents talk about it like it's rare but going around the city and my college I see plenty of guys who have visible hair loss (beyond the mature hairline) in their 20s.

>> No.12941554

Are you on anything? At all worried about your nw1?

>> No.12941561

It's not more common, just hollywood beauty standards and camera tricks have changed people's perception of what most normal hair is like.
Your parents generation would have found a slicked NW 2.5-3 on a 30-something normal, now it'd get you a tabloid headline if you were famous enough.
Also you're probably hyper aware of other people's hairlines because of your own insecurity.

>> No.12941577

you want to be a gym coach or a music teacher?

>> No.12941578

I do pay attention to it more than I did a few years ago. I honestly feel like less of a freak for it, seeing that it's not uncommon at all.

Still, I think balding before 40 seemed like an oddity to me because I grew up with my dad having a full (nw2) head of hair .

3-4 years ago I thought it was odd for a guy to have visible hair loss in his mid 30s, now I almost think it's odd for a guy NOT to have it in his late 20s.

Regardless, this is something I'd like to treat and prevent as long as the costs are reasonable.

>> No.12941599
File: 422 KB, 1846x1552, B320ED1F-DE8A-4515-A3BD-5925F45437D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not really loosing my hairline I’m more concerned that it’s just thinning throughout

>> No.12941608

It looks pretty bad (if the brightness on your camera isn't making a lot of hairs invisible)

>> No.12941618

How old are you? Pretty sure it's normal to get some diffuse thinning as you mature without actually starting the mpb process

It's obviously just a shit pic

>> No.12941625

>40 seemed like an oddity to me because I grew up with my dad having a full (nw2) head of hair .
I can relate. All the men in my family bar father have thick NW0.5-1. Their hair is of a different type generally though so I don't stand out against them generally.

>> No.12941633

About to turn 20

>> No.12941642

I'm not sure if I'm balding or just have telogen effluvium. What makes me confused is that the hair on the top of my head is thinned out in the area where I used to part my hair and my hairline is more or less fine. Also this all happened after a stressful event which resulted in a massive shed that lasted a few days.

>> No.12941657

Drugs can definitely cause baldness. I know I won't probably go bald because of that, but I did two cures of Accutane, 4 months each, and noticed hair thinning during it and it never came back to what it was before. I still got thin hair 3 yrs later. Do people who do chemo have thin hair too when it grows back ?

>> No.12941670

You probably just happened to thin out naturally at the same time.

>> No.12941671

Wait wait wait, do you have a serious study about that shit ? You have to do it when you're young if I understood you ?

>> No.12941672

if duta seems to block so much more DHT than fin why realistically would you go fin over duta?

>> No.12941673

Around 15-16 ? My doses weren't really high tho, 40 mg a day, and I missed it 25% of the time.

>> No.12941679

That's puberty so it's definitely possible

>> No.12941688

bump for this

>> No.12941689

Not necessarily when you're young. Just in the earlier stages of hair loss. It maintains your hair and regrows a little bit.

Here's some stuff on their phase I trial

A lot of the research is in Japan, and they have a lot less red tape on this so it will be available there long before it's in the states or Europe.

Also worth looking into are hair cloning and brotzu lotion. There's also histogen, but that looks really fishy.

>> No.12941700

I'm going to be in Japan from 2019-2020 so it might be ideal

>> No.12941704

I'll buy a ticket for Tokyo as soon as I notice hair loss. If you count the plane tickets and hotels, it will cost 2-3K. If it works, that's totally worth the price.

>> No.12941713
File: 11 KB, 232x293, 1511210570959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw mom's dad to this day still has a long, full head of hair
eat shit baldies

>> No.12941723

>tfw dad has just a mature hairline at 55, uncle 1 is almost bald at 65, uncle 2 just has receiding temples at 60 and both grandfathers died early so we don't know
wtf will happen to me

>> No.12941730

afaik it's virtually 100% dependant on your mom's dad, can't help you there

>> No.12941733

If it starts up sooner, hop on fin and wait it out.

I agree, though. It works out really well if you want to throw a vacation in with it too. I'm almost certain there will be English speaking clinics since tons of clients will be coming in from the US and Europe. All things said, a vacation plus the procedure probably costs less than an FUE transplant.

I think we'll live to see the day where male pattern baldness is a treatable condition that hits some people and is taken care of and we can all age like George Clooney.

The future looks bright, my friends.

>> No.12941741

It's not. Mom's dad had a full head of hair into his 40s or 50s, I'm slowly thinning in my 20s. It comes from both sides of the family. The X-chromosome is the strongest but it's no guarantee.

>> No.12941768

They've been saying that for at least 2 decades lmao.

>> No.12941775
File: 532 KB, 651x479, PeaceAndHappiness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but there have been studies that showed stuff that MIGHT be promising. Nothing has been quite this far along in trials yet.

Stem-cell technology has come a long way in the past few years. Medical sciences in general are arguable the fastest advancing field right now.

Like I said, though, for the mean time stick with proven treatment options since the more hair you keep, the easier it will probably be for them to fix it permanently in the future.

And, above all, stay positive.

>> No.12941894
File: 28 KB, 415x600, fd5b6287a2d66bf2bfc467a47c44a8b7--white-suits-tom-hanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont know if i just have a mature hairline or am starting to bald but i started on minoxidil and dermarolling on my temples following the indian study. minoxidil twice a day and 1.5mm needles once a week

wish me luck soyboys

>> No.12942122
File: 99 KB, 960x720, galea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Male Pattern Baldness is caused wholly by genetics.

Yes, this true, but it very, VERY likely has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with DHT or testosterone, etcetera.

What it has 100% to do with is the Galea aponeurotica, which is a tough, fibrous, tendon-like membrane on the scalp. In MPD men this membrane thickens. That's it, the true cause of male pattern baldness. I'll leave it to you to research; bright boys will come to comprehend the reality of the situation, and others won't. It's that simple. It's v aluable and little-known information, but I couldn't care less about convincing anyone or arguing with dummies

>> No.12942305
File: 1.16 MB, 3088x2320, 372834FE-EC65-47D0-9905-E953A0ED1E10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never thought I’d start balding but here I am at 22 with it noticeably receding. I don’t really care, I’ll just buzz it in a few years if it gets bad enough. Growing it long now but so I can experience long hair for a while b4 I buzz it

>> No.12942321

I posted the picture and I'm also interested. I think it would go well with my long, curly, brown hair. I've considered getting my ear pierced just for that earring.

>> No.12942338

Two months on minoxidil and I'm experiencing great results, there's new hair growing on my receding hairline and my top looks kinda thicker. I'm not sure if I was balding, maturing, or if the overal thinner hair was just a result of two years of stress and depression due to family stuff, which also caused me to actually start greying at age 24.

In any case minoxidil seems to work great if you use it as soon as you notice the first signs of alopecia. I still can't pull off longer hair and long bangs because it'll grow weak and ugly, but short hair looks much cooler than it seems. Plenty of Hollywood celebs who know they can't grow long hair anymore but they still look awesome in short hair.

>> No.12942412

Sounds like me, but I do have long hair.
Posted somewhere above.
Same shit here. Minox is great so far. About a month in. Only thing i noticed over the last couple of days is a lot of smaller hairs falling out when washing. Probably hairline hairs. I hope it’s just „making way“ for stronger hair.
I also noticed a large fucking hair on my forehead. Not at the hairline, like literally in the middle of my forehead.
If shit gets worse, I’ll hop on fin. But I already can go days without feeling the need to fap, so couldn’t cope with the sides.

>> No.12942438

Is it true that fina can stop working after a while due to your system creating a tolerance for it?

>> No.12942440

>However, my point about having to religiously take it for the rest of your life still stands.
So what? Many people take vitamins every day, but they don't think about like that. Fin is cheaper than a year's supply of vit D.

>> No.12942441

>For example, taking it in their 20s and then saying "alright, that was a good run, but I'm 30 now and don't care about my hair anymore."
Literally no one would do that if fin worked for them, let alone at 30 which is still very young (are you 12?). Bald men are less successful and earn less.

>> No.12942442 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 412x480, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these /fa/?

>> No.12942444

There’s some scientific evidence that caffeine shampoo can help. The mechanism is believed to be the same as minoxidil: increased blood flow stimulates hair growth.

>> No.12942445

You must have gotten lost. Wrong thread.

That coat tho
>nobody cared who I was till I put on the mask
Big guy/10

>> No.12942447

Do women really dont like bald man?

>> No.12942450

Often sexual side effects from fin are psychological. Like, you get on fin thinking you're going to become impotent and well guess what. Your mind is a powerful thing.

>> No.12942453

Fuck off.

>> No.12942455

Probably not. There are guys who have been on it for decades with good results.

>> No.12942458

No. Not at all.

>> No.12942471

are u even balding? take pics from top

>> No.12942487

Some anon a while back was talking about a condition he had that caused hair loss. He was convinced he had MPB but turns out it was easily treatable with antibiotics. Anyone know what it is? Because I have the exact same symptoms he did

>> No.12942523

there's quite a bit of recession there

>> No.12942559

I did a bit of research and there seem to be a few people saying that the appearance of tolerance is to do with increased sensitivity in your follicles to DHT, not that DHT in your blood is actually increasing due to a "tolerance".

Anyone else who can confirm this?

>> No.12942560

Same guy.
If what I'm saying is the case, that would explain quite handily why stopping fin causes you to go to where you would have been if you had never taken the drug at all within about a year.

>> No.12942563
File: 430 KB, 680x680, 1503878668319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, being bald is an immediate turn off for all women. no exceptions

>> No.12942572

My hairline looks a lot like >>12939918. Some very minor recession with a bit of thinning above the temples.

I'm not expecting my hairline to go from NW2 to NW0 or anything, but should I at least expect it to thicken up the thin spots?

>> No.12942576

There are a minority of women who actually prefer shaved heads, but even then a lot depends on how well the guy pulls it off.

For a lot of women, it's a minor turn off. Once you get to the mid 20s, it's not really a deal breaker since more and more guys are bald.

I'd say the general rule is hair > shaved bald >>>> balding. there are a few guys who can wear the power donut well, but they're a minority.

>> No.12942588

Right looks exactly like my guitar teacher

>> No.12942590

I had to buzz cut my shoulder lenght hair due to hairline receeding this summer. I noticed my hairline around over 1 year ago and started using Fin + Minox but I didn't get any results after 1 year of using them.

I'm not even 20 and I can't stop thinking about this every fucking day. Do I just end myself or what? Before age 20 I already have worse hairline than any average dad...

>> No.12942666

I began shedding a lot of hair in my first month with minoxidil, I would look at the bath tub after a shower and feel terrified. I actually thought minox was doing it even worse, but after two months I have to say my hair has stopped falling at all. It might still not look as strong as I'd like, but at least it doesn't fall.

This treatment works wonders, you just have to be patient cause it'll take a long time, and be realistic about your expectations. Can't say I've had any side effects, neither I or my partner noticed anything different.

>> No.12942685

You probably won't be able to grow back your hairline if it's receded too much... But how bad is it really? Do you have pictures? You might be overreacting, and long styles can often suit a NW2

>> No.12942718

Is it normal that I'm embarassed about my shitty genetics even though fin 100% saved my ass and I'm a NW1 now?

>> No.12942726
File: 944 KB, 500x500, 1496948054278.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not balding on the top/back of my head, but my hairline has receded to a point where i'm probably not fooling anyone anymore, and my attempts at hiding it likely look more pathetic than anything else.

But something you realise really quickly when you start balding is that your hair is part of your identity. The emotional distress this has caused me is beyond belief. How do i learn to accept the fact that i'm going bald?

>> No.12942779
File: 102 KB, 1024x683, beaniedion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wear a beanie so you don't have to face it like i do

>> No.12942817

That's a solution, but not in every scenario
For example, when i go to a restaurant, i obviously have to take my headwear off

>> No.12942828

It's pretty dumb. There are plenty of great men who have been bald. Much greater than a lot of the faggots here that think having nw0.5 makes them somehow better people

>> No.12942908

I'm skeptical about caffeine shampoos.
If i'm not mistaken, the only studies were done in vitro. That doesn't really tell us much in regard to how effective it is when applied to the scalp for the short period that you're in the shower.

>> No.12942911

What were you before fin?

>> No.12942941

If it has nothing to do with DHT then why would inhibitors of it cause increased density and stave off further hairloss?
Nice theory, doesn't work.

>> No.12943068

There isn't just one single way to be attractive. If you lose your hair, you only lose one option, there's plenty you can still work towards. Ask your barber what would look better on you at this point, but hiding usually is the worst alternative.

>> No.12943169

Because the inhibitors affect the galea. There are clearly medicines which exert a positive effect, but it's not clearly understood WHY they work.

>> No.12943185

Well boo hoo then you have a shaved head under it like 1/3 of the other guys in the restaurant.

>> No.12943254

>Because the inhibitors affect the galea.
According to what research?
>There are clearly medicines which exert a positive effect
Finasteride and minoxidil.
>but it's not clearly understood WHY they work.
Their mechanism of action is well documented, you ignorant, deceitful snake-oil salesman.

>> No.12943276

Yeah it's pretty well researched.
I'd put money that you wrote this:
If you want, go ahead and try your "natural" methods, the rest of us can use stuff that gives results.

>> No.12943303
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>> No.12943599

just passing by to reassure the guys scared by fina horror stories

I've been taking it for months and today I happily fapped 4 times


>> No.12943602

>What even

>> No.12943603

While you're here.
What's your current nw? How long is your hair and have you had any sheds yet? If yes, did it make a visible difference?

>> No.12943616
File: 659 KB, 750x1334, ECF6D5EF-6A0A-4AE0-8568-C451D5CEC7E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loosing hair on the slide of my head? Not a female but it seems they expirence this type of balding, am I just really low T and balding?

>> No.12943627

not a single man blood related to me has ever had hairloss.
hair white as snow by age 50 though.
28 now, expecting graying by early 30s.

tips on pulling of the 'gray fox' look?

>> No.12943640

How the fuck is that related?

Balding isn't caused by low T.
How old are you? Is it hairloss in patches? If so, it's not MPB, probably caused by something else.

>> No.12943641

It's kinda a 2.5. I have naturally wavy hair so it hides really well, and that's why I want to maintain that.

The shedding was kinda light and in the first month, I keep my hair from short to medium length. It didn't make much of a difference. From the various experiences I've read on forums, it really depends on your body. Some people get terrible shedding, some people don't shed at all.

>> No.12943659

i don't know what that link is and i don't give a rat's ass

whoever it is who wrote whatever the hell you're referring to has nothing to do with me

>> No.12943696

>other people talking about hair loss around my age, or starting
>assess my scalp myself to see if I have any baldness going on since I shed like a dog
>I even use a rubber band to keep my hair since my hair is so crazy
>no signs of balding, hair is thick from all sides with no bald spots
>all the hair I shed in a week can make a bald man look younger
>women literally come up to me in public even if I look 6/10 at best and touch my hair
>black women included

i feel bad when black women approach me, you can see all the jealousy and it's really not their fault that their hair is nappy, and have to go through so many lengths for good looking hair while I'm just born with it

cons are work judgment and boomers peering at me all the time, especially the older men.

>> No.12943703

Oh fuck off will you, what is even your point? Great for you, but its fucking sad you have to come here to feel better about yourself

>> No.12943704


>> No.12943727


>Their mechanism of action is well documented
You are an idiot with the reading comprehension of an illiterate mongoloid. No offense, friendo.

>snake-oil salesman
As though I'm selling something, rather than freely and generously giving away information which could potentially save desperate gullible morons from wasting countless thousands of dollars.

>Finasteride and minoxidil.
These do sometimes work to varying degrees, but it isn't understood why. There are THEORIES why they sometimes help, but only theories. It is EXTREMELY easy to to 100% stop DHT production in male's scalps, and yet this doesn't necessarily lead to any hair regrowth. If you were a bit brighter you could easily do this to yourself, and then a week or two from now go to a doctor, get some lab tests done, and verify that you have successfully halted DHT production. After that you can wait as long as long as you goddamn please and see if you eventually have a full head of hair again. You will not. At the same time, hormones DO affect the galea, which is why it thickens and hardens in males but not in females.

As far as research proving this to be fact, you need to be honest, observant and smart enough to be a highly motivated and self-propelled researcher. Take an anatomy course and/or read all you are able to involving the galea. Study photos and medical illustrations. Discover what it begins doing to males as soon as they hit puberty, and ponder the implications of this. Pictures alone should convince you, provided you are able to understand them.

>> No.12943745

>feel better about myself
there are bald chads here that make me look like a numale goth stoner shitter, I came here because I wanted more insight on balding since I am always paranoid about it, and then I realize I don't have any of these things and it's all just out of worry. But even then, I think hair is overrated.

if it makes you feel better, I don't even like any of the women because I'm gay and have a fondness older men, baldies are so hot

having a shit ton of hair isn't exactly paradise, desu. what I miss about having short hair is that the showers are shorter, hair doesn't get caught in shit, and feeling free overall, and god damn the dandruff is absolutely ASS. I wish I didn't give a shit about hair at all. I don't cut mine because every hairdress I meet always fucks it up in some way

>> No.12943859

>and yet this doesn't necessarily lead to any hair regrowth.
It doesn't necessarily lead to hair regrowth because the follicles may already be dead.
It's well known that slick bald patches are more or less done for.
Also, neither fin or duta block 100% of DHT.

>> No.12943870

Is it true that it is normal to lose around 100 hairs per day? These threads are making me paranoid ngl

>> No.12943871

If you try searching up the shit you're spewing you invariably get given snake oil sites for "natural cures".
I don't know which you're for, or perhaps you're just a sad sap that's been convinced by them.

>> No.12943994

if you got hair, take care of it. if you're balding, it's not the end of the world.

i started losing my hair at SEVENTEEN, shaved it all about half a year ago and never looked back. the constant fear/anxiety you live in while balding is not worth it at all.

eventually, being bald will be "your thing". if you dress well, exercise, work, read, etc., you will do well enough. if anything, losing my hair made me conscious of how poorly i dressed/ate and helped me improve my overall attractiveness A LOT. so if you're ugly and balding you have nothing to lose lmao

>> No.12944122
File: 125 KB, 750x901, 5A8A4B86-3C60-474C-A1E5-4543F766C70B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been noticing hair loss in the shower. I’m not sure if I’m just overreacting due to all the balding threads or if it’s really happening. I’m pretty sure it’s very real as I’ve been struggling with dandruff for the past year and no shampoos (not even nizoral) will make t go away for more then 2 weeks.

I’m going to end up shaving if it gets bad although I have a baby face but whatever

>> No.12944186

fuck off

>> No.12944191


>> No.12944197


I would say, "Work on your reading comprehension", but that's probabably not really possible for you. You misunderstood me entirely. What I said was: THERE IS NO CURE FOR MALE PATTERN BALDNESS, and I pointed you in the right direction to dig around, discover and understand why precisely this is.

If you can't even follow the line of thought I've pointed out for you (which an astute third grader easily could), there is not the slightest chance in hell you are going to be able to puzzle out the supposed medical solution you're looking for while browsing the conventional "research" promulgated by the snake oil industry you so fervently imagine to be authentic. If there were any truth in the bullshit lies you believe in, there would be cases of dramatic baldness cures that one could point to. But the fact is: there are none. You can try all you want to refute that plain statement of fact, but it's just going to make you look more gullible than you already do.

Better by far for you to try and face up to reality than it is for you to live in false hopes, sleepwalking imagination, impossible daydreams or any delusion whatsoever regarding the utter futility and impossibility of what you so badly want to be true, but which simply isn't. Give up. Face reality.

>> No.12944224

Get your head out your arse mate.
Nobody here is under the illusion that fin or duta are cures to MPB. That doesn't stop them from being effective means of managing it, or even regrowing hairs.
Again, there are understood reasons as to why dht inhibitors can't help completely bald spots.

>> No.12944307

kek I had Hemsworth tier long hair until I was 32 and then it just thinned out during a years time. You're never safe anon

>> No.12944320

Wut do when have round face, shave? will look like a retard

>> No.12944588
File: 238 KB, 1242x2208, 65451878-71DA-4827-B7CA-1179DDC63D9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I have this thin part in the middle of my hairline? I look at old pics and it seems like it’s been there for a while but I feel like it’s gotten larger.

>> No.12944622
File: 331 KB, 1242x2208, 9EFA699D-57A8-44DF-B28D-514B8BFB21B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to bug y’all just worried

>> No.12944632

To be optimistic: it's maybe a bad cut where some of the front most hair was cut. Did it ever cowlick there?

Pessisimistc: You're probably going bald.

>> No.12944856

anon there is nothing wrong with that scalp, literally

fun fact: we lose about 100 hairs a day, the longer the more comes out, it's natural

one time I didn't take a shower for a week (very long hike/camping) and a shit ton of hair came out, I thought I was going bald. turns out it was just hair accumulated through the days. that was months ago, not balding.

it's just fear swaying your mind

>> No.12944879

Diffuse thinning probably.

>> No.12945026
File: 594 KB, 1578x2046, 15CC40C3-611F-4A2B-BF0D-C0F14FF92B7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair is still pretty good when it comes to the normal MPB areas but on both sides of my head there is a noticeable thinning

>> No.12945043

Lmao that's totally normal hair at the sides.
You're just paranoid

>> No.12945114
File: 427 KB, 1242x2208, A433ADFF-9907-479B-BC1F-5387278823C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair was wet in that picture. Here’s one from this morning. Still think I have diffusing thinning?

>> No.12945185

Maybe, maybe not. If you think your hair has changed and gotten worse, try finasteride. Sooner is better than later.

>> No.12945249

>You misunderstood me entirely. What I said was: THERE IS NO CURE FOR MALE PATTERN BALDNESS, and I pointed you in the right direction to dig around, discover and understand why precisely this is.
Finasteride is effectively a cure, assuming continuous, uninterrupted use from an early age.

>If there were any truth in the bullshit lies you believe in, there would be cases of dramatic baldness cures that one could point to. But the fact is: there are none.
He never claimed the existence of a cure, you illiterate mongoloid.

I repeat: the causes of MPB are well documented, and medicine used to halt it completely is available on the market. These are facts, the importance of which you have not understood.

>> No.12945329
File: 228 KB, 750x1334, C3FDCEF4-D9C9-4F97-A0F3-4FE178F42498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse comfycore, but can someone check this out? Can’t tell if it’s just a weird crown or MBP.

>> No.12945340

There will NEVER be a cure for baldi-


This is by far the most promising study yet. were gonna make it bros

>> No.12945422

>tfw widows peaks, fivehead and naturally high hairline (I've looked like a goddamn megamind lil nigga since I was four)

Might as well be balding

>> No.12945599

Yeah but celebrities can afford to spend $40k on a good transplant

>> No.12945601

This and the RepliCel one in Japan look good, but like every "cure to baldness" article that comes out, I'd say it's not worth getting excited about or paying much attention to until they're selling it and know it works.

>> No.12945606

It's not MPB or a weird crown. It's a perfectly normal crown.

>> No.12945616

the one from the article i posted is worth getting excited about. Its very different than anything so far and by far the most promising

>> No.12945627

Can you shed some light on how this works?
Is it a one and done type fix? Exactly what kind of hair did they regrow? Was it skin from the scalp of a balded man or what?

>> No.12945664

read the article

>> No.12945692

Answers none of my questions.

>> No.12946232

This is excellent advice

>> No.12946263

If I regrow from minoxidil, will fin keep my gains from that if I quit using it?

I can already tell that I won't want to be putting this foam on my scalp forever. Fin hasn't been an issue at all, though.

>> No.12946275
File: 822 KB, 1748x1999, 15115479419031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I balding?

>> No.12946278
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Another view

>> No.12946279

Looks kinda borderline to me.

I'd say see a dermatologist or trichologist instead of anonymous people on a japanese cartoon discussion board.

>> No.12946316

No idea really, but at the very least i'd say it's probably not noticeable.

>> No.12946369
File: 15 KB, 620x374, 1s11az.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how these threads are always just insecure teenagers who have been memed to death by /fa/ bully buzzwords into thinking they are balding and 95% of the time they are completely fine.

t. 23yo fine, blonde, receding hairlet in denial that looks like fucking gollum with wet hair and won't suck it up and buzz due to social anxiety

>> No.12946378

How receding are we talking?

>> No.12946384

I feel like if you look gollum with wet hair you're probably similar without so it can't be that bad

>> No.12946460
File: 1.27 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20171128_144120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, hair was nice while it lasted.

Gonna give fin and possibly minoxidil a shot, though. I'd say I'm still early enough in the process to see some decent regrowth. That's under harsh bathroom lighting so it's usually not that thin.

>> No.12946474
File: 1.46 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20171128_144147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also could anyone tell me what pattern I have? I think it might be diffuse thinning but it's not quite clear.

My forelock seems to be as strong as ever but it's thinner above the temples (with my NW2 shape fairly intact, just thin, pic related), and the crown and mid-scalp are clearly thinning.

It's honestly been pretty slow up until this point, but I've been seriously concerned since August or so. I've finally accepted that it's happening https://imgur.com/a/zklp8

I'm not really looking for a lower hairline or anything, I just really hope the thin spots refill after a year or two of fin.

>> No.12946478

Fin alone will take care of that.

>> No.12946495

Really? How bad would you rate my thinning? Mild? Moderate? Severe?

I think I have BDD so it probably looks worse to me than it actually is. I rate myself at NW2 but I feel like if the density up front were fully restored I'd look more like a solid NW1.5, but I dunno.

I just tried minox for the first time today and I really hope I can get by with just fin. I've had dandruff and an itchy scalp as long as I can remember and minox is just a bad combination with it.

>> No.12946503
File: 836 KB, 1782x1828, IMG_2133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on a good day

>> No.12946520

If it's really an issue for you, I'd say buzz it and hop on fin and get a transplant. Minox might help restore density too.

Also look into toppik.

>> No.12946535
File: 819 KB, 1926x2262, IMG_2134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12946538

What happens if you grow it out?
You tried out fin yet?

>> No.12946539

Doesn't look too bad from the front, honestly. Like I said, fin can help restore a lot, look at r/tressless and check out the top submissions.

>> No.12946547

Not bad yet. Maybe early stages of diffuse thinning or it might also be the short cut. Try fin for a year 12-18 months if you think your hair has gotten worse.

>> No.12946559

Fin is better than min. Fin will probably also help with the itchiness. Get on keto shampoo/Nizoral as well. Fin + keto shampoo should be your regimen for now. I would try min unless your hairline is very bad or you have a bald spot on the crown.

>> No.12946565
File: 1.72 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171101-221437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is shorter than I've had in quite a few years.

Pic related is from March or February of 2014, and a similar length. Notice how there's virtually no thinning on the temples.

It might have started thinning in front around late 2014, and on top it's hard to say, maybe earlier this fall.

Hopefully the slow pace is an indicator that I'll be a good responder to fin.

>> No.12946567

When I grow out my hair the sides grow at like 3 times the speed, but I eventually look like the musician Bon Iver. I haven’t tried fin mostly because I think I rather be bald then suffer the side effects. Mostly I just need to stop being insecure and buzz it already.

>> No.12946574


>> No.12946578
File: 485 KB, 2048x2048, gp71fWm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already use 1% niz because of dandruff. I've been aware of it's anti-androgenic properties but I doubt it does a ton to help hair loss. It might just be me but I think I shed more on days I use it.

I'm really hoping fin gets me results like pic related, apparently he'd been using it for 15 months or so at that point.

>> No.12946582

It might be MPB, but I feel like my hair has always grown faster on the sides.

The side effects of fin aren't all that common, and post finasteride syndrome is incredibly rare to the point where it's not even statistically significant (it's more likely external causes that people blame on fin).

I'd say give it a shot.

>> No.12946585

Stop being out of shape please.

Stop eating processed food and start exercising.

Stop eating grains and bread.

Lift weights and do cardio.

For real.

>> No.12946589

That's a WIP. In the first part of 2016 I lost like 20 pounds (170 to 150, I'm 5'7"). I'd been hovering around 155 for a while but in August I shot back up to 160.

I've been holding that and trying to fight the fact that I eat my way out of stress too much.

I started training to do a marathon next September, and I'm getting a locker at my college's gym soon so I won't have any more excuses not to work out.

>> No.12946594

Notice how you can't even see your temples in that picture.
Can't make any sort of comparison. There's a difference between "thinner" and "shorter".

>> No.12946600

Pictures like this are honestly terrible for comparison.
It's a different angle and his hair looks to be a different length, perhaps even brushed differently.

>> No.12946618
File: 2.58 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20170619_104508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIRC it was a similar length back then. Even now, when it grows out, my temples are a bit too visible because the hair above them is weaker.

And to prove my point, this is me on a summit in the Pyrenees in June.

You can see then that the hair in front of my hairline was a bit weak/sparse.

>> No.12946625

It's combed back in both, but I do agree that the angle makes it look like the whole hairline moved forward two inches.

Still, you can see that the thin spots above his temples filled in entirely.

>> No.12946678

Dude, add weightlifting. And eat REAL food. Fruits, veggies, and meat only. No white potatos or corn. No bread. No refined grains. Brown rice is okay sometimes though.

It makes such a difference in how you feel and overall energy and health. Nice work on the marathon though.

I am getting my friends and family into fitness by doing a challenge. Everyone has to do 40 minutes of exercise of any kind every other day of December- just no walking. So 16 days of the month everyone has to exercise 40 minutes. I got my gf, dad, 3 friends, and 3 coworkers in on it.

>> No.12946730
File: 508 KB, 484x576, 2011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm really trying to revamp my diet. Counting calories is part of it, but I'm trying to improve what I eat (plus veggies et al are more filling and less calorie dense). I've also found throwing on a lot of spices helps, it makes things more satisfying.

I did find that weight has a major impact on facial aesthetics. In pic related, I weighed maybe 150 or so back when I was 17. I have another pic from the summer of 2016 where it was similar, only I had a better haircut and better pair of glasses.

I can't imagine how much better I will be if I get down to 10% body fat.

Still planning on getting on fin, but I've also considered shaving my head to face my fears of a "worst case scenario." I'm definitely not doing that until I get in better shape, though. In my current state that would almost certainly backfire.

>> No.12946747


Honestly hard to tell since in the other picture you had bangs, lengths are different, etc. You do look about nw2 in that picture though

>> No.12946775

To add though, NW2 doesn't look bad at all and isn't even considered MPB but instead a "mature hairline". In a way it actually opens you up to different types of hairstyles from short to long. Lots of celebrities rock NW2 styles.

>> No.12946808

Yeah I'm not really worried about the NW2 shape. My dad and his brothers all have had it since their teens or 20s and started thinning on top in their late 40s. I prefer long fringe hairstyles anyways.

Personally I think I've had this NW2 since 17 or 18 but it's hard to tell since I've always had long fringe. I didn't really notice it until late 2015 but it's noticeable in some old photos (which I can't find at the moment).

What worries me, instead, is the thinning. If fin brings me down to an NW1, cool. If it stays at NW2 but fills in all the thin spots, also great. David Tennant is NW2 and has good density, I'd honestly consider trying hair like his.

I think I'm catching it early enough that fin will fill things back in.

>> No.12946838
File: 52 KB, 406x554, 106974195_medium_1494155520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw had norwood 2 since I was like 14-15 but still dense as fuck at 25
Is this a good sign?

>> No.12946845

Yeah, it's probably just your hairline.

>> No.12946848

It's very possible you've had the same hairline and roughly the same density since maturation and only just started noticing it because of different hairstyles/something made you paranoid/etc.
When i first got spooked about my hair I scoured the place for pictures of my head from behind, hair at different lengths, etc, and realised that my hair didn't even seem noticeably different.
That said, taking precautions can never hurt.

>> No.12946851
File: 3.48 MB, 670x377, 1508884417185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was never too worried, my maternal grandfather is a nw3 at worst at age 80 and my paternal grandfather didn't lose hair until he was 70.

Still, I was losing a bunch of hair whenever I combed for a while, but I'm wondering if thats just because I have longer hair right now

>> No.12946867

Longer hair shouldn't really mean that you shed more hair, but the hairs you shed might be more noticeable.
Alternatively, could be that you're breaking your hair more with it being longer.

>> No.12946872
File: 15 KB, 268x265, 1506626994941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is very wavy and often gets knots, I am also not very much a person for finesse. I guess I might be breaking more as you say.

I did get a bit spooked for a while though.

>> No.12946889

Hair growth goes through cycles.

I'm >>12946460 and >>12946474. I think if I don't do anything I'll have a full on bald spot in a year. My mom's brothers all went bald by 30 and my one older male cousin on that side had a bald spot at 24 (I just turned 23). My mom tells me her brothers all had straight frontal recession, which I definitely don't, but based on what they've said it sounds like there might have been some diffuse thinning.

23andme did say that 64% of customers similar to me have no hair loss, but I guess I'm part of the 36%.

I'm just hoping I don't lose a ton of hair in the 3.5 weeks between now and my derm appointment where I'm planning on getting a fin prescription.

>> No.12946914

I don't think just randomly permanently losing a load of hair to MPB is common, especially within 3.5 weeks.
I think it's likely your uncles also had thinning, probably just your mother wasn't paying enough attention to her brother's hair to notice.

>> No.12946923

My uncle said something about it being thin when wet before it got really noticable. That's roughly the case with me. Both my parents tell me I'm not balding at all but I'm pretty sure I am.

I guess that just tells me it's pretty minimal at this point.

>> No.12947089
File: 878 KB, 1280x720, April2015c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related is from April 2015. That's the most I can see of my hairline back then. It didn't look so bad on the corners back then honestly, but I think even then I was NW2ish. Kinda hard to see with the length and that angle.

>> No.12947090

For all the anons claiming fin is perfectly safe


Now I'll grant you 1% is safer than driving but for those of us who look good with no or little hair (I pull off the bearded skinhead look well) I'm fine without it.

>> No.12947104

That includes both drugs. Dutasteride is a lot stronger than fin.

>> No.12947147

1% chance my dick wont work is enough for me to say fuck no.

>> No.12947151

dude, you pull that look off pretty well, you remind me of Ewan Mcgregor in trainspotting

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